path: root/ghc
diff options
authorsimonmar <unknown>2003-05-14 11:55:11 +0000
committersimonmar <unknown>2003-05-14 11:55:11 +0000
commit83183fce44ee4b5842bcf54300bfcaa8a89c07a6 (patch)
treeff75c30e19f5a8ee5cd96cc9535ecdb86fcf0b17 /ghc
parent7a236a564b90cd060612e1e979ce7d552da61fa1 (diff)
[project @ 2003-05-14 11:55:11 by simonmar]
Should have been committed with recent SRT changes (see rev. 1.39 of StgSyn.lhs).
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
index edd3402452..aca4961f26 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
@@ -77,18 +77,18 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name us stg_binds
do_top_bindings [] = returnMM []
- do_top_bindings (StgNonRec srt b rhs : bs)
+ do_top_bindings (StgNonRec b rhs : bs)
= do_top_rhs b rhs `thenMM` \ rhs' ->
addTopLevelIshId b (
do_top_bindings bs `thenMM` \bs' ->
- returnMM (StgNonRec srt b rhs' : bs')
+ returnMM (StgNonRec b rhs' : bs')
- do_top_bindings (StgRec srt pairs : bs)
+ do_top_bindings (StgRec pairs : bs)
= addTopLevelIshIds binders (
mapMM do_pair pairs `thenMM` \ pairs2 ->
do_top_bindings bs `thenMM` \ bs' ->
- returnMM (StgRec srt pairs2 : bs')
+ returnMM (StgRec pairs2 : bs')
binders = map fst pairs
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name us stg_binds
do_top_rhs :: Id -> StgRhs -> MassageM StgRhs
- do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u [] (StgSCC cc (StgConApp con args)))
+ do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u srt [] (StgSCC cc (StgConApp con args)))
| not (isSccCountCostCentre cc) && not (isDllConApp con args)
-- Trivial _scc_ around nothing but static data
-- Eliminate _scc_ ... and turn into StgRhsCon
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name us stg_binds
returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u [] expr')
- do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure no_cc bi fv u [] body)
+ do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure no_cc bi fv u srt [] body)
| noCCSAttached no_cc || currentOrSubsumedCCS no_cc
-- Top level CAF without a cost centre attached
-- Attach CAF cc (collect if individual CAF ccs)
@@ -132,18 +132,18 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name us stg_binds
returnMM all_cafs_ccs) `thenMM` \ caf_ccs ->
set_prevailing_cc caf_ccs (do_expr body) `thenMM` \ body' ->
- returnMM (StgRhsClosure caf_ccs bi fv u [] body')
+ returnMM (StgRhsClosure caf_ccs bi fv u srt [] body')
- do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u [] body)
+ do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u srt [] body)
-- Top level CAF with cost centre attached
-- Should this be a CAF cc ??? Does this ever occur ???
= pprPanic "SCCfinal: CAF with cc:" (ppr cc)
- do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure no_ccs bi fv u args body)
+ do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure no_ccs bi fv u srt args body)
-- Top level function, probably subsumed
| noCCSAttached no_ccs
= set_lambda_cc (do_expr body) `thenMM` \ body' ->
- returnMM (StgRhsClosure subsumedCCS bi fv u args body')
+ returnMM (StgRhsClosure subsumedCCS bi fv u srt args body')
| otherwise
= pprPanic "SCCfinal: CAF with cc:" (ppr no_ccs)
@@ -215,18 +215,18 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name us stg_binds
- do_let (StgNonRec srt b rhs) e
+ do_let (StgNonRec b rhs) e
= do_rhs rhs `thenMM` \ rhs' ->
addTopLevelIshId b (
do_expr e `thenMM` \ e' ->
- returnMM (StgNonRec srt b rhs',e')
+ returnMM (StgNonRec b rhs',e')
- do_let (StgRec srt pairs) e
+ do_let (StgRec pairs) e
= addTopLevelIshIds binders (
mapMM do_pair pairs `thenMM` \ pairs' ->
do_expr e `thenMM` \ e' ->
- returnMM (StgRec srt pairs', e')
+ returnMM (StgRec pairs', e')
binders = map fst pairs
@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name us stg_binds
returnMM (StgRhsCon cc con args)
- do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u args expr)
+ do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u srt args expr)
= slurpSCCs currentCCS expr `thenMM` \ (expr', ccs) ->
do_expr expr' `thenMM` \ expr'' ->
- returnMM (StgRhsClosure ccs bi fv u args expr'')
+ returnMM (StgRhsClosure ccs bi fv u srt args expr'')
slurpSCCs ccs (StgSCC cc e)
= collectCC cc `thenMM_`
@@ -309,9 +309,9 @@ boxHigherOrderArgs almost_expr args
mk_stg_let cc (new_var, old_var) body
= let
rhs_body = StgApp old_var [{-args-}]
- rhs_closure = StgRhsClosure cc stgArgOcc [{-fvs-}] ReEntrant [{-args-}] rhs_body
+ rhs_closure = StgRhsClosure cc stgArgOcc [{-fvs-}] ReEntrant NoSRT{-eeek!!!-} [{-args-}] rhs_body
- StgLet (StgNonRec NoSRT{-eeek!!!-} new_var rhs_closure) body
+ StgLet (StgNonRec new_var rhs_closure) body
bOGUS_LVs = emptyUniqSet -- easier to print than: panic "mk_stg_let: LVs"