path: root/libraries
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authorDavid Feuer <>2017-12-04 08:27:18 -0500
committerDavid Feuer <>2017-12-04 08:30:03 -0500
commit1acb922bb1186662919c1dbc0af596584e5db3ac (patch)
tree349f20170e38854599d16bcc4ad15cb11ebd13e1 /libraries
parentbc761ad9c65c7aa62d38db39c59a6c0ae59c8ab8 (diff)
Make the Con and Con' patterns produce evidence
Matching with the `Con` and `Con'` patterns can reveal evidence that the type in question is *not* an application. This can help the pattern checker. Reviewers: austin, hvr, bgamari Reviewed By: bgamari Subscribers: carter, rwbarton, thomie Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
index d2ed9d1500..a01a9ff859 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.List ( splitAt, foldl' )
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Show
-import GHC.TypeLits ( KnownSymbol, symbolVal' )
+import GHC.TypeLits ( KnownSymbol, symbolVal', AppendSymbol )
import GHC.TypeNats ( KnownNat, natVal' )
import Unsafe.Coerce ( unsafeCoerce )
@@ -448,21 +449,32 @@ mkTrAppChecked a b = mkTrApp a b
pattern App :: forall k2 (t :: k2). ()
=> forall k1 (a :: k1 -> k2) (b :: k1). (t ~ a b)
=> TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> TypeRep t
-pattern App f x <- (splitApp -> Just (IsApp f x))
+pattern App f x <- (splitApp -> IsApp f x)
where App f x = mkTrAppChecked f x
-data IsApp (a :: k) where
+data AppOrCon (a :: k) where
IsApp :: forall k k' (f :: k' -> k) (x :: k'). ()
- => TypeRep f -> TypeRep x -> IsApp (f x)
+ => TypeRep f -> TypeRep x -> AppOrCon (f x)
+ -- See Note [Con evidence]
+ IsCon :: IsApplication a ~ "" => TyCon -> [SomeTypeRep] -> AppOrCon a
+type family IsApplication (x :: k) :: Symbol where
+ IsApplication (_ _) = "An error message about this unifying with \"\" "
+ `AppendSymbol` "means that you tried to match a TypeRep with Con or "
+ `AppendSymbol` "Con' when the represented type was known to be an "
+ `AppendSymbol` "application."
+ IsApplication _ = ""
splitApp :: forall k (a :: k). ()
=> TypeRep a
- -> Maybe (IsApp a)
-splitApp TrType = Just (IsApp trTYPE trLiftedRep)
-splitApp (TrApp {trAppFun = f, trAppArg = x}) = Just (IsApp f x)
-splitApp rep@(TrFun {trFunArg=a, trFunRes=b}) = Just (IsApp (mkTrApp arr a) b)
+ -> AppOrCon a
+splitApp TrType = IsApp trTYPE trLiftedRep
+splitApp (TrApp {trAppFun = f, trAppArg = x}) = IsApp f x
+splitApp rep@(TrFun {trFunArg=a, trFunRes=b}) = IsApp (mkTrApp arr a) b
where arr = bareArrow rep
-splitApp (TrTyCon{}) = Nothing
+splitApp (TrTyCon{trTyCon = con, trKindVars = kinds})
+ = case unsafeCoerce Refl :: IsApplication a :~: "" of
+ Refl -> IsCon con kinds
-- | Use a 'TypeRep' as 'Typeable' evidence.
withTypeable :: forall (a :: k) (r :: TYPE rep). ()
@@ -475,8 +487,10 @@ withTypeable rep k = unsafeCoerce k' rep
newtype Gift a (r :: TYPE rep) = Gift (Typeable a => r)
-- | Pattern match on a type constructor
-pattern Con :: forall k (a :: k). TyCon -> TypeRep a
-pattern Con con <- TrTyCon {trTyCon = con}
+pattern Con :: forall k (a :: k). ()
+ => IsApplication a ~ "" -- See Note [Con evidence]
+ => TyCon -> TypeRep a
+pattern Con con <- (splitApp -> IsCon con _)
-- | Pattern match on a type constructor including its instantiated kind
-- variables.
@@ -495,13 +509,42 @@ pattern Con con <- TrTyCon {trTyCon = con}
-- intRep == typeRep @Int
-- @
-pattern Con' :: forall k (a :: k). TyCon -> [SomeTypeRep] -> TypeRep a
-pattern Con' con ks <- TrTyCon {trTyCon = con, trKindVars = ks}
+pattern Con' :: forall k (a :: k). ()
+ => IsApplication a ~ "" -- See Note [Con evidence]
+ => TyCon -> [SomeTypeRep] -> TypeRep a
+pattern Con' con ks <- (splitApp -> IsCon con ks)
-- TODO: Remove Fun when #14253 is fixed
{-# COMPLETE Fun, App, Con #-}
{-# COMPLETE Fun, App, Con' #-}
+{- Note [Con evidence]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+Matching TypeRep t on Con or Con' fakes up evidence that
+ IsApplication t ~ "".
+Why should anyone care about the value of strange internal type family?
+Well, almost nobody cares about it, but the pattern checker does!
+For example, suppose we have TypeRep (f x) and we want to get
+TypeRep f and TypeRep x. There is no chance that the Con constructor
+will match, because (f x) is not a constructor, but without the
+IsApplication evidence, omitting it will lead to an incomplete pattern
+warning. With the evidence, the pattern checker will see that
+Con wouldn't typecheck, so everything works out as it should.
+Why do we use Symbols? We would really like to use something like
+ type family NotApplication (t :: k) :: Constraint where
+ NotApplication (f a) = TypeError ...
+ NotApplication _ = ()
+Unfortunately, #11503 means that the pattern checker and type checker
+will fail to actually reject the mistaken patterns. So we describe the
+error in the result type. It's a horrible hack.
----------------- Observation ---------------------
-- | Observe the type constructor of a quantified type representation.