path: root/libraries
diff options
authorBen Gamari <>2015-12-21 21:12:30 +0100
committerBen Gamari <>2015-12-21 22:43:48 +0100
commitfb3302c9d41ba7ff5178f9df45b8e174d39151cc (patch)
tree6e9c6aacc8e4809c7604ef76f1a85b1ef9c0ab7b /libraries
parent1fcdcae013eb9d24f2af69998c78b40cf28ed49a (diff)
base: Add sections to changelog
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/ b/libraries/base/
index a4472df72e..92685ca773 100644
--- a/libraries/base/
+++ b/libraries/base/
@@ -7,31 +7,6 @@
* The restore operation provided by `mask` and `uninterruptibleMask` now
restores the previous masking state whatever the current masking state is.
- * `Alt`, `Dual`, `First`, `Last`, `Product`, and `Sum` now have `Data`,
- `MonadZip`, and `MonadFix` instances
- * `Maybe` now has a `MonadZip` instance
- * `All` and `Any` now have `Data` instances
- * `Dual`, `First`, `Last`, `Product`, and `Sum` now have `Foldable` and
- `Traversable` instances
- * `Dual`, `Product`, and `Sum` now have `Functor`, `Applicative`, and
- `Monad` instances
- * `(,) a` now has a `Monad` instance
- * `ZipList` now has `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances
- * `Identity` now has `Semigroup` and `Monoid` instances
- * `Identity` and `Const` now have `Bounded`, `Enum` and `Ix` instances
- * `Identity` and `Const` now have `Storable` instances
- * `()` now has a `Storable` instance
* Redundant typeclass constraints have been removed:
- `Data.Ratio.{denominator,numerator}` have no `Integral` constraint anymore
- **TODO**
@@ -40,22 +15,28 @@
* New `GHC.Stack.CallStack` data type
- * `Complex` now has `Generic`, `Generic1`, `Functor`, `Foldable`, `Traversable`,
- `Applicative`, and `Monad` instances
+ * add `Data.List.NonEmpty` and `Data.Semigroup` (to become
+ super-class of `Monoid` in the future). These modules were
+ provided by the `semigroups` package previously. (#10365)
- * `System.Exit.ExitCode` now has a `Generic` instance
+ * Add `selSourceUnpackedness`, `selSourceStrictness`, and
+ `selDecidedStrictness`, three functions which look up strictness
+ information of a field in a data constructor, to the `Selector` type class
+ in `GHC.Generics` (#10716)
- * `Data.Version.Version` now has a `Generic` instance
+ * Add `URec`, `UAddr`, `UChar`, `UDouble`, `UFloat`, `UInt`, and `UWord` to
+ `GHC.Generics` as part of making GHC generics capable of handling
+ unlifted types (#10868)
- * `IO` now has a `Monoid` instance
+ * Keep `shift{L,R}` on `Integer` with negative shift-arguments from
+ segfaulting (#10571)
- * Generalize `Debug.Trace.{traceM, traceShowM}` from `Monad` to `Applicative`
- (#10023)
+ * Add `forkOSWithUnmask` to `Control.Concurrent`, which is like
+ `forkIOWithUnmask`, but the child is run in a bound thread.
- * Generalise `forever` from `Monad` to `Applicative`
+ * The `MINIMAL` definition of `Arrow` is now `arr AND (first OR (***))`.
- * Generalize `filterM`, `mapAndUnzipM`, `zipWithM`, `zipWithM_`, `replicateM`,
- `replicateM` from `Monad` to `Applicative` (#10168)
+ * The `MINIMAL` definition of `ArrowChoice` is now `left OR (+++)`.
* Exported `GiveGCStats`, `DoCostCentres`, `DoHeapProfile`, `DoTrace`,
`RtsTime`, and `RtsNat` from `GHC.RTS.Flags`
@@ -76,54 +57,78 @@
* New module `Control.Monad.Fail` providing new `MonadFail(fail)`
class (#10751)
- * The `Generic` instance for `Proxy` is now poly-kinded (#10775)
+ * Add `GHC.TypeLits.TypeError` and `ErrorMessage` to allow users
+ to define custom compile-time error messages.
- * add `Data.List.NonEmpty` and `Data.Semigroup` (to become
- super-class of `Monoid` in the future). These modules were
- provided by the `semigroups` package previously. (#10365)
+ * Redesign `GHC.Generics` to use type-level literals to represent the
+ metadata of generic representation types (#9766)
- * Add `selSourceUnpackedness`, `selSourceStrictness`, and
- `selDecidedStrictness`, three functions which look up strictness
- information of a field in a data constructor, to the `Selector` type class
- in `GHC.Generics` (#10716)
+ * The `IsString` instance for `[Char]` has been modified to eliminate
+ ambiguity arising from overloaded strings and functions like `(++)`.
- * Add `URec`, `UAddr`, `UChar`, `UDouble`, `UFloat`, `UInt`, and `UWord` to
- `GHC.Generics` as part of making GHC generics capable of handling
- unlifted types (#10868)
+ * Move `Const` from `Control.Applicative` to its own module in
+ `Data.Functor.Const`. (#11135)
- * Keep `shift{L,R}` on `Integer` with negative shift-arguments from
- segfaulting (#10571)
+ * Re-export `Const` from `Control.Applicative` for backwards compatibility.
- * Add `forkOSWithUnmask` to `Control.Concurrent`, which is like
- `forkIOWithUnmask`, but the child is run in a bound thread.
+ * Expand `Floating` class to include operations that allow for better
+ precision: `log1p`, `expm1`, `log1pexp` and `log1mexp`. These are not
+ available from `Prelude`, but the full class is exported from `Numeric`.
- * The `MINIMAL` definition of `Arrow` is now `arr AND (first OR (***))`.
+### New instances
- * The `MINIMAL` definition of `ArrowChoice` is now `left OR (+++)`.
+ * `Alt`, `Dual`, `First`, `Last`, `Product`, and `Sum` now have `Data`,
+ `MonadZip`, and `MonadFix` instances
+ * `Maybe` now has a `MonadZip` instance
+ * `All` and `Any` now have `Data` instances
+ * `Dual`, `First`, `Last`, `Product`, and `Sum` now have `Foldable` and
+ `Traversable` instances
+ * `Dual`, `Product`, and `Sum` now have `Functor`, `Applicative`, and
+ `Monad` instances
+ * `(,) a` now has a `Monad` instance
+ * `ZipList` now has `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances
+ * `Identity` now has `Semigroup` and `Monoid` instances
+ * `Identity` and `Const` now have `Bounded`, `Enum` and `Ix` instances
+ * `Identity` and `Const` now have `Storable` instances
+ * `()` now has a `Storable` instance
+ * `Complex` now has `Generic`, `Generic1`, `Functor`, `Foldable`, `Traversable`,
+ `Applicative`, and `Monad` instances
+ * `System.Exit.ExitCode` now has a `Generic` instance
+ * `Data.Version.Version` now has a `Generic` instance
+ * `IO` now has a `Monoid` instance
* Add `MonadPlus IO` and `Alternative IO` instances
(previously orphans in `transformers`) (#10755)
- * Add `GHC.TypeLits.TypeError` and `ErrorMessage` to allow users
- to define custom compile-time error messages.
+### Generalizations
- * Redesign `GHC.Generics` to use type-level literals to represent the
- metadata of generic representation types (#9766)
+ * Generalize `Debug.Trace.{traceM, traceShowM}` from `Monad` to `Applicative`
+ (#10023)
- * The `IsString` instance for `[Char]` has been modified to eliminate
- ambiguity arising from overloaded strings and functions like `(++)`.
+ * Generalise `forever` from `Monad` to `Applicative`
- * Move `Const` from `Control.Applicative` to its own module in
- `Data.Functor.Const`. (#11135)
+ * Generalize `filterM`, `mapAndUnzipM`, `zipWithM`, `zipWithM_`, `replicateM`,
+ `replicateM_` from `Monad` to `Applicative` (#10168)
+ * The `Generic` instance for `Proxy` is now poly-kinded (#10775)
* Enable `PolyKinds` in the `Data.Functor.Const` module to give `Const`
the kind `* -> k -> *`. (#10039)
- * Re-export `Const` from `Control.Applicative` for backwards compatibility.
- * Expand `Floating` class to include operations that allow for better
- precision: `log1p`, `expm1`, `log1pexp` and `log1mexp`. These are not
- available from `Prelude`, but the full class is exported from `Numeric`.
## *Oct 2015*