path: root/hadrian/src/Rules/Rts.hs
diff options
authorDavid Eichmann <>2019-05-03 18:53:26 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2019-05-21 17:01:16 -0400
commit0af519ac583c3544b1c4b1315b38ba0174d3ccb1 (patch)
tree83534ca5c91c6372737bc671ca6a38a90aff40e6 /hadrian/src/Rules/Rts.hs
parent8fc654c3a00ab0cd842c3e8316f832170ea561d6 (diff)
Refactor Libffi and RTS rules
This removes a hack that copies libffi files to the rts build directory. This was done in a libffi rule, but now an rts rule correctly needs and copies the relevant files from the libffi build dir to the rts build dir. Issues: #16272 #16304
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Rules/Rts.hs')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/Rts.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/Rts.hs
index b7e3d49b53..b7f39609b9 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Rules/Rts.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/Rts.hs
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-module Rules.Rts (rtsRules, needRtsSymLinks) where
+module Rules.Rts (rtsRules, needRtsLibffiTargets, needRtsSymLinks) where
-import Packages (rts)
+import Packages (rts, rtsBuildPath, libffiBuildPath, libffiLibraryName, rtsContext)
+import Rules.Libffi
import Hadrian.Utilities
import Settings.Builders.Common
--- | Dynamic RTS library files need symlinks without the dummy version number.
--- This is for backwards compatibility (the old make build system omitted the
--- dummy version number).
--- This rule has priority 3 to override the general rule for generating shared
+-- | This rule has priority 3 to override the general rule for generating shared
-- library files (see Rules.Library.libraryRules).
rtsRules :: Rules ()
rtsRules = priority 3 $ do
+ -- Dynamic RTS library files need symlinks without the dummy version number.
+ -- This is for backwards compatibility (the old make build system omitted the
+ -- dummy version number).
root <- buildRootRules
[ root -/- "//libHSrts_*-ghc*.so",
root -/- "//libHSrts_*-ghc*.dylib",
@@ -20,6 +21,129 @@ rtsRules = priority 3 $ do
(addRtsDummyVersion $ takeFileName rtsLibFilePath')
+ -- Libffi
+ forM_ [Stage1 ..] $ \ stage -> do
+ let buildPath = root -/- buildDir (rtsContext stage)
+ -- Header files
+ (fmap (buildPath -/-) libffiHeaderFiles) &%> const (copyLibffiHeaders stage)
+ -- Static libraries.
+ buildPath -/- "libCffi*.a" %> copyLibffiStatic stage
+ -- Dynamic libraries
+ buildPath -/- "libffi*.dylib*" %> copyLibffiDynamicUnix stage ".dylib"
+ buildPath -/- "libffi*.so*" %> copyLibffiDynamicUnix stage ".so"
+ buildPath -/- "libffi*.dll*" %> copyLibffiDynamicWin stage
+withLibffi :: Stage -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> Action a) -> Action a
+withLibffi stage action = needLibffi stage
+ >> (join $ action <$> libffiBuildPath stage
+ <*> rtsBuildPath stage)
+-- | Copy all header files wither from the system libffi or from the libffi
+-- build dir to the rts build dir.
+copyLibffiHeaders :: Stage -> Action ()
+copyLibffiHeaders stage = do
+ rtsPath <- rtsBuildPath stage
+ useSystemFfi <- flag UseSystemFfi
+ (fromStr, headers) <- if useSystemFfi
+ then ("system",) <$> libffiSystemHeaders
+ else needLibffi stage
+ >> ("custom",) <$> libffiHeaders stage
+ forM_ headers $ \ header -> copyFile header
+ (rtsPath -/- takeFileName header)
+ putSuccess $ "| Successfully copied " ++ fromStr ++ " FFI library header "
+ ++ "files to RTS build directory."
+-- | Copy a static library file from the libffi build dir to the rts build dir.
+copyLibffiStatic :: Stage -> FilePath -> Action ()
+copyLibffiStatic stage target = withLibffi stage $ \ libffiPath _ -> do
+ -- Copy the vanilla library, and symlink the rest to it.
+ vanillaLibFile <- rtsLibffiLibrary stage vanilla
+ if target == vanillaLibFile
+ then copyFile' (libffiPath -/- libffiLibrary) target
+ else createFileLink (takeFileName vanillaLibFile) target
+-- | Copy a dynamic library file from the libffi build dir to the rts build dir.
+copyLibffiDynamicUnix :: Stage -> String -> FilePath -> Action ()
+copyLibffiDynamicUnix stage libSuf target = do
+ needLibffi stage
+ dynLibs <- askLibffilDynLibs stage
+ -- If no version number suffix, then copy else just symlink.
+ let versionlessSourceFilePath = fromMaybe
+ (error $ "Needed " ++ show target ++ " which is not any of " ++
+ "libffi's built shared libraries: " ++ show dynLibs)
+ (find (libSuf `isSuffixOf`) dynLibs)
+ let versionlessSourceFileName = takeFileName versionlessSourceFilePath
+ if versionlessSourceFileName == takeFileName target
+ then do
+ copyFile' versionlessSourceFilePath target
+ -- On OSX the dylib's id must be updated to a relative path.
+ osx <- osxHost
+ when osx $ cmd
+ [ "install_name_tool"
+ , "-id", "@rpath/" ++ takeFileName target
+ , target
+ ]
+ else createFileLink versionlessSourceFileName target
+-- | Copy a dynamic library file from the libffi build dir to the rts build dir.
+copyLibffiDynamicWin :: Stage -> FilePath -> Action ()
+copyLibffiDynamicWin stage target = do
+ needLibffi stage
+ dynLibs <- askLibffilDynLibs stage
+ let source = fromMaybe
+ (error $ "Needed " ++ show target ++ " which is not any of " ++
+ "libffi's built shared libraries: " ++ show dynLibs)
+ (find (\ lib -> takeFileName target == takeFileName lib) dynLibs)
+ copyFile' source target
+rtsLibffiLibrary :: Stage -> Way -> Action FilePath
+rtsLibffiLibrary stage way = do
+ name <- libffiLibraryName
+ suf <- libsuf stage way
+ rtsPath <- rtsBuildPath stage
+ return $ rtsPath -/- "lib" ++ name ++ suf
+-- | Get the libffi files bundled with the rts (header and library files).
+-- Unless using the system libffi, this needs the libffi library. It must be
+-- built before the targets can be calcuulated.
+needRtsLibffiTargets :: Stage -> Action [FilePath]
+needRtsLibffiTargets stage = do
+ rtsPath <- rtsBuildPath stage
+ useSystemFfi <- flag UseSystemFfi
+ -- Header files (in the rts build dir).
+ let headers = fmap (rtsPath -/-) libffiHeaderFiles
+ if useSystemFfi
+ then return headers
+ else do
+ -- Need Libffi
+ -- This returns the dynamic library files (in the Libffi build dir).
+ needLibffi stage
+ dynLibffSource <- askLibffilDynLibs stage
+ -- Header files (in the rts build dir).
+ let headers = fmap (rtsPath -/-) libffiHeaderFiles
+ -- Dynamic library files (in the rts build dir).
+ let dynLibffis = fmap (\ lib -> rtsPath -/- takeFileName lib)
+ dynLibffSource
+ -- Static Libffi files (in the rts build dir).
+ staticLibffis <- do
+ ways <- interpretInContext (stageContext stage)
+ (getLibraryWays <> getRtsWays)
+ let staticWays = filter (not . wayUnit Dynamic) ways
+ mapM (rtsLibffiLibrary stage) staticWays
+ return $ concat [ headers, dynLibffis, staticLibffis ]
-- Need symlinks generated by rtsRules.
needRtsSymLinks :: Stage -> [Way] -> Action ()
needRtsSymLinks stage rtsWays