path: root/ghc
diff options
authorqrczak <unknown>2001-01-13 19:46:49 +0000
committerqrczak <unknown>2001-01-13 19:46:49 +0000
commit7c2f3fa962c2f456959dea585934562dbad79622 (patch)
treebe5b872ecc240e7128d569db44df90eb7da1fe01 /ghc
parent0b1f00339cf83e1817e021f88c1168f52e31c331 (diff)
[project @ 2001-01-13 19:46:49 by qrczak]
Generate correct LINE pragmas.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs b/ghc/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
index 726e2ddbf5..71abaa3c33 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
+++ b/ghc/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.9 2001/01/13 12:11:00 qrczak Exp $
+-- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.10 2001/01/13 19:46:49 qrczak Exp $
-- (originally "GlueHsc.hs" by Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk)
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@
-- See the documentation in the Users' Guide for more details.
import GetOpt
-import System (getProgName, getArgs, ExitCode(..), system, exitWith, exitFailure)
-import Directory (removeFile)
+import System (getProgName, getArgs, ExitCode(..), system, exitWith, exitFailure)
+import Directory (removeFile)
import Parsec
-import Monad (liftM, liftM2, when)
-import Char (ord, intToDigit, isSpace, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, toUpper)
-import List (intersperse)
+import ParsecError
+import Monad (liftM, liftM2, when)
+import Char (ord, intToDigit, isSpace, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, toUpper)
+import List (intersperse)
version :: String
version = "hsc2hs-0.64"
@@ -77,27 +78,45 @@ processFile flags name = do
Right toks -> output flags name toks
data Token
- = Text String
- | Special String String
+ = Text SourcePos String
+ | Special SourcePos String String
parser :: Parser [Token]
parser = many (text <|> special)
text :: Parser Token
-text =
- liftM (Text . concat) $ many1
- ( many1 (satisfy (\ch -> not (isAlpha ch || ch `elem` "\"#'-_{")))
- <|> (do a <- satisfy (\ch -> isAlpha ch || ch == '_')
- b <- many (satisfy (\ch -> isAlphaNum ch || ch == '_' || ch == '\''))
- return (a:b))
- <|> (do char '\"'; a <- hsString '\"'; char '\"'; return ("\""++a++"\""))
- <|> (do try (string "##"); return "#")
- <|> (do char '\''; a <- hsString '\''; char '\''; return ("\'"++a++"\'"))
- <|> (do try (string "--"); a <- many (satisfy (/= '\n')); return ("--"++a))
- <|> string "-"
- <|> (do try (string "{-"); a <- hsComment; return ("{-"++a))
- <|> string "{"
- <?> "Haskell source")
+text = do
+ pos <- getPosition
+ liftM (Text pos . concat) $ many1
+ ( many1 (satisfy (\ch -> not (isAlpha ch || ch `elem` "\"#'-_{")))
+ <|> (do a <- satisfy (\ch -> isAlpha ch || ch == '_')
+ b <- many (satisfy (\ch -> isAlphaNum ch || ch == '_' || ch == '\''))
+ return (a:b))
+ <|> (do char '\"'; a <- hsString '\"'; char '\"'; return ("\""++a++"\""))
+ <|> (do try (string "##"); return "#")
+ <|> (do char '\''; a <- hsString '\''; char '\''; return ("\'"++a++"\'"))
+ <|> (do try (string "--"); a <- many (satisfy (/= '\n')); return ("--"++a))
+ <|> string "-"
+ <|> (do try (string "{-#"); optional (try linePragma); a <- hsComment; return ("{-#"++a))
+ <|> (do try (string "{-"); a <- hsComment; return ("{-"++a))
+ <|> string "{"
+ <?> "Haskell source")
+linePragma :: Parser ()
+linePragma = do
+ state <- getState
+ spaces
+ string "LINE"
+ skipMany1 space
+ line <- many1 digit
+ skipMany1 space
+ char '\"'
+ file <- many (satisfy (/= '\"'))
+ char '\"'
+ spaces
+ string "#-}"
+ setState state
+ setPosition (newPos file (read line - 1) 1)
hsComment :: Parser String
hsComment =
@@ -120,13 +139,14 @@ hsString quote =
special :: Parser Token
special = do
+ pos <- getPosition
char '#'
skipMany (oneOf " \t")
key <- liftM2 (:) (letter <|> char '_') (many (alphaNum <|> char '_'))
<?> "hsc directive"
skipMany (oneOf " \t")
arg <- argument pzero
- return (Special key arg)
+ return (Special pos key arg)
argument :: Parser String -> Parser String
argument eol =
@@ -175,9 +195,9 @@ output flags name toks = let
'/':_ -> progName
_ -> "./"++progName
- specials = [(key, arg) | Special key arg <- toks]
+ specials = [(pos, key, arg) | Special pos key arg <- toks]
- needsC = any (\(key, _) -> key == "def") specials
+ needsC = any (\(_, key, _) -> key == "def") specials
needsH = needsC
includeGuard = map fixChar outHName
@@ -202,6 +222,7 @@ output flags name toks = let
outHeaderCProg specials++
"\nint main (void)\n{\n"++
outHeaderHs flags (if needsH then Just outHName else Nothing) specials++
+ outHsLine (newPos name 0 1)++
concatMap outTokenHs toks++
" return 0;\n}\n"
@@ -249,27 +270,28 @@ onlyOne what = do
putStrLn ("Only one "++what++" may be specified")
-outHeaderCProg :: [(String, String)] -> String
-outHeaderCProg = concatMap $ \(key, arg) -> case key of
- "include" -> "#include "++arg++"\n"
- "define" -> "#define "++arg++"\n"
- "undef" -> "#undef "++arg++"\n"
- "def" -> case arg of
- 's':'t':'r':'u':'c':'t':' ':_ -> arg++"\n"
- 't':'y':'p':'e':'d':'e':'f':' ':_ -> arg++"\n"
+outHeaderCProg :: [(SourcePos, String, String)] -> String
+outHeaderCProg =
+ concatMap $ \(pos, key, arg) -> outCLine pos ++ case key of
+ "include" -> "#include "++arg++"\n"
+ "define" -> "#define "++arg++"\n"
+ "undef" -> "#undef "++arg++"\n"
+ "def" -> case arg of
+ 's':'t':'r':'u':'c':'t':' ':_ -> arg++"\n"
+ 't':'y':'p':'e':'d':'e':'f':' ':_ -> arg++"\n"
+ _ -> ""
+ _ | conditional key -> "#"++key++" "++arg++"\n"
+ "let" -> case break (== '=') arg of
+ (_, "") -> ""
+ (header, _:body) -> case break isSpace header of
+ (name, args) ->
+ "#define hsc_"++name++"("++dropWhile isSpace args++") \
+ \printf ("++joinLines body++");\n"
_ -> ""
- _ | conditional key -> "#"++key++" "++arg++"\n"
- "let" -> case break (== '=') arg of
- (_, "") -> ""
- (header, _:body) -> case break isSpace header of
- (name, args) ->
- "#define hsc_"++name++"("++dropWhile isSpace args++") \
- \printf ("++joinLines body++");\n"
- _ -> ""
joinLines = concat . intersperse " \\\n" . lines
-outHeaderHs :: [Flag] -> Maybe String -> [(String, String)] -> String
+outHeaderHs :: [Flag] -> Maybe String -> [(SourcePos, String, String)] -> String
outHeaderHs flags inH toks =
"#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 409\n\
\ printf (\"{-# OPTIONS -optc-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=%d #-}\\n\", \
@@ -278,7 +300,7 @@ outHeaderHs flags inH toks =
concatMap outSpecial toks
- outSpecial (key, arg) = case key of
+ outSpecial (pos, key, arg) = outCLine pos ++ case key of
"include" -> case inH of
Nothing -> outOption ("-#include "++arg)
Just _ -> ""
@@ -304,53 +326,64 @@ outHeaderHs flags inH toks =
showCString s++"\");\n"
outTokenHs :: Token -> String
-outTokenHs (Text s) = " fputs (\""++showCString s++"\", stdout);\n"
-outTokenHs (Special key arg) = case key of
- "include" -> ""
- "define" -> ""
- "undef" -> ""
- "def" -> ""
- _ | conditional key -> "#"++key++" "++arg++"\n"
- "let" -> ""
- _ -> " hsc_"++key++" ("++arg++");\n"
+outTokenHs (Text pos text) =
+ case break (== '\n') text of
+ (all, []) -> outText all
+ (first, _:rest) ->
+ outText (first++"\n")++
+ outHsLine pos++
+ outText rest
+ where
+ outText s = " fputs (\""++showCString s++"\", stdout);\n"
+outTokenHs (Special pos key arg) =
+ outCLine pos ++ case key of
+ "include" -> ""
+ "define" -> ""
+ "undef" -> ""
+ "def" -> ""
+ _ | conditional key -> "#"++key++" "++arg++"\n"
+ "let" -> ""
+ _ -> " hsc_"++key++" ("++arg++");\n"
-outTokenH :: (String, String) -> String
-outTokenH (key, arg) = case key of
- "include" -> "#include "++arg++"\n"
- "define" -> "#define " ++arg++"\n"
- "undef" -> "#undef " ++arg++"\n"
- "def" -> case arg of
- 's':'t':'r':'u':'c':'t':' ':_ -> arg++"\n"
- 't':'y':'p':'e':'d':'e':'f':' ':_ -> arg++"\n"
- 'i':'n':'l':'i':'n':'e':' ':_ ->
- "#ifdef __GNUC__\n\
- \extern\n\
- \#endif\n"++
- arg++"\n"
- _ -> "extern "++header++";\n"
- where header = takeWhile (\c -> c/='{' && c/='=') arg
- _ | conditional key -> "#"++key++" "++arg++"\n"
- _ -> ""
+outTokenH :: (SourcePos, String, String) -> String
+outTokenH (pos, key, arg) =
+ outCLine pos ++ case key of
+ "include" -> "#include "++arg++"\n"
+ "define" -> "#define " ++arg++"\n"
+ "undef" -> "#undef " ++arg++"\n"
+ "def" -> case arg of
+ 's':'t':'r':'u':'c':'t':' ':_ -> arg++"\n"
+ 't':'y':'p':'e':'d':'e':'f':' ':_ -> arg++"\n"
+ 'i':'n':'l':'i':'n':'e':' ':_ ->
+ "#ifdef __GNUC__\n\
+ \extern\n\
+ \#endif\n"++
+ arg++"\n"
+ _ -> "extern "++header++";\n"
+ where header = takeWhile (\c -> c/='{' && c/='=') arg
+ _ | conditional key -> "#"++key++" "++arg++"\n"
+ _ -> ""
-outTokenC :: (String, String) -> String
-outTokenC (key, arg) = case key of
- "def" -> case arg of
- 's':'t':'r':'u':'c':'t':' ':_ -> ""
- 't':'y':'p':'e':'d':'e':'f':' ':_ -> ""
- 'i':'n':'l':'i':'n':'e':' ':_ ->
- "#ifndef __GNUC__\n\
- \extern\n\
- \#endif\n"++
- header++
- "\n#ifndef __GNUC__\n\
- \;\n\
- \#else\n"++
- body++
- "\n#endif\n"
- _ -> arg++"\n"
- where (header, body) = span (\c -> c/='{' && c/='=') arg
- _ | conditional key -> "#"++key++" "++arg++"\n"
- _ -> ""
+outTokenC :: (SourcePos, String, String) -> String
+outTokenC (pos, key, arg) =
+ outCLine pos ++ case key of
+ "def" -> case arg of
+ 's':'t':'r':'u':'c':'t':' ':_ -> ""
+ 't':'y':'p':'e':'d':'e':'f':' ':_ -> ""
+ 'i':'n':'l':'i':'n':'e':' ':_ ->
+ "#ifndef __GNUC__\n\
+ \extern\n\
+ \#endif\n"++
+ header++
+ "\n#ifndef __GNUC__\n\
+ \;\n\
+ \#else\n"++
+ body++
+ "\n#endif\n"
+ _ -> arg++"\n"
+ where (header, body) = span (\c -> c/='{' && c/='=') arg
+ _ | conditional key -> "#"++key++" "++arg++"\n"
+ _ -> ""
conditional :: String -> Bool
conditional "if" = True
@@ -362,6 +395,24 @@ conditional "endif" = True
conditional "error" = True
conditional _ = False
+sourceFileName :: SourcePos -> String
+sourceFileName pos = fileName (sourceName pos)
+ where
+ fileName s = case break (== '/') s of
+ (name, []) -> name
+ (_, _:rest) -> fileName rest
+outCLine :: SourcePos -> String
+outCLine pos =
+ "# "++show (sourceLine pos)++
+ " \""++showCString (sourceFileName pos)++"\"\n"
+outHsLine :: SourcePos -> String
+outHsLine pos =
+ " printf (\"{-# LINE %d \\\"%s\\\" #-}\\n\", "++
+ show (sourceLine pos + 1)++", \""++
+ showCString (sourceFileName pos)++"\");\n"
showCString :: String -> String
showCString = concatMap showCChar