path: root/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
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authorsimonpj <unknown>1999-05-18 15:05:18 +0000
committersimonpj <unknown>1999-05-18 15:05:18 +0000
commit69e14f75a4b031e489b7774914e5a176409cea78 (patch)
tree144089d677d9ab3a7c135e97dccd3bd16ce45d0a /ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
parentc9dfd084e476b18290e964e5e5d66adf0771b9e6 (diff)
[project @ 1999-05-18 15:03:54 by simonpj]
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
index 87d41a069f..e8b1b5dbdf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
@@ -8,28 +8,31 @@ module Specialise ( specProgram ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import CmdLineOpts ( opt_D_verbose_core2core, opt_D_dump_spec )
+import CmdLineOpts ( opt_D_verbose_core2core, opt_D_dump_spec, opt_D_dump_rules )
import Id ( Id, idName, idType, mkTemplateLocals, mkUserLocal,
- getIdSpecialisation, setIdSpecialisation,
- isSpecPragmaId,
+ getIdSpecialisation, setIdNoDiscard, isExportedId,
+ modifyIdInfo
+import IdInfo ( zapSpecPragInfo )
import VarSet
import VarEnv
-import Type ( Type, TyVarSubst, mkTyVarTy, splitSigmaTy, substTy,
- fullSubstTy, tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes,
+import Type ( Type, mkTyVarTy, splitSigmaTy, splitFunTysN,
+ tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes, applyTys,
mkForAllTys, boxedTypeKind
+import Subst ( Subst, mkSubst, substTy, emptySubst, substBndrs, extendSubstList,
+ substExpr, substId, substIds, substAndCloneId, substAndCloneIds, lookupSubst
+ )
import Var ( TyVar, mkSysTyVar, setVarUnique )
import VarSet
import VarEnv
import CoreSyn
-import CoreUtils ( IdSubst, SubstCoreExpr(..), exprFreeVars,
- substExpr, substId, substIds, coreExprType
- )
+import CoreUtils ( coreExprType, applyTypeToArgs )
+import CoreFVs ( exprFreeVars, exprsFreeVars )
import CoreLint ( beginPass, endPass )
-import PprCore () -- Instances
-import SpecEnv ( addToSpecEnv )
+import PprCore ( pprCoreRules )
+import Rules ( addIdSpecialisations )
import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply,
UniqSM, initUs_, thenUs, thenUs_, returnUs, getUniqueUs,
@@ -38,9 +41,10 @@ import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply,
import Name ( nameOccName, mkSpecOcc, getSrcLoc )
import FiniteMap
import Maybes ( MaybeErr(..), catMaybes )
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet )
import Bag
import List ( partition )
-import Util ( zipEqual, mapAccumL )
+import Util ( zipEqual, zipWithEqual, mapAccumL )
import Outputable
@@ -584,11 +588,17 @@ specProgram us binds
endPass "Specialise" (opt_D_dump_spec || opt_D_verbose_core2core) binds'
+ dumpIfSet opt_D_dump_rules "Top-level specialisations"
+ (vcat (map dump_specs (concat (map bindersOf binds'))))
+ return binds'
go [] = returnSM ([], emptyUDs)
- go (bind:binds) = go binds `thenSM` \ (binds', uds) ->
- specBind bind uds `thenSM` \ (bind', uds') ->
+ go (bind:binds) = go binds `thenSM` \ (binds', uds) ->
+ specBind emptySubst bind uds `thenSM` \ (bind', uds') ->
returnSM (bind' ++ binds', uds')
+dump_specs var = pprCoreRules var (getIdSpecialisation var)
@@ -598,70 +608,90 @@ specProgram us binds
-specExpr :: CoreExpr -> SpecM (CoreExpr, UsageDetails)
+specVar :: Subst -> Id -> CoreExpr
+specVar subst v = case lookupSubst subst v of
+ Nothing -> Var v
+ Just (DoneEx e) -> e
+specExpr :: Subst -> CoreExpr -> SpecM (CoreExpr, UsageDetails)
+-- We carry a substitution down:
+-- a) we must clone any binding that might flaot outwards,
+-- to avoid name clashes
+-- b) we carry a type substitution to use when analysing
+-- the RHS of specialised bindings (no type-let!)
---------------- First the easy cases --------------------
-specExpr e@(Type _) = returnSM (e, emptyUDs)
-specExpr e@(Var _) = returnSM (e, emptyUDs)
+specExpr subst (Type ty) = returnSM (Type (substTy subst ty), emptyUDs)
+specExpr subst (Var v) = returnSM (specVar subst v, emptyUDs)
-specExpr e@(Con con args)
- = mapAndCombineSM specExpr args `thenSM` \ (args', uds) ->
+specExpr subst e@(Con con args)
+ = mapAndCombineSM (specExpr subst) args `thenSM` \ (args', uds) ->
returnSM (Con con args', uds)
-specExpr (Note note body)
- = specExpr body `thenSM` \ (body', uds) ->
- returnSM (Note note body', uds)
+specExpr subst (Note note body)
+ = specExpr subst body `thenSM` \ (body', uds) ->
+ returnSM (Note (specNote subst note) body', uds)
---------------- Applications might generate a call instance --------------------
-specExpr expr@(App fun arg)
+specExpr subst expr@(App fun arg)
= go expr []
- go (App fun arg) args = specExpr arg `thenSM` \ (arg', uds_arg) ->
+ go (App fun arg) args = specExpr subst arg `thenSM` \ (arg', uds_arg) ->
go fun (arg':args) `thenSM` \ (fun', uds_app) ->
returnSM (App fun' arg', uds_arg `plusUDs` uds_app)
- go (Var f) args = returnSM (Var f, mkCallUDs f args)
- go other args = specExpr other
+ go (Var f) args = case specVar subst f of
+ Var f' -> returnSM (Var f', mkCallUDs f' args)
+ e' -> returnSM (e', emptyUDs) -- I don't expect this!
+ go other args = specExpr subst other
---------------- Lambda/case require dumping of usage details --------------------
-specExpr e@(Lam _ _)
- = specExpr body `thenSM` \ (body', uds) ->
+specExpr subst e@(Lam _ _)
+ = specExpr subst' body `thenSM` \ (body', uds) ->
- (filtered_uds, body'') = dumpUDs bndrs uds body'
+ (filtered_uds, body'') = dumpUDs bndrs' uds body'
- returnSM (mkLams bndrs body'', filtered_uds)
+ returnSM (mkLams bndrs' body'', filtered_uds)
- (bndrs, body) = go [] e
+ (bndrs, body) = collectBinders e
+ (subst', bndrs') = substBndrs subst bndrs
-- More efficient to collect a group of binders together all at once
-- and we don't want to split a lambda group with dumped bindings
- go bndrs (Lam bndr e) = go (bndr:bndrs) e
- go bndrs e = (reverse bndrs, e)
-specExpr (Case scrut case_bndr alts)
- = specExpr scrut `thenSM` \ (scrut', uds_scrut) ->
+specExpr subst (Case scrut case_bndr alts)
+ = specExpr subst scrut `thenSM` \ (scrut', uds_scrut) ->
mapAndCombineSM spec_alt alts `thenSM` \ (alts', uds_alts) ->
- returnSM (Case scrut' case_bndr alts', uds_scrut `plusUDs` uds_alts)
+ returnSM (Case scrut' case_bndr' alts', uds_scrut `plusUDs` uds_alts)
+ (subst_alt, case_bndr') = substId subst case_bndr
spec_alt (con, args, rhs)
- = specExpr rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs', uds) ->
+ = specExpr subst_rhs rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs', uds) ->
(uds', rhs'') = dumpUDs args uds rhs'
- returnSM ((con, args, rhs''), uds')
+ returnSM ((con, args', rhs''), uds')
+ where
+ (subst_rhs, args') = substBndrs subst_alt args
---------------- Finally, let is the interesting case --------------------
-specExpr (Let bind body)
- = -- Deal with the body
- specExpr body `thenSM` \ (body', body_uds) ->
+specExpr subst (Let bind body)
+ = -- Clone binders
+ cloneBindSM subst bind `thenSM` \ (rhs_subst, body_subst, bind') ->
+ -- Deal with the body
+ specExpr body_subst body `thenSM` \ (body', body_uds) ->
-- Deal with the bindings
- specBind bind body_uds `thenSM` \ (binds', uds) ->
+ specBind rhs_subst bind' body_uds `thenSM` \ (binds', uds) ->
-- All done
returnSM (foldr Let body' binds', uds)
+-- Must apply the type substitution to coerceions
+specNote subst (Coerce t1 t2) = Coerce (substTy subst t1) (substTy subst t2)
+specNote subst note = note
@@ -671,20 +701,14 @@ specExpr (Let bind body)
-specBind :: CoreBind
+specBind :: Subst -- Use this for RHSs
+ -> CoreBind
-> UsageDetails -- Info on how the scope of the binding
-> SpecM ([CoreBind], -- New bindings
UsageDetails) -- And info to pass upstream
-specBind bind@(NonRec bndr rhs) body_uds
- | isSpecPragmaId bndr -- Aha! A spec-pragma Id. Collect UDs from
- -- its RHS and discard it!
- = specExpr rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs', rhs_uds) ->
- returnSM ([], rhs_uds `plusUDs` body_uds)
-specBind bind body_uds
- = specBindItself bind (calls body_uds) `thenSM` \ (bind', bind_uds) ->
+specBind rhs_subst bind body_uds
+ = specBindItself rhs_subst bind (calls body_uds) `thenSM` \ (bind', bind_uds) ->
bndrs = bindersOf bind
all_uds = zapCalls bndrs (body_uds `plusUDs` bind_uds)
@@ -728,8 +752,8 @@ mkBigUD bind dbs calls
-- specBindItself deals with the RHS, specialising it according
-- to the calls found in the body (if any)
-specBindItself (NonRec bndr rhs) call_info
- = specDefn call_info (bndr,rhs) `thenSM` \ ((bndr',rhs'), spec_defns, spec_uds) ->
+specBindItself rhs_subst (NonRec bndr rhs) call_info
+ = specDefn rhs_subst call_info (bndr,rhs) `thenSM` \ ((bndr',rhs'), spec_defns, spec_uds) ->
new_bind | null spec_defns = NonRec bndr' rhs'
| otherwise = Rec ((bndr',rhs'):spec_defns)
@@ -738,8 +762,8 @@ specBindItself (NonRec bndr rhs) call_info
returnSM (new_bind, spec_uds)
-specBindItself (Rec pairs) call_info
- = mapSM (specDefn call_info) pairs `thenSM` \ stuff ->
+specBindItself rhs_subst (Rec pairs) call_info
+ = mapSM (specDefn rhs_subst call_info) pairs `thenSM` \ stuff ->
(pairs', spec_defns_s, spec_uds_s) = unzip3 stuff
spec_defns = concat spec_defns_s
@@ -749,7 +773,8 @@ specBindItself (Rec pairs) call_info
returnSM (new_bind, spec_uds)
-specDefn :: CallDetails -- Info on how it is used in its scope
+specDefn :: Subst -- Subst to use for RHS
+ -> CallDetails -- Info on how it is used in its scope
-> (Id, CoreExpr) -- The thing being bound and its un-processed RHS
-> SpecM ((Id, CoreExpr), -- The thing and its processed RHS
-- the Id may now have specialisations attached
@@ -757,34 +782,35 @@ specDefn :: CallDetails -- Info on how it is used in its scope
UsageDetails -- Stuff to fling upwards from the RHS and its
) -- specialised versions
-specDefn calls (fn, rhs)
+specDefn subst calls (fn, rhs)
-- The first case is the interesting one
| n_tyvars == length rhs_tyvars -- Rhs of fn's defn has right number of big lambdas
&& n_dicts <= length rhs_bndrs -- and enough dict args
&& not (null calls_for_me) -- And there are some calls to specialise
= -- Specialise the body of the function
- specExpr body `thenSM` \ (body', body_uds) ->
- let
- (float_uds, bound_uds@(dict_binds,_)) = splitUDs rhs_bndrs body_uds
- in
+ specExpr subst rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs', rhs_uds) ->
-- Make a specialised version for each call in calls_for_me
- mapSM (spec_call bound_uds) calls_for_me `thenSM` \ stuff ->
+ mapSM spec_call calls_for_me `thenSM` \ stuff ->
(spec_defns, spec_uds, spec_env_stuff) = unzip3 stuff
- fn' = addIdSpecialisations fn spec_env_stuff
- rhs' = mkLams rhs_bndrs (mkDictLets dict_binds body')
+ fn' = addIdSpecialisations zapped_fn spec_env_stuff
returnSM ((fn',rhs'),
- float_uds `plusUDs` plusUDList spec_uds)
+ rhs_uds `plusUDs` plusUDList spec_uds)
| otherwise -- No calls or RHS doesn't fit our preconceptions
- = specExpr rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs', rhs_uds) ->
- returnSM ((fn, rhs'), [], rhs_uds)
+ = specExpr subst rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs', rhs_uds) ->
+ returnSM ((zapped_fn, rhs'), [], rhs_uds)
+ zapped_fn = modifyIdInfo zapSpecPragInfo fn
+ -- If the fn is a SpecPragmaId, make it discardable
+ -- It's role as a holder for a call instance is o'er
+ -- But it might be alive for some other reason by now.
fn_type = idType fn
(tyvars, theta, tau) = splitSigmaTy fn_type
n_tyvars = length tyvars
@@ -802,87 +828,61 @@ specDefn calls (fn, rhs)
-- Specialise to one particular call pattern
- spec_call :: ProtoUsageDetails -- From the original body, captured by
- -- the dictionary lambdas
- -> ([Maybe Type], ([DictExpr], IdOrTyVarSet)) -- Call instance
- -> SpecM ((Id,CoreExpr), -- Specialised definition
- UsageDetails, -- Usage details from specialised body
- ([TyVar], [Type], CoreExpr)) -- Info for the Id's SpecEnv
- spec_call bound_uds (call_ts, (call_ds, _))
+ spec_call :: ([Maybe Type], ([DictExpr], IdOrTyVarSet)) -- Call instance
+ -> SpecM ((Id,CoreExpr), -- Specialised definition
+ UsageDetails, -- Usage details from specialised body
+ ([CoreBndr], [CoreExpr], CoreExpr)) -- Info for the Id's SpecEnv
+ spec_call (call_ts, (call_ds, call_fvs))
= ASSERT( length call_ts == n_tyvars && length call_ds == n_dicts )
-- Calls are only recorded for properly-saturated applications
- -- Supppose the call is for f [Just t1, Nothing, Just t3, Nothing] [d1, d2]
- -- Construct the new binding
- -- f1 = /\ b d -> (..rhs of f..) t1 b t3 d d1 d2
- -- and the type of this binder
- let
- mk_spec_ty Nothing = newTyVarSM `thenSM` \ tyvar ->
- returnSM (Just tyvar, mkTyVarTy tyvar)
- mk_spec_ty (Just ty) = returnSM (Nothing, ty)
- in
- mapSM mk_spec_ty call_ts `thenSM` \ stuff ->
+ -- Suppose f's defn is f = /\ a b c d -> \ d1 d2 -> rhs
+ -- Supppose the call is for f [Just t1, Nothing, Just t3, Nothing] [dx1, dx2]
+ -- Construct the new binding
+ -- f1 = SUBST[a->t1,c->t3, d1->d1', d2->d2'] (/\ b d -> rhs)
+ -- PLUS the usage-details
+ -- { d1' = dx1; d2' = dx2 }
+ -- where d1', d2' are cloned versions of d1,d2, with the type substitution applied.
+ --
+ -- Note that the substitution is applied to the whole thing.
+ -- This is convenient, but just slightly fragile. Notably:
+ -- * There had better be no name clashes in a/b/c/d
+ --
- (maybe_spec_tyvars, spec_tys) = unzip stuff
- spec_tyvars = catMaybes maybe_spec_tyvars
- spec_id_ty = mkForAllTys spec_tyvars
- (substTy (zipVarEnv tyvars spec_tys) tau)
- -- NB When substituting in tau we need a ty_env mentioning tyvars
- -- but when substituting in UDs we need a ty_evn mentioning rhs_tyvars
- ud_ty_env = zipVarEnv rhs_tyvars spec_tys
- ud_dict_env = zipVarEnv rhs_dicts (map Done call_ds)
- -- Only the overloaded tyvars should be free in the uds
- ty_env = mkVarEnv [ (rhs_tyvar, ty)
- | (rhs_tyvar, Just ty) <- zipEqual "specUDs1" rhs_tyvars call_ts
- ]
+ -- poly_tyvars = [b,d] in the example above
+ -- spec_tyvars = [a,c]
+ -- ty_args = [t1,b,t3,d]
+ poly_tyvars = [tv | (tv, Nothing) <- rhs_tyvars `zip` call_ts]
+ spec_tyvars = [tv | (tv, Just _) <- rhs_tyvars `zip` call_ts]
+ ty_args = zipWithEqual "spec_call" mk_ty_arg rhs_tyvars call_ts
+ where
+ mk_ty_arg rhs_tyvar Nothing = Type (mkTyVarTy rhs_tyvar)
+ mk_ty_arg rhs_tyvar (Just ty) = Type ty
+ rhs_subst = extendSubstList subst spec_tyvars [DoneTy ty | Just ty <- call_ts]
- -- Specialise the UDs from f's RHS
- specUDs ud_ty_env ud_dict_env bound_uds `thenSM` \ spec_uds ->
- -- Construct the stuff for f's spec env
- -- [b,d] [t1,b,t3,d] |-> \d1 d2 -> f1 b d
- -- The only awkward bit is that d1,d2 might well be global
- -- dictionaries, so it's tidier to make new local variables
- -- for the lambdas in the RHS, rather than lambda-bind the
- -- dictionaries themselves.
- --
- -- In fact we use the standard template locals, so that the
- -- they don't need to be "tidied" before putting in interface files
- newIdSM fn spec_id_ty `thenSM` \ spec_f ->
+ cloneBinders rhs_subst rhs_dicts `thenSM` \ (rhs_subst', rhs_dicts') ->
- arg_ds = mkTemplateLocals (map coreExprType call_ds)
- spec_env_rhs = mkLams arg_ds $
- mkTyApps (Var spec_f) $
- map mkTyVarTy spec_tyvars
- spec_env_info = (spec_tyvars, spec_tys, spec_env_rhs)
- in
- -- Finally construct f's RHS
- -- Annoyingly, the specialised UDs may mention some of the *un* specialised
- -- type variables. Here's a case that came up in nofib/spectral/typech98:
- -- f = /\m a -> \d:Monad m -> let d':Monad (T m a) = ...a... in ...
- -- When we try to make a specialised verison of f, from a call pattern
- -- (f Maybe ?)
- -- where ? is the Nothing for an unspecialised position, we must get
- -- spec_f = /\ a -> let d':Monad (T Maybe a) = ...a... in ....
- -- If we don't do the splitUDs below, the d' binding floats out too far.
- -- Sigh. What a mess.
- let
- (float_uds, (dict_binds,_)) = splitUDs spec_tyvars spec_uds
+ inst_args = ty_args ++ map Var rhs_dicts'
- spec_rhs = mkLams spec_tyvars $
- mkDictLets dict_binds $
- mkApps rhs (map Type spec_tys ++ call_ds)
+ -- Figure out the type of the specialised function
+ spec_id_ty = mkForAllTys poly_tyvars (applyTypeToArgs rhs fn_type inst_args)
+ in
+ newIdSM fn spec_id_ty `thenSM` \ spec_f ->
+ specExpr rhs_subst' (mkLams poly_tyvars body) `thenSM` \ (spec_rhs, rhs_uds) ->
+ let
+ -- The rule to put in the function's specialisation is:
+ -- forall b,d, d1',d2'. f t1 b t3 d d1' d2' = f1 b d
+ spec_env_rule = (poly_tyvars ++ rhs_dicts',
+ inst_args,
+ mkTyApps (Var spec_f) (map mkTyVarTy poly_tyvars))
+ -- Add the { d1' = dx1; d2' = dx2 } usage stuff
+ final_uds = foldr addDictBind rhs_uds (zipEqual "spec_call" rhs_dicts' call_ds)
returnSM ((spec_f, spec_rhs),
- float_uds,
- spec_env_info
- )
+ final_uds,
+ spec_env_rule)
@@ -892,8 +892,6 @@ specDefn calls (fn, rhs)
-type FreeDicts = IdSet
data UsageDetails
= MkUD {
dict_binds :: !(Bag DictBind),
@@ -901,7 +899,6 @@ data UsageDetails
-- The order is important;
-- in ds1 `union` ds2, bindings in ds2 can depend on those in ds1
-- (Remember, Bags preserve order in GHC.)
- -- The FreeDicts is the free vars of the RHS
calls :: !CallDetails
@@ -920,9 +917,10 @@ type ProtoUsageDetails = ([DictBind],
type CallDetails = FiniteMap Id CallInfo
-type CallInfo = FiniteMap [Maybe Type] -- Nothing => unconstrained type argument
- ([DictExpr], IdSet) -- Dict args and the free dicts
- -- free dicts does *not* include the main id itself
+type CallInfo = FiniteMap [Maybe Type] -- Nothing => unconstrained type argument
+ ([DictExpr], IdOrTyVarSet) -- Dict args and the vars of the whole
+ -- call (including tyvars)
+ -- [*not* include the main id itself, of course]
-- The finite maps eliminate duplicates
-- The list of types and dictionaries is guaranteed to
-- match the type of f
@@ -930,16 +928,19 @@ type CallInfo = FiniteMap [Maybe Type] -- Nothing => unconstrained type arg
unionCalls :: CallDetails -> CallDetails -> CallDetails
unionCalls c1 c2 = plusFM_C plusFM c1 c2
+singleCall :: (Id, [Maybe Type], [DictExpr]) -> CallDetails
singleCall (id, tys, dicts)
- = unitFM id (unitFM tys (dicts, dict_fvs))
+ = unitFM id (unitFM tys (dicts, call_fvs))
- dict_fvs = foldr (unionVarSet . exprFreeVars) emptyVarSet dicts
+ call_fvs = exprsFreeVars dicts `unionVarSet` tys_fvs
+ tys_fvs = tyVarsOfTypes (catMaybes tys)
-- The type args (tys) are guaranteed to be part of the dictionary
-- types, because they are just the constrained types,
-- and the dictionary is therefore sure to be bound
-- inside the binding for any type variables free in the type;
-- hence it's safe to neglect tyvars free in tys when making
-- the free-var set for this call
+ -- BUT I don't trust this reasoning; play safe and include tys_fvs
-- We don't include the 'id' itself.
@@ -995,32 +996,26 @@ zapCalls ids uds = uds {calls = delListFromFM (calls uds) ids}
mkDB bind = (bind, bind_fvs bind)
bind_fvs (NonRec bndr rhs) = exprFreeVars rhs
-bind_fvs (Rec prs) = foldl delVarSet rhs_fvs (map fst prs)
+bind_fvs (Rec prs) = foldl delVarSet rhs_fvs bndrs
- rhs_fvs = foldr (unionVarSet . exprFreeVars . snd) emptyVarSet prs
+ bndrs = map fst prs
+ rhs_fvs = unionVarSets [exprFreeVars rhs | (bndr,rhs) <- prs]
-addDictBind uds bind = uds { dict_binds = mkDB bind `consBag` dict_binds uds }
+addDictBind (dict,rhs) uds = uds { dict_binds = mkDB (NonRec dict rhs) `consBag` dict_binds uds }
dumpAllDictBinds (MkUD {dict_binds = dbs}) binds
= foldrBag add binds dbs
add (bind,_) binds = bind : binds
-mkDictBinds :: [DictBind] -> [CoreBind]
-mkDictBinds = map fst
-mkDictLets :: [DictBind] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-mkDictLets dbs body = foldr mk body dbs
- where
- mk (bind,_) e = Let bind e
dumpUDs :: [CoreBndr]
-> UsageDetails -> CoreExpr
-> (UsageDetails, CoreExpr)
dumpUDs bndrs uds body
- = (free_uds, mkDictLets dict_binds body)
+ = (free_uds, foldr add_let body dict_binds)
(free_uds, (dict_binds, _)) = splitUDs bndrs uds
+ add_let (bind,_) body = Let bind body
splitUDs :: [CoreBndr]
-> UsageDetails
@@ -1064,44 +1059,6 @@ splitUDs bndrs uds@(MkUD {dict_binds = orig_dbs,
= (free_dbs `snocBag` db, dump_dbs, dump_idset)
-Given a type and value substitution, specUDs creates a specialised copy of
-the given UDs
-specUDs :: TyVarSubst -> IdSubst -> ProtoUsageDetails -> SpecM UsageDetails
-specUDs tv_env dict_env (dbs, calls)
- = getUniqSupplySM `thenSM` \ us ->
- let
- ((us', dict_env'), dbs') = mapAccumL specDB (us, dict_env) dbs
- in
- setUniqSupplySM us' `thenSM_`
- returnSM (MkUD { dict_binds = listToBag dbs',
- calls = foldr (unionCalls . singleCall . inst_call dict_env')
- emptyFM calls
- })
- where
- inst_call dict_env (id, tys, (dicts,fvs)) = (id, map (inst_maybe_ty fvs) tys,
- map (substExpr tv_env dict_env fvs) dicts)
- inst_maybe_ty fvs Nothing = Nothing
- inst_maybe_ty fvs (Just ty) = Just (fullSubstTy tv_env fvs ty)
- specDB (us, dict_env) (NonRec bndr rhs, fvs)
- = ((us', dict_env'), mkDB (NonRec bndr' (substExpr tv_env dict_env fvs rhs)))
- where
- (dict_env', _, us', bndr') = substId clone_fn tv_env dict_env fvs us bndr
- -- Fudge the in_scope set a bit by using the free vars of
- -- the binding, and ignoring the one that comes back
- specDB (us, dict_env) (Rec prs, fvs)
- = ((us', dict_env'), mkDB (Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss')))
- where
- (dict_env', _, us', bndrs') = substIds clone_fn tv_env dict_env fvs us (map fst prs)
- rhss' = [substExpr tv_env dict_env' fvs rhs | (_, rhs) <- prs]
- clone_fn _ us id = case splitUniqSupply us of
- (us1, us2) -> Just (us1, setVarUnique id (uniqFromSupply us2))
%* *
@@ -1115,20 +1072,6 @@ lookupId env id = case lookupVarEnv env id of
Nothing -> id
Just id' -> id'
-addIdSpecialisations id spec_stuff
- = (if not (null errs) then
- pprTrace "Duplicate specialisations" (vcat (map ppr errs))
- else \x -> x
- )
- setIdSpecialisation id new_spec_env
- where
- (new_spec_env, errs) = foldr add (getIdSpecialisation id, []) spec_stuff
- add (tyvars, tys, template) (spec_env, errs)
- = case addToSpecEnv True spec_env tyvars tys template of
- Succeeded spec_env' -> (spec_env', errs)
- Failed err -> (spec_env, err:errs)
type SpecM a = UniqSM a
@@ -1146,14 +1089,47 @@ mapAndCombineSM f (x:xs) = f x `thenSM` \ (y, uds1) ->
mapAndCombineSM f xs `thenSM` \ (ys, uds2) ->
returnSM (y:ys, uds1 `plusUDs` uds2)
+cloneBindSM :: Subst -> CoreBind -> SpecM (Subst, Subst, CoreBind)
+-- Clone the binders of the bind; return new bind with the cloned binders
+-- Return the substitution to use for RHSs, and the one to use for the body
+cloneBindSM subst (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = getUs `thenUs` \ us ->
+ let
+ (subst', us', bndr') = substAndCloneId subst us bndr
+ in
+ setUs us' `thenUs_`
+ returnUs (subst, subst', NonRec bndr' rhs)
+cloneBindSM subst (Rec pairs)
+ = getUs `thenUs` \ us ->
+ let
+ (subst', us', bndrs') = substAndCloneIds subst us (map fst pairs)
+ in
+ setUs us' `thenUs_`
+ returnUs (subst', subst', Rec (bndrs' `zip` map snd pairs))
+cloneBinders subst bndrs
+ = getUs `thenUs` \ us ->
+ let
+ (subst', us', bndrs') = substAndCloneIds subst us bndrs
+ in
+ setUs us' `thenUs_`
+ returnUs (subst', bndrs')
newIdSM old_id new_ty
= getUniqSM `thenSM` \ uniq ->
-- Give the new Id a similar occurrence name to the old one
- new_id = mkUserLocal (mkSpecOcc (nameOccName name)) uniq new_ty (getSrcLoc name)
name = idName old_id
+ new_id = mkUserLocal (mkSpecOcc (nameOccName name)) uniq new_ty (getSrcLoc name)
+ -- If the old Id was exported, make the new one non-discardable,
+ -- else we will discard it since it doesn't seem to be called.
+ new_id' | isExportedId old_id = setIdNoDiscard new_id
+ | otherwise = new_id
- returnSM new_id
+ returnSM new_id'
= getUniqSM `thenSM` \ uniq ->