path: root/ghc/compiler
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authorsewardj <unknown>2001-02-19 10:15:54 +0000
committersewardj <unknown>2001-02-19 10:15:54 +0000
commit0879ee328b8d52877f82fda4ae2a234b5ba6c037 (patch)
tree54b434b30dfc434c706381d18485472e3faa51a1 /ghc/compiler
parentec594d7e5a09e21df719859a7724adb1394ce60e (diff)
[project @ 2001-02-19 10:15:54 by sewardj]
Fix two bugs exposed when trying to boot HEAD on sparc with NCG and -O: 1. StScratchWords on sparc were in the wrong place; they were immediately above %fp and should have been immediately below. Fixed. Also removed a suspicious-looking "+1" in the x86 version of same. 2. (Potentially affects all platforms): Lift strings out from top-level literal data, and place them at the end of the block. The motivating example (bug) was: Stix: (DataSegment) Bogon.ping_closure : (Data P_ Addr.A#_static_info) (Data StgAddr (Str `alalal')) (Data P_ (0)) results in: .data .align 8 .global Bogon_ping_closure Bogon_ping_closure: .long Addr_Azh_static_info .long .Ln1a8 .Ln1a8: .byte 0x61 .byte 0x6C .byte 0x61 .byte 0x6C .byte 0x61 .byte 0x6C .byte 0x00 .long 0 ie, the Str is planted in-line, when what we really meant was to place a _reference_ to the string there. This is Way Wrong (tm). Fixed.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler')
2 files changed, 95 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
index dd3f8bc697..60d9b4936b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ nativeCodeGen absC us
absCtoNat :: AbstractC -> UniqSM (SDoc, SDoc)
absCtoNat absC
- = _scc_ "genCodeAbstractC" genCodeAbstractC absC `thenUs` \ stixRaw ->
- _scc_ "genericOpt" genericOpt stixRaw `bind` \ stixOpt ->
- _scc_ "genMachCode" genMachCode stixOpt `thenUs` \ pre_regalloc ->
- _scc_ "regAlloc" regAlloc pre_regalloc `bind` \ almost_final ->
- _scc_ "x86fp_kludge" x86fp_kludge almost_final `bind` \ final_mach_code ->
- _scc_ "vcat" vcat (map pprInstr final_mach_code) `bind` \ final_sdoc ->
- _scc_ "pprStixTrees" pprStixTrees stixOpt `bind` \ stix_sdoc ->
+ = _scc_ "genCodeAbstractC" genCodeAbstractC absC `thenUs` \ stixRaw ->
+ _scc_ "genericOpt" genericOpt stixRaw `bind` \ stixOpt ->
+ _scc_ "genMachCode" genMachCode stixOpt `thenUs` \ pre_regalloc ->
+ _scc_ "regAlloc" regAlloc pre_regalloc `bind` \ almost_final ->
+ _scc_ "x86fp_kludge" x86fp_kludge almost_final `bind` \ final_mach_code ->
+ _scc_ "vcat" vcat (map pprInstr final_mach_code) `bind` \ final_sdoc ->
+ _scc_ "pprStixTrees" pprStixTrees stixOpt `bind` \ stix_sdoc ->
returnUs (stix_sdoc, final_sdoc)
bind f x = x f
@@ -150,12 +150,10 @@ supply breaks abstraction. Is that bad?
genMachCode :: [StixTree] -> UniqSM InstrBlock
genMachCode stmts initial_us
- = let initial_st = mkNatM_State initial_us 0
- (blocks, final_st) = initNat initial_st
- (mapNat stmt2Instrs stmts)
- instr_list = concatOL blocks
- final_us = uniqOfNatM_State final_st
- final_delta = deltaOfNatM_State final_st
+ = let initial_st = mkNatM_State initial_us 0
+ (instr_list, final_st) = initNat initial_st (stmtsToInstrs stmts)
+ final_us = uniqOfNatM_State final_st
+ final_delta = deltaOfNatM_State final_st
if final_delta == 0
then (instr_list, final_us)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs
index 5939f60282..455e4aba90 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This is a big module, but, if you pay attention to
structure should not be too overwhelming.
-module MachCode ( stmt2Instrs, InstrBlock ) where
+module MachCode ( stmtsToInstrs, InstrBlock ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
@@ -56,9 +56,80 @@ x `bind` f = f x
Code extractor for an entire stix tree---stix statement level.
-stmt2Instrs :: StixTree {- a stix statement -} -> NatM InstrBlock
+stmtsToInstrs :: [StixTree] -> NatM InstrBlock
+stmtsToInstrs stmts
+ = liftStrings stmts [] [] `thenNat` \ lifted ->
+ mapNat stmtToInstrs lifted `thenNat` \ instrss ->
+ returnNat (concatOL instrss)
+-- Lift StStrings out of top-level StDatas, putting them at the end of
+-- the block, and replacing them with StCLbls which refer to the lifted-out strings.
+{- Motivation for this hackery provided by the following bug:
+ Stix:
+ (DataSegment)
+ Bogon.ping_closure :
+ (Data P_ Addr.A#_static_info)
+ (Data StgAddr (Str `alalal'))
+ (Data P_ (0))
+ results in:
+ .data
+ .align 8
+ .global Bogon_ping_closure
+ Bogon_ping_closure:
+ .long Addr_Azh_static_info
+ .long .Ln1a8
+ .Ln1a8:
+ .byte 0x61
+ .byte 0x6C
+ .byte 0x61
+ .byte 0x6C
+ .byte 0x61
+ .byte 0x6C
+ .byte 0x00
+ .long 0
+ ie, the Str is planted in-line, when what we really meant was to place
+ a _reference_ to the string there. liftStrings will lift out all such
+ strings in top-level data and place them at the end of the block.
+liftStrings :: [StixTree] -- originals
+ -> [StixTree] -- (reverse) originals with strings lifted out
+ -> [(CLabel, FAST_STRING)] -- lifted strs, and their new labels
+ -> NatM [StixTree]
+-- First, examine the original trees and lift out strings in top-level StDatas.
+liftStrings (st:sts) acc_stix acc_strs
+ = case st of
+ StData sz datas
+ -> lift datas acc_strs `thenNat` \ (datas_done, acc_strs1) ->
+ liftStrings sts ((StData sz datas_done):acc_stix) acc_strs1
+ other
+ -> liftStrings sts (other:acc_stix) acc_strs
+ where
+ -- Handle a top-level StData
+ lift [] acc_strs = returnNat ([], acc_strs)
+ lift (d:ds) acc_strs
+ = lift ds acc_strs `thenNat` \ (ds_done, acc_strs1) ->
+ case d of
+ StString s
+ -> getNatLabelNCG `thenNat` \ lbl ->
+ returnNat ((StCLbl lbl):ds_done, ((lbl,s):acc_strs1))
+ other
+ -> returnNat (other:ds_done, acc_strs1)
+-- When we've run out of original trees, emit the lifted strings.
+liftStrings [] acc_stix acc_strs
+ = returnNat (reverse acc_stix ++ concatMap f acc_strs)
+ where
+ f (lbl,str) = [StSegment RoDataSegment,
+ StLabel lbl,
+ StString str,
+ StSegment TextSegment]
-stmt2Instrs stmt = case stmt of
+stmtToInstrs :: StixTree {- a stix statement -} -> NatM InstrBlock
+stmtToInstrs stmt = case stmt of
StComment s -> returnNat (unitOL (COMMENT s))
StSegment seg -> returnNat (unitOL (SEGMENT seg))
@@ -92,21 +163,22 @@ stmt2Instrs stmt = case stmt of
`consOL` concatOL codes)
getData :: StixTree -> NatM (InstrBlock, Imm)
getData (StInt i) = returnNat (nilOL, ImmInteger i)
getData (StDouble d) = returnNat (nilOL, ImmDouble d)
getData (StFloat d) = returnNat (nilOL, ImmFloat d)
getData (StCLbl l) = returnNat (nilOL, ImmCLbl l)
- getData (StString s) =
- getNatLabelNCG `thenNat` \ lbl ->
- returnNat (toOL [LABEL lbl,
- ASCII True (_UNPK_ s)],
- ImmCLbl lbl)
+ getData (StString s) = panic "MachCode.stmtToInstrs: unlifted StString"
-- the linker can handle simple arithmetic...
getData (StIndex rep (StCLbl lbl) (StInt off)) =
returnNat (nilOL,
ImmIndex lbl (fromInteger (off * sizeOf rep)))
+ -- Top-level lifted-out string. The segment will already have been set
+ -- (see liftStrings above).
+ StString str
+ -> returnNat (unitOL (ASCII True (_UNPK_ str)))
-- Walk a Stix tree, and insert dereferences to CLabels which are marked
-- as labelDynamic. stmt2Instrs calls derefDLL selectively, because
-- not all such CLabel occurrences need this dereferencing -- SRTs don't
@@ -556,7 +628,7 @@ getRegister (StScratchWord i)
= getDeltaNat `thenNat` \ current_stack_offset ->
let j = i+1 - (current_stack_offset `div` 4)
code dst
- = unitOL (LEA L (OpAddr (spRel (j+1))) (OpReg dst))
+ = unitOL (LEA L (OpAddr (spRel j)) (OpReg dst))
returnNat (Any PtrRep code)
@@ -907,8 +979,8 @@ getRegister (StDouble d)
-- Below that is the spill area.
getRegister (StScratchWord i)
| i >= 0 && i < 6
- = let j = i+1
- code dst = unitOL (fpRelEA j dst)
+ = let
+ code dst = unitOL (fpRelEA (i-6) dst)
returnNat (Any PtrRep code)