path: root/libraries/base
diff options
authorTamar Christina <>2020-07-12 22:00:47 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-07-24 18:13:00 -0400
commitc1f4f81d3a439cd1a8128e4ab11c7caac7cc0ad8 (patch)
tree93d9a7411500b39d0478a6f4b471eb9eda2540c4 /libraries/base
parentcdd0ff16f20ce920c74f9128a1067cbe1bd378c2 (diff)
winio: change memory allocation strategy and fix double free errors.
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base')
2 files changed, 95 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows.hsc b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows.hsc
index d074a300b3..fdf01e527a 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows.hsc
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows.hsc
@@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ import Data.Foldable (mapM_, length, forM_)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, maybe)
import GHC.Event.Windows.Clock (Clock, Seconds, getClock, getTime)
+ CompletionData(..), CompletionCallback,
+ withRequest)
import GHC.Event.Windows.ManagedThreadPool
import GHC.Event.Internal.Types
import GHC.Event.Unique
@@ -300,43 +302,6 @@ foreign import ccall safe "completeSynchronousRequest"
-- Manager structures
--- | Callback type that will be called when an I/O operation completes.
-type IOCallback = CompletionCallback ()
--- | Wrap the IOCallback type into a FunPtr.
-foreign import ccall "wrapper"
- wrapIOCallback :: IOCallback -> IO (FunPtr IOCallback)
--- | Unwrap a FunPtr IOCallback to a normal Haskell function.
-foreign import ccall "dynamic"
- mkIOCallback :: FunPtr IOCallback -> IOCallback
--- | Structure that the I/O manager uses to associate callbacks with
--- additional payload such as their OVERLAPPED structure and Win32 handle
--- etc. *Must* be kept in sync with that in `winio_structs.h` or horrible things
--- happen.
--- We keep the handle around for the benefit of ghc-external libraries making
--- use of the manager.
-data CompletionData = CompletionData { cdHandle :: !HANDLE
- , cdCallback :: !IOCallback
- }
-instance Storable CompletionData where
- sizeOf _ = #{size CompletionData}
- alignment _ = #{alignment CompletionData}
- peek ptr = do
- cdCallback <- mkIOCallback `fmap` #{peek CompletionData, cdCallback} ptr
- cdHandle <- #{peek CompletionData, cdHandle} ptr
- let !cd = CompletionData{..}
- return cd
- poke ptr CompletionData{..} = do
- cb <- wrapIOCallback cdCallback
- #{poke CompletionData, cdCallback} ptr cb
- #{poke CompletionData, cdHandle} ptr cdHandle
-- | Pointer offset in bytes to the location of hoData in HASKELL_OVERLAPPPED
cdOffset :: Int
cdOffset = #{const __builtin_offsetof (HASKELL_OVERLAPPED, hoData)}
@@ -507,11 +472,6 @@ data CbResult a
-- manager will perform additional checks.
deriving Show
--- | Called when the completion is delivered.
-type CompletionCallback a = ErrCode -- ^ 0 indicates success
- -> DWORD -- ^ Number of bytes transferred
- -> IO a
-- | Associate a 'HANDLE' with the current I/O manager's completion port.
-- This must be done before using the handle with 'withOverlapped'.
associateHandle' :: HANDLE -> IO ()
@@ -581,23 +541,18 @@ withOverlappedEx mgr fname h offset startCB completionCB = do
signalThrow ex = failIfFalse_ (dbgMsg "signalThrow") $
writeIOPort signal (IOFailed ex)
mask_ $ do
- let completionCB' e b = completionCB e b >>= \result ->
- case result of
- IOSuccess val -> signalReturn val
- IOFailed err -> signalThrow err
- hs_lpol <- FFI.allocOverlapped offset
- -- Create the completion record and store it.
- -- We only need the record when we enqueue a request, however if we
- -- delay creating it then we will run into a race condition where the
- -- driver may have finished servicing the request before we were ready
- -- and so the request won't have the book keeping information to know
- -- what to do. So because of that we always create the payload, If we
- -- need it ok, if we don't that's no problem. This approach prevents
- -- expensive lookups in hash-tables.
- --
- -- Todo: Use a memory pool for this so we don't have to hit malloc every
- -- time. This would allow us to scale better.
- cdData <- new (CompletionData h completionCB') :: IO (Ptr CompletionData)
+ let completionCB' e b = completionCB e b >>= \result ->
+ case result of
+ IOSuccess val -> signalReturn val
+ IOFailed err -> signalThrow err
+ let callbackData = CompletionData h completionCB'
+ -- Note [Memory Management]
+ -- These callback data and especially the overlapped structs have to keep
+ -- alive throughout the entire lifetime of the requests. Since this
+ -- function will block until done so it can call completionCB at the end
+ -- we can safely use dynamic memory management here and so reduce the
+ -- possibility of memory errors.
+ withRequest offset callbackData $ \hs_lpol cdData -> do
let ptr_lpol = hs_lpol `plusPtr` cdOffset
let lpol = castPtr hs_lpol
debugIO $ "hs_lpol:" ++ show hs_lpol
@@ -713,11 +668,8 @@ withOverlappedEx mgr fname h offset startCB completionCB = do
debugIO $ "## Waiting for cancellation record... "
_ <- FFI.getOverlappedResult h lpol True
oldDataPtr <- exchangePtr ptr_lpol nullReq
- -- Check if we have to free and cleanup pointer
when (oldDataPtr == cdData) $
- do free oldDataPtr
- free hs_lpol
- reqs <- removeRequest
+ do reqs <- removeRequest
debugIO $ "-1.. " ++ show reqs ++ " requests queued after error."
status <- fmap fromIntegral getLastError
completionCB' status 0
@@ -741,7 +693,6 @@ withOverlappedEx mgr fname h offset startCB completionCB = do
case startCBResult of
CbPending -> runner
CbDone rdata -> do
- free cdData
debugIO $ dbgMsg $ ":: done " ++ show lpol ++ " - " ++ show rdata
bytes <- if isJust rdata
then return rdata
@@ -749,23 +700,18 @@ withOverlappedEx mgr fname h offset startCB completionCB = do
else FFI.getOverlappedResult h lpol False
debugIO $ dbgMsg $ ":: done bytes: " ++ show bytes
case bytes of
- Just res -> free hs_lpol >> completionCB 0 res
+ Just res -> completionCB 0 res
Nothing -> do err <- FFI.overlappedIOStatus lpol
numBytes <- FFI.overlappedIONumBytes lpol
-- TODO: Remap between STATUS_ and ERROR_ instead
-- of re-interpret here. But for now, don't care.
let err' = fromIntegral err
- free hs_lpol
debugIO $ dbgMsg $ ":: done callback: " ++ show err' ++ " - " ++ show numBytes
completionCB err' (fromIntegral numBytes)
CbError err -> do
- free cdData
- free hs_lpol
let err' = fromIntegral err
completionCB err' 0
_ -> do
- free cdData
- free hs_lpol
error "unexpected case in `startCBResult'"
where dbgMsg s = s ++ " (" ++ show h ++ ":" ++ show offset ++ ")"
-- Wait for .25ms (threaded) and 1ms (non-threaded)
@@ -1099,15 +1045,17 @@ processCompletion Manager{..} n delay = do
do debugIO $ "exchanged: " ++ show oldDataPtr
payload <- peek oldDataPtr :: IO CompletionData
let !cb = cdCallback payload
- free oldDataPtr
reqs <- removeRequest
debugIO $ "-1.. " ++ show reqs ++ " requests queued."
status <- FFI.overlappedIOStatus (lpOverlapped oe)
-- TODO: Remap between STATUS_ and ERROR_ instead
-- of re-interpret here. But for now, don't care.
let status' = fromIntegral status
+ -- We no longer explicitly free the memory, this is because we
+ -- now require the callback to free the memory since the
+ -- callback allocated it. This allows us to simplify memory
+ -- management and reduce bugs. See Note [Memory Management].
cb status' (dwNumberOfBytesTransferred oe)
- free hs_lpol
-- clear the array so we don't erroneously interpret the output, in
-- certain circumstances like lockFileEx the code could return 1 entry
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows/FFI.hsc b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows/FFI.hsc
index b9c766c977..f8ea13b4a0 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows/FFI.hsc
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows/FFI.hsc
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ module GHC.Event.Windows.FFI (
+ -- * Completion Data
+ CompletionData(..),
+ CompletionCallback,
+ withRequest,
-- * Overlapped
@@ -216,6 +221,51 @@ postQueuedCompletionStatus iocp numBytes completionKey lpol =
c_PostQueuedCompletionStatus iocp numBytes completionKey lpol
+-- Completion Data
+-- | Called when the completion is delivered.
+type CompletionCallback a = ErrCode -- ^ 0 indicates success
+ -> DWORD -- ^ Number of bytes transferred
+ -> IO a
+-- | Callback type that will be called when an I/O operation completes.
+type IOCallback = CompletionCallback ()
+-- | Wrap the IOCallback type into a FunPtr.
+foreign import ccall "wrapper"
+ wrapIOCallback :: IOCallback -> IO (FunPtr IOCallback)
+-- | Unwrap a FunPtr IOCallback to a normal Haskell function.
+foreign import ccall "dynamic"
+ mkIOCallback :: FunPtr IOCallback -> IOCallback
+-- | Structure that the I/O manager uses to associate callbacks with
+-- additional payload such as their OVERLAPPED structure and Win32 handle
+-- etc. *Must* be kept in sync with that in `winio_structs.h` or horrible things
+-- happen.
+-- We keep the handle around for the benefit of ghc-external libraries making
+-- use of the manager.
+data CompletionData = CompletionData { cdHandle :: !HANDLE
+ , cdCallback :: !IOCallback
+ }
+instance Storable CompletionData where
+ sizeOf _ = #{size CompletionData}
+ alignment _ = #{alignment CompletionData}
+ peek ptr = do
+ cdCallback <- mkIOCallback `fmap` #{peek CompletionData, cdCallback} ptr
+ cdHandle <- #{peek CompletionData, cdHandle} ptr
+ let !cd = CompletionData{..}
+ return cd
+ poke ptr CompletionData{..} = do
+ cb <- wrapIOCallback cdCallback
+ #{poke CompletionData, cdCallback} ptr cb
+ #{poke CompletionData, cdHandle} ptr cdHandle
-- Overlapped
-- | Tag type for @LPOVERLAPPED@.
@@ -294,6 +344,30 @@ pokeOffsetOverlapped lpol offset = do
{-# INLINE pokeOffsetOverlapped #-}
+-- Request management
+withRequest :: Word64 -> CompletionData
+ -> (Ptr HASKELL_OVERLAPPED -> Ptr CompletionData -> IO a)
+ -> IO a
+withRequest offset cbData f =
+ -- Create the completion record and store it.
+ -- We only need the record when we enqueue a request, however if we
+ -- delay creating it then we will run into a race condition where the
+ -- driver may have finished servicing the request before we were ready
+ -- and so the request won't have the book keeping information to know
+ -- what to do. So because of that we always create the payload, If we
+ -- need it ok, if we don't that's no problem. This approach prevents
+ -- expensive lookups in hash-tables.
+ --
+ -- Todo: Use a memory pool for this so we don't have to hit malloc every
+ -- time. This would allow us to scale better.
+ allocaBytes #{size HASKELL_OVERLAPPED} $ \hs_lpol ->
+ with cbData $ \cdData -> do
+ zeroOverlapped hs_lpol
+ pokeOffsetOverlapped (castPtr hs_lpol) offset
+ f hs_lpol cdData
-- Cancel pending I/O
-- | CancelIo shouldn't block, but cancellation happens infrequently,