path: root/rts/parallel/LLComms.c
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authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /rts/parallel/LLComms.c
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'rts/parallel/LLComms.c')
1 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rts/parallel/LLComms.c b/rts/parallel/LLComms.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..baa6dddf0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rts/parallel/LLComms.c
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Time-stamp: <Mon Mar 19 2001 22:10:38 Stardate: [-30]6354.62 hwloidl>
+ *
+ * GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
+ *
+ * This module defines PVM Routines for PE-PE communication.
+ *
+ * P. Trinder, December 5th. 1994.
+ * P. Trinder, July 1998
+ * H-W. Loidl, November 1999 -
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef PAR /* whole file */
+//@node GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication, , ,
+//@section GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
+ *This module defines the routines which communicate between PEs. The
+ *code is based on Kevin Hammond's GRIP RTS. (OpCodes.h defines
+ *PEOp1 etc. in terms of sendOp1 etc.).
+ *
+ *Routine & Arguments
+ * &
+ *sendOp & 0 \\
+ *sendOp1 & 1 \\
+ *sendOp2 & 2 \\
+ *sendOpN & vector \\
+ *sendOpV & variable \\
+ *sendOpNV & variable+ vector \\
+ *
+ *First the standard include files.
+ */
+//* Macros etc::
+//* Includes::
+//* Auxiliary functions::
+//* Index::
+//@end menu
+//@node Macros etc, Includes, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
+//@subsection Macros etc
+/* Evidently not Posix */
+/* #include "PosixSource.h" */
+#define UNUSED /* nothing */
+//@node Includes, Auxiliary functions, Macros etc, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
+//@subsection Includes
+#include "Rts.h"
+#include "RtsFlags.h"
+#include "RtsUtils.h"
+#include "Parallel.h"
+#include "ParallelRts.h"
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+# include "ParallelDebug.h"
+#include "LLC.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <varargs.h>
+/* Cannot use std macro when compiling for SysMan */
+/* debugging enabled */
+// #define IF_PAR_DEBUG(c,s) { s; }
+/* debugging disabled */
+#define IF_PAR_DEBUG(c,s) /* nothing */
+//@node Auxiliary functions, Index, Includes, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
+//@subsection Auxiliary functions
+ * heapChkCounter tracks the number of heap checks since the last probe.
+ * Not currently used! We check for messages when a thread is resheduled.
+ */
+int heapChkCounter = 0;
+ * Then some miscellaneous functions.
+ * getOpName returns the character-string name of any OpCode.
+ */
+char *UserPEOpNames[] = { PEOP_NAMES };
+//@cindex getOpName
+char *
+getOpName(nat op)
+ if (op >= MIN_PEOPS && op <= MAX_PEOPS)
+ return (UserPEOpNames[op - MIN_PEOPS]);
+ else
+ return ("Unknown PE OpCode");
+ * traceSendOp handles the tracing of messages.
+ */
+//@cindex traceSendOp
+static void
+traceSendOp(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId dest UNUSED,
+ unsigned int data1 UNUSED, unsigned int data2 UNUSED)
+ char *OpName;
+ OpName = getOpName(op);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(trace,
+ fprintf(stderr," %s [%x,%x] sent from %x to %x",
+ OpName, data1, data2, mytid, dest));
+ * sendOp sends a 0-argument message with OpCode {\em op} to
+ * the global task {\em task}.
+ */
+//@cindex sendOp
+sendOp(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task)
+ traceSendOp(op, task,0,0);
+ pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
+ pvm_send(task, op);
+ * sendOp1 sends a 1-argument message with OpCode {\em op}
+ * to the global task {\em task}.
+ */
+//@cindex sendOp1
+sendOp1(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, StgWord arg1)
+ traceSendOp(op, task, arg1,0);
+ pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
+ PutArg1(arg1);
+ pvm_send(task, op);
+ * sendOp2 is used by the FP code only.
+ */
+//@cindex sendOp2
+sendOp2(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, StgWord arg1, StgWord arg2)
+ traceSendOp(op, task, arg1, arg2);
+ pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
+ PutArg1(arg1);
+ PutArg2(arg2);
+ pvm_send(task, op);
+ *
+ * sendOpV takes a variable number of arguments, as specified by {\em n}.
+ * For example,
+ *
+ * sendOpV( PP_STATS, StatsTask, 3, start_time, stop_time, sparkcount);
+ */
+//@cindex sendOpV
+sendOpV(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, int n, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ int i;
+ StgWord arg;
+ va_start(ap, n);
+ traceSendOp(op, task, 0, 0);
+ pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ arg = va_arg(ap, StgWord);
+ PutArgN(i, arg);
+ }
+ va_end(ap);
+ pvm_send(task, op);
+ *
+ * sendOpNV takes a variable-size datablock, as specified by {\em
+ * nelem} and a variable number of arguments, as specified by {\em
+ * narg}. N.B. The datablock and the additional arguments are contiguous
+ * and are copied over together. For example,
+ *
+ * sendOpNV(PP_RESUME,, 6, nelem, data,
+ * (W_) ga.weight, (W_) ga.loc.gc.gtid, (W_) ga.loc.gc.slot,
+ * (W_) tsoga.weight, (W_) tsoga.loc.gc.gtid, (W_) tsoga.loc.gc.slot);
+ *
+ * Important: The variable arguments must all be StgWords.
+ sendOpNV(_, tid, m, n, data, x1, ..., xm):
+ | n elems
+ +------------------------------
+ | x1 | ... | xm | n | data ....
+ +------------------------------
+ */
+//@cindex sendOpNV
+sendOpNV(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, int nelem,
+ StgWord *datablock, int narg, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ int i;
+ StgWord arg;
+ va_start(ap, narg);
+ traceSendOp(op, task, 0, 0);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(trace,
+ fprintf(stderr,"~~ sendOpNV: op = %x (%s), task = %x, narg = %d, nelem = %d",
+ op, getOpName(op), task, narg, nelem));
+ pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
+ for (i = 0; i < narg; ++i) {
+ arg = va_arg(ap, StgWord);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(trace,
+ fprintf(stderr,"~~ sendOpNV: arg = %d\n",arg));
+ PutArgN(i, arg);
+ }
+ arg = (StgWord) nelem;
+ PutArgN(narg, arg);
+/* for (i=0; i < nelem; ++i) fprintf(stderr, "%d ",datablock[i]); */
+/* fprintf(stderr," in sendOpNV\n");*/
+ PutArgs(datablock, nelem);
+ va_end(ap);
+ pvm_send(task, op);
+ * sendOpN take a variable size array argument, whose size is given by
+ * {\em n}. For example,
+ *
+ * sendOpN( PP_STATS, StatsTask, 3, stats_array);
+ */
+//@cindex sendOpN
+sendOpN(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, int n, StgPtr args)
+ long arg;
+ traceSendOp(op, task, 0, 0);
+ pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
+ arg = (long) n;
+ PutArgN(0, arg);
+ PutArgs(args, n);
+ pvm_send(task, op);
+ * broadcastOpN is as sendOpN but broadcasts to all members of a group.
+ */
+broadcastOpN(OpCode op, char *group, int n, StgPtr args)
+ long arg;
+ //traceSendOp(op, task, 0, 0);
+ pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
+ arg = (long) n;
+ PutArgN(0, arg);
+ PutArgs(args, n);
+ pvm_bcast(group, op);
+ waitForPEOp waits for a packet from global task who with the
+ OpCode op. If ignore is true all other messages are simply ignored;
+ otherwise they are handled by processUnexpected.
+ */
+//@cindex waitForPEOp
+waitForPEOp(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId who, void(*processUnexpected)(rtsPacket) )
+ rtsPacket p;
+ int nbytes;
+ OpCode opCode;
+ GlobalTaskId sender_id;
+ rtsBool match;
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
+ fprintf(stderr,"~~ waitForPEOp: expecting op = %x (%s), who = [%x]\n",
+ op, getOpName(op), who));
+ do {
+ while((p = pvm_recv(ANY_TASK,ANY_OPCODE)) < 0)
+ pvm_perror("waitForPEOp: Waiting for PEOp");
+ pvm_bufinfo( p, &nbytes, &opCode, &sender_id );
+ match = (op == ANY_OPCODE || op == opCode) &&
+ (who == ANY_TASK || who == sender_id);
+ if (match) {
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "~~waitForPEOp: Qapla! received: OpCode = %#x (%s), sender_id = [%x]",
+ opCode, getOpName(opCode), sender_id));
+ return(p);
+ }
+ /* Handle the unexpected OpCodes */
+ if (processUnexpected!=NULL) {
+ (*processUnexpected)(p);
+ } else {
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "~~ waitForPEOp: ignoring OpCode = %#x (%s), sender_id = [%x]",
+ opCode, getOpName(opCode), sender_id));
+ }
+ } while(rtsTrue);
+ processUnexpected processes unexpected messages. If the message is a
+ FINISH it exits the prgram, and PVM gracefully
+ */
+//@cindex processUnexpectedMessage
+processUnexpectedMessage(rtsPacket packet) {
+ OpCode opCode = getOpcode(packet);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
+ GlobalTaskId sender = senderTask(packet);
+ fprintf(stderr,"~~ [%x] processUnexpected: Received %x (%s), sender %x\n",
+ mytid, opCode, getOpName(opCode), sender));
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case PP_FINISH:
+ stg_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
+ break;
+ /* Anything we're not prepared to deal with. Note that ALL OpCodes
+ are discarded during termination -- this helps prevent bizarre
+ race conditions. */
+ default:
+ // if (!GlobalStopPending)
+ {
+ GlobalTaskId errorTask;
+ OpCode opCode;
+ getOpcodeAndSender(packet, &opCode, &errorTask);
+ fprintf(stderr,"== Task %x: Unexpected OpCode %x from %x in processUnexpected",
+ mytid, opCode, errorTask );
+ stg_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ }
+//@cindex getOpcode
+getOpcode(rtsPacket p)
+ int nbytes;
+ OpCode OpCode;
+ GlobalTaskId sender_id;
+ /* read PVM buffer */
+ pvm_bufinfo(p, &nbytes, &OpCode, &sender_id);
+ /* return tag of the buffer as opcode */
+ return(OpCode);
+//@cindex getOpcodeAndSender
+getOpcodeAndSender(rtsPacket p, OpCode *opCodep, GlobalTaskId *senderIdp)
+ int nbytes;
+ /* read PVM buffer */
+ pvm_bufinfo(p, &nbytes, opCodep, senderIdp);
+//@cindex senderTask
+senderTask(rtsPacket p)
+ int nbytes;
+ OpCode opCode;
+ GlobalTaskId sender_id;
+ /* read PVM buffer */
+ pvm_bufinfo(p, &nbytes, &opCode, &sender_id);
+ return(sender_id);
+ * startUpPE does the low-level comms specific startup stuff for a
+ * PE. It initialises the comms system, joins the appropriate groups
+ * allocates the PE buffer
+ */
+//@cindex startUpPE
+ mytid = _my_gtid; /* Initialise PVM and get task id into global var.*/
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
+ fprintf(stderr,"== [%x] PEStartup: Task id = [%x], No. PEs = %d \n",
+ mytid, mytid, nPEs));
+ checkComms(pvm_joingroup(PEGROUP), "PEStartup");
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
+ fprintf(stderr,"== [%x] PEStartup: Joined PEGROUP\n", mytid));
+ * PEShutdown does the low-level comms-specific shutdown stuff for a
+ * single PE. It leaves the groups and then exits from pvm.
+ */
+//@cindex shutDownPE
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
+ fprintf(stderr, "== [%x] PEshutdown\n", mytid));
+ checkComms(pvm_lvgroup(PEGROUP),"PEShutDown");
+ checkComms(pvm_exit(),"PEShutDown");
+ Extract the exit code out of a PP_FINISH packet (used in SysMan)
+getExitCode(int nbytes, GlobalTaskId *sender_idp) {
+ int exitCode=0;
+ if (nbytes==4) { // Notification from a task doing pvm_exit
+ GetArgs(sender_idp,1); // Presumably this must be MainPE Id
+ exitCode = -1;
+ } else if (nbytes==8) { // Doing a controlled shutdown
+ GetArgs(&exitCode,1); // HACK: controlled shutdown == 2 values
+ GetArgs(&exitCode,1);
+ } else {
+ exitCode = -2; // everything else
+ }
+ return exitCode;
+#endif /* PAR -- whole file */
+//@node Index, , Auxiliary functions, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
+//@subsection Index
+//* getOpName:: @cindex\s-+getOpName
+//* traceSendOp:: @cindex\s-+traceSendOp
+//* sendOp:: @cindex\s-+sendOp
+//* sendOp1:: @cindex\s-+sendOp1
+//* sendOp2:: @cindex\s-+sendOp2
+//* sendOpV:: @cindex\s-+sendOpV
+//* sendOpNV:: @cindex\s-+sendOpNV
+//* sendOpN:: @cindex\s-+sendOpN
+//* waitForPEOp:: @cindex\s-+waitForPEOp
+//* processUnexpectedMessage:: @cindex\s-+processUnexpectedMessage
+//* getOpcode:: @cindex\s-+getOpcode
+//* getOpcodeAndSender:: @cindex\s-+getOpcodeAndSender
+//* senderTask:: @cindex\s-+senderTask
+//* startUpPE:: @cindex\s-+startUpPE
+//* shutDownPE:: @cindex\s-+shutDownPE
+//@end index