path: root/ghc
diff options
authorBen Gamari <>2015-11-27 14:26:32 +0100
committerBen Gamari <>2015-11-29 13:22:14 +0100
commit72e362076e7ce823678797a162d0645e088cd594 (patch)
tree703fd1eb51d9d5da5363f2ce80c734277681180e /ghc
parent85fcd035f73679927a0539d5f6c9b919517365e1 (diff)
ghci: Add support for prompt functions
This is an updated version of @jlengyel's original patch adding support for prompt functions.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc')
2 files changed, 73 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/GhciMonad.hs b/ghc/GhciMonad.hs
index 6d068be485..c09b61d153 100644
--- a/ghc/GhciMonad.hs
+++ b/ghc/GhciMonad.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module GhciMonad (
GHCiState(..), setGHCiState, getGHCiState, modifyGHCiState,
GHCiOption(..), isOptionSet, setOption, unsetOption,
+ PromptFunction,
@@ -66,15 +67,22 @@ import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
-- GHCi monad
--- the Bool means: True = we should exit GHCi (:quit)
+-- | A GHCi command
+-- the @Bool@ means: @True@ = we should exit GHCi (@:quit@)
type Command = (String, String -> InputT GHCi Bool, CompletionFunc GHCi)
+-- | A function to generate the GHCi prompt.
+type PromptFunction = [String] -- ^ names of modules in scope
+ -> Int -- ^ current line number
+ -> IO String -- ^ an action returning a prompt string
data GHCiState = GHCiState
progname :: String,
args :: [String],
- prompt :: String,
- prompt2 :: String,
+ prompt :: PromptFunction,
+ prompt2 :: PromptFunction,
editor :: String,
stop :: String,
options :: [GHCiOption],
diff --git a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
index e5c4e11dea..026d6ea681 100644
--- a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
+++ b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -116,9 +116,7 @@ import GHC.TopHandler ( topHandler )
data GhciSettings = GhciSettings {
availableCommands :: [Command],
shortHelpText :: String,
- fullHelpText :: String,
- defPrompt :: String,
- defPrompt2 :: String
+ fullHelpText :: String
defaultGhciSettings :: GhciSettings
@@ -126,9 +124,7 @@ defaultGhciSettings =
GhciSettings {
availableCommands = ghciCommands,
shortHelpText = defShortHelpText,
- fullHelpText = defFullHelpText,
- defPrompt = default_prompt,
- defPrompt2 = default_prompt2
+ fullHelpText = defFullHelpText
ghciWelcomeMsg :: String
@@ -302,7 +298,13 @@ defFullHelpText =
" :set args <arg> ... set the arguments returned by System.getArgs\n" ++
" :set prog <progname> set the value returned by System.getProgName\n" ++
" :set prompt <prompt> set the prompt used in GHCi\n" ++
+ " :set prompt-function <expr> set the function used to create the GHCi prompt\n" ++
+ " of type [String] -> Int -> IO String\n" ++
+ " which will be passed the current list of\n" ++
+ " imported modules and the current line number\n" ++
" :set prompt2 <prompt> set the continuation prompt used in GHCi\n" ++
+ " :set prompt2-function set the function used to create the GHCi\n" ++
+ " <expr> continuation prompt. See :set prompt-function\n" ++
" :set editor <cmd> set the command used for :edit\n" ++
" :set stop [<n>] <cmd> set the command to run when a breakpoint is hit\n" ++
" :unset <option> ... unset options\n" ++
@@ -345,10 +347,8 @@ findEditor = do
return ""
-default_progname, default_prompt, default_prompt2, default_stop :: String
+default_progname, default_stop :: String
default_progname = "<interactive>"
-default_prompt = "%s> "
-default_prompt2 = "%s| "
default_stop = ""
default_args :: [String]
@@ -409,9 +409,11 @@ interactiveUI config srcs maybe_exprs = do
startGHCi (runGHCi srcs maybe_exprs)
GHCiState{ progname = default_progname,
GhciMonad.args = default_args,
- prompt = defPrompt config,
- prompt2 = defPrompt2 config,
stop = default_stop,
+ prompt = (\xs _ -> return $
+ intercalate " " xs ++ "> "),
+ prompt2 = (\xs _ -> return $
+ intercalate " " xs ++ "| "),
editor = default_editor,
options = [],
-- We initialize line number as 0, not 1, because we use
@@ -656,6 +658,7 @@ mkPrompt = do
st <- getGHCiState
imports <- GHC.getContext
resumes <- GHC.getResumeContext
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
context_bit <-
case resumes of
@@ -674,25 +677,28 @@ mkPrompt = do
| otherwise = empty
rev_imports = reverse imports -- rightmost are the most recent
- modules_bit =
- hsep [ char '*' <> ppr m | IIModule m <- rev_imports ] <+>
- hsep (map ppr [ myIdeclName d | IIDecl d <- rev_imports ])
+ module_list = [char '*' <> ppr m | IIModule m <- rev_imports] ++
+ map ppr [myIdeclName d | IIDecl d <- rev_imports]
+ module_string_list = map (showSDoc dflags) module_list
+ deflt_prompt = dots <> context_bit <> hsep module_list
-- use the 'as' name if there is one
myIdeclName d | Just m <- ideclAs d = m
| otherwise = unLoc (ideclName d)
- deflt_prompt = dots <> context_bit <> modules_bit
+ line_no = 1 + line_number st
+ promptString <- liftIO $ (prompt st) module_string_list line_no
- f ('%':'l':xs) = ppr (1 + line_number st) <> f xs
+ let f ('%':'l':xs) = ppr (1 + line_number st) <> f xs
f ('%':'s':xs) = deflt_prompt <> f xs
f ('%':'%':xs) = char '%' <> f xs
f (x:xs) = char x <> f xs
f [] = empty
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- return (showSDoc dflags (f (prompt st)))
+ promptDoc = dots <> context_bit <> (f promptString)
+ return (showSDoc dflags promptDoc)
queryQueue :: GHCi (Maybe String)
queryQueue = do
@@ -2055,14 +2061,30 @@ setCmd str
case toArgs rest of
Right [prog] -> setProg prog
_ -> liftIO (hPutStrLn stderr "syntax: :set prog <progname>")
- Right ("prompt", rest) -> setPrompt $ dropWhile isSpace rest
- Right ("prompt2", rest) -> setPrompt2 $ dropWhile isSpace rest
+ Right ("prompt-function", rest) ->
+ setPromptFunc setPrompt $ dropWhile isSpace rest
+ Right ("prompt", rest) ->
+ setPromptString setPrompt (dropWhile isSpace rest) "syntax: :set prompt <string>"
+ Right ("prompt2-function", rest) ->
+ setPromptFunc setPrompt2 $ dropWhile isSpace rest
+ Right ("prompt2", rest) ->
+ setPromptString setPrompt2 (dropWhile isSpace rest) "syntax: :set prompt2 <string>"
Right ("editor", rest) -> setEditor $ dropWhile isSpace rest
Right ("stop", rest) -> setStop $ dropWhile isSpace rest
_ -> case toArgs str of
Left err -> liftIO (hPutStrLn stderr err)
Right wds -> setOptions wds
+setPromptFunc :: (PromptFunction -> GHCi ()) -> String -> GHCi ()
+setPromptFunc f s = do
+ -- We explicitly annotate the type of the expression to ensure
+ -- that unsafeCoerce# is passed the exact type necessary rather
+ -- than a more general one
+ let exprStr = "(" ++ s ++ ") :: [String] -> Int -> IO String"
+ (HValue funValue) <- GHC.compileExpr exprStr
+ f (unsafeCoerce# funValue)
setiCmd :: String -> GHCi ()
setiCmd "" = GHC.getInteractiveDynFlags >>= liftIO . showDynFlags False
setiCmd "-a" = GHC.getInteractiveDynFlags >>= liftIO . showDynFlags True
@@ -2155,30 +2177,23 @@ setStop cmd = do
st <- getGHCiState
setGHCiState st{ stop = cmd }
-setPrompt :: String -> GHCi ()
-setPrompt = setPrompt_ f err
- where
- f v st = st { prompt = v }
- err st = "syntax: :set prompt <prompt>, currently \"" ++ prompt st ++ "\""
+setPrompt :: PromptFunction -> GHCi ()
+setPrompt v = modifyGHCiState (\st -> st { prompt = v})
-setPrompt2 :: String -> GHCi ()
-setPrompt2 = setPrompt_ f err
- where
- f v st = st { prompt2 = v }
- err st = "syntax: :set prompt2 <prompt>, currently \"" ++ prompt2 st ++ "\""
+setPrompt2 :: PromptFunction -> GHCi ()
+setPrompt2 v = modifyGHCiState (\st -> st {prompt2 = v})
-setPrompt_ :: (String -> GHCiState -> GHCiState) -> (GHCiState -> String) -> String -> GHCi ()
-setPrompt_ f err value = do
- st <- getGHCiState
- if null value
- then liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ err st
- else case value of
- '\"' : _ -> case reads value of
- [(value', xs)] | all isSpace xs ->
- setGHCiState $ f value' st
- _ ->
- liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "Can't parse prompt string. Use Haskell syntax."
- _ -> setGHCiState $ f value st
+setPromptString :: (PromptFunction -> GHCi ()) -> String -> String -> GHCi ()
+setPromptString f value err = do
+ if null value
+ then liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ err
+ else case value of
+ '\"' : _ -> case reads value of
+ [(value', xs)] | all isSpace xs ->
+ f (\_ _ -> return value')
+ _ ->
+ liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "Can't parse prompt string. Use Haskell syntax."
+ _ -> f (\_ _ -> return value)
setOptions wds =
do -- first, deal with the GHCi opts (+s, +t, etc.)
@@ -2255,8 +2270,10 @@ unsetOptions str
defaulters =
[ ("args" , setArgs default_args)
, ("prog" , setProg default_progname)
- , ("prompt" , setPrompt default_prompt)
- , ("prompt2", setPrompt2 default_prompt2)
+ , ("prompt" , setPrompt (\xs _ -> return $
+ intercalate " " xs ++ "> "))
+ , ("prompt2", setPrompt2 (\xs _ -> return $
+ intercalate " " xs ++ "| "))
, ("editor" , liftIO findEditor >>= setEditor)
, ("stop" , setStop default_stop)
@@ -2320,8 +2337,6 @@ showCmd str = do
case words str of
["args"] -> liftIO $ putStrLn (show (GhciMonad.args st))
["prog"] -> liftIO $ putStrLn (show (progname st))
- ["prompt"] -> liftIO $ putStrLn (show (prompt st))
- ["prompt2"] -> liftIO $ putStrLn (show (prompt2 st))
["editor"] -> liftIO $ putStrLn (show (editor st))
["stop"] -> liftIO $ putStrLn (show (stop st))
["imports"] -> showImports
@@ -2337,7 +2352,7 @@ showCmd str = do
["languages"] -> showLanguages -- backwards compat
["language"] -> showLanguages
["lang"] -> showLanguages -- useful abbreviation
- _ -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError ("syntax: :show [ args | prog | prompt | prompt2 | editor | stop | modules\n" ++
+ _ -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError ("syntax: :show [ args | prog | editor | stop | modules\n" ++
" | bindings | breaks | context | packages | language ]"))
showiCmd :: String -> GHCi ()