path: root/ghc/utils
diff options
authorqrczak <unknown>2001-03-29 00:01:18 +0000
committerqrczak <unknown>2001-03-29 00:01:18 +0000
commit721713b5d825b893ba0f29dce1fc237c963ecc18 (patch)
tree638ddae475e28ec7dc2088ad1ec61c9cb4b73983 /ghc/utils
parentd5d6029a8cb12964ff20e8a4ef6e366098347d48 (diff)
[project @ 2001-03-29 00:01:18 by qrczak]
Transform *.hsc into *.hs and optionally Hs*.h and Hs*.c (used to be *.hs and optionally *.hs.h and *.hs.c). Old names interacted badly with Makefile rules of the form '%: %.o' and looked ugly.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/utils')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs b/ghc/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
index 290e0db05b..42b412a982 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
+++ b/ghc/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.26 2001/03/16 09:07:41 qrczak Exp $
+-- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.27 2001/03/29 00:01:18 qrczak Exp $
-- Program for converting .hsc files to .hs files, by converting the
-- file into a C program which is run to generate the Haskell source.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ options = [
Option "I" [] (ReqArg (CompFlag . ("-I"++))
"DIR") "passed to the C compiler",
Option "L" ["lflag"] (ReqArg LinkFlag "FLAG") "flag to pass to the linker",
- Option "" ["no-compile"] (NoArg NoCompile) "stop after writing *.hs_make.c",
+ Option "" ["no-compile"] (NoArg NoCompile) "stop after writing HsMake*.c",
Option "i" ["include"] (ReqArg include "FILE") "as if placed in the source",
Option "" ["help"] (NoArg Help) "display this help and exit",
Option "" ["version"] (NoArg Version) "output version information and exit"]
@@ -381,23 +381,43 @@ cString quote = do
_:_ -> do anyCharC_; cString quote
--- Output the output files.
+-- Write the output files.
+splitName :: String -> (String, String)
+splitName name =
+ case break (== '/') name of
+ (file, []) -> ([], file)
+ (dir, sep:rest) -> (dir++sep:restDir, restFile)
+ where
+ (restDir, restFile) = splitName rest
+splitExt :: String -> (String, String)
+splitExt name =
+ case break (== '.') name of
+ (base, []) -> (base, [])
+ (base, sepRest@(sep:rest))
+ | null restExt -> (base, sepRest)
+ | otherwise -> (base++sep:restBase, restExt)
+ where
+ (restBase, restExt) = splitExt rest
output :: [Flag] -> String -> [Token] -> IO ()
output flags name toks = let
- baseName = case reverse name of
- 'c':base -> reverse base
- _ -> name++".hs"
- cProgName = baseName++"_make.c"
- oProgName = baseName++"_make.o"
- progName = baseName++"_make"
- outHsName = baseName
- outHName = baseName++".h"
- outCName = baseName++".c"
+ (dir, file) = splitName name
+ (base, ext) = splitExt file
+ cProgName = dir++"HsMake"++base++".c"
+ oProgName = dir++"HsMake"++base++".o"
+ progName = dir++"HsMake"++base
+ outHsName
+ | not (null ext) && last ext == 'c' = dir++base++init ext
+ | ext == ".hs" = dir++base++"_out.hs"
+ | otherwise = dir++base++".hs"
+ outHName = dir++"Hs"++base++".h"
+ outCName = dir++"Hs"++base++".c"
- execProgName = case progName of
- '/':_ -> progName
- _ -> "./"++progName
+ execProgName
+ | null dir = "./"++progName
+ | otherwise = progName
specials = [(pos, key, arg) | Special pos key arg <- toks]
@@ -632,17 +652,12 @@ conditional _ = False
outCLine :: SourcePos -> String
outCLine (SourcePos name line) =
- "# "++show line++" \""++showCString (basename name)++"\"\n"
+ "# "++show line++" \""++showCString (snd (splitName name))++"\"\n"
outHsLine :: SourcePos -> String
outHsLine (SourcePos name line) =
" hsc_line ("++show (line + 1)++", \""++
- showCString (basename name)++"\");\n"
-basename :: String -> String
-basename s = case break (== '/') s of
- (name, []) -> name
- (_, _:rest) -> basename rest
+ showCString (snd (splitName name))++"\");\n"
showCString :: String -> String
showCString = concatMap showCChar