path: root/libraries
diff options
authorThomas Miedema <>2016-02-22 21:32:51 +0100
committerThomas Miedema <>2016-02-23 12:27:58 +0100
commitd5e8b3940e8f190e9ad94e044014162bcb808c3a (patch)
tree08b50be66f2ac62e9f7ab52a558c8b7e9f196849 /libraries
parent6074c108b66ec9cd2230852addb60782a8b17e0a (diff)
Testsuite: delete Windows line endings [skip ci] (#11631)
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries')
6 files changed, 405 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/tests/Concurrent/Chan001.hs b/libraries/base/tests/Concurrent/Chan001.hs
index e4b668ac48..ad3b8ff8d6 100644
--- a/libraries/base/tests/Concurrent/Chan001.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/tests/Concurrent/Chan001.hs
@@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
-import Debug.QuickCheck
-import System.IO.Unsafe
-import Control.Concurrent.Chan
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Monad
-data Action = NewChan | ReadChan | WriteChan Int | IsEmptyChan | ReturnInt Int
- | ReturnBool Bool
- deriving (Eq,Show)
-main = do
- t <- myThreadId
- forkIO (threadDelay 1000000 >> killThread t)
- -- just in case we deadlock
- testChan
-testChan :: IO ()
-testChan = do
- quickCheck prop_NewIs_NewRet
- quickCheck prop_NewWriteIs_NewRet
- quickCheck prop_NewWriteRead_NewRet
-prop_NewIs_NewRet =
- [NewChan,IsEmptyChan] =^ [NewChan,ReturnBool True]
-prop_NewWriteIs_NewRet n =
- [NewChan,WriteChan n,IsEmptyChan] =^ [NewChan,WriteChan n,ReturnBool False]
-prop_NewWriteRead_NewRet n =
- [NewChan,WriteChan n,ReadChan] =^ [NewChan,ReturnInt n]
-perform :: [Action] -> IO ([Bool],[Int])
-perform [] = return ([],[])
-perform (a:as) =
- case a of
- ReturnInt v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (perform as)
- ReturnBool v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (perform as)
- NewChan -> newChan >>= \chan -> perform' chan as
- _ -> error $ "Please use NewChan as first action"
-perform' :: Chan Int -> [Action] -> IO ([Bool],[Int])
-perform' _ [] = return ([],[])
-perform' chan (a:as) =
- case a of
- ReturnInt v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (perform' chan as)
- ReturnBool v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (perform' chan as)
- ReadChan -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (readChan chan)
- (perform' chan as)
- WriteChan n -> writeChan chan n >> perform' chan as
- IsEmptyChan -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (isEmptyChan chan)
- (perform' chan as)
- _ -> error $ "If you want to use " ++ show a
- ++ " please use the =^ operator"
-actions :: Gen [Action]
-actions =
- liftM (NewChan:) (actions' 0)
-actions' :: Int -> Gen [Action]
-actions' contents =
- oneof ([return [],
- liftM (IsEmptyChan:) (actions' contents),
- liftM2 (:) (liftM WriteChan arbitrary) (actions' (contents+1))]
- ++
- if contents==0
- then []
- else [liftM (ReadChan:) (actions' (contents-1))])
-(=^) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
-c =^ c' =
- forAll (actions' (delta 0 c))
- (\suff -> observe c suff == observe c' suff)
- where observe x suff = unsafePerformIO (perform (x++suff))
-(^=^) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
-c ^=^ c' =
- forAll actions
- (\pref -> forAll (actions' (delta 0 (pref++c)))
- (\suff -> observe c pref suff ==
- observe c' pref suff))
- where observe x pref suff = unsafePerformIO (perform (pref++x++suff))
-delta :: Int -> [Action] -> Int
-delta i [] = i
-delta i (ReturnInt _:as) = delta i as
-delta i (ReturnBool _:as) = delta i as
-delta _ (NewChan:as) = delta 0 as
-delta i (WriteChan _:as) = delta (i+1) as
-delta i (ReadChan:as) = delta (if i==0
- then error "read on empty Chan"
- else i-1) as
-delta i (IsEmptyChan:as) = delta i as
+import Debug.QuickCheck
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import Control.Concurrent.Chan
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Monad
+data Action = NewChan | ReadChan | WriteChan Int | IsEmptyChan | ReturnInt Int
+ | ReturnBool Bool
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+main = do
+ t <- myThreadId
+ forkIO (threadDelay 1000000 >> killThread t)
+ -- just in case we deadlock
+ testChan
+testChan :: IO ()
+testChan = do
+ quickCheck prop_NewIs_NewRet
+ quickCheck prop_NewWriteIs_NewRet
+ quickCheck prop_NewWriteRead_NewRet
+prop_NewIs_NewRet =
+ [NewChan,IsEmptyChan] =^ [NewChan,ReturnBool True]
+prop_NewWriteIs_NewRet n =
+ [NewChan,WriteChan n,IsEmptyChan] =^ [NewChan,WriteChan n,ReturnBool False]
+prop_NewWriteRead_NewRet n =
+ [NewChan,WriteChan n,ReadChan] =^ [NewChan,ReturnInt n]
+perform :: [Action] -> IO ([Bool],[Int])
+perform [] = return ([],[])
+perform (a:as) =
+ case a of
+ ReturnInt v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (perform as)
+ ReturnBool v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (perform as)
+ NewChan -> newChan >>= \chan -> perform' chan as
+ _ -> error $ "Please use NewChan as first action"
+perform' :: Chan Int -> [Action] -> IO ([Bool],[Int])
+perform' _ [] = return ([],[])
+perform' chan (a:as) =
+ case a of
+ ReturnInt v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (perform' chan as)
+ ReturnBool v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (perform' chan as)
+ ReadChan -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (readChan chan)
+ (perform' chan as)
+ WriteChan n -> writeChan chan n >> perform' chan as
+ IsEmptyChan -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (isEmptyChan chan)
+ (perform' chan as)
+ _ -> error $ "If you want to use " ++ show a
+ ++ " please use the =^ operator"
+actions :: Gen [Action]
+actions =
+ liftM (NewChan:) (actions' 0)
+actions' :: Int -> Gen [Action]
+actions' contents =
+ oneof ([return [],
+ liftM (IsEmptyChan:) (actions' contents),
+ liftM2 (:) (liftM WriteChan arbitrary) (actions' (contents+1))]
+ ++
+ if contents==0
+ then []
+ else [liftM (ReadChan:) (actions' (contents-1))])
+(=^) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
+c =^ c' =
+ forAll (actions' (delta 0 c))
+ (\suff -> observe c suff == observe c' suff)
+ where observe x suff = unsafePerformIO (perform (x++suff))
+(^=^) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
+c ^=^ c' =
+ forAll actions
+ (\pref -> forAll (actions' (delta 0 (pref++c)))
+ (\suff -> observe c pref suff ==
+ observe c' pref suff))
+ where observe x pref suff = unsafePerformIO (perform (pref++x++suff))
+delta :: Int -> [Action] -> Int
+delta i [] = i
+delta i (ReturnInt _:as) = delta i as
+delta i (ReturnBool _:as) = delta i as
+delta _ (NewChan:as) = delta 0 as
+delta i (WriteChan _:as) = delta (i+1) as
+delta i (ReadChan:as) = delta (if i==0
+ then error "read on empty Chan"
+ else i-1) as
+delta i (IsEmptyChan:as) = delta i as
diff --git a/libraries/base/tests/Concurrent/MVar001.hs b/libraries/base/tests/Concurrent/MVar001.hs
index f787470c51..5c0c160b18 100644
--- a/libraries/base/tests/Concurrent/MVar001.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/tests/Concurrent/MVar001.hs
@@ -1,148 +1,148 @@
-import Debug.QuickCheck
-import System.IO.Unsafe
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Monad
-data Action = NewEmptyMVar | NewMVar Int | TakeMVar | ReadMVar | PutMVar Int
- | SwapMVar Int | IsEmptyMVar | ReturnInt Int | ReturnBool Bool
- deriving (Eq,Show)
-main = do
- t <- myThreadId
- forkIO (threadDelay 1000000 >> killThread t)
- -- just in case we deadlock
- testMVar
-testMVar :: IO ()
-testMVar = do
- quickCheck prop_NewEIs_NewERet
- quickCheck prop_NewIs_NewRet
- quickCheck prop_NewTake_NewRet
- quickCheck prop_NewEPutTake_NewERet
- quickCheck prop_NewRead_NewRet
- quickCheck prop_NewSwap_New
-prop_NewEIs_NewERet =
- [NewEmptyMVar,IsEmptyMVar] =^ [NewEmptyMVar,ReturnBool True]
-prop_NewIs_NewRet n =
- [NewMVar n,IsEmptyMVar] =^ [NewMVar n,ReturnBool False]
-prop_NewTake_NewRet n =
- [NewMVar n,TakeMVar] =^ [NewEmptyMVar,ReturnInt n]
-prop_NewEPutTake_NewERet n =
- [NewEmptyMVar,PutMVar n,TakeMVar] =^
- [NewEmptyMVar,ReturnInt n]
-prop_NewRead_NewRet n =
- [NewMVar n,ReadMVar] =^ [NewMVar n,ReturnInt n]
-prop_NewSwap_New m n =
- [NewMVar m,SwapMVar n] =^ [NewMVar n]
-perform :: [Action] -> IO ([Bool],[Int])
-perform [] = return ([],[])
-perform (a:as) =
- case a of
- ReturnInt v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (perform as)
- ReturnBool v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (perform as)
- NewEmptyMVar -> newEmptyMVar >>= \mv -> perform' mv as
- NewMVar n -> newMVar n >>= \mv -> perform' mv as
- _ -> error $ "Please use NewMVar or NewEmptyMVar as first "
- ++ "action"
-perform' :: MVar Int -> [Action] -> IO ([Bool],[Int])
-perform' _ [] = return ([],[])
-perform' mv (a:as) =
- case a of
- ReturnInt v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (perform' mv as)
- ReturnBool v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (perform' mv as)
- TakeMVar -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (takeMVar mv)
- (perform' mv as)
- ReadMVar -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (readMVar mv)
- (perform' mv as)
- PutMVar n -> putMVar mv n >> perform' mv as
- SwapMVar n -> swapMVar mv n >> perform' mv as
- IsEmptyMVar -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (isEmptyMVar mv)
- (perform' mv as)
- _ -> error $ "If you want to use " ++ show a
- ++ " please use the =^ operator"
-actions :: Gen [Action]
-actions = do
- oneof [liftM (NewEmptyMVar:) (actions' True),
- liftM2 (:) (liftM NewMVar arbitrary) (actions' False)]
-actions' :: Bool -> Gen [Action]
-actions' empty =
- oneof ([return [],
- liftM (IsEmptyMVar:) (actions' empty)] ++
- if empty
- then [liftM2 (:) (liftM PutMVar arbitrary) (actions' False)]
- else []
- ++
- if empty
- then []
- else [liftM (TakeMVar:) (actions' True)]
- ++
- if empty
- then []
- else [liftM (ReadMVar:) (actions' False)]
- ++
- if empty
- then []
- else [liftM2 (:) (liftM SwapMVar arbitrary) (actions' False)] )
-(=^) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
-c =^ c' =
- forAll (actions' (delta True c))
- (\suff -> observe c suff == observe c' suff)
- where observe x suff = unsafePerformIO (perform (x++suff))
-(^=^) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
-c ^=^ c' =
- forAll actions
- (\pref -> forAll (actions' (delta True (pref++c)))
- (\suff -> observe c pref suff ==
- observe c' pref suff))
- where observe x pref suff = unsafePerformIO (perform (pref++x++suff))
-delta :: Bool -> [Action] -> Bool
-delta b [] = b
-delta b (ReturnInt _:as) = delta b as
-delta b (ReturnBool _:as) = delta b as
-delta _ (NewEmptyMVar:as) = delta True as
-delta _ (NewMVar _:as) = delta False as
-delta b (TakeMVar:as) = delta (if b
- then error "take on empty MVar"
- else True) as
-delta b (ReadMVar:as) = delta (if b
- then error "read on empty MVar"
- else False) as
-delta _ (PutMVar _:as) = delta False as
-delta b (SwapMVar _:as) = delta (if b
- then error "swap on empty MVar"
- else False) as
-delta b (IsEmptyMVar:as) = delta b as
+import Debug.QuickCheck
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Monad
+data Action = NewEmptyMVar | NewMVar Int | TakeMVar | ReadMVar | PutMVar Int
+ | SwapMVar Int | IsEmptyMVar | ReturnInt Int | ReturnBool Bool
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+main = do
+ t <- myThreadId
+ forkIO (threadDelay 1000000 >> killThread t)
+ -- just in case we deadlock
+ testMVar
+testMVar :: IO ()
+testMVar = do
+ quickCheck prop_NewEIs_NewERet
+ quickCheck prop_NewIs_NewRet
+ quickCheck prop_NewTake_NewRet
+ quickCheck prop_NewEPutTake_NewERet
+ quickCheck prop_NewRead_NewRet
+ quickCheck prop_NewSwap_New
+prop_NewEIs_NewERet =
+ [NewEmptyMVar,IsEmptyMVar] =^ [NewEmptyMVar,ReturnBool True]
+prop_NewIs_NewRet n =
+ [NewMVar n,IsEmptyMVar] =^ [NewMVar n,ReturnBool False]
+prop_NewTake_NewRet n =
+ [NewMVar n,TakeMVar] =^ [NewEmptyMVar,ReturnInt n]
+prop_NewEPutTake_NewERet n =
+ [NewEmptyMVar,PutMVar n,TakeMVar] =^
+ [NewEmptyMVar,ReturnInt n]
+prop_NewRead_NewRet n =
+ [NewMVar n,ReadMVar] =^ [NewMVar n,ReturnInt n]
+prop_NewSwap_New m n =
+ [NewMVar m,SwapMVar n] =^ [NewMVar n]
+perform :: [Action] -> IO ([Bool],[Int])
+perform [] = return ([],[])
+perform (a:as) =
+ case a of
+ ReturnInt v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (perform as)
+ ReturnBool v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (perform as)
+ NewEmptyMVar -> newEmptyMVar >>= \mv -> perform' mv as
+ NewMVar n -> newMVar n >>= \mv -> perform' mv as
+ _ -> error $ "Please use NewMVar or NewEmptyMVar as first "
+ ++ "action"
+perform' :: MVar Int -> [Action] -> IO ([Bool],[Int])
+perform' _ [] = return ([],[])
+perform' mv (a:as) =
+ case a of
+ ReturnInt v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (perform' mv as)
+ ReturnBool v -> liftM (\(b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (perform' mv as)
+ TakeMVar -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (takeMVar mv)
+ (perform' mv as)
+ ReadMVar -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (b,v:l)) (readMVar mv)
+ (perform' mv as)
+ PutMVar n -> putMVar mv n >> perform' mv as
+ SwapMVar n -> swapMVar mv n >> perform' mv as
+ IsEmptyMVar -> liftM2 (\v (b,l) -> (v:b,l)) (isEmptyMVar mv)
+ (perform' mv as)
+ _ -> error $ "If you want to use " ++ show a
+ ++ " please use the =^ operator"
+actions :: Gen [Action]
+actions = do
+ oneof [liftM (NewEmptyMVar:) (actions' True),
+ liftM2 (:) (liftM NewMVar arbitrary) (actions' False)]
+actions' :: Bool -> Gen [Action]
+actions' empty =
+ oneof ([return [],
+ liftM (IsEmptyMVar:) (actions' empty)] ++
+ if empty
+ then [liftM2 (:) (liftM PutMVar arbitrary) (actions' False)]
+ else []
+ ++
+ if empty
+ then []
+ else [liftM (TakeMVar:) (actions' True)]
+ ++
+ if empty
+ then []
+ else [liftM (ReadMVar:) (actions' False)]
+ ++
+ if empty
+ then []
+ else [liftM2 (:) (liftM SwapMVar arbitrary) (actions' False)] )
+(=^) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
+c =^ c' =
+ forAll (actions' (delta True c))
+ (\suff -> observe c suff == observe c' suff)
+ where observe x suff = unsafePerformIO (perform (x++suff))
+(^=^) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
+c ^=^ c' =
+ forAll actions
+ (\pref -> forAll (actions' (delta True (pref++c)))
+ (\suff -> observe c pref suff ==
+ observe c' pref suff))
+ where observe x pref suff = unsafePerformIO (perform (pref++x++suff))
+delta :: Bool -> [Action] -> Bool
+delta b [] = b
+delta b (ReturnInt _:as) = delta b as
+delta b (ReturnBool _:as) = delta b as
+delta _ (NewEmptyMVar:as) = delta True as
+delta _ (NewMVar _:as) = delta False as
+delta b (TakeMVar:as) = delta (if b
+ then error "take on empty MVar"
+ else True) as
+delta b (ReadMVar:as) = delta (if b
+ then error "read on empty MVar"
+ else False) as
+delta _ (PutMVar _:as) = delta False as
+delta b (SwapMVar _:as) = delta (if b
+ then error "swap on empty MVar"
+ else False) as
+delta b (IsEmptyMVar:as) = delta b as
diff --git a/libraries/base/tests/IO/T7853.hs b/libraries/base/tests/IO/T7853.hs
index 382942efff..e46795ec9d 100644
--- a/libraries/base/tests/IO/T7853.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/tests/IO/T7853.hs
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import System.IO
-import GHC.Foreign
-import Control.Exception
-import Data.Word
-decode :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either SomeException String)
-decode enc bs = try $ BS.useAsCStringLen bs $ peekCStringLen enc
-main :: IO ()
-main = mapM_ go [ ["01111111"] -- (just fits into 1 byte)
- , ["11000010", "10000000"] -- (just large enough for 2 bytes)
- , ["11000001", "10111111"] -- (overlong: only 7 bits, so should fit into 1 byte)
- , ["11011111", "10111111"] -- (just fits into 2 bytes)
- , ["11100000", "10100000", "10000000"] -- (just large enough for 3 bytes)
- , ["11100000", "10011111", "10111111"] -- (overlong: only 11 bits, so should fit into 2 bytes)
- , ["11101111", "10111111", "10111111"] -- (just fits into 3 bytes)
- , ["11110000", "10010000", "10000000", "10000000"] -- (just large enough for 4 bytes)
- , ["11110000", "10001111", "10111111", "10111111"] -- (overlong: only 16 bits, so should fit into 3 bytes)
- , ["11110100", "10001111", "10111111", "10111111"] -- (largest allowed codepoint)
- , ["11110111", "10111111", "10111111", "10111111"] -- (just fits into 4 bytes but disallowed by RFC3629)
- ]
- where go xs = decode utf8 (BS.pack (map toByte xs)) >>= either (\_ -> putStrLn "Error") print
-toByte :: String -> Word8
-toByte [] = 0
-toByte ('1':xs) = (2 ^ length xs) + toByte xs
-toByte ('0':xs) = toByte xs
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import System.IO
+import GHC.Foreign
+import Control.Exception
+import Data.Word
+decode :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either SomeException String)
+decode enc bs = try $ BS.useAsCStringLen bs $ peekCStringLen enc
+main :: IO ()
+main = mapM_ go [ ["01111111"] -- (just fits into 1 byte)
+ , ["11000010", "10000000"] -- (just large enough for 2 bytes)
+ , ["11000001", "10111111"] -- (overlong: only 7 bits, so should fit into 1 byte)
+ , ["11011111", "10111111"] -- (just fits into 2 bytes)
+ , ["11100000", "10100000", "10000000"] -- (just large enough for 3 bytes)
+ , ["11100000", "10011111", "10111111"] -- (overlong: only 11 bits, so should fit into 2 bytes)
+ , ["11101111", "10111111", "10111111"] -- (just fits into 3 bytes)
+ , ["11110000", "10010000", "10000000", "10000000"] -- (just large enough for 4 bytes)
+ , ["11110000", "10001111", "10111111", "10111111"] -- (overlong: only 16 bits, so should fit into 3 bytes)
+ , ["11110100", "10001111", "10111111", "10111111"] -- (largest allowed codepoint)
+ , ["11110111", "10111111", "10111111", "10111111"] -- (just fits into 4 bytes but disallowed by RFC3629)
+ ]
+ where go xs = decode utf8 (BS.pack (map toByte xs)) >>= either (\_ -> putStrLn "Error") print
+toByte :: String -> Word8
+toByte [] = 0
+toByte ('1':xs) = (2 ^ length xs) + toByte xs
+toByte ('0':xs) = toByte xs
diff --git a/libraries/base/tests/IO/encoding004.hs b/libraries/base/tests/IO/encoding004.hs
index 1819df6d37..62ef5d6a93 100644
--- a/libraries/base/tests/IO/encoding004.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/tests/IO/encoding004.hs
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-import System.IO
-import System.Directory
-import Data.Char
-import System.Process
-import Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import System.Environment
-import System.Exit
-import System.FilePath
-import Data.Maybe
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import GHC.Foreign
-import Control.Exception
-decode :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either SomeException String)
-decode enc bs = try $ BS.useAsCStringLen bs $ peekCStringLen enc
-encode :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO (Either SomeException BS.ByteString)
-encode enc cs = try $ withCStringLen enc cs $ BS.packCStringLen
-decodeEncode :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either SomeException BS.ByteString)
-decodeEncode enc bs = decode enc bs `bind` encode enc
-encodedecode :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO (Either SomeException String)
-encodedecode enc bs = encode enc bs `bind` decode enc
-bind mx fxmy = do
- ei_e_cs <- mx
- case ei_e_cs of
- Left e -> return (Left e)
- Right cs -> fxmy cs
-main :: IO ()
-main = forM_ [ ("CP936", 2, "CP936", Just "CP936-UTF8") -- Representative (roundtrippable) DBCS
- , ("CP1251", 1, "CP1251", Just "CP1251-UTF8") -- Representative SBCS
- , ("UTF-8", 4, "CP936-UTF8", Nothing) -- Sanity check
- ] $ \(enc_name, max_byte_length, file, mb_utf8_file) -> do
- putStrLn $ "== " ++ enc_name
- let fp = "encoded-data" </> file <.> "txt"
- enc <- mkTextEncoding enc_name
- bs <- BS.readFile fp
- -- In a DBCS you should never fail to encode truncated input for two consecutive truncation points,
- -- assuming that the input file is actually error free:
- testTruncations enc max_byte_length bs
- -- Should be able to roundtrip arbitrary rubbish, as long as we use the right encoding
- roundtrip_enc <- mkTextEncoding (enc_name ++ "//ROUNDTRIP")
- testRoundtripping roundtrip_enc bs
- -- Just check that we actually decode to the right thing, for good measure
- case mb_utf8_file of
- Nothing -> return ()
- Just utf8_file -> do
- utf8_bs <- BS.readFile ("encoded-data" </> utf8_file <.> "txt")
- Right expected <- decode utf8 utf8_bs
- Right actual <- decode enc bs
- unless (expected == actual) $ do
- putStrLn (bsDiff 0 actual expected)
-forTruncations :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString -> IO a) -> IO [a]
-forTruncations bs f = forSplits bs $ \before _ -> f before
-forSplits :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> IO a) -> IO [a]
-forSplits bs f = forM [(800 * block) + ix | block <- [0..len `div` 800], ix <- [0..100]] $ \i -> uncurry f (BS.splitAt i bs)
- where len = BS.length bs
-testTruncations :: TextEncoding -> Int -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
-testTruncations enc max_byte_length bs = do
- failures <- fmap catMaybes $ forTruncations bs $ testTruncation enc
- let failure_map = M.fromList failures
- forM_ failures $ \(i, e) -> do
- let js = [i+1..i+(max_byte_length - 1)]
- case sequence (map (`M.lookup` failure_map) js) of
- Nothing -> return ()
- Just es -> putStrLn ("Failed on consecutive truncated byte indexes " ++ show (i:js) ++ " (" ++ show (e:es) ++ ")")
-testTruncation :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe (Int, SomeException))
-testTruncation enc expected = do
- --putStr (show i ++ ": ") >> hFlush stdout
- ei_e_actual <- decodeEncode enc expected
- case ei_e_actual of
- Left e -> return (Just (BS.length expected, e))
- Right actual | expected /= actual -> error $ "Mismatch on success when truncating at byte index " ++ show (BS.length expected)
- | otherwise -> return Nothing
-testRoundtripping :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
-testRoundtripping roundtrip_enc bs = void $ forSplits bs $ \before after -> do
- let expected = before `BS.append` (fromIntegral (BS.length before `mod` 256) `BS.cons` after)
- Right actual <- decodeEncode roundtrip_enc expected
- when (actual /= expected) $ do
- let i_str = show (BS.length before)
- putStrLn $ "Failed to roundtrip given mutant byte at index " ++ i_str ++ " (" ++ bsDiff 0 (BS.unpack actual) (BS.unpack expected) ++ ")"
- -- Possibly useful for debugging porpoises:
- --BS.writeFile (i_str ++ ".expected") expected
- --BS.writeFile (i_str ++ ".actual") actual
-bsDiff :: (Show a, Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> [a] -> String
-bsDiff _ [] [] = error "bsDiff"
-bsDiff _ [] bs = "actual " ++ show (length bs) ++ " elements shorter than expected"
-bsDiff _ as [] = "expected " ++ show (length as) ++ " elements shorter than actual"
-bsDiff i (a:as) (b:bs) | a == b = bsDiff (i + 1) as bs
- | otherwise = show a ++ " /= " ++ show b ++ " at index " ++ show i
+import System.IO
+import System.Directory
+import Data.Char
+import System.Process
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import System.Environment
+import System.Exit
+import System.FilePath
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import GHC.Foreign
+import Control.Exception
+decode :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either SomeException String)
+decode enc bs = try $ BS.useAsCStringLen bs $ peekCStringLen enc
+encode :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO (Either SomeException BS.ByteString)
+encode enc cs = try $ withCStringLen enc cs $ BS.packCStringLen
+decodeEncode :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either SomeException BS.ByteString)
+decodeEncode enc bs = decode enc bs `bind` encode enc
+encodedecode :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO (Either SomeException String)
+encodedecode enc bs = encode enc bs `bind` decode enc
+bind mx fxmy = do
+ ei_e_cs <- mx
+ case ei_e_cs of
+ Left e -> return (Left e)
+ Right cs -> fxmy cs
+main :: IO ()
+main = forM_ [ ("CP936", 2, "CP936", Just "CP936-UTF8") -- Representative (roundtrippable) DBCS
+ , ("CP1251", 1, "CP1251", Just "CP1251-UTF8") -- Representative SBCS
+ , ("UTF-8", 4, "CP936-UTF8", Nothing) -- Sanity check
+ ] $ \(enc_name, max_byte_length, file, mb_utf8_file) -> do
+ putStrLn $ "== " ++ enc_name
+ let fp = "encoded-data" </> file <.> "txt"
+ enc <- mkTextEncoding enc_name
+ bs <- BS.readFile fp
+ -- In a DBCS you should never fail to encode truncated input for two consecutive truncation points,
+ -- assuming that the input file is actually error free:
+ testTruncations enc max_byte_length bs
+ -- Should be able to roundtrip arbitrary rubbish, as long as we use the right encoding
+ roundtrip_enc <- mkTextEncoding (enc_name ++ "//ROUNDTRIP")
+ testRoundtripping roundtrip_enc bs
+ -- Just check that we actually decode to the right thing, for good measure
+ case mb_utf8_file of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just utf8_file -> do
+ utf8_bs <- BS.readFile ("encoded-data" </> utf8_file <.> "txt")
+ Right expected <- decode utf8 utf8_bs
+ Right actual <- decode enc bs
+ unless (expected == actual) $ do
+ putStrLn (bsDiff 0 actual expected)
+forTruncations :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString -> IO a) -> IO [a]
+forTruncations bs f = forSplits bs $ \before _ -> f before
+forSplits :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> IO a) -> IO [a]
+forSplits bs f = forM [(800 * block) + ix | block <- [0..len `div` 800], ix <- [0..100]] $ \i -> uncurry f (BS.splitAt i bs)
+ where len = BS.length bs
+testTruncations :: TextEncoding -> Int -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
+testTruncations enc max_byte_length bs = do
+ failures <- fmap catMaybes $ forTruncations bs $ testTruncation enc
+ let failure_map = M.fromList failures
+ forM_ failures $ \(i, e) -> do
+ let js = [i+1..i+(max_byte_length - 1)]
+ case sequence (map (`M.lookup` failure_map) js) of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just es -> putStrLn ("Failed on consecutive truncated byte indexes " ++ show (i:js) ++ " (" ++ show (e:es) ++ ")")
+testTruncation :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe (Int, SomeException))
+testTruncation enc expected = do
+ --putStr (show i ++ ": ") >> hFlush stdout
+ ei_e_actual <- decodeEncode enc expected
+ case ei_e_actual of
+ Left e -> return (Just (BS.length expected, e))
+ Right actual | expected /= actual -> error $ "Mismatch on success when truncating at byte index " ++ show (BS.length expected)
+ | otherwise -> return Nothing
+testRoundtripping :: TextEncoding -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
+testRoundtripping roundtrip_enc bs = void $ forSplits bs $ \before after -> do
+ let expected = before `BS.append` (fromIntegral (BS.length before `mod` 256) `BS.cons` after)
+ Right actual <- decodeEncode roundtrip_enc expected
+ when (actual /= expected) $ do
+ let i_str = show (BS.length before)
+ putStrLn $ "Failed to roundtrip given mutant byte at index " ++ i_str ++ " (" ++ bsDiff 0 (BS.unpack actual) (BS.unpack expected) ++ ")"
+ -- Possibly useful for debugging porpoises:
+ --BS.writeFile (i_str ++ ".expected") expected
+ --BS.writeFile (i_str ++ ".actual") actual
+bsDiff :: (Show a, Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> [a] -> String
+bsDiff _ [] [] = error "bsDiff"
+bsDiff _ [] bs = "actual " ++ show (length bs) ++ " elements shorter than expected"
+bsDiff _ as [] = "expected " ++ show (length as) ++ " elements shorter than actual"
+bsDiff i (a:as) (b:bs) | a == b = bsDiff (i + 1) as bs
+ | otherwise = show a ++ " /= " ++ show b ++ " at index " ++ show i
diff --git a/libraries/base/tests/IO/hGetLine001.hs b/libraries/base/tests/IO/hGetLine001.hs
index b5950623ea..358e92aa9c 100644
--- a/libraries/base/tests/IO/hGetLine001.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/tests/IO/hGetLine001.hs
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import System.IO
-- one version of 'cat'
main = do
let loop h = do b <- hIsEOF h
- if b then return ()
- else do l <- hGetLine h; putStrLn l; loop h
- loop stdin
+ if b then return ()
+ else do l <- hGetLine h; putStrLn l; loop h
+ loop stdin
h <- openFile "hGetLine001.hs" ReadMode
diff --git a/libraries/base/tests/IO/hReady002.hs b/libraries/base/tests/IO/hReady002.hs
index 6db22a13fc..b8b648065b 100644
--- a/libraries/base/tests/IO/hReady002.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/tests/IO/hReady002.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
--- test for bug #4078
-import System.IO
-import Control.Concurrent
-import System.Exit
-main = do
- m <- newEmptyMVar
- forkIO $ do threadDelay 500000; putMVar m Nothing
- forkIO $ do hReady stdin >>= putMVar m . Just
- takeMVar m >>= print
+-- test for bug #4078
+import System.IO
+import Control.Concurrent
+import System.Exit
+main = do
+ m <- newEmptyMVar
+ forkIO $ do threadDelay 500000; putMVar m Nothing
+ forkIO $ do hReady stdin >>= putMVar m . Just
+ takeMVar m >>= print