path: root/rts
diff options
authorEsa Ilari Vuokko <>2006-08-20 15:07:20 +0000
committerEsa Ilari Vuokko <>2006-08-20 15:07:20 +0000
commit83c42354f92a2cd23cadd6998156a51f61ab53ee (patch)
treed955a6307b94401f6672212dfb987e18c6b1c53e /rts
parentfce276e16071947919e1e24eaae0288cfa8edfdd (diff)
(temp) #814 - More flexible memory allocation in Windows
Diffstat (limited to 'rts')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/rts/MBlock.c b/rts/MBlock.c
index 76645e25d4..e3acea8f48 100644
--- a/rts/MBlock.c
+++ b/rts/MBlock.c
@@ -308,147 +308,194 @@ freeAllMBlocks(void)
#else /* defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS) */
- On Win32 platforms we make use of the two-phased virtual memory API
- to allocate mega blocks. We proceed as follows:
- Reserve a large chunk of VM (256M at the time, or what the user asked
- for via the -M option), but don't supply a base address that's aligned on
- a MB boundary. Instead we round up to the nearest mblock from the chunk of
- VM we're handed back from the OS (at the moment we just leave the 'slop' at
- the beginning of the reserved chunk unused - ToDo: reuse it .)
- Reserving memory doesn't allocate physical storage (not even in the
- page file), this is done later on by committing pages (or mega-blocks in
- our case).
+/* alloc_rec keeps the info we need to have matching VirtualAlloc and
+ VirtualFree calls.
+typedef struct alloc_rec_ {
+ char* base; /* non-aligned base address, directly from VirtualAlloc */
+ int size; /* Size in bytes */
+ struct alloc_rec_* next;
+} alloc_rec;
+typedef struct block_rec_ {
+ char* base; /* base address, non-MBLOCK-aligned */
+ int size; /* size in bytes */
+ struct block_rec_* next;
+} block_rec;
+static alloc_rec* allocs = 0;
+static block_rec* free_blocks = 0;
+allocNew(nat n) {
+ alloc_rec* rec = (alloc_rec*)malloc(sizeof(alloc_rec));
+ rec->size = (n+1)*MBLOCK_SIZE;
+ rec->base =
+ VirtualAlloc(NULL, rec->size, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
+ if(rec->base==0) {
+ free((void*)rec);
+ rec=0;
+ errorBelch(
+ "getMBlocks: VirtualAlloc MEM_RESERVE %d blocks failed with: %ld\n"
+ , n, GetLastError());
+ } else {
+ if(allocs==0) {
+ allocs=rec;
+ rec->next=0;
+ } else {
+ alloc_rec* it=allocs;
+ for(; it->next!=0 && it->next->base<rec->base; it=it->next) ;
+ rec->next=it->next;
+ it->next=rec;
+ }
+ debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "allocated %d megablock(s) at 0x%x",n,(nat)rec->base);
+ }
+ return rec;
-static char* base_non_committed = (char*)0;
-static char* end_non_committed = (char*)0;
-static void *membase;
+insertFree(char* alloc_base, int alloc_size) {
+ block_rec temp;
+ temp.base=0; temp.size=0;;
+ block_rec* it = free_blocks;
+ block_rec* prev = &temp;
+ for( ; it!=0 && it->base<alloc_base; prev=it, it=it->next) ;
+ if(it!=0 && alloc_base+alloc_size == it->base) {
+ if(prev->base + prev->size == alloc_base) { /* Merge it, alloc, prev */
+ prev->size += alloc_size + it->size;
+ prev->next = it->next;
+ free(it);
+ } else { /* Merge it, alloc */
+ it->base = alloc_base;
+ it->size += alloc_size;
+ }
+ } else if(prev->base + prev->size == alloc_base) { /* Merge alloc, prev */
+ prev->size += alloc_size;
+ } else { /* Merge none */
+ block_rec* rec = (block_rec*)malloc(sizeof(block_rec));
+ /* TODO: Check malloc failure */
+ rec->base=alloc_base;
+ rec->size=alloc_size;
+ rec->next = it;
+ prev->next=rec;
+ }
-/* Default is to reserve 256M of VM to minimise the slop cost. */
-#define SIZE_RESERVED_POOL ( 256 * 1024 * 1024 )
+findFreeBlocks(nat n) {
+ void* ret=0;
+ block_rec* it=free_blocks;
+ int required_size = n*MBLOCK_SIZE;
+ /* TODO: Don't just take first block, find smallest sufficient block */
+ block_rec temp;
+; temp.base=0; temp.size=0;
+ block_rec* prev=&temp;
+ for( ; it!=0 && it->size<required_size; prev=it, it=it->next ) ;
+ if(it!=0) {
+ if( (((unsigned long)it->base) & MBLOCK_MASK) == 0) { /* MBlock aligned */
+ ret = (void*)it->base;
+ if(it->size==required_size) {
+ prev->next=0;
+ free(it);
+ } else {
+ it->base += required_size;
+ it->size -=required_size;
+ }
+ } else {
+ char* need_base = (char*)(((unsigned long)it->base) & ((unsigned long)~MBLOCK_MASK)) + MBLOCK_SIZE;
+ block_rec* next = (block_rec*)malloc(sizeof(block_rec));
+ /* TODO: Check malloc failure */
+ int new_size = need_base - it->base;
+ next->base = need_base +required_size;
+ next->size = it->size - (new_size+required_size);
+ it->size = new_size;
+ next->next = it->next;
+ it->next = next;
+ ret=(void*)need_base;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
-/* Number of bytes reserved */
-static unsigned long size_reserved_pool = SIZE_RESERVED_POOL;
+/* VirtualAlloc MEM_COMMIT can't cross boundaries of VirtualAlloc MEM_RESERVE,
+ so we might need to do many VirtualAlloc MEM_COMMITs. We simply walk the
+ (ordered) allocated blocks. */
+static void
+commitBlocks(char* base, int size) {
+ alloc_rec* it=allocs;
+ for( ; it!=0 && (it->base+it->size)<base; it=it->next ) ;
+ for( ; it!=0 && size>0; it=it->next ) {
+ int size_delta = it->size - (base-it->base);
+ if(size_delta>size) size_delta=size;
+ void* temp = VirtualAlloc(base, size_delta, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
+ if(temp==0)
+ debugBelch("getMBlocks: VirtualAlloc MEM_COMMIT failed: %ld", GetLastError());
+ size-=size_delta;
+ base+=size_delta;
+ }
void *
-getMBlocks(nat n)
- static char* base_mblocks = (char*)0;
- static char* next_request = (char*)0;
- void* ret = (void*)0;
- nat i;
- lnat size = MBLOCK_SIZE * n;
- if ( (base_non_committed == 0) || (next_request + size > end_non_committed) ) {
- if (base_non_committed) {
- /* Tacky, but if no user-provided -M option is in effect,
- * set it to the default (==256M) in time for the heap overflow PSA.
- */
- if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize == 0) {
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize = size_reserved_pool / BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- heapOverflow();
+getMBlocks(nat n) {
+ void* ret=0;
+ ret = findFreeBlocks(n);
+ if(ret==0) {
+ alloc_rec* alloc = allocNew(n);
+ /* We already belch in allocNew if it fails */
+ if(alloc) {
+ insertFree(alloc->base, alloc->size);
+ ret = findFreeBlocks(n);
+ }
- if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize != 0) {
- size_reserved_pool = BLOCK_SIZE * RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize;
- if (size_reserved_pool < MBLOCK_SIZE) {
- size_reserved_pool = 2*MBLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- base_non_committed = VirtualAlloc ( NULL
- , size_reserved_pool
- );
- membase = base_non_committed;
- if ( base_non_committed == 0 ) {
- errorBelch("getMBlocks: VirtualAlloc MEM_RESERVE %lu failed with: %ld\n", size_reserved_pool, GetLastError());
- ret=(void*)-1;
- } else {
- end_non_committed = (char*)base_non_committed + (unsigned long)size_reserved_pool;
- /* The returned pointer is not aligned on a mega-block boundary. Make it. */
- base_mblocks = (char*)((unsigned long)base_non_committed & (unsigned long)~MBLOCK_MASK) + MBLOCK_SIZE;
-# if 0
- debugBelch("getMBlocks: Dropping %d bytes off of 256M chunk\n",
- (unsigned)base_mblocks - (unsigned)base_non_committed);
-# endif
- if ( ((char*)base_mblocks + size) > end_non_committed ) {
- debugBelch("getMBlocks: oops, committed too small a region to start with.");
- ret=(void*)-1;
- } else {
- next_request = base_mblocks;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Commit the mega block(s) to phys mem */
- if ( ret != (void*)-1 ) {
- ret = VirtualAlloc(next_request, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
- if (ret == NULL) {
- debugBelch("getMBlocks: VirtualAlloc MEM_COMMIT %lu failed with: %ld\n", size, GetLastError());
- ret=(void*)-1;
- }
- }
- if (ret == (void*)-1) {
- barf("getMBlocks: unknown memory allocation failure on Win32.");
- }
+ if(ret!=0) {
+ /* (In)sanity tests */
+ if (((W_)ret & MBLOCK_MASK) != 0) barf("getMBlocks: misaligned block returned");
- if (((W_)ret & MBLOCK_MASK) != 0) {
- barf("getMBlocks: misaligned block returned");
- }
- debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "allocated %d megablock(s) at 0x%x",n,(nat)ret);
- next_request = (char*)next_request + size;
+ commitBlocks(ret, MBLOCK_SIZE*n);
- mblocks_allocated += n;
- // fill in the table
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- markHeapAlloced( ret + i * MBLOCK_SIZE );
- }
+ /* Global bookkeeping */
+ mblocks_allocated += n;
+ int i=0;
+ for(; i<(int)n; ++i)
+ markHeapAlloced( ret + i * MBLOCK_SIZE );
+ }
- return ret;
+ return ret;
- BOOL rc;
- rc = VirtualFree(membase, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
- if (rc == FALSE) {
- debugBelch("freeAllMBlocks: VirtualFree failed with: %ld\n", GetLastError());
- }
-/* Hand back the physical memory that is allocated to a mega-block.
- ToDo: chain the released mega block onto some list so that
- getMBlocks() can get at it.
- Currently unused.
-#if 0
-freeMBlock(void* p, nat n)
- BOOL rc;
- rc = VirtualFree(p, n * MBLOCK_SIZE , MEM_DECOMMIT );
- if (rc == FALSE) {
-# ifdef DEBUG
- debugBelch("freeMBlocks: VirtualFree failed with: %d\n", GetLastError());
-# endif
- }
+ {
+ block_rec* next = 0;
+ block_rec* it = free_blocks;
+ for(; it!=0; ) {
+ if(!VirtualFree((void*)it->base, it->size, MEM_DECOMMIT))
+ debugBelch("freeAllMBlocks: VirtualFree MEM_DECOMMIT failed with %ld", GetLastError());
+ next = it->next;
+ free(it);
+ it=next;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ alloc_rec* next = 0;
+ alloc_rec* it = allocs;
+ for(; it!=0; ) {
+ if(!VirtualFree((void*)it->base, 0, MEM_RELEASE))
+ debugBelch("freeAllMBlocks: VirtualFree MEM_RELEASE failed with %ld", GetLastError());
+ next = it->next;
+ free(it);
+ it=next;
+ }
+ }