path: root/ghc/compiler/prelude
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authorpartain <unknown>1996-05-17 16:05:10 +0000
committerpartain <unknown>1996-05-17 16:05:10 +0000
commitdabfa71f33eabc5a2d10959728f772aa016f1c84 (patch)
tree927731b8c14fb245be82312436ed2c510643653b /ghc/compiler/prelude
parentf3998ec18fd0f3d56b377d41e2a2958aaf9460ec (diff)
[project @ 1996-05-17 16:02:43 by partain]
Sansom 1.3 changes through 960507
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/prelude')
7 files changed, 373 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
index c6b04a2790..dee0852bb4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
@@ -8,88 +8,11 @@
module PrelInfo (
-- finite maps for built-in things (for the renamer and typechecker):
builtinNameInfo, BuiltinNames(..),
BuiltinKeys(..), BuiltinIdInfos(..),
- -- *odd* values that need to be reached out and grabbed:
- packStringForCId,
- unpackCStringId, unpackCString2Id,
- unpackCStringAppendId, unpackCStringFoldrId,
- integerZeroId, integerPlusOneId,
- integerPlusTwoId, integerMinusOneId,
- -----------------------------------------------------
- -- the rest of the export list is organised by *type*
- -----------------------------------------------------
- -- type: Bool
- boolTyCon, boolTy, falseDataCon, trueDataCon,
- -- types: Char#, Char, String (= [Char])
- charPrimTy, charTy, stringTy,
- charPrimTyCon, charTyCon, charDataCon,
- -- type: Ordering (used in deriving)
- orderingTy, ltDataCon, eqDataCon, gtDataCon,
- -- types: Double#, Double
- doublePrimTy, doubleTy,
- doublePrimTyCon, doubleTyCon, doubleDataCon,
- -- types: Float#, Float
- floatPrimTy, floatTy,
- floatPrimTyCon, floatTyCon, floatDataCon,
- -- types: Glasgow *primitive* arrays, sequencing and I/O
- mkPrimIoTy, -- to typecheck "mainPrimIO" & for _ccall_s
- realWorldStatePrimTy, realWorldStateTy{-boxed-},
- realWorldTy, realWorldTyCon, realWorldPrimId,
- statePrimTyCon, stateDataCon, getStatePairingConInfo,
- byteArrayPrimTy,
- -- types: Void# (only used within the compiler)
- voidPrimTy, voidPrimId,
- -- types: Addr#, Int#, Word#, Int
- intPrimTy, intTy, intPrimTyCon, intTyCon, intDataCon,
- wordPrimTyCon, wordPrimTy, wordTy, wordTyCon, wordDataCon,
- addrPrimTyCon, addrPrimTy, addrTy, addrTyCon, addrDataCon,
- maybeIntLikeTyCon, maybeCharLikeTyCon,
- -- types: Integer, Rational (= Ratio Integer)
- integerTy, rationalTy,
- integerTyCon, integerDataCon,
- rationalTyCon, ratioDataCon,
- -- type: Lift
- liftTyCon, liftDataCon, mkLiftTy,
- -- type: List
- listTyCon, mkListTy, nilDataCon, consDataCon,
- -- type: tuples
- mkTupleTy, unitTy,
- -- for compilation of List Comprehensions and foldr
- foldlId, foldrId,
- mkBuild, buildId, augmentId, appendId
- -- and, finally, we must put in some (abstract) data types,
- -- to make the interface self-sufficient
+ maybeCharLikeTyCon, maybeIntLikeTyCon
) where
import Ubiq
@@ -231,7 +154,7 @@ prim_tycons
, doublePrimTyCon
, floatPrimTyCon
, intPrimTyCon
- , mallocPtrPrimTyCon
+ , foreignObjPrimTyCon
, mutableArrayPrimTyCon
, mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
, synchVarPrimTyCon
@@ -272,7 +195,7 @@ data_tycons
, intTyCon
, integerTyCon
, liftTyCon
- , mallocPtrTyCon
+ , foreignObjTyCon
, ratioTyCon
, return2GMPsTyCon
, returnIntAndGMPTyCon
@@ -284,7 +207,7 @@ data_tycons
, stateAndDoublePrimTyCon
, stateAndFloatPrimTyCon
, stateAndIntPrimTyCon
- , stateAndMallocPtrPrimTyCon
+ , stateAndForeignObjPrimTyCon
, stateAndMutableArrayPrimTyCon
, stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
, stateAndSynchVarPrimTyCon
@@ -338,15 +261,14 @@ parallel_ids
[ parId
, forkId
-#ifdef GRAN
- , parLocalId
+ , copyableId
+ , noFollowId
+ , parAtAbsId
+ , parAtForNowId
+ , parAtId
+ , parAtRelId
, parGlobalId
- -- Add later:
- -- ,parAtId
- -- ,parAtForNowId
- -- ,copyableId
- -- ,noFollowId
-#endif {-GRAN-}
+ , parLocalId
pcIdWiredInInfo :: Id -> (FAST_STRING, RnName)
@@ -405,6 +327,7 @@ tysyn_keys
= [ (s, (k, RnImplicitClass)) | (s,k) <-
[ (SLIT("Eq"), eqClassKey) -- mentioned, derivable
+ , (SLIT("Eval"), evalClassKey) -- mentioned
, (SLIT("Ord"), ordClassKey) -- derivable
, (SLIT("Num"), numClassKey) -- mentioned, numeric
, (SLIT("Real"), realClassKey) -- numeric
@@ -414,6 +337,7 @@ class_keys
, (SLIT("RealFrac"), realFracClassKey) -- numeric
, (SLIT("RealFloat"), realFloatClassKey) -- numeric
-- , (SLIT("Ix"), ixClassKey) -- derivable (but it isn't Prelude.Ix; hmmm)
+ -- see *hack* in Rename
, (SLIT("Bounded"), boundedClassKey) -- derivable
, (SLIT("Enum"), enumClassKey) -- derivable
, (SLIT("Show"), showClassKey) -- derivable
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
index 08bcc1a099..02fd9f6fef 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
@@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ defined here so as to avod
#include "HsVersions.h"
module PrelMods (
- pRELUDE_FB, fromPrelude
+ rATIO,
+ fromPrelude
) where
CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
@@ -25,15 +28,15 @@ gLASGOW_MISC = SLIT("PreludeGlaMisc")
gLASGOW_ST = SLIT("PreludeGlaST")
pRELUDE = SLIT("Prelude")
pRELUDE_BUILTIN = SLIT("PreludeBuiltin")
-pRELUDE_CORE = SLIT("PreludeCore")
pRELUDE_FB = SLIT("PreludeFoldrBuild")
pRELUDE_IO = SLIT("PreludeIO")
pRELUDE_LIST = SLIT("PreludeList")
pRELUDE_PS = SLIT("PreludePS")
-pRELUDE_RATIO = SLIT("PreludeRatio")
pRELUDE_TEXT = SLIT("PreludeText")
+rATIO = SLIT("Ratio")
fromPrelude :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
fromPrelude s = (_SUBSTR_ s 0 6 == SLIT("Prelude"))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
index 506b50e8d6..0ce975e5ef 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import IdInfo -- quite a bit
import Literal ( mkMachInt )
import PrimOp ( PrimOp(..) )
import SpecEnv ( SpecEnv(..), nullSpecEnv )
-import TyVar ( alphaTyVar, betaTyVar )
+import TyVar ( alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar )
import Unique -- lots of *Keys
import Util ( panic )
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ OK, this is Will's idea: we should have magic values for Integers 0,
+1, +2, and -1 (go ahead, fire me):
- = pcMiscPrelId integerZeroIdKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("__integer0") integerTy noIdInfo
+ = pcMiscPrelId integerZeroIdKey pRELUDE SLIT("__integer0") integerTy noIdInfo
- = pcMiscPrelId integerPlusOneIdKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("__integer1") integerTy noIdInfo
+ = pcMiscPrelId integerPlusOneIdKey pRELUDE SLIT("__integer1") integerTy noIdInfo
- = pcMiscPrelId integerPlusTwoIdKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("__integer2") integerTy noIdInfo
+ = pcMiscPrelId integerPlusTwoIdKey pRELUDE SLIT("__integer2") integerTy noIdInfo
- = pcMiscPrelId integerMinusOneIdKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("__integerm1") integerTy noIdInfo
+ = pcMiscPrelId integerMinusOneIdKey pRELUDE SLIT("__integerm1") integerTy noIdInfo
@@ -274,50 +274,191 @@ forkId = pcMiscPrelId forkIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_fork_")
+GranSim ones:
-#ifdef GRAN
parLocalId = pcMiscPrelId parLocalIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parLocal_")
(mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
- (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
+ (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
(noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parLocal_template))
- [w, x, y, z]
+ -- Annotations: w: name, g: gran. info, s: size info, p: par info -- HWL
+ [w, g, s, p, x, y, z]
= mkTemplateLocals [
{-w-} intPrimTy,
+ {-g-} intPrimTy,
+ {-s-} intPrimTy,
+ {-p-} intPrimTy,
{-x-} alphaTy,
{-y-} betaTy,
- {-z-} betaTy
+ {-z-} intPrimTy
- = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [w, x, y] (
- Case (Prim ParLocalOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, VarArg x, VarArg w, VarArg y]) (
- AlgAlts
- [(liftDataCon, [z], Var z)]
- (NoDefault)))
+ = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [w, g, s, p, x, y] (
+ Case (Prim ParLocalOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, VarArg x, VarArg w, VarArg g, VarArg s, VarArg p, VarArg y]) (
+ PrimAlts
+ [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
+ (BindDefault z (Var y))))
parGlobalId = pcMiscPrelId parGlobalIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parGlobal_")
(mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
- (mkFunTys [intPrimTy,alphaTy,betaTy] betaTy))
+ (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
(noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parGlobal_template))
- [w, x, y, z]
+ -- Annotations: w: name, g: gran. info, s: size info, p: par info -- HWL
+ [w, g, s, p, x, y, z]
= mkTemplateLocals [
{-w-} intPrimTy,
+ {-g-} intPrimTy,
+ {-s-} intPrimTy,
+ {-p-} intPrimTy,
{-x-} alphaTy,
{-y-} betaTy,
- {-z-} betaTy
+ {-z-} intPrimTy
- = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [w, x, y] (
- Case (Prim ParGlobalOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, VarArg x, VarArg w, VarArg y]) (
- AlgAlts
- [(liftDataCon, [z], Var z)]
- (NoDefault)))
+ = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [w, g, s, p, x, y] (
+ Case (Prim ParGlobalOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, VarArg x, VarArg w, VarArg g, VarArg s, VarArg p, VarArg y]) (
+ PrimAlts
+ [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
+ (BindDefault z (Var y))))
+parAtId = pcMiscPrelId parAtIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAt_")
+ (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
+ (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy,
+ alphaTy, betaTy, gammaTy] gammaTy))
+ (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parAt_template))
+ where
+ -- Annotations: w: name, g: gran. info, s: size info, p: par info -- HWL
+ [w, g, s, p, v, x, y, z]
+ = mkTemplateLocals [
+ {-w-} intPrimTy,
+ {-g-} intPrimTy,
+ {-s-} intPrimTy,
+ {-p-} intPrimTy,
+ {-v-} alphaTy,
+ {-x-} betaTy,
+ {-y-} gammaTy,
+ {-z-} intPrimTy
+ ]
+ parAt_template
+ = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar] [w, g, s, p, v, x, y] (
+ Case (Prim ParAtOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, TyArg gammaTy, VarArg x, VarArg v, VarArg w, VarArg g, VarArg s, VarArg p, VarArg y]) (
+ PrimAlts
+ [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
+ (BindDefault z (Var y))))
+parAtAbsId = pcMiscPrelId parAtAbsIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAtAbs_")
+ (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
+ (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
+ (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parAtAbs_template))
+ where
+ -- Annotations: w: name, g: gran. info, s: size info, p: par info -- HWL
+ [w, g, s, p, v, x, y, z]
+ = mkTemplateLocals [
+ {-w-} intPrimTy,
+ {-g-} intPrimTy,
+ {-s-} intPrimTy,
+ {-p-} intPrimTy,
+ {-v-} intPrimTy,
+ {-x-} alphaTy,
+ {-y-} betaTy,
+ {-z-} intPrimTy
+ ]
+ parAtAbs_template
+ = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [w, g, s, p, v, x, y] (
+ Case (Prim ParAtAbsOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, VarArg x, VarArg v, VarArg w, VarArg g, VarArg s, VarArg p, VarArg y]) (
+ PrimAlts
+ [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
+ (BindDefault z (Var y))))
+parAtRelId = pcMiscPrelId parAtRelIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAtRel_")
+ (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
+ (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
+ (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parAtRel_template))
+ where
+ -- Annotations: w: name, g: gran. info, s: size info, p: par info -- HWL
+ [w, g, s, p, v, x, y, z]
+ = mkTemplateLocals [
+ {-w-} intPrimTy,
+ {-g-} intPrimTy,
+ {-s-} intPrimTy,
+ {-p-} intPrimTy,
+ {-v-} intPrimTy,
+ {-x-} alphaTy,
+ {-y-} betaTy,
+ {-z-} intPrimTy
+ ]
+ parAtRel_template
+ = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [w, g, s, p, v, x, y] (
+ Case (Prim ParAtRelOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, VarArg x, VarArg v, VarArg w, VarArg g, VarArg s, VarArg p, VarArg y]) (
+ PrimAlts
+ [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
+ (BindDefault z (Var y))))
+parAtForNowId = pcMiscPrelId parAtForNowIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAtForNow_")
+ (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
+ (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy,
+ alphaTy, betaTy, gammaTy] gammaTy))
+ (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parAtForNow_template))
+ where
+ -- Annotations: w: name, g: gran. info, s: size info, p: par info -- HWL
+ [w, g, s, p, v, x, y, z]
+ = mkTemplateLocals [
+ {-w-} intPrimTy,
+ {-g-} intPrimTy,
+ {-s-} intPrimTy,
+ {-p-} intPrimTy,
+ {-v-} alphaTy,
+ {-x-} betaTy,
+ {-y-} gammaTy,
+ {-z-} intPrimTy
+ ]
+ parAtForNow_template
+ = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar] [w, g, s, p, v, x, y] (
+ Case (Prim ParAtForNowOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, TyArg gammaTy, VarArg x, VarArg v, VarArg w, VarArg g, VarArg s, VarArg p, VarArg y]) (
+ PrimAlts
+ [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
+ (BindDefault z (Var y))))
+-- copyable and noFollow are currently merely hooks: they are translated into
+-- calls to the macros COPYABLE and NOFOLLOW -- HWL
+copyableId = pcMiscPrelId copyableIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_copyable_")
+ (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] []
+ alphaTy)
+ (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding copyable_template))
+ where
+ -- Annotations: x: closure that's tagged to by copyable
+ [x, z]
+ = mkTemplateLocals [
+ {-x-} alphaTy,
+ {-z-} alphaTy
+ ]
+ copyable_template
+ = mkLam [alphaTyVar] [x] ( Prim CopyableOp [TyArg alphaTy, VarArg x] )
+noFollowId = pcMiscPrelId noFollowIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_noFollow_")
+ (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] []
+ alphaTy)
+ (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding noFollow_template))
+ where
+ -- Annotations: x: closure that's tagged to not follow
+ [x, z]
+ = mkTemplateLocals [
+ {-x-} alphaTy,
+ {-z-} alphaTy
+ ]
-#endif {-GRAN-}
+ noFollow_template
+ = mkLam [alphaTyVar] [x] ( Prim NoFollowOp [TyArg alphaTy, VarArg x] )
@@ -453,7 +594,7 @@ realWorldPrimId
- = pcMiscPrelId buildIdKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("_build") buildTy
+ = pcMiscPrelId buildIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_build") buildTy
{-LATER:`addInfo_UF` mkMagicUnfolding buildIdKey-})
`addInfo` mkStrictnessInfo [WwStrict] Nothing)
@@ -498,7 +639,7 @@ mkBuild ty tv c n g expr
- = pcMiscPrelId augmentIdKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("_augment") augmentTy
+ = pcMiscPrelId augmentIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_augment") augmentTy
{-LATER:`addInfo_UF` mkMagicUnfolding augmentIdKey-})
`addInfo` mkStrictnessInfo [WwStrict,WwLazy False] Nothing)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
index 1874d83a4f..d02f5e19a7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module PrimOp (
primOpOkForSpeculation, primOpIsCheap,
HeapRequirement(..), primOpHeapReq,
+ StackRequirement(..), primOpStackRequired,
-- export for the Native Code Generator
primOpInfo, -- needed for primOpNameInfo
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ import TyCon ( TyCon{-instances-} )
import Type ( getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts,
mkForAllTys, mkFunTys, applyTyCon, typePrimRep
-import TyVar ( alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
+import TyVar ( alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar, GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
import Unique ( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
import Util ( panic#, assoc, panic{-ToDo:rm-} )
@@ -144,8 +145,8 @@ data PrimOp
| IndexOffAddrOp PrimRep
-- PrimRep can be one of {Char,Int,Addr,Float,Double}Kind.
-- This is just a cheesy encoding of a bunch of ops.
- -- Note that MallocPtrRep is not included -- the only way of
- -- creating a MallocPtr is with a ccall or casm.
+ -- Note that ForeignObjRep is not included -- the only way of
+ -- creating a ForeignObj is with a ccall or casm.
| UnsafeFreezeArrayOp | UnsafeFreezeByteArrayOp
@@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ data PrimOp
| TakeMVarOp | PutMVarOp
| ReadIVarOp | WriteIVarOp
+ | MakeForeignObjOp -- foreign objects (malloc pointers or any old URL)
| MakeStablePtrOp | DeRefStablePtrOp
@@ -239,18 +241,19 @@ about using it this way?? ADR)
| ParOp
| ForkOp
- -- two for concurrency
+ -- three for concurrency
| DelayOp
- | WaitOp
+ | WaitReadOp
+ | WaitWriteOp
-#ifdef GRAN
| ParGlobalOp -- named global par
| ParLocalOp -- named local par
| ParAtOp -- specifies destination of local par
+ | ParAtAbsOp -- specifies destination of local par (abs processor)
+ | ParAtRelOp -- specifies destination of local par (rel processor)
| ParAtForNowOp -- specifies initial destination of global par
| CopyableOp -- marks copyable code
| NoFollowOp -- marks non-followup expression
-#endif {-GRAN-}
Deriving Ix is what we really want! ToDo
@@ -409,25 +412,27 @@ tagOf_PrimOp TakeMVarOp = ILIT(151)
tagOf_PrimOp PutMVarOp = ILIT(152)
tagOf_PrimOp ReadIVarOp = ILIT(153)
tagOf_PrimOp WriteIVarOp = ILIT(154)
-tagOf_PrimOp MakeStablePtrOp = ILIT(155)
-tagOf_PrimOp DeRefStablePtrOp = ILIT(156)
-tagOf_PrimOp (CCallOp _ _ _ _ _) = ILIT(157)
-tagOf_PrimOp ErrorIOPrimOp = ILIT(158)
-tagOf_PrimOp ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp = ILIT(159)
-tagOf_PrimOp SeqOp = ILIT(160)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParOp = ILIT(161)
-tagOf_PrimOp ForkOp = ILIT(162)
-tagOf_PrimOp DelayOp = ILIT(163)
-tagOf_PrimOp WaitOp = ILIT(164)
-#ifdef GRAN
-tagOf_PrimOp ParGlobalOp = ILIT(165)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParLocalOp = ILIT(166)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtOp = ILIT(167)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtForNowOp = ILIT(168)
-tagOf_PrimOp CopyableOp = ILIT(169)
-tagOf_PrimOp NoFollowOp = ILIT(170)
-#endif {-GRAN-}
+tagOf_PrimOp MakeForeignObjOp = ILIT(155)
+tagOf_PrimOp MakeStablePtrOp = ILIT(156)
+tagOf_PrimOp DeRefStablePtrOp = ILIT(157)
+tagOf_PrimOp (CCallOp _ _ _ _ _) = ILIT(158)
+tagOf_PrimOp ErrorIOPrimOp = ILIT(159)
+tagOf_PrimOp ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp = ILIT(160)
+tagOf_PrimOp SeqOp = ILIT(161)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParOp = ILIT(162)
+tagOf_PrimOp ForkOp = ILIT(163)
+tagOf_PrimOp DelayOp = ILIT(164)
+tagOf_PrimOp WaitReadOp = ILIT(165)
+tagOf_PrimOp WaitWriteOp = ILIT(166)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParGlobalOp = ILIT(167)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParLocalOp = ILIT(168)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtOp = ILIT(169)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtAbsOp = ILIT(170)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtRelOp = ILIT(171)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtForNowOp = ILIT(172)
+tagOf_PrimOp CopyableOp = ILIT(173)
+tagOf_PrimOp NoFollowOp = ILIT(174)
tagOf_PrimOp _ = panic# "tagOf_PrimOp: pattern-match"
@@ -591,19 +596,25 @@ allThePrimOps
+ MakeForeignObjOp,
-#ifdef GRAN
-#endif {-GRAN-}
+ ParAtOp,
+ ParAtAbsOp,
+ ParAtRelOp,
+ ParAtForNowOp,
+ CopyableOp,
+ NoFollowOp,
- WaitOp
+ WaitReadOp,
+ WaitWriteOp
@@ -1117,16 +1128,56 @@ primOpInfo DelayOp
[intPrimTy, mkStatePrimTy s]
statePrimTyCon VoidRep [s]
-primOpInfo WaitOp
+primOpInfo WaitReadOp
= let {
s = alphaTy; s_tv = alphaTyVar
} in
- PrimResult SLIT("wait#") [s_tv]
+ PrimResult SLIT("waitRead#") [s_tv]
[intPrimTy, mkStatePrimTy s]
statePrimTyCon VoidRep [s]
+primOpInfo WaitWriteOp
+ = let {
+ s = alphaTy; s_tv = alphaTyVar
+ } in
+ PrimResult SLIT("waitWrite#") [s_tv]
+ [intPrimTy, mkStatePrimTy s]
+ statePrimTyCon VoidRep [s]
+%* *
+\subsubsection[PrimOps-makeForeignObj]{PrimOpInfo for Foreign Objects}
+%* *
+Not everything should/can be in the Haskell heap. As an example, in an
+image processing application written in Haskell, you really would like
+to avoid heaving huge images between different space or generations of
+a garbage collector. Instead use @ForeignObj@ (formerly known as @MallocPtr@),
+which refer to some externally allocated structure/value. Using @ForeignObj@,
+just a reference to an image is present in the heap, the image could then
+be stored outside the Haskell heap, i.e., as a malloc'ed structure or in
+a completely separate address space alltogether.
+When a @ForeignObj@ becomes garbage, a user-defined finalisation routine
+associated with the object is invoked (currently, each ForeignObj has a
+direct reference to its finaliser). -- SOF
+The only function defined over @ForeignObj@s is:
+makeForeignObj# :: Addr# -- foreign object
+ -> Addr# -- ptr to its finaliser routine
+ -> StateAndForeignObj# _RealWorld# ForeignObj#
+primOpInfo MakeForeignObjOp
+ = AlgResult SLIT("makeForeignObj#") []
+ [addrPrimTy, addrPrimTy, realWorldStatePrimTy]
+ stateAndForeignObjPrimTyCon [realWorldTy]
%* *
@@ -1239,27 +1290,26 @@ primOpInfo ForkOp -- fork# :: a -> Int#
-#ifdef GRAN
-primOpInfo ParGlobalOp -- parGlobal# :: Int -> a -> b -> b
- = AlgResult SLIT("parGlobal#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [intPrimTy,alphaTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
+-- HWL: The first 4 Int# in all par... annotations denote:
+-- name, granularity info, size of result, degree of parallelism
-primOpInfo ParLocalOp -- parLocal# :: Int -> a -> b -> b
- = AlgResult SLIT("parLocal#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [intPrimTy,alphaTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
+primOpInfo ParGlobalOp -- parGlobal# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> b
+ = AlgResult SLIT("parGlobal#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
-primOpInfo ParAtOp -- parAt# :: Int -> a -> b -> c -> c
- = AlgResult SLIT("parAt#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar,gammaTyVar] [intPrimTy,alphaTy,betaTy,gammaTy] liftTyCon [gammaTy]
+primOpInfo ParLocalOp -- parLocal# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> b
+ = AlgResult SLIT("parLocal#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
-primOpInfo ParAtForNowOp -- parAtForNow# :: Int -> a -> b -> c -> c
- = AlgResult SLIT("parAtForNow#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar,gammaTyVar] [intPrimTy,alphaTy,betaTy,gammaTy] liftTyCon [gammaTy]
+primOpInfo ParAtOp -- parAt# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> c -> c
+ = AlgResult SLIT("parAt#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar,gammaTyVar] [alphaTy,betaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,gammaTy] liftTyCon [gammaTy]
-primOpInfo CopyableOp -- copyable# :: a -> a
- = AlgResult SLIT("copyable#") [alphaTyVar] [alphaTy] liftTyCon [alphaTy]
+primOpInfo ParAtAbsOp -- parAtAbs# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> b
+ = AlgResult SLIT("parAtAbs#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
-primOpInfo NoFollowOp -- noFollow# :: a -> a
- = AlgResult SLIT("noFollow#") [alphaTyVar] [alphaTy] liftTyCon [alphaTy]
+primOpInfo ParAtRelOp -- parAtRel# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> b
+ = AlgResult SLIT("parAtRel#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
-#endif {-GRAN-}
+primOpInfo ParAtForNowOp -- parAtForNow# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> c -> c
+ = AlgResult SLIT("parAtForNow#") [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar,gammaTyVar] [alphaTy,betaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,gammaTy] liftTyCon [gammaTy]
@@ -1337,18 +1387,12 @@ primOpHeapReq DoubleDecodeOp = FixedHeapRequired
(intOff mIN_MP_INT_SIZE)))
-- ccall may allocate heap if it is explicitly allowed to (_ccall_gc_)
--- or if it returns a MallocPtr.
+-- or if it returns a ForeignObj.
-primOpHeapReq (CCallOp _ _ mayGC@True _ _) = VariableHeapRequired
-primOpHeapReq (CCallOp _ _ mayGC@False _ return_ty)
- = if returnsMallocPtr
- then VariableHeapRequired
- else NoHeapRequired
- where
- returnsMallocPtr
- = case (maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts return_ty) of
- Nothing -> False
- Just (tycon, _, _) -> tycon == stateAndMallocPtrPrimTyCon
+primOpHeapReq (CCallOp _ _ mayGC@True _ _) = VariableHeapRequired
+primOpHeapReq (CCallOp _ _ mayGC@False _ _) = NoHeapRequired
+primOpHeapReq MakeForeignObjOp = VariableHeapRequired
-- this occasionally has to expand the Stable Pointer table
primOpHeapReq MakeStablePtrOp = VariableHeapRequired
@@ -1375,24 +1419,31 @@ primOpHeapReq ForkOp = VariableHeapRequired
-- A SeqOp requires unknown space to evaluate its argument
primOpHeapReq SeqOp = VariableHeapRequired
-#ifdef GRAN
--- a ParGlobalOp creates a single 4-tuple in the heap. ToDo: verify this!
-primOpHeapReq ParGlobalOp = trace "primOpHeapReq:ParGlobalOp:verify!" (
- FixedHeapRequired
- (addOff (totHdrSize (MuTupleRep 4)) (intOff 4))
- )
+-- GranSim sparks are stgMalloced i.e. no heap required
+primOpHeapReq ParGlobalOp = NoHeapRequired
+primOpHeapReq ParLocalOp = NoHeapRequired
+primOpHeapReq ParAtOp = NoHeapRequired
+primOpHeapReq ParAtAbsOp = NoHeapRequired
+primOpHeapReq ParAtRelOp = NoHeapRequired
+primOpHeapReq ParAtForNowOp = NoHeapRequired
+-- CopyableOp and NoFolowOp don't require heap; don't rely on default
+primOpHeapReq CopyableOp = NoHeapRequired
+primOpHeapReq NoFollowOp = NoHeapRequired
--- a ParLocalOp creates a single 4-tuple in the heap. ToDo: verify this!
-primOpHeapReq ParLocalOp = trace "primOpHeapReq:ParLocalOp:verify!" (
- FixedHeapRequired
- (addOff (totHdrSize (MuTupleRep 4)) (intOff 4))
- )
+primOpHeapReq other_op = NoHeapRequired
--- ToDo: parAt, parAtForNow, copyable, noFollow !! (HWL)
-#endif {-GRAN-}
+The amount of stack required by primops.
-primOpHeapReq other_op = NoHeapRequired
+data StackRequirement
+ = NoStackRequired
+ | FixedStackRequired Int {-AStack-} Int {-BStack-}
+ | VariableStackRequired
+primOpStackRequired SeqOp = FixedStackRequired 0 {-AStack-} 2 {-BStack-}
+primOpStackRequired _ = VariableStackRequired
+-- ToDo: be more specific for certain primops (currently only used for seq)
Primops which can trigger GC have to be called carefully.
@@ -1405,7 +1456,8 @@ primOpCanTriggerGC op
TakeMVarOp -> True
ReadIVarOp -> True
DelayOp -> True
- WaitOp -> True
+ WaitReadOp -> True
+ WaitWriteOp -> True
_ ->
case primOpHeapReq op of
VariableHeapRequired -> True
@@ -1457,10 +1509,14 @@ primOpOkForSpeculation ParOp = False -- Could be expensive!
primOpOkForSpeculation ForkOp = False -- Likewise
primOpOkForSpeculation SeqOp = False -- Likewise
-#ifdef GRAN
primOpOkForSpeculation ParGlobalOp = False -- Could be expensive!
primOpOkForSpeculation ParLocalOp = False -- Could be expensive!
-#endif {-GRAN-}
+primOpOkForSpeculation ParAtOp = False -- Could be expensive!
+primOpOkForSpeculation ParAtAbsOp = False -- Could be expensive!
+primOpOkForSpeculation ParAtRelOp = False -- Could be expensive!
+primOpOkForSpeculation ParAtForNowOp = False -- Could be expensive!
+primOpOkForSpeculation CopyableOp = False -- only tags closure
+primOpOkForSpeculation NoFollowOp = False -- only tags closure
-- The default is "yes it's ok for speculation"
primOpOkForSpeculation other_op = True
@@ -1483,15 +1539,18 @@ fragilePrimOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
fragilePrimOp ParOp = True
fragilePrimOp ForkOp = True
fragilePrimOp SeqOp = True
-fragilePrimOp MakeStablePtrOp = True
+fragilePrimOp MakeForeignObjOp = True -- SOF
+fragilePrimOp MakeStablePtrOp = True
fragilePrimOp DeRefStablePtrOp = True -- ??? JSM & ADR
-#ifdef GRAN
fragilePrimOp ParGlobalOp = True
fragilePrimOp ParLocalOp = True
-fragilePrimOp CopyableOp = trace "fragilePrimOp:CopyableOp" True -- Possibly not. ASP
-fragilePrimOp NoFollowOp = trace "fragilePrimOp:NoFollowOp" True -- Possibly not. ASP
-#endif {-GRAN-}
+fragilePrimOp ParAtOp = True
+fragilePrimOp ParAtAbsOp = True
+fragilePrimOp ParAtRelOp = True
+fragilePrimOp ParAtForNowOp = True
+fragilePrimOp CopyableOp = True -- Possibly not. ASP
+fragilePrimOp NoFollowOp = True -- Possibly not. ASP
fragilePrimOp other = False
@@ -1551,6 +1610,7 @@ primOpNeedsWrapper DoublePowerOp = True
primOpNeedsWrapper DoubleEncodeOp = True
primOpNeedsWrapper DoubleDecodeOp = True
+primOpNeedsWrapper MakeForeignObjOp = True
primOpNeedsWrapper MakeStablePtrOp = True
primOpNeedsWrapper DeRefStablePtrOp = True
@@ -1559,7 +1619,8 @@ primOpNeedsWrapper PutMVarOp = True
primOpNeedsWrapper ReadIVarOp = True
primOpNeedsWrapper DelayOp = True
-primOpNeedsWrapper WaitOp = True
+primOpNeedsWrapper WaitReadOp = True
+primOpNeedsWrapper WaitWriteOp = True
primOpNeedsWrapper other_op = False
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimRep.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimRep.lhs
index b4fbf55e9f..1a6d45e5e1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimRep.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimRep.lhs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ data PrimRep
| FloatRep -- floats
| DoubleRep -- doubles
- | MallocPtrRep -- This has to be a special kind because ccall
+ | ForeignObjRep -- This has to be a special kind because ccall
-- generates special code when passing/returning
-- one of these. [ADR]
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ isFollowableRep :: PrimRep -> Bool
isFollowableRep PtrRep = True
isFollowableRep ArrayRep = True
isFollowableRep ByteArrayRep = True
-isFollowableRep MallocPtrRep = True
+-- why is a MallocPtr followable? 4/96 SOF
+-- isFollowableRep ForeignObjRep = True
isFollowableRep StablePtrRep = False
-- StablePtrs aren't followable because they are just indices into a
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ showPrimRep DoubleRep = "StgDouble"
showPrimRep ArrayRep = "StgArray" -- see comment below
showPrimRep ByteArrayRep = "StgByteArray"
showPrimRep StablePtrRep = "StgStablePtr"
-showPrimRep MallocPtrRep = "StgPtr" -- see comment below
+showPrimRep ForeignObjRep = "StgPtr" -- see comment below
showPrimRep VoidRep = "!!VOID_KIND!!"
guessPrimRep "D_" = DataPtrRep
@@ -186,15 +187,17 @@ All local C variables of @ArrayRep@ are declared in C as type
@StgArray@. The coercion to a more precise C type is done just before
indexing (by the relevant C primitive-op macro).
-Nota Bene. There are three types associated with Malloc Pointers:
+Nota Bene. There are three types associated with @ForeignObj@ (MallocPtr++):
-@StgMallocClosure@ is the type of the thing the C world gives us.
+@StgForeignObjClosure@ is the type of the thing the prim. op @mkForeignObj@ returns.
+{- old comment for MallocPtr
(This typename is hardwired into @ppr_casm_results@ in
-@StgMallocPtr@ is the type of the thing we give the C world.
+@StgForeignObj@ is the type of the thing we give the C world.
@StgPtr@ is the type of the (pointer to the) heap object which we
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
index a64821db44..28b4571219 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
@@ -182,25 +182,26 @@ mkStablePtrPrimTy ty = applyTyCon stablePtrPrimTyCon [ty]
%* *
-\subsection[TysPrim-malloc-ptrs]{The ``malloc''-pointer type}
+\subsection[TysPrim-foreign-objs]{The ``foreign object'' type}
%* *
-``Malloc'' pointers provide a mechanism which will let Haskell's
-garbage collector communicate with a {\em simple\/} garbage collector
-in the IO world (probably \tr{malloc}, hence the name).We want Haskell
-to be able to hold onto references to objects in the IO world and for
-Haskell's garbage collector to tell the IO world when these references
-become garbage. We are not aiming to provide a mechanism that could
+Foreign objects (formerly ``Malloc'' pointers) provide a mechanism which
+will let Haskell's garbage collector communicate with a {\em simple\/}
+garbage collector in the IO world. We want Haskell to be able to hold
+onto references to objects in the IO world and for Haskell's garbage
+collector to tell the IO world when these references become garbage.
+We are not aiming to provide a mechanism that could
talk to a sophisticated garbage collector such as that provided by a
LISP system (with a correspondingly complex interface); in particular,
we shall ignore the danger of circular structures spread across the
two systems.
-There are no primitive operations on @CHeapPtr#@s (although equality
+There are no primitive operations on @ForeignObj#@s (although equality
could possibly be added?)
-mallocPtrPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mallocPtrPrimTyConKey SLIT("MallocPtr#") 0
- (\ [] -> MallocPtrRep)
+foreignObjPrimTy = applyTyCon foreignObjPrimTyCon []
+foreignObjPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon foreignObjPrimTyConKey SLIT("ForeignObj#") 0
+ (\ [] -> ForeignObjRep)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
index 2efbb8494a..a4623c2fd2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module TysWiredIn (
- mallocPtrTyCon,
+ foreignObjTyCon,
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module TysWiredIn (
- stateAndMallocPtrPrimTyCon,
+ stateAndForeignObjPrimTyCon,
@@ -219,17 +219,17 @@ stablePtrTyCon
= pcDataCon stablePtrDataConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_StablePtr")
- [alphaTyVar] [] [applyTyCon stablePtrPrimTyCon [alphaTy]] stablePtrTyCon nullSpecEnv
+ [alphaTyVar] [] [mkStablePtrPrimTy alphaTy] stablePtrTyCon nullSpecEnv
- = pcDataTyCon mallocPtrTyConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_MallocPtr")
- [] [mallocPtrDataCon]
+ = pcDataTyCon foreignObjTyConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_ForeignObj")
+ [] [foreignObjDataCon]
- mallocPtrDataCon
- = pcDataCon mallocPtrDataConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_MallocPtr")
- [] [] [applyTyCon mallocPtrPrimTyCon []] mallocPtrTyCon nullSpecEnv
+ foreignObjDataCon
+ = pcDataCon foreignObjDataConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_ForeignObj")
+ [] [] [foreignObjPrimTy] foreignObjTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -330,14 +330,14 @@ stateAndStablePtrPrimDataCon
[mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon stablePtrPrimTyCon [betaTy]]
stateAndStablePtrPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
- = pcDataTyCon stateAndMallocPtrPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMallocPtr#")
- [alphaTyVar] [stateAndMallocPtrPrimDataCon]
- = pcDataCon stateAndMallocPtrPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMallocPtr#")
+ = pcDataTyCon stateAndForeignObjPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndForeignObj#")
+ [alphaTyVar] [stateAndForeignObjPrimDataCon]
+ = pcDataCon stateAndForeignObjPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndForeignObj#")
[alphaTyVar] []
- [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon mallocPtrPrimTyCon []]
- stateAndMallocPtrPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
+ [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon foreignObjPrimTyCon []]
+ stateAndForeignObjPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
= pcDataTyCon stateAndFloatPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndFloat#")
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ getStatePairingConInfo prim_ty
(wordPrimTyCon, (stateAndWordPrimDataCon, stateAndWordPrimTyCon, 0)),
(addrPrimTyCon, (stateAndAddrPrimDataCon, stateAndAddrPrimTyCon, 0)),
(stablePtrPrimTyCon, (stateAndStablePtrPrimDataCon, stateAndStablePtrPrimTyCon, 0)),
- (mallocPtrPrimTyCon, (stateAndMallocPtrPrimDataCon, stateAndMallocPtrPrimTyCon, 0)),
+ (foreignObjPrimTyCon, (stateAndForeignObjPrimDataCon, stateAndForeignObjPrimTyCon, 0)),
(floatPrimTyCon, (stateAndFloatPrimDataCon, stateAndFloatPrimTyCon, 0)),
(doublePrimTyCon, (stateAndDoublePrimDataCon, stateAndDoublePrimTyCon, 0)),
(arrayPrimTyCon, (stateAndArrayPrimDataCon, stateAndArrayPrimTyCon, 0)),
@@ -531,10 +531,10 @@ primitive counterpart.
boolTy = mkTyConTy boolTyCon
-boolTyCon = pcDataTyCon boolTyConKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("Bool") [] [falseDataCon, trueDataCon]
+boolTyCon = pcDataTyCon boolTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("Bool") [] [falseDataCon, trueDataCon]
-falseDataCon = pcDataCon falseDataConKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("False") [] [] [] boolTyCon nullSpecEnv
-trueDataCon = pcDataCon trueDataConKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("True") [] [] [] boolTyCon nullSpecEnv
+falseDataCon = pcDataCon falseDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("False") [] [] [] boolTyCon nullSpecEnv
+trueDataCon = pcDataCon trueDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("True") [] [] [] boolTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -660,15 +660,15 @@ rationalTy :: GenType t u
mkRatioTy ty = applyTyCon ratioTyCon [ty]
rationalTy = mkRatioTy integerTy
-ratioTyCon = pcDataTyCon ratioTyConKey pRELUDE_RATIO SLIT("Ratio") [alphaTyVar] [ratioDataCon]
+ratioTyCon = pcDataTyCon ratioTyConKey rATIO SLIT("Ratio") [alphaTyVar] [ratioDataCon]
-ratioDataCon = pcDataCon ratioDataConKey pRELUDE_RATIO SLIT(":%")
+ratioDataCon = pcDataCon ratioDataConKey rATIO SLIT(":%")
[alphaTyVar] [{-(integralClass,alphaTy)-}] [alphaTy, alphaTy] ratioTyCon nullSpecEnv
-- context omitted to match lib/prelude/ defn of "data Ratio ..."
= mkSynTyCon
- (mkBuiltinName rationalTyConKey pRELUDE_RATIO SLIT("Rational"))
+ (mkBuiltinName rationalTyConKey rATIO SLIT("Rational"))
0 [] rationalTy -- == mkRatioTy integerTy
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ stringTy = mkListTy charTy
= mkSynTyCon
- (mkBuiltinName stringTyConKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("String"))
+ (mkBuiltinName stringTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("String"))
0 [] stringTy