path: root/libraries/base/GHC/Foreign.hs
diff options
authorMax Bolingbroke <>2011-05-14 22:50:46 +0100
committerMax Bolingbroke <>2011-05-14 22:50:46 +0100
commitdc58b7398910a433259a6c0f58a0d05a48555191 (patch)
treea01062281a0cf1dd42329110ff0d0326be407f2b /libraries/base/GHC/Foreign.hs
parentcdbce1218d9f9fb4152bdabffe8bbdee09f5ce60 (diff)
Big patch to improve Unicode support in GHC. Validated on OS X and Windows, this
patch series fixes #5061, #1414, #3309, #3308, #3307, #4006 and #4855. The major changes are: 1) Make Foreign.C.String.*CString use the locale encoding This change follows the FFI specification in Haskell 98, which has never actually been implemented before. The functions exported from Foreign.C.String are partially-applied versions of those from GHC.Foreign, which allows the user to supply their own TextEncoding. We also introduce foreignEncoding as the name of the text encoding that follows the FFI appendix in that it transliterates encoding errors. 2) I also changed the code so that mkTextEncoding always tries the native-Haskell decoders in preference to those from iconv, even on non-Windows. The motivation here is simply that it is better for compatibility if we do this, and those are the ones you get for the utf* and latin1* predefined TextEncodings anyway. 3) Implement surrogate-byte error handling mode for TextEncoding This implements PEP383-like behaviour so that we are able to roundtrip byte strings through Strings without loss of information. The withFilePath function now uses this encoding to get to/from CStrings, so any code that uses that will get the right PEP383 behaviour automatically. 4) Implement three other coding failure modes: ignore, throw error, transliterate These mimic the behaviour of the GNU Iconv extensions.
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/GHC/Foreign.hs')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Foreign.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Foreign.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4c760c6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Foreign.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : GHC.IO.Encoding
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow, 2008-2011
+-- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE
+-- Maintainer :
+-- Stability : internal
+-- Portability : non-portable
+-- Foreign marshalling support for CStrings with configurable encodings
+module GHC.Foreign (
+ -- * C strings with a configurable encoding
+ -- conversion of C strings into Haskell strings
+ --
+ peekCString, -- :: TextEncoding -> CString -> IO String
+ peekCStringLen, -- :: TextEncoding -> CStringLen -> IO String
+ -- conversion of Haskell strings into C strings
+ --
+ newCString, -- :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO CString
+ newCStringLen, -- :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO CStringLen
+ -- conversion of Haskell strings into C strings using temporary storage
+ --
+ withCString, -- :: TextEncoding -> String -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
+ withCStringLen, -- :: TextEncoding -> String -> (CStringLen -> IO a) -> IO a
+ charIsRepresentable, -- :: TextEncoding -> Char -> IO Bool
+ ) where
+import Foreign.Marshal.Array
+import Foreign.C.Types
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Data.Word
+-- Imports for the locale-encoding version of marshallers
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Tuple (fst)
+import Data.Maybe
+import {-# SOURCE #-} System.Posix.Internals (puts)
+import GHC.Show ( show )
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
+import Foreign.ForeignPtr
+import GHC.Err (undefined)
+import GHC.List
+import GHC.Num
+import GHC.Base
+import GHC.IO
+import GHC.IO.Exception
+import GHC.IO.Buffer
+import GHC.IO.Encoding.Types
+c_DEBUG_DUMP :: Bool
+c_DEBUG_DUMP = False
+putDebugMsg :: String -> IO ()
+putDebugMsg | c_DEBUG_DUMP = puts
+ | otherwise = const (return ())
+-- These definitions are identical to those in Foreign.C.String, but copied in here to avoid a cycle:
+type CString = Ptr CChar
+type CStringLen = (Ptr CChar, Int)
+-- exported functions
+-- ------------------
+-- | Marshal a NUL terminated C string into a Haskell string.
+peekCString :: TextEncoding -> CString -> IO String
+peekCString enc cp = do
+ sz <- lengthArray0 nUL cp
+ peekEncodedCString enc (cp, sz * cCharSize)
+-- | Marshal a C string with explicit length into a Haskell string.
+peekCStringLen :: TextEncoding -> CStringLen -> IO String
+peekCStringLen = peekEncodedCString
+-- | Marshal a Haskell string into a NUL terminated C string.
+-- * the Haskell string may /not/ contain any NUL characters
+-- * new storage is allocated for the C string and must be
+-- explicitly freed using '' or
+-- 'Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.finalizerFree'.
+newCString :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO CString
+newCString enc = liftM fst . newEncodedCString enc True
+-- | Marshal a Haskell string into a C string (ie, character array) with
+-- explicit length information.
+-- * new storage is allocated for the C string and must be
+-- explicitly freed using '' or
+-- 'Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.finalizerFree'.
+newCStringLen :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO CStringLen
+newCStringLen enc = newEncodedCString enc False
+-- | Marshal a Haskell string into a NUL terminated C string using temporary
+-- storage.
+-- * the Haskell string may /not/ contain any NUL characters
+-- * the memory is freed when the subcomputation terminates (either
+-- normally or via an exception), so the pointer to the temporary
+-- storage must /not/ be used after this.
+withCString :: TextEncoding -> String -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
+withCString enc s act = withEncodedCString enc True s $ \(cp, _sz) -> act cp
+-- | Marshal a Haskell string into a C string (ie, character array)
+-- in temporary storage, with explicit length information.
+-- * the memory is freed when the subcomputation terminates (either
+-- normally or via an exception), so the pointer to the temporary
+-- storage must /not/ be used after this.
+withCStringLen :: TextEncoding -> String -> (CStringLen -> IO a) -> IO a
+withCStringLen enc = withEncodedCString enc False
+-- | Determines whether a character can be accurately encoded in a 'CString'.
+-- Pretty much anyone who uses this function is in a state of sin because
+-- whether or not a character is encodable will, in general, depend on the
+-- context in which it occurs.
+charIsRepresentable :: TextEncoding -> Char -> IO Bool
+charIsRepresentable enc c = withCString enc [c] (fmap (== [c]) . peekCString enc) `catchException` (\e -> let _ = e :: IOException in return False)
+-- auxiliary definitions
+-- ----------------------
+-- C's end of string character
+nUL :: CChar
+nUL = 0
+-- Size of a CChar in bytes
+cCharSize :: Int
+cCharSize = sizeOf (undefined :: CChar)
+{-# INLINE peekEncodedCString #-}
+peekEncodedCString :: TextEncoding -- ^ Encoding of CString
+ -> CStringLen
+ -> IO String -- ^ String in Haskell terms
+peekEncodedCString (TextEncoding { mkTextDecoder = mk_decoder }) (p, sz_bytes)
+ = bracket mk_decoder close $ \decoder -> do
+ let chunk_size = sz_bytes `max` 1 -- Decode buffer chunk size in characters: one iteration only for ASCII
+ from0 <- fmap (\fp -> bufferAdd sz_bytes (emptyBuffer fp sz_bytes ReadBuffer)) $ newForeignPtr_ (castPtr p)
+ to <- newCharBuffer chunk_size WriteBuffer
+ let go iteration from = do
+ (why, from', to') <- encode decoder from to
+ if isEmptyBuffer from'
+ then
+ -- No input remaining: @why@ will be InputUnderflow, but we don't care
+ withBuffer to' $ peekArray (bufferElems to')
+ else do
+ -- Input remaining: what went wrong?
+ putDebugMsg ("peekEncodedCString: " ++ show iteration ++ " " ++ show why)
+ (from'', to'') <- case why of InvalidSequence -> recover decoder from' to' -- These conditions are equally bad because
+ InputUnderflow -> recover decoder from' to' -- they indicate malformed/truncated input
+ OutputUnderflow -> return (from', to') -- We will have more space next time round
+ putDebugMsg ("peekEncodedCString: from " ++ summaryBuffer from ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer from' ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer from'')
+ putDebugMsg ("peekEncodedCString: to " ++ summaryBuffer to ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer to' ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer to'')
+ to_chars <- withBuffer to'' $ peekArray (bufferElems to'')
+ fmap (to_chars++) $ go (iteration + 1) from''
+ go (0 :: Int) from0
+{-# INLINE withEncodedCString #-}
+withEncodedCString :: TextEncoding -- ^ Encoding of CString to create
+ -> Bool -- ^ Null-terminate?
+ -> String -- ^ String to encode
+ -> (CStringLen -> IO a) -- ^ Worker that can safely use the allocated memory
+ -> IO a
+withEncodedCString (TextEncoding { mkTextEncoder = mk_encoder }) null_terminate s act
+ = bracket mk_encoder close $ \encoder -> withArrayLen s $ \sz p -> do
+ from <- fmap (\fp -> bufferAdd sz (emptyBuffer fp sz ReadBuffer)) $ newForeignPtr_ p
+ let go iteration to_sz_bytes = do
+ putDebugMsg ("withEncodedCString: " ++ show iteration)
+ allocaBytes to_sz_bytes $ \to_p -> do
+ mb_res <- tryFillBufferAndCall encoder null_terminate from to_p to_sz_bytes act
+ case mb_res of
+ Nothing -> go (iteration + 1) (to_sz_bytes * 2)
+ Just res -> return res
+ -- If the input string is ASCII, this value will ensure we only allocate once
+ go (0 :: Int) (cCharSize * (sz + 1))
+{-# INLINE newEncodedCString #-}
+newEncodedCString :: TextEncoding -- ^ Encoding of CString to create
+ -> Bool -- ^ Null-terminate?
+ -> String -- ^ String to encode
+ -> IO CStringLen
+newEncodedCString (TextEncoding { mkTextEncoder = mk_encoder }) null_terminate s
+ = bracket mk_encoder close $ \encoder -> withArrayLen s $ \sz p -> do
+ from <- fmap (\fp -> bufferAdd sz (emptyBuffer fp sz ReadBuffer)) $ newForeignPtr_ p
+ let go iteration to_p to_sz_bytes = do
+ putDebugMsg ("newEncodedCString: " ++ show iteration)
+ mb_res <- tryFillBufferAndCall encoder null_terminate from to_p to_sz_bytes return
+ case mb_res of
+ Nothing -> do
+ let to_sz_bytes' = to_sz_bytes * 2
+ to_p' <- reallocBytes to_p to_sz_bytes'
+ go (iteration + 1) to_p' to_sz_bytes'
+ Just res -> return res
+ -- If the input string is ASCII, this value will ensure we only allocate once
+ let to_sz_bytes = cCharSize * (sz + 1)
+ to_p <- mallocBytes to_sz_bytes
+ go (0 :: Int) to_p to_sz_bytes
+tryFillBufferAndCall :: TextEncoder dstate -> Bool -> Buffer Char -> Ptr Word8 -> Int
+ -> (CStringLen -> IO a) -> IO (Maybe a)
+tryFillBufferAndCall encoder null_terminate from0 to_p to_sz_bytes act = do
+ to_fp <- newForeignPtr_ to_p
+ go (0 :: Int) (from0, emptyBuffer to_fp to_sz_bytes WriteBuffer)
+ where
+ go iteration (from, to) = do
+ (why, from', to') <- encode encoder from to
+ putDebugMsg ("tryFillBufferAndCall: " ++ show iteration ++ " " ++ show why ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer from ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer from')
+ if isEmptyBuffer from'
+ then if null_terminate && bufferAvailable to' == 0
+ then return Nothing -- We had enough for the string but not the terminator: ask the caller for more buffer
+ else do
+ -- Awesome, we had enough buffer
+ let bytes = bufferElems to'
+ withBuffer to' $ \to_ptr -> do
+ when null_terminate $ pokeElemOff to_ptr (bufR to') 0
+ fmap Just $ act (castPtr to_ptr, bytes) -- NB: the length information is specified as being in *bytes*
+ else case why of -- We didn't consume all of the input
+ InputUnderflow -> recover encoder from' to' >>= go (iteration + 1) -- These conditions are equally bad
+ InvalidSequence -> recover encoder from' to' >>= go (iteration + 1) -- since the input was truncated/invalid
+ OutputUnderflow -> return Nothing -- Oops, out of buffer during decoding: ask the caller for more