path: root/ghc/compiler/main
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2006-02-28 15:31:34 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-02-28 15:31:34 +0000
commit98344985c816d0abe17192f38b1663d85d8d2f9b (patch)
tree37b1e6c2ec2188615d64b9df1b301da5f5474f12 /ghc/compiler/main
parent14a5c62a2d27830ea8b3716bb32a04f23678b355 (diff)
filter the messages generated by gcc
Eliminate things like "warning: call-clobbered register used as global register variable", which is an non-suppressible warning from gcc.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/main')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
index 05153ceb82..5c434d0db3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
@@ -54,16 +54,17 @@ import Util ( Suffix, global, notNull, consIORef, joinFileName,
import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), DynFlag(..), dopt, Option(..),
setTmpDir, defaultDynFlags )
-import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
+import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn, finally )
import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
import DATA_INT
import Monad ( when, unless )
import System ( ExitCode(..), getEnv, system )
-import IO ( try, catch,
+import IO ( try, catch, hGetContents,
openFile, hPutStr, hClose, hFlush, IOMode(..),
stderr, ioError, isDoesNotExistError )
import Directory ( doesFileExist, removeFile )
+import Maybe ( isJust )
import List ( partition )
-- GHC <= 4.08 didn't have rawSystem, and runs into problems with long command
@@ -462,7 +463,21 @@ runPp dflags args = do
runCc :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runCc dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_c dflags
- runSomething dflags "C Compiler" p (args0++args)
+ runSomethingFiltered dflags cc_filter "C Compiler" p (args0++args)
+ where
+ -- discard some harmless warnings from gcc that we can't turn off
+ cc_filter str = unlines (do_filter (lines str))
+ do_filter [] = []
+ do_filter ls@(l:ls')
+ | (w:rest) <- dropWhile (isJust .matchRegex r_from) ls,
+ isJust (matchRegex r_warn w)
+ = do_filter rest
+ | otherwise
+ = l : do_filter ls'
+ r_from = mkRegex "from.*:[0-9]+"
+ r_warn = mkRegex "warning: call-clobbered register used"
runMangle :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runMangle dflags args = do
@@ -599,12 +614,18 @@ runSomething :: DynFlags
-- runSomething will dos-ify them
-> IO ()
-runSomething dflags phase_name pgm args = do
+runSomething dflags phase_name pgm args =
+ runSomethingFiltered dflags id phase_name pgm args
+ :: DynFlags -> (String->String) -> String -> String -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runSomethingFiltered dflags filter_fn phase_name pgm args = do
let real_args = filter notNull (map showOpt args)
traceCmd dflags phase_name (unwords (pgm:real_args)) $ do
(exit_code, doesn'tExist) <-
IO.catch (do
- rc <- builderMainLoop dflags pgm real_args
+ rc <- builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args
case rc of
ExitSuccess{} -> return (rc, False)
ExitFailure n
@@ -636,18 +657,18 @@ runSomething dflags phase_name pgm args = do
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603
-builderMainLoop dflags pgm real_args = do
+builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args = do
rawSystem pgm real_args
-builderMainLoop dflags pgm real_args = do
+builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args = do
chan <- newChan
(hStdIn, hStdOut, hStdErr, hProcess) <- runInteractiveProcess pgm real_args Nothing Nothing
-- and run a loop piping the output from the compiler to the log_action in DynFlags
hSetBuffering hStdOut LineBuffering
hSetBuffering hStdErr LineBuffering
- forkIO (readerProc chan hStdOut)
- forkIO (readerProc chan hStdErr)
+ forkIO (readerProc chan hStdOut filter_fn)
+ forkIO (readerProc chan hStdErr filter_fn)
rc <- loop chan hProcess 2 1 ExitSuccess
hClose hStdIn
hClose hStdOut
@@ -680,30 +701,33 @@ builderMainLoop dflags pgm real_args = do
loop chan hProcess (t-1) p exitcode
| otherwise -> loop chan hProcess t p exitcode
-readerProc chan hdl = loop Nothing `catch` \e -> writeChan chan EOF
+readerProc chan hdl filter_fn =
+ (do str <- hGetContents hdl
+ loop (lines (filter_fn str)) Nothing)
+ `finally`
+ writeChan chan EOF
-- ToDo: check errors more carefully
+ -- ToDo: in the future, the filter should be implemented as
+ -- a stream transformer.
- loop in_err = do
- l <- hGetLine hdl `catch` \e -> do
- case in_err of
- Just err -> writeChan chan err
- Nothing -> return ()
- ioError e
+ loop [] Nothing = return ()
+ loop [] (Just err) = writeChan chan err
+ loop (l:ls) in_err =
case in_err of
Just err@(BuildError srcLoc msg)
| leading_whitespace l -> do
- loop (Just (BuildError srcLoc (msg $$ text l)))
+ loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (msg $$ text l)))
| otherwise -> do
writeChan chan err
- checkError l
+ checkError l ls
Nothing -> do
- checkError l
+ checkError l ls
- checkError l
+ checkError l ls
= case matchRegex errRegex l of
Nothing -> do
writeChan chan (BuildMsg (text l))
- loop Nothing
+ loop ls Nothing
Just (file':lineno':colno':msg:_) -> do
let file = mkFastString file'
lineno = read lineno'::Int
@@ -711,10 +735,10 @@ readerProc chan hdl = loop Nothing `catch` \e -> writeChan chan EOF
"" -> 0
_ -> read (init colno') :: Int
srcLoc = mkSrcLoc file lineno colno
- loop (Just (BuildError srcLoc (text msg)))
+ loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (text msg)))
- leading_whitespace [] = False
- leading_whitespace (x:_) = isSpace x
+ leading_whitespace [] = False
+ leading_whitespace (x:_) = isSpace x
errRegex = mkRegex "^([^:]*):([0-9]+):([0-9]+:)?(.*)"