path: root/ghc
diff options
authorsimonmar <unknown>2004-09-10 09:23:19 +0000
committersimonmar <unknown>2004-09-10 09:23:19 +0000
commitb0306f6e4545478d031ff619ee7c666cc1d8d381 (patch)
tree23b3d82f4c17bbe84b873fd2c87004d23b94ec67 /ghc
parent99b614ebaa93917495d1031a18aab466bcb8d1cd (diff)
[project @ 2004-09-10 09:23:19 by simonmar]
Fix bug in decode_tuple (fixes tc177(prof))
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs
index 50b39fe7f0..2de02e760f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs
@@ -753,6 +753,19 @@ decode_num_esc d rest
go n (c : rest) | isDigit c = go (10*n + digitToInt c) rest
go n ('U' : rest) = chr n : decode rest
go n other = pprPanic "decode_num_esc" (ppr n <+> text other)
+decode_tuple :: Char -> EncodedString -> UserString
+decode_tuple d rest
+ = go (digitToInt d) rest
+ where
+ -- NB. recurse back to decode after decoding the tuple, because
+ -- the tuple might be embedded in a longer name.
+ go n (c : rest) | isDigit c = go (10*n + digitToInt c) rest
+ go 0 ('T':rest) = "()" ++ decode rest
+ go n ('T':rest) = '(' : replicate (n-1) ',' ++ ")" ++ decode rest
+ go 1 ('H':rest) = "(# #)" ++ decode rest
+ go n ('H':rest) = '(' : '#' : replicate (n-1) ',' ++ "#)" ++ decode rest
+ go n other = pprPanic "decode_tuple" (ppr n <+> text other)
@@ -793,17 +806,6 @@ count_commas n cs = (n,cs)
-decode_tuple :: Char -> EncodedString -> UserString
-decode_tuple d rest
- = go (digitToInt d) rest
- where
- go n (c : rest) | isDigit c = go (10*n + digitToInt c) rest
- go 0 ['T'] = "()"
- go n ['T'] = '(' : replicate (n-1) ',' ++ ")"
- go 1 ['H'] = "(# #)"
- go n ['H'] = '(' : '#' : replicate (n-1) ',' ++ "#)"
- go n other = pprPanic "decode_tuple" (ppr n <+> text other)
mkTupleOcc :: NameSpace -> Boxity -> Arity -> OccName
mkTupleOcc ns bx ar
= OccName ns (mkFastString ('Z' : (show ar ++ bx_char)))