path: root/ghc
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authorPeter Hercek <>2012-05-15 16:02:48 +0200
committerSimon Marlow <>2012-07-04 09:08:26 +0100
commitad16de235c7ea9a9be65c77c576dd548251ddb16 (patch)
tree19ebc164d0b1956cb95bfbb0ab30b7a2966adf8b /ghc
parent0d19922acd724991b7b97871b1404f3db5058b49 (diff)
prefer later defined commands (fixes #3858)
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
index d9d6bc235e..1dc203d4ad 100644
--- a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
+++ b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ helpText =
" :cmd <expr> run the commands returned by <expr>::IO String\n" ++
" :ctags[!] [<file>] create tags file for Vi (default: \"tags\")\n" ++
" (!: use regex instead of line number)\n" ++
- " :def <cmd> <expr> define a command :<cmd>\n" ++
+ " :def <cmd> <expr> define command :<cmd> (later defined command has\n" ++
+ " precedence, ::<cmd> is always a builtin command)\n" ++
" :edit <file> edit file\n" ++
" :edit edit last module\n" ++
" :etags [<file>] create tags file for Emacs (default: \"TAGS\")\n" ++
@@ -908,12 +909,9 @@ lookupCommand' ":" = return Nothing
lookupCommand' str' = do
macros <- readIORef macros_ref
let{ (str, cmds) = case str' of
- ':' : rest -> (rest, builtin_commands)
- _ -> (str', builtin_commands ++ macros) }
+ ':' : rest -> (rest, builtin_commands) -- "::" selects a builtin command
+ _ -> (str', macros ++ builtin_commands) } -- otherwise prefer macros
-- look for exact match first, then the first prefix match
- -- We consider builtin commands first: since new macros are appended
- -- on the *end* of the macros list, this is consistent with the view
- -- that things defined earlier should take precedence. See also #3858
return $ case [ c | c <- cmds, str == cmdName c ] of
c:_ -> Just c
[] -> case [ c | c@(s,_,_) <- cmds, str `isPrefixOf` s ] of
@@ -1142,8 +1140,8 @@ defineMacro overwrite s = do
handleSourceError (\e -> GHC.printException e) $
hv <- GHC.compileExpr new_expr
- liftIO (writeIORef macros_ref --
- (filtered ++ [(macro_name, lift . runMacro hv, noCompletion)]))
+ liftIO (writeIORef macros_ref -- later defined macros have precedence
+ ((macro_name, lift . runMacro hv, noCompletion) : filtered))
runMacro :: GHC.HValue{-String -> IO String-} -> String -> GHCi Bool
runMacro fun s = do