path: root/rts/Timer.c
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authorKevin Buhr <>2019-12-04 19:53:31 -0600
committerMarge Bot <>2019-12-31 23:44:39 -0500
commitdd4b65519f99e85a7e8f5c2dcb654a8d463c8858 (patch)
tree30bf6357285260195bae65205f47f9b3914e2afa /rts/Timer.c
parent859ebdd446eda446d38708a587503c255b58c4c6 (diff)
Add additional Note explaining the -Iw flag
Diffstat (limited to 'rts/Timer.c')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/rts/Timer.c b/rts/Timer.c
index 4fafbe09e8..6bc7162acd 100644
--- a/rts/Timer.c
+++ b/rts/Timer.c
@@ -28,10 +28,57 @@
/* ticks left before next pre-emptive context switch */
static int ticks_to_ctxt_switch = 0;
-/* idle ticks left before GC allowed */
+ Note [GC During Idle Time]
+ --------------------------
+ In the threaded RTS, a major GC can be performed during idle time (i.e., when
+ no Haskell computations are ready to run). This can be beneficial for two
+ reasons. First, running the GC during idle time makes it less likely that a GC
+ will be triggered when the process is active, increasing apparent
+ responsiveness. Second, these idle time GCs allow finalizers to run,
+ preventing resources from being held indefinitely when the process is otherwise
+ idle for extended periods.
+ There are two runtime RTS options to control idle time GC timing. The primary
+ control is set by `-I<n>`, which specifies the minimum period of time the
+ process must be idle before a GC is automatically triggered. It defaults to
+ 0.3 seconds for the threaded runtime and 0 (which disables idle GC entirely)
+ for the non-threaded runtime. For certain workflows, the 0.3 second delay for
+ the threaded RTS may be too small. If an application must process an extended
+ burst of short-lived requests occurring a couple of times a second, it may go
+ idle for >0.3 seconds frequently, resulting in potentially dozens of major
+ GCs triggered every minute (and resulting heavy CPU load) while the burst
+ lasts. Setting the `-I<n>` value higher will prevent this flurry of major GCs,
+ though there is a danger that setting the value too high will prevent automatic
+ GCs entirely, if the process never gets a chance to go idle for long enough to
+ meet the larger threshold.
+ In this case, the second control, set by `-Iw<n>` may be helpful. For example,
+ setting `-I0.3 -Iw30` triggers automatic GCs after only 0.3 seconds of idle
+ time, but subject to a minimum delay *between* automatic GCs of at least 30
+ seconds. This is likely to work well for applications that must process a
+ nearly constant stream of frequent, short-lived requests, ensuring that
+ automatic GCs are triggered promptly when the process goes idle while limiting
+ the overall frequency of such GCs. (The default is `-Iw0`, meaning no limit on
+ frequency of GCs.)
+ Automatic GC timing is implemented below using two count-down timers. The
+ `idle_ticks_to_gc` timer counts down the `-I<n>` setting: it is initialized
+ when the process goes idle and counts down idle time before an automatic GC
+ becomes possible. The `inter_gc_ticks_to_gc` counts down the `-Iw<n>` setting:
+ it is initialized when an automatic GC is actually performed, and holds off the
+ next automatic GC until its count expires, limiting the overall frequency of
+ automatic GCs. Both timers must expire before an automatic GC is triggered.
+ See issue #11134 for additional detail.
+/* - countdown for minimum idle time before we start a GC (set by -I) */
static int idle_ticks_to_gc = 0;
-/* inter-idle GC ticks left before GC allowed */
+/* - countdown for minimum time *between* idle GCs (set by -Iw) */
static int inter_gc_ticks_to_gc = 0;