path: root/libraries/template-haskell
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authorRyan Scott <>2018-12-17 20:54:36 -0500
committerMarge Bot <>2019-03-01 16:26:02 -0500
commitc26d299dc422f43b8c37da4b26da2067eedcbae8 (patch)
tree517d7b87043152bee667485e186314d19b55cfba /libraries/template-haskell
parentf838809f1e73c20bc70926fe98e735297572ac60 (diff)
Visible dependent quantification
This implements GHC proposal 35 ( by adding the ability to write kinds with visible dependent quantification (VDQ). Most of the work for supporting VDQ was actually done _before_ this patch. That is, GHC has been able to reason about kinds with VDQ for some time, but it lacked the ability to let programmers directly write these kinds in the source syntax. This patch is primarly about exposing this ability, by: * Changing `HsForAllTy` to add an additional field of type `ForallVisFlag` to distinguish between invisible `forall`s (i.e, with dots) and visible `forall`s (i.e., with arrows) * Changing `Parser.y` accordingly The rest of the patch mostly concerns adding validity checking to ensure that VDQ is never used in the type of a term (as permitting this would require full-spectrum dependent types). This is accomplished by: * Adding a `vdqAllowed` predicate to `TcValidity`. * Introducing `splitLHsSigmaTyInvis`, a variant of `splitLHsSigmaTy` that only splits invisible `forall`s. This function is used in certain places (e.g., in instance declarations) to ensure that GHC doesn't try to split visible `forall`s (e.g., if it tried splitting `instance forall a -> Show (Blah a)`, then GHC would mistakenly allow that declaration!) This also updates Template Haskell by introducing a new `ForallVisT` constructor to `Type`. Fixes #16326. Also fixes #15658 by documenting this feature in the users' guide.
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/template-haskell')
5 files changed, 31 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Lib.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Lib.hs
index 60527b6c82..69a40428b8 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Lib.hs
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Lib.hs
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ module Language.Haskell.TH.Lib (
bindS, letS, noBindS, parS, recS,
-- *** Types
- forallT, varT, conT, appT, appKindT, arrowT, infixT, uInfixT, parensT,
- equalityT, listT, tupleT, unboxedTupleT, unboxedSumT, sigT, litT,
- wildCardT, promotedT, promotedTupleT, promotedNilT, promotedConsT,
- implicitParamT,
+ forallT, forallVisT, varT, conT, appT, appKindT, arrowT, infixT,
+ uInfixT, parensT, equalityT, listT, tupleT, unboxedTupleT, unboxedSumT,
+ sigT, litT, wildCardT, promotedT, promotedTupleT, promotedNilT,
+ promotedConsT, implicitParamT,
-- **** Type literals
numTyLit, strTyLit,
-- **** Strictness
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Lib/Internal.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Lib/Internal.hs
index ec9ca4fafb..14ef0a02a8 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Lib/Internal.hs
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Lib/Internal.hs
@@ -646,6 +646,9 @@ forallT tvars ctxt ty = do
ty1 <- ty
return $ ForallT tvars1 ctxt1 ty1
+forallVisT :: [TyVarBndrQ] -> TypeQ -> TypeQ
+forallVisT tvars ty = ForallVisT <$> sequenceA tvars <*> ty
varT :: Name -> TypeQ
varT = return . VarT
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Ppr.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Ppr.hs
index c25b2fb702..fa00c8c537 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Ppr.hs
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Ppr.hs
@@ -647,12 +647,23 @@ commaSepApplied :: [Name] -> Doc
commaSepApplied = commaSepWith (pprName' Applied)
pprForall :: [TyVarBndr] -> Cxt -> Doc
-pprForall tvs cxt
+pprForall = pprForall' ForallInvis
+pprForallVis :: [TyVarBndr] -> Cxt -> Doc
+pprForallVis = pprForall' ForallVis
+pprForall' :: ForallVisFlag -> [TyVarBndr] -> Cxt -> Doc
+pprForall' fvf tvs cxt
-- even in the case without any tvs, there could be a non-empty
-- context cxt (e.g., in the case of pattern synonyms, where there
-- are multiple forall binders and contexts).
| [] <- tvs = pprCxt cxt
- | otherwise = text "forall" <+> hsep (map ppr tvs) <+> char '.' <+> pprCxt cxt
+ | otherwise = text "forall" <+> hsep (map ppr tvs)
+ <+> separator <+> pprCxt cxt
+ where
+ separator = case fvf of
+ ForallVis -> text "->"
+ ForallInvis -> char '.'
pprRecFields :: [(Name, Strict, Type)] -> Type -> Doc
pprRecFields vsts ty
@@ -750,6 +761,7 @@ pprParendType tuple | (TupleT n, args) <- split tuple
pprParendType (ImplicitParamT n t)= text ('?':n) <+> text "::" <+> ppr t
pprParendType EqualityT = text "(~)"
pprParendType t@(ForallT {}) = parens (ppr t)
+pprParendType t@(ForallVisT {}) = parens (ppr t)
pprParendType t@(AppT {}) = parens (ppr t)
pprParendType t@(AppKindT {}) = parens (ppr t)
@@ -759,6 +771,7 @@ pprUInfixT t = ppr t
instance Ppr Type where
ppr (ForallT tvars ctxt ty) = sep [pprForall tvars ctxt, ppr ty]
+ ppr (ForallVisT tvars ty) = sep [pprForallVis tvars [], ppr ty]
ppr ty = pprTyApp (split ty)
-- Works, in a degnerate way, for SigT, and puts parens round (ty :: kind)
-- See Note [Pretty-printing kind signatures]
@@ -791,10 +804,15 @@ pprTyApp (fun, args) = pprParendType fun <+> sep (map pprParendTypeArg args)
pprFunArgType :: Type -> Doc -- Should really use a precedence argument
-- Everything except forall and (->) binds more tightly than (->)
pprFunArgType ty@(ForallT {}) = parens (ppr ty)
+pprFunArgType ty@(ForallVisT {}) = parens (ppr ty)
pprFunArgType ty@((ArrowT `AppT` _) `AppT` _) = parens (ppr ty)
pprFunArgType ty@(SigT _ _) = parens (ppr ty)
pprFunArgType ty = ppr ty
+data ForallVisFlag = ForallVis -- forall a -> {...}
+ | ForallInvis -- forall a. {...}
+ deriving Show
data TypeArg = TANormal Type
| TyArg Kind
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
index 7bff489650..22c6cd1def 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
@@ -2099,6 +2099,7 @@ data PatSynArgs
deriving( Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic )
data Type = ForallT [TyVarBndr] Cxt Type -- ^ @forall \<vars\>. \<ctxt\> => \<type\>@
+ | ForallVisT [TyVarBndr] Type -- ^ @forall \<vars\> -> \<type\>@
| AppT Type Type -- ^ @T a b@
| AppKindT Type Kind -- ^ @T \@k t@
| SigT Type Kind -- ^ @t :: k@
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/ b/libraries/template-haskell/
index cfed120471..a64795b5b9 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
* Introduce a `liftTyped` method to the `Lift` class and set the default
implementations of `lift`/`liftTyped` to be in terms of each other.
+ * Add a `ForallVisT` constructor to `Type` to represent visible, dependent
+ quantification.
## *TBA*
* In `Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax`, `DataInstD`, `NewTypeInstD`, `TySynEqn`,