path: root/ghc
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2015-05-08 15:28:40 +0100
committerSimon Marlow <>2015-05-11 12:46:17 +0100
commitcf7573b8207bbb17c58612f3345e0b17d74cfb58 (patch)
tree93321c1def706be49644ac30c05bc5251b041d62 /ghc
parent2666ba369f8d3e7d187876b7b602d42f2d6db381 (diff)
More accurate allocation stats for :set +s
The point of this commit is to make the memory allocation statistic from :set +s in GHCi a lot more accurate. Currently it uses the total allocation figure calculated by the RTS, which is only updated during GC, so can be wrong by an arbitrary amount. The fix is to the the per-thread allocation counter that was introduced for allocation limits. This required changes to the GHC API, because we now have to return the allocation value from each evaluation. Rather than just change the API, I introduced a new API and deprecated the old one. The new one is simpler and more extensible, so hopefully we won't need to make this transition in the future. See GHC.hs for details.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc')
2 files changed, 61 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/GhciMonad.hs b/ghc/GhciMonad.hs
index cf82161bff..8c755be930 100644
--- a/ghc/GhciMonad.hs
+++ b/ghc/GhciMonad.hs
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import Linker
import Exception
import Numeric
import Data.Array
-import Data.Int ( Int64 )
import Data.IORef
import System.CPUTime
import System.Environment
@@ -265,7 +264,7 @@ printForUserPartWay doc = do
liftIO $ Outputable.printForUserPartWay dflags stdout (pprUserLength dflags) unqual doc
-- | Run a single Haskell expression
-runStmt :: String -> GHC.SingleStep -> GHCi (Maybe GHC.RunResult)
+runStmt :: String -> GHC.SingleStep -> GHCi (Maybe GHC.ExecResult)
runStmt expr step = do
st <- getGHCiState
reifyGHCi $ \x ->
@@ -274,7 +273,11 @@ runStmt expr step = do
reflectGHCi x $ do
GHC.handleSourceError (\e -> do GHC.printException e;
return Nothing) $ do
- r <- GHC.runStmtWithLocation (progname st) (line_number st) expr step
+ let opts = GHC.execOptions
+ { GHC.execSourceFile = progname st
+ , GHC.execLineNumber = line_number st
+ , GHC.execSingleStep = step }
+ r <- GHC.execStmt expr opts
return (Just r)
runDecls :: String -> GHCi (Maybe [GHC.Name])
@@ -289,43 +292,41 @@ runDecls decls = do
r <- GHC.runDeclsWithLocation (progname st) (line_number st) decls
return (Just r)
-resume :: (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> GHC.SingleStep -> GHCi GHC.RunResult
+resume :: (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> GHC.SingleStep -> GHCi GHC.ExecResult
resume canLogSpan step = do
st <- getGHCiState
reifyGHCi $ \x ->
withProgName (progname st) $
withArgs (args st) $
reflectGHCi x $ do
- GHC.resume canLogSpan step
+ GHC.resumeExec canLogSpan step
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- timing & statistics
-timeIt :: InputT GHCi a -> InputT GHCi a
-timeIt action
+timeIt :: (a -> Maybe Integer) -> InputT GHCi a -> InputT GHCi a
+timeIt getAllocs action
= do b <- lift $ isOptionSet ShowTiming
if not b
then action
- else do allocs1 <- liftIO $ getAllocations
- time1 <- liftIO $ getCPUTime
+ else do time1 <- liftIO $ getCPUTime
a <- action
- allocs2 <- liftIO $ getAllocations
+ let allocs = getAllocs a
time2 <- liftIO $ getCPUTime
dflags <- getDynFlags
- liftIO $ printTimes dflags (fromIntegral (allocs2 - allocs1))
- (time2 - time1)
+ liftIO $ printTimes dflags allocs (time2 - time1)
return a
-foreign import ccall unsafe "getAllocations" getAllocations :: IO Int64
- -- defined in ghc/rts/Stats.c
-printTimes :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
-printTimes dflags allocs psecs
+printTimes :: DynFlags -> Maybe Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
+printTimes dflags mallocs psecs
= do let secs = (fromIntegral psecs / (10^(12::Integer))) :: Float
secs_str = showFFloat (Just 2) secs
putStrLn (showSDoc dflags (
parens (text (secs_str "") <+> text "secs" <> comma <+>
- text (separateThousands allocs) <+> text "bytes")))
+ case mallocs of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just allocs ->
+ text (separateThousands allocs) <+> text "bytes")))
separateThousands n = reverse . sep . reverse . show $ n
where sep n'
diff --git a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
index f5b69ae089..c1283b5ac2 100644
--- a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
+++ b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash, NondecreasingIndentation, TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash, NondecreasingIndentation, TupleSections,
+ RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-cse #-}
-- -fno-cse is needed for GLOBAL_VAR's to behave properly
@@ -807,9 +808,10 @@ runOneCommand eh gCmd = do
Nothing -> return $ Just True
Just ml_stmt -> do
-- temporarily compensate line-number for multi-line input
- result <- timeIt $ lift $ runStmtWithLineNum fst_line_num ml_stmt GHC.RunToCompletion
- return $ Just result
- else do -- single line input and :{-multiline input
+ result <- timeIt runAllocs $ lift $
+ runStmtWithLineNum fst_line_num ml_stmt GHC.RunToCompletion
+ return $ Just (runSuccess result)
+ else do -- single line input and :{ - multiline input
last_line_num <- lift (line_number <$> getGHCiState)
-- reconstruct first line num from last line num and stmt
let fst_line_num | stmt_nl_cnt > 0 = last_line_num - (stmt_nl_cnt2 + 1)
@@ -817,11 +819,13 @@ runOneCommand eh gCmd = do
stmt_nl_cnt2 = length [ () | '\n' <- stmt' ]
stmt' = dropLeadingWhiteLines stmt -- runStmt doesn't like leading empty lines
-- temporarily compensate line-number for multi-line input
- result <- timeIt $ lift $ runStmtWithLineNum fst_line_num stmt' GHC.RunToCompletion
- return $ Just result
+ result <- timeIt runAllocs $ lift $
+ runStmtWithLineNum fst_line_num stmt' GHC.RunToCompletion
+ return $ Just (runSuccess result)
-- runStmt wrapper for temporarily overridden line-number
- runStmtWithLineNum :: Int -> String -> SingleStep -> GHCi Bool
+ runStmtWithLineNum :: Int -> String -> SingleStep
+ -> GHCi (Maybe GHC.ExecResult)
runStmtWithLineNum lnum stmt step = do
st0 <- getGHCiState
setGHCiState st0 { line_number = lnum }
@@ -899,16 +903,16 @@ declPrefixes dflags = keywords ++ concat opt_keywords
-- | Entry point to execute some haskell code from user.
-- The return value True indicates success, as in `runOneCommand`.
-runStmt :: String -> SingleStep -> GHCi Bool
+runStmt :: String -> SingleStep -> GHCi (Maybe GHC.ExecResult)
runStmt stmt step
-- empty; this should be impossible anyways since we filtered out
-- whitespace-only input in runOneCommand's noSpace
| null (filter (not.isSpace) stmt)
- = return True
+ = return Nothing
-- import
| stmt `looks_like` "import "
- = do addImportToContext stmt; return True
+ = do addImportToContext stmt; return (Just (GHC.ExecComplete (Right []) 0))
| otherwise
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -920,8 +924,10 @@ runStmt stmt step
do _ <- liftIO $ tryIO $ hFlushAll stdin
m_result <- GhciMonad.runDecls stmt
case m_result of
- Nothing -> return False
- Just result -> afterRunStmt (const True) (GHC.RunOk result)
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just result ->
+ Just <$> afterRunStmt (const True)
+ (GHC.ExecComplete (Right result) 0)
run_stmt =
do -- In the new IO library, read handles buffer data even if the Handle
@@ -932,8 +938,8 @@ runStmt stmt step
_ <- liftIO $ tryIO $ hFlushAll stdin
m_result <- GhciMonad.runStmt stmt step
case m_result of
- Nothing -> return False
- Just result -> afterRunStmt (const True) result
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just result -> Just <$> afterRunStmt (const True) result
s `looks_like` prefix = prefix `isPrefixOf` dropWhile isSpace s
-- Ignore leading spaces (see Trac #9914), so that
@@ -941,15 +947,17 @@ runStmt stmt step
-- (note leading spaces) works properly
-- | Clean up the GHCi environment after a statement has run
-afterRunStmt :: (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> GHC.RunResult -> GHCi Bool
-afterRunStmt _ (GHC.RunException e) = liftIO $ Exception.throwIO e
+afterRunStmt :: (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> GHC.ExecResult -> GHCi GHC.ExecResult
afterRunStmt step_here run_result = do
resumes <- GHC.getResumeContext
case run_result of
- GHC.RunOk names -> do
- show_types <- isOptionSet ShowType
- when show_types $ printTypeOfNames names
- GHC.RunBreak _ names mb_info
+ GHC.ExecComplete{..} ->
+ case execResult of
+ Left ex -> liftIO $ Exception.throwIO ex
+ Right names -> do
+ show_types <- isOptionSet ShowType
+ when show_types $ printTypeOfNames names
+ GHC.ExecBreak _ names mb_info
| isNothing mb_info ||
step_here (GHC.resumeSpan $ head resumes) -> do
mb_id_loc <- toBreakIdAndLocation mb_info
@@ -963,14 +971,25 @@ afterRunStmt step_here run_result = do
return ()
| otherwise -> resume step_here GHC.SingleStep >>=
afterRunStmt step_here >> return ()
- _ -> return ()
liftIO installSignalHandlers
b <- isOptionSet RevertCAFs
when b revertCAFs
- return (case run_result of GHC.RunOk _ -> True; _ -> False)
+ return run_result
+runSuccess :: Maybe GHC.ExecResult -> Bool
+runSuccess run_result
+ | Just (GHC.ExecComplete { execResult = Right _ }) <- run_result = True
+ | otherwise = False
+runAllocs :: Maybe GHC.ExecResult -> Maybe Integer
+runAllocs m = do
+ res <- m
+ case res of
+ GHC.ExecComplete{..} -> Just (fromIntegral execAllocation)
+ _ -> Nothing
toBreakIdAndLocation ::
Maybe GHC.BreakInfo -> GHCi (Maybe (Int, BreakLocation))
@@ -1369,7 +1388,7 @@ checkModule m = do
-- :load, :add, :reload
loadModule :: [(FilePath, Maybe Phase)] -> InputT GHCi SuccessFlag
-loadModule fs = timeIt (loadModule' fs)
+loadModule fs = timeIt (const Nothing) (loadModule' fs)
loadModule_ :: [FilePath] -> InputT GHCi ()
loadModule_ fs = loadModule (zip fs (repeat Nothing)) >> return ()