path: root/libraries/ghc-boot/GHC/PackageDb.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-04-11 17:03:18 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-30 01:56:56 -0400
commit8bfb0219587b969d5c8f723c46d433e9493958b4 (patch)
tree7ed243039324e5a85905985589d7defd91543625 /libraries/ghc-boot/GHC/PackageDb.hs
parent10d15f1ec4bab4dd6152d87fc66e61658a705eb3 (diff)
Unit: split and rename modules
Introduce GHC.Unit.* hierarchy for everything concerning units, packages and modules. Update Haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/ghc-boot/GHC/PackageDb.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 703 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-boot/GHC/PackageDb.hs b/libraries/ghc-boot/GHC/PackageDb.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 650234927c..0000000000
--- a/libraries/ghc-boot/GHC/PackageDb.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,703 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
--- |
--- Module : GHC.PackageDb
--- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2009, Duncan Coutts 2014
--- Maintainer :
--- Portability : portable
--- This module provides the view of GHC's database of registered packages that
--- is shared between GHC the compiler\/library, and the ghc-pkg program. It
--- defines the database format that is shared between GHC and ghc-pkg.
--- The database format, and this library are constructed so that GHC does not
--- have to depend on the Cabal library. The ghc-pkg program acts as the
--- gateway between the external package format (which is defined by Cabal) and
--- the internal package format which is specialised just for GHC.
--- GHC the compiler only needs some of the information which is kept about
--- registered packages, such as module names, various paths etc. On the other
--- hand ghc-pkg has to keep all the information from Cabal packages and be able
--- to regurgitate it for users and other tools.
--- The first trick is that we duplicate some of the information in the package
--- database. We essentially keep two versions of the database in one file, one
--- version used only by ghc-pkg which keeps the full information (using the
--- serialised form of the 'InstalledPackageInfo' type defined by the Cabal
--- library); and a second version written by ghc-pkg and read by GHC which has
--- just the subset of information that GHC needs.
--- The second trick is that this module only defines in detail the format of
--- the second version -- the bit GHC uses -- and the part managed by ghc-pkg
--- is kept in the file but here we treat it as an opaque blob of data. That way
--- this library avoids depending on Cabal.
-module GHC.PackageDb
- ( GenericUnitInfo(..)
- , type DbUnitInfo
- , DbModule (..)
- , DbInstUnitId (..)
- , mapGenericUnitInfo
- -- * Read and write
- , DbMode(..)
- , DbOpenMode(..)
- , isDbOpenReadMode
- , readPackageDbForGhc
- , readPackageDbForGhcPkg
- , writePackageDb
- -- * Locking
- , PackageDbLock
- , lockPackageDb
- , unlockPackageDb
- -- * Misc
- , mkMungePathUrl
- , mungeUnitInfoPaths
- )
-import Prelude -- See note [Why do we import Prelude here?]
-import Data.Version (Version(..))
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS.Char8
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS.Lazy
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BS.Lazy (defaultChunkSize)
-import qualified Data.Foldable as F
-import qualified Data.Traversable as F
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import Data.Binary as Bin
-import Data.Binary.Put as Bin
-import Data.Binary.Get as Bin
-import Control.Exception as Exception
-import Control.Monad (when)
-import System.FilePath as FilePath
-import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
-import System.IO
-import System.IO.Error
-import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(InappropriateType))
-import GHC.IO.Handle.Lock
-import System.Directory
-import Data.List (stripPrefix)
--- | @ghc-boot@'s UnitInfo, serialized to the database.
-type DbUnitInfo = GenericUnitInfo BS.ByteString BS.ByteString BS.ByteString BS.ByteString BS.ByteString DbModule
--- | Information about an unit (a unit is an installed module library).
--- This is a subset of Cabal's 'InstalledPackageInfo', with just the bits
--- that GHC is interested in.
--- Some types are left as parameters to be instantiated differently in ghc-pkg
--- and in ghc itself.
-data GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod = GenericUnitInfo
- { unitId :: uid
- -- ^ Unique unit identifier that is used during compilation (e.g. to
- -- generate symbols).
- , unitInstanceOf :: compid
- -- ^ Identifier of an indefinite unit (i.e. with module holes) that this
- -- unit is an instance of.
- , unitInstantiations :: [(modulename, mod)]
- -- ^ How this unit instantiates some of its module holes. Map hole module
- -- names to actual module
- , unitPackageId :: srcpkgid
- -- ^ Source package identifier.
- --
- -- Cabal instantiates this with Distribution.Types.PackageId.PackageId
- -- type which only contains the source package name and version. Notice
- -- that it doesn't contain the Hackage revision, nor any kind of hash.
- , unitPackageName :: srcpkgname
- -- ^ Source package name
- , unitPackageVersion :: Version
- -- ^ Source package version
- , unitComponentName :: Maybe srcpkgname
- -- ^ Name of the component.
- --
- -- Cabal supports more than one components (libraries, executables,
- -- testsuites) in the same package. Each component has a name except the
- -- default one (that can only be a library component) for which we use
- -- "Nothing".
- --
- -- GHC only deals with "library" components as they are the only kind of
- -- components that can be registered in a database and used by other
- -- modules.
- , unitAbiHash :: String
- -- ^ ABI hash used to avoid mixing up units compiled with different
- -- dependencies, compiler, options, etc.
- , unitDepends :: [uid]
- -- ^ Identifiers of the units this one depends on
- , unitAbiDepends :: [(uid, String)]
- -- ^ Like 'unitDepends', but each dependency is annotated with the ABI hash
- -- we expect the dependency to respect.
- , unitImportDirs :: [FilePath]
- -- ^ Directories containing module interfaces
- , unitLibraries :: [String]
- -- ^ Names of the Haskell libraries provided by this unit
- , unitExtDepLibsSys :: [String]
- -- ^ Names of the external system libraries that this unit depends on. See
- -- also `unitExtDepLibsGhc` field.
- , unitExtDepLibsGhc :: [String]
- -- ^ Because of slight differences between the GHC dynamic linker (in
- -- GHC.Runtime.Linker) and the
- -- native system linker, some packages have to link with a different list
- -- of libraries when using GHC's. Examples include: libs that are actually
- -- gnu ld scripts, and the possibility that the .a libs do not exactly
- -- match the .so/.dll equivalents.
- --
- -- If this field is set, then we use that instead of the
- -- `unitExtDepLibsSys` field.
- , unitLibraryDirs :: [FilePath]
- -- ^ Directories containing libraries provided by this unit. See also
- -- `unitLibraryDynDirs`.
- --
- -- It seems to be used to store paths to external library dependencies
- -- too.
- , unitLibraryDynDirs :: [FilePath]
- -- ^ Directories containing the dynamic libraries provided by this unit.
- -- See also `unitLibraryDirs`.
- --
- -- It seems to be used to store paths to external dynamic library
- -- dependencies too.
- , unitExtDepFrameworks :: [String]
- -- ^ Names of the external MacOS frameworks that this unit depends on.
- , unitExtDepFrameworkDirs :: [FilePath]
- -- ^ Directories containing MacOS frameworks that this unit depends
- -- on.
- , unitLinkerOptions :: [String]
- -- ^ Linker (e.g. ld) command line options
- , unitCcOptions :: [String]
- -- ^ C compiler options that needs to be passed to the C compiler when we
- -- compile some C code against this unit.
- , unitIncludes :: [String]
- -- ^ C header files that are required by this unit (provided by this unit
- -- or external)
- , unitIncludeDirs :: [FilePath]
- -- ^ Directories containing C header files that this unit depends
- -- on.
- , unitHaddockInterfaces :: [FilePath]
- -- ^ Paths to Haddock interface files for this unit
- , unitHaddockHTMLs :: [FilePath]
- -- ^ Paths to Haddock directories containing HTML files
- , unitExposedModules :: [(modulename, Maybe mod)]
- -- ^ Modules exposed by the unit.
- --
- -- A module can be re-exported from another package. In this case, we
- -- indicate the module origin in the second parameter.
- , unitHiddenModules :: [modulename]
- -- ^ Hidden modules.
- --
- -- These are useful for error reporting (e.g. if a hidden module is
- -- imported)
- , unitIsIndefinite :: Bool
- -- ^ True if this unit has some module holes that need to be instantiated
- -- with real modules to make the unit usable (a.k.a. Backpack).
- , unitIsExposed :: Bool
- -- ^ True if the unit is exposed. A unit could be installed in a database
- -- by "disabled" by not being exposed.
- , unitIsTrusted :: Bool
- -- ^ True if the unit is trusted (cf Safe Haskell)
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show)
--- | Convert between GenericUnitInfo instances
- :: (uid1 -> uid2)
- -> (cid1 -> cid2)
- -> (srcpkg1 -> srcpkg2)
- -> (srcpkgname1 -> srcpkgname2)
- -> (modname1 -> modname2)
- -> (mod1 -> mod2)
- -> (GenericUnitInfo cid1 srcpkg1 srcpkgname1 uid1 modname1 mod1
- -> GenericUnitInfo cid2 srcpkg2 srcpkgname2 uid2 modname2 mod2)
-mapGenericUnitInfo fuid fcid fsrcpkg fsrcpkgname fmodname fmod g@(GenericUnitInfo {..}) =
- g { unitId = fuid unitId
- , unitInstanceOf = fcid unitInstanceOf
- , unitInstantiations = fmap (bimap fmodname fmod) unitInstantiations
- , unitPackageId = fsrcpkg unitPackageId
- , unitPackageName = fsrcpkgname unitPackageName
- , unitComponentName = fmap fsrcpkgname unitComponentName
- , unitDepends = fmap fuid unitDepends
- , unitAbiDepends = fmap (first fuid) unitAbiDepends
- , unitExposedModules = fmap (bimap fmodname (fmap fmod)) unitExposedModules
- , unitHiddenModules = fmap fmodname unitHiddenModules
- }
--- | @ghc-boot@'s 'Module', serialized to the database.
-data DbModule
- = DbModule
- { dbModuleUnitId :: DbInstUnitId
- , dbModuleName :: BS.ByteString
- }
- | DbModuleVar
- { dbModuleVarName :: BS.ByteString
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show)
--- | @ghc-boot@'s instantiated unit id, serialized to the database.
-data DbInstUnitId
- -- | Instantiated unit
- = DbInstUnitId
- BS.ByteString -- component id
- [(BS.ByteString, DbModule)] -- instantiations: [(modulename,module)]
- -- | Uninstantiated unit
- | DbUnitId
- BS.ByteString -- unit id
- deriving (Eq, Show)
--- | Represents a lock of a package db.
-newtype PackageDbLock = PackageDbLock Handle
--- | Acquire an exclusive lock related to package DB under given location.
-lockPackageDb :: FilePath -> IO PackageDbLock
--- | Release the lock related to package DB.
-unlockPackageDb :: PackageDbLock -> IO ()
--- | Acquire a lock of given type related to package DB under given location.
-lockPackageDbWith :: LockMode -> FilePath -> IO PackageDbLock
-lockPackageDbWith mode file = do
- -- We are trying to open the lock file and then lock it. Thus the lock file
- -- needs to either exist or we need to be able to create it. Ideally we
- -- would not assume that the lock file always exists in advance. When we are
- -- dealing with a package DB where we have write access then if the lock
- -- file does not exist then we can create it by opening the file in
- -- read/write mode. On the other hand if we are dealing with a package DB
- -- where we do not have write access (e.g. a global DB) then we can only
- -- open in read mode, and the lock file had better exist already or we're in
- -- trouble. So for global read-only DBs on platforms where we must lock the
- -- DB for reading then we will require that the installer/packaging has
- -- included the lock file.
- --
- -- Thus the logic here is to first try opening in read-write mode
- -- and if that fails we try read-only (to handle global read-only DBs).
- -- If either succeed then lock the file. IO exceptions (other than the first
- -- open attempt failing due to the file not existing) simply propagate.
- --
- -- Note that there is a complexity here which was discovered in #13945: some
- -- filesystems (e.g. NFS) will only allow exclusive locking if the fd was
- -- opened for write access. We would previously try opening the lockfile for
- -- read-only access first, however this failed when run on such filesystems.
- -- Consequently, we now try read-write access first, falling back to read-only
- -- if we are denied permission (e.g. in the case of a global database).
- catchJust
- (\e -> if isPermissionError e then Just () else Nothing)
- (lockFileOpenIn ReadWriteMode)
- (const $ lockFileOpenIn ReadMode)
- where
- lock = file <.> "lock"
- lockFileOpenIn io_mode = bracketOnError
- (openBinaryFile lock io_mode)
- hClose
- -- If file locking support is not available, ignore the error and proceed
- -- normally. Without it the only thing we lose on non-Windows platforms is
- -- the ability to safely issue concurrent updates to the same package db.
- $ \hnd -> do hLock hnd mode `catch` \FileLockingNotSupported -> return ()
- return $ PackageDbLock hnd
-lockPackageDb = lockPackageDbWith ExclusiveLock
-unlockPackageDb (PackageDbLock hnd) = do
- hUnlock hnd
- hClose hnd
--- | Mode to open a package db in.
-data DbMode = DbReadOnly | DbReadWrite
--- | 'DbOpenMode' holds a value of type @t@ but only in 'DbReadWrite' mode. So
--- it is like 'Maybe' but with a type argument for the mode to enforce that the
--- mode is used consistently.
-data DbOpenMode (mode :: DbMode) t where
- DbOpenReadOnly :: DbOpenMode 'DbReadOnly t
- DbOpenReadWrite :: t -> DbOpenMode 'DbReadWrite t
-deriving instance Functor (DbOpenMode mode)
-deriving instance F.Foldable (DbOpenMode mode)
-deriving instance F.Traversable (DbOpenMode mode)
-isDbOpenReadMode :: DbOpenMode mode t -> Bool
-isDbOpenReadMode = \case
- DbOpenReadOnly -> True
- DbOpenReadWrite{} -> False
--- | Read the part of the package DB that GHC is interested in.
-readPackageDbForGhc :: FilePath -> IO [DbUnitInfo]
-readPackageDbForGhc file =
- decodeFromFile file DbOpenReadOnly getDbForGhc >>= \case
- (pkgs, DbOpenReadOnly) -> return pkgs
- where
- getDbForGhc = do
- _version <- getHeader
- _ghcPartLen <- get :: Get Word32
- ghcPart <- get
- -- the next part is for ghc-pkg, but we stop here.
- return ghcPart
--- | Read the part of the package DB that ghc-pkg is interested in
--- Note that the Binary instance for ghc-pkg's representation of packages
--- is not defined in this package. This is because ghc-pkg uses Cabal types
--- (and Binary instances for these) which this package does not depend on.
--- If we open the package db in read only mode, we get its contents. Otherwise
--- we additionally receive a PackageDbLock that represents a lock on the
--- database, so that we can safely update it later.
-readPackageDbForGhcPkg :: Binary pkgs => FilePath -> DbOpenMode mode t ->
- IO (pkgs, DbOpenMode mode PackageDbLock)
-readPackageDbForGhcPkg file mode =
- decodeFromFile file mode getDbForGhcPkg
- where
- getDbForGhcPkg = do
- _version <- getHeader
- -- skip over the ghc part
- ghcPartLen <- get :: Get Word32
- _ghcPart <- skip (fromIntegral ghcPartLen)
- -- the next part is for ghc-pkg
- ghcPkgPart <- get
- return ghcPkgPart
--- | Write the whole of the package DB, both parts.
-writePackageDb :: Binary pkgs => FilePath -> [DbUnitInfo] -> pkgs -> IO ()
-writePackageDb file ghcPkgs ghcPkgPart =
- writeFileAtomic file (runPut putDbForGhcPkg)
- where
- putDbForGhcPkg = do
- putHeader
- put ghcPartLen
- putLazyByteString ghcPart
- put ghcPkgPart
- where
- ghcPartLen :: Word32
- ghcPartLen = fromIntegral (BS.Lazy.length ghcPart)
- ghcPart = encode ghcPkgs
-getHeader :: Get (Word32, Word32)
-getHeader = do
- magic <- getByteString (BS.length headerMagic)
- when (magic /= headerMagic) $
- fail "not a ghc-pkg db file, wrong file magic number"
- majorVersion <- get :: Get Word32
- -- The major version is for incompatible changes
- minorVersion <- get :: Get Word32
- -- The minor version is for compatible extensions
- when (majorVersion /= 1) $
- fail "unsupported ghc-pkg db format version"
- -- If we ever support multiple major versions then we'll have to change
- -- this code
- -- The header can be extended without incrementing the major version,
- -- we ignore fields we don't know about (currently all).
- headerExtraLen <- get :: Get Word32
- skip (fromIntegral headerExtraLen)
- return (majorVersion, minorVersion)
-putHeader :: Put
-putHeader = do
- putByteString headerMagic
- put majorVersion
- put minorVersion
- put headerExtraLen
- where
- majorVersion = 1 :: Word32
- minorVersion = 0 :: Word32
- headerExtraLen = 0 :: Word32
-headerMagic :: BS.ByteString
-headerMagic = BS.Char8.pack "\0ghcpkg\0"
--- TODO: we may be able to replace the following with utils from the binary
--- package in future.
--- | Feed a 'Get' decoder with data chunks from a file.
-decodeFromFile :: FilePath -> DbOpenMode mode t -> Get pkgs ->
- IO (pkgs, DbOpenMode mode PackageDbLock)
-decodeFromFile file mode decoder = case mode of
- DbOpenReadOnly -> do
- -- Note [Locking package database on Windows]
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- When we open the package db in read only mode, there is no need to acquire
- -- shared lock on non-Windows platform because we update the database with an
- -- atomic rename, so readers will always see the database in a consistent
- -- state.
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
- bracket (lockPackageDbWith SharedLock file) unlockPackageDb $ \_ -> do
- (, DbOpenReadOnly) <$> decodeFileContents
- DbOpenReadWrite{} -> do
- -- When we open the package db in read/write mode, acquire an exclusive lock
- -- on the database and return it so we can keep it for the duration of the
- -- update.
- bracketOnError (lockPackageDb file) unlockPackageDb $ \lock -> do
- (, DbOpenReadWrite lock) <$> decodeFileContents
- where
- decodeFileContents = withBinaryFile file ReadMode $ \hnd ->
- feed hnd (runGetIncremental decoder)
- feed hnd (Partial k) = do chunk <- BS.hGet hnd BS.Lazy.defaultChunkSize
- if BS.null chunk
- then feed hnd (k Nothing)
- else feed hnd (k (Just chunk))
- feed _ (Done _ _ res) = return res
- feed _ (Fail _ _ msg) = ioError err
- where
- err = mkIOError InappropriateType loc Nothing (Just file)
- `ioeSetErrorString` msg
- loc = "GHC.PackageDb.readPackageDb"
--- Copied from Cabal's Distribution.Simple.Utils.
-writeFileAtomic :: FilePath -> BS.Lazy.ByteString -> IO ()
-writeFileAtomic targetPath content = do
- let (targetDir, targetFile) = splitFileName targetPath
- Exception.bracketOnError
- (openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions targetDir $ targetFile <.> "tmp")
- (\(tmpPath, handle) -> hClose handle >> removeFile tmpPath)
- (\(tmpPath, handle) -> do
- BS.Lazy.hPut handle content
- hClose handle
- renameFile tmpPath targetPath)
-instance Binary DbUnitInfo where
- put (GenericUnitInfo
- unitId unitInstanceOf unitInstantiations
- unitPackageId
- unitPackageName unitPackageVersion
- unitComponentName
- unitAbiHash unitDepends unitAbiDepends unitImportDirs
- unitLibraries unitExtDepLibsSys unitExtDepLibsGhc
- unitLibraryDirs unitLibraryDynDirs
- unitExtDepFrameworks unitExtDepFrameworkDirs
- unitLinkerOptions unitCcOptions
- unitIncludes unitIncludeDirs
- unitHaddockInterfaces unitHaddockHTMLs
- unitExposedModules unitHiddenModules
- unitIsIndefinite unitIsExposed unitIsTrusted) = do
- put unitPackageId
- put unitPackageName
- put unitPackageVersion
- put unitComponentName
- put unitId
- put unitInstanceOf
- put unitInstantiations
- put unitAbiHash
- put unitDepends
- put unitAbiDepends
- put unitImportDirs
- put unitLibraries
- put unitExtDepLibsSys
- put unitExtDepLibsGhc
- put unitLibraryDirs
- put unitLibraryDynDirs
- put unitExtDepFrameworks
- put unitExtDepFrameworkDirs
- put unitLinkerOptions
- put unitCcOptions
- put unitIncludes
- put unitIncludeDirs
- put unitHaddockInterfaces
- put unitHaddockHTMLs
- put unitExposedModules
- put unitHiddenModules
- put unitIsIndefinite
- put unitIsExposed
- put unitIsTrusted
- get = do
- unitPackageId <- get
- unitPackageName <- get
- unitPackageVersion <- get
- unitComponentName <- get
- unitId <- get
- unitInstanceOf <- get
- unitInstantiations <- get
- unitAbiHash <- get
- unitDepends <- get
- unitAbiDepends <- get
- unitImportDirs <- get
- unitLibraries <- get
- unitExtDepLibsSys <- get
- unitExtDepLibsGhc <- get
- libraryDirs <- get
- libraryDynDirs <- get
- frameworks <- get
- frameworkDirs <- get
- unitLinkerOptions <- get
- unitCcOptions <- get
- unitIncludes <- get
- unitIncludeDirs <- get
- unitHaddockInterfaces <- get
- unitHaddockHTMLs <- get
- unitExposedModules <- get
- unitHiddenModules <- get
- unitIsIndefinite <- get
- unitIsExposed <- get
- unitIsTrusted <- get
- return (GenericUnitInfo
- unitId
- unitInstanceOf
- unitInstantiations
- unitPackageId
- unitPackageName
- unitPackageVersion
- unitComponentName
- unitAbiHash
- unitDepends
- unitAbiDepends
- unitImportDirs
- unitLibraries unitExtDepLibsSys unitExtDepLibsGhc
- libraryDirs libraryDynDirs
- frameworks frameworkDirs
- unitLinkerOptions unitCcOptions
- unitIncludes unitIncludeDirs
- unitHaddockInterfaces unitHaddockHTMLs
- unitExposedModules
- unitHiddenModules
- unitIsIndefinite unitIsExposed unitIsTrusted)
-instance Binary DbModule where
- put (DbModule dbModuleUnitId dbModuleName) = do
- putWord8 0
- put dbModuleUnitId
- put dbModuleName
- put (DbModuleVar dbModuleVarName) = do
- putWord8 1
- put dbModuleVarName
- get = do
- b <- getWord8
- case b of
- 0 -> DbModule <$> get <*> get
- _ -> DbModuleVar <$> get
-instance Binary DbInstUnitId where
- put (DbUnitId uid) = do
- putWord8 0
- put uid
- put (DbInstUnitId dbUnitIdComponentId dbUnitIdInsts) = do
- putWord8 1
- put dbUnitIdComponentId
- put dbUnitIdInsts
- get = do
- b <- getWord8
- case b of
- 0 -> DbUnitId <$> get
- _ -> DbInstUnitId <$> get <*> get
--- | Return functions to perform path/URL variable substitution as per the Cabal
--- ${pkgroot} spec
--- (
--- Paths/URLs can be relative to ${pkgroot} or ${pkgrooturl}.
--- The "pkgroot" is the directory containing the package database.
--- Also perform a similar substitution for the older GHC-specific
--- "$topdir" variable. The "topdir" is the location of the ghc
--- installation (obtained from the -B option).
-mkMungePathUrl :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> FilePath, FilePath -> FilePath)
-mkMungePathUrl top_dir pkgroot = (munge_path, munge_url)
- where
- munge_path p
- | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgroot}" p = pkgroot ++ p'
- | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$topdir" p = top_dir ++ p'
- | otherwise = p
- munge_url p
- | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgrooturl}" p = toUrlPath pkgroot p'
- | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$httptopdir" p = toUrlPath top_dir p'
- | otherwise = p
- toUrlPath r p = "file:///"
- -- URLs always use posix style '/' separators:
- ++ FilePath.Posix.joinPath
- (r : -- We need to drop a leading "/" or "\\"
- -- if there is one:
- dropWhile (all isPathSeparator)
- (FilePath.splitDirectories p))
- -- We could drop the separator here, and then use </> above. However,
- -- by leaving it in and using ++ we keep the same path separator
- -- rather than letting FilePath change it to use \ as the separator
- stripVarPrefix var path = case stripPrefix var path of
- Just [] -> Just []
- Just cs@(c : _) | isPathSeparator c -> Just cs
- _ -> Nothing
--- | Perform path/URL variable substitution as per the Cabal ${pkgroot} spec
--- (
--- Paths/URLs can be relative to ${pkgroot} or ${pkgrooturl}.
--- The "pkgroot" is the directory containing the package database.
--- Also perform a similar substitution for the older GHC-specific
--- "$topdir" variable. The "topdir" is the location of the ghc
--- installation (obtained from the -B option).
-mungeUnitInfoPaths :: FilePath -> FilePath -> GenericUnitInfo a b c d e f -> GenericUnitInfo a b c d e f
-mungeUnitInfoPaths top_dir pkgroot pkg =
- -- TODO: similar code is duplicated in utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
- pkg
- { unitImportDirs = munge_paths (unitImportDirs pkg)
- , unitIncludeDirs = munge_paths (unitIncludeDirs pkg)
- , unitLibraryDirs = munge_paths (unitLibraryDirs pkg)
- , unitLibraryDynDirs = munge_paths (unitLibraryDynDirs pkg)
- , unitExtDepFrameworkDirs = munge_paths (unitExtDepFrameworkDirs pkg)
- , unitHaddockInterfaces = munge_paths (unitHaddockInterfaces pkg)
- -- haddock-html is allowed to be either a URL or a file
- , unitHaddockHTMLs = munge_paths (munge_urls (unitHaddockHTMLs pkg))
- }
- where
- munge_paths = map munge_path
- munge_urls = map munge_url
- (munge_path,munge_url) = mkMungePathUrl top_dir pkgroot