path: root/ghc
diff options
authorsimonpj <unknown>2002-06-05 14:08:25 +0000
committersimonpj <unknown>2002-06-05 14:08:25 +0000
commit2145e55a4fbd60c3bd134496d82ddc545bd698ba (patch)
tree316c1dce0df22aecbc88d079bb71fc193e3583d5 /ghc
parent84e376bc7bc01799d444cdb2d915d69f36fe77d5 (diff)
[project @ 2002-06-05 14:08:23 by simonpj]
------------------------------------------------ Fix the (new) lexer, and make the derived read and show code work according to the new H98 report ------------------------------------------------ The new lexer, based on Koen's cunning parser (Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP) wasn't quite right. It's all very cool now. In particular: * The H98 "lex" function should return the exact string parsed, and it now does, aided by the new combinator ReadP.gather. * As a result the Text.Read.Lex Lexeme type is much simpler than before data Lexeme = Char Char -- Quotes removed, | String String -- escapes interpreted | Punc String -- Punctuation, eg "(", "::" | Ident String -- Haskell identifiers, e.g. foo, baz | Symbol String -- Haskell symbols, e.g. >>, % | Int Integer | Rat Rational | EOF deriving (Eq,Show) * Multi-character punctuation, like "::" was getting lexed as a Symbol, but it should be a Punc. * Parsing numbers wasn't quite right. "1..n" got it confused because it got committed to a decimal point and then found a second '.'. * The new H98 spec for Show is there, which ignores associativity.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc')
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.lhs
index 8dc8fb908a..dafee0d356 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.lhs
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ prec_RDR = varQual_RDR rEAD_PREC_Name FSLIT("prec")
-- Module Lex
symbol_RDR = dataQual_RDR lEX_Name FSLIT("Symbol")
ident_RDR = dataQual_RDR lEX_Name FSLIT("Ident")
-single_RDR = dataQual_RDR lEX_Name FSLIT("Single")
+punc_RDR = dataQual_RDR lEX_Name FSLIT("Punc")
times_RDR = varQual_RDR pREL_NUM_Name FSLIT("*")
plus_RDR = varQual_RDR pREL_NUM_Name FSLIT("+")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
index 0f7400341f..50adfd6d8d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ import Util ( mapAccumL, zipEqual, zipWithEqual, isSingleton,
zipWith3Equal, nOfThem )
import Panic ( panic, assertPanic )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
-import Char ( ord )
+import Char ( ord, isAlpha )
import Constants
import List ( partition, intersperse )
import FastString
@@ -759,11 +759,11 @@ instance Read T where
prec appPrec (
do Ident "T1" <- Lex.lex
- Single '{' <- Lex.lex
+ Punc '{' <- Lex.lex
Ident "f1" <- Lex.lex
- Single '=' <- Lex.lex
+ Punc '=' <- Lex.lex
x <- ReadP.reset Read.readPrec
- Single '}' <- Lex.lex
+ Punc '}' <- Lex.lex
return (T1 { f1 = x }))
prec appPrec (
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ gen_Read_binds get_fixity tycon
= case nullary_cons of
[] -> []
- [con] -> [HsDo DoExpr [BindStmt (ident_pat (data_con_str con)) lex loc,
+ [con] -> [HsDo DoExpr [bindLex (ident_pat (data_con_str con)),
result_stmt con []] loc]
_ -> [HsApp (HsVar choose_RDR)
(ExplicitList placeHolderType (map mk_pair nullary_cons))]
@@ -819,21 +819,21 @@ gen_Read_binds get_fixity tycon
| otherwise = prefix_stmts
prefix_stmts -- T a b c
- = [BindStmt (ident_pat (data_con_str data_con)) lex loc]
+ = [bindLex (ident_pat (data_con_str data_con))]
++ map read_arg as_needed
++ [result_stmt data_con as_needed]
infix_stmts -- a %% b
= [read_arg a1,
- BindStmt (symbol_pat (data_con_str data_con)) lex loc,
+ bindLex (symbol_pat (data_con_str data_con)),
read_arg a2,
result_stmt data_con [a1,a2]]
lbl_stmts -- T { f1 = a, f2 = b }
- = [BindStmt (ident_pat (data_con_str data_con)) lex loc,
- read_punc '{']
- ++ concat (intersperse [read_punc ','] field_stmts)
- ++ [read_punc '}', result_stmt data_con as_needed]
+ = [bindLex (ident_pat (data_con_str data_con)),
+ read_punc "{"]
+ ++ concat (intersperse [read_punc ","] field_stmts)
+ ++ [read_punc "}", result_stmt data_con as_needed]
field_stmts = zipWithEqual "lbl_stmts" read_field labels as_needed
@@ -841,36 +841,46 @@ gen_Read_binds get_fixity tycon
nullary_con = con_arity == 0
labels = dataConFieldLabels data_con
lab_fields = length labels
- dc_nm = getName data_con
+ dc_nm = getName data_con
is_infix = isDataSymOcc (getOccName dc_nm)
as_needed = take con_arity as_RDRs
(a1:a2:_) = as_needed
- prec | not is_infix = appPrecedence
- | otherwise = getPrecedence get_fixity dc_nm
+ prec = getPrec is_infix get_fixity dc_nm
-- Helpers
mk_alt e1 e2 = genOpApp e1 alt_RDR e2
+ bindLex pat = BindStmt pat (HsVar lexP_RDR) loc
result_stmt c as = ResultStmt (HsApp (HsVar returnM_RDR) (con_app c as)) loc
con_app c as = mkHsVarApps (qual_orig_name c) as
- lex = HsVar lexP_RDR
- single_pat c = ConPatIn single_RDR [LitPatIn (mkHsChar c)] -- Single 'x'
+ punc_pat s = ConPatIn punc_RDR [LitPatIn (mkHsString s)] -- Punc 'c'
ident_pat s = ConPatIn ident_RDR [LitPatIn s] -- Ident "foo"
symbol_pat s = ConPatIn symbol_RDR [LitPatIn s] -- Symbol ">>"
- lbl_str :: FieldLabel -> HsLit
- lbl_str lbl = mkHsString (occNameUserString (getOccName (fieldLabelName lbl)))
data_con_str con = mkHsString (occNameUserString (getOccName con))
- read_punc c = BindStmt (single_pat c) lex loc
+ read_punc c = bindLex (punc_pat c)
read_arg a = BindStmt (VarPatIn a) (mkHsVarApps step_RDR [readPrec_RDR]) loc
- read_field lbl a = [BindStmt (ident_pat (lbl_str lbl)) lex loc,
- read_punc '=',
+ read_field lbl a = read_lbl lbl ++
+ [read_punc "=",
BindStmt (VarPatIn a) (mkHsVarApps reset_RDR [readPrec_RDR]) loc]
+ -- When reading field labels we might encounter
+ -- a = 3
+ -- or (#) = 4
+ -- Note the parens!
+ read_lbl lbl | isAlpha (head lbl_str)
+ = [bindLex (ident_pat lbl_lit)]
+ | otherwise
+ = [read_punc "(",
+ bindLex (symbol_pat lbl_lit),
+ read_punc ")"]
+ where
+ lbl_str = occNameUserString (getOccName (fieldLabelName lbl))
+ lbl_lit = mkHsString lbl_str
@@ -896,114 +906,69 @@ gen_Show_binds get_fixity tycon
pats_etc data_con
| nullary_con = -- skip the showParen junk...
ASSERT(null bs_needed)
- ([wildPat, con_pat], show_con)
+ ([wildPat, con_pat], mk_showString_app con_str)
| otherwise =
([a_Pat, con_pat],
- showParen_Expr (HsPar (genOpApp a_Expr ge_RDR (HsLit (HsInt paren_prec_limit))))
+ showParen_Expr (HsPar (genOpApp a_Expr ge_RDR (HsLit (HsInt con_prec))))
(HsPar (nested_compose_Expr show_thingies)))
- data_con_RDR = qual_orig_name data_con
- con_arity = dataConSourceArity data_con
- bs_needed = take con_arity bs_RDRs
- con_pat = ConPatIn data_con_RDR (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
- nullary_con = con_arity == 0
- labels = dataConFieldLabels data_con
- lab_fields = length labels
+ data_con_RDR = qual_orig_name data_con
+ con_arity = dataConSourceArity data_con
+ bs_needed = take con_arity bs_RDRs
+ con_pat = ConPatIn data_con_RDR (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
+ nullary_con = con_arity == 0
+ labels = dataConFieldLabels data_con
+ lab_fields = length labels
+ record_syntax = lab_fields > 0
dc_nm = getName data_con
dc_occ_nm = getOccName data_con
- dc_occ_nm_str = occNameUserString dc_occ_nm
- is_infix = isDataSymOcc dc_occ_nm
+ con_str = occNameUserString dc_occ_nm
- show_con
- | is_infix = mk_showString_app (' ':dc_occ_nm_str)
- | otherwise = mk_showString_app (dc_occ_nm_str ++ space_ocurly_maybe)
- where
- space_ocurly_maybe
- | nullary_con = ""
- | lab_fields == 0 = " "
- | otherwise = "{"
- show_all con fs@(x:xs)
- | is_infix = x:con:xs
- | otherwise =
- let
- ccurly_maybe
- | lab_fields > 0 = [mk_showString_app "}"]
- | otherwise = []
- in
- con:fs ++ ccurly_maybe
- show_thingies = show_all show_con real_show_thingies_with_labs
+ show_thingies
+ | is_infix = [show_arg1, mk_showString_app (" " ++ con_str ++ " "), show_arg2]
+ | record_syntax = mk_showString_app (con_str ++ " {") :
+ show_record_args ++ [mk_showString_app "}"]
+ | otherwise = mk_showString_app (con_str ++ " ") : show_prefix_args
show_label l = mk_showString_app (the_name ++ "=")
occ_nm = getOccName (fieldLabelName l)
- -- legal, but rare.
- is_op = isSymOcc occ_nm
+ nm = occNameUserString occ_nm
+ is_op = isSymOcc occ_nm -- Legal, but rare.
| is_op = '(':nm ++ ")"
| otherwise = nm
- nm = occNameUserString occ_nm
- mk_showString_app str = HsApp (HsVar showString_RDR)
- (HsLit (mkHsString str))
- prec_cons = getLRPrecs is_infix get_fixity dc_nm
- real_show_thingies
- | is_infix =
- [ mkHsApps showsPrec_RDR [HsLit (HsInt p), HsVar b]
- | (p,b) <- zip prec_cons bs_needed ]
- | otherwise =
- [ mkHsApps showsPrec_RDR [mkHsIntLit 10, HsVar b]
- | b <- bs_needed ]
- real_show_thingies_with_labs
- | lab_fields == 0 = intersperse (HsVar showSpace_RDR) real_show_thingies
- | otherwise = --Assumption: no of fields == no of labelled fields
- -- (and in same order)
- concat $
- intersperse ([mk_showString_app ","]) $ -- Using SLIT()s containing ,s spells trouble.
- zipWithEqual "gen_Show_binds"
- (\ a b -> [a,b])
- (map show_label labels)
- real_show_thingies
+ show_args = [ mkHsApps showsPrec_RDR [HsLit (HsInt arg_prec), HsVar b]
+ | b <- bs_needed ]
+ (show_arg1:show_arg2:_) = show_args
+ show_prefix_args = intersperse (HsVar showSpace_RDR) show_args
+ -- Assumption for record syntax: no of fields == no of labelled fields
+ -- (and in same order)
+ show_record_args = concat $
+ intersperse [mk_showString_app ", "] $
+ [ [show_label lbl, arg]
+ | (lbl,arg) <- zipEqual "gen_Show_binds"
+ labels show_args ]
- {-
- c.f. Figure 16 and 17 in Haskell 1.1 report
- -}
- paren_prec_limit
- | not is_infix = appPrecedence + 1
- | otherwise = getPrecedence get_fixity dc_nm + 1
+ -- Fixity stuff
+ is_infix = isDataSymOcc dc_occ_nm
+ con_prec = 1 + getPrec is_infix get_fixity dc_nm
+ arg_prec | record_syntax = 0 -- Record fields don't need parens
+ | otherwise = con_prec
+mk_showString_app str = HsApp (HsVar showString_RDR) (HsLit (mkHsString str))
-getLRPrecs :: Bool -> FixityEnv -> Name -> [Integer]
-getLRPrecs is_infix get_fixity nm = [lp, rp]
- where
- {-
- Figuring out the fixities of the arguments to a constructor,
- cf. Figures 16-18 in Haskell 1.1 report.
- -}
- (con_left_assoc, con_right_assoc) = isLRAssoc get_fixity nm
- paren_con_prec = getPrecedence get_fixity nm
- lp
- | not is_infix = appPrecedence + 1
- | con_left_assoc = paren_con_prec
- | otherwise = paren_con_prec + 1
- rp
- | not is_infix = appPrecedence + 1
- | con_right_assoc = paren_con_prec
- | otherwise = paren_con_prec + 1
+getPrec :: Bool -> FixityEnv -> Name -> Integer
+getPrec is_infix get_fixity nm
+ | not is_infix = appPrecedence
+ | otherwise = getPrecedence get_fixity nm
appPrecedence :: Integer
appPrecedence = fromIntegral maxPrecedence