path: root/libraries
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2022-11-09 10:33:22 +0000
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2022-11-11 23:40:10 +0000
commit778c6adca2c995cd8a1b84394d4d5ca26b915dac (patch)
tree17350cc63ae04a5b15461771304d195c30ada2f7 /libraries
parent154c70f6c589aa6531cbeea4aa3ec06e0acaf690 (diff)
Type vs Constraint: finally nailed
This big patch addresses the rats-nest of issues that have plagued us for years, about the relationship between Type and Constraint. See #11715/#21623. The main payload of the patch is: * To introduce CONSTRAINT :: RuntimeRep -> Type * To make TYPE and CONSTRAINT distinct throughout the compiler Two overview Notes in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim * Note [TYPE and CONSTRAINT] * Note [Type and Constraint are not apart] This is the main complication. The specifics * New primitive types (GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim) - CONSTRAINT - ctArrowTyCon (=>) - tcArrowTyCon (-=>) - ccArrowTyCon (==>) - funTyCon FUN -- Not new See Note [Function type constructors and FunTy] and Note [TYPE and CONSTRAINT] * GHC.Builtin.Types: - New type Constraint = CONSTRAINT LiftedRep - I also stopped nonEmptyTyCon being built-in; it only needs to be wired-in * Exploit the fact that Type and Constraint are distinct throughout GHC - Get rid of tcView in favour of coreView. - Many tcXX functions become XX functions. e.g. tcGetCastedTyVar --> getCastedTyVar * Kill off Note [ForAllTy and typechecker equality], in (old) GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical. It said that typechecker-equality should ignore the specified/inferred distinction when comparein two ForAllTys. But that wsa only weakly supported and (worse) implies that we need a separate typechecker equality, different from core equality. No no no. * GHC.Core.TyCon: kill off FunTyCon in data TyCon. There was no need for it, and anyway now we have four of them! * GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep: add two FunTyFlags to FunCo See Note [FunCo] in that module. * GHC.Core.Type. Lots and lots of changes driven by adding CONSTRAINT. The key new function is sORTKind_maybe; most other changes are built on top of that. See also `funTyConAppTy_maybe` and `tyConAppFun_maybe`. * Fix a longstanding bug in GHC.Core.Type.typeKind, and Core Lint, in kinding ForAllTys. See new tules (FORALL1) and (FORALL2) in GHC.Core.Type. (The bug was that before (forall (cv::t1 ~# t2). blah), where blah::TYPE IntRep, would get kind (TYPE IntRep), but it should be (TYPE LiftedRep). See Note [Kinding rules for types] in GHC.Core.Type. * GHC.Core.TyCo.Compare is a new module in which we do eqType and cmpType. Of course, no tcEqType any more. * GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs. I moved some free-var-like function into this module: tyConsOfType, visVarsOfType, and occCheckExpand. Refactoring only. * GHC.Builtin.Types. Compiletely re-engineer boxingDataCon_maybe to have one for each /RuntimeRep/, rather than one for each /Type/. This dramatically widens the range of types we can auto-box. See Note [Boxing constructors] in GHC.Builtin.Types The boxing types themselves are declared in library ghc-prim:GHC.Types. GHC.Core.Make. Re-engineer the treatment of "big" tuples (mkBigCoreVarTup etc) GHC.Core.Make, so that it auto-boxes unboxed values and (crucially) types of kind Constraint. That allows the desugaring for arrows to work; it gathers up free variables (including dictionaries) into tuples. See Note [Big tuples] in GHC.Core.Make. There is still work to do here: #22336. But things are better than before. * GHC.Core.Make. We need two absent-error Ids, aBSENT_ERROR_ID for types of kind Type, and aBSENT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR_ID for vaues of kind Constraint. Ditto noInlineId vs noInlieConstraintId in GHC.Types.Id.Make; see Note [inlineId magic]. * GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep. Completely refactor the NthCo coercion. It is now called SelCo, and its fields are much more descriptive than the single Int we used to have. A great improvement. See Note [SelCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep. * GHC.Core.RoughMap.roughMatchTyConName. Collapse TYPE and CONSTRAINT to a single TyCon, so that the rough-map does not distinguish them. * GHC.Core.DataCon - Mainly just improve documentation * Some significant renamings: GHC.Core.Multiplicity: Many --> ManyTy (easier to grep for) One --> OneTy GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep TyCoBinder --> GHC.Core.Var.PiTyBinder GHC.Core.Var TyCoVarBinder --> ForAllTyBinder AnonArgFlag --> FunTyFlag ArgFlag --> ForAllTyFlag GHC.Core.TyCon TyConTyCoBinder --> TyConPiTyBinder Many functions are renamed in consequence e.g. isinvisibleArgFlag becomes isInvisibleForAllTyFlag, etc * I refactored FunTyFlag (was AnonArgFlag) into a simple, flat data type data FunTyFlag = FTF_T_T -- (->) Type -> Type | FTF_T_C -- (-=>) Type -> Constraint | FTF_C_T -- (=>) Constraint -> Type | FTF_C_C -- (==>) Constraint -> Constraint * GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr. Some significant refactoring in the TypeEqMisMatch case of pprMismatchMsg. * I made the tyConUnique field of TyCon strict, because I saw code with lots of silly eval's. That revealed that GHC.Settings.Constants.mAX_SUM_SIZE can only be 63, because we pack the sum tag into a 6-bit field. (Lurking bug squashed.) Fixes * #21530 Updates haddock submodule slightly. Performance changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was worried that compile times would get worse, but after some careful profiling we are down to a geometric mean 0.1% increase in allocation (in perf/compiler). That seems fine. There is a big runtime improvement in T10359 Metric Decrease: LargeRecord MultiLayerModulesTH_OneShot T13386 T13719 Metric Increase: T8095
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries')
4 files changed, 71 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
index 9bcc23daf5..209324d585 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
@@ -182,8 +182,9 @@ rnfTyCon (TyCon _ _ m n _ k) = rnfModule m `seq` rnfTrName n `seq` rnfKindRep k
* *
********************************************************************* -}
--- | A concrete representation of a (monomorphic) type.
+-- | TypeRep is a concrete representation of a (monomorphic) type.
-- 'TypeRep' supports reasonably efficient equality.
+-- See Note [Grand plan for Typeable] in GHC.Tc.Instance.Typeable
type TypeRep :: k -> Type
data TypeRep a where
-- The TypeRep of Type. See Note [Kind caching], Wrinkle 2
@@ -216,6 +217,11 @@ data TypeRep a where
-- | @TrFun fpr m a b@ represents a function type @a % m -> b@. We use this for
-- the sake of efficiency as functions are quite ubiquitous.
+ -- A TrFun can represent `t1 -> t2` or `t1 -= t2`; but not (a => b) or (a ==> b).
+ -- See Note [No Typeable for polytypes or qualified types] in GHC.Tc.Instance.Class
+ -- and Note [Function type constructors and FunTy] in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+ -- We do not represent the function TyCon (i.e. (->) vs (-=>)) explicitly;
+ -- instead, the TyCon is implicit in the kinds of the arguments.
TrFun :: forall (m :: Multiplicity) (r1 :: RuntimeRep) (r2 :: RuntimeRep)
(a :: TYPE r1) (b :: TYPE r2).
{ -- See Note [TypeRep fingerprints]
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Magic/Dict.hs b/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Magic/Dict.hs
index 34886fee3b..96820a502c 100644
--- a/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Magic/Dict.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Magic/Dict.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@
-module GHC.Magic.Dict (WithDict(..)) where
+module GHC.Magic.Dict (
+ WithDict( withDict )
+ ) where
import GHC.Types (RuntimeRep, TYPE)
@@ -57,4 +59,4 @@ there is nothing that forces the `cls` Wanted from the call to `k` to unify with
That's fine. But it means we need -XAllowAmbiguousTypes for the withDict definition,
at least with deep subsumption.
--} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Prim/Panic.hs b/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Prim/Panic.hs
index a6f1eb588b..a24f82ee07 100644
--- a/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Prim/Panic.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Prim/Panic.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, KindSignatures #-}
-- | Primitive panics.
@@ -11,12 +12,13 @@
module GHC.Prim.Panic
( absentSumFieldError
, panicError
- , absentError
+ , absentError, absentConstraintError
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Magic
+import GHC.Types( Type )
default () -- Double and Integer aren't available yet
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ absentSumFieldError = panicError "entered absent sum field!"#
-- | Displays "Oops! Entered absent arg" ++ errormsg and exits the program.
{-# NOINLINE absentError #-}
-absentError :: Addr# -> a
+absentError :: forall (a :: Type). Addr# -> a
absentError errmsg =
runRW# (\s ->
case stg_absentError# errmsg s of
@@ -103,3 +105,15 @@ absentError errmsg =
-- use an empty case lest the pattern match
-- checker squawks.
let x = x in x)
+{-# NOINLINE absentConstraintError #-}
+absentConstraintError :: forall (a :: Type). Addr# -> a
+-- We want to give this the type
+-- forall (a :: Constraint). Addr# -> a
+-- but Haskell source code doesn't allow functions that return Constraint
+-- Fortunately, absentConstraintError is a wired-in Id with the above
+-- desired type. So the only purpose of this definition is to give a
+-- function to call. And for that purpose, absentError will do fine.
+-- It's fine to lie about about the type; it is not looked at
+-- because absentConstraintError is wired-in.
+absentConstraintError errmsg = absentError errmsg
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs b/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs
index 9fdc1ac366..1ea6bd9baa 100644
--- a/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, NoImplicitPrelude, TypeFamilies, UnboxedTuples,
MultiParamTypeClasses, RoleAnnotations, CPP, TypeOperators,
PolyKinds, NegativeLiterals, DataKinds, ScopedTypeVariables,
- TypeApplications, StandaloneKindSignatures,
+ TypeApplications, StandaloneKindSignatures, GADTs,
FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
-- NegativeLiterals: see Note [Fixity of (->)]
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK print-explicit-runtime-reps #-}
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ module GHC.Types (
type (~), type (~~), Coercible,
-- * Representation polymorphism
- TYPE, Levity(..), RuntimeRep(..),
+ Levity(..), RuntimeRep(..),
LiftedRep, UnliftedRep,
Type, UnliftedType, Constraint,
-- The historical type * should ideally be written as
@@ -50,6 +51,11 @@ module GHC.Types (
VecCount(..), VecElem(..),
+ -- * Boxing constructors
+ DictBox( MkDictBox ),
+ WordBox( MkWordBox), IntBox( MkIntBox),
+ FloatBox( MkFloatBox), DoubleBox( MkDoubleBox),
-- * Multiplicity types
Multiplicity(..), MultMul,
@@ -62,7 +68,6 @@ import GHC.Prim
infixr 5 :
{- *********************************************************************
* *
@@ -92,8 +97,7 @@ type (->) = FUN 'Many
* *
********************************************************************* -}
--- | The kind of constraints, like @Show a@
-data Constraint
-- | The runtime representation of lifted types.
type LiftedRep = 'BoxedRep 'Lifted
@@ -106,6 +110,9 @@ type UnliftedRep = 'BoxedRep 'Unlifted
type ZeroBitRep = 'TupleRep '[]
+-- | The kind of lifted constraints
+type Constraint = CONSTRAINT LiftedRep
-- | The kind of types with lifted values. For example @Int :: Type@.
type Type = TYPE LiftedRep
@@ -473,7 +480,7 @@ data RuntimeRep = VecRep VecCount VecElem -- ^ a SIMD vector type
-- RuntimeRep is intimately tied to TyCon.RuntimeRep (in GHC proper). See
-- Note [RuntimeRep and PrimRep] in RepType.
-- See also Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep] in GHC.Builtin.Types
--- See also Note [TYPE and RuntimeRep] in GHC.Builtin.Type.Prim
+-- See also Note [TYPE and CONSTRAINT] in GHC.Builtin.Type.Prim
-- | Length of a SIMD vector type
data VecCount = Vec2
@@ -502,6 +509,37 @@ type Void# = (# #)
{- *********************************************************************
* *
+ Boxing data constructors
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- These "boxing" data types allow us to wrap up a value of kind (TYPE rr)
+-- in a box of kind Type, for each rr.
+data LiftBox (a :: TYPE UnliftedRep) = MkLiftBox a
+data IntBox (a :: TYPE IntRep) = MkIntBox a
+data Int8Box (a :: TYPE Int8Rep) = MkInt8Box a
+data Int16Box (a :: TYPE Int16Rep) = MkInt16Box a
+data Int32Box (a :: TYPE Int32Rep) = MkInt32Box a
+data Int64Box (a :: TYPE Int64Rep) = MkInt64Box a
+data WordBox (a :: TYPE WordRep) = MkWordBox a
+data Word8Box (a :: TYPE Word8Rep) = MkWord8Box a
+data Word16Box (a :: TYPE Word16Rep) = MkWord16Box a
+data Word32Box (a :: TYPE Word32Rep) = MkWord32Box a
+data Word64Box (a :: TYPE Word64Rep) = MkWord64Box a
+data FloatBox (a :: TYPE FloatRep) = MkFloatBox a
+data DoubleBox (a :: TYPE DoubleRep) = MkDoubleBox a
+-- | Data type `Dict` provides a simple way to wrap up a (lifted)
+-- constraint as a type
+data DictBox c where
+ MkDictBox :: c => DictBox c
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
Runtime representation of TyCon
* *
********************************************************************* -}