path: root/libraries/template-haskell
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authorAlec Theriault <>2019-04-17 08:07:52 -0700
committerMarge Bot <>2019-04-18 22:52:25 -0400
commit57cf113302eee6068a1b10cba348f4b7de7faeae (patch)
tree3542f990a72d4f3f8bbdd8965e6b2a82d5ea9d75 /libraries/template-haskell
parent5988f17a799ba3416bb6ed539ae65e1f3fd9f2c0 (diff)
TH: make `Lift` and `TExp` levity-polymorphic
Besides the obvious benefits of being able to manipulate `TExp`'s of unboxed types, this also simplified `-XDeriveLift` all while making it more capable. * `ghc-prim` is explicitly depended upon by `template-haskell` * The following TH things are parametrized over `RuntimeRep`: - `TExp(..)` - `unTypeQ` - `unsafeTExpCoerce` - `Lift(..)` * The following instances have been added to `Lift`: - `Int#`, `Word#`, `Float#`, `Double#`, `Char#`, `Addr#` - unboxed tuples of lifted types up to arity 7 - unboxed sums of lifted types up to arity 7 Ideally we would have levity-polymorphic _instances_ of unboxed tuples and sums. * The code generated by `-XDeriveLift` uses expression quotes instead of generating large amounts of TH code and having special hard-coded cases for some unboxed types.
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/template-haskell')
3 files changed, 219 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
index 31422a1b66..14b9de263c 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable,
DeriveGeneric, FlexibleInstances, DefaultSignatures,
RankNTypes, RoleAnnotations, ScopedTypeVariables,
+ MagicHash, KindSignatures, PolyKinds, TypeApplications, DataKinds,
+ GADTs, UnboxedTuples, UnboxedSums, TypeInType,
Trustworthy #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-inline-rule-shadowing #-}
@@ -32,13 +34,17 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
-import Data.Char ( isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isUpper )
+import Data.Char ( isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isUpper, ord )
import Data.Int
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) )
import Data.Void ( Void, absurd )
import Data.Word
import Data.Ratio
+import GHC.CString ( unpackCString# )
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
+import GHC.Types ( Int(..), Word(..), Char(..), Double(..), Float(..),
+ TYPE, RuntimeRep(..) )
+import GHC.Prim ( Int#, Word#, Char#, Double#, Float#, Addr# )
import GHC.Lexeme ( startsVarSym, startsVarId )
import GHC.ForeignSrcLang.Type
import Language.Haskell.TH.LanguageExtensions
@@ -201,7 +207,7 @@ instance Applicative Q where
type role TExp nominal -- See Note [Role of TExp]
-newtype TExp a = TExp
+newtype TExp (a :: TYPE (r :: RuntimeRep)) = TExp
{ unType :: Exp -- ^ Underlying untyped Template Haskell expression
-- ^ Represents an expression which has type @a@. Built on top of 'Exp', typed
@@ -240,7 +246,9 @@ newtype TExp a = TExp
-- | Discard the type annotation and produce a plain Template Haskell
-- expression
-unTypeQ :: Q (TExp a) -> Q Exp
+-- Levity-polymorphic since /template-haskell-
+unTypeQ :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). Q (TExp a) -> Q Exp
unTypeQ m = do { TExp e <- m
; return e }
@@ -248,7 +256,9 @@ unTypeQ m = do { TExp e <- m
-- This is unsafe because GHC cannot check for you that the expression
-- really does have the type you claim it has.
-unsafeTExpCoerce :: Q Exp -> Q (TExp a)
+-- Levity-polymorphic since /template-haskell-
+unsafeTExpCoerce :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). Q Exp -> Q (TExp a)
unsafeTExpCoerce m = do { e <- m
; return (TExp e) }
@@ -651,17 +661,18 @@ sequenceQ = sequence
-- | A 'Lift' instance can have any of its values turned into a Template
-- Haskell expression. This is needed when a value used within a Template
--- Haskell quotation is bound outside the Oxford brackets (@[| ... |]@) but not
--- at the top level. As an example:
+-- Haskell quotation is bound outside the Oxford brackets (@[| ... |]@ or
+-- @[|| ... ||]@) but not at the top level. As an example:
--- > add1 :: Int -> Q Exp
--- > add1 x = [| x + 1 |]
+-- > add1 :: Int -> Q (TExp Int)
+-- > add1 x = [|| x + 1 ||]
-- Template Haskell has no way of knowing what value @x@ will take on at
-- splice-time, so it requires the type of @x@ to be an instance of 'Lift'.
--- A 'Lift' instance must satisfy @$(lift x) ≡ x@ for all @x@, where @$(...)@
--- is a Template Haskell splice.
+-- A 'Lift' instance must satisfy @$(lift x) ≡ x@ and @$$(liftTyped x) ≡ x@
+-- for all @x@, where @$(...)@ and @$$(...)@ are Template Haskell splices.
+-- It is additionally expected that @'lift' x ≡ 'unTypeQ' ('liftTyped' x)@.
-- 'Lift' instances can be derived automatically by use of the @-XDeriveLift@
-- GHC language extension:
@@ -673,10 +684,13 @@ sequenceQ = sequence
-- >
-- > data Bar a = Bar1 a (Bar a) | Bar2 String
-- > deriving Lift
-class Lift t where
+-- Levity-polymorphic since /template-haskell-
+class Lift (t :: TYPE r) where
-- | Turn a value into a Template Haskell expression, suitable for use in
-- a splice.
lift :: t -> Q Exp
+ default lift :: (r ~ 'LiftedRep) => t -> Q Exp
lift = unTypeQ . liftTyped
-- | Turn a value into a Template Haskell typed expression, suitable for use
@@ -684,73 +698,127 @@ class Lift t where
-- @since
liftTyped :: t -> Q (TExp t)
- liftTyped = unsafeTExpCoerce . lift
- {-# MINIMAL lift | liftTyped #-}
-- If you add any instances here, consider updating test th/TH_Lift
instance Lift Integer where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL x))
instance Lift Int where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
+-- | @since
+instance Lift Int# where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x = return (LitE (IntPrimL (fromIntegral (I# x))))
instance Lift Int8 where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
instance Lift Int16 where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
instance Lift Int32 where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
instance Lift Int64 where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
+-- | @since
+instance Lift Word# where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x = return (LitE (WordPrimL (fromIntegral (W# x))))
instance Lift Word where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
instance Lift Word8 where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
instance Lift Word16 where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
instance Lift Word32 where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
instance Lift Word64 where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
instance Lift Natural where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
instance Integral a => Lift (Ratio a) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (RationalL (toRational x)))
instance Lift Float where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (RationalL (toRational x)))
+-- | @since
+instance Lift Float# where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x = return (LitE (FloatPrimL (toRational (F# x))))
instance Lift Double where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (RationalL (toRational x)))
+-- | @since
+instance Lift Double# where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x = return (LitE (DoublePrimL (toRational (D# x))))
instance Lift Char where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift x = return (LitE (CharL x))
+-- | @since
+instance Lift Char# where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x = return (LitE (CharPrimL (C# x)))
instance Lift Bool where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift True = return (ConE trueName)
lift False = return (ConE falseName)
+-- | Produces an 'Addr#' literal from the NUL-terminated C-string starting at
+-- the given memory address.
+-- @since
+instance Lift Addr# where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x
+ = return (LitE (StringPrimL (map (fromIntegral . ord) (unpackCString# x))))
instance Lift a => Lift (Maybe a) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift Nothing = return (ConE nothingName)
lift (Just x) = liftM (ConE justName `AppE`) (lift x)
instance (Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (Either a b) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift (Left x) = liftM (ConE leftName `AppE`) (lift x)
lift (Right y) = liftM (ConE rightName `AppE`) (lift y)
instance Lift a => Lift [a] where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift xs = do { xs' <- mapM lift xs; return (ListE xs') }
liftString :: String -> Q Exp
@@ -759,6 +827,8 @@ liftString s = return (LitE (StringL s))
-- | @since
instance Lift a => Lift (NonEmpty a) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift (x :| xs) = do
x' <- lift x
xs' <- lift xs
@@ -766,38 +836,166 @@ instance Lift a => Lift (NonEmpty a) where
-- | @since
instance Lift Void where
+ liftTyped = pure . absurd
lift = pure . absurd
instance Lift () where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift () = return (ConE (tupleDataName 0))
instance (Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (a, b) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift (a, b)
= liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b]
instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c) => Lift (a, b, c) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift (a, b, c)
= liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c]
instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d) => Lift (a, b, c, d) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift (a, b, c, d)
= liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d]
instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e)
=> Lift (a, b, c, d, e) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift (a, b, c, d, e)
= liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d, lift e]
instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f)
=> Lift (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift (a, b, c, d, e, f)
= liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d, lift e, lift f]
instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f, Lift g)
=> Lift (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
lift (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
= liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d, lift e, lift f, lift g]
+-- | @since
+instance Lift (# #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift (# #) = return (ConE (unboxedTupleTypeName 0))
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a) => Lift (# a #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift (# a #)
+ = liftM UnboxedTupE $ sequence [lift a]
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (# a, b #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift (# a, b #)
+ = liftM UnboxedTupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b]
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c)
+ => Lift (# a, b, c #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift (# a, b, c #)
+ = liftM UnboxedTupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c]
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d)
+ => Lift (# a, b, c, d #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift (# a, b, c, d #)
+ = liftM UnboxedTupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d]
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e)
+ => Lift (# a, b, c, d, e #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift (# a, b, c, d, e #)
+ = liftM UnboxedTupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d, lift e]
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f)
+ => Lift (# a, b, c, d, e, f #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift (# a, b, c, d, e, f #)
+ = liftM UnboxedTupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d, lift e, lift f]
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f, Lift g)
+ => Lift (# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift (# a, b, c, d, e, f, g #)
+ = liftM UnboxedTupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d, lift e, lift f, lift g]
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (# a | b #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x
+ = case x of
+ (# y | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 1 <*> pure 2
+ (# | y #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 2 <*> pure 2
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c)
+ => Lift (# a | b | c #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x
+ = case x of
+ (# y | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 1 <*> pure 3
+ (# | y | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 2 <*> pure 3
+ (# | | y #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 3 <*> pure 3
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d)
+ => Lift (# a | b | c | d #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x
+ = case x of
+ (# y | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 1 <*> pure 4
+ (# | y | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 2 <*> pure 4
+ (# | | y | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 3 <*> pure 4
+ (# | | | y #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 4 <*> pure 4
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e)
+ => Lift (# a | b | c | d | e #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x
+ = case x of
+ (# y | | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 1 <*> pure 5
+ (# | y | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 2 <*> pure 5
+ (# | | y | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 3 <*> pure 5
+ (# | | | y | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 4 <*> pure 5
+ (# | | | | y #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 5 <*> pure 5
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f)
+ => Lift (# a | b | c | d | e | f #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x
+ = case x of
+ (# y | | | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 1 <*> pure 6
+ (# | y | | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 2 <*> pure 6
+ (# | | y | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 3 <*> pure 6
+ (# | | | y | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 4 <*> pure 6
+ (# | | | | y | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 5 <*> pure 6
+ (# | | | | | y #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 6 <*> pure 6
+-- | @since
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f, Lift g)
+ => Lift (# a | b | c | d | e | f | g #) where
+ liftTyped x = unsafeTExpCoerce (lift x)
+ lift x
+ = case x of
+ (# y | | | | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 1 <*> pure 7
+ (# | y | | | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 2 <*> pure 7
+ (# | | y | | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 3 <*> pure 7
+ (# | | | y | | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 4 <*> pure 7
+ (# | | | | y | | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 5 <*> pure 7
+ (# | | | | | y | #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 6 <*> pure 7
+ (# | | | | | | y #) -> UnboxedSumE <$> lift y <*> pure 7 <*> pure 7
-- TH has a special form for literal strings,
-- which we should take advantage of.
-- NB: the lhs of the rule has no args, so that
@@ -1619,8 +1817,8 @@ data Lit = CharL Char
| WordPrimL Integer
| FloatPrimL Rational
| DoublePrimL Rational
- | StringPrimL [Word8] -- ^ A primitive C-style string, type Addr#
- | BytesPrimL Bytes -- ^ Some raw bytes, type Addr#:
+ | StringPrimL [Word8] -- ^ A primitive C-style string, type 'Addr#'
+ | BytesPrimL Bytes -- ^ Some raw bytes, type 'Addr#':
| CharPrimL Char
deriving( Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic )
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/ b/libraries/template-haskell/
index 9928df9ba9..0958f0c163 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## *TBA*
* Introduce a `liftTyped` method to the `Lift` class and set the default
- implementations of `lift`/`liftTyped` to be in terms of each other.
+ implementations of `lift` in terms of `liftTyped`.
* Add a `ForallVisT` constructor to `Type` to represent visible, dependent
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
* Introduce support for `Bytes` literals (raw bytes embedded into the output
+ * Make the `Lift` typeclass levity-polymorphic and add instances for unboxed
+ tuples, unboxed sums, `Int#`, `Word#`, `Addr#`, `Float#`, and `Double#`.
## *TBA*
* In `Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax`, `DataInstD`, `NewTypeInstD`, `TySynEqn`,
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/ b/libraries/template-haskell/
index 3f79b3b895..7acbf026c1 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ Library
base >= 4.11 && < 4.14,
ghc-boot-th == @ProjectVersionMunged@,
+ ghc-prim,
pretty == 1.1.*
ghc-options: -Wall