path: root/hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs
diff options
authorMatthew Pickering <>2020-04-29 15:14:10 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-30 07:30:50 -0400
commit014ef4a3d9ee30b8add9118950f1f5007143bd1c (patch)
treec96637d36e1ca0b38b282cc1f4b3b648d8f7384a /hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs
parent19b701c216246596710f0eba112ed5ee7b6bf870 (diff)
Hadrian: Improve tool-args command to support more components
There is a new command to hadrian, tool:path/to/file.hs, which returns the options needed to compile that file in GHCi. This is now used in the ghci script with argument `ghc/Main.hs` but its main purpose is to support the new multi-component branch of ghcide.
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef75c49d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+module Rules.ToolArgs(toolArgsTarget) where
+import qualified Rules.Generate
+import Development.Shake
+import Target
+import Context
+import Stage
+import Expression
+import Packages
+import Settings
+import Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type
+import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
+-- | @tool:@ is used by tooling in order to get the arguments necessary
+-- to set up a GHC API session which can compile modules from GHC. When
+-- run, the target prints out the arguments that would be passed to @ghc@
+-- during normal compilation to @stdout@ for the file passed as an
+-- argument.
+-- This target is called by the `` script in order to load all of GHC's
+-- modules into GHCi. It is invoked with argument `tool:ghc/Main.hs` in
+-- that script so that we can load the whole library and executable
+-- components into GHCi.
+-- In the future where we have multi-component ghci this code can be
+-- modified to supply the right arguments for that. At the moment it is
+-- also used for GHC's support for multi-component ghcide (see the
+-- `hadrian/hie-bios` script).
+-- | A phony target of form `tool:path/to/file.hs` which returns the
+-- options needed to compile the specific file.
+toolArgsTarget :: Rules ()
+toolArgsTarget = do
+ phonys (\s -> if "tool:" `isPrefixOf` s then Just (toolRuleBody (drop 5 s)) else Nothing)
+toolRuleBody :: FilePath -> Action ()
+toolRuleBody fp = do
+ mm <- dirMap
+ cfp <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath fp
+ case find (flip isPrefixOf cfp . fst) mm of
+ Just (_, (p, extra)) -> mkToolTarget extra p
+ Nothing -> fail $ "No prefixes matched " ++ show fp ++ " IN\n " ++ show mm
+mkToolTarget :: [String] -> Package -> Action ()
+mkToolTarget es p = do
+ -- This builds automatically generated dependencies. Not sure how to do
+ -- this generically yet.
+ allDeps
+ let fake_target = target (Context Stage0 p (if windowsHost then vanilla else dynamic))
+ (Ghc ToolArgs Stage0) [] ["ignored"]
+ arg_list <- interpret fake_target getArgs
+ liftIO $ putStrLn (intercalate "\n" (arg_list ++ es))
+allDeps :: Action ()
+allDeps = do
+ do
+ -- We can't build DLLs on Windows (yet). Actually we should only
+ -- include the dynamic way when we have a dynamic host GHC, but just
+ -- checking for Windows seems simpler for now.
+ let fake_target = target (Context Stage0 compiler (if windowsHost then vanilla else dynamic))
+ (Ghc ToolArgs Stage0) [] ["ignored"]
+ -- need the autogenerated files so that they are precompiled
+ includesDependencies Stage0 >>= need
+ interpret fake_target Rules.Generate.compilerDependencies >>= need
+ root <- buildRoot
+ let dir = buildDir (vanillaContext Stage0 compiler)
+ need [ root -/- dir -/- "Config.hs" ]
+ need [ root -/- dir -/- "GHC" -/- "Parser.hs" ]
+ need [ root -/- dir -/- "GHC" -/- "Parser" -/- "Lexer.hs" ]
+ need [ root -/- dir -/- "GHC" -/- "Cmm" -/- "Parser.hs" ]
+ need [ root -/- dir -/- "GHC" -/- "Cmm" -/- "Lexer.hs" ]
+-- This list is quite a lot like stage0packages but doesn't include
+-- critically the `exe:ghc` component as that depends on the GHC library
+-- which takes a while to compile.
+toolTargets :: [Package]
+toolTargets = [ array
+ , bytestring
+ , templateHaskell
+ , containers
+ , deepseq
+ , directory
+ , exceptions
+ , filepath
+ , compiler
+ , ghcCompact
+ , ghcPrim
+ --, haskeline
+ , hp2ps
+ , hsc2hs
+ , pretty
+ , process
+ , rts
+ , stm
+ , time
+ , unlit
+ , xhtml ]
+-- | Create a mapping from files to which component it belongs to.
+dirMap :: Action [(FilePath, (Package, [String]))]
+dirMap = do
+ auto <- concatMapM go toolTargets
+ -- Mush the ghc executable into the compiler component so the whole of ghc is not built when
+ -- configuring
+ ghc_exe <- mkGhc
+ return (auto ++ [ghc_exe])
+ where
+ -- Make a separate target for the exe:ghc target because otherwise
+ -- configuring would build the whole GHC library which we probably
+ -- don't want to do.
+ mkGhc = do
+ let c = (Context Stage0 compiler (if windowsHost then vanilla else dynamic))
+ cd <- readContextData c
+ fp <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath "ghc/"
+ return (fp, (compiler, "-ighc" : modules cd ++ otherModules cd ++ ["ghc/Main.hs"]))
+ go p = do
+ let c = (Context Stage0 p (if windowsHost then vanilla else dynamic))
+ -- readContextData has the effect of configuring the package so all
+ -- dependent packages will also be built.
+ cd <- readContextData c
+ ids <- liftIO $ mapM canonicalizePath [pkgPath p </> i | i <- srcDirs cd]
+ return $ map (,(p, modules cd ++ otherModules cd)) ids