path: root/libraries/base/Data
diff options
authorBen Gamari <>2015-10-29 17:41:34 +0100
committerBen Gamari <>2015-10-29 17:42:26 +0100
commitbbaf76f949426c91d6abbbc5eced1f705530087b (patch)
tree3c25529a062e94493d874349d55f71cfaa3e6dea /libraries/base/Data
parentbef2f03e4d56d88a7e9752a7afd6a0a35616da6c (diff)
Revert "Generate Typeable info at definition sites"
This reverts commit bef2f03e4d56d88a7e9752a7afd6a0a35616da6c. This merge was botched Also reverts haddock submodule.
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/Data')
2 files changed, 113 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Typeable.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Typeable.hs
index 1afc6a9563..c30a43dd65 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Typeable.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Typeable.hs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module Data.Typeable
-- * A canonical proxy type
Proxy (..),
-- * Type representations
TypeRep, -- abstract, instance of: Eq, Show, Typeable
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ module Data.Typeable
TyCon, -- abstract, instance of: Eq, Show, Typeable
- -- For now don't export Module, to avoid name clashes
@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ module Data.Typeable
typeRepArgs, -- :: TypeRep -> [TypeRep]
) where
-import Data.Typeable.Internal
+import Data.Typeable.Internal hiding (mkTyCon)
import Data.Type.Equality
import Unsafe.Coerce
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
index 4379155c57..e35d794a62 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
@@ -25,34 +25,15 @@
module Data.Typeable.Internal (
Proxy (..),
+ TypeRep(..),
+ KindRep,
- -- * Typeable class
typeOf, typeOf1, typeOf2, typeOf3, typeOf4, typeOf5, typeOf6, typeOf7,
Typeable1, Typeable2, Typeable3, Typeable4, Typeable5, Typeable6, Typeable7,
- -- * Module
- Module, -- Abstract
- moduleName, modulePackage,
- -- * TyCon
- TyCon, -- Abstract
- tyConPackage, tyConModule, tyConName, tyConString, tyConFingerprint,
- mkTyCon3, mkTyCon3#,
- rnfTyCon,
- tcBool, tc'True, tc'False,
- tcOrdering, tc'LT, tc'EQ, tc'GT,
- tcChar, tcInt, tcWord, tcFloat, tcDouble, tcFun,
- tcIO, tcSPEC, tcTyCon, tcModule,
- tcCoercible, tcList, tcEq,
- tcLiftedKind, tcUnliftedKind, tcOpenKind, tcBOX, tcConstraint, tcAnyK,
- funTc, -- ToDo
- -- * TypeRep
- TypeRep(..), KindRep,
+ TyCon(..),
+ mkTyCon,
+ mkTyCon3,
@@ -66,15 +47,19 @@ module Data.Typeable.Internal (
+ tyConString,
+ rnfTyCon,
+ listTc, funTc,
- typeSymbolTypeRep, typeNatTypeRep
+ typeNatTypeRep,
+ typeSymbolTypeRep
) where
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Show
+import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
-import GHC.TypeLits( KnownNat, KnownSymbol, natVal', symbolVal' )
import GHC.Fingerprint.Type
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Fingerprint
@@ -83,106 +68,9 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Fingerprint
-- of Data.Typeable as much as possible so we can optimise the derived
-- instances.
-#include "MachDeps.h"
-{- *********************************************************************
-* *
- The TyCon type
-* *
-********************************************************************* -}
-modulePackage :: Module -> String
-modulePackage (Module p _) = trNameString p
-moduleName :: Module -> String
-moduleName (Module _ m) = trNameString m
-tyConPackage :: TyCon -> String
-tyConPackage (TyCon _ _ m _) = modulePackage m
-tyConModule :: TyCon -> String
-tyConModule (TyCon _ _ m _) = moduleName m
-tyConName :: TyCon -> String
-tyConName (TyCon _ _ _ n) = trNameString n
-trNameString :: TrName -> String
-trNameString (TrNameS s) = unpackCString# s
-trNameString (TrNameD s) = s
--- | Observe string encoding of a type representation
-{-# DEPRECATED tyConString "renamed to 'tyConName'; 'tyConModule' and 'tyConPackage' are also available." #-}
--- deprecated in 7.4
-tyConString :: TyCon -> String
-tyConString = tyConName
-tyConFingerprint :: TyCon -> Fingerprint
-tyConFingerprint (TyCon hi lo _ _)
- = Fingerprint (W64# hi) (W64# lo)
-mkTyCon3# :: Addr# -- ^ package name
- -> Addr# -- ^ module name
- -> Addr# -- ^ the name of the type constructor
- -> TyCon -- ^ A unique 'TyCon' object
-mkTyCon3# pkg modl name
- | Fingerprint (W64# hi) (W64# lo) <- fingerprint
- = TyCon hi lo (Module (TrNameS pkg) (TrNameS modl)) (TrNameS name)
- where
- fingerprint :: Fingerprint
- fingerprint = fingerprintString (unpackCString# pkg
- ++ (' ': unpackCString# modl)
- ++ (' ' : unpackCString# name))
-mkTyCon3 :: String -- ^ package name
- -> String -- ^ module name
- -> String -- ^ the name of the type constructor
- -> TyCon -- ^ A unique 'TyCon' object
--- Used when the strings are dynamically allocated,
--- eg from binary deserialisation
-mkTyCon3 pkg modl name
- | Fingerprint (W64# hi) (W64# lo) <- fingerprint
- = TyCon hi lo (Module (TrNameD pkg) (TrNameD modl)) (TrNameD name)
- where
- fingerprint :: Fingerprint
- fingerprint = fingerprintString (pkg ++ (' ':modl) ++ (' ':name))
-isTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isTupleTyCon tc
- | ('(':',':_) <- tyConName tc = True
- | otherwise = False
--- | Helper to fully evaluate 'TyCon' for use as @NFData(rnf)@ implementation
--- @since
-rnfModule :: Module -> ()
-rnfModule (Module p m) = rnfTrName p `seq` rnfTrName m
-rnfTrName :: TrName -> ()
-rnfTrName (TrNameS _) = ()
-rnfTrName (TrNameD n) = rnfString n
-rnfTyCon :: TyCon -> ()
-rnfTyCon (TyCon _ _ m n) = rnfModule m `seq` rnfTrName n
-rnfString :: [Char] -> ()
-rnfString [] = ()
-rnfString (c:cs) = c `seq` rnfString cs
-{- *********************************************************************
-* *
- The TypeRep type
-* *
-********************************************************************* -}
--- | A concrete representation of a (monomorphic) type.
--- 'TypeRep' supports reasonably efficient equality.
+-- | A concrete representation of a (monomorphic) type. 'TypeRep'
+-- supports reasonably efficient equality.
data TypeRep = TypeRep {-# UNPACK #-} !Fingerprint TyCon [KindRep] [TypeRep]
- -- NB: For now I've made this lazy so that it's easy to
- -- optimise code that constructs and deconstructs TypeReps
- -- perf/should_run/T9203 is a good example
- -- Also note that mkAppTy does discards the fingerprint,
- -- so it's a waste to compute it
type KindRep = TypeRep
@@ -193,42 +81,56 @@ instance Eq TypeRep where
instance Ord TypeRep where
TypeRep x _ _ _ <= TypeRep y _ _ _ = x <= y
--- | Observe the 'Fingerprint' of a type representation
--- @since
-typeRepFingerprint :: TypeRep -> Fingerprint
-typeRepFingerprint (TypeRep fpr _ _ _) = fpr
--- | Applies a kind-polymorphic type constructor to a sequence of kinds and
--- types
+-- | An abstract representation of a type constructor. 'TyCon' objects can
+-- be built using 'mkTyCon'.
+data TyCon = TyCon {
+ tyConFingerprint :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fingerprint, -- ^ @since
+ tyConPackage :: String, -- ^ @since
+ tyConModule :: String, -- ^ @since
+ tyConName :: String -- ^ @since
+ }
+instance Eq TyCon where
+ (TyCon t1 _ _ _) == (TyCon t2 _ _ _) = t1 == t2
+instance Ord TyCon where
+ (TyCon k1 _ _ _) <= (TyCon k2 _ _ _) = k1 <= k2
+----------------- Construction --------------------
+#include "MachDeps.h"
+-- mkTyCon is an internal function to make it easier for GHC to
+-- generate derived instances. GHC precomputes the MD5 hash for the
+-- TyCon and passes it as two separate 64-bit values to mkTyCon. The
+-- TyCon for a derived Typeable instance will end up being statically
+-- allocated.
+mkTyCon :: Word64# -> Word64# -> String -> String -> String -> TyCon
+mkTyCon :: Word# -> Word# -> String -> String -> String -> TyCon
+mkTyCon high# low# pkg modl name
+ = TyCon (Fingerprint (W64# high#) (W64# low#)) pkg modl name
+-- | Applies a polymorhic type constructor to a sequence of kinds and types
mkPolyTyConApp :: TyCon -> [KindRep] -> [TypeRep] -> TypeRep
-{-# INLINE mkPolyTyConApp #-}
-mkPolyTyConApp tc kinds types
- = TypeRep (fingerprintFingerprints sub_fps) tc kinds types
+mkPolyTyConApp tc@(TyCon tc_k _ _ _) [] [] = TypeRep tc_k tc [] []
+mkPolyTyConApp tc@(TyCon tc_k _ _ _) kinds types =
+ TypeRep (fingerprintFingerprints (tc_k : arg_ks)) tc kinds types
- !kt_fps = typeRepFingerprints kinds types
- sub_fps = tyConFingerprint tc : kt_fps
+ arg_ks = [ k | TypeRep k _ _ _ <- kinds ++ types ]
-typeRepFingerprints :: [KindRep] -> [TypeRep] -> [Fingerprint]
--- Builds no thunks
-typeRepFingerprints kinds types
- = go1 [] kinds
- where
- go1 acc [] = go2 acc types
- go1 acc (k:ks) = let !fp = typeRepFingerprint k
- in go1 (fp:acc) ks
- go2 acc [] = acc
- go2 acc (t:ts) = let !fp = typeRepFingerprint t
- in go2 (fp:acc) ts
--- | Applies a kind-monomorphic type constructor to a sequence of types
+-- | Applies a monomorphic type constructor to a sequence of types
mkTyConApp :: TyCon -> [TypeRep] -> TypeRep
mkTyConApp tc = mkPolyTyConApp tc []
-- | A special case of 'mkTyConApp', which applies the function
-- type constructor to a pair of types.
mkFunTy :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> TypeRep
-mkFunTy f a = mkTyConApp tcFun [f,a]
+mkFunTy f a = mkTyConApp funTc [f,a]
-- | Splits a type constructor application.
-- Note that if the type construcotr is polymorphic, this will
@@ -248,12 +150,11 @@ splitPolyTyConApp (TypeRep _ tc ks trs) = (tc,ks,trs)
funResultTy :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> Maybe TypeRep
funResultTy trFun trArg
= case splitTyConApp trFun of
- (tc, [t1,t2]) | tc == tcFun && t1 == trArg -> Just t2
+ (tc, [t1,t2]) | tc == funTc && t1 == trArg -> Just t2
_ -> Nothing
-- | Adds a TypeRep argument to a TypeRep.
mkAppTy :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> TypeRep
-{-# INLINE mkAppTy #-}
mkAppTy (TypeRep _ tc ks trs) arg_tr = mkPolyTyConApp tc ks (trs ++ [arg_tr])
-- Notice that we call mkTyConApp to construct the fingerprint from tc and
-- the arg fingerprints. Simply combining the current fingerprint with
@@ -261,6 +162,20 @@ mkAppTy (TypeRep _ tc ks trs) arg_tr = mkPolyTyConApp tc ks (trs ++ [arg_tr])
-- ensure that a TypeRep of the same shape has the same fingerprint!
-- See Trac #5962
+-- | Builds a 'TyCon' object representing a type constructor. An
+-- implementation of "Data.Typeable" should ensure that the following holds:
+-- > A==A' ^ B==B' ^ C==C' ==> mkTyCon A B C == mkTyCon A' B' C'
+mkTyCon3 :: String -- ^ package name
+ -> String -- ^ module name
+ -> String -- ^ the name of the type constructor
+ -> TyCon -- ^ A unique 'TyCon' object
+mkTyCon3 pkg modl name =
+ TyCon (fingerprintString (pkg ++ (' ':modl) ++ (' ':name))) pkg modl name
----------------- Observation ---------------------
-- | Observe the type constructor of a type representation
@@ -275,12 +190,16 @@ typeRepArgs (TypeRep _ _ _ tys) = tys
typeRepKinds :: TypeRep -> [KindRep]
typeRepKinds (TypeRep _ _ ks _) = ks
+-- | Observe string encoding of a type representation
+{-# DEPRECATED tyConString "renamed to 'tyConName'; 'tyConModule' and 'tyConPackage' are also available." #-} -- deprecated in 7.4
+tyConString :: TyCon -> String
+tyConString = tyConName
-{- *********************************************************************
-* *
- The Typeable class
-* *
-********************************************************************* -}
+-- | Observe the 'Fingerprint' of a type representation
+-- @since
+typeRepFingerprint :: TypeRep -> Fingerprint
+typeRepFingerprint (TypeRep fpr _ _ _) = fpr
@@ -354,8 +273,8 @@ instance Show TypeRep where
showsPrec p (TypeRep _ tycon kinds tys) =
case tys of
[] -> showsPrec p tycon
- [x] | tycon == tcList -> showChar '[' . shows x . showChar ']'
- [a,r] | tycon == tcFun -> showParen (p > 8) $
+ [x] | tycon == listTc -> showChar '[' . shows x . showChar ']'
+ [a,r] | tycon == funTc -> showParen (p > 8) $
showsPrec 9 a .
showString " -> " .
showsPrec 8 r
@@ -369,6 +288,13 @@ instance Show TypeRep where
showsTypeRep :: TypeRep -> ShowS
showsTypeRep = shows
+instance Show TyCon where
+ showsPrec _ t = showString (tyConName t)
+isTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
+isTupleTyCon (TyCon _ _ _ ('(':',':_)) = True
+isTupleTyCon _ = False
-- | Helper to fully evaluate 'TypeRep' for use as @NFData(rnf)@ implementation
-- @since
@@ -378,6 +304,15 @@ rnfTypeRep (TypeRep _ tyc krs tyrs) = rnfTyCon tyc `seq` go krs `seq` go tyrs
go [] = ()
go (x:xs) = rnfTypeRep x `seq` go xs
+-- | Helper to fully evaluate 'TyCon' for use as @NFData(rnf)@ implementation
+-- @since
+rnfTyCon :: TyCon -> ()
+rnfTyCon (TyCon _ tcp tcm tcn) = go tcp `seq` go tcm `seq` go tcn
+ where
+ go [] = ()
+ go (x:xs) = x `seq` go xs
-- Some (Show.TypeRep) helpers:
showArgs :: Show a => ShowS -> [a] -> ShowS
@@ -390,68 +325,13 @@ showTuple args = showChar '('
. showArgs (showChar ',') args
. showChar ')'
-{- *********************************************************
-* *
-* TyCon definitions for GHC.Types *
-* *
-********************************************************* -}
-mkGhcTypesTyCon :: Addr# -> TyCon
-{-# INLINE mkGhcTypesTyCon #-}
-mkGhcTypesTyCon name = mkTyCon3# "ghc-prim"# "GHC.Types"# name
-tcBool, tc'True, tc'False,
- tcOrdering, tc'GT, tc'EQ, tc'LT,
- tcChar, tcInt, tcWord, tcFloat, tcDouble, tcFun,
- tcIO, tcSPEC, tcTyCon, tcModule,
- tcCoercible, tcEq, tcList :: TyCon
-tcBool = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Bool"# -- Bool is promotable
-tc'True = mkGhcTypesTyCon "'True"#
-tc'False = mkGhcTypesTyCon "'False"#
-tcOrdering = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Ordering"# -- Ordering is promotable
-tc'GT = mkGhcTypesTyCon "'GT"#
-tc'EQ = mkGhcTypesTyCon "'EQ"#
-tc'LT = mkGhcTypesTyCon "'LT"#
--- None of the rest are promotable (see TysWiredIn)
-tcChar = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Char"#
-tcInt = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Int"#
-tcWord = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Word"#
-tcFloat = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Float"#
-tcDouble = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Double"#
-tcSPEC = mkGhcTypesTyCon "SPEC"#
-tcIO = mkGhcTypesTyCon "IO"#
-tcTyCon = mkGhcTypesTyCon "TyCon"#
-tcModule = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Module"#
-tcCoercible = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Coercible"#
-tcFun = mkGhcTypesTyCon "->"#
-tcList = mkGhcTypesTyCon "[]"# -- Type rep for the list type constructor
-tcEq = mkGhcTypesTyCon "~"# -- Type rep for the (~) type constructor
-tcLiftedKind, tcUnliftedKind, tcOpenKind, tcBOX, tcConstraint, tcAnyK :: TyCon
-tcLiftedKind = mkGhcTypesTyCon "*"#
-tcUnliftedKind = mkGhcTypesTyCon "#"#
-tcOpenKind = mkGhcTypesTyCon "#"#
-tcBOX = mkGhcTypesTyCon "BOX"#
-tcAnyK = mkGhcTypesTyCon "AnyK"#
-tcConstraint = mkGhcTypesTyCon "Constraint"#
+listTc :: TyCon
+listTc = typeRepTyCon (typeOf [()])
funTc :: TyCon
-funTc = tcFun -- Legacy
-{- *********************************************************
-* *
-* TyCon/TypeRep definitions for type literals *
-* (Symbol and Nat) *
-* *
-********************************************************* -}
+funTc = typeRepTyCon (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy (->)))
-mkTypeLitTyCon :: String -> TyCon
-mkTypeLitTyCon name = mkTyCon3 "base" "GHC.TypeLits" name
-- | Used to make `'Typeable' instance for things of kind Nat
typeNatTypeRep :: KnownNat a => Proxy# a -> TypeRep
typeNatTypeRep p = typeLitTypeRep (show (natVal' p))
@@ -462,5 +342,17 @@ typeSymbolTypeRep p = typeLitTypeRep (show (symbolVal' p))
-- | An internal function, to make representations for type literals.
typeLitTypeRep :: String -> TypeRep
-typeLitTypeRep nm = mkTyConApp (mkTypeLitTyCon nm) []
+typeLitTypeRep nm = rep
+ where
+ rep = mkTyConApp tc []
+ tc = TyCon
+ { tyConFingerprint = fingerprintString (mk pack modu nm)
+ , tyConPackage = pack
+ , tyConModule = modu
+ , tyConName = nm
+ }
+ pack = "base"
+ modu = "GHC.TypeLits"
+ mk a b c = a ++ " " ++ b ++ " " ++ c