path: root/libraries/base
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authorViktor Dukhovni <>2021-01-03 08:03:34 -0500
committerMarge Bot <>2021-01-09 21:20:23 -0500
commitf9605e1a34e7586c371b3c4b7fdbfb8743ad6861 (patch)
tree96291f9e3f39ed1e13f34bba108656b8920e6931 /libraries/base
parenta2f43e261f1c6175f5915f0e056da41526130eee (diff)
Reconcile extant synopses with new overview prose
- Renamed new "update function" to "operator" from synopses - More accurate divergence conditions. - Fewer references to the Tree structure in examples, which may not have the definition close-by in context in other modules, e.g. Prelude. - Improved description of foldlM and foldrM - More detail on Tree instance construction - Misc fixes
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
index 85557844b1..d2c880f2e6 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
@@ -127,13 +127,21 @@ infix 4 `elem`, `notElem`
-- are good fit for corecursive iteration or for folds that short-circuit after
-- processing an initial subsequence of the structure's elements.
+-- Instances can be derived automatically by enabling the @DeriveFoldable@
+-- extension. For example, a derived instance for a binary tree might be:
+-- > data Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving Foldable
-- A more detailed description can be found in the overview section of
-- "Data.Foldable#overview".
class Foldable t where
{-# MINIMAL foldMap | foldr #-}
- -- | Combine the elements of a structure using a monoid.
+ -- | Combine the elements of a structure using `mappend`.
+ -- Right-associative and lazy in the accumulator. For
+ -- strict left-associative folds, use `foldMap'` instead,
+ -- with 'id' as the map.
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -145,17 +153,25 @@ class Foldable t where
-- >>> fold [Sum 1, Sum 3, Sum 5]
-- Sum {getSum = 9}
- -- Folds of infinite structures do not terminate when the Monoid's
+ -- Folds of unbounded structures do not terminate when the Monoid's
-- `mappend` is strict:
-- >>> fold (repeat Nothing)
-- * Hangs forever *
+ -- Lazy folds of unbounded structures are fine:
+ --
+ -- >>> take 12 $ fold $ map (\i -> [i..i+2]) [0..]
+ -- [0,1,2,1,2,3,2,3,4,3,4,5]
+ -- >>> sum $ take 4000000 $ fold $ map (\i -> [i..i+2]) [0..]
+ -- 2666668666666
+ --
fold :: Monoid m => t m -> m
fold = foldMap id
- -- | Map each element of the structure to a monoid,
- -- and combine the results.
+ -- | Map each element of the structure to a monoid, and combine the
+ -- results. Right-associative and lazy in the accumulator.
+ -- For strict left-associative folds consider `foldMap'` instead.
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -170,8 +186,9 @@ class Foldable t where
-- >>> foldMap (replicate 3) [1, 2, 3]
-- [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3]
- -- When a Monoid's `mappend` is lazy, 'foldMap' can produce a (possibly
- -- unbounded) result even from an unbounded structure:
+ -- When a Monoid's `mappend` is lazy in its second argument, 'foldMap' can
+ -- return a possibly unbounded result even from a structure that is
+ -- unbounded on the right:
-- >>> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
-- >>> import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B
@@ -185,13 +202,15 @@ class Foldable t where
-- This INLINE allows more list functions to fuse. See #9848.
foldMap f = foldr (mappend . f) mempty
- -- | A variant of 'foldMap' that is strict in the accumulator.
+ -- | A left-associative variant of 'foldMap' that is strict in the
+ -- accumulator. Best method for strict reduction when partial
+ -- results are merged via `mappend`.
-- @since
foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap' f = foldl' (\ acc a -> acc <> f a) mempty
- -- | Right-associative fold of a structure.
+ -- | Right-associative fold of a structure, lazy in the accumulator.
-- In the case of lists, 'foldr', when applied to a binary operator, a
-- starting value (typically the right-identity of the operator), and a
@@ -199,9 +218,10 @@ class Foldable t where
-- > foldr f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == x1 `f` (x2 `f` ... (xn `f` z)...)
- -- Note that, since the head of the resulting expression is produced by
- -- an application of the operator to the first element of the list,
- -- 'foldr' can produce a terminating expression from an infinite list.
+ -- Note that since the head of the resulting expression is produced by an
+ -- application of the operator to the first element of the list, given an
+ -- operator lazy in its right argument, 'foldr' can produce a terminating
+ -- expression from an unbounded list.
-- For a general 'Foldable' structure this should be semantically identical
-- to,
@@ -218,21 +238,22 @@ class Foldable t where
-- >>> foldr (||) False []
-- False
- -- >>> foldr (\nextChar reversedString -> reversedString ++ [nextChar]) "foo" ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
+ -- >>> foldr (\c acc -> acc ++ [c]) "foo" ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
-- "foodcba"
-- ===== Infinite structures
-- ⚠️ Applying 'foldr' to infinite structures usually doesn't terminate.
- -- It may still terminate in one of the following conditions:
+ -- It may still terminate under one of the following conditions:
-- * the folding function is short-circuiting
-- * the folding function is lazy on its second argument
-- ====== Short-circuiting
- -- '(||)' short-circuits on 'True' values, so the following terminates because there is a 'True' value finitely far from the left side:
+ -- '(||)' short-circuits on 'True' values, so the following terminates
+ -- because there is a 'True' value finitely far from the left side:
-- >>> foldr (||) False (True : repeat False)
-- True
@@ -244,71 +265,71 @@ class Foldable t where
-- ====== Laziness in the second argument
- -- Applying 'foldr' to infinite structures terminates when the folding function is lazy on its second argument:
- --
- -- >>> foldr (\nextElement accumulator -> nextElement : fmap (+3) accumulator) [42] (repeat 1)
- -- [1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34,37,40,43...
+ -- Applying 'foldr' to infinite structures terminates when the operator is
+ -- lazy in its second argument:
- -- >>> take 5 $ foldr (\nextElement accumulator -> nextElement : fmap (+3) accumulator) [42] (repeat 1)
+ -- >>> take 5 $ foldr (\i acc -> i : fmap (+3) acc) [42] (repeat 1)
-- [1,4,7,10,13]
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo #. f) t) z
- -- | Right-associative fold of a structure, but with strict application of
- -- the operator.
+ -- | Right-associative fold of a structure, strict in the accumulator.
+ -- This is rarely what you want.
-- @since
foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr' f z0 xs = foldl f' id xs z0
where f' k x z = k $! f x z
- -- | Left-associative fold of a structure.
+ -- | Left-associative fold of a structure, lazy in the accumulator. This
+ -- is rarely what you want, but can work well for structures with efficient
+ -- right-to-left sequencing and an operator that is lazy in its left
+ -- argument.
- -- In the case of lists, 'foldl', when applied to a binary
- -- operator, a starting value (typically the left-identity of the operator),
- -- and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from left to
- -- right:
+ -- In the case of lists, 'foldl', when applied to a binary operator, a
+ -- starting value (typically the left-identity of the operator), and a
+ -- list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from left to right:
-- > foldl f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == (...((z `f` x1) `f` x2) `f`...) `f` xn
-- Note that to produce the outermost application of the operator the
- -- entire input list must be traversed. This means that 'foldl' will
- -- diverge if given an infinite list.
+ -- entire input list must be traversed. Like all left-associative folds,
+ -- 'foldl' will diverge if given an infinite list.
- -- Also note that if you want an efficient left-fold, you probably want to
- -- use `foldl'` instead of 'foldl'. The reason for this is that latter does
- -- not force the "inner" results (e.g. @z \`f\` x1@ in the above example)
- -- before applying them to the operator (e.g. to @(\`f\` x2)@). This results
- -- in a thunk chain \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) elements long, which then must be
- -- evaluated from the outside-in.
+ -- If you want an efficient strict left-fold, you probably want to use
+ -- `foldl'` instead of 'foldl'. The reason for this is that the latter does
+ -- not force the /inner/ results (e.g. @z \`f\` x1@ in the above example)
+ -- before applying them to the operator (e.g. to @(\`f\` x2)@). This
+ -- results in a thunk chain \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) elements long, which then
+ -- must be evaluated from the outside-in.
-- For a general 'Foldable' structure this should be semantically identical
- -- to,
+ -- to:
-- @foldl f z = 'List.foldl' f z . 'toList'@
-- ==== __Examples__
- -- Basic usage:
+ -- The first example is a strict fold, which in practice is best performed
+ -- with `foldl'`.
- -- >>> foldl (+) 42 (Node (Leaf 1) 3 (Node Empty 4 (Leaf 2)))
+ -- >>> foldl (+) 42 [1,2,3,4]
-- 52
- -- >>> foldl (+) 42 Empty
- -- 42
+ -- Though the result below is lazy, the input is reversed before prepending
+ -- it to the initial accumulator, so corecursion begins only after traversing
+ -- the entire input string.
- -- >>> foldl (\string nextElement -> nextElement : string) "abcd" (Node (Leaf 'd') 'e' (Node Empty 'f' (Leaf 'g')))
- -- "gfedabcd"
+ -- >>> foldl (\acc c -> c : acc) "abcd" "efgh"
+ -- "hgfeabcd"
- -- Left-folding infinite structures never terminates:
+ -- A left fold of a structure that is infinite on the right cannot
+ -- terminate, even when for any finite input the fold just returns the
+ -- initial accumulator:
- -- >>> let infiniteNode = Node Empty 1 infiniteNode in foldl (+) 42 infiniteNode
+ -- >>> foldl (\a _ -> a) 0 $ repeat 1
-- * Hangs forever *
- -- Evaluating the head of the result (when applicable) does not terminate, unlike 'foldr':
- --
- -- >>> let infiniteNode = Node Empty 'd' infiniteNode in take 5 (foldl (\string nextElement -> nextElement : string) "abc" infiniteNode)
- -- * Hangs forever *
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl f z t = appEndo (getDual (foldMap (Dual . Endo . flip f) t)) z
-- There's no point mucking around with coercions here,
@@ -320,7 +341,7 @@ class Foldable t where
-- This ensures that each step of the fold is forced to weak head normal
-- form before being applied, avoiding the collection of thunks that would
-- otherwise occur. This is often what you want to strictly reduce a finite
- -- list to a single, monolithic result (e.g. 'length').
+ -- structure to a single strict result (e.g. 'sum').
-- For a general 'Foldable' structure this should be semantically identical
-- to,
@@ -335,7 +356,8 @@ class Foldable t where
-- | A variant of 'foldr' that has no base case,
-- and thus may only be applied to non-empty structures.
- -- ⚠️ This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the structure happens to be empty.
+ -- This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the
+ -- structure happens to be empty.
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -372,7 +394,8 @@ class Foldable t where
-- | A variant of 'foldl' that has no base case,
-- and thus may only be applied to non-empty structures.
- -- ⚠️ This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the structure happens to be empty.
+ -- This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the
+ -- structure happens to be empty.
-- @'foldl1' f = 'List.foldl1' f . 'toList'@
@@ -408,7 +431,9 @@ class Foldable t where
Nothing -> y
Just x -> f x y)
- -- | List of elements of a structure, from left to right.
+ -- | List of elements of a structure, from left to right. If the entire
+ -- list is intended to be reduced via a fold, just fold the structure
+ -- directly bypassing the list.
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -436,9 +461,11 @@ class Foldable t where
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList t = build (\ c n -> foldr c n t)
- -- | Test whether the structure is empty. The default implementation is
- -- optimized for structures that are similar to cons-lists, because there
- -- is no general way to do better.
+ -- | Test whether the structure is empty. The default implementation is
+ -- Left-associative, lazy in both the initial element and the accumulator.
+ -- Thus optimised for structures where the first element can be accessed in
+ -- constant time. Structures where this is not the case should have a
+ -- non-default implementation.
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -450,7 +477,9 @@ class Foldable t where
-- >>> null [1]
-- False
- -- 'null' terminates even for infinite structures:
+ -- 'null' is expected to terminate even for infinite structures.
+ -- The default implementation terminates provided the structure
+ -- is bounded on the left (there is a left-most element).
-- >>> null [1..]
-- False
@@ -460,8 +489,10 @@ class Foldable t where
null = foldr (\_ _ -> False) True
-- | Returns the size/length of a finite structure as an 'Int'. The
- -- default implementation is optimized for structures that are similar to
- -- cons-lists, because there is no general way to do better.
+ -- default implementation just counts elements starting with the left-most.
+ -- Instances for structures that can compute the element count faster
+ -- than via element-by-element counting, should provide a specialised
+ -- implementation.
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -496,8 +527,9 @@ class Foldable t where
-- >>> 3 `elem` [1,2,3,4,5]
-- True
- -- For infinite structures, 'elem' terminates if the value exists at a
- -- finite distance from the left side of the structure:
+ -- For infinite structures, the default implementation of 'elem'
+ -- terminates if the sought-after value exists at a finite distance
+ -- from the left side of the structure:
-- >>> 3 `elem` [1..]
-- True
@@ -511,7 +543,8 @@ class Foldable t where
-- | The largest element of a non-empty structure.
- -- ⚠️ This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the structure happens to be empty.
+ -- This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the
+ -- structure happens to be empty.
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -534,7 +567,8 @@ class Foldable t where
-- | The least element of a non-empty structure.
- -- ⚠️ This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the structure happens to be empty
+ -- This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the
+ -- structure happens to be empty
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -851,45 +885,94 @@ deriving instance Foldable UWord
-- | @since
deriving instance Foldable Down
--- | Monadic fold over the elements of a structure,
--- associating to the right, i.e. from right to left.
+-- | Monadic fold over the elements of a structure. This type of fold is
+-- left-associative in the monadic effects, and right-associative in the output
+-- value.
+-- Given a structure @t@ with elements @(a, b, c, ..., x, y)@, the result of
+-- a fold with an operator function @f@ is equivalent to:
+-- > foldrM f z t = do { yy <- f y z; xx <- f x yy; ... ; bb <- f b cc; f a bb }
+-- If in a 'MonadPlus' the bind short-circuits, the evaluated effects will be
+-- from a tail of the sequence. If you want to evaluate the monadic effects in
+-- left-to-right order, or perhaps be able to short-circuit after an initial
+-- sequence of elements, you'll need to use `foldlM` instead.
+-- If the monadic effects don't short-circuit, the outer-most application of
+-- @f@ is to left-most element @a@, so that, ignoring effects, the result looks
+-- like a right fold:
+-- > a `f` (b `f` (c `f` (... (x `f` (y `f` z))))).
+-- and yet, left-associative monadic binds, rather than right-associative
+-- applications of @f@, sequence the computation.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- Basic usage:
--- >>> foldrM (\string acc -> print string >> pure (acc + length string)) 42 ["Hello", "world", "!"]
--- "!"
--- "world"
--- "Hello"
--- 53
+-- >>> let f i acc = do { print i ; return $ i : acc }
+-- >>> foldrM f [] [0..3]
+-- 3
+-- 2
+-- 1
+-- 0
+-- [0,1,2,3]
foldrM :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
foldrM f z0 xs = foldl c return xs z0
-- See Note [List fusion and continuations in 'c']
where c k x z = f x z >>= k
{-# INLINE c #-}
--- | Monadic fold over the elements of a structure,
--- associating to the left, i.e. from left to right.
+-- | Monadic fold over the elements of a structure. This type of fold is
+-- right-associative in the monadic effects, and left-associative in the output
+-- value.
+-- Given a structure @t@ with elements @(a, b, ..., w, x, y)@, the result of
+-- a fold with an operator function @f@ is equivalent to:
+-- > foldlM f z t = do { aa <- f z a; bb <- f aa b; ... ; xx <- f ww x; f xx y }
+-- If in a 'MonadPlus' the bind short-circuits, the evaluated effects will be
+-- from an initial portion of the sequence. If you want to evaluate the
+-- monadic effects in right-to-left order, or perhaps be able to short-circuit
+-- after processing a tail of the sequence of elements, you'll need to use
+-- `foldrM` instead.
+-- If the monadic effects don't short-circuit, the outer-most application of
+-- @f@ is to the right-most element @y@, so that, ignoring effects, the result
+-- looks like a left fold:
+-- > ((((z `f` a) `f` b) ... `f` w) `f` x) `f` y
+-- and yet, right-associative monadic binds, rather than left-associative
+-- applications of @f@, sequence the computation.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- Basic usage:
--- >>> foldlM (\acc string -> print string >> pure (acc + length string)) 42 ["Hello", "world", "!"]
--- "Hello"
--- "world"
--- "!"
--- 53
+-- >>> let f a e = do { print e ; return $ e : a }
+-- >>> foldlM f [] [0..3]
+-- 0
+-- 1
+-- 2
+-- 3
+-- [3,2,1,0]
foldlM :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
foldlM f z0 xs = foldr c return xs z0
-- See Note [List fusion and continuations in 'c']
where c x k z = f z x >>= k
{-# INLINE c #-}
--- | Map each element of a structure to an action, evaluate these
--- actions from left to right, and ignore the results. For a version
--- that doesn't ignore the results see 'Data.Traversable.traverse'.
+-- | Map each element of a structure to an 'Applicative' action, evaluate these
+-- actions from left to right, and ignore the results. For a version that
+-- doesn't ignore the results see 'Data.Traversable.traverse'.
+-- 'traverse_' is just like 'mapM_', but generalised to 'Applicative' actions.
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -906,7 +989,10 @@ traverse_ f = foldr c (pure ())
{-# INLINE c #-}
-- | 'for_' is 'traverse_' with its arguments flipped. For a version
--- that doesn't ignore the results see 'Data.Traversable.for'.
+-- that doesn't ignore the results see 'Data.Traversable.for'. This
+-- is 'forM_' generalised to 'Applicative' actions.
+-- 'for_' is just like 'forM_', but generalised to 'Applicative' actions.
-- ==== __Examples__
@@ -926,8 +1012,8 @@ for_ = flip traverse_
-- version that doesn't ignore the results see
-- 'Data.Traversable.mapM'.
--- As of base, 'mapM_' is just 'traverse_', specialized to
--- 'Monad'.
+-- 'mapM_' is just like 'traverse_', but specialised to monadic actions.
mapM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ f = foldr c (return ())
-- See Note [List fusion and continuations in 'c']
@@ -937,7 +1023,8 @@ mapM_ f = foldr c (return ())
-- | 'forM_' is 'mapM_' with its arguments flipped. For a version that
-- doesn't ignore the results see 'Data.Traversable.forM'.
--- As of base, 'forM_' is just 'for_', specialized to 'Monad'.
+-- 'forM_' is just like 'for_', but specialised to monadic actions.
forM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
{-# INLINE forM_ #-}
forM_ = flip mapM_
@@ -946,6 +1033,9 @@ forM_ = flip mapM_
-- ignore the results. For a version that doesn't ignore the results
-- see 'Data.Traversable.sequenceA'.
+-- 'sequenceA_' is just like 'sequence_', but generalised to 'Applicative'
+-- actions.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- Basic usage:
@@ -964,8 +1054,9 @@ sequenceA_ = foldr c (pure ())
-- and ignore the results. For a version that doesn't ignore the
-- results see 'Data.Traversable.sequence'.
--- As of base, 'sequence_' is just 'sequenceA_', specialized
--- to 'Monad'.
+-- 'sequence_' is just like 'sequenceA_', but specialised to monadic
+-- actions.
sequence_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m ()
sequence_ = foldr c (return ())
-- See Note [List fusion and continuations in 'c']
@@ -974,6 +1065,8 @@ sequence_ = foldr c (return ())
-- | The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing 'concat'.
+-- 'asum' is just like 'msum', but generalised to 'Alternative'.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- Basic usage:
@@ -985,7 +1078,9 @@ asum :: (Foldable t, Alternative f) => t (f a) -> f a
asum = foldr (<|>) empty
-- | The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing 'concat'.
--- As of base, 'msum' is just 'asum', specialized to 'MonadPlus'.
+-- 'msum' is just like 'asum', but specialised to 'MonadPlus'.
msum :: (Foldable t, MonadPlus m) => t (m a) -> m a
{-# INLINE msum #-}
msum = asum
@@ -999,8 +1094,12 @@ msum = asum
-- >>> concat (Just [1, 2, 3])
-- [1,2,3]
--- >>> concat (Node (Leaf [1, 2, 3]) [4, 5] (Node Empty [6] (Leaf [])))
+-- >>> concat (Left 42)
+-- []
+-- >>> concat [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], []]
-- [1,2,3,4,5,6]
concat :: Foldable t => t [a] -> [a]
concat xs = build (\c n -> foldr (\x y -> foldr c y x) n xs)
{-# INLINE concat #-}
@@ -1015,8 +1114,8 @@ concat xs = build (\c n -> foldr (\x y -> foldr c y x) n xs)
-- >>> concatMap (take 3) [[1..], [10..], [100..], [1000..]]
-- [1,2,3,10,11,12,100,101,102,1000,1001,1002]
--- >>> concatMap (take 3) (Node (Leaf [1..]) [10..] Empty)
--- [1,2,3,10,11,12]
+-- >>> concatMap (take 3) (Just [1..])
+-- [1,2,3]
concatMap :: Foldable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [b]
concatMap f xs = build (\c n -> foldr (\x b -> foldr c b (f x)) n xs)
{-# INLINE concatMap #-}
@@ -1043,7 +1142,7 @@ concatMap f xs = build (\c n -> foldr (\x b -> foldr c b (f x)) n xs)
-- >>> and [True, True, False]
-- False
--- >>> and (False : repeat True) -- Infinite list [False,True,True,True,True,True,True...
+-- >>> and (False : repeat True) -- Infinite list [False,True,True,True,...
-- False
-- >>> and (repeat True)
@@ -1071,7 +1170,7 @@ and = getAll #. foldMap All
-- >>> or [True, True, False]
-- True
--- >>> or (True : repeat False) -- Infinite list [True,False,False,False,False,False,False...
+-- >>> or (True : repeat False) -- Infinite list [True,False,False,False,...
-- True
-- >>> or (repeat False)
@@ -1206,9 +1305,6 @@ notElem x = not . elem x
-- >>> find (> 42) [0, 5..]
-- Just 45
--- >>> find (> 4) (Node (Leaf 3) 17 (Node Empty 12 (Leaf 8)))
--- Just 17
-- >>> find (> 12) [1..7]
-- Nothing
find :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Maybe a
@@ -1322,25 +1418,25 @@ for more context.
-- #leftright#
-- Merging the contribution of the current element with an accumulator value
--- from a partial result is performed by an /update function/, either
+-- from a partial result is performed by an /operator/ function, either
-- explicitly provided by the caller as in `foldr`, implicit as in `length`, or
--- partly implicit as in `foldMap` (where each element is mapped into a monoid,
--- and the Monoid's `mappend` performs the merge).
+-- partly implicit as in `foldMap` (where each element is mapped into a
+-- 'Monoid', and the monoid's `mappend` operator performs the merge).
-- A key distinction is between left-associative and right-associative
-- folds:
-- * In left-associative folds the accumulator is a partial fold over the
--- elements that __precede__ the current element, and is passed to the update
--- function as its first (left) argument. The outer-most application of the
--- update function merges the contribution of the last element of the
--- structure with the contributions of all its predecessors.
+-- elements that __precede__ the current element, and is passed to the
+-- operator as its first (left) argument. The outer-most application of the
+-- operator merges the contribution of the last element of the structure with
+-- the contributions of all its predecessors.
-- * In right-associative folds the accumulator is a partial fold over the
--- elements that __follow__ the current element, and is passed to the update
--- function as its second (right) argument. The outer-most application of
--- the update function merges the contribution of the first element of the
--- structure with the contributions of all its successors.
+-- elements that __follow__ the current element, and is passed to the
+-- operator as its second (right) argument. The outer-most application of
+-- the operator merges the contribution of the first element of the structure
+-- with the contributions of all its successors.
-- These two types of folds are typified by the left-associative strict
-- `foldl'` and the right-associative lazy `foldr`.
@@ -1357,7 +1453,7 @@ for more context.
-- >>> foldr (&&) True (repeat False)
-- False
--- The first argument of both is an explicit /update function/ that merges the
+-- The first argument of both is an explicit /operator/ that merges the
-- contribution of an element of the structure with a partial fold over,
-- respectively, either the preceding or following elements of the structure.
@@ -1370,7 +1466,7 @@ for more context.
-- The third and final argument is a @Foldable@ structure containing elements
-- @(a, b, c, &#x2026;)@.
--- * __`foldl'`__ takes an update function of the form:
+-- * __`foldl'`__ takes an operator function of the form:
-- @
-- f :: b -- accumulated fold of the initial elements
@@ -1392,7 +1488,7 @@ for more context.
-- strictness is space efficiency: the final result can be computed without
-- storing a potentially deep stack of lazy intermediate results.
--- * __`foldr`__ takes an update function of the form:
+-- * __`foldr`__ takes an operator function of the form:
-- @
-- f :: a -- current element
@@ -1402,9 +1498,7 @@ for more context.
-- the result of the fold is:
--- @
--- f a . f b . f c . &#x2026; $ z
--- @
+-- @f a . f b . f c . &#x2026; $ z@
-- If each call of @f@ on the current element @e@, (referenced as @(f e)@
-- below) returns a structure in which its second argument is captured in a
@@ -1417,11 +1511,11 @@ for more context.
-- `foldr` is well suited to define both [corecursive](#corec)
-- and [short-circuit](#short) reductions.
--- When the update function is always strict in the second argument,
--- `foldl'` is generally a better choice than `foldr`. When `foldr` is
--- called with a strict update function, evaluation cannot begin until the
--- last element is reached, by which point a deep stack of pending function
--- applications may have been built up in memory.
+-- When the operator is always strict in the second argument, `foldl'` is
+-- generally a better choice than `foldr`. When `foldr` is called with a
+-- strict operator, evaluation cannot begin until the last element is
+-- reached, by which point a deep stack of pending function applications
+-- may have been built up in memory.
-- In finite structures for which right-to-left sequencing no less efficient
-- than left-to-right sequencing, there is no inherent performance distinction
@@ -1455,17 +1549,17 @@ for more context.
-- finite, because the termination condition might otherwise never be met.
-- Whether a fold is recursive, corecursive or short-circuiting can depend on
--- both the method chosen to perform the fold and on the update function passed
--- to that method (which may be implicit, as with the `mappend` method of a
--- monoid instance).
+-- both the method chosen to perform the fold and on the operator passed to
+-- that method (which may be implicit, as with the `mappend` method of a monoid
+-- instance).
--- There are also hybrid cases, where the method and/or the update function are
--- not well suited to the task at hand, resulting in a fold that fails to yield
+-- There are also hybrid cases, where the method and/or operator are not well
+-- suited to the task at hand, resulting in a fold that fails to yield
-- incremental results until the entire input is processed, or fails to
-- strictly evaluate results as it goes, deferring all the work to the
-- evaluation of a large final thunk. Such cases should be avoided, either by
--- selecting a more appropriate @Foldable@ method, or by tailoring the update
--- function to the chosen method.
+-- selecting a more appropriate @Foldable@ method, or by tailoring the operator
+-- to the chosen method.
-- The distinction between these types of folds is critical, both in deciding
-- which @Foldable@ method to use to perform the reduction efficiently, and in
@@ -1490,11 +1584,11 @@ for more context.
-- ensure that `foldl'` actually performs a strict left-associative reduction.
-- The `foldMap'` method is a special case of `foldl'`, in which the initial
--- accumulator is `mempty` and the update function is @mappend . f@, where
--- @f@ maps each input element into the 'Monoid' in question. Therefore,
--- `foldMap'` is an appropriate choice under essentially the same conditions
--- as `foldl'`, and its implementation for a given @Foldable@ structure should
--- also be a strict left-associative reduction.
+-- accumulator is `mempty` and the operator is @mappend . f@, where @f@ maps
+-- each input element into the 'Monoid' in question. Therefore, `foldMap'` is
+-- an appropriate choice under essentially the same conditions as `foldl'`, and
+-- its implementation for a given @Foldable@ structure should also be a strict
+-- left-associative reduction.
-- While the examples below are not necessarily the most optimal definitions of
-- the intended functions, they are all cases in which `foldMap'` is far more
@@ -1513,17 +1607,13 @@ for more context.
-- The full list of strict recursive functions in this module is:
--- * Provided the update function is strict in its left argument:
+-- * Provided the operator is strict in its left argument:
--- @
--- `foldl'` :: Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
--- @
+-- @`foldl'` :: Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b@
-- * Provided `mappend` is strict in its left argument:
--- @
--- `foldMap'` :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
--- @
+-- @`foldMap'` :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m@
-- * Provided the instance is correctly defined:
@@ -1551,9 +1641,9 @@ for more context.
-- Conversely, an implementation of `foldr` for a structure that can
-- accommodate a large (and possibly unbounded) number of elements is expected
--- to be lazy in the tail of the input, allowing update functions that are lazy
--- in the accumulator to yield intermediate results incrementally. Such folds
--- are right-associative, with the tail of the stream returned as a lazily
+-- to be lazy in the tail of the input, allowing operators that are lazy in the
+-- accumulator to yield intermediate results incrementally. Such folds are
+-- right-associative, with the tail of the stream returned as a lazily
-- evaluated component of the result (an element of a tuple or some other
-- non-strict constructor, e.g. the @(:)@ constructor for lists).
@@ -1601,13 +1691,13 @@ for more context.
-- $shortcircuit
-- #short#
--- Examples of short-cicuit reduction include various boolean predicates
--- that test whether some or all the elements of a structure satisfy a
--- given condition. Because these don't necessarily consume the entire
--- list, they typically employ `foldr` with an update function that
--- is conditionally strict in its second argument. Once the termination
--- condition is met the second argument (tail of the input structure) is
--- ignored. No result is returned until that happens.
+-- Examples of short-cicuit reduction include various boolean predicates that
+-- test whether some or all the elements of a structure satisfy a given
+-- condition. Because these don't necessarily consume the entire list, they
+-- typically employ `foldr` with an operator that is conditionally strict in
+-- its second argument. Once the termination condition is met the second
+-- argument (tail of the input structure) is ignored. No result is returned
+-- until that happens.
-- The key distinguishing feature of these folds is /conditional/ strictness
-- in the second argument, it is sometimes evaluated and sometimes not.
@@ -1679,33 +1769,25 @@ for more context.
-- `sequence_` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m ()
-- @
--- * Finally, there's one more special case, which can short-circuit when the
--- monad @m@ is a 'MonadPlus', and the update function conditionally calls
--- 'mzero'. The monadic result is a strict left fold of the inputs when the
--- monad's bind operator is strict in its first argument. And yet the
--- monadic actions of this ostensibly left fold are sequenced via the lazy
--- `foldr`, which allows it to short-circuit early. The monadic side-effects
--- are evaluated in left-to-right order.
+-- * Finally, there's one more special case, `foldlM`, which can short-circuit
+-- when the monad @m@ is a 'MonadPlus', and the operator invokes 'mzero'.
--- @
--- `foldlM` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
--- @
+-- @`foldlM` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b@
--- For a structure @xs@ with elements @(a, b, c, &#x2026;)@, the default
--- definition of @(foldlM f xs z)@ expands (via `foldr`) to:
+-- This type of fold is right-associative in the monadic effects, and
+-- left-associative in the output value.
--- @
--- return z >>= (g a >>= (g b >>= (g c >>= ...)))
--- where g element acc = f acc element -- i.e. g = flip f
--- @
+-- Given a structure @t@ with elements @(a, b, ..., x, y)@, the result
+-- of a fold with operator @f@ is equivalent to:
--- The fold is not strict in the accumulator, unless @f@ is. But even when
--- @f@ is strict, if the Monad's bind operator is not strict in its right
--- argument the chain of monadic actions can short-circuit:
+-- > foldlM f z t = do { aa <- f z a; bb <- f aa b; ... ; f xx y }
+-- If in a 'MonadPlus' the bind short-circuits, the evaluated effects will
+-- be from an initial portion of the sequence.
-- >>> :set -XBangPatterns
-- >>> import Control.Monad
--- >>> import Control.Monad.Trans
+-- >>> import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
-- >>> import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
-- >>> import Data.Foldable
-- >>> let f !_ e = when (e > 3) mzero >> lift (print e)
@@ -1724,9 +1806,9 @@ for more context.
-- >>> runMaybeT $ foldrM f () [0..]
-- ...hangs...
--- If the update function is changed to short-circuit on the initial
--- elements and the structure is finite, `foldrM` will run effects and
--- produce results in reverse order:
+-- If instead the operator short-circuits on the initial elements and the
+-- structure is finite, `foldrM` will perform the monadic effects in reverse
+-- order:
-- >>> let f e _ = when (e < 3) mzero >> lift (print e)
-- >>> runMaybeT $ foldrM f () [0..5]
@@ -1744,16 +1826,25 @@ for more context.
-- They do have specialised uses, but are best avoided when in doubt.
-- @
--- `foldr'` :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
--- `foldl` :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
--- `foldl1` :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
--- `foldrM` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
+-- `foldr'` :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
+-- `foldl` :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
+-- `foldl1` :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
+-- `foldrM` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
-- @
+-- The lazy left-folds (used corecursively) and 'foldrM' (used to sequence
+-- actions right-to-left) can be efficient in structures whose @Foldable@
+-- instances take advantage of efficient right-to-left iteration to perform
+-- lazy left folds outside-in from the right-most element.
+-- The strict `foldr'` is the least likely to be useful, structures that
+-- support efficient sequencing /only/ right-to-left are not at all common.
-- $instances
+-- #instances#
-- For many structures reasonably efficient @Foldable@ instances can be derived
-- automatically, by enabling the @DeriveFoldable@ GHC extension. When this
-- works, it is generally not necessary to define a custom instance by hand.
@@ -1761,7 +1852,7 @@ for more context.
-- care is required to avoid producing slower code, or code that is not
-- sufficiently lazy, strict or /lawful/.
--- The hand-crafted intances can get away with only defining one of 'foldr' or
+-- The hand-crafted instances can get away with only defining one of 'foldr' or
-- 'foldMap'. All the other methods have default definitions in terms of one
-- of these. The default definitions have the expected strictness and the
-- expected asymptotic runtime and space costs, modulo small constant factors.
@@ -1769,7 +1860,8 @@ for more context.
-- doing better than the default derived implementations, plus careful tests to
-- ensure that the custom methods are correct.
--- For example, given a data type
+-- Below we construct a @Foldable@ instance for a data type representing a
+-- (finite) binary tree with depth-first traversal.
-- > data Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
@@ -1783,11 +1875,10 @@ for more context.
-- The 'Node' case is a right fold of the left subtree whose initial
-- value is a right fold of the rest of the tree.
--- For example, when `f` is '(:)', all three cases return an immediate
--- value, respectively @z@ or a /cons cell/ holding @x@ or @l@, with the
--- remainder the structure, if any, encapsulated in a lazy thunk.
--- This meets the expected efficient [corecursive](#corec) behaviour
--- of 'foldr'.
+-- For example, when `f` is '(:)', all three cases return an immediate value,
+-- respectively @z@ or a /cons cell/ holding @x@ or @l@, with the remainder the
+-- structure, if any, encapsulated in a lazy thunk. This meets the expected
+-- efficient [corecursive](#corec) behaviour of 'foldr'.
-- Alternatively, one could define @foldMap@:
@@ -1801,9 +1892,57 @@ for more context.
-- one in terms of the other. If you implement just one, likely 'foldr'
-- is the better choice.
--- The fact that `foldl'` can be reasonably efficiently defined in terms
--- of 'foldr' is one of the more surprising features of @Foldable@. It
--- may be instructive to take a look at how this works.
+-- A binary tree typically (when balanced, or randomly biased) provides equally
+-- efficient access to its left and right subtrees. This makes it possible to
+-- define a `foldl` optimised for [corecursive](#corec) folds with operators
+-- that are lazy in their first (left) argument.
+-- > instance Foldable Tree where
+-- > foldr f z Empty = z
+-- > foldr f z (Leaf x) = f x z
+-- > foldr f z (Node l k r) = foldr f (f k (foldr f z r)) l
+-- > --
+-- > foldMap f Empty = mempty
+-- > foldMap f (Leaf x) = f x
+-- > foldMap f (Node l k r) = foldMap f l <> f k <> foldMap f r
+-- > --
+-- > foldl f z Empty = z
+-- > foldl f z (Leaf x) = f z x
+-- > foldl f z (Node l k r) = foldl f (f (foldl f z l) k) r
+-- Now left-to-right and right-to-left iteration over the structure
+-- elements are equally efficient (note the mirror-order output when
+-- using `foldl`):
+-- >>> foldr (\e acc -> e : acc) [] (Node (Leaf 1) 2 (Leaf 3))
+-- [1,2,3]
+-- >>> foldl (\acc e -> e : acc) [] (Node (Leaf 1) 2 (Leaf 3))
+-- [3,2,1]
+-- We can carry this further, and define more non-default methods...
+-- The structure definition actually admits trees that are unbounded on either
+-- or both sides. The only fold that can plausibly terminate for a tree
+-- unbounded on both left and right is `null`, when defined as shown below.
+-- The default definition in terms of `foldr` diverges if the tree is unbounded
+-- on the left. Here we define a variant that avoids travelling down the tree
+-- to find the left-most element and just examines the root node.
+-- > null Empty = True
+-- > null _ = False
+-- This is a sound choice also for finite trees.
+-- In practice, unbounded trees are quite uncommon, and can barely be said to
+-- be @Foldable@. They would typically employ breadth first traversal, and
+-- would support only corecursive and short-circuit folds (diverge under strict
+-- reduction).
+-- Returning to more mininal instances defined in terms of just `foldr`, it is
+-- somewhat surprising that a fairly efficient /default/ implementation of the
+-- strict `foldl'` is defined in terms of lazy `foldr` when only the latter is
+-- explicitly provided by the instance. It may be instructive to take a look
+-- at how this works.
@@ -1813,15 +1952,13 @@ for more context.
-- The left fold:
--- @
--- foldl' f z [a, b, &#x2026;, x, y]
--- @
+-- @foldl' f z [a, b, &#x2026;, x, y]@
-- can be expanded as:
-- @
-- id . g y . g x . &#x2026; . g b . g a $ z
--- \ \ where g = flip f
+-- where g = flip f
-- @
-- In which to maintain the expected strictness we need to perform function
@@ -1833,7 +1970,7 @@ for more context.
-- > f' x k z = k $! (g x) z = k $! f z x
-- We see that a lazy 'foldr' of the @g e@ endomorphisms, with @f'@ as as the
--- update function, in fact yields a strict left fold, that avoids building a
+-- operator, in fact yields a strict left fold, that avoids building a
-- deep chain of intermediate thunks:
-- > foldl' f z0 xs = foldr f' id xs z0