path: root/hadrian
diff options
authorAlexis King <>2022-04-26 12:30:47 -0500
committerMarge Bot <>2022-05-04 09:58:14 -0400
commit85bc73bd8fab17ad80f925b45e8b4b059278ba6c (patch)
treed51782347d003da9dd4b81a6a5826b8fe305cf0b /hadrian
parent948c7e40b29d3a9c71f2a968f90944319b1b03c2 (diff)
genprimopcode: Support Unicode properly
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian')
2 files changed, 38 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Builder.hs b/hadrian/src/Builder.hs
index e29bf4316c..160eb44f7a 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Builder.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Builder.hs
@@ -307,7 +307,8 @@ instance H.Builder Builder where
-- Capture stdout and write it to the output file.
captureStdout = do
Stdout stdout <- cmd' [path] buildArgs
- writeFileChanged output stdout
+ -- see Note [Capture stdout as a ByteString]
+ writeFileChangedBS output stdout
case builder of
Ar Pack _ -> do
useTempFile <- flag ArSupportsAtFile
@@ -332,7 +333,8 @@ instance H.Builder Builder where
GenPrimopCode -> do
stdin <- readFile' input
Stdout stdout <- cmd' (Stdin stdin) [path] buildArgs
- writeFileChanged output stdout
+ -- see Note [Capture stdout as a ByteString]
+ writeFileChangedBS output stdout
GhcPkg Copy _ -> do
Stdout pkgDesc <- cmd' [path]
@@ -509,6 +511,19 @@ applyPatch dir patch = do
-- tell if an Exit or ExitCode value is returned in `r`. So we use our own
-- HasExit type class to provide the `hasExit` predicate that tells us if we
-- should throw an exception as `cmd` would do in case of failure or not.
+-- Note [Capture stdout as a ByteString]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- As of shake-0.19.6, capturing a process stdout as a `String` using `Stdout`
+-- mangles the encoding if it some other use of `Stdout` also captures it as a
+-- `ByteString`; see <>. This
+-- can cause us real problems, since `cmd'` (see Note [cmd wrapper]) *always*
+-- captures stdout as a `ByteString`.
+-- Fortunately, a simple workaround is to avoid capturing stdout as a `String`
+-- in the first place. It’s usually unnecessary (and is in fact pointless work),
+-- as most of the time the captured output is immediately written to a file, so
+-- we can just treat it as an opaque binary stream.
-- | Wrapper for Shake's 'cmd'
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs
index e2fb221940..40b7835e55 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Hadrian.Utilities (
-- * File system operations
copyFile, copyFileUntracked, createFileLink, fixFile,
makeExecutable, moveFile, removeFile, createDirectory, copyDirectory,
- moveDirectory, removeDirectory, removeFile_,
+ moveDirectory, removeDirectory, removeFile_, writeFileChangedBS,
-- * Diagnostic info
Colour (..), ANSIColour (..), putColoured, shouldUseColor,
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Control.Exception.Base as IO
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified System.Directory.Extra as IO
@@ -394,6 +395,25 @@ removeDirectory dir = do
putProgressInfo $ "| Remove directory " ++ dir
liftIO . whenM (IO.doesDirectoryExist dir) $ IO.removeDirectoryRecursive dir
+-- | Like Shake's 'writeFileChanged', but accepts a 'ByteString'.
+writeFileChangedBS :: FilePath -> BS.ByteString -> Action ()
+writeFileChangedBS name new = do
+ liftIO $ IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory name
+ exists <- liftIO $ IO.doesFileExist name
+ if exists
+ then do
+ old <- liftIO $ BS.readFile name
+ when (old /= new) $ do
+ liftIO $ removeFile_ name
+ do_write
+ else
+ do_write
+ where
+ do_write = do
+ putProgressInfo $ "| Write file " ++ name
+ liftIO $ BS.writeFile name new
-- | Terminal output colours
data Colour
= Dull ANSIColour -- ^ 8-bit ANSI colours