path: root/ghc/misc
diff options
authorpartain <unknown>1996-01-08 20:28:12 +0000
committerpartain <unknown>1996-01-08 20:28:12 +0000
commite7d21ee4f8ac907665a7e170c71d59e13a01da09 (patch)
tree93715bf4e6e4bbe8049e4d8d4d3fbd19158a88d6 /ghc/misc
parente48474bff05e6cfb506660420f025f694c870d38 (diff)
[project @ 1996-01-08 20:28:12 by partain]
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/misc')
67 files changed, 2668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/cats/ccat4.c b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/ccat4.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a02a7101b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/ccat4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+main ()
+ char c[4096];
+ int n;
+ while ((n=fread(c,1,4096,stdin)) > 0) {
+ fwrite(c,1,n,stdout);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+-- 8,937,757 bytes/sec ( 600KB input)
+-- 12,146,094 bytes/sec ( 9.3MB input)
+-- 8,658,233 bytes/sec (25.5MB input)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/cats/ccat5.c b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/ccat5.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c9e38da50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/ccat5.c
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+main ()
+ int c;
+ while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
+ putchar(c);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+-- 2,085,477 bytes/sec ( 600KB input)
+-- 2,320,718 bytes/sec ( 9.3MB input)
+-- 2,130,143 bytes/sec (25.5MB input)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat1.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat1.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a29bf7b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat1.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+main :: IO ()
+main = interact id
+-- 46,173 bytes/sec (600KB input)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat2.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat2.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3323ae8301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat2.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Main (main) where
+main :: IO ()
+ = try getChar >>=
+ {-then-}either (\ _ -> return ())
+ {-or-} (\ c -> putChar c >>
+ main)
+-- 51,156 bytes/sec (600KB input)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat3.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat3.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82208b9af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat3.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module Main (main) where
+import LibPosix
+main :: IO ()
+main = copy standardInput standardOutput
+ where
+ copy inn out
+ = try (readFileDescriptor inn 4096) >>=
+ either
+ (\ _ -> return ())
+ (\ s -> writeFileDescriptor out s >>
+ copy inn out)
+-- 124,879 bytes/sec ( 600KB input)
+-- 130,694 bytes/sec ( 9.3MB input)
+-- 127,263 bytes/sec (25.5MB input)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat4.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat4.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4e6ce3611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat4.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+module Main (mainPrimIO) where
+import PreludePrimIO
+mainPrimIO :: PrimIO ()
+ = copy (``stdin'' :: _FILE)
+ (``stdout'' :: _FILE)
+ where
+ copy inn out
+ = fread 1 4096 inn
+ `thenPrimIO` \ (n, s) ->
+ if n <= 0
+ then returnPrimIO ()
+ else fwrite s 1 n out `seqPrimIO`
+ copy inn out
+-- 4,170,953 bytes/sec ( 600KB input)
+-- 7,993,583 bytes/sec ( 9.3MB input)
+-- 6,917,175 bytes/sec (25.5MB input)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat5.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat5.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a7a59f6b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat5.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+module Main (mainPrimIO) where
+import PreludePrimIO
+mainPrimIO :: PrimIO ()
+ = _ccall_ stg_getc (``stdin'' :: _Addr)
+ `thenPrimIO` \ (I# ch) ->
+ if ch <# 0# then -- SIGH: ch ==# ``EOF''
+ returnPrimIO ()
+ else
+ _ccall_ stg_putc (C# (chr# ch))
+ (``stdout'' :: _Addr)
+ `seqPrimIO`
+ mainPrimIO
+-- 1,737,897 bytes/sec ( 600KB input)
+-- 1,808,993 bytes/sec ( 9.3MB input)
+-- 1,711,850 bytes/sec (25.5MB input)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat6.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat6.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce9b4e68d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/hcat6.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module Main (mainPrimIO) where
+import PreludePrimIO
+mainPrimIO :: PrimIO ()
+ = _casm_
+ ``do { int c;
+ while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
+ putchar(c);
+ }} while (0);
+ %r = 1;'' -- pretend we have a "result"
+ `thenPrimIO` \ (I# _) ->
+ returnPrimIO ()
+-- 1,955,134 bytes/sec ( 600KB input)
+-- 1,989,892 bytes/sec ( 9.3MB input)
+-- 1,871,706 bytes/sec (25.5MB input)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/cats/mangle_times b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/mangle_times
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b595a5b467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/cats/mangle_times
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/perl
+$InputSize = 0;
+while (<>) {
+ chop;
+ if ( m,< /users/fp/partain/bib/comp.bib, ) {
+ $InputSize = 625643;
+ print "$_\n";
+ } elsif ( m,\$bghc/lib/libHS_p.a, ) {
+ $InputSize = 9352492;
+ print "$_\n";
+ } elsif ( m,\$bghca/lib/libHS_p.a, ) {
+ $InputSize = 25455204;
+ print "$_\n";
+ } elsif ( /^\s*(\d+\.\d+)u (\d+\.\d+)s / ) {
+ $UserSysTime = $1 + $2;
+ $BytesPerSec = $InputSize / $UserSysTime;
+ printf "%.0f\t%s\n", $BytesPerSec, $_;
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/hsh/Hsh.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/hsh/Hsh.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffe2f167ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/hsh/Hsh.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+module Main (main)
+import LibPosix
+import LibSystem
+main =
+ initialize >>
+ commandLoop
+ Standard shell practice: move std descriptors out of the way so
+ it's more convenient to set them up for children. Also set up an
+ interrupt handler which will put us back in the main loop.
+initialize :: IO ()
+initialize =
+ dupChannelTo stdInput myStdin >>
+ dupChannelTo stdOutput myStdout >>
+ dupChannelTo stdError myStderr >>
+ closeChannel stdInput >>
+ closeChannel stdOutput >>
+-- closeChannel stdError >>
+ installHandler sigINT (Catch intr) Nothing >>
+ return ()
+myStdin = 16 :: Channel
+myStdout = 17 :: Channel
+myStderr = 18 :: Channel
+-- For user interrupts
+intr :: IO ()
+intr =
+ writeChannel myStdout "\n" >>
+ commandLoop
+ Simple command loop: print a prompt, read a command, process the command.
+ Repeat as necessary.
+commandLoop :: IO ()
+commandLoop =
+ writeChannel myStdout "$ " >>
+ try (readCommand myStdin) >>=
+ either
+ (\ err -> case err of
+ EOF -> return ()
+ _ -> dieHorribly)
+ (\ cmd ->
+ try (processCommand cmd) >>=
+ either
+ (\ err -> commandLoop)
+ (\ succ -> commandLoop))
+ where
+ dieHorribly :: IO ()
+ dieHorribly =
+ errMsg "read failed" >>
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ Read a command a character at a time (to allow for fancy processing later).
+ On newline, you're done, unless the newline was escaped by a backslash.
+readCommand :: Channel -> IO String
+readCommand chan =
+ accumString "" >>= \ cmd ->
+ return cmd
+ where
+ accumString :: String -> IO String
+ accumString s =
+ myGetChar chan >>= \ c ->
+ case c of
+ '\\' ->
+ myGetChar chan >>= \ c' ->
+ accumString (c':c:s)
+ '\n' -> return (reverse s)
+ ch -> accumString (ch:s)
+myGetChar :: Channel -> IO Char
+myGetChar chan =
+ readChannel chan 1 >>= \ (s, len) ->
+ case len of
+ 0 -> myGetChar chan
+ 1 -> return (head s)
+ To process a command, first parse it into words, then do the necessary
+ redirections, and finally perform the desired command. Built-ins are
+ checked first, and if none match, we execute an external command.
+processCommand :: String -> IO ()
+processCommand "" = return ()
+processCommand s =
+ parseCommand s >>= \ words ->
+ parseRedirection words >>= \ (inFile, outFile, words) ->
+ performRedirections inFile outFile >>
+ let
+ cmd = head words
+ args = tail words
+ in
+ case builtin cmd of
+ Just f ->
+ f args >>
+ closeChannel stdInput >>
+ closeChannel stdOutput
+ Nothing ->
+ exec cmd args
+ Redirections are a bit of a pain, really. If none are specified, we
+ dupChannel our own file descriptors. Otherwise, we try to open the files
+ as requested.
+performRedirections :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> IO ()
+performRedirections inFile outFile =
+ (case inFile of
+ Nothing ->
+ dupChannelTo myStdin stdInput
+ Just x ->
+ try (openChannel x ReadOnly Nothing False False False False False)
+ >>=
+ either
+ (\ err ->
+ errMsg ("Can't redirect input from " ++ x)
+ >>
+ failWith (UserError "redirect"))
+ (\ succ -> return ())) >>
+ (case outFile of
+ Nothing ->
+ dupChannelTo myStdout stdOutput
+ Just x ->
+ try (createFile x stdFileMode)
+ >>=
+ either
+ (\ err ->
+ errMsg ("Can't redirect output to " ++ x)
+ >>
+ closeChannel stdInput >>
+ failWith (UserError "redirect"))
+ (\ succ -> return ()))
+ We parse a command line into words according to the following rules:
+ 1) Anything inside pairs of "" or '' is parsed literally.
+ 2) Anything (outside of quotes) escaped by \ is taken literally.
+ 3) '<' and '>' are words all by themselves, unless escaped or quoted.
+ 4) Whitespace separates words
+parseCommand :: String -> IO [String]
+parseCommand = getTokens []
+ where
+ getTokens :: [String] -> String -> IO [String]
+ getTokens ts "" = return (reverse ts)
+ getTokens ts s =
+ getToken s >>= \ (t, s') ->
+ getTokens (t:ts) s'
+ getToken :: String -> IO (String, String)
+ getToken (c:cs)
+ | c == '<' || c == '>' = return ([c], cs)
+ | isSpace c = getToken cs
+ | c == '"' || c == '\'' = accumQuote c "" cs
+ | otherwise = accumToken [c] cs
+ accumToken :: [Char] -> String -> IO (String, String)
+ accumToken cs "" = return (reverse cs, "")
+ accumToken cs ('\\':c:s) = accumToken (c:cs) s
+ accumToken cs x@(c:s)
+ | isSpace c || c == '<' || c == '>' = return (reverse cs, x)
+ | c == '"' || c == '\'' = accumQuote c cs s
+ | otherwise = accumToken (c:cs) s
+ accumQuote :: Char -> [Char] -> String -> IO (String, String)
+ accumQuote q cs "" =
+ errMsg ("Unmatched " ++ [q]) >>
+ failWith (UserError "unmatched quote")
+ accumQuote q cs (c:s)
+ | c == q = accumToken cs s
+ | otherwise = accumQuote q (c:cs) s
+ Here we look for "<" and ">". When we find one, we remove it and the
+ following word from the word list. The arguments following the redirection
+ symbols and the remaining words are returned to our caller. However, it's
+ an error to end a word list with a redirection or for the same redirection
+ to appear twice.
+parseRedirection :: [String] -> IO (Maybe String, Maybe String, [String])
+parseRedirection = redirect Nothing Nothing []
+ where
+ redirect inFile outFile args [] =
+ return (inFile, outFile, reverse args)
+ redirect inFile outFile args [arg]
+ | arg == "<" || arg == ">" =
+ errMsg "Missing name for redirect" >>
+ failWith (UserError "parse redirect")
+ | otherwise =
+ return (inFile, outFile, reverse (arg:args))
+ redirect inFile outFile args ("<":name:more)
+ | inFile == Nothing =
+ redirect (Just name) outFile args more
+ | otherwise =
+ errMsg "Ambiguous input redirect" >>
+ failWith (UserError "parse redirect")
+ redirect inFile outFile args (">":name:more)
+ | outFile == Nothing =
+ redirect inFile (Just name) args more
+ | otherwise =
+ errMsg "Ambiguous output redirect" >>
+ failWith (UserError "parse redirect")
+ redirect inFile outFile args (arg:more) =
+ redirect inFile outFile (arg:args) more
+ Executing an external command is pretty simple, but what if it fails?
+ Fortunately, we don't have any way to redirect stdError just yet,
+ so we let it complain and then exit.
+exec :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
+exec cmd args =
+ forkProcess >>= \ maybe_pid ->
+ case maybe_pid of
+ Nothing ->
+ dupChannelTo myStderr stdError >>
+ closeChannel myStdin >>
+ closeChannel myStdout >>
+ closeChannel myStderr >>
+ executeFile cmd True args Nothing `handle`
+ \ err ->
+ writeChannel stdError ("command not found: " ++ cmd ++ ".\n")
+ >>
+ exitImmediately (ExitFailure 1)
+ Just pid ->
+ closeChannel stdInput >>
+ closeChannel stdOutput >>
+-- closeChannel stdError >>
+ getProcessStatus True False pid >>
+ return ()
+ Builtins:
+ cd [arg] -> change directory (default to HOME)
+ exit ... -> exit successfully
+ Builtins must provide their own error messages, since the main command
+ loop ignores any errors.
+builtin :: String -> Maybe ([String] -> IO ())
+builtin "cd" = Just chdir
+builtin "exit" = Just exit
+builtin _ = Nothing
+chdir :: [String] -> IO ()
+chdir [] =
+ getEnvVar "HOME" >>= \ home ->
+ changeWorkingDirectory home `handle`
+ \ err -> errMsg "cd: can't go home"
+chdir [dir] =
+ changeWorkingDirectory dir `handle`
+ \ err -> errMsg ("cd: can't chdir to " ++ dir)
+chdir _ =
+ errMsg "cd: too many arguments"
+exit :: [String] -> IO ()
+exit _ = exitWith ExitSuccess
+-- Print an error message to my std error.
+errMsg :: String -> IO ()
+errMsg msg =
+ writeChannel myStderr ("hsh: " ++ msg ++ ".\n") >>
+ return ()
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io001/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io001/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6620e3c1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io001/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+main = putStr "Hello, world\n"
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io002/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io002/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..346bffb8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io002/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import LibSystem (getEnv)
+main =
+ getEnv "TERM" >>= \ term ->
+ putStr term >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ getEnv "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish" >>= \ fish ->
+ putStr fish >>
+ putChar '\n'
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io003/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io003/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..535b4716df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io003/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import LibSystem (getProgName, getArgs)
+main =
+ getProgName >>= \ argv0 ->
+ putStr argv0 >>
+ getArgs >>= \ argv ->
+ sequence (map (\ x -> putChar ' ' >> putStr x) argv) >>
+ putChar '\n'
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io004/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io004/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59c745d4b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io004/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import LibSystem (exitWith, ExitCode(..))
+main = exitWith (ExitFailure 42)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io005/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io005/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a987b9fb27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io005/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import LibSystem (system, ExitCode(..), exitWith)
+main =
+ system "cat dog 1>/dev/null 2>&1" >>= \ ec ->
+ case ec of
+ ExitSuccess -> putStr "What?!?\n" >> fail "dog succeeded"
+ ExitFailure _ ->
+ system "cat Main.hs 2>/dev/null" >>= \ ec ->
+ case ec of
+ ExitSuccess -> exitWith ExitSuccess
+ ExitFailure _ -> putStr "What?!?\n" >> fail "cat failed"
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io006/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io006/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6fc5394e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io006/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+main =
+ hClose stderr >>
+ hPutStr stderr "junk" `handle` \ (IllegalOperation _) -> putStr "Okay\n"
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io007/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io007/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6c94d8ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io007/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+main =
+ openFile "" ReadMode >>= \ hIn ->
+ hPutStr hIn "test" `handle`
+ \ (IllegalOperation _) ->
+ hGetContents hIn >>= \ stuff ->
+ hPutStr stdout stuff
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io008/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io008/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51685c9201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io008/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import LibDirectory (removeFile)
+main =
+ openFile "" ReadMode >>= \ hIn ->
+ openFile "io008.out" ReadWriteMode >>= \ hOut ->
+ removeFile "io008.out" >>
+ hGetPosn hIn >>= \ bof ->
+ copy hIn hOut >>
+ hSetPosn bof >>
+ copy hIn hOut >>
+ hSeek hOut AbsoluteSeek 0 >>
+ hGetContents hOut >>= \ stuff ->
+ putStr stuff
+copy :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
+copy hIn hOut =
+ try (hGetChar hIn) >>=
+ either (\ EOF -> return ()) ( \ x -> hPutChar hOut x >> copy hIn hOut)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io009/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io009/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1bc0f2dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io009/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import LibDirectory (getDirectoryContents)
+import QSort (sort)
+main =
+ getDirectoryContents "." >>= \ names ->
+ putText (sort names) >>
+ putChar '\n' \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io010/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io010/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e5b0c3d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io010/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import LibDirectory (getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory,
+ createDirectory, removeDirectory, getDirectoryContents)
+main =
+ getCurrentDirectory >>= \ oldpwd ->
+ createDirectory "foo" >>
+ setCurrentDirectory "foo" >>
+ getDirectoryContents "." >>= \ [n1, n2] ->
+ if dot n1 && dot n2 then
+ setCurrentDirectory oldpwd >>
+ removeDirectory "foo" >>
+ putStr "Okay\n"
+ else
+ fail "Oops"
+dot :: String -> Bool
+dot "." = True
+dot ".." = True
+dot _ = False \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io011/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io011/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fcbce5cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io011/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import LibDirectory
+main =
+ createDirectory "foo" >>
+ openFile "foo/bar" WriteMode >>= \ h ->
+ hPutStr h "Okay\n" >>
+ hClose h >>
+ renameFile "foo/bar" "foo/baz" >>
+ renameDirectory "foo" "bar" >>
+ openFile "bar/baz" ReadMode >>= \ h ->
+ hGetContents h >>= \ stuff ->
+ putStr stuff >>
+ hClose h >>
+ removeFile "bar/baz" >>
+ removeDirectory "bar"
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io012/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io012/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b7fba3925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io012/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import LibCPUTime
+main =
+ openFile "/dev/null" WriteMode >>= \ h ->
+ hPutText h (nfib 30) >>
+ getCPUTime >>= \ t ->
+ putText t >>
+ putChar '\n'
+nfib :: Integer -> Integer
+nfib n
+ | n <= 1 = 1
+ | otherwise = (n1 + n2 + 1)
+ where
+ n1 = nfib (n-1)
+ n2 = nfib (n-2)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io013/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io013/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39c429e13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io013/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+main =
+ openFile "" ReadMode >>= \ h ->
+ hFileSize h >>= \ sz ->
+ putText sz >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ hSeek h SeekFromEnd (-3) >>
+ hGetChar h >>= \ x ->
+ putStr (x:"\n") >>
+ hSeek h RelativeSeek (-2) >>
+ hGetChar h >>= \ w ->
+ putStr (w:"\n") >>
+ hIsSeekable h >>= \ True ->
+ hClose h >>
+ openFile "/dev/null" ReadMode >>= \ h ->
+ hIsSeekable h >>= \ False ->
+ hClose h
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io014/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io014/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23f62ca748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io014/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+main =
+ accumulate (map hIsOpen [stdin, stdout, stderr]) >>= \ opens ->
+ putText opens >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ accumulate (map hIsClosed [stdin, stdout, stderr]) >>= \ closeds ->
+ putText closeds >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ accumulate (map hIsReadable [stdin, stdout, stderr]) >>= \ readables ->
+ putText readables >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ accumulate (map hIsWritable [stdin, stdout, stderr]) >>= \ writables ->
+ putText writables >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ accumulate (map hIsBlockBuffered [stdin, stdout, stderr]) >>= \ buffereds ->
+ putText buffereds >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ accumulate (map hIsLineBuffered [stdin, stdout, stderr]) >>= \ buffereds ->
+ putText buffereds >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ accumulate (map hIsNotBuffered [stdin, stdout, stderr]) >>= \ buffereds ->
+ putText buffereds >>
+ putChar '\n'
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io015/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io015/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a58450942c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io015/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+main =
+ isEOF >>= \ eof ->
+ if eof then
+ return ()
+ else
+ getChar >>= \ c ->
+ putChar c >>
+ main
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io016/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io016/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8df7a93dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io016/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import LibSystem (getArgs)
+main = getArgs >>= \ [f1,f2] ->
+ openFile f1 ReadMode >>= \ h1 ->
+ openFile f2 WriteMode >>= \ h2 ->
+ copyFile h1 h2 >>
+ hClose h1 >>
+ hClose h2
+copyFile h1 h2 =
+ hIsEOF h1 >>= \ eof ->
+ if eof then
+ return ()
+ else
+ hGetChar h1 >>= \ c ->
+ hPutChar h2 (toUpper c) >>
+ copyFile h1 h2
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io017/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io017/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0a6d3ef3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io017/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+main =
+ hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering >>
+ putStr "Enter an integer: " >>
+ readLine >>= \ x1 ->
+ putStr "Enter another integer: " >>
+ readLine >>= \ x2 ->
+ putStr ("Their sum is " ++ show (read x1+ read x2) ++ "\n")
+ where readLine = isEOF >>= \ eof ->
+ if eof then return []
+ else getChar >>= \ c ->
+ if c `elem` ['\n','\r'] then
+ return []
+ else
+ readLine >>= \ cs ->
+ return (c:cs)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io018/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io018/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f15c1cb5c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io018/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import LibSystem(getArgs)
+main = getArgs >>= \ [user,host] ->
+ let username = (user ++ "@" ++ host) in
+ openFile username ReadWriteMode >>= \ cd ->
+ hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering >>
+ hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering >>
+ hSetBuffering cd NoBuffering >>
+ hPutStr cd speakString >>
+ speak cd
+speakString = "Someone wants to speak with you\n"
+speak cd =
+ (hReady cd >>= \ ready ->
+ if ready then (hGetChar cd >>= putChar)
+ else return () >>
+ hReady stdin >>= \ ready ->
+ if ready then (getChar >>= hPutChar cd)
+ else return ()) >>
+ speak cd
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io019/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io019/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..168a4ac249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io019/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import LibTime
+main =
+ getClockTime >>= \ time ->
+ putText time >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ let (CalendarTime year month mday hour min sec psec
+ wday yday timezone gmtoff isdst) = toUTCTime time
+ in
+ putStr (wdays !! wday) >>
+ putStr (' ' : months !! month) >>
+ putStr (' ' : shows2 mday (' ' : shows2 hour (':' : shows2 min (':' : shows2 sec
+ (' ' : timezone ++ ' ' : shows year "\n")))))
+ where
+ wdays = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]
+ months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+ "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
+ shows2 x = showString (pad2 x)
+ pad2 x = case show x of
+ c@[_] -> '0' : c
+ cs -> cs \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io020/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io020/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff68bd9f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io020/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import LibTime
+main =
+ getClockTime >>= \ time ->
+ let (CalendarTime year month mday hour min sec psec
+ wday yday timezone gmtoff isdst) = toUTCTime time
+ time' = toClockTime (CalendarTime (year - 1) month mday hour min sec psec
+ wday yday timezone gmtoff isdst)
+ in
+ putText time >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ putText time' >>
+ putChar '\n'
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/io/io021/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io021/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66548f63ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/io/io021/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+main =
+ hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering >>
+ hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering >>
+ interact id
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/net001/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/net001/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..121e51d664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/net001/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{- server
+The purpose of this test driver is to test TCP Stream sockets.
+All values have been hard coded since the BSD library is not used to
+query the databases for the values. In therory this code is thus not
+portable but net007/Main.hs provides a portable version using the BSD
+This creates a stream socket bound to port 5000 and waits for incoming
+messages it then reads all available data before closing the
+connection to that peer.
+No form of error checking is provided other than that already provided
+by module SocketPrim.
+ socket
+ bindSocket
+ listen
+ accept
+ readSocket
+ sClose
+module Main where
+import SocketPrim
+main =
+ socket AF_INET Stream 6 >>= \ s ->
+ bindSocket s (SockAddrInet 5000 iNADDR_ANY) >>
+ listen s 5 >>
+ let
+ loop =
+ accept s >>= \ (s',peerAddr) ->
+ putStr "*** Start of Transfer ***\n" >>
+ let
+ read_all =
+ readSocket s' 4 >>= \ (str, nbytes) ->
+ if nbytes /= 0 then
+ putStr str >>
+ read_all
+ else
+ putStr "\n*** End of Transfer ***\n" >>
+ sClose s'
+ in
+ read_all
+ in
+ loop
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/net002/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/net002/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ae6cdc2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/net002/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+{- client
+Client side to net001/Main.hs.
+Note that the machine IP numbers have been hard coded into this
+program so it is unlikely that you will be able to run this test if
+you are not at :-(
+The reason for this is to aviod using the BSD module at this stage of
+ socket
+ connect
+ writeSocket
+ shutdown
+ inet_addr
+module Main where
+import SocketPrim
+starbuck = "" -- SunOS 4.1.3 1 sun4c
+marcus = "" -- SunOS 4.1.3 6 sun4m
+avon = "" -- OSF1 V2.0 240 alpha
+karkar = "" -- OSF1 V2.0 240 alpha
+message = "Hello World"
+main =
+ socket AF_INET Stream 6 >>= \ s ->
+ connect s (SockAddrInet 5000 (inet_addr avon)) >>
+ writeSocket s message >>
+ shutdown s 2 >>
+ sClose s
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/net003/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/net003/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85c00e4eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/net003/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+{- server
+As for net001 but gets the system to allocate the next free port
+number. It also prints out the IP number of the peer.
+ getSocketName
+ inet_ntoa
+module Main where
+import SocketPrim
+main =
+ socket AF_INET Stream 6 >>= \ s ->
+ bindSocket s (SockAddrInet aNY_PORT iNADDR_ANY) >>
+ getSocketName s >>= \ (SockAddrInet port _) ->
+ putStr ("Allocated Port Number: " ++ show port ++ "\n") >>
+ listen s 5 >>
+ let
+ loop =
+ accept s >>= \ (s',(SockAddrInet _ haddr)) ->
+ putStr ("*** Start of Transfer from: " ++
+ (inet_ntoa haddr) ++ "***\n") >>
+ let
+ read_all =
+ readSocket s' 4 >>= \ (str, nbytes) ->
+ if nbytes /= 0 then
+ putStr str >>
+ read_all
+ else
+ putStr "\n*** End of Transfer ***\n" >>
+ sClose s'
+ in
+ read_all
+ in
+ loop
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/net004/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/net004/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3948707df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/net004/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+{- client
+As for net002 but reads port number and message as arguments.
+It also prints out the IP number of the peer machine.
+ getPeerName
+module Main where
+import SocketPrim
+import LibSystem
+starbuck = ""
+marcus = ""
+main =
+ getArgs >>= \ [port, message] ->
+ socket AF_INET Stream 6 >>= \ s ->
+ connect s (SockAddrInet (read port) (inet_addr starbuck)) >>
+ getPeerName s >>= \ (SockAddrInet p haddr) ->
+ putStr ("Connected to : " ++ (inet_ntoa haddr) ++ "\n") >>
+ writeSocket s message >>
+ shutdown s 2 >>
+ sClose s
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/net005/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/net005/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec504aa480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/net005/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{- server
+Server as net001 but for Unix Domain Datagram sockets.
+ socket
+ bindSocket
+ readSocket
+module Main where
+import SocketPrim
+main =
+ socket AF_UNIX Datagram 0 >>= \ s ->
+ bindSocket s (SockAddrUnix "sock") >>
+ let
+ loop =
+ putStr "*** Start of Transfer ***\n" >>
+ let
+ read_all =
+ readSocket s 1024 >>= \ (str, nbytes) ->
+ if nbytes /= 0 then
+ putStr str >>
+ read_all
+ else
+ putStr "\n*** End of Transfer ***\n"
+ in
+ read_all
+ in
+ loop
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/net006/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/net006/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57be04e330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/net006/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{- client
+Client side of net005
+ socket
+ connect
+ writeSocket
+ shutdown
+ sClose
+module Main where
+import SocketPrim
+message = "Hello World"
+main =
+ socket AF_UNIX Datagram 0 >>= \ s ->
+ connect s (SockAddrUnix "sock") >>
+ writeSocket s message >>
+ shutdown s 2 >>
+ sClose s
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/net007/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/net007/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbc9ff04e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/net007/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{- server
+As net003 but uses the BSD module for portability. Also prints the
+common name of the host rather than its IP number.
+ getProtocolNumber
+ getSocketName
+ getHostByAddr
+module Main where
+import BSD
+import SocketPrim
+main =
+ getProtocolNumber "tcp" >>= \ proto ->
+ socket AF_INET Stream proto >>= \ s ->
+ bindSocket s (SockAddrInet aNY_PORT iNADDR_ANY) >>
+ getSocketName s >>= \ (SockAddrInet port _) ->
+ putStr ("Allocated Port Number: " ++ show port ++ "\n") >>
+ listen s 5 >>
+ let
+ loop =
+ accept s >>= \ (s',(SockAddrInet _ haddr)) ->
+ getHostByAddr AF_INET haddr >>= \ (HostEntry hname _ _ _) ->
+ putStr ("*** Start of Transfer from: " ++ hname ++ "***\n") >>
+ let
+ read_all =
+ readSocket s' 4 >>= \ (str, nbytes) ->
+ if nbytes /= 0 then
+ putStr str >>
+ read_all
+ else
+ putStr "\n*** End of Transfer ***\n" >>
+ sClose s'
+ in
+ read_all
+ in
+ loop
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/net008/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/net008/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c339297e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/net008/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module Main where
+import SocketPrim
+import BSD
+import LibSystem
+main =
+ getArgs >>= \ [host, port, message] ->
+ getProtocolNumber "tcp" >>= \ proto ->
+ socket AF_INET Stream proto >>= \ s ->
+ getHostByName host >>= \ (HostEntry _ _ _ haddrs) ->
+ connect s (SockAddrInet (read port)
+ (head haddrs)) >>
+ getPeerName s >>= \ (SockAddrInet _ haddr) ->
+ getHostByAddr AF_INET haddr >>= \ (HostEntry hname _ _ _) ->
+ putStr ("Connected to : " ++ hname ++ "\n") >>
+ writeSocket s message >>
+ shutdown s 2 >>
+ sClose s
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibD.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibD.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..373bef36b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibD.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Main where
+main = print (nfib 28)
+nfib :: Double -> Double
+nfib n | n <= 1 = 1
+ | otherwise = (n1 + n2 + 1)
+ where n1 = nfib (n-1)
+ n2 = nfib (n-2)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibF.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibF.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..604bcd195a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibF.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Main where
+main = print (nfib 28)
+nfib :: Float -> Float
+nfib n | n <= 1 = 1
+ | otherwise = (n1 + n2 + 1)
+ where n1 = nfib (n-1)
+ n2 = nfib (n-2)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibI.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibI.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a889a1e948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibI.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Main where
+main = print (nfib 30)
+nfib :: Int -> Int
+nfib n | n <= 1 = 1
+ | otherwise = (n1 + n2 + 1)
+ where n1 = nfib (n-1)
+ n2 = nfib (n-2)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibJ.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibJ.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c622e5c6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibJ.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Main where
+main = print (nfib 28)
+nfib :: Integer -> Integer
+nfib n | n <= 1 = 1
+ | otherwise = (n1 + n2 + 1)
+ where n1 = nfib (n-1)
+ n2 = nfib (n-2)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibO.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibO.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a63c33478d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibO.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Main where
+main = print (nfib 28)
+nfib :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a
+nfib n | n <= 1 = 1
+ | otherwise = (n1 + n2 + 1)
+ where n1 = nfib (n-1)
+ n2 = nfib (n-2)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibR.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibR.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..793c16497c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/nfib/nfibR.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Main where
+main = print (nfib 20)
+nfib :: Rational -> Rational
+nfib n | n <= 1 = 1
+ | otherwise = (n1 + n2 + 1)
+ where n1 = nfib (n-1)
+ n2 = nfib (n-2)
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po001/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po001/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db10babaa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po001/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ getParentProcessID >>= \ ppid ->
+ getProcessID >>= \ pid ->
+ putStr "Parent Process ID: " >>
+ putText ppid >>
+ putStr "\nProcess ID: " >>
+ putText pid >>
+ putStr "\nforking ps uxww" >>
+ putText ppid >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ forkProcess >>= \ child ->
+ case child of
+ Nothing -> executeFile "ps" True ["uxww" ++ show ppid] Nothing
+ Just x -> doParent x pid
+doParent cpid pid =
+ getProcessStatus True False cpid >>
+ putStr "\nChild finished. Now exec'ing ps uxww" >>
+ putText pid >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ executeFile "ps" True ["uxww" ++ show pid] Nothing
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po002/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po002/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e646f02839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po002/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ executeFile "printenv" True [] (Just [("ONE","1"),("TWO","2")])
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po003/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po003/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b05d9cf7f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po003/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ openFile "po003.out" WriteMode >>= \ h ->
+ runProcess "pwd" [] Nothing (Just "/usr/tmp") Nothing (Just h) Nothing \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po004/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po004/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1725dd4e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po004/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import LibPosix
+import LibSystem(ExitCode(..), exitWith)
+main =
+ forkProcess >>= \ maybe_pid ->
+ case maybe_pid of
+ Nothing -> raiseSignal floatingPointException
+ _ -> doParent
+doParent =
+ getAnyProcessStatus True False >>= \ (Just (pid, tc)) ->
+ case tc of
+ Terminated sig | sig == floatingPointException -> forkChild2
+ _ -> fail "unexpected termination cause"
+forkChild2 =
+ forkProcess >>= \ maybe_pid ->
+ case maybe_pid of
+ Nothing -> exitImmediately (ExitFailure 42)
+ _ -> doParent2
+doParent2 =
+ getAnyProcessStatus True False >>= \ (Just (pid, tc)) ->
+ case tc of
+ Exited (ExitFailure 42) -> forkChild3
+ _ -> fail "unexpected termination cause (2)"
+forkChild3 =
+ forkProcess >>= \ maybe_pid ->
+ case maybe_pid of
+ Nothing -> exitImmediately (ExitSuccess)
+ _ -> doParent3
+doParent3 =
+ getAnyProcessStatus True False >>= \ (Just (pid, tc)) ->
+ case tc of
+ Exited ExitSuccess -> forkChild4
+ _ -> fail "unexpected termination cause (3)"
+forkChild4 =
+ forkProcess >>= \ maybe_pid ->
+ case maybe_pid of
+ Nothing -> raiseSignal softwareStop
+ _ -> doParent4
+doParent4 =
+ getAnyProcessStatus True True >>= \ (Just (pid, tc)) ->
+ case tc of
+ Stopped sig | sig == softwareStop -> enoughAlready pid
+ _ -> fail "unexpected termination cause (4)"
+enoughAlready pid =
+ signalProcess killProcess pid >>
+ getAnyProcessStatus True True >>= \ (Just (pid, tc)) ->
+ case tc of
+ Terminated sig | sig == killProcess -> putStr "I'm happy.\n"
+ _ -> fail "unexpected termination cause (5)"
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po005/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po005/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ea76255e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po005/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ getEnvVar "TERM" >>= \ term ->
+ putStr term >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ setEnvironment [("one","1"),("two","2")] >>
+ getEnvironment >>= \ env ->
+ putText env >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ setEnvVar "foo" "bar" >>
+ getEnvironment >>= \ env ->
+ putText env >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ setEnvVar "foo" "baz" >>
+ getEnvironment >>= \ env ->
+ putText env >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ setEnvVar "fu" "bar" >>
+ getEnvironment >>= \ env ->
+ putText env >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ removeEnvVar "foo" >>
+ getEnvironment >>= \ env ->
+ putText env >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ setEnvironment [] >>
+ getEnvironment >>= \ env ->
+ putText env >>
+ putChar '\n'
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po006/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po006/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8008a50f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po006/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ epochTime >>= \ start ->
+ sleep 5 >>
+ let timeleft = 0 in
+ epochTime >>= \ finish ->
+ putStr "Started: " >>
+ putText start >>
+ putStr "\nSlept: " >>
+ putText (5 - timeleft) >>
+ putStr "\nFinished: " >>
+ putText finish >>
+ putChar '\n'
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po007/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po007/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d70e913e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po007/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch doCtrlC) Nothing >>
+ getTerminalAttributes stdInput >>= \ ta ->
+ case (controlChar ta Interrupt) of
+ Nothing -> fixMe ta
+ Just x -> continue x
+fixMe ta =
+ putStr " interrupt character?\nI can fix that...\n" >>
+ setTerminalAttributes stdInput (withCC ta (Interrupt, '\ETX')) Immediately >>
+ getTerminalAttributes stdInput >>= \ ta ->
+ case (controlChar ta Interrupt) of
+ Nothing -> putStr "...Then again, maybe I can't\n"
+ Just x -> continue x
+continue x =
+ putStr "Press '" >>
+ putStr (ccStr x) >>
+ putStr "'.\n" >>
+ awaitSignal Nothing >>
+ putStr "How did I get here?\n"
+doCtrlC =
+ putStr "Caught an interrupt.\n"
+ccStr '\DEL' = "^?"
+ccStr x
+ | x >= ' ' = [x]
+ | otherwise = ['^', (chr (ord x + ord '@'))]
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po008/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po008/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c775064405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po008/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ installHandler realTimeAlarm (Catch alarmclock) Nothing >>
+ putStr "Scheduling an alarm in 5 seconds...\n" >>
+ scheduleAlarm 5 >>
+ putStr "Sleeping one minute.\n" >>
+ sleep 60 >>
+ putStr "How did I get here?\n"
+alarmclock =
+ putStr "The alarm went off.\n"
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po009/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po009/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9707c58747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po009/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ putStr "Blocking real time alarms.\n" >>
+ blockSignals (addSignal realTimeAlarm emptySignalSet) >>
+ putStr "Scheduling an alarm in 2 seconds...\n" >>
+ scheduleAlarm 2 >>
+ putStr "Sleeping 5 seconds.\n" >>
+ sleep 5 >>
+ getPendingSignals >>= \ ints ->
+ putStr "Checking pending interrupts for RealTimeAlarm\n" >>
+ putText (inSignalSet realTimeAlarm ints) >>
+ putChar '\n'
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po010/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po010/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfc890941f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po010/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ getUserEntryForName "mattson" >>= \ mattson ->
+ getUserEntryForName "partain" >>= \ partain ->
+ putStr (ue2String mattson) >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ putStr (ue2String partain) >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ getUserEntryForID (userID mattson) >>= \ muid ->
+ getUserEntryForID (userID partain) >>= \ puid ->
+ putStr (ue2String muid) >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ putStr (ue2String puid) >>
+ putChar '\n'
+ue2String ue =
+ name ++ (':' : (show uid) ++ (':' : (show gid) ++ (':' : home ++ (':' : shell))))
+ where
+ name = userName ue
+ uid = userID ue
+ gid = userGroupID ue
+ home = homeDirectory ue
+ shell = userShell ue \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po011/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po011/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d78924157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po011/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ getGroupEntryForName "grasp" >>= \ grasp ->
+ getGroupEntryForName "staff" >>= \ staff ->
+ putStr (ge2String grasp) >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ putStr (ge2String staff) >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ getGroupEntryForID (groupID grasp) >>= \ guid ->
+ getGroupEntryForID (groupID staff) >>= \ suid ->
+ putStr (ge2String guid) >>
+ putChar '\n' >>
+ putStr (ge2String suid) >>
+ putChar '\n'
+ge2String ge =
+ name ++ (':' : (show gid) ++ (':' : members))
+ where
+ name = groupName ge
+ gid = groupID ge
+ members = foldr (\x y -> x ++ (',' : y)) "" (groupMembers ge) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po012/Main.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po012/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4eb3841bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/examples/posix/po012/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import LibPosix
+main =
+ createFile "po012.out" stdFileMode >>= \ fd ->
+ installHandler processStatusChanged (Catch (reap1 fd)) Nothing >>
+ ls >>
+ awaitSignal Nothing
+ls =
+ runProcess "ls" ["-l","po012.out"] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
+reap1 fd =
+ getAnyProcessStatus True False >>
+ installHandler processStatusChanged (Catch (reap2 fd)) Nothing >>
+ writeChannel fd (take 666 (repeat 'x')) >>
+ ls >>
+ awaitSignal Nothing
+reap2 fd =
+ getAnyProcessStatus True False >>
+ installHandler processStatusChanged (Catch (reap3 fd)) Nothing >>
+ setFileMode "po012.out"
+ (foldr1 unionFileModes [ownerReadMode,ownerWriteMode,groupReadMode,otherReadMode]) >>
+ ls >>
+ awaitSignal Nothing
+reap3 fd =
+ getAnyProcessStatus True False >>
+ installHandler processStatusChanged (Catch (reap4 fd)) Nothing >>
+ setFileTimes "po012.out" 0 0 >>
+ ls >>
+ awaitSignal Nothing
+reap4 fd =
+ getAnyProcessStatus True False >>
+ installHandler processStatusChanged (Catch (reap5 fd)) Nothing >>
+ removeLink "po012.out" >>
+ ls >>
+ awaitSignal Nothing
+reap5 fd =
+ getAnyProcessStatus True False >>
+ seekChannel fd SeekFromEnd 0 >>= \ bytes ->
+ if bytes == 666 then
+ seekChannel fd AbsoluteSeek 0 >>
+ readChannel fd 1024 >>= \ (str, _) ->
+ if str == (take 666 (repeat 'x')) then
+ putStr "Okay\n"
+ else
+ putStr "Read failed\n"
+ else
+ putStr "Seek returned wrong size\n"
diff --git a/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/README b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9165665f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/README
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+This directory (ghc/misc/spat-analysers) includes the source for
+"analysers" to use with the SPAT (SPARC Performance Analysis Tools?)
+system, which includes "shade", "shadow", and "spixtools".
+The analysers here are no actual use to you unless you have the SPAT
+system from Sun. Bob Cmelik was the ringleader at Sun for quite
+some time. The current person to contact about it is:
+ John Rodriguez
+ Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Inc.
+ 2550 Garcia Avenue, MS 29-225
+ Mountain View, CA 94043
+ (415) 336-1709
+We are supplying these analysers so you can see the Cool Things you
+can do with them, in the hope that you will be motivated to build upon
+our work.
+Will Partain
+AQUA Project
diff --git a/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/REGSTATS b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/REGSTATS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dc860dafe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/REGSTATS
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+SpA 0 0
+SpB 0 0
+Hp 0 0
+HpLim 0 0
+SuA 0 0
+SuB 0 0
+UpdReg 0 0
+RetVecReg 0 0
+TagReg 0 0
+Ret1 0 0
+Ret2 0 0
+Ret3 0 0
+Ret4 0 0
+Ret5 0 0
+Ret6 0 0
+Ret7 0 0
+Ret8 0 0
diff --git a/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/StgRegAddrs.h b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/StgRegAddrs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2aa81fc81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/StgRegAddrs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* Produced from: nm -n */
+#define UpdReg 0x00b5098
+#define SpA 0x00b50a0
+#define SuA 0x00b50a8
+#define SuB 0x00b50b0
+#define SpB 0x00b50b8
+#define Ret1 0x00b50e8
+#define Ret2 0x00b50f0
+#define Ret3 0x00b50f8
+#define HpLim 0x00b5100
+#define Hp 0x00b5108
+#define RetVecReg 0x00b5110
+#define TagReg 0x00b5118
+#define Ret5 0x00b5120
+#define Ret4 0x00b5130
+#define Ret6 0x00b5138
+#define Ret7 0x00b5140
+#define Ret8 0x00b5148
diff --git a/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/icount.c b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/icount.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e47bd11d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/icount.c
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#define VERSION "24-Jan-94"
+#define PROGNAME "ICount"
+#define SHADE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <IHASH.h>
+#include <ITYPES.h>
+#include <instr.h>
+#include <inames.h>
+#include <shade.h>
+#define TR_REGS
+#include <trace.h>
+#include <stdtr.h>
+#include <trctl.h>
+static long long info[NIHASH];
+#define STATS_FILE "ICNT"
+/* fwd decls */
+void print_results();
+#define CHECKPOINT 1000000 /* reporting frequency */
+static long countdown = CHECKPOINT;
+char *anal_usage = "";
+char *anal_version = VERSION;
+ int argc;
+ char **argv, envp;
+ unsigned i, j;
+ /* Setup the trace */
+ shade_trctl_trsize(sizeof(Trace));
+ shade_trctl_it (IT_ANY, 1, 0, TC_IH);
+ /* init table */
+ for (j = 0; j < NIHASH; j++)
+ info[j] = 0LL;
+int analyze(argc,argv,envp)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv, envp;
+ Trace *tr;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; tr = shade_step(); i++) {
+ info[tr->tr_ih] += 1LL;
+ if (countdown-- < 0) {
+ print_results("Intermediate:");
+ countdown = CHECKPOINT;
+ }
+ }
+ return(0);
+ print_results("Final:");
+ char *header;
+ int i, j;
+ static FILE *statf = NULL;
+ if ((statf = fopen("ICNT", "w")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open statistics file ICNT\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fprintf(statf, "%s\n\n", header);
+ for (i = 0; i < NIHASH; i++) {
+ fprintf(statf, "%8x: %8ld\n", i, (long) info[i]);
+ }
+ fclose(statf);
diff --git a/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/icount_by_activity.c b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/icount_by_activity.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84daf6f8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/icount_by_activity.c
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+#define VERSION "24-Jan-95"
+#define PROGNAME "ICountByActivity"
+#define SHADE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <IHASH.h>
+#include <ITYPES.h>
+#include <instr.h>
+#include <inames.h>
+#include <shade.h>
+#define TR_REGS
+#include <trace.h>
+#include <stdtr.h>
+#include <trctl.h>
+int shade_run(Trace *, int);
+#define __STG_USING_ULLONG__
+#include "stgdefs.h" /* GHC ticky-counting stuff */
+#define ACTIVITY_REG I_REG_g5
+#define SpA_REG I_REG_i0
+#define SpB_REG I_REG_i2
+#define Hp_REG I_REG_i4
+#define RET_REG I_REG_l0
+#define NODE_REG I_REG_l1
+#define INFO_REG I_REG_l2
+#define R3_REG I_REG_l3
+#define R7_REG I_REG_l7
+/* Activity register and current activity */
+#define EACT_TAILCALL (ACT_TAILCALL - ACT_BASE) /* use the TAILCALL slot */
+#define EACT_OVERHEAD (ACT_OVERHEAD - ACT_BASE) /* only used herein */
+static ullong info[TOTAL_ACTIVITIES][NIHASH];
+/*static ullong annulled_insns = 0;*/
+/* fwd decls */
+void print_results(char *);
+void fprintf_ullong(FILE *, ullong);
+#define CHECKPOINT (1024*1024) /* reporting frequency */
+static long countdown = CHECKPOINT;
+char *anal_usage = "";
+char *anal_version = VERSION;
+ int argc;
+ char **argv, envp;
+ unsigned i, j;
+ /* Setup the trace */
+ shade_trctl_trsize(sizeof(Trace));
+ shade_trctl_it (IT_ANY, 1, 0, TC_I | TC_IH);
+ shade_trctl_ih (IH_OR, 1, 0, TC_I | TC_IH | TC_RD);
+ shade_trctl_ih (IH_ADD, 1, 0, TC_I | TC_IH | TC_RD | TC_RS1);
+ shade_trctl_ih (IH_SETHI, 1, 0, TC_I | TC_IH | TC_RD);
+ shade_trctl_it (IT_LOAD, 1, 0, TC_I | TC_IH | TC_RD | TC_RS1);
+ shade_trctl_it (IT_ILOAD, 1, 0, TC_I | TC_IH | TC_RD | TC_RS1);
+ shade_trctl_it (IT_STORE, 1, 0, TC_I | TC_IH | TC_RD | TC_RS1);
+ shade_trctl_it (IT_ISTORE,1, 0, TC_I | TC_IH | TC_RD | TC_RS1);
+ /* trace all non-annulled instructions (... 1, 0, ...); For
+ them, we want the instruction text (TC_I), and the hashed
+ opcode (TC_IH). For "or" instructions, we also want the
+ contents the destination register that was written into
+ (TC_RD). Etc.
+ */
+ /* init table */
+ for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_ACTIVITIES; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < NIHASH; j++)
+ info[i][j] = 0LL;
+int analyze(argc,argv,envp)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv, envp;
+ Trace *tr;
+ ullong i;
+ uint16 ih;
+ int32 rd, rs1;
+ unsigned activity = (ACT_UNKNOWN - ACT_BASE);
+ ullong pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ ullong pending_or = 0LL;
+ ullong activity_chgs = 0LL;
+ int acctd_for;
+#define ACCT_FOR() acctd_for = 1
+ for (i = 0LL; tr = shade_step(); i += 1LL) {
+ acctd_for = 0;
+ ih = tr->tr_ih;
+ if ( ih == IH_OR && tr->tr_i.i_rd == ACTIVITY_REG) {
+ rd = tr->tr_rd;
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][IH_OR] += pending_or;
+ if ( pending_sethi ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pending_sethi still set!\n");
+ }
+ if (activity == (ACT_GC - ACT_BASE)) { /* only GC_STOP will stop it */
+ if (rd == ACT_GC_STOP) {
+ activity = ACT_UNKNOWN - ACT_BASE;
+ info[EACT_OVERHEAD][IH_OR] += 1LL;
+ } else {
+ info[activity][IH_OR] += 1LL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (rd < ACT_BASE || rd >= (ACT_BASE+ACTIVITIES)) {
+ info[activity][IH_OR] += 1LL;
+ } else {
+ activity = rd - ACT_BASE; /* reset! */
+ info[EACT_OVERHEAD][IH_OR] += 1LL;
+ }
+ }
+ activity_chgs += 1LL;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ /* reset other things? */
+ } else if ( activity != EACT_TAILCALL ) { /* ordinary instruction */
+ info[activity][ih] += 1LL;
+ } else { /* TAILCALLing */
+/* fprintf(stderr, "op=%d\n", ih); */
+ switch (ih) {
+ case IH_SETHI:
+/* if ( pending_sethi ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pending_sethi already set!\n");
+ }
+*/ pending_sethi += 1LL;
+ break;
+ case IH_JMPL:
+ case IH_CALL:
+ case IH_NOP:
+ info[EACT_CALL][ih] += 1LL;
+ info[EACT_CALL][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi; /* really mystery? */
+ info[EACT_CALL][IH_OR] += pending_or; /* ditto? */
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ break;
+ case IH_ADD:
+ case IH_ADDCC:
+ case IH_SUB:
+ case IH_SUBCC:
+ rd = tr->tr_i.i_rd;
+ rs1 = tr->tr_i.i_rs1;
+ if ( rd == NODE_REG || rd == INFO_REG ) {
+ info[EACT_CALL][ih] += 1LL;
+ info[EACT_CALL][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ info[EACT_CALL][IH_OR] += pending_or;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ } else if (rd >= R3_REG && rd <= R7_REG) {
+ info[EACT_ARGREGS][ih] += 1LL;
+ info[EACT_ARGREGS][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ info[EACT_ARGREGS][IH_OR] += pending_or;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ } else {
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][IH_OR] += pending_or;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ if ( (rd == SpA_REG && rs1 == SpA_REG)
+ || (rd == SpB_REG && rs1 == SpB_REG) ) {
+ info[EACT_STKADJ][ih] += 1LL;
+ } else if ( rd >= I_REG_o0 && rd <= I_REG_o7 ) {
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][ih] += 1LL;
+ } else if ( rd == I_REG_g0
+ && rs1 >= I_REG_o0 && rs1 <= I_REG_o7 ) {
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][ih] += 1LL;
+ } else if ( rd == I_REG_g3 && rs1 == I_REG_g3 ) {
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][ih] += 1LL;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "IH_ADD: mystery op (%d) rd=%d rs1=%d\n",
+ ih, rd, rs1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case IH_OR:
+ case IH_ORCC:
+ rd = tr->tr_i.i_rd;
+ if ( rd == RET_REG ) {
+ info[EACT_RETREG][ih] += 1LL + pending_or;
+ info[EACT_RETREG][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ } else if ( rd == NODE_REG || rd == INFO_REG ) {
+ info[EACT_CALL][ih] += 1LL + pending_or;
+ info[EACT_CALL][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ } else {
+ pending_or += 1LL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IH_LD:
+ case IH_LDUB: /* ??? */
+ case IH_ST:
+ rs1 = tr->tr_i.i_rs1;
+ if ( rs1 == SpA_REG ) {
+ info[EACT_ASTK][ih] += 1LL;
+ info[EACT_ASTK][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ info[EACT_ASTK][IH_OR] += pending_or;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ } else if ( rs1 == SpB_REG ) {
+ info[EACT_BSTK][ih] += 1LL;
+ info[EACT_BSTK][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ info[EACT_BSTK][IH_OR] += pending_or;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ } else if ( rs1 == NODE_REG ) {
+ info[EACT_CALL][ih] += 1LL;
+ info[EACT_CALL][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ info[EACT_CALL][IH_OR] += pending_or;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ } else { /* random ld/st */
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][ih] += 1LL;
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][IH_OR] += pending_or;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IH_AND: /* ??? */
+ case IH_BA: /* ??? */
+ case IH_BAA:
+ case IH_BCC:
+ case IH_BCS:
+ case IH_BE:
+ case IH_BGE:
+ case IH_BL:
+ case IH_BLA:
+ case IH_BLEU:
+ case IH_BNE:
+ case IH_SLL:
+ case IH_SRL:
+ case IH_XOR:
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][ih] += 1LL;
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][IH_SETHI] += pending_sethi;
+ info[EACT_TAILCALL][IH_OR] += pending_or;
+ pending_sethi = 0LL;
+ pending_or = 0LL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "mystery TAIL op = %d\n", ih);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (countdown-- < 0) {
+ print_results("Intermediate:");
+ countdown = CHECKPOINT;
+ }
+ if ( ! acctd_for ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "insn op=%d not acctd for!\n", ih);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ fprintf_ullong(stderr,i);
+ fprintf(stderr," iterations; ");
+ fprintf_ullong(stderr,activity_chgs);
+ fprintf(stderr," activity changes\n");
+ return(0);
+ print_results("Final:");
+ char *header;
+ int i, j;
+ long total_slots = 0;
+ ullong total_instrs = 0;
+ static FILE *statf = NULL;
+/* fprintf(stderr, "Printing %s\n", header); */
+ unlink(STATS_FILE);
+ if ((statf = fopen(STATS_FILE, "w")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open statistics file %s\n",STATS_FILE);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fprintf(statf, "%s\n\n", header);
+/* fprintf(statf, "annulled insns = ");
+ fprintf_ullong(statf, annulled_insns);
+*/ fprintf(statf, "\n\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < NIHASH; i++) {
+ fprintf(statf, "%8d:", i);
+ for (j = 0; j < TOTAL_ACTIVITIES; j++) {
+ fprintf(statf, " ");
+ fprintf_ullong(statf, info[j][i]);
+ total_slots++;
+ total_instrs += info[j][i];
+ }
+ fprintf(statf, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(statf, "total slots=%ld, total instructions=", total_slots);
+ fprintf_ullong(statf, total_instrs);
+ fprintf(statf, "\n");
+ fclose(statf);
+fprintf_ullong(FILE *filep, ullong x)
+ if (x < (ullong)1000)
+ fprintf(filep, "%ld", (I_)x);
+ else if (x < (ullong)1000000)
+ fprintf(filep, "%ld%3.3ld",
+ (I_)((x)/(ullong)1000),
+ (I_)((x)%(ullong)1000));
+ else if (x < (ullong)1000000000)
+ fprintf(filep, "%ld%3.3ld%3.3ld",
+ (I_)((x)/(ullong)1000000),
+ (I_)((x)/(ullong)1000%(ullong)1000),
+ (I_)((x)%(ullong)1000));
+ else
+ fprintf(filep, "%ld%3.3ld%3.3ld%3.3ld",
+ (I_)((x)/(ullong)1000000000),
+ (I_)((x)/(ullong)1000000%(ullong)1000),
+ (I_)((x)/(ullong)1000%(ullong)1000),
+ (I_)((x)%(ullong)1000));
diff --git a/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/makefile b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..652f9df04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# SHADE presumably set by an environment variable
+SPIX = ${SHADE}/spixtools
+SHADE_L = ${SHADE}/lib
+SPIX_L = ${SPIX}/lib
+SHADE_H = ${SHADE}/src/include
+SPIX_H = ${SPIX}/src/include
+GHC_H = ${bghc}/includes
+CFLAGS = -I${GHC_H} -I${SHADE_H} -I${SPIX_H} -g -O -ansi
+ ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $*.c
+ ${CC} -static -o $* spatmain.o $*.o ${SHADE_L}/libshade.a ${SPIX_L}/libspix.a
diff --git a/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/show_icounts b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/show_icounts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faca1f2a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/show_icounts
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/perl
+%Datum = ();
+$BigTotal = 0;
+while (<>) {
+ chop;
+ next if ! /^\s*(\d+): (.*)/;
+ $op_code = $1;
+ @num = split(/\s+/, $2);
+ $op_category = $Opcode2Cat{$op_code};
+ die "num = $#num\n" if $#num != 21;
+ for($i = 0; $i <= $#num; $i++) {
+ next if $num[$i] == 0;
+ $act = $ActivityName[$i];
+ $Datum{"$act/$op_category"} += $num[$i];
+ $TotPerCat{$op_category} += $num[$i];
+ $BigTotal += $num[$i];
+ }
+#print a header
+printf STDOUT "%12s", "";
+foreach $opcat (@ListOfCats) { printf STDOUT " %11s", $opcat; }
+printf STDOUT " %11s %s\n", 'TOTAL', " \%age";
+# print the collected goods
+%tot_for_opcat = ();
+foreach $act ( @ListOfActivities ) {
+ printf STDOUT "%-12s", $act;
+ $tot_for_act = 0;
+ foreach $opcat (@ListOfCats) {
+ $datum = $Datum{"$act/$opcat"};
+ printf STDOUT " %11s", &commas($datum);
+ $tot_for_act += $datum;
+ $tot_for_opcat{$opcat} += $datum;
+ }
+ printf STDOUT "%12s %5.1f%%\n", &commas($tot_for_act), (($tot_for_act / $BigTotal) * 100.0);
+foreach $k ( keys %TotPerCat ) {
+ die "category ($k) totals don't match: $TotPerCat{$k} != $tot_for_opcat{$k}\n"
+ if $TotPerCat{$k} != $tot_for_opcat{$k};
+foreach $k ( keys %tot_for_opcat ) {
+ die "category ($k) totals don't match: $TotPerCat{$k} != $tot_for_opcat{$k}\n"
+ if $TotPerCat{$k} != $tot_for_opcat{$k};
+#print totals by category and percentages
+printf STDOUT "\n%-12s", '*Totals*';
+$tot_to_chk = 0;
+foreach $opcat (@ListOfCats) {
+ printf STDOUT " %11s", &commas($TotPerCat{$opcat});
+ $tot_to_chk += $TotPerCat{$opcat};
+printf STDOUT "%12s\n%-12s", &commas($BigTotal), '';
+die "Totals don't match: $tot_to_chk != $BigTotal\n" if $tot_to_chk != $BigTotal;
+foreach $opcat (@ListOfCats) {
+ printf STDOUT " %10.1f%%", (($TotPerCat{$opcat} / $BigTotal) * 100.0);
+printf STDOUT "\n";
+# utils:
+sub commas { # put commas into long integer numbers
+ local($_) = @_;
+ s/^\+//;
+ s/(\d)(\d\d\d)$/$1,$2/;
+ while ( /\d\d\d\d,/ ) {
+ s/(\d)(\d\d\d)\,/$1,$2,/;
+ }
+ $_;
+sub init {
+ # order is important!
+ @ActivityName = ( 'UNKNOWN', 'GC', 'OTHER_REDN', 'ASTK_STUB',
+ @ListOfActivities = ( # print order
+ @ListOfCats = ('LD', 'ST', 'ARITH', 'BR', 'SETHI', 'NOP', 'OTHER'); # 'FL-PT',
+ %Opcode2Cat = ();
+ $Opcode2Cat{'0'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ADD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'1'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ADDCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'2'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ADDX
+ $Opcode2Cat{'3'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ADDXCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'4'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_AND
+ $Opcode2Cat{'5'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ANDCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'6'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ANDN
+ $Opcode2Cat{'7'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ANDNCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'8'} = 'BR'; # IH_BA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'9'} = 'BR'; # IH_BAA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'10'} = 'BR'; # IH_BCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'11'} = 'BR'; # IH_BCCA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'12'} = 'BR'; # IH_BCS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'13'} = 'BR'; # IH_BCSA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'14'} = 'BR'; # IH_BE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'15'} = 'BR'; # IH_BEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'16'} = 'BR'; # IH_BG
+ $Opcode2Cat{'17'} = 'BR'; # IH_BGA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'18'} = 'BR'; # IH_BGE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'19'} = 'BR'; # IH_BGEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'20'} = 'BR'; # IH_BGU
+ $Opcode2Cat{'21'} = 'BR'; # IH_BGUA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'22'} = 'BR'; # IH_BL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'23'} = 'BR'; # IH_BLA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'24'} = 'BR'; # IH_BLE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'25'} = 'BR'; # IH_BLEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'26'} = 'BR'; # IH_BLEU
+ $Opcode2Cat{'27'} = 'BR'; # IH_BLEUA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'28'} = 'BR'; # IH_BN
+ $Opcode2Cat{'29'} = 'BR'; # IH_BNA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'30'} = 'BR'; # IH_BNE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'31'} = 'BR'; # IH_BNEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'32'} = 'BR'; # IH_BNEG
+ $Opcode2Cat{'33'} = 'BR'; # IH_BNEGA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'34'} = 'BR'; # IH_BPOS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'35'} = 'BR'; # IH_BPOSA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'36'} = 'BR'; # IH_BVC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'37'} = 'BR'; # IH_BVCA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'38'} = 'BR'; # IH_BVS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'39'} = 'BR'; # IH_BVSA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'40'} = 'BR'; # IH_CALL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'41'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB0
+ $Opcode2Cat{'42'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB0A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'43'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB01
+ $Opcode2Cat{'44'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB01A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'45'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB012
+ $Opcode2Cat{'46'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB012A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'47'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB013
+ $Opcode2Cat{'48'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB013A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'49'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB02
+ $Opcode2Cat{'50'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB02A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'51'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB023
+ $Opcode2Cat{'52'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB023A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'53'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB03
+ $Opcode2Cat{'54'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB03A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'55'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB1
+ $Opcode2Cat{'56'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB1A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'57'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB12
+ $Opcode2Cat{'58'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB12A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'59'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB123
+ $Opcode2Cat{'60'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB123A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'61'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB13
+ $Opcode2Cat{'62'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB13A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'63'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB2
+ $Opcode2Cat{'64'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB2A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'65'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB23
+ $Opcode2Cat{'66'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB23A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'67'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB3
+ $Opcode2Cat{'68'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CB3A
+ $Opcode2Cat{'69'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CBA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'70'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CBAA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'71'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CBN
+ $Opcode2Cat{'72'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CBNA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'73'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CPOP1
+ $Opcode2Cat{'74'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_CPOP2
+ $Opcode2Cat{'75'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FABSS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'76'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FADDD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'77'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FADDQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'78'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FADDS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'79'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'80'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBAA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'81'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'82'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'83'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBG
+ $Opcode2Cat{'84'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBGA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'85'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBGE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'86'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBGEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'87'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'88'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBLA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'89'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBLE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'90'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBLEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'91'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBLG
+ $Opcode2Cat{'92'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBLGA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'93'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBN
+ $Opcode2Cat{'94'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBNA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'95'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBNE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'96'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBNEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'97'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBO
+ $Opcode2Cat{'98'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBOA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'99'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBU
+ $Opcode2Cat{'100'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBUA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'101'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBUE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'102'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBUEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'103'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBUG
+ $Opcode2Cat{'104'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBUGA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'105'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBUGE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'106'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBUGEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'107'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBUL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'108'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBULA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'109'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBULE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'110'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FBULEA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'111'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FCMPD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'112'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FCMPED
+ $Opcode2Cat{'113'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FCMPEQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'114'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FCMPES
+ $Opcode2Cat{'115'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FCMPQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'116'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FCMPS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'117'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FDIVD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'118'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FDIVQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'119'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FDIVS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'120'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FDMULQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'121'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FDTOI
+ $Opcode2Cat{'122'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FDTOQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'123'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FDTOS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'124'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FITOD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'125'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FITOQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'126'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FITOS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'127'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_FLUSH
+ $Opcode2Cat{'128'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FMOVS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'129'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FMULD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'130'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FMULQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'131'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FMULS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'132'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FNEGS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'133'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FQTOD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'134'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FQTOI
+ $Opcode2Cat{'135'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FQTOS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'136'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSMULD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'137'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSQRTD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'138'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSQRTQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'139'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSQRTS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'140'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSTOD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'141'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSTOI
+ $Opcode2Cat{'142'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSTOQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'143'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSUBD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'144'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSUBQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'145'} = 'OTHER'; # 'FL-PT'; # IH_FSUBS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'146'} = 'BR'; # IH_JMPL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'147'} = 'LD'; # IH_LD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'148'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'149'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'150'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDCSR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'151'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'152'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDDA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'153'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDDC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'154'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDDF
+ $Opcode2Cat{'155'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDF
+ $Opcode2Cat{'156'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDFSR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'157'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDSB
+ $Opcode2Cat{'158'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDSBA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'159'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDSH
+ $Opcode2Cat{'160'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDSHA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'161'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDSTUB
+ $Opcode2Cat{'162'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDSTUBA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'163'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDUB
+ $Opcode2Cat{'164'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDUBA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'165'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDUH
+ $Opcode2Cat{'166'} = 'LD'; # IH_LDUHA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'167'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_MULSCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'168'} = 'NOP'; # IH_NOP
+ $Opcode2Cat{'169'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_OR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'170'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ORCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'171'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ORN
+ $Opcode2Cat{'172'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_ORNCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'173'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_RDASR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'174'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_RDPSR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'175'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_RDTBR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'176'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_RDWIM
+ $Opcode2Cat{'177'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_RDY
+ $Opcode2Cat{'178'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_RESTORE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'179'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_RETT
+ $Opcode2Cat{'180'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_SAVE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'181'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SDIV
+ $Opcode2Cat{'182'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SDIVCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'183'} = 'SETHI'; # IH_SETHI
+ $Opcode2Cat{'184'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SLL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'185'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SMUL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'186'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SMULCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'187'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SRA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'188'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SRL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'189'} = 'ST'; # IH_ST
+ $Opcode2Cat{'190'} = 'ST'; # IH_STA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'191'} = 'ST'; # IH_STB
+ $Opcode2Cat{'192'} = 'ST'; # IH_STBA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'193'} = 'ST'; # IH_STBAR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'194'} = 'ST'; # IH_STC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'195'} = 'ST'; # IH_STCSR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'196'} = 'ST'; # IH_STD
+ $Opcode2Cat{'197'} = 'ST'; # IH_STDA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'198'} = 'ST'; # IH_STDC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'199'} = 'ST'; # IH_STDCQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'200'} = 'ST'; # IH_STDF
+ $Opcode2Cat{'201'} = 'ST'; # IH_STDFQ
+ $Opcode2Cat{'202'} = 'ST'; # IH_STF
+ $Opcode2Cat{'203'} = 'ST'; # IH_STFSR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'204'} = 'ST'; # IH_STH
+ $Opcode2Cat{'205'} = 'ST'; # IH_STHA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'206'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SUB
+ $Opcode2Cat{'207'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SUBCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'208'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SUBX
+ $Opcode2Cat{'209'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_SUBXCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'210'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_SWAP
+ $Opcode2Cat{'211'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_SWAPA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'212'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TA
+ $Opcode2Cat{'213'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TADDCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'214'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TADDCCTV
+ $Opcode2Cat{'215'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'216'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TCS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'217'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'218'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TG
+ $Opcode2Cat{'219'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TGE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'220'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TGU
+ $Opcode2Cat{'221'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'222'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TLE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'223'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TLEU
+ $Opcode2Cat{'224'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TN
+ $Opcode2Cat{'225'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TNE
+ $Opcode2Cat{'226'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TNEG
+ $Opcode2Cat{'227'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TPOS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'228'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TSUBCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'229'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TSUBCCTV
+ $Opcode2Cat{'230'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TVC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'231'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_TVS
+ $Opcode2Cat{'232'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_UDIV
+ $Opcode2Cat{'233'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_UDIVCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'234'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_UMUL
+ $Opcode2Cat{'235'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_UMULCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'236'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_UNIMP
+ $Opcode2Cat{'237'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_WRASR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'238'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_WRPSR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'239'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_WRTBR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'240'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_WRWIM
+ $Opcode2Cat{'241'} = 'OTHER'; # IH_WRY
+ $Opcode2Cat{'242'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_XNOR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'243'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_XNORCC
+ $Opcode2Cat{'244'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_XOR
+ $Opcode2Cat{'245'} = 'ARITH'; # IH_XORCC
diff --git a/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/spatmain.c b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/spatmain.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c6ec1912a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/spatmain.c
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <varargs.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#define TVTIME(tv) ((tv).tv_sec + (tv).tv_usec / 1e6)
+extern char *anal_usage, *anal_version,
+ *shade_bench_path, *shade_ego, *shade_version,
+ *shade_argtrange();
+extern char *ctime();
+extern int analyze();
+extern long time();
+extern void exit(), initialize(), terminate();
+FILE *statsfp; /* output stats file */
+double nina; /* # non-annulled instructions executed */
+static double usr, sys, real;
+static int t_flag,
+ main_stats_analyze();
+static void main_stats_start(),
+ main_stats_stop();
+shade_main (argc, argv, envp)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv, **envp;
+ int aargc, ec, i, j, pid = getpid();
+ char **aargv, *cmd = 0, *x;
+ argc = shade_splitargs (argv, &aargv, &aargc);
+ for (i = j = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ if (argv[i][0] == '-' ||
+ argv[i][0] == '+' && argv[i][1] == 't')
+ switch (argv[i][1]) {
+ case 'c':
+ if (cmd)
+ usage ("too many -c options");
+ if (aargc > 0)
+ usage ("-c not allowed with --");
+ if (argv[i][2] || ++i >= argc)
+ usage
+ ("-c: missing/misplaced command");
+ cmd = argv[i];
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ if (statsfp)
+ shade_fatal ("too many -o's");
+ if (argv[i][2] || ++i >= argc)
+ usage
+ ("-o: missing/misplaced file name");
+ statsfp = fopen (argv[i], "w");
+ if (!statsfp)
+ usage ("%s: can't open", argv[i]);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (!t_flag++)
+ (void) shade_argtrange (argv[i][0] ==
+ '-' ? "+t," : "-t,");
+ if (x = shade_argtrange (argv[i]))
+ usage ("%s: %s", argv[i], x);
+ /* should print tranges */
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ usage ("");
+ return (0);
+ case 'V':
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: version: %s\n",
+ argv[0], anal_version);
+ fprintf (stderr, "shade version: %s\n",
+ shade_version);
+ return (0);
+ default:
+ argv[j++] = argv[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ else argv[j++] = argv[i];
+ if (!statsfp)
+ statsfp = stdout;
+ argv[argc = j] = 0;
+ initialize (argc, argv, envp);
+ main_stats_start();
+ if (cmd)
+ ec = shade_sshell (cmd, main_stats_analyze);
+ else if (aargc <= 0)
+ ec = shade_shell (main_stats_analyze);
+ else if (0 > shade_loadp (*aargv, aargv, envp))
+ ec = 1;
+ else ec = main_stats_analyze (aargc, aargv, envp, (char **) 0);
+ if (pid == getpid()) {
+ main_stats_stop();
+ terminate();
+ }
+ return (ec);
+usage (va_alist)
+ va_dcl
+ char *fmt;
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start (ap);
+ fmt = va_arg (ap, char *);
+ if (fmt && *fmt) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", shade_ego);
+ vfprintf (stderr, fmt, ap);
+ fprintf (stderr, "\n\n");
+ }
+ va_end (ap);
+ fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-U] [-V] [-o outfile] [+/-t[from],[to]] ",
+ shade_ego);
+ if (anal_usage && *anal_usage)
+ fprintf (stderr, "\\\n\t%s ", anal_usage);
+ fprintf (stderr, "\\\n\t[-c \"command\" | -- bench benchargs]\n");
+ exit (1);
+static void
+getcputime (usr, sys)
+ double *usr, *sys;
+ struct rusage ru;
+ if (-1 == getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &ru))
+ *usr = *sys = 0.0;
+ else {
+ *usr = TVTIME (ru.ru_utime) - *usr;
+ *sys = TVTIME (ru.ru_stime) - *sys;
+ }
+static void
+getrealtime (real)
+ double *real;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ struct timezone tz;
+ tz.tz_dsttime = DST_NONE;
+ tz.tz_minuteswest = 0;
+ (void) gettimeofday (&tv, &tz);
+ *real = TVTIME (tv) - *real;
+static void
+ long start;
+ if (statsfp == 0)
+ return;
+ fprintf (statsfp, "Analyzer: %s\n", shade_ego);
+ fprintf (statsfp, "Version: %s (shade version: %s)\n",
+ anal_version, shade_version);
+ {
+ char host[64];
+ if (-1 != gethostname (host, sizeof host))
+ fprintf (statsfp, "Hostname: %s\n", host);
+ }
+ (void) time (&start);
+ getrealtime (&real);
+ getcputime (&usr, &sys);
+ fprintf (statsfp, "Start: %s", ctime (&start));
+ fflush (statsfp);
+static int
+main_stats_analyze (argc, argv, envp, iov)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv, **envp, **iov;
+ int i;
+ /* BUG: if t_flag, shouldn't change application program */
+ if (statsfp) {
+ fprintf (statsfp, "Application: %s", shade_bench_path);
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ fprintf (statsfp, " %s", argv[i]);
+ if (iov)
+ for (i = 0; iov[i]; i += 2) {
+ fprintf (statsfp, " %s", iov[i]);
+ if (iov[i+1])
+ fprintf (statsfp, " %s", iov[i+1]);
+ }
+ fprintf (statsfp, "\n");
+ fflush (statsfp);
+ }
+ return (analyze());
+static void
+ long stop;
+ if (statsfp == 0)
+ return;
+ (void) time (&stop);
+ getcputime (&usr, &sys);
+ getrealtime (&real);
+ fprintf (statsfp, "Stop: %s", ctime (&stop));
+ if (nina > 0)
+ fprintf (statsfp, "Instructions: %.0f\n", nina);
+ fprintf (statsfp, "Time: %.3f usr %.3f sys %.3f real %.3f%%\n",
+ usr, sys, real,
+ real > 0 ? 100. * (usr + sys) / real : 100.);
+ if (usr + sys > 0 && nina > 0)
+ fprintf (statsfp, "Speed: %.3f KIPS\n",
+ nina / (usr + sys) / 1000.);
diff --git a/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/stgregs.c b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/stgregs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61d6204132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/spat-analysers/stgregs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sparc.h>
+#include "StgRegAddrs.h"
+#define CHECKPOINT 1000000 /* reporting frequency */
+static int countdown = CHECKPOINT;
+struct regcount {
+ char *str;
+ int load;
+ int store;
+} info[] = {
+ {"SpA", 0, 0},
+ {"SpB", 0, 0},
+ {"Hp", 0, 0},
+ {"HpLim", 0, 0},
+ {"SuA", 0, 0},
+ {"SuB", 0, 0},
+ {"UpdReg", 0, 0},
+ {"RetVecReg", 0, 0},
+ {"TagReg", 0, 0},
+ {"Ret1", 0, 0},
+ {"Ret2", 0, 0},
+ {"Ret3", 0, 0},
+ {"Ret4", 0, 0},
+ {"Ret5", 0, 0},
+ {"Ret6", 0, 0},
+ {"Ret7", 0, 0},
+ {"Ret8", 0, 0},
+ {0, 0, 0}
+char *msg;
+ FILE *output;
+ int i;
+ if ((output = fopen("REGSTATS", "w")) == 0)
+ syserr("cannot open statistics file REGSTATS\n");
+ fprintf(output, "%s\n", msg);
+ for (i = 0; info[i].str; i++) {
+ fprintf(output, "%-16.16s %8d %8d\n",
+ info[i].str, info[i].load, info[i].store);
+ }
+ fclose(output);
+#define RECORD(i) \
+ if ( (OP3(t->iw)&014) == 004) { \
+ info[i].store++; \
+ } else { \
+ info[i].load++; \
+ } \
+ /* fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", info[i].str); */ \
+ break
+analyze (t, tend)
+ TRACE *t, *tend;
+ countdown -= tend-t;
+ for (; t < tend; t++) {
+ if (OP(t->iw) == 3 && /* Load/store; (OP3(t->iw)&014)==004) => store */
+ !(t->flags & ANNULLED)) {
+ unsigned a = (unsigned)t->ea;
+ switch (a) {
+ case SpA:
+ RECORD(0);
+ case SpB:
+ RECORD(1);
+ case Hp:
+ RECORD(2);
+ case HpLim:
+ RECORD(3);
+ case SuA:
+ RECORD(4);
+ case SuB:
+ RECORD(5);
+ case UpdReg:
+ RECORD(6);
+ case RetVecReg:
+ RECORD(7);
+ case TagReg:
+ RECORD(8);
+ case Ret1:
+ RECORD(9);
+ case Ret2:
+ RECORD(10);
+ case Ret3:
+ RECORD(11);
+ case Ret4:
+ RECORD(12);
+ case Ret5:
+ RECORD(13);
+ case Ret6:
+ RECORD(14);
+ case Ret7:
+ RECORD(15);
+ case Ret8:
+ RECORD(16);
+ deafualt:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (countdown <= 0) {
+ printregs("Intermediate:");
+ countdown = CHECKPOINT;
+ }
+ printregs("Final:");
diff --git a/ghc/misc/test-arch.c b/ghc/misc/test-arch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0e9666b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/misc/test-arch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ Compile this with GCC on a new platform, to learn various
+ things about argument-passing, return-returning, stack
+ layout, etc. WDP 95/05
+extern long int foo (long int, double, void *, char *, double, long int, char, long int);
+extern double bar (char, float, long int, long int, char *, char **);
+long int
+foo (long int a, double b, void *c, char *d, double e, long int f, char g, long int h)
+ __asm__ volatile ("--- BEGIN ---");
+ bar(*d, (float) b, a, f, d, (char **) d);
+ __asm__ volatile ("--- END ---");
+bar (char a, float b, long int c, long int d, char *e, char **f)
+ __asm__ volatile ("--- BEGIN ---");
+ foo(c, (double) b, (void *) 0, e, 0.0, d, a, d);
+ __asm__ volatile ("--- END ---");
+ int w;
+ int x[1000];
+ int y;
+ for(y = 0; y < 1000; y++)
+ w += x[y];
+ return ((double) w);