path: root/hadrian/src/Flavour.hs
diff options
authorMatthew Pickering <>2021-05-14 09:23:16 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2021-05-22 00:07:42 -0400
commitb4d240d3c0a238514db5b4750ba70b7569f1ed02 (patch)
treea6154c3dabded7ace4f8be00a13143b5e5f56d0d /hadrian/src/Flavour.hs
parent5ab174e4fa12740aecdcfe06ffb4ca16724a4bae (diff)
hadrian: Reorganise modules so KV parser can be used to define transformers
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Flavour.hs')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Flavour.hs b/hadrian/src/Flavour.hs
index df918b5a8f..61bca98053 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Flavour.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Flavour.hs
@@ -12,74 +12,25 @@ module Flavour
, enableProfiledGhc
, disableDynamicGhcPrograms
, disableProfiledLibs
+ , completeSetting
+ , applySettings
) where
import Expression
-import Data.Set (Set)
+import Data.Either
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Packages
+import Flavour.Type
+import Settings.Parser
import Text.Parsec.Prim as P
import Text.Parsec.Combinator as P
import Text.Parsec.Char as P
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import UserSettings
--- Please update doc/{,} when changing this file.
--- | 'Flavour' is a collection of build settings that fully define a GHC build.
--- Note the following type semantics:
--- * @Bool@: a plain Boolean flag whose value is known at compile time.
--- * @Action Bool@: a flag whose value can depend on the build environment.
--- * @Predicate@: a flag whose value can depend on the build environment and
--- on the current build target.
-data Flavour = Flavour {
- -- | Flavour name, to select this flavour from command line.
- name :: String,
- -- | Use these command line arguments.
- args :: Args,
- -- | Build these packages.
- packages :: Stage -> Action [Package],
- -- | 'native', 'gmp', 'ffi'.
- bignumBackend :: String,
- -- | Check selected backend against native backend
- bignumCheck :: Bool,
- -- | Build libraries these ways.
- libraryWays :: Ways,
- -- | Build RTS these ways.
- rtsWays :: Ways,
- -- | Build dynamic GHC programs.
- dynamicGhcPrograms :: Action Bool,
- -- | Enable GHCi debugger.
- ghciWithDebugger :: Bool,
- -- | Build profiled GHC.
- ghcProfiled :: Bool,
- -- | Build GHC with debugging assertions.
- ghcDebugged :: Bool,
- -- | Build the GHC executable against the threaded runtime system.
- ghcThreaded :: Bool,
- -- | Whether to build docs and which ones
- -- (haddocks, user manual, haddock manual)
- ghcDocs :: Action DocTargets }
--- | A set of documentation targets
-type DocTargets = Set DocTarget
--- | Documentation targets
--- While we can't reasonably expose settings or CLI options
--- to selectively disable, say, base's haddocks, we can offer
--- a less fine-grained choice:
--- - haddocks for libraries
--- - non-haddock html pages (e.g GHC's user manual)
--- - PDF documents (e.g haddock's manual)
--- - man pages (GHC's)
--- The main goal being to have easy ways to do away with the need
--- for e.g @sphinx-build@ or @xelatex@ and associated packages
--- while still being able to build a(n almost) complete binary
--- distribution.
-data DocTarget = Haddocks | SphinxHTML | SphinxPDFs | SphinxMan | SphinxInfo
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum)
flavourTransformers :: Map String (Flavour -> Flavour)
flavourTransformers = M.fromList
@@ -227,3 +178,215 @@ disableDynamicGhcPrograms flavour = flavour { dynamicGhcPrograms = pure False }
disableProfiledLibs :: Flavour -> Flavour
disableProfiledLibs flavour =
flavour { libraryWays = filter (not . wayUnit Profiling) <$> libraryWays flavour }
+-- * CLI and <root>/hadrian.settings options
+Note [Hadrian settings]
+Hadrian lets one customize GHC builds through the UserSettings module,
+where Hadrian users can override existing 'Flavour's or create entirely
+new ones, overriding/extending the options passed to some builder
+building the RTS in more ways and much more.
+It now also offers a more "old-school" interface, in the form of = v@ or += v@ expressions, that one can
+pass on the command line that invokes hadrian:
+> $ hadrian/build --flavour=quickest -j " += -v3"
+or in a file at <build root>/hadrian.settings, where <build root>
+is the build root to be used for the build, which is _build by default.
+For example, you could create a file at _build/hadrian.settings with the
+following contents:
+> += -v3
+> stage1.base.ghc.hs.opts += -ddump-timings
+and issue:
+> $ hadrian/build
+Hadrian would pick up the settings given in _build/hadrian.settings (as well as
+any settings that you may additionally be passing on the command line) and
+update the relevant flavour accordingly, to issue the additional arguments
+specified by the user.
+The supported settings are described by 'builderSetting' below, using
+operations from Applicative + two new primitives, 'matchString' and
+'matchOneOf', that come as members of the 'Match' class. This gives us
+a simple but powerful vocabulary to describe settings and parse them
+into values that we can use to compute interesting things, like a 'Predicate'
+that we can use to emit additional arguments, or a list of possible completions.
+> fmap, (<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
+> pure :: Applicative f => a -> f a
+> (<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
+> (*>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b
+> (<*) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a
+> (<$) :: Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
+> str :: Match f => String -> f ()
+> val :: Match f => String -> a -> f a
+> oneOf :: Match f => [f a] -> f a
+> choose :: Match f => [(String, a)] -> f a
+> wild :: Match f => [(String, a)] -> f (Wildcard a)
+For instance, to describe possible settings:
+{x, y}
+ foo.baz.{a, b}.c
+we could write:
+> str "foo" *> oneOf [ str "bar" *> choose [ ("x", "x"), ("y", "y") ]
+> , str "baz" *> choose [ ("a", "ac"), ("b", "bc") <* str "c" ]
+> ]
+'builderSetting' uses these combinators to describe the setting keys that
+Hadrian supports. A user-oriented description of this mechanism is available
+in hadrian/doc/
+-- | Try to interpret all the 'KeyVal' as flavour updates, keeping
+-- a list of errors for the ones which don't match known
+-- settings.
+applySettings :: [KeyVal] -> ([SettingError], Flavour -> Flavour)
+applySettings kvs = case partitionEithers (map applySetting kvs) of
+ (errs, fs) -> (errs, foldr (flip (.)) id fs)
+ -- we need to compose the reverse way to have the following settings
+ -- x = -b
+ -- x += -c
+ -- produce the final x = "-b -c" value. With just (.) we would apply
+ -- the x = -b assignment last, which would silently drop the -c adddition.
+ --
+ -- foldr (.) id [f, g, h] = f . g . h
+ -- -- first function (f) is applied last, we're applying them in
+ -- -- the wrong order!
+ --
+ -- foldr (flip (.)) id [f, g, h] = h . g . f
+ -- -- last function (f) is applied last, as desired
+-- | Try to interpret the given 'KeyVal' as a flavour update
+-- function, returning an error if it doesn't match a known
+-- setting.
+applySetting :: KeyVal -> Either SettingError (Flavour -> Flavour)
+applySetting (KeyVal ks op v) = case runSettingsM ks builderPredicate of
+ Left err -> throwError $
+ "error while setting `" ++ intercalate "`." ks ++ ": " ++ err
+ Right pred -> Right $ \flav -> flav
+ { args = update (args flav) pred }
+ where override arguments predicate = do
+ holds <- predicate
+ if holds then pure (words v) else arguments
+ augment arguments predicate =
+ mconcat [arguments, predicate ? pure (words v)]
+ update
+ | op == Equal = override
+ | otherwise = augment
+-- | Try to auto-complete the given @Key@ using
+-- all known settings, as described by 'builderSetting'.
+-- > completeSetting ["stage1","base", "ghc"]
+-- > -- returns [ ["stage1","base","ghc","c","opts"]
+-- > -- , ["stage1","base","ghc","hs","opts"]
+-- > -- , ["stage1","base","ghc","link","opts"]
+-- > -- , ["stage1","base","ghc","deps","opts"]
+-- > -- , ["stage1","base","ghc","toolargs","opts"]
+-- > -- ]
+completeSetting :: Key -> [Key]
+completeSetting ks = map snd (complete ks builderSetting)
+-- | Interpret a 'builderSetting' as a 'Predicate' that
+-- potentially constrains on the stage, package or
+-- (ghc or cc) builder mode.
+-- For example, gets mapped to
+-- a predicate that applies @'stage' 'Stage1'@,
+-- @'package' 'base'@ and @'builder' ('Ghc' 'LinkHs')@.
+builderPredicate :: SettingsM Predicate
+builderPredicate = builderSetting <&> (\(wstg, wpkg, builderMode) ->
+ wildcard (pure True) stage wstg <&&>
+ wildcard (pure True) package wpkg <&&>
+ (case builderMode of
+ BM_Ghc ghcMode -> wildcard (builder Ghc) (builder . Ghc) ghcMode
+ BM_Cc ccMode -> wildcard (builder Cc) (builder . Cc) ccMode
+ BM_CabalConfigure -> builder (Cabal Setup)
+ BM_RunTest -> builder RunTest
+ )
+ )
+ where (<&&>) = liftA2 (&&)
+-- | Which builder a setting should apply to
+data BuilderMode = BM_Ghc (Wildcard GhcMode)
+ | BM_Cc (Wildcard CcMode)
+ | BM_CabalConfigure
+ | BM_RunTest
+-- | Interpretation-agnostic description of the builder settings
+-- supported by Hadrian.
+-- Supported settings (to be kept in sync with the code):
+-- > (<stage> or *).(<package name> or *).ghc.(<ghc mode> or *).opts
+-- > (<stage> or *).(<package name> or *).cc.(<cc mode> or *).opts
+-- > (<stage> or *).(<package name> or *).cabal.configure.opts
+-- > runtest.opts
+-- where:
+-- - @<stage>@ is one of @stage0@, @stage1@, @stage2@ or @stage3@;
+-- - @<package name>@ is the (Cabal) name of a package (@base@,
+-- @template-haskell@, ...);
+-- - @<ghc mode>@ is one of @c@ (building C files), @hs@ (building Haskell
+-- modules), @link@ (linking object files), @deps@ (finding Haskell
+-- dependencies with @ghc -M@) or @toolargs@ (getting necessary flags to
+-- make hadrian/ghci work;
+-- - @<cc mode>@ is one of @c@ (building C files) or @deps@ (finding C
+-- dependencies);
+-- - locations that support a wildcard (@*@) entry are here to avoid
+-- repetition, a wildcard entry being equivalent to writing all the
+-- settings that the wildcard matches over; in our case, we can
+-- apply GHC or C compiler options uniformly over all stages, packages
+-- and compiler modes, if we so desire, by using a wildcard in the
+-- appropriate spot.
+builderSetting :: Match f
+ => f (Wildcard Stage, Wildcard Package, BuilderMode)
+builderSetting =
+ matchOneOf
+ [ (,,)
+ <$> wild stages
+ <*> wild pkgs
+ <*> matchOneOf
+ [ str "ghc" *> fmap BM_Ghc (wild ghcBuilder) <* str "opts"
+ , str "cc" *> fmap BM_Cc (wild ccBuilder) <* str "opts"
+ , BM_CabalConfigure <$ str "cabal" <* str "configure" <* str "opts"
+ ]
+ , (Wildcard, Wildcard, BM_RunTest)
+ <$ str "runtest" <* str "opts"
+ ]
+ where ghcBuilder =
+ [ ("c", CompileCWithGhc)
+ , ("cpp", CompileCppWithGhc)
+ , ("deps", FindHsDependencies)
+ , ("hs", CompileHs)
+ , ("link", LinkHs)
+ , ("toolargs", ToolArgs)
+ ]
+ ccBuilder =
+ [ ("c", CompileC)
+ , ("deps", FindCDependencies)
+ ]
+ stages = map (\stg -> (stageString stg, stg)) [minBound..maxBound]
+ pkgs = map (\pkg -> (pkgName pkg, pkg)) (ghcPackages ++ userPackages)