path: root/hadrian/src
diff options
authorBen Gamari <>2023-01-25 16:19:15 -0500
committerMarge Bot <>2023-01-31 15:52:32 -0500
commit2e48c19a7faf975318e954faea26f37deb763ac0 (patch)
tree70a71bda4ebd093593c36f7bac9aa1e43de32644 /hadrian/src
parentf838815c365773a8107bf035a8ec27b8ff6ecc8b (diff)
hadrian: Refactor templating logic
This refactors Hadrian's autoconf-style templating logic to be explicit about which interpolation variables should be substituted in which files. This clears the way to fix #22714 without incurring rule cycles.
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs
index b156c9dfdf..f17ff0eb21 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs
@@ -235,71 +235,100 @@ emptyTarget :: Context
emptyTarget = vanillaContext (error "Rules.Generate.emptyTarget: unknown stage")
(error "Rules.Generate.emptyTarget: unknown package")
--- | Files generated by query-replace from a template
-templateResults :: [FilePath]
-templateResults =
- [ "compiler/ghc.cabal"
- , "rts/rts.cabal"
- , "driver/ghci/ghci-wrapper.cabal"
- , "ghc/ghc-bin.cabal"
- , "utils/iserv/iserv.cabal"
- , "utils/iserv-proxy/iserv-proxy.cabal"
- , "utils/remote-iserv/remote-iserv.cabal"
- , "utils/runghc/runghc.cabal"
- , "libraries/ghc-boot/ghc-boot.cabal"
- , "libraries/ghc-boot-th/ghc-boot-th.cabal"
- , "libraries/ghci/ghci.cabal"
- , "libraries/ghc-heap/ghc-heap.cabal"
- , "utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal"
- , "libraries/libiserv/libiserv.cabal"
- , "libraries/template-haskell/template-haskell.cabal"
- , "libraries/prologue.txt"
+-- | A set of interpolation variable substitutions.
+newtype Interpolations = Interpolations (Action [(String, String)])
+instance Semigroup Interpolations where
+ Interpolations m <> Interpolations n = Interpolations ((++) <$> m <*> n)
+instance Monoid Interpolations where
+ mempty = Interpolations $ return []
+-- | @interpolateVar var value@ is an interpolation which replaces @\@var\@@
+-- with the result of @value@.
+interpolateVar :: String -> Action String -> Interpolations
+interpolateVar var value = Interpolations $ do
+ val <- value
+ return [(var, val)]
+runInterpolations :: Interpolations -> String -> Action String
+runInterpolations (Interpolations mk_substs) input = do
+ substs <- mk_substs
+ let subst :: String -> String
+ subst = foldr (.) id [replace ("@"++k++"@") v | (k,v) <- substs]
+ return (subst input)
+toCabalBool :: Bool -> String
+toCabalBool True = "True"
+toCabalBool False = "False"
+-- | Interpolate the given variable with the value of the given 'Flag', using
+-- Cabal's boolean syntax.
+interpolateCabalFlag :: String -> Flag -> Interpolations
+interpolateCabalFlag name flg = interpolateVar name $ do
+ val <- flag flg
+ return (toCabalBool val)
+-- | Interpolate the given variable with the value of the given 'Setting'.
+interpolateSetting :: String -> Setting -> Interpolations
+interpolateSetting name settng = interpolateVar name $ setting settng
+-- | Interpolate the @ProjectVersion@ and @ProjectVersionMunged@ variables.
+projectVersion :: Interpolations
+projectVersion = mconcat
+ [ interpolateSetting "ProjectVersion" ProjectVersion
+ , interpolateSetting "ProjectVersionMunged" ProjectVersionMunged
+rtsCabalFlags :: Interpolations
+rtsCabalFlags = mconcat
+ [ flag "CabalMingwex" UseLibmingwex
+ , flag "CabalHaveLibdw" UseLibdw
+ , flag "CabalHaveLibm" UseLibm
+ , flag "CabalHaveLibrt" UseLibrt
+ , flag "CabalHaveLibdl" UseLibdl
+ , flag "CabalNeedLibpthread" UseLibpthread
+ , flag "CabalHaveLibbfd" UseLibbfd
+ , flag "CabalHaveLibNuma" UseLibnuma
+ , flag "CabalNeedLibatomic" NeedLibatomic
+ , flag "CabalUseSystemLibFFI" UseSystemFfi
+ , flag "CabalLibffiAdjustors" UseLibffiForAdjustors
+ , flag "CabalLeadingUnderscore" LeadingUnderscore
+ , interpolateVar "Cabal64bit" $ do
+ let settingWord :: Setting -> Action Word
+ settingWord s = read <$> setting s
+ ws <- settingWord TargetWordSize
+ return $ toCabalBool (ws == 8)
+ ]
+ where
+ flag = interpolateCabalFlag
+templateRule :: FilePath -> Interpolations -> Rules ()
+templateRule outPath interps = do
+ outPath %> \_ -> do
+ s <- readFile' (outPath <.> "in")
+ result <- runInterpolations interps s
+ writeFile' outPath result
+ putSuccess ("| Successfully generated " ++ outPath ++ " from its template")
templateRules :: Rules ()
templateRules = do
- templateResults |%> \out -> do
- let settingWord :: Setting -> Action Word
- settingWord s = read <$> setting s
- project_version <- setting ProjectVersion
- project_version_munged <- setting ProjectVersionMunged
- target_word_size <- settingWord TargetWordSize
- lib_dw <- flag UseLibdw
- lib_numa <- flag UseLibnuma
- lib_mingwex <- flag UseLibmingwex
- lib_m <- flag UseLibm
- lib_rt <- flag UseLibrt
- lib_dl <- flag UseLibdl
- lib_ffi <- flag UseSystemFfi
- lib_ffi_adjustors <- flag UseLibffiForAdjustors
- lib_bfd <- flag UseLibbfd
- lib_pthread <- flag UseLibpthread
- leading_underscore <- flag LeadingUnderscore
- need_libatomic <- flag NeedLibatomic
- let cabal_bool True = "True"
- cabal_bool False = "False"
- subst = replace "@ProjectVersion@" project_version
- . replace "@ProjectVersionMunged@" project_version_munged
- . replace "@Cabal64bit@" (cabal_bool (target_word_size == 8))
- . replace "@CabalMingwex@" (cabal_bool lib_mingwex)
- . replace "@CabalHaveLibdw@" (cabal_bool lib_dw)
- . replace "@CabalHaveLibm@" (cabal_bool lib_m)
- . replace "@CabalHaveLibrt@" (cabal_bool lib_rt)
- . replace "@CabalHaveLibdl@" (cabal_bool lib_dl)
- . replace "@CabalUseSystemLibFFI@" (cabal_bool lib_ffi)
- . replace "@CabalLibffiAdjustors@" (cabal_bool lib_ffi_adjustors)
- . replace "@CabalNeedLibpthread@" (cabal_bool lib_pthread)
- . replace "@CabalHaveLibbfd@" (cabal_bool lib_bfd)
- . replace "@CabalHaveLibNuma@" (cabal_bool lib_numa)
- . replace "@CabalLeadingUnderscore@" (cabal_bool leading_underscore)
- . replace "@CabalNeedLibatomic@" (cabal_bool need_libatomic)
- s <- readFile' (out <.> "in")
- writeFile' out (subst s)
- putSuccess ("| Successfully generated " ++ out ++ " from its template")
+ templateRule "compiler/ghc.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "rts/rts.cabal" $ rtsCabalFlags
+ templateRule "driver/ghci/ghci-wrapper.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "ghc/ghc-bin.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "utils/iserv/iserv.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "utils/iserv-proxy/iserv-proxy.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "utils/remote-iserv/remote-iserv.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "utils/runghc/runghc.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "libraries/ghc-boot/ghc-boot.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "libraries/ghc-boot-th/ghc-boot-th.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "libraries/ghci/ghci.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "libraries/ghc-heap/ghc-heap.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "libraries/libiserv/libiserv.cabal" $ projectVersion
+ templateRule "libraries/template-haskell/template-haskell.cabal" $ projectVersion
-- Generators