path: root/ghc
diff options
authorrrt <unknown>2001-02-26 15:44:59 +0000
committerrrt <unknown>2001-02-26 15:44:59 +0000
commit81027250abf0099f1dbaef1ddb8534547268ad41 (patch)
tree6f5c60f1fe1d6e7c7e867a31256d604e788e6df4 /ghc
parent44637383d831bd3ca8f3aa3cf80e6a0c90986b41 (diff)
[project @ 2001-02-26 15:44:59 by rrt]
ILX back-end. WARNING: this is code copied in that was previously added to 4.06. It's not remotely sane to try to compile it at the moment; that's what I've got to do next. Don't worry, it's all #ifdefed at the moment.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc')
36 files changed, 4771 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/Entry.ilx b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/Entry.ilx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe8b618934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/Entry.ilx
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+.assembly test { }
+.class MainMain {
+ .method public static void Main(class [mscorlib]System.String[]) {
+ .entrypoint
+ ldstr "LOG: loading main value\n" call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class [mscorlib]System.String)
+ ldsfld (func () --> class [ilx std]'()') class Main::'Main_main'
+ ldstr "LOG: evaluating main value\n"
+ call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class [mscorlib]System.String)
+ callfunc --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)
+ ldstr "LOG: calling main value\n"
+ call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class [mscorlib]System.String)
+ ldvoid
+ callfunc (void) --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T
+ pop
+// Call the "finalizers" for stdin, stdout and stderr, because COM+ doesn't
+// guarantee that finalizers will be run. WE DON'T GUARANTEE TO RUN ANY
+ ldstr "LOG: calling critical finalizers manually in main()\n"
+ call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class [mscorlib]System.String)
+ldsfld (func (thunk<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_MVar<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_Handle__>>) --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)) [ilx std]'PrelHandle'::'PrelHandle_stdHandleFinalizzer'
+ldsfld thunk<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_MVar<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_Handle__>> [ilx std]'PrelHandle'::'PrelHandle_stdin'
+ callfunc (thunk<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_MVar<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_Handle__>>) --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)
+ callfunc --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)
+ ldvoid
+ callfunc (void) --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T
+ pop
+ldsfld (func (thunk<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_MVar<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_Handle__>>) --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)) [ilx std]'PrelHandle'::'PrelHandle_stdHandleFinalizzer'
+ldsfld thunk<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_MVar<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_Handle__>> [ilx std]'PrelHandle'::'PrelHandle_stdout'
+ callfunc (thunk<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_MVar<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_Handle__>>) --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)
+ callfunc --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)
+ ldvoid
+ callfunc (void) --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T
+ pop
+ldsfld (func (thunk<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_MVar<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_Handle__>>) --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)) [ilx std]'PrelHandle'::'PrelHandle_stdHandleFinalizzer'
+ldsfld thunk<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_MVar<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_Handle__>> [ilx std]'PrelHandle'::'PrelHandle_stderr'
+ callfunc (thunk<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_MVar<class [ilx std]PrelIOBase_Handle__>>) --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)
+ callfunc --> (func () --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T)
+ ldvoid
+ callfunc (void) --> class [ilx std]PrelBase_Z0T
+ pop
+ ldstr "LOG: exit main()\n"
+ call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class [mscorlib]System.String)
+ ret
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/IlxGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/IlxGen.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02d068986e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/IlxGen.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,2074 @@
+\section{Generate COM+ extended assembler}
+module IlxGen( ilxGen ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Char ( ord, chr )
+import StgSyn
+import Id ( idType, idName, isDeadBinder, idPrimRep, idArityInfo )
+import IdInfo ( arityLowerBound )
+import Var ( Var, Id, TyVar, isId, isTyVar, tyVarKind, tyVarName )
+import VarEnv
+import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConPrimRep, isUnboxedTupleTyCon, tyConDataCons, newTyConRep, tyConTyVars, isDataTyCon, isAlgTyCon )
+import Class ( Class, classTyCon )
+import Type ( isUnboxedTupleType, isUnLiftedType, isTyVarTy, mkTyVarTy, splitForAllTys, splitFunTys, applyTy, splitNewType_maybe, applyTys,typeKind,getTyVar )
+import TypeRep ( Type(..), boxedKind,boxedTypeKind,openTypeKind,anyBoxKind, unboxedTypeKind )
+import DataCon ( isUnboxedTupleCon, dataConTyCon, dataConRepType, dataConRepArgTys )
+import Literal ( Literal(..), literalType )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp(..), CCallTarget(..),CCall(..) )
+import PrimRep ( PrimRep(..) )
+import Name ( nameModule, nameOccName, isGlobalName, isLocalName, isDllName, NamedThing(getName) )
+import Unique -- Lots of keys
+import FiniteMap
+import UniqFM
+import Subst ( substTy, mkTyVarSubst )
+import Module ( Module, PackageName, ModuleName, moduleName, modulePackageName, isLocalModule, pprModuleName, mkThisModule, mkSrcModule, mkPrelModule )
+import CStrings ( CLabelString, pprCLabelString )
+import TysWiredIn ( unboxedTupleTyCon, unboxedTupleCon, mkUnboxedTupleTy )
+import Outputable
+import Char ( ord )
+import List ( partition, elem, sortBy, insertBy,any )
+import UniqSet
+import TysPrim ( byteArrayPrimTyCon, mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon )
+-- opt_DoEtaReduction is used to help with assembly naming conventions for different
+-- versions of compiled Haskell code. We add a ".O" to all assembly and module
+-- names when this is set. One day this will be configured by the command line.
+import CmdLineOpts ( opt_Static, opt_InPackage, opt_DoEtaReduction )
+%* *
+\subsection{Main driver}
+%* *
+ilxGen :: Module -> [TyCon] -> [Class] -> [(StgBinding,[Id])] -> SDoc
+ilxGen mod tycons classes binds_w_srts
+ = vcat [vcat (map (ilxImportPackage topenv) (uniqSetToList import_packages)),
+ vcat (map (ilxImportModule topenv) (uniqSetToList import_modules)),
+ vcat (map (ilxImportTyCon topenv) (uniqSetToList import_tycons)),
+ vcat (map (ilxTyCon topenv) data_tycons),
+ vcat (map (ilxBindClosures topenv) binds),
+ ilxTopBind mod topenv toppairs
+ ]
+ where
+ binds = map fst binds_w_srts
+ (import_packages,import_modules,import_tycons) = importsBinds binds `unionImpInfo` importsPrelude
+ toppairs = ilxPairs binds
+ topenv = extendIlxEnvWithTops (emptyIlxEnv False mod) mod toppairs
+ -- Generate info from class decls as well
+ data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon (tycons ++ map classTyCon classes)
+%* *
+\subsection{Find Imports}
+%* *
+importsBinds :: [StgBinding] -> ImportsInfo
+importsBinds binds = unionImpInfos (map importsBind binds)
+importsBind :: StgBinding -> ImportsInfo
+importsBind (StgNonRec b rhs) = importsRhs rhs `unionImpInfo` importsVar b
+importsBind (StgRec pairs) = unionImpInfos (map (\(b,rhs) -> importsRhs rhs `unionImpInfo` importsVar b) pairs)
+importsRhs (StgRhsCon _ con args) = importsDataCon con `unionImpInfo` importsStgArgs args
+importsRhs (StgRhsClosure _ _ srt _ upd args body) = importsExpr body `unionImpInfo` importsVars args
+importsExpr :: StgExpr -> ImportsInfo
+importsExpr (StgLit l) = emptyImpInfo
+importsExpr (StgApp f args) = importsVar f `unionImpInfo` importsStgArgs args
+importsExpr (StgConApp con args) = importsDataCon con `unionImpInfo` importsStgArgs args
+importsExpr (StgPrimApp op args res_ty) = importsType res_ty `unionImpInfo` importsStgArgs args
+importsExpr (StgSCC cc expr) = importsExpr expr
+importsExpr (StgCase scrut _ _ bndr srt alts)
+ = importsExpr scrut `unionImpInfo` imports_alts alts `unionImpInfo` importsVar bndr
+ where
+ imports_alts (StgAlgAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = unionImpInfos (map imports_alg_alt alts) `unionImpInfo` imports_deflt deflt `unionImpInfo` importsType ty
+ where
+ imports_alg_alt (con, bndrs, _, rhs)
+ = importsExpr rhs `unionImpInfo` importsDataCon con `unionImpInfo` importsVars bndrs
+ imports_alts (StgPrimAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = unionImpInfos (map imports_prim_alt alts) `unionImpInfo` imports_deflt deflt `unionImpInfo` importsType ty
+ where
+ imports_prim_alt (lit, rhs) = importsExpr rhs
+ imports_deflt StgNoDefault = emptyImpInfo
+ imports_deflt (StgBindDefault rhs) = importsExpr rhs
+importsExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ _ bind body) = importsExpr (StgLet bind body)
+importsExpr (StgLet bind body)
+ = importsBind bind `unionImpInfo` importsExpr body
+importsApp v args = importsVar v `unionImpInfo` importsStgArgs args
+importsStgArgs args = unionImpInfos (map importsStgArg args)
+importsStgArg :: StgArg -> ImportsInfo
+importsStgArg (StgTypeArg ty) = importsType ty
+importsStgArg (StgVarArg v) = importsVar v
+importsStgArg _ = emptyImpInfo
+importsVars vs = unionImpInfos (map importsVar vs)
+importsVar v = importsName (idName v) `unionImpInfo` importsType (idType v)
+importsName n
+ | isLocalName n = emptyImpInfo
+ | thisModule == nameModule n = emptyImpInfo
+ | isDllName n = singlePackageImpInfo (modulePackageName (nameModule n))
+ | otherwise = singleModuleImpInfo (moduleName (nameModule n))
+importsModule m
+ | thisModule == m = emptyImpInfo
+ | isLocalModule m = singleModuleImpInfo (moduleName m)
+ | otherwise = singlePackageImpInfo (modulePackageName m)
+importsType :: Type -> ImportsInfo
+importsType ty = importsType2 (deepIlxRepType ty)
+importsType2 :: Type -> ImportsInfo
+importsType2 (AppTy f x) = importsType2 f `unionImpInfo` importsType2 x
+importsType2 (TyVarTy _) = emptyImpInfo
+importsType2 (TyConApp tc args) =importsTyCon tc `unionImpInfo` importsTypeArgs2 args
+importsType2 (FunTy arg res) = importsType arg `unionImpInfo` importsType2 res
+importsType2 (ForAllTy tv body_ty) = importsType2 body_ty
+importsType2 (NoteTy _ ty) = importsType2 ty
+importsTypeArgs2 tys =unionImpInfos (map importsType2 tys)
+importsDataCon dcon = importsTyCon (dataConTyCon dcon)
+importsTyCon tc | (not (isDataTyCon tc) ||
+ isLocalName (getName tc) ||
+ thisModule == nameModule (getName tc)) = emptyImpInfo
+importsTyCon tc | otherwise = importsName (getName tc) `unionImpInfo` (emptyUniqSet, emptyUniqSet,unitUniqSet tc)
+importsPrelude =
+ if preludePackage == opt_InPackage then singleModuleImpInfo (mkSrcModule "PrelGHC")
+ else singlePackageImpInfo preludePackage
+-- hack to get at Module.preludePackage - we should reveal it....
+ = if isLocalModule dummy then opt_InPackage else modulePackageName dummy
+ where
+ dummy = mkPrelModule (mkSrcModule "")
+type ImportsInfo = (UniqSet PackageName, UniqSet ModuleName, UniqSet TyCon) -- (Packages, Modules, Datatypes)
+emptyImpInfo :: ImportsInfo
+emptyImpInfo = (emptyUniqSet, emptyUniqSet, emptyUniqSet)
+singlePackageImpInfo p = (unitUniqSet p, emptyUniqSet, emptyUniqSet)
+singleModuleImpInfo m = (emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet m, emptyUniqSet)
+unionImpInfo :: ImportsInfo -> ImportsInfo -> ImportsInfo
+unionImpInfo (w1,x1,y1) (w2,x2,y2) = (unionUniqSets w1 w2, unionUniqSets x1 x2, unionUniqSets y1 y2)
+unionImpInfos :: [ImportsInfo] -> ImportsInfo
+unionImpInfos fvs = foldr unionImpInfo emptyImpInfo fvs
+ilxImportTyCon :: IlxEnv -> TyCon -> SDoc
+ilxImportTyCon env tycon | isDataTyCon tycon = pprIlxTyConDef True env tycon
+ilxImportTyCon env tycon | otherwise = empty
+ilxImportPackage :: IlxEnv -> PackageName -> SDoc
+ilxImportPackage env p = text ".assembly extern ilx" <+> singleQuotes (text (_UNPK_ p) <> hscOptionQual) <+> text "{ }"
+ilxImportModule :: IlxEnv -> ModuleName -> SDoc
+ilxImportModule env m = text ".module extern ilx" <+> singleQuotes (ppr m <> hscOptionQual)
+%* *
+\subsection{Type declarations}
+%* *
+ilxTyCon :: IlxEnv -> TyCon -> SDoc
+ilxTyCon env tycon = pprIlxTyConDef False env tycon
+-- filter to get only dataTyCons?
+pprIlxTyConDef importing env tycon =
+ vcat [empty $$ line,
+ text ".classunion" <+> (if importing then text "extern" else empty) <+> text "thunk"
+ <+> ((nameReference env (getName tycon)) <> (ppr tycon)) <+> tyvars_text <+> alts_text]
+ where
+ tyvars = tyConTyVars tycon
+ (ilx_tvs, non_ilx_tvs) = categorizeTyVars tyvars
+ alts_env = extendIlxEnvWithFormalTyVars env ilx_tvs
+ tyvars_text = pprTyVarBinders alts_env ilx_tvs
+ alts = vcat (map (pprIlxDataCon alts_env) (tyConDataCons tycon))
+ alts_text = nest 2 (braces alts)
+pprIlxDataCon env dcon =
+ text ".alternative" <+> pprId dcon <+>
+ parens (pprSepWithCommas (pprIlxTypeL env) (map deepIlxRepType (filter (not. isVoidIlxRepType) (dataConRepArgTys dcon))))
+%* *
+\subsection{Getting the .closures and literals out} *
+ilxBindClosures :: IlxEnv -> StgBinding -> SDoc
+ilxBindClosures env (StgNonRec b rhs) = ilxRhsClosures env (b,rhs)
+ilxBindClosures env (StgRec pairs)
+ = vcat (map (ilxRhsClosures new_env) pairs)
+ where
+ new_env = extendIlxEnvWithBinds env pairs
+ilxRhsClosures env (bndr, StgRhsCon _ _ _)
+ = empty
+ilxRhsClosures env (bndr, StgRhsClosure _ _ _ fvs upd args rhs)
+ = vcat [ilxExprClosures next_env rhs,
+ empty $$ line,
+ kind_text <+> squotes cloname <+> free_vs_text,
+ nest 2 (braces (
+ nest 2 (vcat [empty,
+ vcat [text ".apply" <+> closure_sig_text,
+ body_text
+ ],
+ empty
+ ])
+ ))
+ ]
+ where
+ kind_of_thing = case upd of
+ Updatable -> ASSERT( null args ) ".thunk"
+ other -> ".closure"
+ kind_text = text kind_of_thing
+ cloname = ilxEnvQualifyByModule env (ppr bndr)
+ next_env = ilxPlaceStgRhsClosure env bndr
+ (free_vs_text,env_with_fvs) = pprFreeBinders next_env fvs
+ closure_sig_text =
+ vcat [(case args of
+ [] -> empty
+ other -> args_text),
+ text "-->" <+> rty_text]
+ (args_text,env_with_args) = pprArgBinders env_with_fvs args
+ -- Find the type returned, from the no. of args and the type of "bndr"
+ rty_text =
+ case retType env_with_fvs (idIlxRepType bndr) args of
+ Just (env,ty) -> pprIlxTypeR env ty
+ Nothing -> trace "WARNING! IlxGen.trace could not find return type - see generated ILX for context where this occurs." (text "// Could not find return type:" <+> pprIlxTypeR env_with_fvs (idIlxRepType bndr)<+> text ", non representation: " <+> pprIlxTypeR env_with_fvs (idType bndr))
+ -- strip off leading ForAll and Fun type constructions
+ -- up to the given number of arguments, extending the environment as
+ -- we go.
+ retType env ty [] = Just (env, ty)
+ retType env (ForAllTy tv ty) (arg:args) = retType (extendIlxEnvWithTyArgs env [tv]) ty args
+ retType env (FunTy l r) (arg:args) = retType env r args
+ retType _ _ _ = Nothing
+ -- Code for the local variables
+ locals = ilxExprLocals env_with_args rhs
+ env_with_locals = extendIlxEnvWithLocals env_with_args locals
+ -- Code for the body of the main apply method
+ body_code = vcat [empty,
+ pprIlxLocals env_with_args locals,
+ ilxExpr (IlxEEnv env_with_locals (mkUniqSet (filter (not.isTyVar) args))) rhs Return,
+ empty
+ ]
+ body_text = nest 2 (braces (text ".maxstack 100" <+> nest 2 body_code))
+pprIlxLocals env [] = empty
+pprIlxLocals env vs
+ = text ".locals" <+> parens (pprSepWithCommas (pprIlxLocal env) (filter nonVoidLocal vs))
+ where
+ nonVoidLocal (LocalId v,_) = not (isVoidIlxRepId v)
+ nonVoidLocal _ = True
+pprIlxLocal env (LocalId v,_) = pprIlxTypeL env (idIlxRepType v) <+> pprId v
+pprIlxLocal env (LocalSDoc (ty,doc,pin),_) = pprIlxTypeL env (deepIlxRepType ty) <+> (if pin then text "pinned" else empty) <+> doc
+pprFreeBinders env fvs
+ = (ilx_tvs_text <+> vs_text, env2)
+ where
+ (free_ilx_tvs, free_non_ilx_tvs,free_vs) = categorizeVars fvs
+ real_free_vs = filter (not . isVoidIlxRepId) free_vs
+ -- ignore the higher order type parameters for the moment
+ env1 = extendIlxEnvWithFreeTyVars env free_ilx_tvs
+ ilx_tvs_text = pprTyVarBinders env1 free_ilx_tvs
+ vs_text = parens (pprSepWithCommas ppr_id real_free_vs)
+ ppr_id v = pprIlxTypeL env1 (idIlxRepType v) <+> pprId v
+ env2 = extendIlxEnvWithFreeVars env1 real_free_vs
+pprIdBinder env v = parens (pprIlxTypeL env (idIlxRepType v) <+> pprId v)
+ -- Declarations for the arguments of the main apply method
+pprArgBinders env [] = (empty,env)
+pprArgBinders env (arg:args)
+ = (arg_text <+> rest_text, res_env)
+ where
+ (arg_text,env') = pprArgBinder env arg
+ (rest_text,res_env) = pprArgBinders env' args
+-- We could probably omit some void argument binders, but
+-- don't...
+pprArgBinder env arg
+ | isVoidIlxRepId arg = (text "()", extendIlxEnvWithArgs env [arg])
+ | otherwise
+ = if isTyVar arg then
+ let env' = extendIlxEnvWithTyArgs env [arg] in
+ (pprTyVarBinder env' arg, env')
+ else (pprIdBinder env arg,extendIlxEnvWithArgs env [arg])
+-- Compute local variables used by generated method.
+-- The names of some generated locals are recorded as SDocs.
+data LocalSpec = LocalId Id | LocalSDoc (Type, SDoc, Bool) -- flag is for pinning
+ilxExprLocals :: IlxEnv -> StgExpr -> [(LocalSpec,Maybe (IlxEnv,StgRhs))]
+ilxExprLocals env (StgLet bind body) = ilxBindLocals env bind ++ ilxExprLocals env body
+ilxExprLocals env (StgLetNoEscape _ _ bind body) = ilxBindLocals env bind ++ ilxExprLocals env body -- TO DO????
+ilxExprLocals env (StgCase scrut _ _ bndr _ alts)
+ = ilxExprLocals (ilxPlaceStgCaseScrut env) scrut ++
+ (if isDeadBinder bndr then [] else [(LocalId bndr,Nothing)]) ++
+ ilxAltsLocals env alts
+ilxExprLocals env (StgPrimApp (CCallOp (CCall (StaticTarget c) casm gc cconv)) args ret_ty)
+ = concat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 ilxCCallArgLocals env args)
+ilxExprLocals _ _ = []
+-- Generate locals to use for pinning arguments as we cross the boundary
+-- to C.
+ilxCCallArgLocals env arg@(StgVarArg v) | pinCCallArg v =
+ [(LocalSDoc (idType v, ilxEnvQualifyByExact env (ppr v) <> text "pin", True), Nothing)]
+ilxCCallArgLocals _ _ | otherwise = []
+ilxBindLocals env (StgNonRec b rhs) = [(LocalId b,Just (env, rhs))]
+ilxBindLocals env (StgRec pairs) = map (\(x,y) -> (LocalId x,Just (env, y))) pairs
+ilxAltsLocals env (StgAlgAlts _ alts deflt) = ilxDefltLocals env deflt ++ concat (ilxMapPlaceAlts ilxAlgAltLocals env alts)
+ilxAltsLocals env (StgPrimAlts _ alts deflt) = ilxDefltLocals env deflt ++ concat (ilxMapPlaceAlts ilxPrimAltLocals env alts)
+ilxAlgAltLocals env (con, bndrs, _, rhs) = map (\x -> (LocalId x,Nothing)) (filter (\v -> isId v && not (isDeadBinder v)) bndrs) ++ ilxExprLocals env rhs
+ilxPrimAltLocals env (lit, rhs) = ilxExprLocals env rhs
+ilxDefltLocals env StgNoDefault = []
+ilxDefltLocals env (StgBindDefault rhs) = ilxExprLocals (ilxPlaceStgBindDefault env) rhs
+ilxExprClosures :: IlxEnv -> StgExpr -> SDoc
+ilxExprClosures env (StgApp _ args)
+ = vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 (ilxArgClosures) env args) -- get strings
+ilxExprClosures env (StgConApp _ args)
+ = vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 (ilxArgClosures) env args) -- get strings
+ilxExprClosures env (StgPrimApp _ args _)
+ = vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 (ilxArgClosures) env args) -- get strings
+ilxExprClosures env (StgLet bind body)
+ = ilxBindClosures env bind $$ ilxExprClosures (extendIlxEnvWithBinds env (ilxPairs1 bind)) body
+ilxExprClosures env (StgLetNoEscape _ _ bind body) -- TO DO????
+ = ilxBindClosures env bind $$ ilxExprClosures (extendIlxEnvWithBinds env (ilxPairs1 bind)) body
+ilxExprClosures env (StgCase scrut _ _ _ _ alts)
+ = ilxExprClosures (ilxPlaceStgCaseScrut env) scrut $$ ilxAltsClosures env alts
+ilxExprClosures env (StgLit lit)
+ = ilxGenLit env lit
+ilxExprClosures env other
+ = empty
+ilxAltsClosures env (StgAlgAlts _ alts deflt)
+ = vcat [ilxExprClosures (ilxPlaceAlt env i) rhs | (i,(_, _, _, rhs)) <- [1..] `zip` alts]
+ $$
+ ilxDefltClosures env deflt
+ilxAltsClosures env (StgPrimAlts _ alts deflt)
+ = vcat [ilxExprClosures (ilxPlaceAlt env i) rhs | (i,(_, rhs)) <- [1..] `zip` alts]
+ $$
+ vcat [ ilxGenLit (ilxPlacePrimAltLit env i) lit | (i,(lit,_)) <- [1..] `zip` alts]
+ $$
+ ilxDefltClosures env deflt
+ilxDefltClosures env (StgBindDefault rhs) = ilxExprClosures (ilxPlaceStgBindDefault env) rhs
+ilxDefltClosures env StgNoDefault = empty
+ilxArgClosures env (StgLitArg lit) = ilxGenLit env lit
+ilxArgClosures _ _ = empty
+ilxGenLit env (MachStr fs)
+ = vcat [text ".field static assembly char " <+> squotes nm <+> text "at" <+> nm <> text "L",
+ text ".data" <+> nm <> text "L" <+> text "= char *(" <> pprFSInILStyle fs <> text ")"
+ ]
+ where
+ nm = ilxEnvQualifyByExact env (text "string")
+ilxGenLit _ _ = empty
+%* *
+\subsection{Generating code}
+%* *
+-- Environment when generating expressions
+data IlxEEnv = IlxEEnv IlxEnv (UniqSet Id)
+data Sequel = Return | Jump IlxLabel
+ilxSequel Return = text "ret"
+ilxSequel (Jump lbl) = text "br" <+> pprIlxLabel lbl
+isReturn Return = True
+isReturn (Jump _) = False
+ilxExpr :: IlxEEnv -> StgExpr
+ -> Sequel -- What to do at the end
+ -> SDoc
+ilxExpr eenv@(IlxEEnv env _) (StgApp fun args) sequel
+ = ilxFunApp env fun args (isReturn sequel) $$ ilxSequel sequel
+-- ilxExpr eenv (StgLit lit) sequel
+ilxExpr eenv@(IlxEEnv env _) (StgLit lit) sequel
+ = pushLit env lit $$ ilxSequel sequel
+-- ilxExpr eenv (StgConApp data_con args) sequel
+ilxExpr eenv@(IlxEEnv env _) (StgConApp data_con args) sequel
+ = text " /* ilxExpr:StgConApp */ " <+> ilxConApp env data_con args $$ ilxSequel sequel
+-- ilxExpr eenv (StgPrimApp primop args _) sequel
+ilxExpr eenv@(IlxEEnv env _) (StgPrimApp primop args ret_ty) sequel
+ = ilxPrimApp env primop args ret_ty $$ ilxSequel sequel
+-- The following are versions of a peephole optimizations for "let t = \[] t2[fvs] in t"
+-- I think would be subsumed by a general treatmenet of let-no-rec bindings??
+ilxExpr eenv@(IlxEEnv env _) (StgLet (StgNonRec bndr (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ fvs upd [] rhs)) (StgApp fun [])) sequel
+ | (bndr == fun && null (ilxExprLocals env rhs)) -- TO DO???
+ = ilxExpr eenv rhs sequel
+ilxExpr eenv@(IlxEEnv env _) (StgLetNoEscape _ _ (StgNonRec bndr (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ fvs upd [] rhs)) (StgApp fun [])) sequel
+ | (bndr == fun && null (ilxExprLocals env rhs)) -- TO DO???
+ = ilxExpr eenv rhs sequel
+ilxExpr eenv (StgLet bind body) sequel
+ = ilxBind eenv bind $$ ilxExpr eenv body sequel
+ilxExpr eenv (StgLetNoEscape _ _ bind body) sequel -- TO DO???
+ = ilxBind eenv bind $$ ilxExpr eenv body sequel
+-- StgCase: Special case 1 to avoid spurious branch.
+ilxExpr eenv@(IlxEEnv env live) (StgCase (StgApp fun args) live_in_case live_in_alts bndr _ alts) sequel
+ = vcat [ilxWipe env (uniqSetToList (live `minusUniqSet` live_in_case)),
+ ilxFunApp (ilxPlaceStgCaseScrut env) fun args False,
+ --ilxWipe env (uniqSetToList (live_in_case `minusUniqSet` live_in_alts)),
+ --ilxAlts (IlxEEnv env live_in_alts) bndr alts sequel
+ ilxAlts (IlxEEnv env live_in_case) bndr alts sequel
+ ]
+-- StgCase: Special case 2 to avoid spurious branch.
+ilxExpr eenv@(IlxEEnv env live) (StgCase (StgPrimApp primop args ret_ty) live_in_case live_in_alts bndr _ alts) sequel
+ = vcat [ilxWipe env (uniqSetToList (live `minusUniqSet` live_in_case)),
+ ilxPrimApp (ilxPlaceStgCaseScrut env) primop args ret_ty,
+ --ilxWipe env (uniqSetToList (live_in_case `minusUniqSet` live_in_alts)),
+ --ilxAlts (IlxEEnv env live_in_alts) bndr alts sequel
+ ilxAlts (IlxEEnv env live_in_case) bndr alts sequel
+ ]
+-- StgCase: Normal case.
+ilxExpr eenv@(IlxEEnv env live) (StgCase scrut live_in_case live_in_alts bndr _ alts) sequel
+ = vcat [ilxWipe env (uniqSetToList (live `minusUniqSet` live_in_case)),
+ ilxExpr (IlxEEnv (ilxPlaceStgCaseScrut env) live_in_case) scrut (Jump join_lbl),
+ ilxLabel join_lbl,
+ --ilxWipe env (uniqSetToList (live_in_case `minusUniqSet` live_in_alts)),
+ --ilxAlts (IlxEEnv env live_in_alts) bndr alts sequel
+ ilxAlts (IlxEEnv env live_in_case) bndr alts sequel
+ ]
+ where
+ join_lbl = mkJoinLabel bndr
+-- Wipe out locals and arguments that are no longer in use, to
+-- prevent space leaks. If the VM is implemented 100% correctly then
+-- this should probably not be needed, as the live variable analysis
+-- in the JIT would tell the GC that these locals and arguments are
+-- no longer live. However I'm putting it in here so we can
+-- check out if it helps.
+-- Also, in any case this doesn't capture everything we need. e.g.
+-- when making a call:
+-- case f x of ...
+-- where x is not used in the alternatives, then the variable x
+-- is no longer live from the point it is transferred to the call
+-- onwards. We should expunge "live_in_case - live_in_alts" right
+-- before making the call, not after returning from the call....
+-- Strictly speaking we also don't need to do this for primitive
+-- values such as integers and addresses, i.e. things not
+-- mapped down to GC'able objects.
+ilxWipe env ids
+ = vcat (map (ilxWipeOne env) (filter (not.isVoidIlxRepId) ids))
+ilxWipeOne env id
+ = case lookupIlxVarEnv env id of
+ Just Local -> text "ldloca " <+> pprId id <+> text "initobj" <+> (pprIlxTypeL env (idIlxRepType id))
+ Just Arg -> text "deadarg " <+> pprId id <+> text "," <+> (pprIlxTypeL env (idIlxRepType id))
+ Just (CloVar _) -> ilxComment (text "not yet wiping closure variable" <+> pprId id )
+ _ -> ilxComment (text "cannot wipe non-local/non-argument" <+> pprId id )
+ where
+ilxAlts :: IlxEEnv -> Id -> StgCaseAlts -> Sequel -> SDoc
+ilxAlts eenv@(IlxEEnv env live) bndr alts sequel
+ -- At the join label, the result is on top
+ -- of the stack
+ = vcat [store_in_bndr,
+ do_case_analysis alts
+ ]
+ where
+ store_in_bndr | isDeadBinder bndr = empty
+ | isVoidIlxRepId bndr
+ = ilxComment (text "ignoring store of zero-rep value to be analyzed")
+ | otherwise = text "dup" $$ (text "stloc" <+> pprId bndr)
+ do_case_analysis (StgAlgAlts _ [] deflt)
+ = do_deflt deflt
+ do_case_analysis (StgAlgAlts ty args deflt)
+ = do_alg_alts (deepIlxRepType ty) ([1..] `zip` args) deflt
+ do_case_analysis (StgPrimAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = do_prim_alts ([1..] `zip` alts) $$ do_deflt deflt
+ do_alg_alts ty [(i, alt@(data_con,bndrs,used_flags, rhs))] StgNoDefault | isUnboxedTupleCon data_con
+ -- Collapse the analysis of unboxed tuples where
+ -- some or all elements are zero-sized
+ --
+ -- TO DO: add bndrs to set of live variables
+ = case bndrs' of
+ [h] -> bind_collapse bndrs used_flags <+> do_rhs_no_pop alt_env rhs
+ _ -> bind_components alt_env ty dcon' bndrs 0 used_flags <+> do_rhs alt_env rhs
+ where
+ bndrs' = filter (not. isVoidIlxRepId) bndrs
+ -- Replacement unboxed tuple type constructor, used if any of the
+ -- arguments have zero-size and more than one remains.
+ dcon' = unboxedTupleCon (length bndrs')
+ alt_env = IlxEEnv (ilxPlaceAlt env i) live
+ --alt_env = IlxEEnv (ilxPlaceAlt env i)
+ bind_collapse [] _ = panic "bind_collapse: unary element not found"
+ bind_collapse (h:t) (is_used:used_flags)
+ | isVoidIlxRepId h = ilxComment (text "zero-rep binding eliminated") <+> (bind_collapse t used_flags)
+ | not is_used = ilxComment (text "not used") <+> text "pop"
+ | otherwise = text "stloc" <+> pprId h
+ do_alg_alts ty [(i, alt@(data_con,bndrs,used_flags, rhs))] StgNoDefault
+ = vcat [text "castdata" <+> sep [pprIlxTypeR env ty <> comma,
+ ilxConRef env data_con],
+ do_alg_alt (IlxEEnv (ilxPlaceAlt env i) live) ty alt
+ ]
+ do_alg_alts ty alts deflt
+ = vcat [text "datacase" <+> sep [pprIlxTypeR env ty,text ",",
+ pprSepWithCommas pp_case labels_w_alts],
+ do_deflt deflt,
+ vcat (map (do_labelled_alg_alt ty) labels_w_alts)
+ ]
+ where
+ pp_case (i, (lbl, (data_con, _, _, _))) = parens (ilxConRef env data_con <> comma <> pprIlxLabel lbl)
+ labels_w_alts = [(i,(mkAltLabel bndr i, alt)) | (i, alt) <- alts]
+ do_prim_alts [] = empty
+ do_prim_alts ((i, (lit,alt)) : alts)
+ = vcat [text "dup", pushLit (ilxPlacePrimAltLit env i) lit, text "bne.un" <+> pprIlxLabel lbl,
+ do_rhs (IlxEEnv (ilxPlaceAlt env i) live) alt,
+ ilxLabel lbl, do_prim_alts alts]
+ where
+ lbl = mkAltLabel bndr i
+ do_labelled_alg_alt ty (i,(lbl, alt))
+ = ilxLabel lbl $$ do_alg_alt (IlxEEnv (ilxPlaceAlt env i) live) ty alt
+ do_alg_alt alt_eenv ty (data_con, bndrs, used_flags, rhs)
+ = vcat [bind_components alt_eenv ty data_con bndrs 0 used_flags,
+ do_rhs alt_eenv rhs
+ ]
+ bind_components alt_eenv ty data_con [] n _ = empty
+ bind_components alt_eenv ty data_con (h:t) n (is_used:used_flags)
+ | isVoidIlxRepId h
+ -- don't increase the count in this case
+ = ilxComment (text "zero-rep binding eliminated")
+ <+> bind_components alt_eenv ty data_con t n used_flags
+ | otherwise
+ = bind_component alt_eenv ty data_con h is_used n
+ <+> bind_components alt_eenv ty data_con t (n + 1) used_flags
+ bind_component alt_eenv@(IlxEEnv alt_env _) ty data_con bndr is_used reduced_fld_no
+ | not is_used
+ = ilxComment (text "not used")
+ | isVoidIlxRepId bndr
+ = ilxComment (text "ignoring bind of zero-rep variable")
+ | otherwise = vcat [text "dup",
+ ld_data alt_env ty data_con reduced_fld_no bndr,
+ text "stloc" <+> pprId bndr]
+ do_deflt (StgBindDefault rhs) = do_rhs (IlxEEnv (ilxPlaceStgBindDefault env) live) rhs
+ do_deflt StgNoDefault = empty
+ do_rhs alt_eenv rhs
+ | isVoidIlxRepId bndr = do_rhs_no_pop alt_eenv rhs -- void on the stack, nothing to pop
+ | otherwise = text "pop" $$ do_rhs_no_pop alt_eenv rhs -- drop the value
+ do_rhs_no_pop alt_env rhs = ilxExpr alt_env rhs sequel
+ ld_data alt_env ty data_con reduced_fld_no bndr
+ | isUnboxedTupleCon data_con
+ = text "ldfld" <+> text "!" <> integer reduced_fld_no <+> pprIlxTypeR alt_env ty <> text "::fld" <> integer reduced_fld_no
+ | otherwise
+ = text "lddata" <+> sep [pprIlxTypeR alt_env ty <> comma,
+ ilxConRef env data_con <> comma,
+ integer reduced_fld_no]
+ilxBestTermArity = 3
+ilxBestTypeArity = 7
+-- Constants of unlifted types are represented as
+-- applications to no arguments.
+ilxFunApp env fun [] _ | isUnLiftedType (idType fun)
+ = pushId env fun
+ilxFunApp env fun args tail_call
+ = -- For example:
+ -- ldloc f function of type forall a. a->a
+ -- ldloc x arg of type Int
+ -- .tail callfunc <Int32> (!0) --> !0
+ --
+ vcat [pushId env fun,ilxFunAppArgs env 0 (idIlxRepType fun) args tail_call known_clo]
+ where
+ known_clo =
+ case lookupIlxBindEnv env fun of
+ Just (place, StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ Updatable _ _) -> Nothing
+ Just (place, StgRhsClosure _ _ _ fvs _ args _) -> Just (place,fun,args,fvs)
+ _ -> trace (show fun ++ " --> " ++ show (arityLowerBound (idArityInfo fun))) Nothing
+-- Push as many arguments as ILX allows us to in one go.
+-- Recurse until we're done.
+ilxFunAppArgs env num_sofar funty args tail_call known_clo
+ = vcat [vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs num_sofar pushArgWithVoids env now_args),
+ call_instr <+> now_args_text
+ <+> text "-->"
+ <+> (pprIlxTypeR env_after_now_tyvs later_ty),
+ later
+ ]
+ where
+ now_args_text = hsep (map (pprIlxArgInfo env_after_now_tyvs) now_arg_tys)
+ (now_args,now_arg_tys,env_after_now_tyvs,later_args,later_ty) =
+ case args of
+ (StgTypeArg v:rest) -> get_type_args ilxBestTypeArity args env funty
+ _ -> get_term_args ilxBestTermArity args env funty
+ -- Only apply up to maxArity real (non-type) arguments
+ -- at a time. ILX should, in principle, allow us to apply
+ -- arbitrary numbers, but you will get more succinct
+ -- (and perhaps more efficient) IL code
+ -- if you apply in clumps according to its maxArity setting.
+ -- This is because it has to unwind the stack and store it away
+ -- in local variables to do the partial applications.
+ --
+ -- Similarly, ILX only allows one type application at a time, at
+ -- least until we implement unwinding the stack for this case.
+ --
+ -- NB: In the future we may have to be more careful
+ -- all the way through
+ -- this file to bind type variables as we move through
+ -- type abstractions and "forall" types. This would apply
+ -- especially if the type variables were ever bound by expressions
+ -- involving the type variables.
+ -- This part strips off at most "max" term applications or one type application
+ get_type_args 0 args env funty = ([],[],env,args,funty)
+ get_type_args max args env (NoteTy _ ty) =
+ trace "IlxGen Internal Error: non representation type passed to get_args" (get_type_args max args env ty)
+ get_type_args max ((arg@(StgTypeArg v)):rest) env (ForAllTy tv rem_funty)
+ = if isIlxTyVar tv then
+ let env2 = extendIlxEnvWithFormalTyVars env [tv] in
+ let rest_ty = deepIlxRepType (substTy (mkTyVarSubst [tv] [v]) rem_funty) in
+ let (now,now_tys,env3,later,later_ty) = get_type_args (max - 1) rest env rest_ty in
+ let arg_ty = mkTyVarTy tv in
+ (arg:now,(arg,arg_ty):now_tys,env2, later, later_ty)
+ else
+ get_type_args max rest env rem_funty -- ? subst??
+ get_type_args _ (StgTypeArg _:_) _ _ = trace "IlxGen Internal Error: get_type_args could not get ForAllTy for corresponding arg" ([],[],env,[],funty)
+ get_type_args _ args env funty = ([],[],env,args,funty)
+ -- We could probably skip some void-rep arguments. Instead we
+ -- emit "ldvoid" for these and let ILXASM optimize them away.
+ -- get_term_args max (h@(StgVarArg v):t) env (FunTy dom ran) | isVoidIlxRepId v
+ -- = get_term_args max t env ran
+ get_term_args max args env (NoteTy _ ty) =
+ -- Skip NoteTy types
+ trace "IlxGen Internal Error: non representation type passed to get_term_args" (get_term_args max args env ty)
+ get_term_args 0 args env funty = ([],[],env,args,funty)
+ -- Stop if no more
+ get_term_args _ (args@(StgTypeArg _:_)) env funty = ([],[],env,args,funty)
+ get_term_args max (h:t) env (FunTy dom ran) =
+ let (now,now_tys,env2,later,later_ty) = get_term_args (max - 1) t env ran in
+ (h:now, (h,dom):now_tys,env2,later,later_ty)
+ get_term_args max (h:t) env funty = trace "IlxGen Internal Error: get_term_args could not get FunTy or ForAllTy for corresponding arg" ([],[],env,[],funty)
+ get_term_args max args env funty = ([],[],env,args,funty)
+ -- Are there any remaining arguments?
+ done = case later_args of
+ [] -> True
+ _ -> False
+ -- If so, generate the subsequent calls.
+ later = if done then text "// done"
+ else ilxFunAppArgs env (num_sofar + length now_args) later_ty later_args tail_call Nothing
+ -- Work out whether to issue a direct call a known closure (callclo) or
+ -- an indirect call (callfunc). Basically, see if the identifier has
+ -- been let-bound, and then check we are applying exactly the right
+ -- number of arguments. Also check that it's not a thunk (actually, this
+ -- is done up above).
+ --
+ -- The nasty "all" check makes sure that
+ -- the set of type variables in scope at the callsite is a superset
+ -- of the set of type variables needed for the direct call. This is
+ -- is needed because not all of the type variables captured by a
+ -- let-bound binding will get propogated down to the callsite, and
+ -- the ILX system of polymorphism demands that the free type variables
+ -- get reapplied when we issue the direct "callclo". The
+ -- type variables are in reality also "bound up" in the closure that is
+ -- passed as the first argument, so when we do an indirect call
+ -- to that closure we're fine, which is why we don't need them in
+ -- the "callfunc" case.
+ basic_call_instr =
+ case known_clo of
+ Just (known_env,fun,needed,fvs) | (length needed == length args) &&
+ all (\x -> elemIlxTyVarEnv x env) free_ilx_tvs ->
+ vcat [text "callclo class",
+ nameReference env (idName fun) <+> squotes (ilxEnvQualifyByModule env (ppr fun)),
+ pprTypeArgs pprIlxTypeR env (map mkTyVarTy free_ilx_tvs)]
+ <> text ","
+ where
+ (free_ilx_tvs, free_non_ilx_tvs,free_vs) = categorizeVars fvs
+ otherwise -> text "callfunc"
+ call_instr =
+ if (tail_call && done) then text "tail." <+> basic_call_instr
+ else basic_call_instr
+-- Print the arg info at the call site
+-- For type args we are, at the moment, required to
+-- give both the actual and the formal (bound). The formal
+-- bound is always System.Object at the moment (bounds are
+-- not properly implemented in ILXASM in any case, and nor do
+-- we plan on making use og them) For
+-- non-type args the actuals are on the stack, and we just give the
+-- formal type.
+pprIlxArgInfo env (StgTypeArg arg,ty) =
+ angleBrackets (pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType arg) <+> ilxComment (text "actual for tyvar")) <+> text "<class [mscorlib] System.Object>"
+pprIlxArgInfo env (_,ty) =
+ parens (pprIlxTypeL env ty)
+-- Code for a binding
+ilxBind :: IlxEEnv -> StgBinding -> SDoc
+ilxBind eenv@(IlxEEnv env _) bind =
+ vcat [vcat (map (ilxRhs env rec) pairs),
+ vcat (map (ilxFixupRec env rec) pairs)]
+ where
+ rec = ilxRecIds1 bind
+ pairs = ilxPairs1 bind
+-- Allocate a closure or constructor. Fix up recursive definitions.
+ilxRhs :: IlxEnv -> [Id] -> (Id, StgRhs) -> SDoc
+ilxRhs env rec (bndr, _) | isVoidIlxRepId bndr
+ = empty
+ilxRhs env rec (bndr, StgRhsCon _ con args)
+ = vcat [text " /* ilxRhs:StgRhsCon */ " <+> ilxConApp env con args,
+ text "stloc" <+> pprId bndr
+ ]
+ilxRhs env rec (bndr, StgRhsClosure _ _ _ fvs upd args rhs)
+ = -- Assume .closure v<any A>(int64,!A) {
+ -- .apply <any B> (int32) (B) { ... }
+ -- }
+ -- Then
+ -- let v = \B (x:int32) (y:B). ...
+ -- becomes:
+ -- newclo v<int32>(int64,!0)
+ -- stloc v
+ vcat [vcat (map pushFv free_vs),
+ (if null free_non_ilx_tvs then empty else (ilxComment (text "ignored some higher order type arguments in application - code will be non-verifiable"))),
+ text "newclo" <+> clotext,
+ text "stloc" <+> pprId bndr
+ ]
+ where
+ pushFv id = if elem id rec then text "ldnull" else pushId env id
+ (free_ilx_tvs, free_non_ilx_tvs,free_vs) = categorizeVars fvs
+ clotext = pprIlxBoxedTyConApp env (ilxEnvQualifyByModule env (ppr bndr)) (map mkTyVarTy free_ilx_tvs)
+ilxFixupRec env rec (bndr, _) | isVoidIlxRepId bndr = ilxComment (text "no recursive fixup for void-rep-id")
+ilxFixupRec env rec (bndr, StgRhsCon _ con args)
+ = text "// no recursive fixup"
+ilxFixupRec env rec (bndr, StgRhsClosure _ _ _ fvs upd args rhs)
+ = vcat [vcat (map fixFv rec)]
+ where
+ fixFv recid = if elem recid fvs then
+ vcat [pushId env bndr,
+ pushId env recid,
+ text "stclofld" <+> clotext <> text "," <+> pprId recid]
+ else text "//no fixup needed for" <+> pprId recid
+ (free_ilx_tvs, free_non_ilx_tvs,free_vs) = categorizeVars fvs
+ clotext = pprIlxBoxedTyConApp env (ilxEnvQualifyByModule env (ppr bndr)) (map mkTyVarTy free_ilx_tvs)
+-- Code for a top-level binding in a module
+ilxPairs binds = concat (map ilxPairs1 binds)
+ilxPairs1 (StgNonRec bndr rhs) = [(bndr,rhs)]
+ilxPairs1 (StgRec pairs) = pairs
+ilxRecIds1 (StgNonRec bndr rhs) = []
+ilxRecIds1 (StgRec pairs) = map fst pairs
+-- Code for a top-level binding in a module
+-- TODO: fix up recursions amongst CAF's
+-- e.g.
+-- x = S x
+-- for infinity...
+-- For the moment I've put in a completely spurious "reverse"...
+-- Consider: make fixing up of CAF's part of ILX? i.e.
+-- put static, constant, allocated datastructures into ILX.
+stableSortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
+stableSortBy f (h:t) = insertBy f h (stableSortBy f t)
+stableSortBy f [] = []
+usedBy :: (Id,StgRhs) -> (Id,StgRhs) -> Ordering
+usedBy (m,_) (_,StgRhsCon _ data_con args) | any (isArg m) args = LT
+usedBy (m,_) (n,_) | m == n = EQ
+usedBy (m,_) (_,_) = GT
+isArg m (StgVarArg n) = (n == m)
+isArg m _ = False
+ilxTopBind :: Module -> IlxEnv -> [(Id,StgRhs)] -> SDoc
+--ilxTopBind mod env (StgNonRec bndr rhs) =
+--ilxTopRhs env (bndr,rhs)
+ilxTopBind mod env pairs =
+ vcat [text ".class" <+> pprId mod,
+ nest 2 (braces (nest 2 (vcat [empty,cctor, flds, empty])))]
+ where
+ cctor = vcat [text ".method static rtspecialname specialname void .cctor()",
+ nest 2 (braces
+ (nest 2 (vcat [text ".maxstack 100",
+ text "ldstr \"LOG: initializing module" <+> pprId mod <+> text "\" call void ['mscorlib']System.Console::WriteLine(class [mscorlib]System.String)",
+ vcat (map (ilxTopRhs mod env) (stableSortBy usedBy pairs)),
+ text "ldstr \"LOG: initialized module" <+> pprId mod <+> text "\" call void ['mscorlib']System.Console::WriteLine(class [mscorlib]System.String)",
+ text "ret",
+ empty])))]
+ flds = vcat (map (ilxTopRhsStorage mod env) pairs)
+--ilxTopRhs mod env (bndr, _) | isVoidIlxRepId bndr
+-- = empty
+ilxTopRhs mod env (bndr, StgRhsClosure _ _ _ fvs upd args rhs)
+ = vcat [vcat (map (pushId env) free_vs),
+ (if null free_non_ilx_tvs then empty else (ilxComment (text "ignored some higher order type arguments in application - code will be non verifiable...."))),
+ text "newclo" <+> pprIlxBoxedTyConApp env (ilxEnvQualifyByModule env (ppr bndr)) (map mkTyVarTy free_ilx_tvs),
+ text "stsfld" <+> pprFieldRef env (mod,bndTy,bndr)
+ ]
+ where
+ (free_ilx_tvs, free_non_ilx_tvs,free_vs) = categorizeVars fvs
+ bndTy = idIlxRepType bndr
+ilxTopRhs mod env (bndr, StgRhsCon _ data_con args)
+ = vcat [ text " /* ilxTopRhs: StgRhsCon */ " <+> ilxConApp env data_con args,
+ text "stsfld" <+> pprFieldRef env (mod,bndTy,bndr)
+ ]
+ where
+ bndTy = idIlxRepType bndr
+pprFieldRef env (mod,ty,id)
+ = pprIlxTypeL env ty <+> moduleReference env mod <+> pprId mod <> text "::" <> pprId id
+ilxTopRhsStorage mod env (bndr, StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+ = text ".field public static " <+> pprIlxTypeL env bndTy <+> pprId bndr
+ where
+ bndTy = idIlxRepType bndr
+ilxTopRhsStorage mod env (bndr, StgRhsCon _ _ _)
+ = text ".field public static " <+> pprIlxTypeL env bndTy <+> pprId bndr
+ where
+ bndTy = idIlxRepType bndr
+-- Push an argument
+pushArgWithVoids = pushArg_aux True
+pushArg = pushArg_aux False
+pushArg_aux voids env (StgTypeArg ty) = empty
+pushArg_aux voids env (StgVarArg var) = pushId_aux voids env var
+pushArg_aux voids env (StgLitArg lit) = pushLit env lit
+mapi f l = mapi_aux f l 0
+mapi_aux f [] n = []
+mapi_aux f (h:t) n = f n h : mapi_aux f t (n+1)
+-- Push an Id
+pushId = pushId_aux False
+pushId_aux :: Bool -> IlxEnv -> Id -> SDoc
+pushId_aux voids _ id | isVoidIlxRepId id =
+ if voids then text "ldvoid" else ilxComment (text "pushId: void rep skipped")
+pushId_aux _ env var
+ = case lookupIlxVarEnv env var of
+ Just Arg -> text "ldarg" <+> pprId var
+ Just (CloVar n) -> text "ldenv" <+> int n
+ Just Local -> text "ldloc" <+> pprId var
+ Just (Top m) ->
+ vcat [ilxComment (text "pushId (Top) " <+> pprId m),
+ text "ldsfld" <+> pprIlxTypeL env (idIlxRepType var)
+ <+> moduleReference env m <+> pprId (moduleName m) <> text "::" <> pprId var]
+ Nothing ->
+ vcat [ilxComment (text "pushId (import) " <+> pprIlxTopVar env var),
+ text "ldsfld" <+> pprIlxTypeL env (idIlxRepType var)
+ <+> pprIlxTopVar env var]
+-- Push a literal
+pushLit env (MachChar c) = text "ldc.i4" <+> int (ord c)
+pushLit env (MachStr s) = text "ldsflda char " <+> ilxEnvQualifyByExact env (text "string") -- pprFSInILStyle s
+pushLit env (MachInt i) = text "ldc.i4" <+> integer i
+pushLit env (MachInt64 i) = text "ldc.i8" <+> integer i
+pushLit env (MachWord w) = text "ldc.i4" <+> integer w <+> text "conv.u4"
+pushLit env (MachWord64 w) = text "ldc.i8" <+> integer w <+> text "conv.u8"
+pushLit env (MachFloat f) = text "ldc.r4" <+> rational f
+pushLit env (MachDouble f) = text "ldc.r8" <+> rational f
+pushLit env (MachLitLit _ _) = trace "WARNING: Cannot compile MachLitLit to ILX in IlxGen.lhs" (text "// MachLitLit!!! Not valid in ILX!!")
+pushLit env (MachAddr w) = text "ldc.i4 conv.i " <+> integer w
+pprIlxTopVar env v
+ | isGlobalName n = (nameReference env n) <> pprId (nameModule n) <> text "::" <> squotes (ppr (nameModule n) <> text "_" <> ppr (nameOccName n))
+ | otherwise = pprId (nameOccName n)
+ where
+ n = idName v
+%* *
+\subsection{Printing types}
+%* *
+isVoidIlxRepType (NoteTy _ ty) = isVoidIlxRepType ty
+isVoidIlxRepType (TyConApp tc _) | (tyConPrimRep tc == VoidRep) = True
+isVoidIlxRepType (TyConApp tc tys)
+ = case newTyConRep tc of
+ Just rep_ty -> isVoidIlxRepType (applyTys rep_ty tys)
+ Nothing ->
+ isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc &&
+ null (filter (not. isVoidIlxRepType) tys)
+isVoidIlxRepType _ = False
+isVoidIlxRepId id = isVoidIlxRepType (idType id)
+-- Get rid of all NoteTy and NewTy artifacts
+deepIlxRepType :: Type -> Type
+-- Eliminate state variables on left of arrow types...
+-- We have to be careful not to erase too much information here -
+-- the type may not accurately describe
+-- the "functionness" of the result. For example,
+-- State# -> Int#
+-- reduces to
+-- Int#
+-- which looks like an unboxed type. It isn't - it's
+-- just a function taking no arguments. As such, we
+-- have to rely on the context in which a function type is being
+-- used to know what to do.
+-- deepIlxRepType (FunTy l r) | isVoidIlxRepType l
+-- = deepIlxRepType r
+deepIlxRepType (FunTy l r)
+ = FunTy (deepIlxRepType l) (deepIlxRepType r)
+deepIlxRepType (TyConApp tc tys)
+ = case newTyConRep tc of
+ Just rep_ty -> ASSERT( length tys == tyConArity tc )
+ -- The assert should hold because deepIlxRepType should
+ -- only be applied to *types* (of kind *)
+ deepIlxRepType (applyTys rep_ty tys)
+ Nothing ->
+ -- collapse UnboxedTupleTyCon down when it contains VoidRep types.
+ if isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc then
+ let tys' = map deepIlxRepType (filter (not. isVoidIlxRepType) tys) in
+ case tys' of
+ [h] -> h
+ _ -> mkUnboxedTupleTy (length tys') tys'
+ else
+ TyConApp tc (map deepIlxRepType tys)
+deepIlxRepType (AppTy f x) = AppTy (deepIlxRepType f) (deepIlxRepType x)
+deepIlxRepType (ForAllTy b ty) = ForAllTy b (deepIlxRepType ty)
+deepIlxRepType (NoteTy _ ty) = deepIlxRepType ty
+deepIlxRepType ty@(TyVarTy tv) = ty
+idIlxRepType id = deepIlxRepType (idType id)
+-- Function types and type functions are implicitly thunkable.
+-- Some primitive type constructors are not thunkable.
+-- Everything else needs to be marked thunkable.
+pprIlxTypeL :: IlxEnv -> Type -> SDoc
+pprIlxTypeL env ty | isVoidIlxRepType ty
+ = trace "pprIlxTypeL: VoidRep" pprIlxTypeR env ty
+pprIlxTypeL env ty@(FunTy arg res)
+ = pprIlxTypeR env ty
+pprIlxTypeL env ty@(ForAllTy arg res)
+ = pprIlxTypeR env ty
+pprIlxTypeL env ty@(TyConApp tc (h:t)) | isAlgTyCon tc && null (tyConTyVars tc)
+ = ilxComment (text "what the fuck?") <+> (pprIlxTypeR env ty)
+pprIlxTypeL env ty@(TyConApp tc (h:t)) | isAlgTyCon tc && not (isIlxTyVar (hd (tyConTyVars tc)))
+ = pprIlxTypeR env ty
+pprIlxTypeL env ty | isUnLiftedType ty -- must come after cases above because isUnLiftedType strips Forall's
+ = pprIlxTypeR env ty
+pprIlxTypeL env ty
+ = text "thunk" <> angleBrackets (pprIlxTypeR env ty)
+-- Print non-thunkable version of type.
+pprIlxTypeR :: IlxEnv -> Type -> SDoc
+pprIlxTypeR env ty | isVoidIlxRepType ty = text "void"
+pprIlxTypeR env ty = pprIlxTypeR2 env ty
+pprIlxTypeR2 env ty@(AppTy f _) | isTyVarTy f = ilxComment (text "type app:" <+> pprId ty) <+> (text "class [mscorlib]System.Object")
+pprIlxTypeR2 env ty@(AppTy f x) = trace "pprIlxTypeR: should I be beta reducing types?!" (ilxComment (text "pprIlxTypeR: should I be beta reducing types...") <+> pprIlxTypeR env (applyTy f x))
+pprIlxTypeR2 env (TyVarTy tv) = pprIlxTyVar env tv
+-- The following is a special rule for types constructed out of
+-- higher kinds, e.g. Monad f or Functor f.
+-- The code below is not as general as it should be, but as I
+-- have no idea if this approach will even work, I'm going to
+-- just try it out on some simple cases arising from the prelude.
+pprIlxTypeR2 env ty@(TyConApp tc (h:t)) | isAlgTyCon tc && null (tyConTyVars tc)
+ = ilxComment (text "what the fuck? 2") <+> (pprIlxTypeR env (TyConApp tc t))
+pprIlxTypeR2 env ty@(TyConApp tc (h:t)) | isAlgTyCon tc && not (isIlxTyVar (hd (tyConTyVars tc)))
+ = pprIlxTypeR env (TyConApp tc t)
+pprIlxTypeR2 env (TyConApp tc args) = pprIlxTyConApp env tc args
+ -- nb. the only legitimate place for VoidIlxRepTypes to occur in normalized IlxRepTypes
+ -- is on the left of an arrow
+ -- We could probably eliminate all but a final occurrence of these.
+ --pprIlxTypeR2 env (FunTy arg res@(FunTy _ _)) | isVoidIlxRepType arg
+ -- = pprIlxTypeR env res
+pprIlxTypeR2 env (FunTy arg res) | isVoidIlxRepType arg
+ = parens (text "func () -->" <+> pprIlxTypeR env res)
+pprIlxTypeR2 env (FunTy arg res)
+ = pprIlxFunTy (pprIlxTypeL env arg) (pprIlxTypeR env res)
+pprIlxTypeR2 env ty@(ForAllTy tv body_ty) | isIlxTyVar tv
+ = parens (text "forall" <+> pprTyVarBinders env' [tv] <+> nest 2 (pprIlxTypeR env' body_ty))
+ where
+ env' = extendIlxEnvWithFormalTyVars env [tv]
+pprIlxTypeR2 env ty@(ForAllTy tv body_ty) | otherwise
+ = ilxComment (text "higher order type var " <+> pprId tv) <+>
+ pprIlxFunTy (text "class [mscorlib]System.Object") (pprIlxTypeR env body_ty)
+pprIlxTypeR2 env (NoteTy _ ty)
+ = trace "WARNING! non-representation type given to pprIlxTypeR: see generated ILX for context where this occurs"
+ (vcat [text "/* WARNING! non-representation type given to pprIlxTypeR! */",
+ pprIlxTypeR env ty ])
+pprIlxFunTy dom ran = parens (hsep [text "func",parens dom,text "-->", ran])
+pprIlxTyConApp env tc args =
+ case lookupUFM tyPrimConTable (getUnique tc) of
+ Just f -> f env args
+ Nothing ->
+ (if isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc then pprIlxUnBoxedTyConApp else pprIlxBoxedTyConApp)
+ env ((nameReference env (getName tc)) <> (ppr tc)) args
+pprIlxUnBoxedTyConApp env tcdoc args = text "value class" <+> tcdoc <> pprTypeArgs pprIlxTypeL env args
+pprIlxBoxedTyConApp env tcdoc args = text "class" <+> tcdoc <> pprTypeArgs pprIlxTypeR env args
+-- Returns e.g: <Int32, Bool>
+pprTypeArgs f env tys = pprTypeArgs_aux f env (filter (not . isVoidIlxRepType) tys)
+pprTypeArgs_aux f env [] = empty
+pprTypeArgs_aux f env tys = angleBrackets (pprSepWithCommas (f env) tys)
+pprTyVarBinders :: IlxEnv -> [TyVar] -> SDoc
+-- Returns e.g: <class [mscorlib]System.Object> <class [mscorlib]System.Object>
+-- plus a new environment with the type variables added.
+pprTyVarBinders env [] = empty
+pprTyVarBinders env tvs = angleBrackets (pprSepWithCommas (pprTyVarBinder_aux env) tvs)
+pprTyVarBinder :: IlxEnv -> TyVar -> SDoc
+pprTyVarBinder env tv =
+ if isIlxTyVar tv then
+ angleBrackets (pprTyVarBinder_aux env tv)
+ else
+ ilxComment (text "higher order tyvar" <+> pprId tv <+>
+ text ":" <+> pprIlxTypeR env (tyVarKind tv)) <+>
+ ilxComment (text "omitted")
+ -- parens (text "class [mscorlib]System.Object" <+> pprId tv)
+pprTyVarBinder_aux env tv =
+ ilxComment (text "tyvar" <+> pprId tv <+> text ":" <+>
+ pprIlxTypeR env (tyVarKind tv)) <+>
+ (text "class [mscorlib]System.Object")
+-- Only a subset of Haskell types can be generalized using the type quantification
+-- of ILX
+isIlxForAllKind h =
+ ( h == boxedTypeKind) ||
+ ( h == unboxedTypeKind) ||
+ ( h == openTypeKind) ||
+ ( h == anyBoxKind)
+isIlxTyVar v = isTyVar v && isIlxForAllKind (tyVarKind v)
+categorizeVars fvs = (ilx_tvs, non_ilx_tvs, vs)
+ where
+ (tvs, vs) = partition isTyVar fvs
+ (ilx_tvs, non_ilx_tvs) = categorizeTyVars tvs
+categorizeTyVars tyvs = partition isIlxTyVar tyvs
+pprValArgTys ppr_ty env tys = parens (pprSepWithCommas (ppr_ty env) tys)
+pprId id = squotes (ppr id)
+squotes s = text "'" <> s <> text "'"
+%* *
+%* *
+type IlxTyEnv = [TyVar]
+emptyIlxTyEnv = []
+-- Nb. There is currently no distinction between the kinds of type variables.
+-- We may need to add this to print out correct numbers, esp. for
+-- "forall" types
+extendIlxTyEnvWithFreeTyVars env tyvars = env ++ mkIlxTyEnv tyvars -- bound by .closure x<...> in a closure declared with type parameters
+extendIlxTyEnvWithFormalTyVars env tyvars = env ++ mkIlxTyEnv tyvars -- bound by "forall <...>" in a type
+extendIlxTyEnvWithTyArgs env tyvars = env ++ mkIlxTyEnv tyvars -- bound by "<...>" in a closure implementing a universal type
+formalIlxTyEnv tyvars = mkIlxTyEnv tyvars
+mkIlxTyEnv tyvars = [ v | v <- tyvars, isIlxTyVar v ]
+pprIlxTyVarInIlxTyEnv :: IlxTyEnv -> TyVar -> SDoc
+pprIlxTyVarInIlxTyEnv tv_env tv
+ = go 0 tv_env
+ where
+ go n []
+ = pprTrace "pprIlxTyVar" (pprId tv <+> text "tv_env = { "
+ <+> pprSepWithCommas (\x -> pprId x <+> text ":"
+ <+> pprIlxTypeR (IlxEnv (thisModule, tv_env, emptyVarEnv, emptyVarEnv, (empty,empty),False)) (tyVarKind x)) tv_env <+> text "}")
+ (char '!' <> pprId tv)
+ go n (x:xs)
+ = {- pprTrace "go" (ppr (tyVarName tv) <+> ppr (tyVarName x)) -}
+ (if tyVarName x== tyVarName tv then char '!' <> int n <+> ilxComment (char '!' <> pprId tv)
+ else go (n+1) xs)
+data HowBound = Top Module -- Bound in a modules
+ | Arg -- Arguments to the enclosing closure
+ | CloVar Int -- A free variable of the enclosing closure
+ -- The int is the index of the field in the
+ -- environment
+ | Local -- Local let binding
+-- The SDoc prints a unique name for the syntactic block we're currently processing,
+-- e.g. Foo_bar_baz when inside closure baz inside closure bar inside module Foo.
+data IlxEnv = IlxEnv (Module, IlxTyEnv, IdEnv HowBound,IdEnv (IlxEnv, StgRhs), Place,Bool)
+type Place = (SDoc,SDoc)
+thisModule = mkThisModule (mkSrcModule "")
+pprIlxTyVar (IlxEnv (_, tv_env, _, _,_,_)) tv = pprIlxTyVarInIlxTyEnv tv_env tv
+emptyIlxEnv :: Bool -> Module -> IlxEnv
+emptyIlxEnv trace mod = IlxEnv (mod, emptyIlxTyEnv, emptyVarEnv, emptyVarEnv, (ppr mod,empty),trace)
+nextPlace place sdoc = place <> sdoc
+usePlace place sdoc = place <> sdoc
+ilxEnvSetPlace (IlxEnv (m, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, (mod,exact),tr)) sdoc
+ = IlxEnv (m, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, (mod, sdoc),tr)
+ilxEnvNextPlace (IlxEnv (m, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, (mod,exact),tr)) sdoc
+ = IlxEnv (m, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, (mod, nextPlace exact sdoc),tr)
+ilxEnvQualifyByModule (IlxEnv (_, _, _, _,(mod,_),_)) sdoc = usePlace mod sdoc
+ilxEnvQualifyByExact (IlxEnv (_, _, _, _,(mod,exact),_)) sdoc = usePlace mod sdoc <> usePlace exact sdoc
+ilxPlaceStgBindDefault env = ilxEnvNextPlace env (text "D")
+ilxPlaceStgRhsClosure env bndr = ilxEnvSetPlace env (ppr bndr) -- binders are already unique
+ilxPlaceStgCaseScrut env = ilxEnvNextPlace env (text "S")
+ilxPlaceAlt :: IlxEnv -> Int -> IlxEnv
+ilxPlaceAlt env i = ilxEnvNextPlace env (text "a" <> int i)
+ilxPlacePrimAltLit env i = ilxEnvNextPlace env (text "P" <> int i)
+ilxMapPlaceArgs start f env args = [ f (ilxEnvNextPlace env (text "A" <> int i)) a | (i,a) <- [start..] `zip` args ]
+ilxMapPlaceAlts f env alts = [ f (ilxPlaceAlt env i) alt | (i,alt) <- [1..] `zip` alts ]
+extendIlxEnvWithFreeTyVars (IlxEnv (mod, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, place,tr)) tyvars
+ = IlxEnv (mod, extendIlxTyEnvWithFreeTyVars tv_env tyvars,id_env, bind_env, place,tr)
+extendIlxEnvWithFormalTyVars (IlxEnv (mod, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, place,tr)) tyvars
+ = IlxEnv (mod, extendIlxTyEnvWithFormalTyVars tv_env tyvars,id_env, bind_env, place,tr)
+extendIlxEnvWithTyArgs (IlxEnv (mod, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, place,tr)) tyvars
+ = IlxEnv (mod, extendIlxTyEnvWithTyArgs tv_env tyvars,id_env, bind_env, place,tr)
+extendIlxEnvWithArgs :: IlxEnv -> [Var] -> IlxEnv
+extendIlxEnvWithArgs (IlxEnv (mod, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, place,tr)) args
+ = IlxEnv (mod, extendIlxTyEnvWithTyArgs tv_env [tv | tv <- args, isIlxTyVar tv],
+ extendVarEnvList id_env [(v,Arg) | v <- args, not (isIlxTyVar v)],
+ bind_env, place,tr)
+extendIlxEnvWithFreeVars (IlxEnv (mod, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, place,tr)) args
+ = IlxEnv (mod,
+ extendIlxTyEnvWithFreeTyVars tv_env [tv | tv <- args, isIlxTyVar tv],
+ extendVarEnvList id_env (clovs 0 args),
+ bind_env,
+ place,tr)
+ where
+ clovs _ [] = []
+ clovs n (x:xs) = if not (isIlxTyVar x) then (x,CloVar n):clovs (n+1) xs else clovs n xs
+extendIlxEnvWithBinds env@(IlxEnv (mod, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, place,tr)) bnds
+ = IlxEnv (mod, tv_env, id_env,
+ extendVarEnvList bind_env [(v,(env,rhs)) | (v,rhs) <- bnds],
+ place,tr)
+extendIlxEnvWithLocals (IlxEnv (m, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, p,tr)) locals
+ = IlxEnv (m, tv_env,
+ extendVarEnvList id_env [(v,Local) | (LocalId v,_) <- locals],
+ extendVarEnvList bind_env [(v,(env,rhs)) | (LocalId v,Just (env,rhs)) <- locals],
+ p,tr)
+extendIlxEnvWithTops env@(IlxEnv (m, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, place,tr)) mod binds
+ = IlxEnv (m, tv_env,
+ extendVarEnvList id_env [(bndr,Top mod) | (bndr,rhs) <- binds],
+ extendVarEnvList bind_env [(bndr,(env, rhs)) | (bndr,rhs) <- binds],
+ place,tr)
+formalIlxEnv (IlxEnv (m, tv_env, id_env, bind_env, place, tr)) tyvars
+ = IlxEnv (m, formalIlxTyEnv tyvars, id_env, bind_env, place, tr)
+elemIlxTyVarEnv var env@(IlxEnv (_, tv_env, _,_,_,_)) = elem var tv_env
+elemIlxVarEnv var env@(IlxEnv (_, _, id_env,_,_,_)) = elemVarEnv var id_env
+lookupIlxVarEnv env@(IlxEnv (_, _, id_env,_,_,_)) var = lookupVarEnv id_env var
+lookupIlxBindEnv env@(IlxEnv (_, _, _, bind_env,_,_)) var = lookupVarEnv bind_env var
+type IlxLabel = SDoc
+pprIlxLabel lbl = lbl
+mkJoinLabel :: Id -> IlxLabel
+mkJoinLabel v = text "J_" <> ppr v
+mkAltLabel :: Id -> Int -> IlxLabel
+mkAltLabel v n = text "A" <> int n <> ppr v
+ilxLabel :: IlxLabel -> SDoc
+ilxLabel lbl = line $$ (pprIlxLabel lbl <> colon)
+%* *
+\subsection{Local pretty helper functions}
+%* *
+pprSepWithCommas :: (a -> SDoc) -> [a] -> SDoc
+pprSepWithCommas pp xs = sep (punctuate comma (map pp xs))
+ilxComment pp = text "/*" <+> pp <+> text "*/"
+singleQuotes pp = char '\'' <> pp <> char '\''
+squareBrackets pp = char '[' <> pp <> char ']'
+line = text "// ----------------------------------"
+nameReference (IlxEnv (thisMod, _, _, _, _, _)) n
+ | isLocalName n = text "/* local */"
+ | thisMod == nameModule n = text ""
+ | isDllName n = squareBrackets ((text "ilx") <+> singleQuotes (text (_UNPK_ (modulePackageName (nameModule n))) <> hscOptionQual))
+ | otherwise = squareBrackets ((text ".module") <+> (text "ilx") <+> singleQuotes (pprModuleName (moduleName (nameModule n)) <> hscOptionQual))
+hscOptionQual = if opt_DoEtaReduction then text ".O" else text ".Onot"
+moduleReference (IlxEnv (thisMod, _, _, _, _, _)) m
+ | thisMod == m = text ""
+ | isLocalModule m = squareBrackets ((text ".module") <+> (text "ilx") <+>singleQuotes (pprModuleName (moduleName m) <> hscOptionQual))
+ | otherwise = squareBrackets ((text "ilx") <+> singleQuotes (text (_UNPK_ (modulePackageName m)) <> hscOptionQual))
+prelGHCReference =
+ if preludePackage == opt_InPackage then squareBrackets (text ".module ilx PrelGHC" <> hscOptionQual)
+ else squareBrackets (text "ilx" <+> text (_UNPK_ preludePackage) <> hscOptionQual)
+prelBaseReference =
+ if preludePackage == opt_InPackage then squareBrackets (text ".module ilx PrelBase" <> hscOptionQual)
+ else squareBrackets (text "ilx" <+> text (_UNPK_ preludePackage) <> hscOptionQual)
+-- This code is copied from absCSyn/CString.lhs,
+-- and modified to do the correct thing! It's
+-- still a mess though. Also, still have to do the
+-- right thing for embedded nulls.
+pprFSInILStyle :: FAST_STRING -> SDoc
+pprFSInILStyle fs = doubleQuotes (text (stringToC (_UNPK_ fs)))
+stringToC :: String -> String
+-- Convert a string to the form required by C in a C literal string
+-- Tthe hassle is what to do w/ strings like "ESC 0"...
+stringToC "" = ""
+stringToC [c] = charToC c
+stringToC (c:cs)
+ -- if we have something "octifiable" in "c", we'd better "octify"
+ -- the rest of the string, too.
+ = if (c < ' ' || c > '~')
+ then (charToC c) ++ (concat (map char_to_C cs))
+ else (charToC c) ++ (stringToC cs)
+ where
+ char_to_C c | c == '\n' = "\\n" -- use C escapes when we can
+ | c == '\a' = "\\a"
+ | c == '\b' = "\\b" -- ToDo: chk some of these...
+ | c == '\r' = "\\r"
+ | c == '\t' = "\\t"
+ | c == '\f' = "\\f"
+ | c == '\v' = "\\v"
+ | otherwise = '\\' : (trigraph (ord c))
+charToC :: Char -> String
+-- Convert a character to the form reqd in a C character literal
+charToC c = if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') -- non-portable...
+ then case c of
+ '\'' -> "\\'"
+ '\\' -> "\\\\"
+ '"' -> "\\\""
+ '\n' -> "\\n"
+ '\a' -> "\\a"
+ '\b' -> "\\b"
+ '\r' -> "\\r"
+ '\t' -> "\\t"
+ '\f' -> "\\f"
+ '\v' -> "\\v"
+ _ -> [c]
+ else '\\' : (trigraph (ord c))
+trigraph :: Int -> String
+trigraph n
+ = [chr ((n `div` 100) `rem` 10 + ord '0'),
+ chr ((n `div` 10) `rem` 10 + ord '0'),
+ chr (n `rem` 10 + ord '0')]
+%* *
+\subsection{PrimOps and Constructors}
+%* *
+-- Allocate a fresh constructor
+ilxConApp env data_con args
+ | isUnboxedTupleCon data_con
+ = let tm_args' = filter (not. isVoidIlxRepType . stgArgType) tm_args in
+ case tm_args' of
+ [h] ->
+ -- Collapse the construction of an unboxed tuple type where
+ -- every element is zero-sized
+ vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 pushArg env tm_args')
+ _ ->
+ -- Minimize the construction of an unboxed tuple type, which
+ -- may contain zero-sized elements. Recompute all the
+ -- bits and pieces from the simpler case below for the new data
+ -- type constructor....
+ let data_con' = unboxedTupleCon (length tm_args') in
+ let rep_ty_args' = filter (not . isVoidIlxRepType) rep_ty_args in
+ let tycon' = dataConTyCon data_con' in
+ let (formal_tyvars', formal_tau_ty') = splitForAllTys (dataConRepType data_con') in
+ let (formal_arg_tys', _) = splitFunTys formal_tau_ty' in
+ let formal_env' = formalIlxEnv env formal_tyvars' in
+ vcat [vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 pushArg env tm_args'),
+ sep [text "newobj void ",
+ pprIlxTyConApp env tycon' rep_ty_args',
+ text "::.ctor",
+ pprValArgTys pprIlxTypeR formal_env' (map deepIlxRepType formal_arg_tys')
+ ]
+ ]
+ | otherwise
+ -- Now all other constructions
+ = -- Assume C :: forall a. a -> T a -> T a
+ -- ldloc x arg of type Int
+ -- ldloc y arg of type T Int
+ -- newdata classunion T<Int32>, C(!0, T <!0>)
+ --
+ let tycon = dataConTyCon data_con in
+ let (formal_tyvars, formal_tau_ty) = splitForAllTys (dataConRepType data_con) in
+ let (formal_arg_tys, _) = splitFunTys formal_tau_ty in
+ vcat [vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 pushArg env tm_args),
+ sep [ text "newdata",
+ nest 2 (pprIlxTyConApp env tycon rep_ty_args <> comma),
+ nest 2 (ilxConRef env data_con)
+ ]
+ ]
+ where
+ tycon = dataConTyCon data_con
+ rep_ty_args = map deepIlxRepType ty_args
+ (ty_args,tm_args) = if isAlgTyCon tycon then splitTyArgs (tyConTyVars tycon) args else splitTyArgs1 args
+-- split some type arguments off, throwing away the higher kinded ones for the moment
+-- base the higher-kinded checks off a corresponding list of formals
+splitTyArgs (htv:ttv) (StgTypeArg h:t)
+ | isIlxTyVar htv = ((h:l), r)
+ | otherwise = trace "splitTyArgs: threw away higher kinded type arg" (l, r)
+ where (l,r) = splitTyArgs ttv t
+splitTyArgs _ l = ([],l)
+-- split some type arguments off, where none should be higher kinded
+splitTyArgs1 (StgTypeArg h:t)
+ = ((h:l), r)
+ where (l,r) = splitTyArgs1 t
+splitTyArgs1 l = ([],l)
+ilxConRef env data_con
+ = pprId data_con <> pprValArgTys pprIlxTypeL env' (map deepIlxRepType (filter (not . isVoidIlxRepType) arg_tys))
+ where
+ (tyvars, tau_ty) = splitForAllTys (dataConRepType data_con)
+ (arg_tys, _) = splitFunTys tau_ty
+ env' = formalIlxEnv env tyvars
+tyPrimConTable :: UniqFM (IlxEnv -> [Type] -> SDoc)
+tyPrimConTable = listToUFM [(addrPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> repAddr)),
+ (fileStreamPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> repFileStream)),
+ (foreignObjPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> text "/* ForeignObj */ void *")),
+ -- (stablePtrPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> text "/* StablePtr */ void *")),
+ (charPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> repChar)),
+ (wordPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> repWord)),
+ (byteArrayPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> repByteArray)),
+ (intPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> repInt)),
+ (int64PrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> repInt64)),
+ (word64PrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> repWord64)),
+ (floatPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> text "float32")),
+ (arrayPrimTyConKey, (\env [ty] -> pprIlxTypeL env ty <> text "[]")),
+ (mutableArrayPrimTyConKey, (\env [_, ty] -> pprIlxTypeL env ty <> text "[]")),
+ (mVarPrimTyConKey, (\env [_, ty] -> repMVar (pprIlxTypeL env ty))),
+ (mutVarPrimTyConKey, (\env [ty1, ty2] -> repMutVar (pprIlxTypeL env ty1) (pprIlxTypeL env ty2))),
+ (mutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> repByteArray)),
+ (threadIdPrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> text "class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Thread /* ThreadId# */ ")),
+ (doublePrimTyConKey, (\_ _ -> text "float64"))
+ ]
+%* *
+\subsection{C Calls}
+%* *
+-- We eliminate voids in and around an IL C Call. We don't yet emit PInvoke stubs.
+-- We also do some type-directed translation for pinning Haskell-managed blobs
+-- of data as we throw them across the boundary.
+ilxCCall env (CCall (StaticTarget c) casm gc cconv) args ret_ty =
+ ilxComment (text "C call <+> pprCLabelString c") <+>
+ vcat [vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 pushCArg env args),
+ text "call" <+> retdoc <+> text "class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC::" <+> pprCLabelString c <+> pprTypeArgs pprIlxTypeR env ty_args
+ <+> pprCValArgTys pprIlxTypeL env (map deepIlxRepType (filter (not. isVoidIlxRepType) (map stgArgType tm_args))) ]
+ where
+ retdoc =
+ if isVoidIlxRepType ret_ty then text "void"
+ else pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType ret_ty)
+ (ty_args,tm_args) = splitTyArgs1 args
+hasTyCon (TyConApp tc _) tc2 = tc == tc2
+hasTyCon _ _ = False
+isByteArrayCArgTy ty = hasTyCon ty byteArrayPrimTyCon || hasTyCon ty mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
+isByteArrayCArg v = isByteArrayCArgTy (deepIlxRepType (idType v))
+pinCCallArg v = isByteArrayCArg v
+ilxAddrOfPinnedByteArr = text "ldc.i4 0 ldelema unsigned int8"
+pushCArg env arg@(StgVarArg v) | isByteArrayCArg v = pushArg env arg <+> text "dup stloc" <+> squotes (ilxEnvQualifyByExact env (ppr v) <> text "pin") <+> ilxAddrOfPinnedByteArr
+pushCArg env arg | otherwise = pushArg env arg
+pprCValArgTys f env tys = parens (pprSepWithCommas (pprCValArgTy f env) tys)
+pprCValArgTy f env ty | isByteArrayCArgTy ty = text "void *" <+> ilxComment (text "interior pointer into ByteArr#")
+pprCValArgTy f env ty | otherwise = f env ty
+%* *
+%* *
+ilxPrimApp env (CCallOp ccall) args ret_ty = ilxCCall env ccall args ret_ty
+ilxPrimApp env op args ret_ty
+ = case lookupFM ilxPrimOpTable op of
+ Just fn -> fn env args
+ Nothing -> ilxComment (simp_op (text "Unknown primop!:" <+> pprId op) env args)
+ilxMkBool = text "call class" <+> prelBaseReference <+>
+ text "PrelBase_Bool" <+>
+ prelGHCReference <+> text ""
+ilxCgt = text "cgt " <+> ilxMkBool
+ilxCge = text "clt ldc.i4 0 ceq " <+> ilxMkBool
+ilxClt = text "clt " <+> ilxMkBool
+ilxCle = text "cgt ldc.i4 0 ceq " <+> ilxMkBool
+ilxCeq = text "ceq " <+> ilxMkBool
+ilxCne = text "ceq ldc.i4 0 ceq " <+> ilxMkBool
+ilxCgtUn = text "cgt.un " <+> ilxMkBool
+ilxCgeUn = text "clt.un ldc.i4 0 ceq " <+> ilxMkBool
+ilxCltUn = text "clt.un " <+> ilxMkBool
+ilxCleUn = text "cgt.un ldc.i4 0 ceq " <+> ilxMkBool
+ldDummyInteger = text " ldc.i4 0 ldnull newobj void" <+> ilxUnboxedPairRep repInt repByteArray <+> text "::.ctor(!0,!1)"
+ldDummyInteger2 = text " ldc.i4 0 ldnull ldc.i4 0 ldnull newobj void" <+> ilxUnboxedQuadRep repInt repByteArray repInt repByteArray <+> text "::.ctor(!0,!1,!2,!3)"
+repByteArray = text "unsigned int8[] /* ByteArr# */ "
+repFileStream = text "void * /* FileStream# */ " -- text "class [mscorlib]System.IO.FileStream"
+repInt = text "int32"
+repWord = text "unsigned int32"
+repAddr = text "/* Addr */ void *"
+repInt64 = text "int64"
+repWord64 = text "unsigned int64"
+repChar = text "/* Char */ unsigned int8"
+repInteger = ilxUnboxedPairRep repInt repByteArray
+repIntegerPair = ilxUnboxedQuadRep repInt repByteArray repInt repByteArray
+repMVar ty = text "class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_MVarzh" <+> ilxTyParams [ty]
+repMutVar _ ty2 = text "class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_MutVarzh" <+> ilxTyParams [ty2]
+repWeak ty1 = text "class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_Weakzh" <+> ilxTyParams [ty1]
+ilxParamsAux [] = empty
+ilxParamsAux [h] = h
+ilxParamsAux (h:t) = h <> text "," <+> ilxParamsAux t
+ilxParams [] = empty
+ilxParams l = parens (ilxParamsAux l)
+ilxTyParamsAux [] = empty
+ilxTyParamsAux [h] = h
+ilxTyParamsAux (h:t) = h <> text "," <+> ilxTyParamsAux t
+ilxTyParams [] = empty
+ilxTyParams l = angleBrackets (ilxTyParamsAux l)
+ilxMethA = text "!!0"
+ilxTyPair l r = ilxTyParams [l,r]
+ilxTyTriple l m r = ilxTyParams [l,m,r]
+ilxTyQuad l m1 m2 r = ilxTyParams [l,m1,m2,r]
+ilxUnboxedPairRep l r = text "value class" <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_ZLzhzx2czhZR" <+> ilxTyPair l r
+ilxUnboxedTripleRep l m r = text "value class" <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_ZLzhzx2czx2czhZR" <+> ilxTyTriple l m r
+ilxUnboxedQuadRep l m1 m2 r = text "value class" <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_ZLzhzx2czx2czx2czhZR" <+> ilxTyQuad l m1 m2 r
+ilxMethodRef rty cls nm tyargs args = rty <+> cls <+> text "::" <> squotes (text nm) <> ilxTyParams tyargs <> ilxParams args
+ilxSupportClass = prelGHCReference <+> text ""
+ilxSuppMeth rty nm tyargs args = ilxMethodRef rty ilxSupportClass nm tyargs args
+ilxPrimOpTable :: FiniteMap PrimOp (IlxEnv -> [StgArg] -> SDoc)
+ilxPrimOpTable =
+ listToFM [(CharGtOp, simp_op ilxCgt),
+ (CharGeOp, simp_op ilxCge),
+ (CharEqOp, simp_op ilxCeq),
+ (CharNeOp, simp_op ilxCne),
+ (CharLtOp, simp_op ilxClt),
+ (CharLeOp, simp_op ilxCle),
+ (OrdOp, simp_op (text "conv.i4")), -- chars represented by UInt32 (u4)
+ (ChrOp, simp_op (text "conv.u4")),
+ (IntGtOp, simp_op ilxCgt),
+ (IntGeOp, simp_op ilxCge),
+ (IntEqOp, simp_op ilxCeq),
+ (IntNeOp, simp_op ilxCne),
+ (IntLtOp, simp_op ilxClt),
+ (IntLeOp, simp_op ilxCle),
+ (WordGtOp, simp_op ilxCgtUn), -- words represented by UInt32 (u4)
+ (WordGeOp, simp_op ilxCgeUn),
+ (WordEqOp, simp_op ilxCeq),
+ (WordNeOp, simp_op ilxCne),
+ (WordLtOp, simp_op ilxCltUn),
+ (WordLeOp, simp_op ilxCleUn),
+ (AddrGtOp, simp_op ilxCgt),
+ (AddrGeOp, simp_op ilxCge),
+ (AddrEqOp, simp_op ilxCeq),
+ (AddrNeOp, simp_op ilxCne),
+ (AddrLtOp, simp_op ilxClt),
+ (AddrLeOp, simp_op ilxCle),
+ (FloatGtOp, simp_op ilxCgt),
+ (FloatGeOp, simp_op ilxCge),
+ (FloatEqOp, simp_op ilxCeq),
+ (FloatNeOp, simp_op ilxCne),
+ (FloatLtOp, simp_op ilxClt),
+ (FloatLeOp, simp_op ilxCle),
+ (DoubleGtOp, simp_op ilxCgt),
+ (DoubleGeOp, simp_op ilxCge),
+ (DoubleEqOp, simp_op ilxCeq),
+ (DoubleNeOp, simp_op ilxCne),
+ (DoubleLtOp, simp_op ilxClt),
+ (DoubleLeOp, simp_op ilxCle),
+ -- Int#-related ops:
+ (IntAddOp, simp_op (text "add")),
+ (IntSubOp, simp_op (text "sub")),
+ (IntMulOp, simp_op (text "mul")),
+ (IntQuotOp, simp_op (text "div")),
+ (IntNegOp, simp_op (text "neg")),
+ (IntRemOp, simp_op (text "rem")),
+ (Addr2IntOp, simp_op (text "conv.i4")), -- Addresses are very dodgy for ILX. They are used for both C-strings and
+ (Int2AddrOp, simp_op (text "conv.i")), -- the FFI. This needs more work.
+ (ISllOp, simp_op (text "shl")),
+ (ISraOp, simp_op (text "shr")),
+ (ISrlOp, simp_op (text "shr.un")),
+ (IntAddCOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth (ilxUnboxedPairRep repInt repInt) "IntAddCOp" [] [repInt, repInt])),
+ (IntAddCOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth (ilxUnboxedPairRep repInt repInt) "IntSubCOp" [] [repInt, repInt])),
+ (IntAddCOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth (ilxUnboxedPairRep repInt repInt) "IntMulCOp" [] [repInt, repInt])),
+ (IntGcdOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInt "IntMulCOp" [] [repInt, repInt])),
+ -- Word#-related ops:
+ (AndOp, simp_op (text "and")),
+ (OrOp, simp_op (text "or")),
+ (NotOp, simp_op (text "not")),
+ (XorOp, simp_op (text "xor")),
+ (SllOp, simp_op (text "shl")),
+ (SrlOp, simp_op (text "shr")),
+ (Word2IntOp, simp_op (text "conv.i4")),
+ (Int2WordOp, simp_op (text "conv.u4")),
+ -- Float#-related ops:
+ (FloatAddOp, simp_op (text "add")),
+ (FloatSubOp, simp_op (text "sub")),
+ (FloatMulOp, simp_op (text "mul")),
+ (FloatDivOp, simp_op (text "div")),
+ (FloatNegOp, simp_op (text "neg")),
+ (Float2IntOp, simp_op (text "conv.i4")),
+ (Int2FloatOp, simp_op (text "conv.r4")),
+ (DoubleAddOp, simp_op (text "add")),
+ (DoubleSubOp, simp_op (text "sub")),
+ (DoubleMulOp, simp_op (text "mul")),
+ (DoubleDivOp, simp_op (text "div")),
+ (DoubleNegOp, simp_op (text "neg")),
+ (Double2IntOp, simp_op (text "conv.i4")),
+ (Int2DoubleOp, simp_op (text "conv.r4")),
+ (Double2FloatOp, simp_op (text "conv.r4")),
+ (Float2DoubleOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8")),
+ (DoubleDecodeOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth (ilxUnboxedTripleRep repInt repInt repByteArray) "decodeDouble" [] [text "float64"])),
+ (FloatDecodeOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth (ilxUnboxedTripleRep repInt repInt repByteArray) "decodeFloat" [] [text "float32"])),
+ (FloatExpOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Exp(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatLogOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Log(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatSqrtOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Sqrt(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatSinOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Sin(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatCosOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Cos(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatTanOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Tan(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatAsinOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Asin(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatAcosOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Acos(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatAtanOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Atan(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatSinhOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Sinh(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatCoshOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Cosh(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatTanhOp, simp_op (text "conv.r8 call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Tanh(float64) conv.r4")),
+ (FloatPowerOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Pow(float64, float64) conv.r4")), -- ** op, make use of implicit cast to r8...
+ (DoubleExpOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Exp(float64)")),
+ (DoubleLogOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Log(float64)")),
+ (DoubleSqrtOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Sqrt(float64)")),
+ (DoubleSinOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Sin(float64)")),
+ (DoubleCosOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Cos(float64)")),
+ (DoubleTanOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Tan(float64)")),
+ (DoubleAsinOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Asin(float64)")),
+ (DoubleAcosOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Acos(float64)")),
+ (DoubleAtanOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Atan(float64)")),
+ (DoubleSinhOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Sinh(float64)")),
+ (DoubleCoshOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Cosh(float64)")),
+ (DoubleTanhOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Tanh(float64)")),
+ (DoublePowerOp, simp_op (text "call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Pow(float64, float64)")),
+ -- Integer (and related...) ops: bail out to support routines
+ (IntegerAddOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "IntegerAddOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerSubOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "IntegerSubOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerMulOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "IntegerMulOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerGcdOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "IntegerGcdOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerQuotRemOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repIntegerPair "IntegerQuotRemOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerDivModOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repIntegerPair "IntegerDivModOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerNegOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "IntegerNegOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerIntGcdOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInt "IntegerIntGcdOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt])),
+ (IntegerDivExactOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "IntegerDivExactOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerQuotOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "IntegerQuotOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerRemOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "IntegerRemOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerCmpOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInt "IntegerCmpOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (IntegerCmpIntOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInt "IntegerCmpIntOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray, repInt])),
+ (Integer2IntOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInt "Integer2IntOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (Integer2WordOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repWord "Integer2WordOp" [] [repInt, repByteArray])),
+ (Int2IntegerOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "Int2IntegerOp" [] [repInt])),
+ (Word2IntegerOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "Word2IntegerOp" [] [repWord])),
+ (Addr2IntegerOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "Addr2IntegerOp" [] [repAddr])),
+ (IntegerToInt64Op, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repAddr "IntegerToInt64Op" [] [repInt,repByteArray])),
+ (Int64ToIntegerOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "Int64ToIntegerOp" [] [repInt64])),
+ (IntegerToWord64Op, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repWord64 "IntegerToWord64Op" [] [repInt,repByteArray])),
+ (Word64ToIntegerOp, simp_op (text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInteger "Word64ToIntegerOp" [] [repWord64])),
+ (IndexOffForeignObjOp CharRep, simp_op (text "add ldind.u1")),
+ (IndexOffForeignObjOp IntRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.i4")),
+ (IndexOffForeignObjOp WordRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.u4")),
+ (IndexOffForeignObjOp AddrRep, warn_op "IndexOffForeignObjOp AddrRep: assuing 32 bit architecture" (simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.i "))),
+ (IndexOffForeignObjOp FloatRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.r4")),
+ (IndexOffForeignObjOp DoubleRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 8 mul add ldind.r8")),
+ (IndexOffForeignObjOp Int64Rep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 8 mul add ldind.i8")),
+ (IndexOffForeignObjOp Word64Rep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 8 mul add ldind.u8")),
+ (IndexOffAddrOp CharRep, simp_op (text "add ldind.u1")),
+ (IndexOffAddrOp IntRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.i4")),
+ (IndexOffAddrOp WordRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.u4")),
+ (IndexOffAddrOp AddrRep, warn_op "IndexOffAddrOp AddrRep: assuing 32 bit architecture" (simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.i"))),
+ (IndexOffAddrOp FloatRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.r4")),
+ (IndexOffAddrOp DoubleRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 8 mul add ldind.r8")),
+ (IndexOffAddrOp Int64Rep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 8 mul add ldind.i8")),
+ (IndexOffAddrOp Word64Rep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 8 mul add ldind.u8")),
+ (WriteOffAddrOp CharRep, ty1_arg4_op (\sty addr n v s -> addr <+> n <+> text "add" <+> v <+> text "stind.u1")),
+ (WriteOffAddrOp IntRep, ty1_arg4_op (\sty addr n v s -> addr <+> n <+> text "ldc.i4 4 mul add" <+> v <+> text "stind.i4")),
+ (WriteOffAddrOp WordRep, ty1_arg4_op (\sty addr n v s -> addr <+> n <+> text "ldc.i4 4 mul add" <+> v <+> text "stind.u4")),
+ (WriteOffAddrOp AddrRep, ty1_arg4_op (\sty addr n v s -> addr <+> n <+> text "ldc.i4 4 mul add" <+> v <+> text "stind.i")),
+ (WriteOffAddrOp FloatRep, ty1_arg4_op (\sty addr n v s -> addr <+> n <+> text "ldc.i4 4 mul add" <+> v <+> text "stind.r4")),
+ (WriteOffAddrOp DoubleRep, ty1_arg4_op (\sty addr n v s -> addr <+> n <+> text "ldc.i4 8 mul add" <+> v <+> text "stind.r8")),
+ (WriteOffAddrOp Int64Rep, ty1_arg4_op (\sty addr n v s -> addr <+> n <+> text "ldc.i4 8 mul add" <+> v <+> text "stind.i8")),
+ (WriteOffAddrOp Word64Rep, ty1_arg4_op (\sty addr n v s -> addr <+> n <+> text "ldc.i4 8 mul add" <+> v <+> text "stind.u8")),
+ {- Addr# -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s -}
+ (ReadOffAddrOp CharRep, simp_op (text "add ldind.u1")),
+ (ReadOffAddrOp IntRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.i4")),
+ (ReadOffAddrOp WordRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.u4")),
+ (ReadOffAddrOp AddrRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.i")),
+ (ReadOffAddrOp FloatRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 4 mul add ldind.r4")),
+ (ReadOffAddrOp DoubleRep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 8 mul add ldind.r8")),
+ (ReadOffAddrOp Int64Rep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 8 mul add ldind.i8")),
+ (ReadOffAddrOp Word64Rep, simp_op (text "ldc.i4 8 mul add ldind.u8")),
+ {- Addr# -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s -}
+ (RaiseOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "throw")),
+ (CatchOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 ->
+ text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth ilxMethA "catch" [ty1,ty2] [text "(func () --> !!0)", text "(func (!!1) --> (func () --> !!0))"])),
+ {- (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> (b -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> State# RealWorld
+ -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+ -}
+ (BlockAsyncExceptionsOp, ty1_op (\ty1 ->
+ text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth ilxMethA "blockAsyncExceptions" [ty1] [text "(func () --> !!0)"])),
+ {- (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ -}
+ (UnblockAsyncExceptionsOp, ty1_op (\ty1 ->
+ text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth ilxMethA "unblockAsyncExceptions" [ty1] [text "(func () --> !!0)"])),
+ {-
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ -}
+ (NewMVarOp, ty2_op (\sty ty ->
+ text "newobj void " <+> repMVar ty <+> text "::.ctor()")),
+ {- State# s -> (# State# s, MVar# s a #) -}
+ (TakeMVarOp, ty2_op (\sty ty ->
+ text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth ilxMethA "takeMVar" [ty] [repMVar ilxMethA])),
+ {- MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #) -}
+ (PutMVarOp, ty2_op (\sty ty ->
+ text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth (text "void") "putMVar" [ty] [repMVar ilxMethA, ilxMethA])),
+ {- MVar# s a -> a -> State# s -> State# s -}
+ (SameMVarOp, ty2_op (\sty ty -> text "ceq " <+> ilxMkBool)),
+ {- MVar# s a -> MVar# s a -> Bool -}
+ (TakeMaybeMVarOp, ty2_op (\sty ty ->
+ text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth (ilxUnboxedPairRep repInt ilxMethA) "tryTakeMVar" [ty] [repMVar ilxMethA])),
+ {- MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int#, a #) -}
+ (IsEmptyMVarOp, ty2_op (\sty ty ->
+ text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInt "isEmptyMVar" [ty] [repMVar ilxMethA])),
+ {- MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #) -}
+ (DataToTagOp, ty1_op (\ty1 ->
+ text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth repInt "dataToTag" [ty1] [ilxMethA])),
+ {- a -> Int# -}
+ (TagToEnumOp, ty1_op (\ty1 ->
+ text "call" <+> ilxSuppMeth ilxMethA "tagToEnum" [ty1] [repInt])),
+ {- Int# -> a -}
+ (IndexByteArrayOp CharRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.u1")),
+ (IndexByteArrayOp IntRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.i4")),
+ (IndexByteArrayOp WordRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.u4")),
+ (IndexByteArrayOp AddrRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.u")),
+ (IndexByteArrayOp FloatRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.r4")),
+ (IndexByteArrayOp DoubleRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.r8")),
+ (IndexByteArrayOp StablePtrRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.i4")),
+ (IndexByteArrayOp Int64Rep, simp_op (text "ldelem.i8")),
+ (IndexByteArrayOp Word64Rep, simp_op (text "ldelem.u8")),
+ {- ByteArr# -> Int# -> Char# -}
+ (WriteByteArrayOp CharRep, simp_op (text "stelem.u1")),
+ (WriteByteArrayOp IntRep, simp_op (text "stelem.i4")),
+ (WriteByteArrayOp WordRep, simp_op (text "stelem.u4")),
+ (WriteByteArrayOp AddrRep, simp_op (text "stelem.u")),
+ (WriteByteArrayOp FloatRep, simp_op (text "stelem.r4")),
+ (WriteByteArrayOp DoubleRep, simp_op (text "stelem.r8")),
+ (WriteByteArrayOp StablePtrRep, simp_op (text "stelem.i4")),
+ (WriteByteArrayOp Int64Rep, simp_op (text "stelem.i8")),
+ (WriteByteArrayOp Word64Rep, simp_op (text "stelem.u8")),
+ {- MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s -}
+ {- should be monadic??? -}
+ (ReadByteArrayOp CharRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.u1")),
+ (ReadByteArrayOp IntRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.i4")),
+ (ReadByteArrayOp WordRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.u4")),
+ (ReadByteArrayOp AddrRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.u")),
+ (ReadByteArrayOp FloatRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.r4")),
+ (ReadByteArrayOp DoubleRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.r8")),
+ (ReadByteArrayOp StablePtrRep, simp_op (text "ldelem.i4")),
+ (ReadByteArrayOp Int64Rep, simp_op (text "ldelem.i8")),
+ (ReadByteArrayOp Word64Rep, simp_op (text "ldelem.u8")),
+ {- MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #) -}
+ {- should be monadic??? -}
+ (NewByteArrayOp CharRep, simp_op (text "newarr [mscorlib]System.Byte")),
+ (NewByteArrayOp IntRep, simp_op (text "newarr [mscorlib]System.Int32")),
+ (NewByteArrayOp WordRep, simp_op (text "newarr [mscorlib]System.UInt32")),
+ (NewByteArrayOp AddrRep, simp_op (text "newarr [mscorlib]System.UInt64")),
+ (NewByteArrayOp FloatRep, simp_op (text "newarr [mscorlib]System.Single")),
+ (NewByteArrayOp DoubleRep, simp_op (text "newarr [mscorlib]System.Double")),
+ (NewByteArrayOp StablePtrRep, simp_op (text "newarr [mscorlib]System.UInt32")),
+{- (NewByteArrayOp Int64Rep, simp_op (text "newarr [mscorlib]System.Int64")), TODO: there is no unique for this one -}
+{- (NewByteArrayOp Word64Rep, simp_op (text "newarr [mscorlib]System.UInt64")), -}
+ {- Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutByteArr# s #) -}
+ (UnsafeFreezeByteArrayOp, ty1_op (\ty1 -> text "nop ")),
+ {- MutByteArr# s -> State# s -> (# State# s, ByteArr# #) -}
+ (SizeofByteArrayOp, simp_op (text "ldlen")),
+ {- ByteArr# -> Int# -}
+ (SameMutableByteArrayOp, ty1_op (\ty1 -> text "ceq " <+> ilxMkBool)),
+ {- MutByteArr# s -> MutByteArr# s -> Bool -}
+ (SizeofMutableByteArrayOp, ty1_op (\ty1 -> text "ldlen")),
+ {- MutByteArr# s -> Int# -}
+ (SameMutVarOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "ceq " <+> ilxMkBool)),
+ {- MutVar# s a -> MutVar# s a -> Bool -}
+ (NewMutVarOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "newobj void" <+> repMutVar ty1 ty2 <+> text "::.ctor(!0)")),
+ {- a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutVar# s a #) -}
+ (ReadMutVarOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "ldfld !0" <+> repMutVar ty1 ty2 <+> text "::contents")),
+ {- MutVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #) -}
+ (WriteMutVarOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "stfld !0" <+> repMutVar ty1 ty2 <+> text "::contents")),
+ {- MutVar# s a -> a -> State# s -> State# s -}
+ (NewArrayOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "call !!0[] " <+> ilxSupportClass <+> text "::newArray<" <> ty1 <> text ">(" <> repInt <> text ", !!0)")),
+ {- Int# -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutArr# s a #) -}
+ (IndexArrayOp, ty1_op (\ty1 -> text "ldelem.ref")),
+ {- Array# a -> Int# -> (# a #) -}
+ (WriteArrayOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "stelem.ref")),
+ {- MutArr# s a -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s -}
+ (ReadArrayOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "ldelem.ref")),
+ {- MutArr# s a -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #) -}
+ (UnsafeFreezeArrayOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "nop")),
+ {- MutArr# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Array# a #) -}
+ (UnsafeThawArrayOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "nop")),
+ {- Array# a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutArr# s a #) -}
+ (SameMutableArrayOp, ty2_op (\ty1 ty2 -> text "ceq " <+> ilxMkBool)),
+ {- MutArr# s a -> MutArr# s a -> Bool -}
+ (MakeStablePtrOp, ty1_op (\ty1 -> text "newobj void class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_StablePtrzh<" <> ty1 <> text ">::.ctor(!0)")),
+ {- a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, StablePtr# a #) -}
+ (DeRefStablePtrOp, ty1_op (\ty1 -> text "ldfld !0 class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_StablePtrzh<" <> ty1 <> text ">::contents")),
+ {- StablePtr# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) -}
+ (EqStablePtrOp, ty1_op (\ty1 -> text "ceq " <+> ilxMkBool)),
+ {- StablePtr# a -> StablePtr# a -> Int# -}
+ (MkWeakOp, ty3_op (\ty1 ty2 ty3 -> text "call" <+> ilxMethodRef (repWeak (text "!!1")) (text "class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_Weakzh") "bake" [ty1,ty2,ty3] [text "!!0", text "!!1", text "!!2"])),
+ {- o -> b -> c -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Weak# b #) -}
+ (DeRefWeakOp, ty1_op (\ty1 -> text "call" <+> ilxMethodRef (ilxUnboxedPairRep repInt (text "!0")) (repWeak ty1) "deref" [] [])),
+ (FinalizeWeakOp, ty1_op (\ty1 -> text "call" <+> ilxMethodRef (ilxUnboxedPairRep repInt (text "(func () --> class '()')")) (repWeak ty1) "finalizer" [] [])),
+ {- Weak# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int#,
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Unit #)) #) -}
+ (MkForeignObjOp, simp_op (text "nop /* newobj void class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_ForeignObjzh::.ctor(void *) */")),
+ (WriteForeignObjOp, simp_op (text "pop /* stfld void * class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_ForeignObjzh::contents */ ")),
+ -- (ForeignObjToAddrOp, simp_op (text "ldfld void * class " <+> prelGHCReference <+> text "PrelGHC_ForeignObjzh::contents"),
+ (YieldOp, simp_op (text "call class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Thread class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Thread::get_CurrentThread()
+ call void class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Thread::Suspend()")),
+ (MyThreadIdOp, simp_op (text "call default class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Thread class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Thread::get_CurrentThread() ")),
+ (KillThreadOp, simp_op (text "call instance void class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Thread::Abort(class [mscorlib]System.Object) ")),
+ {- ThreadId# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld -}
+ (ForkOp, ty1_op (\ty -> text "call default class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Thread " <+> ilxSupportClass <+> text "::fork<" <> ty <> text ">(thunk<!0>)")),
+ (ParOp, warn_op "ParOp" (simp_op (text "/* ParOp skipped... */ pop ldc.i4 0"))),
+ (DelayOp, simp_op (text "call void class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Thread::Sleep(int32) ")),
+ {- Int# -> State# s -> State# s -}
+ (WaitReadOp, warn_op "WaitReadOp" (simp_op (text "/* WaitReadOp skipped... */ pop"))),
+ (WaitWriteOp, warn_op "WaitWriteOp" (simp_op (text " /* WaitWriteOp skipped... */ pop")))
+ ]
+ty1_op op env ((StgTypeArg ty1):rest) =
+ vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 1 pushArg env rest) $$ op (pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType ty1))
+--ty1_after1_op op env (h:(StgTypeArg ty1):rest) =
+-- vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 pushArg env [h]) $$ vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 2 pushArg env rest) $$ op (pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType ty1))
+ty2_op op env ((StgTypeArg ty1):(StgTypeArg ty2):rest) =
+ vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 2 pushArg env rest) $$ op (pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType ty1)) (pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType ty2))
+ty3_op op env ((StgTypeArg ty1):(StgTypeArg ty2):(StgTypeArg ty3):rest) =
+ vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 2 pushArg env rest) $$
+ op (pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType ty1))
+ (pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType ty2))
+ (pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType ty3))
+ty1_arg4_op op env [(StgTypeArg ty1), a1, a2, a3, a4] =
+ op (pprIlxTypeR env (deepIlxRepType ty1))
+ (hd2 (ilxMapPlaceArgs 1 pushArg env [a1]) )
+ (hd2 (ilxMapPlaceArgs 2 pushArg env [a2]) )
+ (hd2 (ilxMapPlaceArgs 3 pushArg env [a3]) )
+ (hd2 (ilxMapPlaceArgs 4 pushArg env [a4]) )
+hd (h:t) = h
+hd2 (h:t) = h
+simp_op op env args = vcat (ilxMapPlaceArgs 0 pushArg env args) $$ op
+warn_op warning f args = trace ("WARNING! IlxGen cannot translate primop " ++ warning) (f args)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/Makefile.stdlib b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/Makefile.stdlib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bab993346e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/Makefile.stdlib
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+PrelAll_SRC=Array.lhs Maybe.lhs PrelDynamic.lhs PrelIOBase.lhs PrelShow.lhs \
+CPUTime.lhs Monad.lhs PrelEnum.lhs PrelList.lhs PrelStable.lhs \
+Char.lhs Numeric.lhs PrelErr.lhs PrelTup.lhs \
+Complex.lhs PrelAddr.lhs PrelException.lhs PrelMaybe.lhs PrelWeak.lhs \
+Directory.lhs PrelArr.lhs PrelFloat.lhs PrelNum.lhs Prelude.lhs \
+IO.lhs PrelArrExtra.lhs PrelForeign.lhs PrelPack.lhs Random.lhs \
+Ix.lhs PrelBase.lhs PrelHandle.lhs PrelRead.lhs Ratio.lhs \
+List.lhs PrelByteArr.lhs PrelHugs.lhs PrelReal.lhs System.lhs \
+Locale.lhs PrelConc.lhs PrelIO.lhs PrelST.lhs Time.lhs
+PrelAll_ILX=$(patsubst %.lhs,%.ilx,$(PrelAll_SRC))
+CLEAN_FILES += $(PrelAll_ILX)
+PrelAll_ILX_FWD=$(patsubst %.lhs,%.ilx.fwd.ok,$(PrelAll_SRC))
+PrelAll_IL=$(patsubst %.lhs,,$(PrelAll_SRC))
+%.ilx %.ilx.fwd: %.lhs
+ $(HC) $(HC_OPTS) -Onot -D__ILX__ --ilx $*.lhs -o $*.ilx
+ifeq ($(HOSTNAME),msrc-hilda)
+CORRUN=cmd /c "devvs && "
+ILXASM=/devel/fcom/src/bin/ilxasmx.exe -l /devel/fcom/src/ilxasm --no-ilasm --box-everything
+%.ilx.fwd.ok: %.ilx.fwd
+ if diff -q $< $@; then true; else cp $< $@; fi
+%.mod :
+ $(ILASM) /QUIET /DLL /OUT=$@ $<
+ ../../compiler/ilxGen/
+ cp $< $@
+PrelAll.dll : ilxasm-stdlib.mod $(PrelAll_MOD)
+ $(AL) ilxasm-stdlib.mod $(PrelAll_MOD) -out:$@
+%.ilx_with_fwd: %.ilx $(PrelAll_ILX_FWD)
+ cat $(PrelAll_ILX_FWD) $*.ilx > $@
+ : %.ilx_with_fwd /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilxasmx.exe
+ $(ILXASM) --no-stdlib -o $@ $*.ilx_with_fwd
+ : /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilxasmx.exe /devel/fcom/src/ilxasm/stdlib-func-by-mcalli.ilx
+ rm -f tmp.ilx
+ touch tmp.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) -o $@ tmp.ilx
+ rm -f tmp.ilx
+# For validation only:
+ $(PrelAll_IL)
+ cat $(PrelAll_IL) > $@
+ make -C ../../compiler/ilxGen/tests ilvalidx
+ ILVALID_HOME=/devel/fcom/src /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilvalidx.exe $*.il
+ make -C ../../compiler/ilxGen/tests ilxasmx
+ $(MAKE) -C /devel/fcom/src bin/ilvalidx.exe
+ make -C ../../compiler/ilxGen/tests ghc
+.PRECIOUS: %.ilx.fwd %.ilx.fwd.ok %.ilx_with_fwd
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/primops.txt b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/primops.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be87f83c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/primops.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+-- $Id: primops.txt,v 1.1 2001/02/26 15:44:59 rrt Exp $
+-- Primitive Operations
+-- To add a new primop, you currently need to update the following files:
+-- - this file (ghc/compiler/prelude/primops.txt), which includes
+-- the type of the primop, and various other properties (its
+-- strictness attributes, whether it is defined as a macro
+-- or as out-of-line code, etc.)
+-- - ghc/lib/std/PrelGHC.hi-boot, to declare the primop
+-- - if the primop is inline (i.e. a macro), then:
+-- ghc/includes/PrimOps.h
+-- ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs
+-- - or, for an out-of-line primop:
+-- ghc/includes/PrimOps.h (just add the declaration)
+-- ghc/rts/PrimOps.hc (define it here)
+-- - the User's Guide
+-- The default attribute values which apply if you don't specify
+-- other ones. Attribute values can be True, False, or arbitrary
+-- text between curly brackets. This is a kludge to enable
+-- processors of this file to easily get hold of simple info
+-- (eg, out_of_line), whilst avoiding parsing complex expressions
+-- needed for strictness and usage info.
+ has_side_effects = False
+ out_of_line = False
+ commutable = False
+ needs_wrapper = False
+ can_fail = False
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo (replicate arity wwPrim) False }
+ usage = { nomangle other }
+--- Support for the metacircular interpreter ---
+primop IndexOffClosureOp_Ptr "indexPtrOffClosure#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int# -> (# b #)
+primop IndexOffClosureOp_Word "indexWordOffClosure#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int# -> Word#
+primop Addr2IntOp "addr2Int#" GenPrimOp Addr# -> Int#
+primop DoubleDecodeOp "decodeDouble#" GenPrimOp
+ Double# -> (# Int#, Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop FloatDecodeOp "decodeFloat#" GenPrimOp
+ Float# -> (# Int#, Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop IntegerSubOp "minusInteger#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop IntegerMulOp "timesInteger#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with commutable = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop IntegerGcdOp "gcdInteger#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with commutable = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop IntegerIntGcdOp "gcdIntegerInt#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+primop IntegerDivExactOp "divExactInteger#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop IntegerQuotOp "quotInteger#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop IntegerRemOp "remInteger#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop IntegerCmpOp "cmpInteger#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int#
+ with needs_wrapper = True
+primop IntegerCmpIntOp "cmpIntegerInt#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with needs_wrapper = True
+primop IntegerQuotRemOp "quotRemInteger#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr#, Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with can_fail = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop IntegerDivModOp "divModInteger#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr#, Int#, ByteArr# #)
+ with can_fail = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop Integer2IntOp "integer2Int#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int#
+ with needs_wrapper = True
+primop Integer2WordOp "integer2Word#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Word#
+ with needs_wrapper = True
+primop IntegerToInt64Op "integerToInt64#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int64#
+primop IntegerToWord64Op "integerToWord64#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> ByteArr# -> Word64#
+--- Arrays ---
+primop NewByteArrayOp_Char "newCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutByteArr# s #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop NewByteArrayOp_Int "newIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutByteArr# s #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop NewByteArrayOp_Word "newWordArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutByteArr# s #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop NewByteArrayOp_Addr "newAddrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutByteArr# s #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop NewByteArrayOp_Float "newFloatArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutByteArr# s #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop NewByteArrayOp_Double "newDoubleArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutByteArr# s #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop NewByteArrayOp_StablePtr "newStablePtrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutByteArr# s #)
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Char "readCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #)
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Int "readIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word "readWordArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Addr "readAddrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Addr# #)
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Float "readFloatArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Float# #)
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Double "readDoubleArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Double# #)
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_StablePtr "readStablePtrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, StablePtr# a #)
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Int64 "readInt64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int64# #)
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word64 "readWord64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word64# #)
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Char "writeCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Int "writeIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word "writeWordArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Addr "writeAddrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Float "writeFloatArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> Float# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Double "writeDoubleArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> Double# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_StablePtr "writeStablePtrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> StablePtr# a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Int64 "writeInt64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> Int64# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word64 "writeWord64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int# -> Word64# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Char "indexCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int# -> Char#
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Int "indexIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int# -> Int#
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word "indexWordArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int# -> Word#
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Addr "indexAddrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int# -> Addr#
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Float "indexFloatArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int# -> Float#
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Double "indexDoubleArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int# -> Double#
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_StablePtr "indexStablePtrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Int64 "indexInt64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int# -> Int64#
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word64 "indexWord64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int# -> Word64#
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Char "readCharOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #)
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Int "readIntOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Word "readWordOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Addr "readAddrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Addr# #)
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Float "readFloatOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Float# #)
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Double "readDoubleOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Double# #)
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_StablePtr "readStablePtrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, StablePtr# a #)
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_ForeignObj "readForeignObjOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, ForeignObj# #)
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Int64 "readInt64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int64# #)
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Word64 "readWord64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word64# #)
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Char "writeCharOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Int "writeIntOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Word "writeWordOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Addr "writeAddrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Float "writeFloatOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Float# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Double "writeDoubleOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Double# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_StablePtr "writeStablePtrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_ForeignObj "writeForeignObjOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> ForeignObj# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Int64 "writeInt64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Int64# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Word64 "writeWord64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Word64# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop NewArrayOp "newArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutArr# s a #)
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwPrim, wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ usage = { mangle NewArrayOp [mkP, mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ out_of_line = True
+primop SameMutableArrayOp "sameMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutArr# s a -> MutArr# s a -> Bool
+ with
+ usage = { mangle SameMutableArrayOp [mkP, mkP] mkM }
+primop SameMutableByteArrayOp "sameMutableByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> MutByteArr# s -> Bool
+primop ReadArrayOp "readArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutArr# s a -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ReadArrayOp [mkM, mkP, mkP] mkM }
+primop WriteArrayOp "writeArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutArr# s a -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with
+ usage = { mangle WriteArrayOp [mkM, mkP, mkM, mkP] mkR }
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwPrim, wwPrim, wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop IndexArrayOp "indexArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Array# a -> Int# -> (# a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle IndexArrayOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+primop UnsafeFreezeArrayOp "unsafeFreezeArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutArr# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Array# a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle UnsafeFreezeArrayOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop UnsafeFreezeByteArrayOp "unsafeFreezeByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> State# s -> (# State# s, ByteArr# #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop UnsafeThawArrayOp "unsafeThawArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Array# a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutArr# s a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle UnsafeThawArrayOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ out_of_line = True
+primop SizeofByteArrayOp "sizeofByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArr# -> Int#
+primop SizeofMutableByteArrayOp "sizeofMutableByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutByteArr# s -> Int#
+--- Mutable variables ---
+primop NewMutVarOp "newMutVar#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutVar# s a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle NewMutVarOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ out_of_line = True
+primop ReadMutVarOp "readMutVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ReadMutVarOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+primop WriteMutVarOp "writeMutVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutVar# s a -> a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwPrim, wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ usage = { mangle WriteMutVarOp [mkM, mkM, mkP] mkR }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop SameMutVarOp "sameMutVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutVar# s a -> MutVar# s a -> Bool
+ with
+ usage = { mangle SameMutVarOp [mkP, mkP] mkM }
+--- Exceptions ---
+primop CatchOp "catch#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> (b -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> State# RealWorld
+ -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy, wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ -- Catch is actually strict in its first argument
+ -- but we don't want to tell the strictness
+ -- analyser about that!
+ usage = { mangle CatchOp [mkM, mkM . (inFun CatchOp mkM mkM), mkP] mkM }
+ -- [mkO, mkO . (inFun mkM mkO)] mkO
+ -- might use caught action multiply
+ out_of_line = True
+primop RaiseOp "raise#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> b
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy] True }
+ -- NB: True => result is bottom
+ usage = { mangle RaiseOp [mkM] mkM }
+ out_of_line = True
+primop BlockAsyncExceptionsOp "blockAsyncExceptions#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy] False }
+ out_of_line = True
+primop UnblockAsyncExceptionsOp "unblockAsyncExceptions#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy] False }
+ out_of_line = True
+--- MVars (not the same as mutable variables!) ---
+primop NewMVarOp "newMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ State# s -> (# State# s, MVar# s a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle NewMVarOp [mkP] mkR }
+ out_of_line = True
+primop TakeMVarOp "takeMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle TakeMVarOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop PutMVarOp "putMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwPrim, wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ usage = { mangle PutMVarOp [mkM, mkM, mkP] mkR }
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop SameMVarOp "sameMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> MVar# s a -> Bool
+ with
+ usage = { mangle SameMVarOp [mkP, mkP] mkM }
+primop TakeMaybeMVarOp "tryTakeMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int#, a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle TakeMaybeMVarOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop IsEmptyMVarOp "isEmptyMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle IsEmptyMVarOp [mkP, mkP] mkM }
+--- delay/wait operations ---
+primop DelayOp "delay#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with
+ needs_wrapper = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop WaitReadOp "waitRead#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with
+ needs_wrapper = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop WaitWriteOp "waitWrite#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with
+ needs_wrapper = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+--- concurrency primitives ---
+primop ForkOp "fork#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ThreadId# #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ForkOp [mkO, mkP] mkR }
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop KillThreadOp "killThread#" GenPrimOp
+ ThreadId# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ usage = { mangle KillThreadOp [mkP, mkM, mkP] mkR }
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop YieldOp "yield#" GenPrimOp
+ State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop MyThreadIdOp "myThreadId#" GenPrimOp
+ State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ThreadId# #)
+--- foreign objects ---
+primop MkForeignObjOp "mkForeignObj#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ForeignObj# #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop WriteForeignObjOp "writeForeignObj#" GenPrimOp
+ ForeignObj# -> Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ForeignObjToAddrOp "foreignObjToAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ ForeignObj# -> Addr#
+primop TouchOp "touch#" GenPrimOp
+ o -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+--- Bytecode objects ---
+primop NewBCOOp "newBCO#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, BCO# #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo
+ [wwPrim, wwPrim, wwPrim, wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ usage = { mangle NewBCOOp [mkP, mkP, mkP, mkM, mkP] mkR }
+primop WriteBCOPtrOp "writeBCOPtr#" GenPrimOp
+ BCO# -> Int# -> o -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ usage = { mangle WriteBCOPtrOp [mkP, mkP, mkM, mkP] mkR }
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo
+ [wwPrim, wwPrim, wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteBCONonPtrOp "writeBCONonPtr#" GenPrimOp
+ BCO# -> Int# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteBCOInstrOp "writeBCOInstr#" GenPrimOp
+ BCO# -> Int# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ReadBCOPtrOp "readBCOPtr#" GenPrimOp
+ BCO# -> Int# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Word# #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ReadBCOPtrOp [mkP, mkP] mkM }
+primop ReadBCONonPtrOp "readBCONonPtr#" GenPrimOp
+ BCO# -> Int# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Word# #)
+primop ReadBCOInstrOp "readBCOInstr#" GenPrimOp
+ BCO# -> Int# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Word# #)
+primop SameBCOOp "sameBCO#" GenPrimOp
+ BCO# -> BCO# -> Bool
+ with
+ -- is this usage right?
+ usage = { mangle SameMutableArrayOp [mkP, mkP] mkM }
+--- Weak pointers ---
+-- note that tyvar "o" denoted openAlphaTyVar
+primop MkWeakOp "mkWeak#" GenPrimOp
+ o -> b -> c -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Weak# b #)
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy, wwLazy, wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ usage = { mangle MkWeakOp [mkZ, mkM, mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop DeRefWeakOp "deRefWeak#" GenPrimOp
+ Weak# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int#, a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle DeRefWeakOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop FinalizeWeakOp "finalizeWeak#" GenPrimOp
+ Weak# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int#,
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Unit #)) #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle FinalizeWeakOp [mkM, mkP]
+ (mkR . (inUB FinalizeWeakOp
+ [id,id,inFun FinalizeWeakOp mkR mkM])) }
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+--- Stable pointers and names ---
+primop MakeStablePtrOp "makeStablePtr#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, StablePtr# a #)
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ usage = { mangle MakeStablePtrOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop DeRefStablePtrOp "deRefStablePtr#" GenPrimOp
+ StablePtr# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle DeRefStablePtrOp [mkM, mkP] mkM }
+ needs_wrapper = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop EqStablePtrOp "eqStablePtr#" GenPrimOp
+ StablePtr# a -> StablePtr# a -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle EqStablePtrOp [mkP, mkP] mkR }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop MakeStableNameOp "makeStableName#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, StableName# a #)
+ with
+ usage = { mangle MakeStableNameOp [mkZ, mkP] mkR }
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy, wwPrim] False }
+ needs_wrapper = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop EqStableNameOp "eqStableName#" GenPrimOp
+ StableName# a -> StableName# a -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle EqStableNameOp [mkP, mkP] mkR }
+primop StableNameToIntOp "stableNameToInt#" GenPrimOp
+ StableName# a -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle StableNameToIntOp [mkP] mkR }
+--- Unsafe pointer equality (#1 Bad Guy: Alistair Reid :) ---
+primop ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp "reallyUnsafePtrEquality#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> a -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp [mkZ, mkZ] mkR }
+--- Parallelism ---
+primop SeqOp "seq#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle SeqOp [mkO] mkR }
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwStrict] False }
+ -- Seq is strict in its argument; see notes in ConFold.lhs
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ParOp "par#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ParOp [mkO] mkR }
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy] False }
+ -- Note that Par is lazy to avoid that the sparked thing
+ -- gets evaluted strictly, which it should *not* be
+ has_side_effects = True
+-- HWL: The first 4 Int# in all par... annotations denote:
+-- name, granularity info, size of result, degree of parallelism
+-- Same structure as _seq_ i.e. returns Int#
+-- KSW: v, the second arg in parAt# and parAtForNow#, is used only to determine
+-- `the processor containing the expression v'; it is not evaluated
+primop ParGlobalOp "parGlobal#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> b -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ParGlobalOp [mkO, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkM] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ParLocalOp "parLocal#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> b -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ParLocalOp [mkO, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkM] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ParAtOp "parAt#" GenPrimOp
+ b -> a -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> c -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ParAtOp [mkO, mkZ, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkM] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ParAtAbsOp "parAtAbs#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> b -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ParAtAbsOp [mkO, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkM] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ParAtRelOp "parAtRel#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> b -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ParAtRelOp [mkO, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkM] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ParAtForNowOp "parAtForNow#" GenPrimOp
+ b -> a -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> c -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle ParAtForNowOp [mkO, mkZ, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkP, mkM] mkM }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop CopyableOp "copyable#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle CopyableOp [mkZ] mkR }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop NoFollowOp "noFollow#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int#
+ with
+ usage = { mangle NoFollowOp [mkZ] mkR }
+ has_side_effects = True
+--- tag to enum stuff ---
+primop DataToTagOp "dataToTag#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int#
+ with
+ strictness = { \ arity -> StrictnessInfo [wwLazy] False }
+primop TagToEnumOp "tagToEnum#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> a
+--- ---
+ -- Char#-related ops:
+ -- Int#-related ops:
+ -- Float#-related ops:
+ -- primitive ops for primitive arrays
+ | ReadOffAddrOp PrimRep
+ | WriteOffAddrOp PrimRep
+ | IndexOffAddrOp PrimRep
+ -- PrimRep can be one of :
+ -- {Char,Int,Word,Addr,Float,Double,StablePtr,Int64,Word64}Rep.
+ -- This is just a cheesy encoding of a bunch of ops.
+ -- Note that ForeignObjRep is not included -- the only way of
+ -- creating a ForeignObj is with a ccall or casm.
+ | IndexOffForeignObjOp PrimRep
+ | UnsafeFreezeArrayOp | UnsafeFreezeByteArrayOp
+ | SizeofByteArrayOp | SizeofMutableByteArrayOp
+ -- exceptions
+ -- foreign objects
+ | MkForeignObjOp
+ | WriteForeignObjOp
+ -- weak pointers
+ | MkWeakOp
+ | DeRefWeakOp
+ | FinalizeWeakOp
+ -- stable names
+ | MakeStableNameOp
+ | EqStableNameOp
+ | StableNameToIntOp
+ -- stable pointers
+ | MakeStablePtrOp
+ | DeRefStablePtrOp
+ | EqStablePtrOp
+ -- Foreign calls
+ | CCallOp CCall
+ -- Operation to test two closure addresses for equality (yes really!)
+ | ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp
+ -- parallel stuff
+ | SeqOp
+ | ParOp
+ -- concurrency
+ | ForkOp
+ | KillThreadOp
+ | YieldOp
+ | MyThreadIdOp
+ | DelayOp
+ | WaitReadOp
+ | WaitWriteOp
+ -- more parallel stuff
+ | ParGlobalOp -- named global par
+ | ParLocalOp -- named local par
+ | ParAtOp -- specifies destination of local par
+ | ParAtAbsOp -- specifies destination of local par (abs processor)
+ | ParAtRelOp -- specifies destination of local par (rel processor)
+ | ParAtForNowOp -- specifies initial destination of global par
+ | CopyableOp -- marks copyable code
+ | NoFollowOp -- marks non-followup expression
+ -- tag-related
+ | DataToTagOp
+ | TagToEnumOp
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/Makefile b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24aa4de71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+include ../../../lib/std/Makefile.src
+# These settings are if you use a visual studio build
+ifeq ($(HOSTNAME),msrc-hilda)
+CORENV_DEBUG="call devvsnearerb1gen.bat"
+CORENV_RETAIL="call devvsnearerb1gen.bat retail"
+ILXASM_FLAGS=-l $(ILXASM_HOME)/ilxasm --no-ilasm --tailcall-indirect
+ $(MAKE) -C ../.. ilxGen/IlxGen.o hsc
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/ilxasm.exe
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/ilxasmx.exe
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/ilvalid.exe
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/ilvalidx.exe
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.Onot.nongeneric.boxed.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.nongeneric.boxed.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.Onot.nongeneric.boxed.trial.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.nongeneric.boxed.trial.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.O.nongeneric.boxed.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.nongeneric.boxed.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.O.nongeneric.boxed.trial.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.nongeneric.boxed.trial.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.Onot.nongeneric.boxed.traced.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.nongeneric.boxed.traced.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.O.nongeneric.boxed.traced.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.nongeneric.boxed.traced.dll
+# $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.Onot.generic.dll
+# $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.generic.dll
+# $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.O.generic.dll
+# $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.generic.dll
+# $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.Onot.generic.traced.dll
+# $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.generic.traced.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.Onot.vmeth-erased.generic.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.vmeth-erased.generic.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.O.vmeth-erased.generic.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.vmeth-erased.generic.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.O.vmeth-erased.generic.trial.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.vmeth-erased.generic.trial.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.Onot.vmeth-erased.generic.traced.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.vmeth-erased.generic.traced.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../../lib/std ilxasm std.O.vmeth-erased.generic.traced.dll
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ILXASM_HOME) bin/msilxlib.vmeth-erased.generic.traced.dll
+%.o: %.hs ../../hsc.exe
+ ../../../driver/ghc-inplace -o $@ -c $*.hs
+std_NONGENERIC_STATIC_IL=$(patsubst %.lhs,../../../lib/std/,$(std_SRC)) ../../../lib/std/
+std_GENERIC_STATIC_IL=$(patsubst %.lhs,../../../lib/std/,$(std_SRC)) ../../../lib/std/
+# 1. From Haskell to ILX
+%.Onot.ilx: %.hs ../../hsc.exe
+ ../../../driver/ghc-inplace -fglasgow-exts -o $@ -i../../../lib/std/.Onot -Onot --ilx $*.hs
+%.O.ilx: %.hs ../../hsc.exe
+ ../../../driver/ghc-inplace -fglasgow-exts -o $@ -i../../../lib/std/.O -O --ilx $*.hs
+../Entry.Onot.ilx: ../Entry.ilx
+ sed -e "s|ilx std|ilx std.Onot|g" ../Entry.ilx > $@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+%.Onot.dlllib.ilx: %.Onot.ilx ../Entry.Onot.ilx
+ cat ../Entry.Onot.ilx $*.Onot.ilx > $@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+../Entry.O.ilx: ../Entry.ilx
+ sed -e "s|ilx std|ilx std.O|g" ../Entry.ilx > $@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+%.O.dlllib.ilx: %.O.ilx ../Entry.O.ilx
+ cat ../Entry.O.ilx $*.O.ilx > $@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+HSstd_cbits.dll: ../../../lib/std/cbits/HSstd_cbits.dll
+ cp $< $@
+# 2. From ILX to IL
+# Compile for a vanilla VM against a vanilla library organised as a
+# seperate assembly/DLL.
+ $(ILXASM) %.dlllib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --box-everything --no-stdlib $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.dlllib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+# Same
+# - running a trial optimization
+# - for traced code on a vanilla VM $(ILXASM) %.dlllib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --trial-opt --box-everything --no-stdlib $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.dlllib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+ $(ILXASM) %.dlllib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --box-everything --trace-il --no-stdlib $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.dlllib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+# Same, for a generic library and generic VM
+ $(ILXASM) %.dlllib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --no-pp --no-stdlib $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.dlllib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+ $(ILXASM) %.dlllib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --trial-opt --no-pp --no-stdlib $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.dlllib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+ $(ILXASM) %.dlllib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --trace-il --no-pp --no-stdlib $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.dlllib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+ $(ILXASM) %.dlllib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --poly-virtual-method-erase --no-pp --no-stdlib $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.dlllib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+ $(ILXASM) %.dlllib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --trial-opt --poly-virtual-method-erase --no-pp --no-stdlib $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.dlllib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+ $(ILXASM) %.dlllib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --poly-virtual-method-erase --trace-il --no-pp --no-stdlib $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.dlllib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+# Compile for a vanilla VM against a vanilla library compiled to IL code
+# to be statically linked as one big module. We hack this up by textually
+# stripping out all the assembly qualifications (apart from mscorlib)
+# from the ILX forward files and IL code itself. We then just
+# concatenate all the IL code together and compile it as a single .EXE.
+%.staticlib.ilx: %.ilx ../Entry.ilx
+ cat ../Entry.ilx $*.ilx | \
+ sed -e "sQ\[std\]QQg" | \
+ sed -e "sQ\['std'\]QQg" > $@.tmp
+ cat $@.tmp > $@.tmp2
+ mv $@.tmp2 $@
+ rm $@.tmp
+ $(ILXASM) %.staticlib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --static --no-pp $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.staticlib.ilx
+ cat $(std_GENERIC_STATIC_IL) $@.tmp > $@.tmp2
+ mv $@.tmp2 $@
+ rm $@.tmp
+ $(ILXASM) %.staticlib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --box-everything --static $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.staticlib.ilx
+ cat $(std_NONGENERIC_STATIC_IL) $@.tmp > $@.tmp2
+ mv $@.tmp2 $@
+ rm $@.tmp
+# For compiling test cases that don't use the standard library at all.
+%.nolib.ilx: %.ilx PrelBase.test.ilx ../PrelGHC.ilx ../Entry.ilx
+ cat ../PrelGHC.ilx PrelBase.test.ilx ../Entry.ilx $*.ilx > $@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+ $(ILXASM) $(ILXASM_HOME)/ilxasm/stdlib-func-by-mcalli.ilx %.nolib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) $(ILXASM_FLAGS) -o $@.tmp $*.nolib.ilx
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+ $(ILXASM) $(ILXASM_HOME)/ilxasm/stdlib-func-by-mcalli.ilx %.nolib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) --trace-il $(ILXASM_FLAGS) $*.nolib.ilx > $@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+# From IL to .EXE
+ echo "$(CORENV_RETAIL)" > $@.bat
+ echo "ilasm -exe -quiet -out=$(subst /,\\,$@) $(subst /,\\,$<)" >> $@.bat
+ time -p cmd /c $(subst /,\\,$@).bat
+ rm $@.bat
+ echo "$(CORENV_RETAIL)" > $@.bat
+ echo "ilasm -exe -quiet -debug -out=$(subst /,\\,$@) $(subst /,\\,$<)" >> $@.bat
+ time -p cmd /c $(subst /,\\,$@).bat
+ rm $@.bat
+# From .HS to .EXE without using ILX
+%.Onot.exe: %.hs
+ ghc -Onot -o $@ $<
+%.O.exe: %.hs
+ ghc -O -o $@ $<
+# Running:
+ HSstd_cbits.dll %.debug.exe
+ echo "$(CORENV_DEBUG)" > $@.bat
+ echo "set CORPATH=$(subst /,\\,$(ILXASM_HOME))\\bin;\\GHC\\fptools\\ghc\\lib\\std;%CORPATH%" >> $@.bat
+ echo "$(LOCALRUN)$(subst /,\\,$*).debug.exe 2>&1" >> $@.bat
+ time -p cmd /c $(subst /,\\,$@).bat
+ rm $@.bat
+ HSstd_cbits.dll %.retail.exe
+ echo "$(CORENV_RETAIL)" > $@.bat
+ echo "set CORPATH=$(subst /,\\,$(ILXASM_HOME))\\bin;\\GHC\\fptools\\ghc\\lib\\std;%CORPATH%" >> $@.bat
+ echo "$(LOCALRUN)$(subst /,\\,$*).retail.exe 2>&1" >> $@.bat
+ time -p cmd /c $(subst /,\\,$@).bat
+ rm $@.bat
+ %.exe
+ time -p $<
+ echo "$(CORENV_RETAIL)" > $@.bat
+ echo "$(CORENV_RETAIL)ilasm /DEBUG /OUT=$(subst /,\\,$@) $(subst /,\\,$<)" >> $@.bat
+ time -p cmd /c $(subst /,\\,$@).bat
+ rm $@.bat
+ $(ILXASM) $(ILXASM_HOME)/ilxasm/stdlib-func-by-mcalli.ilx %.nolib.ilx
+ $(ILXASM) $(ILXASM_FLAGS) --trace-il $*.nolib.ilx > $@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+ (cd $(ILXASM_HOME); $(CVS) ci -m "")
+ (cd ../..; cvs ci -m "")
+ (cd ../../../lib/std; $(CVS) ci -m "")
+ (cd $(ILXASM_HOME); $(CVS) up)
+ (cd ../..; $(CVS) up)
+ (cd ../../../lib/std; $(CVS) up)
+.PRECIOUS: %.Onot.ilx %.O.ilx %.nolib.ilx %.dlllib.ilx %.exe %.debug.exe %.dll %.O.exe
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/PrelNum.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/PrelNum.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca23e149ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/PrelNum.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
+module PrelNum where
+import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelErr
+import PrelBase
+import PrelList
+import PrelEnum
+import PrelShow
+infixl 7 *
+infixl 6 +, -
+default () -- Double isn't available yet,
+ -- and we shouldn't be using defaults anyway
+class (Eq a, Show a) => Num a where
+ (+), (-), (*) :: a -> a -> a
+ negate :: a -> a
+ abs, signum :: a -> a
+ fromInteger :: Integer -> a
+ fromInt :: Int -> a -- partain: Glasgow extension
+ x - y = x + negate y
+ negate x = 0 - x
+ fromInt (I# i#) = fromInteger (S# i#)
+ -- Go via the standard class-op if the
+ -- non-standard one ain't provided
+subtract :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
+{-# INLINE subtract #-}
+subtract x y = y - x
+ord_0 :: Num a => a
+ord_0 = fromInt (ord '0')
+instance Num Int where
+ (+) x y = plusInt x y
+ (-) x y = minusInt x y
+ negate x = negateInt x
+ (*) x y = timesInt x y
+ abs n = if n `geInt` 0 then n else (negateInt n)
+ signum n | n `ltInt` 0 = negateInt 1
+ | n `eqInt` 0 = 0
+ | otherwise = 1
+ fromInt n = n
+-- These can't go in PrelBase with the defn of Int, because
+-- we don't have pairs defined at that time!
+quotRemInt :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
+a@(I# _) `quotRemInt` b@(I# _) = (a `quotInt` b, a `remInt` b)
+ -- OK, so I made it a little stricter. Shoot me. (WDP 94/10)
+divModInt :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
+divModInt x@(I# _) y@(I# _) = (x `divInt` y, x `modInt` y)
+ -- Stricter. Sorry if you don't like it. (WDP 94/10)
+data Integer
+ = S# Int# -- small integers
+ | J# Int# ByteArray# -- large integers
+zeroInteger :: Integer
+zeroInteger = S# 0#
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/foo.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/foo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d66608ba22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/foo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
+module Foo where
+import PrelGHC
+import PrelNum
+import PrelBase
+integer2Intx :: Integer -> Int
+integer2Intx (S# i) = I# i
+integer2Intx (J# s d) = case (integer2Int# s d) of { n# -> I# n# }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/life.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/life.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6bcd16f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/life.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+-- The Game of Life --
+generations x = 30
+data L a = N | C1 a (L a)
+data Tuple2 a b = T2 a b
+data Tuple3 a b c = T3 a b c
+main = putStr (listChar_string
+ (append1 (C1 '\FF' N)
+ (life1 (generations ()) (start ()))))
+listChar_string :: L Char -> String
+listChar_string N = []
+listChar_string (C1 x xs) = x : listChar_string xs
+start :: a -> L (L Int)
+start x = (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1 N
+ (C1
+ (C1 0
+ (C1 0
+ (C1 0
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 0
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 0
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 0
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 1
+ (C1 0 N))))))))))))))))))))))))))) N)))))))))))))))
+-- Calculating the next generation
+gen1 :: Int -> L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+gen1 n board = map1 row1 (shift1 (copy1 n 0) board)
+row1 :: Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int) -> L Int
+row1 (T3 last this next)
+ = zipWith31 elt1 (shift2 0 last)
+ (shift2 0 this)
+ (shift2 0 next)
+elt1 :: Tuple3 Int Int Int
+ -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int) -> Int
+elt1 (T3 a b c) (T3 d e f) (T3 g h i)
+ = if (not (eq tot 2))
+ && (not (eq tot 3))
+ then 0
+ else if (eq tot 3) then 1 else e
+ where tot = a `plus` b `plus` c `plus` d
+ `plus` f `plus` g `plus` h `plus` i
+eq :: Int -> Int -> Bool
+eq x y = x == y
+plus :: Int -> Int -> Int
+plus x y = x + y
+shiftr1 :: L Int -> L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+shiftr1 x xs = append2 (C1 x N) (init1 xs)
+shiftl1 :: L Int -> L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+shiftl1 x xs = append2 (tail1 xs) (C1 x N)
+shift1 :: L Int -> L (L Int)
+ -> L (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
+shift1 x xs = zip31 (shiftr1 x xs) xs (shiftl1 x xs)
+shiftr2 :: Int -> L Int -> L Int
+shiftr2 x xs = append3 (C1 x N) (init2 xs)
+shiftl2 :: Int -> L Int -> L Int
+shiftl2 x xs = append3 (tail2 xs) (C1 x N)
+shift2 :: Int -> L Int -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+shift2 x xs = zip32 (shiftr2 x xs) xs (shiftl2 x xs)
+-- copy
+copy1 :: Int -> Int -> L Int
+copy1 0 x = N
+copy1 n x = C1 x (copy1 (n-1) x)
+copy2 :: Int -> L Int -> L (L Int)
+copy2 0 x = N
+copy2 n x = C1 x (copy2 (n-1) x)
+copy3 :: Int -> Char -> L Char
+copy3 0 x = N
+copy3 n x = C1 x (copy3 (n-1) x)
+-- Displaying one generation
+disp1 :: (Tuple2 (L Char) (L (L Int))) -> L Char
+disp1 (T2 gen xss)
+ = append1 gen
+ (append1 (C1 '\n' (C1 '\n' N))
+ (foldr_1 (glue1 (C1 '\n' N)) N
+ (map4 (compose2 concat1 (map2 star1)) xss)))
+star1 :: Int -> L Char
+star1 i = case i of
+ 0 -> C1 ' ' (C1 ' ' N)
+ 1 -> C1 ' ' (C1 'o' N)
+glue1 :: L Char -> L Char -> L Char -> L Char
+glue1 s xs ys = append1 xs (append1 s ys)
+-- Generating and displaying a sequence of generations
+life1 :: Int -> L (L Int) -> L Char
+life1 n xss
+ = foldr_1 (glue1 (copy3 (n+2) '\VT')) N
+ (map5 disp1
+ (zip1_ (map6 ( (ints 0))
+ gens))
+ where
+ gens = take3 (740::Int) (iterate1 (gen1 n) (initial1 n xss))
+ints :: Int -> L Int
+ints x = C1 x (ints (x+1))
+string_ListChar :: String -> L Char
+string_ListChar [] = N
+string_ListChar (x:xs) = C1 x (string_ListChar xs)
+initial1 :: Int -> L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+initial1 n xss = take1 n (append2 (map3 (compose1 (take2 n)
+ (`append3` (copy1 n 0))) xss)
+ (copy2 n (copy1 n 0)))
+iterate1 :: (L (L Int) -> L (L Int))
+ -> L (L Int) -> L (L (L Int))
+iterate1 f x = C1 x (iterate1 f (f x))
+-- versions of built in functions
+-- take
+take1 :: Int -> L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+take1 0 _ = N
+take1 _ N = N
+--should be:take1 (n+1) (C1 x xs) = C1 x (take1 n xs)
+take1 n (C1 x xs) | n < 0 = error "Main.take1"
+ | otherwise = C1 x (take1 (n-1) xs)
+take2 :: Int -> L Int -> L Int
+take2 0 _ = N
+take2 _ N = N
+--should be:take2 (n+1) (C1 x xs) = C1 x (take2 n xs)
+take2 n (C1 x xs) | n < 0 = error "Main.take2"
+ | otherwise = C1 x (take2 (n-1) xs)
+take3 :: Int -> L (L (L Int))
+ -> L (L (L Int))
+take3 0 _ = N
+take3 _ N = N
+take3 n (C1 x xs) = C1 x (take3 (n-1) xs)
+-- init
+init1 :: L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+init1 (C1 x N) = N
+init1 (C1 x xs) = C1 x (init1 xs)
+init1 N = error "init1 got a bad list"
+init2 :: L Int -> L Int
+init2 (C1 x N) = N
+init2 (C1 x xs) = C1 x (init2 xs)
+init2 N = error "init1 got a bad list"
+-- tail
+tail1 :: L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+tail1 (C1 _ xs) = xs
+tail1 N = error "tail1 got a bad list"
+tail2 :: L Int -> L Int
+tail2 (C1 _ xs) = xs
+tail2 N = error "tail2 got a bad list"
+-- maps
+map1 :: (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int) -> L Int) ->
+ L (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
+ -> L (L Int)
+map1 f N = N
+map1 f (C1 x xs) = C1 (f x) (map1 f xs)
+map2 :: (Int -> L Char) -> L Int -> L (L Char)
+map2 f N = N
+map2 f (C1 x xs) = C1 (f x) (map2 f xs)
+map3 :: (L Int -> L Int) -> L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+map3 f N = N
+map3 f (C1 x xs) = C1 (f x) (map3 f xs)
+map4 :: (L Int -> L Char)
+ -> L (L Int) -> L (L Char)
+map4 f N = N
+map4 f (C1 x xs) = C1 (f x) (map4 f xs)
+map5 :: (Tuple2 (L Char) (L (L Int)) -> L Char)
+ -> L (Tuple2 (L Char) (L (L Int)))
+ -> L (L Char)
+map5 f N = N
+map5 f (C1 x xs) = C1 (f x) (map5 f xs)
+map6 :: (Int -> L Char) -> L Int -> L (L Char)
+map6 f N = N
+map6 f (C1 x xs) = C1 (f x) (map6 f xs)
+-- compose
+compose2 :: (L (L Char) -> L Char)
+ -> (L Int -> L (L Char))
+ -> L Int -> L Char
+compose2 f g xs = f (g xs)
+compose1 :: (L Int -> L Int)
+ -> (L Int -> L Int) -> L Int -> L Int
+compose1 f g xs = f (g xs)
+-- concat
+concat1 :: L (L Char) -> L Char
+concat1 = foldr_1 append1 N
+-- foldr
+foldr_1 :: (L Char -> L Char -> L Char)
+ -> L Char -> L (L Char) -> L Char
+foldr_1 f a N = a
+foldr_1 f a (C1 x xs) = f x (foldr_1 f a xs)
+-- appends
+append1 :: L Char -> L Char -> L Char
+append1 N ys = ys
+append1 (C1 x xs) ys = C1 x (append1 xs ys)
+append2 :: L (L Int) -> L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+append2 N ys = ys
+append2 (C1 x xs) ys = C1 x (append2 xs ys)
+append3 :: L Int -> L Int -> L Int
+append3 N ys = ys
+append3 (C1 x xs) ys = C1 x (append3 xs ys)
+-- zips
+pzip f (C1 x1 xs) (C1 y1 ys)
+ = C1 (f x1 y1) (pzip f xs ys)
+pzip f _ _ = N
+zip1_ :: L (L Char)
+ -> L (L (L Int))
+ -> L (Tuple2 (L Char) (L (L Int)))
+zip1_ = pzip T2
+zip2_ :: L (L Int)
+ -> L (L Int)
+ -> L (Tuple2 (L Int) (L Int))
+zip2_ = pzip T2
+zip3d :: L Int -> (Tuple2 (L Int) (L Int))
+ -> (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
+zip3d x (T2 y z) = T3 x y z
+zip3_ :: L (L Int)
+ -> L (Tuple2 (L Int) (L Int))
+ -> L (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
+zip3_ = pzip zip3d
+zip4_ :: L Int
+ -> L Int
+ -> L (Tuple2 Int Int)
+zip4_ = pzip T2
+zip5d :: Int -> (Tuple2 Int Int) -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+zip5d x (T2 y z) = T3 x y z
+zip5_ :: L Int
+ -> L (Tuple2 Int Int)
+ -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+zip5_ = pzip zip5d
+zip6_ :: L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> L (Tuple2 (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ (Tuple3 Int Int Int))
+zip6_ = pzip T2
+zip31 :: L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+ -> L (L Int)
+ -> L (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
+zip31 as bs cs
+ = zip3_ as (zip2_ bs cs)
+zip32 :: L Int -> L Int -> L Int
+ -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+zip32 as bs cs
+ = zip5_ as (zip4_ bs cs)
+-- zipWith
+zipWith21 :: ((Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> (Tuple2 (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ (Tuple3 Int Int Int)) -> Int)
+ -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> L (Tuple2 (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ (Tuple3 Int Int Int))
+ -> L Int
+zipWith21 = pzip
+zipWith31 :: ((Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int) -> Int)
+ -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int) -> L Int
+zipWith31 z as bs cs
+ = zipWith21 z' as (zip6_ bs cs)
+ where z' a (T2 b c) = z a b c
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cad379b522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+type kind =
+ ARROW of kind * kind
+ | TYP
+type tycon =
+ | TyVar of int
+ | FUN
+ | LIST
+type typ =
+ TyForall of kind * typ
+ | TyApp of tycon * typ list
+type exp =
+ | AbsTm of typ * exp
+ | Var of int
+ | App of exp * exp
+ | String of string
+ | AbsTy of kind * exp
+ | AppTy of exp * typ
+type ttyp =
+ | TTyFun of ttyp * ttyp
+ | TTyList of ttyp
+ | TTyString
+ | TTyAny
+ | TTyVar of int
+ | TTyForall of ttyp
+type texp =
+ | TAbsTm of ttyp * texp
+ | TVar of int
+ | TApp of texp * texp
+ | TString of string
+ | TLetTy of texp * texp
+ | TCast of texp * ttyp
+ | TAppTy of texp * ttyp
+ | TAbsTy of texp
+let (-->) x y = TyApp (FUN, [x;y])
+let (--->) x y = TTyFun (x,y)
+let rec trans_kind = function
+ ARROW (k1,k2) -> (trans_kind k1 ---> trans_kind k2)
+ | TYP -> (TTyForall TANY ---> TTyAny)
+let rec trans_typ_arg_aux = function
+ (* TyForall (k,ty) -> TAbsTm (trans_kind k, TAbsTy (trans_typ ty)) ??? *)
+ | TyApp (TyVar tv, args) -> failwith "unreduced"
+ | ty -> TAbsTm (trans_kind k, TAbsTy (trans_typ ty))failwith "unreduced"
+ |
+let rec trans_typ_arg env = function
+ | TyApp (FUN, []) ->
+ TAbsTm
+ (trans_kind TYP,
+ TLetTy (TVar 0,
+ TAbsTm
+ (trans_kind TYP,
+ TLetTy (TVar 0,
+ TAbsTm
+ (TTyForall TANY,
+ TAppTy (TVar 0, TTyFun (TTyVar 0, TTyVar 1)))))))
+ | TyApp (TyVar tv, args) ->
+ try List.assoc (tv,args) env
+ with Not_found -> failwith "trans_typ: unreduced type variable"
+ | ty -> TAbsTm (TTyForall TANY, TAppTy (TVar 0, trans_typ env ty))
+ | TyApp (STRING, []) -> TAbsTm (TTyForall TANY, TAppTy (TVar 0, TTyString))
+ | TyApp (FUN, [l;r]) -> TAbsTm (TTyForall TANY, TAppTy (TVar 0, TTyFun (trans_typ l, trans_typ r)))
+let rec trans_typ env = function
+ TyForall (k,ty) -> (trans_kind k ---> TTyAny)
+ | TyApp (TyVar tv, args) ->
+ try List.assoc (tv,args) env
+ with Not_found -> failwith "trans_typ: unreduced type variable"
+ | TyApp (FUN, [l;r]) -> TTyFun (trans_typ env l, trans_typ env r)
+ | TyApp (STRING, []) -> TTyString
+ | _ -> failwith "trans_typ: badly formed input type"
+let rec trans_exp env = function
+ | AbsTm (ty,e) -> TAbsTm(trans_typ ty, trans_exp e)
+ | Var n -> TVar n
+ | App (l,r) -> TApp(trans_exp l, trans_exp r)
+ | String s -> TString s
+ | AbsTy (k,e) -> TAbsTm(trans_kind k, reduce env e)
+ | AppTy (tm,ty) -> TAppTy(trans_exp tm, trans_typ_arg env ty)
+open Format;;
+let rec pp_print_exp pps = function
+ L e -> fprintf pps "\
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test1.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test1.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..158c2a7bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test1.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+-- To start:
+-- source /bin/devghc
+-- To compile GHC
+-- make ilxGen/IlxGen.o hsc
+-- To compile ILXASM
+-- (cd /devel/fcom/src; make bin/ilxasm.exe)
+-- To compile to ILX
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests; ../../../driver/ghc-inplace --ilx test.hs)
+-- To generate a complete ILX file, including preludes for GHC and ILX:
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests/; cat prelude.ilx test.ilx /devel/fcom/src/ilxasm/stdlib-func.ilx > test.full.ilx)
+-- Run ILXASM to get a IL
+-- ( cd ilxGen/tests/; /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilxasm.exe --no-ilasm --no-stdlib test.full.ilx >
+-- To compile IL to .EXE or .DLL:
+-- With build of VS (e.g. Don & Andrew)
+-- ( cd ilxGen/tests/; cmd /C "c:\\bin\\devvs.bat && ilasm")
+-- With Lightning SDK, where env. variables are on path (e.g. Reuben):
+-- ( cd ilxGen/tests/; ilasm
+-- To validate .EXE:
+-- (cd /devel/fcom/src; make bin/ilvalid.exe mscorlib.vlb)
+-- (export ILVALID_HOME=/devel/fcom/src; cd ilxGen/tests/; /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilvalid.exe
+-- To run unverifiable code:
+-- With build of VS (e.g. Don & Andrew)
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests/; cmd /C "c:\\bin\\devvs.bat && .\test.exe")
+-- With Lightning SDK, where env. variables are on path (e.g. Reuben):
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests/; ./test.exe)
+-- To compile ILX to verifiable code and verify
+-- (cd /devel/fcom/src; make bin/ilxasm.exe bin/ilverify.exe) && (cd ilxGen/tests/; export ILVALID_HOME=/devel/fcom/src; cat prelude.ilx test.ilx /devel/fcom/src/assem/stdlib-func.ilx > test.full.ilx && cd ilxGen/tests/; /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilxasm.exe --no-ilasm test.full.ilx > && /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilverify.exe
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests/; cmd /C "c:\\bin\\devvs.bat && .\")
+--append:: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
+--append [] l2 = l2
+--append (h:t) l2 = h:append t l2
+data N = Z | S N
+chooseN n =
+ case n of
+ Z -> "even\n"
+ S Z -> "odd\n"
+ S (S m) -> chooseN m
+add n m =
+ case n of
+ Z -> m
+ S nn -> S (add nn m)
+mul n m =
+ case n of
+ Z -> Z
+ S nn -> add m (mul nn m)
+pow n m =
+ case m of
+ Z -> S Z
+ S mm -> mul n (pow n mm)
+sq n = mul n n
+n1 = S Z
+n2 = add n1 n1
+n4 = add n2 n2
+n6 = add n2 n4
+n8 = add n2 n6
+n10 = add n2 n8
+n16 = add n6 n10
+n17 = add n1 n16
+n18 = add n8 n10
+n19 = add n1 n18
+n20 = add n4 n16
+bign = pow n2 n20
+bign1 = add bign n1
+main = putStr (chooseN bign1)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test10.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test10.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46c384d9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test10.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+data N = Z | S N
+choose1 n1 =
+ case n1 of
+ Z -> "even\n"
+ S Z -> "odd\n"
+ S (S m) -> choose1 m
+choose2 n1 n2 =
+ case n1 of
+ Z -> choose1 n2
+ S Z -> "odd\n"
+ S (S m) -> choose2 m n2
+choose3 n1 n2 n3 =
+ case n1 of
+ Z -> choose2 n2 n3
+ S Z -> "odd\n"
+ S (S m) -> choose3 m n2 n3
+choose4 n1 n2 n3 n4 =
+ case n1 of
+ Z -> choose3 n2 n3 n4
+ S Z -> "odd\n"
+ S (S m) -> choose4 m n2 n3 n4
+choose5 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 =
+ case n1 of
+ Z -> choose4 n2 n3 n4 n5
+ S Z -> "odd\n"
+ S (S m) -> choose5 m n2 n3 n4 n5
+add n m =
+ case n of
+ Z -> m
+ S nn -> S (add nn m)
+n1 = S Z
+n2 = add n1 n1
+n4 = add n2 n2
+n6 = add n2 n4
+main = putStr (choose5 n6 n4 n2 n2 n1)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test11.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test11.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce53f71389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test11.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
+import PrelGHC
+class EEq a where
+ (===), (/==) :: a -> a -> Bool
+-- x /= y = not (x == y)
+-- x == y = not (x /= y)
+-- x /= y = True
+ (/==) x y = mynot ((===) x y)
+ x === y = True
+data EOrdering = ELT | EEQ | EGT
+mynot True = False
+mynot False = True
+class (EEq a) => EOrd a where
+ ecompare :: a -> a -> EOrdering
+ (<<), (<<=), (>>>=), (>>>):: a -> a -> Bool
+ emax, emin :: a -> a -> a
+-- An instance of Ord should define either compare or <=
+-- Using compare can be more efficient for complex types.
+ ecompare x y
+ | x === y = EEQ
+ | x <<= y = ELT -- NB: must be '<=' not '<' to validate the
+ -- above claim about the minimal things that can
+ -- be defined for an instance of Ord
+ | otherwise = EGT
+ x <<= y = case ecompare x y of { EGT -> False; _other -> True }
+ x << y = case ecompare x y of { ELT -> True; _other -> False }
+ x >>>= y = case ecompare x y of { ELT -> False; _other -> True }
+ x >>> y = case ecompare x y of { EGT -> True; _other -> False }
+ -- These two default methods use '>' rather than compare
+ -- because the latter is often more expensive
+ emax x y = if x >>> y then x else y
+ emin x y = if x >>> y then y else x
+data EInt = EI Int#
+ezeroInt, eoneInt, etwoInt, emaxInt, eminInt :: EInt
+ezeroInt = EI 0#
+eoneInt = EI 1#
+etwoInt = EI 2#
+eminInt = EI (-2147483648#) -- GHC <= 2.09 had this at -2147483647
+emaxInt = EI 2147483647#
+eeqInt (EI x) (EI y) = x ==# y
+eneInt (EI x) (EI y) = x /=# y
+instance EEq EInt where
+ (===) x y = x `eeqInt` y
+ (/==) x y = x `eneInt` y
+main = putStr (if (ezeroInt === eoneInt) then "no!\n" else "yes!\n")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test12.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test12.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..216c792f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test12.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+class NewFunctor f where
+ new_fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
+data N a = Z a | S (N a)
+nmap f (Z x) = Z (f x)
+nmap f (S n) = S (nmap f n)
+tag (Z x) = x
+tag (S n) = tag n
+instance NewFunctor N where
+ new_fmap = nmap
+--class Strange f where
+-- zero :: a -> f a
+-- suc :: f a -> f a
+-- tag :: f a -> a
+--class FMonad m where
+-- (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
+-- (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
+-- return :: a -> m a
+-- fail :: String -> m a
+-- m >> k = m >>= \_ -> k
+-- fail s = error s
+--instance Strange N
+-- where
+-- zero x = Z x
+-- suc y = S y
+-- tag n = gettag n
+twice :: NewFunctor f => (a -> a) -> f a -> f a
+twice f x = new_fmap f (new_fmap f x)
+main = putStr (tag (nmap (\x -> x) (Z "hello world\n")))
+--main = putStr (tag (nmap (\x -> x) (Z "hello world\n")))
+-- main = putStr (tag {- (twice (\x -> x) -} (Z "hello world\n"))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test13.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test13.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..559c8674fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test13.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+class NewFunctor f where
+ inj :: a -> f a
+ surj :: f a -> a
+data N a = Z a
+ninj x = (Z x)
+nsurj (Z x) = x
+instance NewFunctor N where
+ inj = ninj
+ surj = nsurj
+twice :: NewFunctor f => a -> f (f a)
+twice x = inj(inj x)
+undo :: NewFunctor f => f (f a) -> a
+undo x = surj(surj x)
+main = putStr (undo (Z (Z "hello world\n")))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test14.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test14.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86b5d1c821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test14.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+class EMonad m where
+ aaaaa :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
+ bbbbb :: m a -> m b -> m b
+ bbbbb m k = aaaaa m (\_ -> k)
+ -- = \M \A \B -> \m:(M A) -> \k:(M B) -> aaaaa M A B m (\_:A -> k: M B)
+ -- Free types must include "A"!!!
+main = putStr "hello world\n"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test15.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test15.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dc494cda0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test15.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
+module Foo where
+import PrelBase
+import PrelList
+import PrelEnum
+import PrelShow
+import PrelIO
+bbuild :: forall a. (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> [a]
+{-# INLINE 2 bbuild #-}
+bbuild g = g (:) []
+main = putStr "hello world\n"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test16.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test16.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e8b9974a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test16.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+data MMaybe a = No | Yes a
+main = putStr "hello world\n" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test17.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test17.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e551b2dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test17.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
+module Test17 where
+import PrelGHC
+import PrelBase
+data Exception = IOException IOError | OtherExc
+data IOError
+ = IOError
+ String
+tthrow :: Exception -> a
+tthrow exception = raise# exception
+ccatchException (IO m) k = IO (\s -> catch# m (\ex -> unIO (k ex)) s)
+ccatch :: IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
+ccatch m k = ccatchException m handler
+ where handler (IOException err) = k err
+ handler other = tthrow other
+ccatchNonIO :: IO a -> (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a
+ccatchNonIO m k = ccatchException m handler
+ where handler (IOException err) = ioError err
+ handler other = k other
+newtype IO a = IO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+unIO :: IO a -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+unIO (IO a) = a
+ioError :: IOError -> IO a
+ioError err = IO (\s -> tthrow (IOException err) s)
+blockAsyncExceptions :: IO a -> IO a
+blockAsyncExceptions (IO io) = IO (blockAsyncExceptions# io)
+unblockAsyncExceptions :: IO a -> IO a
+unblockAsyncExceptions (IO io) = IO (unblockAsyncExceptions# io)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test18.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test18.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12ca7413f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test18.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
+module Test18 where
+import PrelGHC
+import PrelBase
+eftCharFB c n x y = go x
+ where
+ go x | x ># y = n
+ | otherwise = C# (chr# x) `c` go (x +# 1#)
+eftIntFB c n x y | x ># y = n
+ | otherwise = go x
+ where
+ go x = I# x `c` if x ==# y then n else go (x +# 1#)
+eftIntList x y | x ># y = []
+ | otherwise = go x
+ where
+ go x = I# x : if x ==# y then [] else go (x +# 1#)
+efdCharFB c n x1 x2
+ | delta >=# 0# = go_up_char_fb c n x1 delta 255#
+ | otherwise = go_dn_char_fb c n x1 delta 0#
+ where
+ delta = x2 -# x1
+efdCharList x1 x2
+ | delta >=# 0# = go_up_char_list x1 delta 255#
+ | otherwise = go_dn_char_list x1 delta 0#
+ where
+ delta = x2 -# x1
+efdtCharFB c n x1 x2 lim
+ | delta >=# 0# = go_up_char_fb c n x1 delta lim
+ | otherwise = go_dn_char_fb c n x1 delta lim
+ where
+ delta = x2 -# x1
+efdtCharList x1 x2 lim
+ | delta >=# 0# = go_up_char_list x1 delta lim
+ | otherwise = go_dn_char_list x1 delta lim
+ where
+ delta = x2 -# x1
+go_up_char_fb c n x delta lim
+ = go_up x
+ where
+ go_up x | x ># lim = n
+ | otherwise = C# (chr# x) `c` go_up (x +# delta)
+go_dn_char_fb c n x delta lim
+ = go_dn x
+ where
+ go_dn x | x <# lim = n
+ | otherwise = C# (chr# x) `c` go_dn (x +# delta)
+go_up_char_list x delta lim
+ = go_up x
+ where
+ go_up x | x ># lim = []
+ | otherwise = C# (chr# x) : go_up (x +# delta)
+go_dn_char_list x delta lim
+ = go_dn x
+ where
+ go_dn x | x <# lim = []
+ | otherwise = C# (chr# x) : go_dn (x +# delta)
+efdtIntFB c n x1 x2 y
+ | delta >=# 0# = if x1 ># y then n else go_up_int_fb c n x1 delta lim
+ | otherwise = if x1 <# y then n else go_dn_int_fb c n x1 delta lim
+ where
+ delta = x2 -# x1
+ lim = y -# delta
+efdtIntList x1 x2 y
+ | delta >=# 0# = if x1 ># y then [] else go_up_int_list x1 delta lim
+ | otherwise = if x1 <# y then [] else go_dn_int_list x1 delta lim
+ where
+ delta = x2 -# x1
+ lim = y -# delta
+efdIntFB c n x1 x2
+ | delta >=# 0# = go_up_int_fb c n x1 delta ( 2147483647# -# delta)
+ | otherwise = go_dn_int_fb c n x1 delta ((-2147483648#) -# delta)
+ where
+ delta = x2 -# x1
+efdIntList x1 x2
+ | delta >=# 0# = go_up_int_list x1 delta ( 2147483647# -# delta)
+ | otherwise = go_dn_int_list x1 delta ((-2147483648#) -# delta)
+ where
+ delta = x2 -# x1
+-- In all of these, the (x +# delta) is guaranteed not to overflow
+go_up_int_fb c n x delta lim
+ = go_up x
+ where
+ go_up x | x ># lim = I# x `c` n
+ | otherwise = I# x `c` go_up (x +# delta)
+go_dn_int_fb c n x delta lim
+ = go_dn x
+ where
+ go_dn x | x <# lim = I# x `c` n
+ | otherwise = I# x `c` go_dn (x +# delta)
+go_up_int_list x delta lim
+ = go_up x
+ where
+ go_up x | x ># lim = [I# x]
+ | otherwise = I# x : go_up (x +# delta)
+go_dn_int_list x delta lim
+ = go_dn x
+ where
+ go_dn x | x <# lim = [I# x]
+ | otherwise = I# x : go_dn (x +# delta)
+eftInt = eftIntList
+efdInt = efdIntList
+efdtInt = efdtIntList
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test19.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test19.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a292599031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test19.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude -#include "cbits/stgio.h" #-}
+module Test19 where
+import PrelST
+import PrelBase
+import PrelErr
+newtype IIO a = IIO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+unIIO :: IIO a -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+unIIO (IIO a) = a
+instance Functor IIO where
+ fmap f x = x >>= (return . f)
+instance Monad IIO where
+ {-# INLINE return #-}
+ {-# INLINE (>>) #-}
+ {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
+ m >> k = m >>= \ _ -> k
+ return x = returnIIO x
+ m >>= k = bindIIO m k
+ fail s = error s -- not ioError?
+bindIIO :: IIO a -> (a -> IIO b) -> IIO b
+bindIIO (IIO m) k = IIO ( \ s ->
+ case m s of
+ (# new_s, a #) -> unIIO (k a) new_s
+ )
+returnIIO :: a -> IIO a
+returnIIO x = IIO (\ s -> (# s, x #))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test1b.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test1b.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4b2336df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test1b.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+-- To start:
+-- source /bin/devghc
+-- To compile GHC
+-- make ilxGen/IlxGen.o hsc
+-- To compile ILXASM
+-- (cd /devel/fcom/src; make bin/ilxasm.exe)
+-- To compile to ILX
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests; ../../../driver/ghc-inplace --ilx test.hs)
+-- To generate a complete ILX file, including preludes for GHC and ILX:
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests/; cat prelude.ilx test.ilx /devel/fcom/src/ilxasm/stdlib-func.ilx > test.full.ilx)
+-- Run ILXASM to get a IL
+-- ( cd ilxGen/tests/; /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilxasm.exe --no-ilasm --no-stdlib test.full.ilx >
+-- To compile IL to .EXE or .DLL:
+-- With build of VS (e.g. Don & Andrew)
+-- ( cd ilxGen/tests/; cmd /C "c:\\bin\\devvs.bat && ilasm")
+-- With Lightning SDK, where env. variables are on path (e.g. Reuben):
+-- ( cd ilxGen/tests/; ilasm
+-- To validate .EXE:
+-- (cd /devel/fcom/src; make bin/ilvalid.exe mscorlib.vlb)
+-- (export ILVALID_HOME=/devel/fcom/src; cd ilxGen/tests/; /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilvalid.exe
+-- To run unverifiable code:
+-- With build of VS (e.g. Don & Andrew)
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests/; cmd /C "c:\\bin\\devvs.bat && .\test.exe")
+-- With Lightning SDK, where env. variables are on path (e.g. Reuben):
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests/; ./test.exe)
+-- To compile ILX to verifiable code and verify
+-- (cd /devel/fcom/src; make bin/ilxasm.exe bin/ilverify.exe) && (cd ilxGen/tests/; export ILVALID_HOME=/devel/fcom/src; cat prelude.ilx test.ilx /devel/fcom/src/assem/stdlib-func.ilx > test.full.ilx && cd ilxGen/tests/; /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilxasm.exe --no-ilasm test.full.ilx > && /devel/fcom/src/bin/ilverify.exe
+-- (cd ilxGen/tests/; cmd /C "c:\\bin\\devvs.bat && .\")
+--append:: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
+--append [] l2 = l2
+--append (h:t) l2 = h:append t l2
+data N = Z | S N
+chooseN n =
+ case n of
+ Z -> "even\n"
+ S Z -> "odd\n"
+ S (S m) -> chooseN m
+signN n =
+ case n of
+ Z -> Z
+ S Z -> S Z
+ S (S m) -> signN m
+add n m =
+ case n of
+ Z -> m
+ S nn -> S (add nn m)
+mul n m =
+ case n of
+ Z -> Z
+ S nn -> add m (mul nn m)
+pow n m =
+ case m of
+ Z -> S Z
+ S mm -> mul n (pow n mm)
+sq n = mul n n
+n1 = S Z
+n2 = add n1 n1
+n4 = add n2 n2
+n6 = add n2 n4
+n8 = add n2 n6
+n10 = add n2 n8
+n11 = add n1 n10
+n12 = add n1 n11
+n13 = add n1 n12
+n14 = add n1 n13
+n15 = add n1 n14
+n16 = add n1 n15
+n17 = add n1 n16
+n18 = add n1 n17
+n19 = add n1 n18
+n20 = add n1 n18
+bign = pow n2 n19
+bign1 = add bign n1
+foldn f n acc =
+ case n of
+ Z -> acc
+ S x -> foldn f x (f n acc)
+main = putStr (chooseN (foldn (\x y -> add (signN x) y) (pow n2 n4) n1))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c0c8fb416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2.hs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+main = putStr "Hello world.\n"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test20.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test20.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..157a16da1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test20.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+data N = Z | S N
+res Z x y = (# x, y #)
+res (S n) x y = res n x y
+(# x, y #) = res (S Z) "no!" "hello world\n"
+main = putStr y
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test21.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test21.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1870f22b97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test21.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
+import PrelIOBase
+import PrelIO
+import PrelBase
+import PrelAddr
+foreign import "libHS_cbits" "getErrStr__" unsafe ggetErrStr__ :: Int -> IO Addr
+main = putStr (uunsafePerformIO (ggetErrStr__ 4))
+uunsafePerformIO :: IO Addr -> [Char]
+uunsafePerformIO (IO m) = case m realWorld# of (# _, (A# r) #) -> (unpackCString# r)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2b.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2b.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08a391f799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2b.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+foreign import "ilxHello" unsafe ilxHello :: IO ()
+main = ilxHello
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2c.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2c.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d01df051f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2c.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import PrelIOBase
+bindIO2 :: IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
+bindIO2 m (IO k) = IO ( \ s -> k s )
+foreign import "ilxHello" unsafe ilxHello :: IO ()
+data N = S N | Z
+f Z = bindIO2
+f (S x) = f x
+main = f(S Z) ilxHello ilxHello
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2d.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2d.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8126127a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test2d.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+foreign import ccall "" "get_prog_argc" unsafe primArgc :: Int
+foreign import "ilxHello" unsafe ilxHello :: IO ()
+foreign import "ilxBad" unsafe ilxBad :: IO ()
+main = if (primArgc == 0) then ilxHello else ilxBad
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test3.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test3.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0254ee41c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test3.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+foreign import "ilxHello" unsafe ilxHello :: IO ()
+foreign import "ilxBad" unsafe ilxBad :: IO ()
+class Eqq a where
+ eqq :: a -> Bool
+ eqq2 :: a -> Bool
+-- x /= y = not (x == y)
+-- x == y = not (x /= y)
+-- x /= y = True
+ eqq x = False
+ eqq2 x = True
+data Unit = Unit
+instance Eqq Unit
+-- where
+-- eqq Unit = True
+-- eqq2 Unit = False
+choose x = if eqq x then ilxHello else if eqq2 x then ilxBad else ilxBad
+main = choose Unit
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test4.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test4.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..080c6521e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test4.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+class Eqq a where
+ evenN :: a -> Bool
+ oddN :: a -> Bool
+ evenN x = False
+ oddN x = True
+data N = Z | S N
+instance Eqq N
+ where
+ evenN Z = True
+ evenN (S x) = oddN x
+ oddN Z = False
+ oddN (S x) = evenN x
+choose x = if evenN x then "hello world (evenN)\n" else if oddN x then "hello world (oddN)\n" else "no!\n"
+add n m =
+ case n of
+ Z -> m
+ S nn -> S (add nn m)
+mul n m =
+ case n of
+ Z -> Z
+ S nn -> add m (mul nn m)
+pow n m =
+ case m of
+ Z -> S Z
+ S mm -> mul n (pow n mm)
+n1 = S Z
+n2 = add n1 n1
+n4 = add n2 n2
+n6 = add n2 n4
+n8 = add n2 n6
+n10 = add n2 n8
+n16 = add n6 n10
+n18 = add n8 n10
+n20 = add n4 n16
+bign = pow n2 n16
+bign1 = add bign n1
+main = putStr (choose bign1)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test5.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test5.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13d6028c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test5.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+data One a = One a
+choose (One x) = x
+main = putStr (choose (One "hello world\n"))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test6.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test6.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17e51ab51d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test6.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+data List a = Cons a (List a)
+hdL (Cons x y) = x
+tlL (Cons x y) = y
+test = Cons "hello world\n" test
+main = putStr (hdL (tlL test))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test7.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test7.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c146038052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test7.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+data List a = Cons a (List a)
+hdL (Cons x y) = x
+tlL (Cons x y) = y
+mk f x = f x (mk f x)
+main = putStr (hdL (tlL (mk Cons "hello world!\n")))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test8.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test8.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94a7e1f83d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test8.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+data Inf a = A (Inf a)
+hd (A x) = x
+choose (A (A x)) = "hello world\n"
+mk f = f (mk f)
+main = putStr (choose (hd (mk A)))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test9.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test9.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..311b65c4e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/test9.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
+left (Node x y) = x
+right (Node x y) = y
+choose (Node (Node _ _) (Node _ _)) = "hello world!\n"
+mk f = f (mk f) (mk f)
+main = putStr (choose (mk Node))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/yes.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/yes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1dc4f085fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/yes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foreign import "ilxHello" unsafe ilxHello :: IO ()
+main :: IO ()
+main = ilxHello >> main \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/yes2.hs b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/yes2.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fa20c5b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ilxGen/tests/yes2.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import PrelIOBase
+foreign import "ilxHello" unsafe ilxHello :: IO ()
+seqIO :: IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
+seqIO (IO m) (IO k) = IO ( \ s ->
+ case m s of
+ (# new_s, a #) -> k new_s
+ )
+yes () = seqIO ilxHello (yes ())
+main :: IO ()
+main = yes ()