path: root/libraries/base/GHC/Event
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authorBen Gamari <>2015-01-12 18:36:23 -0500
committerBen Gamari <>2015-01-12 18:36:23 -0500
commit023439980f6ef6ec051f676279ed2be5f031efe6 (patch)
tree33c19b6f0654c8f2cb0a1ea9555ad6fb79dc94c0 /libraries/base/GHC/Event
parent8464fa29e677e6845ca96d21474840803218f0b9 (diff)
Event Manager: Make one-shot a per-registration property
Summary: Currently the event manager has a global flag for whether to create epoll-like notifications as one-shot (e.g. EPOLLONESHOT, where an fd will be deactivated after its first event) or standard multi-shot notifications. Unfortunately this means that the event manager may export either one-shot or multi-shot semantics to the user. Even worse, the user has no way of knowing which semantics are being delivered. This resulted in breakage in the usb[1] library which deadlocks after notifications on its fd are disabled after the first event is delivered. This patch reworks one-shot event support to allow the user to choose whether one-shot or multi-shot semantics are desired on a per-registration basis. The event manager can then decide whether to use a one-shot or multi-shot epoll. A registration is now defined by a set of Events (as before) as well as a Lifetime (either one-shot or multi-shot). We lend monoidal structure to Lifetime choosing OneShot as the identity. This allows us to combine Lifetime/Event pairs of an fd to give the longest desired lifetime of the registration and the full set of Events for which we want notification. [1] Test Plan: Add more test cases and validate Reviewers: tibbe, AndreasVoellmy, hvr, austin Reviewed By: austin Subscribers: thomie, carter, simonmar Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/GHC/Event')
4 files changed, 175 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/IntTable.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/IntTable.hs
index ba627cf98f..8d0f1797c2 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/IntTable.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/IntTable.hs
@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ grow oldit ref size = do
withForeignPtr (tabSize newit) $ \ptr -> poke ptr size
writeIORef ref newit
+-- | @insertWith f k v table@ inserts @k@ into @table@ with value @v@.
+-- If @k@ already appears in @table@ with value @v0@, the value is updated
+-- to @f v0 v@ and @Just v0@ is returned.
insertWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> Int -> a -> IntTable a -> IO (Maybe a)
insertWith f k v inttable@(IntTable ref) = do
it@IT{..} <- readIORef ref
@@ -114,6 +117,7 @@ reset k Nothing tbl = delete k tbl >> return ()
indexOf :: Int -> IT a -> Int
indexOf k IT{..} = k .&. (Arr.size tabArr - 1)
+-- | Remove the given key from the table and return its associated value.
delete :: Int -> IntTable a -> IO (Maybe a)
delete k t = updateWith (const Nothing) k t
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Internal.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Internal.hs
index f1bd45ebc5..c18bd7f394 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Internal.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Internal.hs
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ module GHC.Event.Internal
, evtWrite
, evtClose
, eventIs
+ -- * Lifetimes
+ , Lifetime(..)
+ , EventLifetime
+ , eventLifetime
+ , elLifetime
+ , elEvent
-- * Timeout type
, Timeout(..)
-- * Helpers
@@ -77,6 +83,46 @@ evtConcat :: [Event] -> Event
evtConcat = foldl' evtCombine evtNothing
{-# INLINE evtConcat #-}
+-- | The lifetime of a registration.
+data Lifetime = OneShot | MultiShot
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | The longer of two lifetimes.
+elSupremum :: Lifetime -> Lifetime -> Lifetime
+elSupremum OneShot OneShot = OneShot
+elSupremum _ _ = MultiShot
+{-# INLINE elSupremum #-}
+instance Monoid Lifetime where
+ mempty = OneShot
+ mappend = elSupremum
+-- | A pair of an event and lifetime
+-- Here we encode the event in the bottom three bits and the lifetime
+-- in the fourth bit.
+newtype EventLifetime = EL Int
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Monoid EventLifetime where
+ mempty = EL 0
+ EL a `mappend` EL b = EL (a .|. b)
+eventLifetime :: Event -> Lifetime -> EventLifetime
+eventLifetime (Event e) l = EL (e .|. lifetimeBit l)
+ where
+ lifetimeBit OneShot = 0
+ lifetimeBit MultiShot = 8
+{-# INLINE eventLifetime #-}
+elLifetime :: EventLifetime -> Lifetime
+elLifetime (EL x) = if x .&. 8 == 0 then OneShot else MultiShot
+{-# INLINE elLifetime #-}
+elEvent :: EventLifetime -> Event
+elEvent (EL x) = Event (x .&. 0x7)
+{-# INLINE elEvent #-}
-- | A type alias for timeouts, specified in seconds.
data Timeout = Timeout {-# UNPACK #-} !Double
| Forever
@@ -101,6 +147,8 @@ data Backend = forall a. Backend {
-> Event -- new events to watch for ('mempty' to delete)
-> IO Bool
+ -- | Register interest in new events on a given file descriptor, set
+ -- to be deactivated after the first event.
, _beModifyFdOnce :: a
-> Fd -- file descriptor
-> Event -- new events to watch
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Manager.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Manager.hs
index 29edd97552..eeda1c833d 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Manager.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Manager.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,17 @@
, TypeSynonymInstances
, FlexibleInstances
+-- |
+-- The event manager supports event notification on fds. Each fd may
+-- have multiple callbacks registered, each listening for a different
+-- set of events. Registrations may be automatically deactivated after
+-- the occurrence of an event ("one-shot mode") or active until
+-- explicitly unregistered.
+-- If an fd has only one-shot registrations then we use one-shot
+-- polling if available. Otherwise we use multi-shot polling.
module GHC.Event.Manager
( -- * Types
@@ -30,13 +41,13 @@ module GHC.Event.Manager
, emControl
-- * Registering interest in I/O events
+ , Lifetime (..)
, Event
, evtRead
, evtWrite
, IOCallback
, FdKey(keyFd)
, FdData
- , registerFd_
, registerFd
, unregisterFd_
, unregisterFd
@@ -49,7 +60,7 @@ module GHC.Event.Manager
-- Imports
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, readMVar, putMVar,
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, putMVar,
tryPutMVar, takeMVar, withMVar)
import Control.Exception (onException)
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
@@ -58,6 +69,7 @@ import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef', mkWeakIORef, newIORef, readIORef,
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
+import Data.OldList (partition)
import GHC.Arr (Array, (!), listArray)
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Conc.Signal (runHandlers)
@@ -69,7 +81,7 @@ import GHC.Show (Show(..))
import GHC.Event.Control
import GHC.Event.IntTable (IntTable)
import GHC.Event.Internal (Backend, Event, evtClose, evtRead, evtWrite,
- Timeout(..))
+ Lifetime(..), EventLifetime, Timeout(..))
import GHC.Event.Unique (Unique, UniqueSource, newSource, newUnique)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
@@ -91,7 +103,7 @@ import qualified GHC.Event.Poll as Poll
data FdData = FdData {
fdKey :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FdKey
- , fdEvents :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Event
+ , fdEvents :: {-# UNPACK #-} !EventLifetime
, _fdCallback :: !IOCallback
@@ -118,7 +130,6 @@ data EventManager = EventManager
, emState :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef State)
, emUniqueSource :: {-# UNPACK #-} !UniqueSource
, emControl :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Control
- , emOneShot :: !Bool
, emLock :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(MVar ())
@@ -166,11 +177,12 @@ newDefaultBackend = error "no back end for this platform"
-- | Create a new event manager.
-new :: Bool -> IO EventManager
-new isOneShot = newWith isOneShot =<< newDefaultBackend
+new :: IO EventManager
+new = newWith =<< newDefaultBackend
-newWith :: Bool -> Backend -> IO EventManager
-newWith isOneShot be = do
+-- | Create a new 'EventManager' with the given polling backend.
+newWith :: Backend -> IO EventManager
+newWith be = do
iofds <- fmap (listArray (0, callbackArraySize-1)) $
replicateM callbackArraySize (newMVar =<< 8)
ctrl <- newControl False
@@ -187,7 +199,6 @@ newWith isOneShot be = do
, emState = state
, emUniqueSource = us
, emControl = ctrl
- , emOneShot = isOneShot
, emLock = lockVar
registerControlFd mgr (controlReadFd ctrl) evtRead
@@ -295,52 +306,53 @@ step mgr@EventManager{..} = do
-- | Register interest in the given events, without waking the event
-- manager thread. The 'Bool' return value indicates whether the
-- event manager ought to be woken.
-registerFd_ :: EventManager -> IOCallback -> Fd -> Event
+registerFd_ :: EventManager -> IOCallback -> Fd -> Event -> Lifetime
-> IO (FdKey, Bool)
-registerFd_ mgr@(EventManager{..}) cb fd evs = do
+registerFd_ mgr@(EventManager{..}) cb fd evs lt = do
u <- newUnique emUniqueSource
let fd' = fromIntegral fd
reg = FdKey fd u
- !fdd = FdData reg evs cb
- (modify,ok) <- withMVar (callbackTableVar mgr fd) $ \tbl ->
- if haveOneShot && emOneShot
- then do
- oldFdd <- IT.insertWith (++) fd' [fdd] tbl
- let evs' = maybe evs (combineEvents evs) oldFdd
- ok <- I.modifyFdOnce emBackend fd evs'
- if ok
- then return (False, True)
- else IT.reset fd' oldFdd tbl >> return (False, False)
- else do
- oldFdd <- IT.insertWith (++) fd' [fdd] tbl
- let (oldEvs, newEvs) =
- case oldFdd of
- Nothing -> (mempty, evs)
- Just prev -> (eventsOf prev, combineEvents evs prev)
- modify = oldEvs /= newEvs
- ok <- if modify
- then I.modifyFd emBackend fd oldEvs newEvs
- else return True
- if ok
- then return (modify, True)
- else IT.reset fd' oldFdd tbl >> return (False, False)
+ el = I.eventLifetime evs lt
+ !fdd = FdData reg el cb
+ (modify,ok) <- withMVar (callbackTableVar mgr fd) $ \tbl -> do
+ oldFdd <- IT.insertWith (++) fd' [fdd] tbl
+ let prevEvs :: EventLifetime
+ prevEvs = maybe mempty eventsOf oldFdd
+ el' :: EventLifetime
+ el' = prevEvs `mappend` el
+ case I.elLifetime el' of
+ -- All registrations want one-shot semantics and this is supported
+ OneShot | haveOneShot -> do
+ ok <- I.modifyFdOnce emBackend fd (I.elEvent el')
+ if ok
+ then return (False, True)
+ else IT.reset fd' oldFdd tbl >> return (False, False)
+ -- We don't want or don't support one-shot semantics
+ _ -> do
+ let modify = prevEvs /= el'
+ ok <- if modify
+ then let newEvs = I.elEvent el'
+ oldEvs = I.elEvent prevEvs
+ in I.modifyFd emBackend fd oldEvs newEvs
+ else return True
+ if ok
+ then return (modify, True)
+ else IT.reset fd' oldFdd tbl >> return (False, False)
-- this simulates behavior of old IO manager:
-- i.e. just call the callback if the registration fails.
when (not ok) (cb reg evs)
return (reg,modify)
{-# INLINE registerFd_ #-}
-combineEvents :: Event -> [FdData] -> Event
-combineEvents ev [fdd] = mappend ev (fdEvents fdd)
-combineEvents ev fdds = mappend ev (eventsOf fdds)
-{-# INLINE combineEvents #-}
--- | @registerFd mgr cb fd evs@ registers interest in the events @evs@
--- on the file descriptor @fd@. @cb@ is called for each event that
--- occurs. Returns a cookie that can be handed to 'unregisterFd'.
-registerFd :: EventManager -> IOCallback -> Fd -> Event -> IO FdKey
-registerFd mgr cb fd evs = do
- (r, wake) <- registerFd_ mgr cb fd evs
+-- | @registerFd mgr cb fd evs lt@ registers interest in the events @evs@
+-- on the file descriptor @fd@ for lifetime @lt@. @cb@ is called for
+-- each event that occurs. Returns a cookie that can be handed to
+-- 'unregisterFd'.
+registerFd :: EventManager -> IOCallback -> Fd -> Event -> Lifetime -> IO FdKey
+registerFd mgr cb fd evs lt = do
+ (r, wake) <- registerFd_ mgr cb fd evs lt
when wake $ wakeManager mgr
return r
{-# INLINE registerFd #-}
@@ -364,8 +376,9 @@ wakeManager _ = return ()
wakeManager mgr = sendWakeup (emControl mgr)
-eventsOf :: [FdData] -> Event
-eventsOf = mconcat . map fdEvents
+eventsOf :: [FdData] -> EventLifetime
+eventsOf [fdd] = fdEvents fdd
+eventsOf fdds = mconcat $ map fdEvents fdds
-- | Drop a previous file descriptor registration, without waking the
-- event manager thread. The return value indicates whether the event
@@ -375,16 +388,19 @@ unregisterFd_ mgr@(EventManager{..}) (FdKey fd u) =
withMVar (callbackTableVar mgr fd) $ \tbl -> do
let dropReg = nullToNothing . filter ((/= u) . keyUnique . fdKey)
fd' = fromIntegral fd
+ pairEvents :: [FdData] -> IO (EventLifetime, EventLifetime)
pairEvents prev = do
r <- maybe mempty eventsOf `fmap` IT.lookup fd' tbl
return (eventsOf prev, r)
- (oldEvs, newEvs) <- IT.updateWith dropReg fd' tbl >>=
+ (oldEls, newEls) <- IT.updateWith dropReg fd' tbl >>=
maybe (return (mempty, mempty)) pairEvents
- let modify = oldEvs /= newEvs
+ let modify = oldEls /= newEls
when modify $ failOnInvalidFile "unregisterFd_" fd $
- if haveOneShot && emOneShot && newEvs /= mempty
- then I.modifyFdOnce emBackend fd newEvs
- else I.modifyFd emBackend fd oldEvs newEvs
+ case I.elLifetime newEls of
+ OneShot | I.elEvent newEls /= mempty, haveOneShot ->
+ I.modifyFdOnce emBackend fd (I.elEvent newEls)
+ _ ->
+ I.modifyFd emBackend fd (I.elEvent oldEls) (I.elEvent newEls)
return modify
-- | Drop a previous file descriptor registration.
@@ -401,13 +417,13 @@ closeFd mgr close fd = do
case prev of
Nothing -> close fd >> return []
Just fds -> do
- let oldEvs = eventsOf fds
- when (oldEvs /= mempty) $ do
- _ <- I.modifyFd (emBackend mgr) fd oldEvs mempty
+ let oldEls = eventsOf fds
+ when (I.elEvent oldEls /= mempty) $ do
+ _ <- I.modifyFd (emBackend mgr) fd (I.elEvent oldEls) mempty
wakeManager mgr
close fd
return fds
- forM_ fds $ \(FdData reg ev cb) -> cb reg (ev `mappend` evtClose)
+ forM_ fds $ \(FdData reg el cb) -> cb reg (I.elEvent el `mappend` evtClose)
-- | Close a file descriptor in a race-safe way.
-- It assumes the caller will update the callback tables and that the caller
@@ -422,63 +438,63 @@ closeFd_ mgr tbl fd = do
case prev of
Nothing -> return (return ())
Just fds -> do
- let oldEvs = eventsOf fds
- when (oldEvs /= mempty) $ do
- _ <- I.modifyFd (emBackend mgr) fd oldEvs mempty
+ let oldEls = eventsOf fds
+ when (oldEls /= mempty) $ do
+ _ <- I.modifyFd (emBackend mgr) fd (I.elEvent oldEls) mempty
wakeManager mgr
return $
- forM_ fds $ \(FdData reg ev cb) -> cb reg (ev `mappend` evtClose)
+ forM_ fds $ \(FdData reg el cb) ->
+ cb reg (I.elEvent el `mappend` evtClose)
-- Utilities
-- | Call the callbacks corresponding to the given file descriptor.
onFdEvent :: EventManager -> Fd -> Event -> IO ()
-onFdEvent mgr fd evs =
- if fd == controlReadFd (emControl mgr) || fd == wakeupReadFd (emControl mgr)
- then handleControlEvent mgr fd evs
- else
- if emOneShot mgr
- then
- do fdds <- withMVar (callbackTableVar mgr fd) $ \tbl ->
- IT.delete fd' tbl >>=
- maybe (return []) (selectCallbacks tbl)
- forM_ fdds $ \(FdData reg _ cb) -> cb reg evs
- else
- do found <- IT.lookup fd' =<< readMVar (callbackTableVar mgr fd)
- case found of
- Just cbs -> forM_ cbs $ \(FdData reg ev cb) -> do
- when (evs `I.eventIs` ev) $ cb reg evs
- Nothing -> return ()
+onFdEvent mgr fd evs
+ | fd == controlReadFd (emControl mgr) || fd == wakeupReadFd (emControl mgr) =
+ handleControlEvent mgr fd evs
+ | otherwise = do
+ fdds <- withMVar (callbackTableVar mgr fd) $ \tbl ->
+ IT.delete (fromIntegral fd) tbl >>= maybe (return []) selectCallbacks
+ forM_ fdds $ \(FdData reg _ cb) -> cb reg evs
- fd' :: Int
- fd' = fromIntegral fd
- selectCallbacks :: IntTable [FdData] -> [FdData] -> IO [FdData]
- selectCallbacks tbl cbs = aux cbs [] []
- where
- -- nothing to rearm.
- aux [] _ [] =
- if haveOneShot
- then return cbs
- else do _ <- I.modifyFd (emBackend mgr) fd (eventsOf cbs) mempty
- return cbs
- -- reinsert and rearm; note that we already have the lock on the
- -- callback table for this fd, and we deleted above, so we know there
- -- is no entry in the table for this fd.
- aux [] fdds saved@(_:_) = do
- _ <- if haveOneShot
- then I.modifyFdOnce (emBackend mgr) fd $ eventsOf saved
- else I.modifyFd (emBackend mgr) fd (eventsOf cbs) $ eventsOf saved
- _ <- IT.insertWith (\_ _ -> saved) fd' saved tbl
- return fdds
- -- continue, saving those callbacks that don't match the event
- aux (fdd@(FdData _ evs' _) : cbs') fdds saved
- | evs `I.eventIs` evs' = aux cbs' (fdd:fdds) saved
- | otherwise = aux cbs' fdds (fdd:saved)
+ -- | Here we look through the list of registrations for the fd of interest
+ -- and sort out which match the events that were triggered. We re-arm
+ -- the fd as appropriate and return this subset.
+ selectCallbacks :: [FdData] -> IO [FdData]
+ selectCallbacks fdds = do
+ let matches :: FdData -> Bool
+ matches fd' = evs `I.eventIs` I.elEvent (fdEvents fd')
+ (triggered, saved) = partition matches fdds
+ savedEls = eventsOf saved
+ allEls = eventsOf fdds
+ case I.elLifetime allEls of
+ -- we previously armed the fd for multiple shots, no need to rearm
+ MultiShot | allEls == savedEls ->
+ return ()
+ -- either we previously registered for one shot or the
+ -- events of interest have changed, we must re-arm
+ _ -> do
+ case I.elLifetime savedEls of
+ OneShot | haveOneShot ->
+ -- if there are no saved events there is no need to re-arm
+ unless (OneShot == I.elLifetime (eventsOf triggered)
+ && mempty == savedEls) $
+ void $ I.modifyFdOnce (emBackend mgr) fd (I.elEvent savedEls)
+ _ ->
+ void $ I.modifyFd (emBackend mgr) fd
+ (I.elEvent allEls) (I.elEvent savedEls)
+ return ()
+ return triggered
nullToNothing :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
nullToNothing [] = Nothing
nullToNothing xs@(_:_) = Just xs
+unless :: Monad m => Bool -> m () -> m ()
+unless p = when (not p)
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Thread.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Thread.hs
index 14e0df09fd..d4b679206a 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Thread.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Thread.hs
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ threadWait :: Event -> Fd -> IO ()
threadWait evt fd = mask_ $ do
m <- newEmptyMVar
mgr <- getSystemEventManager_
- reg <- registerFd mgr (\_ e -> putMVar m e) fd evt
+ reg <- registerFd mgr (\_ e -> putMVar m e) fd evt M.OneShot
evt' <- takeMVar m `onException` unregisterFd_ mgr reg
if evt' `eventIs` evtClose
then ioError $ errnoToIOError "threadWait" eBADF Nothing Nothing
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ threadWaitSTM :: Event -> Fd -> IO (STM (), IO ())
threadWaitSTM evt fd = mask_ $ do
m <- newTVarIO Nothing
mgr <- getSystemEventManager_
- reg <- registerFd mgr (\_ e -> atomically (writeTVar m (Just e))) fd evt
+ reg <- registerFd mgr (\_ e -> atomically (writeTVar m (Just e))) fd evt M.OneShot
let waitAction =
do mevt <- readTVar m
case mevt of
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ startIOManagerThread :: IOArray Int (Maybe (ThreadId, EventManager))
-> IO ()
startIOManagerThread eventManagerArray i = do
let create = do
- !mgr <- new True
+ !mgr <- new
!t <- forkOn i $ do
(fromIntegral i)