path: root/hadrian
diff options
authorMatthew Pickering <>2022-07-04 15:30:26 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2022-07-18 08:04:47 -0400
commiteb031a5b913ccd645c596abe3d8630602e7c47bc (patch)
tree4c715dafbbcc75265afd7f105284e267660fe5dc /hadrian
parentb27c5947ed9537f8cde153be4e53d4095ecbe247 (diff)
hadrian: Add multi:<pkg> and multi targets for starting a multi-repl
This patch adds support to hadrian for starting a multi-repl containing all the packages which stage0 can build. In particular, there is the new user-facing command: ``` ./hadrian/ghci-multi ``` which when executed will start a multi-repl containing the `ghc` package and all it's dependencies. This is implemented by two new hadrian targets: ``` ./hadrian/build multi:<pkg> ``` Construct the arguments for a multi-repl session where the top-level package is <pkg>. For example, `./hadrian/ghci-multi` is implemented using `multi:ghc` target. There is also the `multi` command which constructs a repl for everything in stage0 which we can build.
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian')
7 files changed, 137 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/.gitignore b/hadrian/.gitignore
index 360b19cbd7..d5aa7c0163 100644
--- a/hadrian/.gitignore
+++ b/hadrian/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# generated by the configure script
# build.bat and build specific
diff --git a/hadrian/ b/hadrian/
index d132ee0326..0be3546a67 100644
--- a/hadrian/
+++ b/hadrian/
@@ -193,6 +193,15 @@ build in parallel.
./hadrian/ghci -j8
+##### Multi-Repl Session
+You can also use the experimental multi-repl if you are booting with GHC-9.4 or
#### Testing
To run GHC testsuite, use `build test`. See
diff --git a/hadrian/ghci-multi b/hadrian/ghci-multi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..72c89f96b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/ghci-multi
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# By default on Linux/MacOS we build Hadrian using Cabal
+(. "hadrian/ghci-multi-cabal" $@)
diff --git a/hadrian/ b/hadrian/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..525f5987a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+if [[ $(printf "9.4.0\n%s\n" $($GHC --numeric-version) | sort -uV | head -n 1) != "9.4.0" ]]; then echo "Multi-repl needs at least GHC-9.4.1"; exit 1; fi
+# This file is generated by configure from
+set -e
+export TOOL_OUTPUT=.hadrian_ghci_multi/ghci_args
+# Replace newlines with spaces, as these otherwise break the ghci invocation on windows.
+CABFLAGS=-v0 "hadrian/build-cabal" multi:ghc --build-root=.hadrian_ghci_multi --flavour=ghc-in-ghci $HADRIAN_ARGS
+GHC_FLAGS="$GHC_FLAGS $(cat $TOOL_OUTPUT | tr '\n\r' ' ')"
+$GHC --interactive $GHC_FLAGS $@ -fno-code -fwrite-interface -hidir=.hadrian_ghci_multi/interface -O0 +RTS -A128m
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Parse.hs b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Parse.hs
index 079f675b6e..b14edd035c 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Parse.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Parse.hs
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ import qualified Distribution.Utils.ShortText as C
#if !MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
import qualified Distribution.Types.CondTree as C
+#if !MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,5,0)
+import qualified Distribution.Types.ModuleReexport as C
import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as C
import Hadrian.Expression
import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal
@@ -92,13 +95,13 @@ parsePackageData pkg = do
parseCabalPkgId :: FilePath -> IO String
parseCabalPkgId file = C.display . C.package . C.packageDescription <$> C.readGenericPackageDescription C.silent file
-biModules :: C.PackageDescription -> (C.BuildInfo, [C.ModuleName], Maybe (C.ModuleName, String))
-biModules pd = go [ comp | comp@(bi,_,_) <-
+biModules :: C.PackageDescription -> (C.BuildInfo, [C.ModuleName], Maybe [C.ModuleName], Maybe (C.ModuleName, String))
+biModules pd = go [ comp | comp@(bi,_,_,_) <-
(map libBiModules . maybeToList $ C.library pd) ++
(map exeBiModules $ C.executables pd)
, C.buildable bi ]
- libBiModules lib = (C.libBuildInfo lib, C.explicitLibModules lib, Nothing)
+ libBiModules lib = (C.libBuildInfo lib, C.explicitLibModules lib, Just (map C.moduleReexportName (C.reexportedModules lib)), Nothing)
exeBiModules exe = (C.buildInfo exe,
-- If "main-is: ..." is not a .hs or .lhs file, do not
-- inject "Main" into the modules. This does not respect
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ biModules pd = go [ comp | comp@(bi,_,_) <-
if takeExtension (C.modulePath exe) `elem` [".hs", ".lhs"]
then C.main : C.exeModules exe
-- The module `Main` still need to be kept in `modules` of PD.
- else C.exeModules exe,
+ else C.exeModules exe, Nothing,
Just (C.main, C.modulePath exe))
go [] = error "No buildable component found."
go [x] = x
@@ -244,7 +247,7 @@ resolveContextData context@Context {..} = do
-- @library-dirs@ here.
_ -> error "No (or multiple) GHC rts package is registered!"
- (buildInfo, modules, mainIs) = biModules (C.localPkgDescr lbi')
+ (buildInfo, modules, rexport_modules, mainIs) = biModules (C.localPkgDescr lbi')
classifyMain :: FilePath -> MainSourceType
classifyMain fp
@@ -259,6 +262,7 @@ resolveContextData context@Context {..} = do
, mainIs = main_src
, modules = map C.display modules
, otherModules = map C.display $ C.otherModules buildInfo
+ , reexportModules = map C.display (concat rexport_modules)
, srcDirs =
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,5,0)
map C.getSymbolicPath
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Type.hs b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Type.hs
index 664c7de790..756f5082bf 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Type.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Type.hs
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ data ContextData = ContextData
, mainIs :: Maybe (String, FilePath) -- ("Main", filepath)
, modules :: [String]
, otherModules :: [String]
+ , reexportModules :: [String]
, srcDirs :: [String]
, depIds :: [String]
, depNames :: [String]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs
index d0905d4548..2641188f5b 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/ToolArgs.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Rules.ToolArgs(toolArgsTarget) where
import qualified Rules.Generate
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ import Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal
import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | @tool:@ is used by tooling in order to get the arguments necessary
-- to set up a GHC API session which can compile modules from GHC. When
@@ -25,10 +27,15 @@ import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
-- that script so that we can load the whole library and executable
-- components into GHCi.
--- In the future where we have multi-component ghci this code can be
--- modified to supply the right arguments for that. At the moment it is
--- also used for GHC's support for multi-component ghcide (see the
--- `hadrian/hie-bios` script).
+-- The suitable arguments for a multi-component session can be queried using
+-- `multi:<pkg>`, for example `multi:ghc` will create a session which compiles the
+-- `ghc` package and all it's dependencies in a single session. This is what the ./hadrian-multi
+-- script uses to set-up a multi session.
+-- The `multi` target can be used to create a session which loads **everything** that
+-- can be built by stage0 compiler, this is probably more than what you need so best stick
+-- with `multi:ghc` unless you're a pro.
-- | A phony target of form `tool:path/to/file.hs` which returns the
@@ -37,6 +44,62 @@ toolArgsTarget :: Rules ()
toolArgsTarget = do
phonys (\s -> if "tool:" `isPrefixOf` s then Just (toolRuleBody (drop 5 s)) else Nothing)
+ phonys (\s -> if "multi:" `isPrefixOf` s then Just (multiSetup (Just (drop 6 s))) else Nothing)
+ "multi" ~> multiSetup Nothing
+multiSetup :: Maybe String -> Action ()
+multiSetup pkg_s = do
+ -- Find the targets we want to build.
+ tool_targets <- case pkg_s of
+ Nothing -> return toolTargets
+ Just pkg_s -> case findPackageByName pkg_s of
+ Just pkg -> (pkg :) . Set.toList <$> pkg_deps pkg
+ Nothing -> error $ "Unknown package: " ++ pkg_s
+ -- Get the arguments for all the targets
+ pargs <- mapM one_args tool_targets
+ -- Build any other dependencies (such as generated files)
+ allDeps
+ liftIO $ writeOutput (concatMap (\x -> ["-unit", x]) (map ( "@" <>) pargs))
+ where
+ resp_file root p = root </> "multi" </> pkgName p
+ pkg_deps pkg = do
+ deps <- readPackageData pkg
+ let immediate_deps = filter (`elem` toolTargets) (packageDependencies deps)
+ trans_deps <- Set.unions <$> mapM pkg_deps immediate_deps
+ return (Set.fromList immediate_deps `Set.union` trans_deps)
+ one_args p = do
+ putProgressInfo ("Computing arguments for " ++ pkgName p)
+ root <- buildRoot
+ let fake_target = target (Context stage0InTree p (if windowsHost then vanilla else dynamic))
+ (Ghc ToolArgs stage0InTree) [] ["ignored"]
+ arg_list <- interpret fake_target getArgs
+ let c = (Context stage0InTree p (if windowsHost then vanilla else dynamic))
+ -- readContextData has the effect of configuring the package so all
+ -- dependent packages will also be built.
+ cd <- readContextData c
+ let rexp m = ["-reexported-module", m]
+ writeFile' (resp_file root p) (intercalate "\n" (th_hack arg_list
+ ++ modules cd
+ ++ concatMap rexp (reexportModules cd) ))
+ return (resp_file root p)
+ -- The template-haskell package is compiled with -this-unit-id=template-haskell but
+ -- everything which depends on it depends on `-package-id-template-haskell-`
+ -- and so the logic for detetecting which home-units depend on what is defeated.
+ -- The workaround here is just to rewrite all the `-package-id` arguments to
+ -- point to `template-haskell` instead which works for the multi-repl case.
+ -- See #20887
+ th_hack :: [String] -> [String]
+ th_hack ((isPrefixOf "-package-id template-haskell" -> True) : xs) = "-package-id" : "template-haskell" : xs
+ th_hack (x:xs) = x : th_hack xs
+ th_hack [] = []
toolRuleBody :: FilePath -> Action ()
toolRuleBody fp = do
mm <- dirMap
@@ -45,6 +108,12 @@ toolRuleBody fp = do
Just (_, (p, extra)) -> mkToolTarget extra p
Nothing -> fail $ "No prefixes matched " ++ show fp ++ " IN\n " ++ show mm
+writeOutput :: [String] -> IO ()
+writeOutput args = do
+ liftIO $ lookupEnv "TOOL_OUTPUT" >>= \case
+ Nothing -> putStrLn (intercalate "\n" args)
+ Just out -> writeFile out (intercalate "\n" args)
mkToolTarget :: [String] -> Package -> Action ()
mkToolTarget es p = do
-- This builds automatically generated dependencies. Not sure how to do
@@ -54,9 +123,7 @@ mkToolTarget es p = do
let fake_target = target (Context stage0InTree p (if windowsHost then vanilla else dynamic))
(Ghc ToolArgs stage0InTree) [] ["ignored"]
arg_list <- interpret fake_target getArgs
- liftIO $ lookupEnv "TOOL_OUTPUT" >>= \case
- Nothing -> putStrLn (intercalate "\n" (arg_list ++ es))
- Just out -> writeFile out (intercalate "\n" (arg_list ++ es))
+ liftIO $ writeOutput (arg_list ++ es)
allDeps :: Action ()
allDeps = do
@@ -71,6 +138,7 @@ allDeps = do
interpret fake_target Rules.Generate.compilerDependencies >>= need
root <- buildRoot
+ let ghc_prim = buildDir (vanillaContext stage0InTree ghcPrim)
let dir = buildDir (vanillaContext stage0InTree compiler)
need [ root -/- dir -/- "GHC" -/- "Settings" -/- "Config.hs" ]
need [ root -/- dir -/- "GHC" -/- "Parser.hs" ]
@@ -79,31 +147,39 @@ allDeps = do
need [ root -/- dir -/- "GHC" -/- "Cmm" -/- "Parser.hs" ]
need [ root -/- dir -/- "GHC" -/- "Cmm" -/- "Lexer.hs" ]
+ need [ root -/- ghc_prim -/- "GHC" -/- "PrimopWrappers.hs" ]
-- This list is quite a lot like stage0packages but doesn't include
-- critically the `exe:ghc` component as that depends on the GHC library
-- which takes a while to compile.
toolTargets :: [Package]
-toolTargets = [ array
+toolTargets = [ binary
, bytestring
- , templateHaskell
- , containers
- , deepseq
- , directory
- , exceptions
- , filepath
+ , cabalSyntax
+ , cabal
, compiler
- , ghcCompact
- , ghcPrim
- --, haskeline
- , hp2ps
- , hsc2hs
- , pretty
+ , directory
, process
- , rts
- , stm
+ , exceptions
+-- , ghc # depends on ghc library
+-- , runGhc # depends on ghc library
+ , ghcBoot
+ , ghcBootTh
+ , ghcHeap
+ , ghci
+-- , ghcPkg # executable
+-- , haddock # depends on ghc library
+-- , hsc2hs # executable
+ , hpc
+-- , hpcBin # executable
+ , mtl
+ , parsec
, time
- , unlit
- , xhtml ]
+ , templateHaskell
+ , text
+ , transformers
+-- , unlit # executable
+ , unix ]
-- | Create a mapping from files to which component it belongs to.
dirMap :: Action [(FilePath, (Package, [String]))]