path: root/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
diff options
authorpartain <unknown>1996-01-08 20:28:12 +0000
committerpartain <unknown>1996-01-08 20:28:12 +0000
commite7d21ee4f8ac907665a7e170c71d59e13a01da09 (patch)
tree93715bf4e6e4bbe8049e4d8d4d3fbd19158a88d6 /ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
parente48474bff05e6cfb506660420f025f694c870d38 (diff)
[project @ 1996-01-08 20:28:12 by partain]
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b16fc06c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1994
+\section[StgStats]{Gathers statistical information about programs}
+The program gather statistics about
+\item number of boxed cases
+\item number of unboxed cases
+\item number of let-no-escapes
+\item number of non-updatable lets
+\item number of updatable lets
+\item number of applications
+\item number of primitive applications
+\item number of closures (does not include lets bound to constructors)
+\item number of free variables in closures
+%\item number of top-level functions
+%\item number of top-level CAFs
+\item number of constructors
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module StgStats ( showStgStats ) where
+import StgSyn
+import FiniteMap
+import Util
+data CounterType
+ = AlgCases
+ | PrimCases
+ | LetNoEscapes
+ | NonUpdatableLets
+ | UpdatableLets
+ | Applications
+ | PrimitiveApps
+ | FreeVariables
+ | Closures -- does not include lets bound to constructors
+--| UpdatableTopLevelDefs
+--| NonUpdatableTopLevelDefs
+ | Constructors
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Text)
+type Count = Int
+type StatEnv = FiniteMap CounterType Count
+emptySE :: StatEnv
+emptySE = emptyFM
+combineSE :: StatEnv -> StatEnv -> StatEnv
+combineSE = plusFM_C (+)
+combineSEs :: [StatEnv] -> StatEnv
+combineSEs = foldr combineSE emptySE
+countOne :: CounterType -> StatEnv
+countOne c = singletonFM c 1
+countN :: CounterType -> Int -> StatEnv
+countN = singletonFM
+%* *
+\subsection{Top-level list of bindings (a ``program'')}
+%* *
+showStgStats :: PlainStgProgram -> String
+showStgStats prog = concat (map showc (fmToList (gatherStgStats prog)))
+ where
+ showc (AlgCases,n) = "AlgCases " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+ showc (PrimCases,n) = "PrimCases " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+ showc (LetNoEscapes,n) = "LetNoEscapes " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+ showc (NonUpdatableLets,n) = "NonUpdatableLets " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+ showc (UpdatableLets,n) = "UpdatableLets " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+ showc (Applications,n) = "Applications " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+ showc (PrimitiveApps,n) = "PrimitiveApps " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+ showc (Closures,n) = "Closures " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+ showc (FreeVariables,n) = "Free Vars in Closures " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+ showc (Constructors,n) = "Constructors " ++ show n ++ "\n"
+gatherStgStats :: PlainStgProgram -> StatEnv
+gatherStgStats binds
+ = combineSEs (map statBinding binds)
+%* *
+%* *
+statBinding :: PlainStgBinding -> StatEnv
+statBinding (StgNonRec b rhs)
+ = statRhs (b, rhs)
+statBinding (StgRec pairs)
+ = combineSEs (map statRhs pairs)
+statRhs :: (Id, PlainStgRhs) -> StatEnv
+statRhs (b, StgRhsCon cc con args)
+ = countOne Constructors `combineSE`
+ countOne NonUpdatableLets
+statRhs (b, StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u args body)
+ = statExpr body `combineSE`
+ countN FreeVariables (length fv) `combineSE`
+ countOne Closures `combineSE`
+ (case u of
+ Updatable -> countOne UpdatableLets
+ _ -> countOne NonUpdatableLets)
+%* *
+%* *
+statExpr :: PlainStgExpr -> StatEnv
+statExpr (StgApp _ [] lvs)
+ = emptySE
+statExpr (StgApp _ _ lvs)
+ = countOne Applications
+statExpr (StgConApp con as lvs)
+ = countOne Constructors
+statExpr (StgPrimApp op as lvs)
+ = countOne PrimitiveApps
+statExpr (StgSCC ty l e)
+ = statExpr e
+statExpr (StgLetNoEscape lvs_whole lvs_rhss binds body)
+ = statBinding binds `combineSE`
+ statExpr body `combineSE`
+ countOne LetNoEscapes
+statExpr (StgLet binds body)
+ = statBinding binds `combineSE`
+ statExpr body
+statExpr (StgCase expr lve lva uniq alts)
+ = statExpr expr `combineSE`
+ stat_alts alts
+ where
+ stat_alts (StgAlgAlts ty alts def)
+ = combineSEs (map stat_alg_alt alts) `combineSE`
+ stat_deflt def `combineSE`
+ countOne AlgCases
+ where
+ stat_alg_alt (id, bs, use_mask, e)
+ = statExpr e
+ stat_alts (StgPrimAlts ty alts def)
+ = combineSEs (map stat_prim_alt alts) `combineSE`
+ stat_deflt def `combineSE`
+ countOne PrimCases
+ where
+ stat_prim_alt (l, e)
+ = statExpr e
+ stat_deflt StgNoDefault
+ = emptySE
+ stat_deflt (StgBindDefault b u expr)
+ = statExpr expr