path: root/libraries/base/Text/Printf.hs
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2013-01-28 09:38:19 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2013-01-28 09:38:19 +0000
commitc0e390f4f6c0fbe749befea520b39f706aa569ba (patch)
tree8090ee8acd011fc12390a6b916434fd6c5dbca26 /libraries/base/Text/Printf.hs
parent07e79f59d7cfa3bb2619cd1d41319e09edfb52dc (diff)
tabs -> spaces
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/Text/Printf.hs')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Text/Printf.hs b/libraries/base/Text/Printf.hs
index 6028e16b40..2608c7baff 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Text/Printf.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Text/Printf.hs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Module : Text.Printf
-- Copyright : (c) Lennart Augustsson, 2004-2008
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import System.IO
-- > 0 pad with zeroes rather than spaces
-- followed optionally by a field width:
-- > num field width
-- > * as num, but taken from argument list
@@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ instance (IsChar c) => PrintfType [c] where
instance PrintfType (IO a) where
spr fmts args = do
- putStr (uprintf fmts (reverse args))
- return (error "PrintfType (IO a): result should not be used.")
+ putStr (uprintf fmts (reverse args))
+ return (error "PrintfType (IO a): result should not be used.")
instance HPrintfType (IO a) where
hspr hdl fmts args = do
- hPutStr hdl (uprintf fmts (reverse args))
- return (error "HPrintfType (IO a): result should not be used.")
+ hPutStr hdl (uprintf fmts (reverse args))
+ return (error "HPrintfType (IO a): result should not be used.")
instance (PrintfArg a, PrintfType r) => PrintfType (a -> r) where
spr fmts args = \ a -> spr fmts (toUPrintf a : args)
@@ -203,37 +203,37 @@ uprintf (c:cs) us = c:uprintf cs us
fmt :: String -> [UPrintf] -> String
fmt cs us =
- let (width, prec, ladj, zero, plus, cs', us') = getSpecs False False False cs us
- adjust (pre, str) =
- let lstr = length str
- lpre = length pre
- fill = if lstr+lpre < width then take (width-(lstr+lpre)) (repeat (if zero then '0' else ' ')) else ""
- in if ladj then pre ++ str ++ fill else if zero then pre ++ fill ++ str else fill ++ pre ++ str
+ let (width, prec, ladj, zero, plus, cs', us') = getSpecs False False False cs us
+ adjust (pre, str) =
+ let lstr = length str
+ lpre = length pre
+ fill = if lstr+lpre < width then take (width-(lstr+lpre)) (repeat (if zero then '0' else ' ')) else ""
+ in if ladj then pre ++ str ++ fill else if zero then pre ++ fill ++ str else fill ++ pre ++ str
adjust' ("", str) | plus = adjust ("+", str)
adjust' ps = adjust ps
- case cs' of
- [] -> fmterr
- c:cs'' ->
- case us' of
- [] -> argerr
- u:us'' ->
- (case c of
- 'c' -> adjust ("", [toEnum (toint u)])
- 'd' -> adjust' (fmti prec u)
- 'i' -> adjust' (fmti prec u)
- 'x' -> adjust ("", fmtu 16 prec u)
- 'X' -> adjust ("", map toUpper $ fmtu 16 prec u)
- 'o' -> adjust ("", fmtu 8 prec u)
- 'u' -> adjust ("", fmtu 10 prec u)
- 'e' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
- 'E' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
- 'f' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
- 'g' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
- 'G' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
- 's' -> adjust ("", tostr prec u)
- _ -> perror ("bad formatting char " ++ [c])
- ) ++ uprintf cs'' us''
+ case cs' of
+ [] -> fmterr
+ c:cs'' ->
+ case us' of
+ [] -> argerr
+ u:us'' ->
+ (case c of
+ 'c' -> adjust ("", [toEnum (toint u)])
+ 'd' -> adjust' (fmti prec u)
+ 'i' -> adjust' (fmti prec u)
+ 'x' -> adjust ("", fmtu 16 prec u)
+ 'X' -> adjust ("", map toUpper $ fmtu 16 prec u)
+ 'o' -> adjust ("", fmtu 8 prec u)
+ 'u' -> adjust ("", fmtu 10 prec u)
+ 'e' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
+ 'E' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
+ 'f' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
+ 'g' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
+ 'G' -> adjust' (dfmt' c prec u)
+ 's' -> adjust ("", tostr prec u)
+ _ -> perror ("bad formatting char " ++ [c])
+ ) ++ uprintf cs'' us''
fmti :: Int -> UPrintf -> (String, String)
fmti prec (UInteger _ i) = if i < 0 then ("-", integral_prec prec (show (-i))) else ("", integral_prec prec (show i))
@@ -251,19 +251,19 @@ integral_prec prec integral = (replicate (prec - (length integral)) '0') ++ inte
toint :: UPrintf -> Int
toint (UInteger _ i) = fromInteger i
toint (UChar c) = fromEnum c
-toint _ = baderr
+toint _ = baderr
tostr :: Int -> UPrintf -> String
tostr n (UString s) = if n >= 0 then take n s else s
-tostr _ _ = baderr
+tostr _ _ = baderr
itosb :: Integer -> Integer -> String
-itosb b n =
- if n < b then
- [intToDigit $ fromInteger n]
- else
- let (q, r) = quotRem n b in
- itosb b q ++ [intToDigit $ fromInteger r]
+itosb b n =
+ if n < b then
+ [intToDigit $ fromInteger n]
+ else
+ let (q, r) = quotRem n b in
+ itosb b q ++ [intToDigit $ fromInteger r]
stoi :: Int -> String -> (Int, String)
stoi a (c:cs) | isDigit c = stoi (a*10 + digitToInt c) cs
@@ -274,27 +274,27 @@ getSpecs _ z s ('-':cs) us = getSpecs True z s cs us
getSpecs l z _ ('+':cs) us = getSpecs l z True cs us
getSpecs l _ s ('0':cs) us = getSpecs l True s cs us
getSpecs l z s ('*':cs) us =
- let (us', n) = getStar us
- ((p, cs''), us'') =
- case cs of
+ let (us', n) = getStar us
+ ((p, cs''), us'') =
+ case cs of
'.':'*':r -> let (us''', p') = getStar us'
- in ((p', r), us''')
- '.':r -> (stoi 0 r, us')
- _ -> ((-1, cs), us')
- in (abs n, p, if n < 0 then not l else l, z, s, cs'', us'')
+ in ((p', r), us''')
+ '.':r -> (stoi 0 r, us')
+ _ -> ((-1, cs), us')
+ in (abs n, p, if n < 0 then not l else l, z, s, cs'', us'')
getSpecs l z s ('.':cs) us =
- let ((p, cs'), us') =
- case cs of
- '*':cs'' -> let (us'', p') = getStar us in ((p', cs''), us'')
+ let ((p, cs'), us') =
+ case cs of
+ '*':cs'' -> let (us'', p') = getStar us in ((p', cs''), us'')
_ -> (stoi 0 cs, us)
- in (0, p, l, z, s, cs', us')
+ in (0, p, l, z, s, cs', us')
getSpecs l z s cs@(c:_) us | isDigit c =
- let (n, cs') = stoi 0 cs
- ((p, cs''), us') = case cs' of
- '.':'*':r -> let (us'', p') = getStar us in ((p', r), us'')
- '.':r -> (stoi 0 r, us)
- _ -> ((-1, cs'), us)
- in (n, p, l, z, s, cs'', us')
+ let (n, cs') = stoi 0 cs
+ ((p, cs''), us') = case cs' of
+ '.':'*':r -> let (us'', p') = getStar us in ((p', r), us'')
+ '.':r -> (stoi 0 r, us)
+ _ -> ((-1, cs'), us)
+ in (n, p, l, z, s, cs'', us')
getSpecs l z s cs us = (0, -1, l, z, s, cs, us)
getStar :: [UPrintf] -> ([UPrintf], Int)
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ dfmt' _ _ _ = baderr
dfmt :: (RealFloat a) => Char -> Int -> a -> (String, String)
dfmt c p d =
- case (if isUpper c then map toUpper else id) $
+ case (if isUpper c then map toUpper else id) $
(case toLower c of
'e' -> showEFloat
'f' -> showFFloat
@@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ dfmt c p d =
_ -> error "Printf.dfmt: impossible"
(if p < 0 then Nothing else Just p) d "" of
- '-':cs -> ("-", cs)
- cs -> ("" , cs)
+ '-':cs -> ("-", cs)
+ cs -> ("" , cs)
perror :: String -> a
perror s = error ("Printf.printf: "++s)
@@ -328,4 +328,3 @@ fmterr, argerr, baderr :: a
fmterr = perror "formatting string ended prematurely"
argerr = perror "argument list ended prematurely"
baderr = perror "bad argument"