path: root/hadrian/bindist
diff options
authorAlp Mestanogullari <>2019-04-09 12:08:04 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2019-05-23 22:32:15 -0400
commit04b4b98447c36a2d28fffe819c97c32b591479ee (patch)
tree4323aadcc215c210110822161c6a8a822a5d67ca /hadrian/bindist
parent535a26c90f458801aeb1e941a3f541200d171e8f (diff)
add an --hadrian mode to ./validate
When the '--hadrian' flag is passed to the validate script, we use hadrian to build GHC, package it up in a binary distribution and later on run GHC's testsuite against the said bindist, which gets installed locally in the process. Along the way, this commit fixes a typo, an omission (build iserv binaries before producing the bindist archive) and moves the Makefile that enables 'make install' on those bindists from being a list of strings in the code to an actual file (it was becoming increasingly annoying to work with). Finally, the Settings.Builders.Ghc part of this patch is necessary for being able to use the installed binary distribution, in 'validate'.
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/bindist')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/bindist/Makefile b/hadrian/bindist/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79f9a9f2f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/bindist/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
+include mk/
+include mk/
+.PHONY: default
+ @echo 'Run "make install" to install'
+ @false
+# Hacky function to check equality of two strings
+# TODO : find if a better function exists
+eq=$(and $(findstring $(1),$(2)),$(findstring $(2),$(1)))
+define installscript
+# $1 = package name
+# $2 = wrapper path
+# $3 = bindir
+# $4 = ghcbindir
+# $5 = Executable binary path
+# $6 = Library Directory
+# $7 = Docs Directory
+# $8 = Includes Directory
+# We are installing wrappers to programs by searching corresponding
+# wrappers. If wrapper is not found, we are attaching the common wrapper
+# to it. This implementation is a bit hacky and depends on consistency
+# of program names. For hadrian build this will work as programs have a
+# consistent naming procedure.
+ rm -f '$2'
+ @echo "#!$(SHELL)" >> '$2'
+ @echo "exedir=\"$4\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "exeprog=\"$1\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "executablename=\"$5\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "bindir=\"$3\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "libdir=\"$6\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "docdir=\"$7\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "includedir=\"$8\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "" >> '$2'
+ cat wrappers/$1 >> '$2'
+# Hacky function to patch up the 'haddock-interfaces' and 'haddock-html'
+# fields in the package .conf files
+define patchpackageconf
+# $1 = package name (ex: 'bytestring')
+# $2 = path to .conf file
+# $3 = Docs Directory
+# $4 = (relative) path from $${pkgroot} to docs directory ($3)
+# We fix the paths to haddock files by using the relative path from the pkgroot
+# to the doc files.
+ cat '$2' | sed 's|haddock-interfaces.*|haddock-interfaces: "$${pkgroot}/$4/html/libraries/$1/$1.haddock"|' \
+ | sed 's|haddock-html.*|haddock-html: "$${pkgroot}/$4/html/libraries/$1"|' \
+ | sed 's| $${pkgroot}/../../docs/html/.*||' \
+ > '$2.copy'
+# The rts package doesn't actually supply haddocks, so we stop advertising them
+# altogether.
+ ((echo "$1" | grep rts) && (cat '$2.copy' | sed 's|haddock-.*||' > '$2.copy.copy')) || (cat '$2.copy' > '$2.copy.copy')
+# We finally replace the original file.
+ mv '$2.copy.copy' '$2'
+# QUESTION : should we use shell commands?
+.PHONY: install
+install: install_lib install_bin install_includes
+install: install_docs install_wrappers install_ghci
+install: install_mingw update_package_db
+# We need to install binaries relative to libraries.
+BINARIES = $(wildcard ./bin/*)
+ @echo "Copying binaries to $(ActualBinsDir)"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(ActualBinsDir)"
+ for i in $(BINARIES); do \
+ cp -R $$i "$(ActualBinsDir)"; \
+ done
+ @echo "Copying and installing ghci"
+ $(CREATE_SCRIPT) '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+ @echo "#!$(SHELL)" >> '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+ cat wrappers/ghci-script >> '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+ $(EXECUTABLE_FILE) '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+LIBRARIES = $(wildcard ./lib/*)
+ @echo "Copying libraries to $(ActualLibsDir)"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(ActualLibsDir)"
+ for i in $(LIBRARIES); do \
+ cp -R $$i "$(ActualLibsDir)/"; \
+ done
+INCLUDES = $(wildcard ./include/*)
+ @echo "Copying libraries to $(includedir)"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(includedir)"
+ for i in $(INCLUDES); do \
+ cp -R $$i "$(includedir)/"; \
+ done
+DOCS = $(wildcard ./docs/*)
+ @echo "Copying libraries to $(docdir)"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(docdir)"
+ for i in $(DOCS); do \
+ cp -R $$i "$(docdir)/"; \
+ done
+BINARY_NAMES=$(shell ls ./wrappers/)
+ @echo "Installing Wrapper scripts"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(WrapperBinsDir)"
+ $(foreach p, $(BINARY_NAMES),\
+ $(call installscript,$p,$(WrapperBinsDir)/$p,$(WrapperBinsDir),$(ActualBinsDir),$(ActualBinsDir)/$p,$(ActualLibsDir),$(docdir),$(includedir)))
+PKG_CONFS = $(shell find "$(ActualLibsDir)/package.conf.d" -name '*.conf' | sed 's: :xxx:g')
+ @echo "$(PKG_CONFS)"
+ @echo "Updating the package DB"
+ $(foreach p, $(PKG_CONFS),\
+ $(call patchpackageconf,$(shell echo $(notdir $p) | sed 's/-\([0-9]*[0-9]\.\)*conf//g'),$(shell echo "$p" | sed 's:xxx: :g'),$(docdir),$(shell realpath --relative-to="$(libdir)" "$(docdir)")))
+ '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghc-pkg' recache
+# The 'foreach' that copies the mingw directory will only trigger a copy
+# when the wildcard matches, therefore only on Windows.
+MINGW = $(wildcard ./mingw)
+ @echo "Installing MingGW"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(prefix)/mingw"
+ $(foreach d, $(MINGW),\
+ cp -R ./mingw "$(prefix)")
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------