path: root/hadrian/src/CommandLine.hs
diff options
authorBen Gamari <>2018-10-23 14:20:13 -0400
committerBen Gamari <>2018-10-23 14:20:13 -0400
commit94756201349685a34c4495addd3484fdfcc8b498 (patch)
treefd4a9cee20d3c2b79f56ded7e02fb0c01b26b6c9 /hadrian/src/CommandLine.hs
parent575b35f4cdc18045bccd42d341d6f25d95c0696c (diff)
parent45f3bff7016a2a0cd9a5455a882ced984655e90b (diff)
Add 'hadrian/' from commit '45f3bff7016a2a0cd9a5455a882ced984655e90b'
git-subtree-dir: hadrian git-subtree-mainline: 575b35f4cdc18045bccd42d341d6f25d95c0696c git-subtree-split: 45f3bff7016a2a0cd9a5455a882ced984655e90b
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/CommandLine.hs')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/CommandLine.hs b/hadrian/src/CommandLine.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1532ec51d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/CommandLine.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+module CommandLine (
+ optDescrs, cmdLineArgsMap, cmdFlavour, lookupFreeze1, cmdIntegerSimple,
+ cmdProgressColour, cmdProgressInfo, cmdConfigure, cmdSplitObjects,
+ lookupBuildRoot, TestArgs(..), TestSpeed(..), defaultTestArgs
+ ) where
+import Data.Either
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
+import Data.List.Extra
+import Development.Shake hiding (Normal)
+import Hadrian.Utilities hiding (buildRoot)
+import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.Environment
+data TestSpeed = Slow | Average | Fast deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | All arguments that can be passed to Hadrian via the command line.
+data CommandLineArgs = CommandLineArgs
+ { configure :: Bool
+ , flavour :: Maybe String
+ , freeze1 :: Bool
+ , integerSimple :: Bool
+ , progressColour :: UseColour
+ , progressInfo :: ProgressInfo
+ , splitObjects :: Bool
+ , buildRoot :: BuildRoot
+ , testArgs :: TestArgs }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Default values for 'CommandLineArgs'.
+defaultCommandLineArgs :: CommandLineArgs
+defaultCommandLineArgs = CommandLineArgs
+ { configure = False
+ , flavour = Nothing
+ , freeze1 = False
+ , integerSimple = False
+ , progressColour = Auto
+ , progressInfo = Brief
+ , splitObjects = False
+ , buildRoot = BuildRoot "_build"
+ , testArgs = defaultTestArgs }
+-- | These arguments are used by the `test` target.
+data TestArgs = TestArgs
+ { testCompiler :: String
+ , testConfigFile :: String
+ , testConfigs :: [String]
+ , testJUnit :: Maybe FilePath
+ , testOnly :: Maybe String
+ , testOnlyPerf :: Bool
+ , testSkipPerf :: Bool
+ , testSpeed :: TestSpeed
+ , testSummary :: Maybe FilePath
+ , testVerbosity :: Maybe String
+ , testWays :: [String] }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Default value for `TestArgs`.
+defaultTestArgs :: TestArgs
+defaultTestArgs = TestArgs
+ { testCompiler = "stage2"
+ , testConfigFile = "testsuite/config/ghc"
+ , testConfigs = []
+ , testJUnit = Nothing
+ , testOnly = Nothing
+ , testOnlyPerf = False
+ , testSkipPerf = False
+ , testSpeed = Fast
+ , testSummary = Nothing
+ , testVerbosity = Nothing
+ , testWays = [] }
+readConfigure :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readConfigure = Right $ \flags -> flags { configure = True }
+readFlavour :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readFlavour ms = Right $ \flags -> flags { flavour = lower <$> ms }
+readBuildRoot :: Maybe FilePath -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readBuildRoot ms =
+ maybe (Left "Cannot parse build-root") (Right . set) (go =<< ms)
+ where
+ go :: String -> Maybe BuildRoot
+ go = Just . BuildRoot
+ set :: BuildRoot -> CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs
+ set flag flags = flags { buildRoot = flag }
+readFreeze1 :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readFreeze1 = Right $ \flags -> flags { freeze1 = True }
+readIntegerSimple :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readIntegerSimple = Right $ \flags -> flags { integerSimple = True }
+readProgressColour :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readProgressColour ms =
+ maybe (Left "Cannot parse progress-colour") (Right . set) (go =<< lower <$> ms)
+ where
+ go :: String -> Maybe UseColour
+ go "never" = Just Never
+ go "auto" = Just Auto
+ go "always" = Just Always
+ go _ = Nothing
+ set :: UseColour -> CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs
+ set flag flags = flags { progressColour = flag }
+readProgressInfo :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readProgressInfo ms =
+ maybe (Left "Cannot parse progress-info") (Right . set) (go =<< lower <$> ms)
+ where
+ go :: String -> Maybe ProgressInfo
+ go "none" = Just None
+ go "brief" = Just Brief
+ go "normal" = Just Normal
+ go "unicorn" = Just Unicorn
+ go _ = Nothing
+ set :: ProgressInfo -> CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs
+ set flag flags = flags { progressInfo = flag }
+readSplitObjects :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readSplitObjects = Right $ \flags -> flags { splitObjects = True }
+readTestCompiler :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestCompiler compiler = maybe (Left "Cannot parse compiler") (Right . set) compiler
+ where
+ set compiler = \flags -> flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testCompiler = compiler } }
+readTestConfig :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestConfig config =
+ case config of
+ Nothing -> Right id
+ Just conf -> Right $ \flags ->
+ let configs = conf : testConfigs (testArgs flags)
+ in flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testConfigs = configs } }
+readTestConfigFile :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestConfigFile filepath =
+ maybe (Left "Cannot parse test-speed") (Right . set) filepath
+ where
+ set filepath flags = flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testConfigFile = filepath } }
+readTestJUnit :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestJUnit filepath = Right $ \flags -> flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testJUnit = filepath } }
+readTestOnly :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestOnly tests = Right $ \flags -> flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testOnly = tests } }
+readTestOnlyPerf :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestOnlyPerf = Right $ \flags -> flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testOnlyPerf = True } }
+readTestSkipPerf :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestSkipPerf = Right $ \flags -> flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testSkipPerf = True } }
+readTestSpeed :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestSpeed ms =
+ maybe (Left "Cannot parse test-speed") (Right . set) (go =<< lower <$> ms)
+ where
+ go :: String -> Maybe TestSpeed
+ go "fast" = Just Fast
+ go "slow" = Just Slow
+ go "average" = Just Average
+ go _ = Nothing
+ set :: TestSpeed -> CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs
+ set flag flags = flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) {testSpeed = flag} }
+readTestSummary :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestSummary filepath = Right $ \flags -> flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testJUnit = filepath } }
+readTestVerbose :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestVerbose verbose = Right $ \flags -> flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testVerbosity = verbose } }
+readTestWay :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readTestWay way =
+ case way of
+ Nothing -> Right id
+ Just way -> Right $ \flags ->
+ let newWays = way : testWays (testArgs flags)
+ in flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) {testWays = newWays} }
+-- | Standard 'OptDescr' descriptions of Hadrian's command line arguments.
+optDescrs :: [OptDescr (Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs))]
+optDescrs =
+ [ Option ['c'] ["configure"] (NoArg readConfigure)
+ "Run the boot and configure scripts (if you do not want to run them manually)."
+ , Option ['o'] ["build-root"] (OptArg readBuildRoot "BUILD_ROOT")
+ "Where to store build artifacts. (Default _build)."
+ , Option [] ["flavour"] (OptArg readFlavour "FLAVOUR")
+ "Build flavour (Default, Devel1, Devel2, Perf, Prof, Quick or Quickest)."
+ , Option [] ["freeze1"] (NoArg readFreeze1)
+ "Freeze Stage1 GHC."
+ , Option [] ["integer-simple"] (NoArg readIntegerSimple)
+ "Build GHC with integer-simple library."
+ , Option [] ["progress-colour"] (OptArg readProgressColour "MODE")
+ "Use colours in progress info (Never, Auto or Always)."
+ , Option [] ["progress-info"] (OptArg readProgressInfo "STYLE")
+ "Progress info style (None, Brief, Normal or Unicorn)."
+ , Option [] ["split-objects"] (NoArg readSplitObjects)
+ "Generate split objects (requires a full clean rebuild)."
+ , Option [] ["test-compiler"] (OptArg readTestCompiler "TEST_COMPILER")
+ "Use given compiler [Default=stage2]."
+ , Option [] ["test-config-file"] (OptArg readTestConfigFile "CONFIG_FILE")
+ "congiguration file for testsuite. Default=testsuite/config/ghc"
+ , Option [] ["config"] (OptArg readTestConfig "EXTRA_TEST_CONFIG")
+ "Configurations to run test, in key=value format."
+ , Option [] ["summary-junit"] (OptArg readTestJUnit "TEST_SUMMARY_JUNIT")
+ "Output testsuite summary in JUnit format."
+ , Option [] ["only"] (OptArg readTestOnly "TESTS")
+ "Test cases to run."
+ , Option [] ["only-perf"] (NoArg readTestOnlyPerf)
+ "Only run performance tests."
+ , Option [] ["skip-perf"] (NoArg readTestSkipPerf)
+ "Skip performance tests."
+ , Option [] ["test-speed"] (OptArg readTestSpeed "SPEED")
+ "fast, slow or normal. Normal by default"
+ , Option [] ["summary"] (OptArg readTestSummary "TEST_SUMMARY")
+ "Where to output the test summary file."
+ , Option [] ["test-verbose"] (OptArg readTestVerbose "TEST_VERBOSE")
+ "A verbosity value between 0 and 5. 0 is silent, 4 and higher activates extra output."
+ , Option [] ["test-way"] (OptArg readTestWay "TEST_WAY")
+ "only run these ways" ]
+-- | A type-indexed map containing Hadrian command line arguments to be passed
+-- to Shake via 'shakeExtra'.
+cmdLineArgsMap :: IO (Map.HashMap TypeRep Dynamic)
+cmdLineArgsMap = do
+ (opts, _, _) <- getOpt Permute optDescrs <$> getArgs
+ let args = foldl (flip id) defaultCommandLineArgs (rights opts)
+ return $ insertExtra (progressColour args) -- Accessed by Hadrian.Utilities
+ $ insertExtra (progressInfo args) -- Accessed by Hadrian.Utilities
+ $ insertExtra (buildRoot args) -- Accessed by Hadrian.Utilities
+ $ insertExtra (testArgs args) -- Accessed by Settings.Builders.RunTest
+ $ insertExtra args Map.empty
+cmdLineArgs :: Action CommandLineArgs
+cmdLineArgs = userSetting defaultCommandLineArgs
+cmdConfigure :: Action Bool
+cmdConfigure = configure <$> cmdLineArgs
+cmdFlavour :: Action (Maybe String)
+cmdFlavour = flavour <$> cmdLineArgs
+lookupBuildRoot :: Map.HashMap TypeRep Dynamic -> BuildRoot
+lookupBuildRoot = buildRoot . lookupExtra defaultCommandLineArgs
+lookupFreeze1 :: Map.HashMap TypeRep Dynamic -> Bool
+lookupFreeze1 = freeze1 . lookupExtra defaultCommandLineArgs
+cmdIntegerSimple :: Action Bool
+cmdIntegerSimple = integerSimple <$> cmdLineArgs
+cmdProgressColour :: Action UseColour
+cmdProgressColour = progressColour <$> cmdLineArgs
+cmdProgressInfo :: Action ProgressInfo
+cmdProgressInfo = progressInfo <$> cmdLineArgs
+cmdSplitObjects :: Action Bool
+cmdSplitObjects = splitObjects <$> cmdLineArgs