path: root/rts
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2013-03-17 13:56:27 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2013-03-17 13:56:27 +0000
commitcf403b50900648063d99afa160d2091a7d6f58c1 (patch)
treea8608f1b7ebc1e91d7f73914fa77ba7fec51e67f /rts
parent0374cade3d2c08f78f33e1e4c0df1c6340cdea7d (diff)
Remove some directories that used to be used by GUM
This hasn't been used for some time
Diffstat (limited to 'rts')
27 files changed, 0 insertions, 18034 deletions
diff --git a/rts/parallel/0Hash.c b/rts/parallel/0Hash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a471e30a66..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/0Hash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
- *
- * (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995-1998
- * (c) The GHC Team, 1999
- *
- * Dynamically expanding linear hash tables, as described in
- * Per-\AAke Larson, ``Dynamic Hash Tables,'' CACM 31(4), April 1988,
- * pp. 446 -- 457.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- Replaced with ghc/rts/Hash.c in the new RTS
-#if 0
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "Hash.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#define HSEGSIZE 1024 /* Size of a single hash table segment */
- /* Also the minimum size of a hash table */
-#define HDIRSIZE 1024 /* Size of the segment directory */
- /* Maximum hash table size is HSEGSIZE * HDIRSIZE */
-#define HLOAD 5 /* Maximum average load of a single hash bucket */
-#define HCHUNK (1024 * sizeof(W_) / sizeof(HashList))
- /* Number of HashList cells to allocate in one go */
-/* Linked list of (key, data) pairs for separate chaining */
-struct hashlist {
- StgWord key;
- void *data;
- struct hashlist *next; /* Next cell in bucket chain (same hash value) */
-typedef struct hashlist HashList;
-struct hashtable {
- int split; /* Next bucket to split when expanding */
- int max; /* Max bucket of smaller table */
- int mask1; /* Mask for doing the mod of h_1 (smaller table) */
- int mask2; /* Mask for doing the mod of h_2 (larger table) */
- int kcount; /* Number of keys */
- int bcount; /* Number of buckets */
- HashList **dir[HDIRSIZE]; /* Directory of segments */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Hash first using the smaller table. If the bucket is less than the
- * next bucket to be split, re-hash using the larger table.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static int
-hash(HashTable *table, W_ key)
- int bucket;
- /* Strip the boring zero bits */
- key /= sizeof(StgWord);
- /* Mod the size of the hash table (a power of 2) */
- bucket = key & table->mask1;
- if (bucket < table->split) {
- /* Mod the size of the expanded hash table (also a power of 2) */
- bucket = key & table->mask2;
- }
- return bucket;
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Allocate a new segment of the dynamically growing hash table.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static void
-allocSegment(HashTable *table, int segment)
- table->dir[segment] = stgMallocBytes(HSEGSIZE * sizeof(HashList *),
- "allocSegment");
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Expand the larger hash table by one bucket, and split one bucket
- * from the smaller table into two parts. Only the bucket referenced
- * by @table->split@ is affected by the expansion.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static void
-expand(HashTable *table)
- int oldsegment;
- int oldindex;
- int newbucket;
- int newsegment;
- int newindex;
- HashList *hl;
- HashList *next;
- HashList *old, *new;
- if (table->split + table->max >= HDIRSIZE * HSEGSIZE)
- /* Wow! That's big. Too big, so don't expand. */
- return;
- /* Calculate indices of bucket to split */
- oldsegment = table->split / HSEGSIZE;
- oldindex = table->split % HSEGSIZE;
- newbucket = table->max + table->split;
- /* And the indices of the new bucket */
- newsegment = newbucket / HSEGSIZE;
- newindex = newbucket % HSEGSIZE;
- if (newindex == 0)
- allocSegment(table, newsegment);
- if (++table->split == table->max) {
- table->split = 0;
- table->max *= 2;
- table->mask1 = table->mask2;
- table->mask2 = table->mask2 << 1 | 1;
- }
- table->bcount++;
- /* Split the bucket, paying no attention to the original order */
- old = new = NULL;
- for (hl = table->dir[oldsegment][oldindex]; hl != NULL; hl = next) {
- next = hl->next;
- if (hash(table, hl->key) == newbucket) {
- hl->next = new;
- new = hl;
- } else {
- hl->next = old;
- old = hl;
- }
- }
- table->dir[oldsegment][oldindex] = old;
- table->dir[newsegment][newindex] = new;
- return;
-void *
-lookupHashTable(HashTable *table, StgWord key)
- int bucket;
- int segment;
- int index;
- HashList *hl;
- bucket = hash(table, key);
- segment = bucket / HSEGSIZE;
- index = bucket % HSEGSIZE;
- for (hl = table->dir[segment][index]; hl != NULL; hl = hl->next)
- if (hl->key == key)
- return hl->data;
- /* It's not there */
- return NULL;
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * We allocate the hashlist cells in large chunks to cut down on malloc
- * overhead. Although we keep a free list of hashlist cells, we make
- * no effort to actually return the space to the malloc arena.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static HashList *freeList = NULL;
-static HashList *
- HashList *hl, *p;
- if ((hl = freeList) != NULL) {
- freeList = hl->next;
- } else {
- hl = stgMallocBytes(HCHUNK * sizeof(HashList), "allocHashList");
- freeList = hl + 1;
- for (p = freeList; p < hl + HCHUNK - 1; p++)
- p->next = p + 1;
- p->next = NULL;
- }
- return hl;
-static void
-freeHashList(HashList *hl)
- hl->next = freeList;
- freeList = hl;
-insertHashTable(HashTable *table, StgWord key, void *data)
- int bucket;
- int segment;
- int index;
- HashList *hl;
- /* We want no duplicates */
- ASSERT(lookupHashTable(table, key) == NULL);
- /* When the average load gets too high, we expand the table */
- if (++table->kcount >= HLOAD * table->bcount)
- expand(table);
- bucket = hash(table, key);
- segment = bucket / HSEGSIZE;
- index = bucket % HSEGSIZE;
- hl = allocHashList();
- hl->key = key;
- hl->data = data;
- hl->next = table->dir[segment][index];
- table->dir[segment][index] = hl;
-void *
-removeHashTable(HashTable *table, StgWord key, void *data)
- int bucket;
- int segment;
- int index;
- HashList *hl;
- HashList *prev = NULL;
- bucket = hash(table, key);
- segment = bucket / HSEGSIZE;
- index = bucket % HSEGSIZE;
- for (hl = table->dir[segment][index]; hl != NULL; hl = hl->next) {
- if (hl->key == key && (data == NULL || hl->data == data)) {
- if (prev == NULL)
- table->dir[segment][index] = hl->next;
- else
- prev->next = hl->next;
- table->kcount--;
- return hl->data;
- }
- prev = hl;
- }
- /* It's not there */
- ASSERT(data == NULL);
- return NULL;
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * When we free a hash table, we are also good enough to free the
- * data part of each (key, data) pair, as long as our caller can tell
- * us how to do it.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-freeHashTable(HashTable *table, void (*freeDataFun)(void *) )
- long segment;
- long index;
- HashList *hl;
- HashList *next;
- /* The last bucket with something in it is table->max + table->split - 1 */
- segment = (table->max + table->split - 1) / HSEGSIZE;
- index = (table->max + table->split - 1) % HSEGSIZE;
- while (segment >= 0) {
- while (index >= 0) {
- for (hl = table->dir[segment][index]; hl != NULL; hl = next) {
- next = hl->next;
- if (freeDataFun != NULL)
- (*freeDataFun)(hl->data);
- freeHashList(hl);
- }
- index--;
- }
- free(table->dir[segment]);
- segment--;
- index = HSEGSIZE - 1;
- }
- free(table);
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * When we initialize a hash table, we set up the first segment as well,
- * initializing all of the first segment's hash buckets to NULL.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-HashTable *
- HashTable *table;
- HashList **hb;
- table = stgMallocBytes(sizeof(HashTable),"allocHashTable");
- allocSegment(table, 0);
- for (hb = table->dir[0]; hb < table->dir[0] + HSEGSIZE; hb++)
- *hb = NULL;
- table->split = 0;
- table->max = HSEGSIZE;
- table->mask1 = HSEGSIZE - 1;
- table->mask2 = 2 * HSEGSIZE - 1;
- table->kcount = 0;
- table->bcount = HSEGSIZE;
- return table;
diff --git a/rts/parallel/0Parallel.h b/rts/parallel/0Parallel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index de84fca054..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/0Parallel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
- Time-stamp: <Mon Oct 04 1999 14:50:28 Stardate: [-30]3692.88 hwloidl>
- Definitions for parallel machines.
-This section contains definitions applicable only to programs compiled
-to run on a parallel machine, i.e. on GUM. Some of these definitions
-are also used when simulating parallel execution, i.e. on GranSim.
- */
- ToDo: Check the PAR specfic part of this file
- Move stuff into Closures.h and ClosureMacros.h
- Clean-up GRAN specific code
- -- HWL
- */
-#ifndef PARALLEL_H
-#define PARALLEL_H
-#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN) /* whole file */
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "GranSim.h"
-//#include "ClosureTypes.h"
-//* Basic definitions::
-//* Externs and types::
-//* Dummy defs::
-//* Par specific fixed headers::
-//* Parallel only heap objects::
-//* Packing definitions::
-//* End of File::
-//@end menu
-//@node Basic definitions, Externs and types
-//@section Basic definitions
-/* SET_PAR_HDR and SET_STATIC_PAR_HDR now live in ClosureMacros.h */
-/* Needed for dumping routines */
-#if defined(PAR)
-# define TIME StgWord64
-# define CURRENT_TIME msTime()
-# define TIME_ON_PROC(p) msTime()
-# define CURRENT_PROC thisPE
-# define BINARY_STATS RtsFlags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary
-#elif defined(GRAN)
-# define TIME rtsTime
-# define CURRENT_TIME CurrentTime[CurrentProc]
-# define TIME_ON_PROC(p) CurrentTime[p]
-# define CURRENT_PROC CurrentProc
-# define BINARY_STATS RtsFlags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Binary
-#if defined(PAR)
-# define MAX_PES 256 /* Maximum number of processors */
- /* MAX_PES is enforced by SysMan, which does not
- allow more than this many "processors".
- This is important because PackGA []
- **assumes** that a PE# can fit in 8+ bits.
- */
-//@node Externs and types, Dummy defs, Basic definitions
-//@section Externs and types
-#if defined(PAR)
-/* GUM: one spark queue on each PE, and each PE sees only its own spark queue */
-extern rtsSparkQ pending_sparks_hd;
-extern rtsSparkQ pending_sparks_tl;
-#elif defined(GRAN)
-/* GranSim: a globally visible array of spark queues */
-extern rtsSparkQ pending_sparks_hds[];
-extern rtsSparkQ pending_sparks_tls[];
-extern unsigned int /* nat */ spark_queue_len(PEs proc);
-extern StgInt SparksAvail; /* How many sparks are available */
-/* prototypes of spark routines */
-/* ToDo: check whether all have to be visible -- HWL */
-#if defined(GRAN)
-rtsSpark *newSpark(StgClosure *node, StgInt name, StgInt gran_info, StgInt size_info, StgInt par_info, StgInt local);
-void disposeSpark(rtsSpark *spark);
-void disposeSparkQ(rtsSparkQ spark);
-void add_to_spark_queue(rtsSpark *spark);
-void delete_from_spark_queue (rtsSpark *spark);
-/* Where to write the log file */
-//extern FILE *gr_file;
-extern char gr_filename[STATS_FILENAME_MAXLEN];
-#if defined(GRAN)
-int init_gr_simulation(char *rts_argv[], int rts_argc, char *prog_argv[], int prog_argc);
-void end_gr_simulation(void);
-#if defined(PAR)
-extern I_ do_sp_profile;
-extern P_ PendingFetches;
-extern GLOBAL_TASK_ID *PEs;
-extern rtsBool IAmMainThread, GlobalStopPending;
-extern rtsBool fishing;
-extern GLOBAL_TASK_ID SysManTask;
-extern int seed; /*pseudo-random-number generator seed:*/
- /*Initialised in ParInit*/
-extern I_ threadId; /*Number of Threads that have existed on a PE*/
-extern GLOBAL_TASK_ID mytid;
-extern int nPEs;
-extern rtsBool InGlobalGC; /* Are we in the midst of performing global GC */
-extern HashTable *pGAtoGALAtable;
-extern HashTable *LAtoGALAtable;
-extern GALA *freeIndirections;
-extern GALA *liveIndirections;
-extern GALA *freeGALAList;
-extern GALA *liveRemoteGAs;
-extern int thisPE;
-void RunParallelSystem (StgPtr program_closure);
-void initParallelSystem();
-void SynchroniseSystem();
-void registerTask (GLOBAL_TASK_ID gtid);
-globalAddr *LAGAlookup (P_ addr);
-P_ GALAlookup (globalAddr *ga);
-globalAddr *MakeGlobal (P_ addr, rtsBool preferred);
-globalAddr *setRemoteGA (P_ addr, globalAddr *ga, rtsBool preferred);
-void splitWeight (globalAddr *to, globalAddr *from);
-globalAddr *addWeight (globalAddr *ga);
-void initGAtables();
-W_ taskIDtoPE (GLOBAL_TASK_ID gtid);
-void RebuildLAGAtable();
-void *lookupHashTable (HashTable *table, StgWord key);
-void insertHashTable (HashTable *table, StgWord key, void *data);
-void freeHashTable (HashTable *table, void (*freeDataFun) ((void *data)));
-HashTable *allocHashTable();
-void *removeHashTable (HashTable *table, StgWord key, void *data);
-#endif /* PAR */
-/* Interface for dumping routines (i.e. writing to log file) */
-void DumpGranEvent(GranEventType name, StgTSO *tso);
-void DumpRawGranEvent(PEs proc, PEs p, GranEventType name,
- StgTSO *tso, StgClosure *node, StgInt sparkname, StgInt len);
-//void DumpEndEvent(PEs proc, StgTSO *tso, rtsBool mandatory_thread);
-//@node Dummy defs, Par specific fixed headers, Externs and types
-//@section Dummy defs
-Get this out of the way. These are all null definitions.
-//# define GA_HDR_SIZE 0
-//# define GA(closure) /*nothing */
-//# define SET_GA(closure,ga) /* nothing */
-//# define SET_STATIC_GA(closure) /* nothing */
-//# define SET_GRAN_HDR(closure,pe) /* nothing */
-//# define SET_STATIC_PROCS(closure) /* nothing */
-//# define SET_TASK_ACTIVITY(act) /* nothing */
-#if defined(GRAN)
-# define GA_HDR_SIZE 1
-# define PROCS_HDR_SIZE 1
-/* Accessing components of the field */
-# define PROCS(closure) ((closure)->header.gran.procs)
-/* SET_PROCS is now SET_GRAN_HEADER in ClosureMacros.h. */
-//@node Par specific fixed headers, Parallel only heap objects, Dummy defs
-//@section Par specific fixed headers
-Definitions relating to the entire parallel-only fixed-header field.
-On GUM, the global addresses for each local closure are stored in a separate
-hash table, rather then with the closure in the heap. We call @getGA@ to
-look up the global address associated with a local closure (0 is returned
-for local closures that have no global address), and @setGA@ to store a new
-global address for a local closure which did not previously have one.
-#if defined(PAR)
-# define GA_HDR_SIZE 0
-# define GA(closure) getGA(closure)
-# define SET_GA(closure, ga) setGA(closure,ga)
-# define SET_STATIC_GA(closure)
-# define SET_GRAN_HDR(closure,pe)
-# define SET_STATIC_PROCS(closure)
-# define MAX_GA_WEIGHT 0 /* Treat as 2^n */
-W_ PackGA ((W_, int));
- /* There was a PACK_GA macro here; but we turned it into the PackGA
- routine [] (because it needs to do quite a bit of
- paranoia checking. Phil & Will (95/08)
- */
-/* At the moment, there is no activity profiling for GUM. This may change. */
-# define SET_TASK_ACTIVITY(act) /* nothing */
-//@node Parallel only heap objects, Packing definitions, Par specific fixed headers
-//@section Parallel only heap objects
-// NB: The following definitons are BOTH for GUM and GrAnSim -- HWL
-/* All in Closures.h and CLosureMacros.h */
-//@node Packing definitions, End of File, Parallel only heap objects
-//@section Packing definitions
-//* GUM::
-//* GranSim::
-//@end menu
-//@node GUM, GranSim, Packing definitions, Packing definitions
-//@subsection GUM
-#if defined(PAR)
-Symbolic constants for the packing code.
-This constant defines how many words of data we can pack into a single
-packet in the parallel (GUM) system.
-//* Externs::
-//* Prototypes::
-//* Macros::
-//@end menu
-//@node Externs, Prototypes, GUM, GUM
-//@subsubsection Externs
-extern W_ *PackBuffer; /* size: can be set via option */
-extern long *buffer; /* HWL_ */
-extern W_ *freeBuffer; /* HWL_ */
-extern W_ *packBuffer; /* HWL_ */
-extern void InitPackBuffer(STG_NO_ARGS);
-extern void InitMoreBuffers(STG_NO_ARGS);
-extern void InitPendingGABuffer(W_ size);
-extern void AllocClosureQueue(W_ size);
-//@node Prototypes, Macros, Externs, GUM
-//@subsubsection Prototypes
-void InitPackBuffer();
-P_ PackTSO (P_ tso, W_ *size);
-P_ PackStkO (P_ stko, W_ *size);
-P_ AllocateHeap (W_ size); /* Doesn't belong */
-void InitClosureQueue ();
-P_ DeQueueClosure();
-void QueueClosure (P_ closure);
-rtsBool QueueEmpty();
-void PrintPacket (P_ buffer);
-P_ get_closure_info (P_ closure, W_ *size, W_ *ptrs, W_ *nonptrs, W_ *vhs, char *type);
-rtsBool isOffset (globalAddr *ga),
- isFixed (globalAddr *ga);
-void doGlobalGC();
-P_ PackNearbyGraph (P_ closure,W_ *size);
-P_ UnpackGraph (W_ *buffer, globalAddr **gamap, W_ *nGAs);
-//@node Macros, , Prototypes, GUM
-//@subsubsection Macros
- ((RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize - PACK_HDR_SIZE) / (PACK_GA_SIZE + _FHS) * (SPEC_HS + 2))
-# define MAX_GAS (RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize / PACK_GA_SIZE)
-# define PACK_GA_SIZE 3 /* Size of a packed GA in words */
- /* Size of a packed fetch-me in words */
-# define PACK_HDR_SIZE 1 /* Words of header in a packet */
-# define PACK_PLC_SIZE 2 /* Size of a packed PLC in words */
-#endif /* PAR */
-//@node GranSim, , GUM, Packing definitions
-//@subsection GranSim
-#if defined(GRAN)
-/* ToDo: Check which of the PAR routines are needed in GranSim -- HWL */
-//* Types::
-//* Prototypes::
-//* Macros::
-//@end menu
-//@node Types, Prototypes, GranSim, GranSim
-//@subsubsection Types
-typedef struct rtsPackBuffer_ {
- StgInt /* nat */ size;
- StgInt /* nat */ unpacked_size;
- StgTSO *tso;
- StgClosure **buffer;
-} rtsPackBuffer;
-//@node Prototypes, Macros, Types, GranSim
-//@subsubsection Prototypes
-/* main packing functions */
-rtsPackBuffer *PackNearbyGraph(StgClosure* closure, StgTSO* tso, nat *packbuffersize);
-rtsPackBuffer *PackOneNode(StgClosure* closure, StgTSO* tso, nat *packbuffersize);
-void PrintPacket(rtsPackBuffer *buffer);
-StgClosure *UnpackGraph(rtsPackBuffer* buffer);
-/* important auxiliary functions */
-//StgInfoTable *get_closure_info(StgClosure* node, nat *size, nat *ptrs, nat *nonptrs, nat *vhs, char *info_hdr_ty);
-int IS_BLACK_HOLE(StgClosure* node);
-StgClosure *IS_INDIRECTION(StgClosure* node);
-int IS_THUNK(StgClosure* closure);
-char *display_info_type(StgClosure* closure, char *str);
-void InitPackBuffer(void);
-P_ AllocateHeap (W_ size);
-P_ PackNearbyGraph (P_ closure, P_ tso, W_ *packbuffersize);
-P_ PackOneNode (P_ closure, P_ tso, W_ *packbuffersize);
-P_ UnpackGraph (P_ buffer);
-void InitClosureQueue (void);
-P_ DeQueueClosure(void);
-void QueueClosure (P_ closure);
-// rtsBool QueueEmpty();
-void PrintPacket (P_ buffer);
-// StgInfoTable *get_closure_info(StgClosure* node, unsigned int /* nat */ *size, unsigned int /* nat */ *ptrs, unsigned int /* nat */ *nonptrs, unsigned int /* nat */ *vhs, char *info_hdr_ty);
-// int /* rtsBool */ IS_BLACK_HOLE(StgClosure* node) ;
-//@node Macros, , Prototypes, GranSim
-//@subsubsection Macros
-/* These are needed in the packing code to get the size of the packet
- right. The closures itself are never built in GrAnSim. */
-# define FETCHME_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure) IND_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure)
-# define FETCHME_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure) 0L
-# define MAX_GAS (RtsFlags.GranFlags.packBufferSize / PACK_GA_SIZE)
-# define PACK_GA_SIZE 3 /* Size of a packed GA in words */
- /* Size of a packed fetch-me in words */
-# define PACK_HDR_SIZE 4 /* Words of header in a packet */
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.packBufferSize * sizeofW(StgClosure*) + \
- 2 * sizeofW(StgInt) + sizeofW(StgTSO*))
-# define PACK_FLAG_LOCN 0
-# define PACK_TSO_LOCN 1
-# define PACK_SIZE_LOCN 3
-# define MAGIC_PACK_FLAG 0xfabc
-#endif /* GRAN */
-//@node End of File, , Packing definitions
-//@section End of File
-#endif /* defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN) whole file */
-#endif /* Parallel_H */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/0Unpack.c b/rts/parallel/0Unpack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fc4a8e50c3..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/0Unpack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
- Time-stamp: <Wed Jan 12 2000 13:29:08 Stardate: [-30]4193.85 hwloidl>
- Unpacking closures which have been exported to remote processors
- This module defines routines for unpacking closures in the parallel
- runtime system (GUM).
- In the case of GrAnSim, this module defines routines for *simulating* the
- unpacking of closures as it is done in the parallel runtime system.
- Code in this file has been merged with Pack.c
-#if 0
-//@node Unpacking closures, , ,
-//@section Unpacking closures
-//* Includes::
-//* Prototypes::
-//* GUM code::
-//* GranSim Code::
-//* Index::
-//@end menu
-//@node Includes, Prototypes, Unpacking closures, Unpacking closures
-//@subsection Includes
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "GranSimRts.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#include "ParallelDebug.h"
-#include "FetchMe.h"
-#include "Storage.h"
-//@node Prototypes, GUM code, Includes, Unpacking closures
-//@subsection Prototypes
-void InitPacking(void);
-# if defined(PAR)
-void InitPackBuffer(void);
-# endif
-/* Interface for ADT of closure queues */
-void AllocClosureQueue(nat size);
-void InitClosureQueue(void);
-rtsBool QueueEmpty(void);
-void QueueClosure(StgClosure *closure);
-StgClosure *DeQueueClosure(void);
-StgPtr AllocateHeap(nat size);
-//@node GUM code, GranSim Code, Prototypes, Unpacking closures
-//@subsection GUM code
-#if defined(PAR)
-//@node Local Definitions, , GUM code, GUM code
-//@subsubsection Local Definitions
-//@cindex PendingGABuffer
-static globalAddr *PendingGABuffer;
-/* is initialised in main; */
-//@cindex InitPendingGABuffer
-nat size;
- PendingGABuffer = (globalAddr *)
- stgMallocBytes((size-PACK_HDR_SIZE)*2*sizeof(globalAddr),
- "InitPendingGABuffer");
- @CommonUp@ commons up two closures which we have discovered to be
- variants of the same object. One is made an indirection to the other. */
-//@cindex CommonUp
-CommonUp(StgClosure *src, StgClosure *dst)
- StgBlockingQueueElement *bqe;
- ASSERT(src != dst);
- switch (get_itbl(src)->type) {
- bqe = ((StgBlockingQueue *)src)->blocking_queue;
- break;
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- bqe = ((StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *)src)->blocking_queue;
- break;
- case RBH:
- bqe = ((StgRBH *)src)->blocking_queue;
- break;
- case FETCH_ME:
- bqe = END_BQ_QUEUE;
- break;
- default:
- /* Don't common up anything else */
- return;
- }
- /* We do not use UPD_IND because that would awaken the bq, too */
- // UPD_IND(src, dst);
- updateWithIndirection(get_itbl(src), src, dst);
- if (bqe != END_BQ_QUEUE)
- awaken_blocked_queue(bqe, src);
- @UnpackGraph@ unpacks the graph contained in a message buffer. It
- returns a pointer to the new graph. The @gamap@ parameter is set to
- point to an array of (oldGA,newGA) pairs which were created as a result
- of unpacking the buffer; @nGAs@ is set to the number of GA pairs which
- were created.
- The format of graph in the pack buffer is as defined in */
-//@cindex UnpackGraph
-StgClosure *
-UnpackGraph(packBuffer, gamap, nGAs)
-rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer;
-globalAddr **gamap;
-nat *nGAs;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
- StgWord **buffer, **bufptr, **slotptr;
- globalAddr ga, *gaga;
- StgClosure *closure, *existing,
- *graphroot, *graph, *parent;
- StgInfoTable *ip, *oldip;
- nat bufsize, i,
- pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs;
- char str[80];
- InitPackBuffer(); /* in case it isn't already init'd */
- graphroot = (StgClosure *)NULL;
- gaga = PendingGABuffer;
- InitClosureQueue();
- /* Unpack the header */
- bufsize = packBuffer->size;
- buffer = packBuffer->buffer;
- bufptr = buffer;
- /* allocate heap */
- if (bufsize > 0) {
- graph = allocate(bufsize);
- ASSERT(graph != NULL);
- }
- parent = (StgClosure *)NULL;
- do {
- /* This is where we will ultimately save the closure's address */
- slotptr = bufptr;
- /* First, unpack the next GA or PLC */
- ga.weight = (rtsWeight) *bufptr++;
- if (ga.weight > 0) {
- ga.payload.gc.gtid = (GlobalTaskId) *bufptr++;
- ga.payload.gc.slot = (int) *bufptr++;
- } else
- ga.payload.plc = (StgPtr) *bufptr++;
- /* Now unpack the closure body, if there is one */
- if (isFixed(&ga)) {
- /* No more to unpack; just set closure to local address */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("Unpacked PLC at %x", ga.payload.plc));
- closure = ga.payload.plc;
- } else if (isOffset(&ga)) {
- /* No more to unpack; just set closure to cached address */
- ASSERT(parent != (StgClosure *)NULL);
- closure = (StgClosure *) buffer[ga.payload.gc.slot];
- } else {
- /* Now we have to build something. */
- ASSERT(bufsize > 0);
- /*
- * Close your eyes. You don't want to see where we're looking. You
- * can't get closure info until you've unpacked the variable header,
- * but you don't know how big it is until you've got closure info.
- * So...we trust that the closure in the buffer is organized the
- * same way as they will be in the least up through the
- * end of the variable header.
- */
- ip = get_closure_info(bufptr, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- /*
- Remember, the generic closure layout is as follows:
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- */
- /* Fill in the fixed header */
- for (i = 0; i < FIXED_HS; i++)
- ((StgPtr)graph)[i] = *bufptr++;
- if (ip->type == FETCH_ME)
- size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
- /* Fill in the packed variable header */
- for (i = 0; i < vhs; i++)
- ((StgPtr)graph)[FIXED_HS + i] = *bufptr++;
- /* Pointers will be filled in later */
- /* Fill in the packed non-pointers */
- for (i = 0; i < nonptrs; i++)
- ((StgPtr)graph)[FIXED_HS + i + vhs + ptrs] = *bufptr++;
- /* Indirections are never packed */
- // ASSERT(INFO_PTR(graph) != (W_) Ind_info_TO_USE);
- /* Add to queue for processing */
- QueueClosure(graph);
- /*
- * Common up the new closure with any existing closure having the same
- * GA
- */
- if ((existing = GALAlookup(&ga)) == NULL) {
- globalAddr *newGA;
- /* Just keep the new object */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("Unpacking new (%x, %d, %x)\n",
- ga.payload.gc.gtid, ga.payload.gc.slot, ga.weight));
- closure = graph;
- newGA = setRemoteGA(graph, &ga, rtsTrue);
- if (ip->type == FETCH_ME)
- // FETCHME_GA(closure) = newGA;
- ((StgFetchMe *)closure)->ga = newGA;
- } else {
- /* Two closures, one global name. Someone loses */
- oldip = get_itbl(existing);
- if ((oldip->type == FETCH_ME || IS_BLACK_HOLE(existing)) &&
- ip->type != FETCH_ME) {
- /* What we had wasn't worth keeping */
- closure = graph;
- CommonUp(existing, graph);
- } else {
- /*
- * Either we already had something worthwhile by this name or
- * the new thing is just another FetchMe. However, the thing we
- * just unpacked has to be left as-is, or the child unpacking
- * code will fail. Remember that the way pointer words are
- * filled in depends on the info pointers of the parents being
- * the same as when they were packed.
- */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("Unpacking old (%x, %d, %x), keeping %#lx",
- ga.payload.gc.gtid, ga.payload.gc.slot, ga.weight,
- existing));
- closure = existing;
- }
- /* Pool the total weight in the stored ga */
- (void) addWeight(&ga);
- }
- /* Sort out the global address mapping */
- if ((ip_THUNK(ip) && !ip_UNPOINTED(ip)) ||
- (ip_MUTABLE(ip) && ip->type != FETCH_ME)) {
- /* Make up new GAs for single-copy closures */
- globalAddr *newGA = makeGlobal(closure, rtsTrue);
- ASSERT(closure == graph);
- /* Create an old GA to new GA mapping */
- *gaga++ = ga;
- splitWeight(gaga, newGA);
- ASSERT(gaga->weight == 1L << (BITS_IN(unsigned) - 1));
- gaga++;
- }
- graph += FIXED_HS + (size < MIN_UPD_SIZE ? MIN_UPD_SIZE : size);
- }
- /*
- * Set parent pointer to point to chosen closure. If we're at the top of
- * the graph (our parent is NULL), then we want to arrange to return the
- * chosen closure to our caller (possibly in place of the allocated graph
- * root.)
- */
- if (parent == NULL)
- graphroot = closure;
- else
- ((StgPtr)parent)[FIXED_HS + pvhs + pptr] = (StgWord) closure;
- /* Save closure pointer for resolving offsets */
- *slotptr = (StgWord) closure;
- /* Locate next parent pointer */
- pptr++;
- while (pptr + 1 > pptrs) {
- parent = DeQueueClosure();
- if (parent == NULL)
- break;
- else {
- (void) get_closure_info(parent, &size, &pptrs, &nonptrs,
- &pvhs, str);
- pptr = 0;
- }
- }
- } while (parent != NULL);
- ASSERT(bufsize == 0 || graph - 1 <= SAVE_Hp);
- *gamap = PendingGABuffer;
- *nGAs = (gaga - PendingGABuffer) / 2;
- /* ToDo: are we *certain* graphroot has been set??? WDP 95/07 */
- ASSERT(graphroot!=NULL);
- return (graphroot);
-#endif /* PAR */
-//@node GranSim Code, Index, GUM code, Unpacking closures
-//@subsection GranSim Code
- For GrAnSim: In general no actual unpacking should be necessary. We just
- have to walk over the graph and set the bitmasks appropriately. -- HWL */
-//@node Unpacking, , GranSim Code, GranSim Code
-//@subsubsection Unpacking
-#if defined(GRAN)
-CommonUp(StgClosure *src, StgClosure *dst)
- barf("CommonUp: should never be entered in a GranSim setup");
-/* This code fakes the unpacking of a somewhat virtual buffer */
-rtsPackBuffer* buffer;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs,
- bufptr = 0;
- StgClosure *closure, *graphroot, *graph;
- StgInfoTable *ip;
- StgWord bufsize, unpackedsize,
- pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs;
- StgTSO* tso;
- char str[240], str1[80];
- int i;
- bufptr = 0;
- graphroot = buffer->buffer[0];
- tso = buffer->tso;
- /* Unpack the header */
- unpackedsize = buffer->unpacked_size;
- bufsize = buffer->size;
- belch("<<< Unpacking <<%d>> (buffer @ %p):\n (root @ %p, PE %d,size=%d), demanded by TSO %d (%p)[PE %d]",
- buffer->id, buffer, graphroot, where_is(graphroot),
- bufsize, tso->id, tso,
- where_is((StgClosure *)tso)));
- do {
- closure = buffer->buffer[bufptr++]; /* that's all we need for GrAnSim -- HWL */
- /* Actually only ip is needed; rest is useful for TESTING -- HWL */
- ip = get_closure_info(closure,
- &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- sprintf(str, "** (%p): Changing bitmask[%s]: 0x%x ",
- closure, (closure_HNF(closure) ? "NF" : "__"),
- PROCS(closure)));
- if (ip->type == RBH) {
- closure->header.gran.procs = PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc); /* Move node */
- strcat(str, " (converting RBH) "));
- convertFromRBH(closure); /* In GUM that's done by convertToFetchMe */
- } else if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(closure)) {
- closure->header.gran.procs |= PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc); /* Copy node */
- } else if ( closure->header.gran.procs & PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc) == 0 ) {
- if (closure_HNF(closure))
- closure->header.gran.procs |= PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc); /* Copy node */
- else
- closure->header.gran.procs = PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc); /* Move node */
- }
- sprintf(str1, "0x%x", PROCS(closure)); strcat(str, str1));
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(pack, belch(str));
- } while (bufptr<buffer->size) ; /* (parent != NULL); */
- /* In GrAnSim we allocate pack buffers dynamically! -- HWL */
- free(buffer->buffer);
- free(buffer);
- belch("PrintGraph of %p is:", graphroot); PrintGraph(graphroot,0));
- return (graphroot);
-#endif /* GRAN */
-//@node Index, , GranSim Code, Unpacking closures
-//@subsection Index
-//* CommonUp:: @cindex\s-+CommonUp
-//* InitPendingGABuffer:: @cindex\s-+InitPendingGABuffer
-//* PendingGABuffer:: @cindex\s-+PendingGABuffer
-//* UnpackGraph:: @cindex\s-+UnpackGraph
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/Dist.c b/rts/parallel/Dist.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eeec780716..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/Dist.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#include "Dist.h"
-#ifdef DIST /* whole file */
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#include "Parallel.h" // nPEs,allPEs,mytid
-#include "HLC.h" //for sendReval
-#include "LLC.h" //for pvm stuff
-#include "FetchMe.h" // for BLOCKED_FETCH_info
-#include "Storage.h" // for recordMutable
-/* hopefully the result>0 */
-StgWord32 cGetPECount(void)
-{ return nPEs;
-/* return taskID, n is 1..count, n=1 is always the mainPE */
-StgPEId cGetPEId(StgWord32 n)
-{ return allPEs[n-1];
-/* return the taskID */
-StgPEId cGetMyPEId(void)
-{ return mytid;
-/* return the taskID of the owning PE of an MVar/TSO:
-- MVAR/TSOs get converted to REMOTE_REFs when shipped, and
- there is no mechanism for using these REMOTE_REFs
- apart from this code.
-StgPEId cGetCertainOwner(StgClosure *mv)
-{ globalAddr *ga;
- switch(get_itbl(mv)->type)
- { case TSO:
- case MVAR:
- return mytid; // must be local
- case REMOTE_REF:
- ga = LAGAlookup(mv);
- ASSERT(ga);
- return ga->payload.gc.gtid; // I know its global address
- }
- barf("Dist.c:cGetCertainOwner() wrong closure type %s",info_type(mv));
-/* for some additional fun, lets look up a certain host... */
-StgPEId cGetHostOwner(StgByteArray h) //okay h is a C string
-{ int nArch,nHost,nTask,i;
- StgPEId dtid;
- struct pvmhostinfo *host;
- struct pvmtaskinfo *task;
- dtid=0;
- pvm_config(&nHost,&nArch,&host);
- for(i=0;i<nHost;i++)
- if(strcmp(host[i].hi_name,h)==0)
- { dtid=host[i].hi_tid;
- break;
- }
- if(dtid==0) return 0; // no host of that name
- for(i=0;i<nPEs;i++)
- { pvm_tasks(allPEs[i],&nTask,&task);
- ASSERT(nTask==1); //cause we lookup a single task
- if(task[0].ti_host==dtid)
- return allPEs[i];
- }
- return 0; //know host, put no PE on it
-void cRevalIO(StgClosure *job,StgPEId p)
-{ nat size;
- rtsPackBuffer *buffer=NULL;
- ASSERT(get_itbl(job)->type==MVAR);
- job=((StgMVar*)job)->value; // extract the job from the MVar
- ASSERT(closure_THUNK(job)); // must be a closure!!!!!
- ASSERT(p!=mytid);
- buffer = PackNearbyGraph(job, END_TSO_QUEUE, &size,p);
- ASSERT(buffer != (rtsPackBuffer *)NULL);
- ASSERT(get_itbl(job)->type==RBH);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("@;~) %x doing revalIO to %x\n",
- mytid,p));
- sendReval(p,size,buffer);
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_reval_mess++;
- }
- /*
- We turn job into a FETCHME_BQ so that the thread will block
- when it enters it.
- Note: it will not receive an ACK, thus no GA.
- */
- ASSERT(get_itbl(job)->type==RBH);
- /* put closure on mutables list, while it is still a RBH */
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)job);
- /* actually turn it into a FETCH_ME_BQ */
- SET_INFO(job, &FETCH_ME_BQ_info);
- ((StgFetchMe *)job)->ga = 0; //hope this won't make anyone barf!!!
- ((StgBlockingQueue*)job)->blocking_queue=END_BQ_QUEUE;
diff --git a/rts/parallel/Dist.h b/rts/parallel/Dist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c67cce2748..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/Dist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __DIST_H
-#define __DIST_H
-#ifdef DIST
-#include "Rts.h"
-typedef StgWord32 StgPEId;
-// interface functions for Haskell Language calls
-StgWord32 cGetPECount(void);
-StgPEId cGetPEId(StgWord32 n);
-StgPEId cGetMyPEId(void);
-StgPEId cGetCertainOwner(StgClosure *mv);
-void cRevalIO(StgClosure *job,StgPEId p);
-StgPEId cGetHostOwner(StgByteArray h);
-#endif /* DIST */
-#endif /* __DIST_H */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/FetchMe.h b/rts/parallel/FetchMe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index be5cbf6b54..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/FetchMe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Closure types for the parallel system.
- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
diff --git a/rts/parallel/FetchMe.hc b/rts/parallel/FetchMe.hc
deleted file mode 100644
index f142e9e514..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/FetchMe.hc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time-stamp: <Tue Mar 06 2001 17:01:46 Stardate: [-30]6288.54 hwloidl>
- Entry code for a FETCH_ME closure
- This module defines routines for handling remote pointers (@FetchMe@s)
- in GUM. It is threaded (@.hc@) because @FetchMe_entry@ will be
- called during evaluation.
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifdef PAR /* all of it */
-//* Includes::
-//* Info tables::
-//* Index::
-//@end menu
-//@node Includes, Info tables
-//@subsection Includes
-#include "Stg.h"
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "Storage.h"
-#include "GranSim.h"
-#include "GranSimRts.h"
-#include "Parallel.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#include "FetchMe.h"
-#include "HLC.h"
-#include "StgRun.h" /* for StgReturn and register saving */
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FETCH_ME closures.
- A FETCH_ME closure represents data that currently resides on
- another PE. We issue a fetch message, and wait for the data to be
- retrieved.
- A word on the ptr/nonptr fields in the macros: they are unused at the
- moment; all closures defined here have constant size (ie. no payload
- that varies from closure to closure). Therefore, all routines that
- need to know the size of these closures have to do a sizeofW(StgFetchMe)
- etc to get the closure size. See get_closure_info(), evacuate() and
- checkClosure() (using the same fcts for determining the size of the
- closures would be a good idea; at least it would be a nice step towards
- making this code bug free).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-//@node Info tables, Index, Includes
-//@subsection Info tables
-//@cindex FETCH_ME_info
-INFO_TABLE(stg_FETCH_ME_info, stg_FETCH_ME_entry, 0,2, FETCH_ME,, EF_,"FETCH_ME","FETCH_ME");
-//@cindex FETCH_ME_entry
- FB_
- ASSERT(((StgFetchMe *)R1.p)->ga->payload.gc.gtid != mytid);
- /* Turn the FETCH_ME into a FETCH_ME_BQ, and place the current thread
- * on the blocking queue.
- */
- // ((StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *)> = &FETCH_ME_BQ_info; // does the same as SET_INFO
- SET_INFO((StgClosure *), &stg_FETCH_ME_BQ_info);
- /* Remember GA as a global var (used in blockThread); NB: not thread safe! */
- ASSERT(theGlobalFromGA.payload.gc.gtid == (GlobalTaskId)0);
- theGlobalFromGA = *((StgFetchMe *)R1.p)->ga;
- /* Put ourselves on the blocking queue for this black hole */
- ASSERT(looks_like_ga(((StgFetchMe *)R1.p)->ga));
- CurrentTSO->link = END_BQ_QUEUE;
- ((StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *)>blocking_queue = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)CurrentTSO;
- /* jot down why and on what closure we are blocked */
- CurrentTSO->why_blocked = BlockedOnGA;
- CurrentTSO->block_info.closure =;
- /* closure is mutable since something has just been added to its BQ */
- //recordMutable((StgMutClosure *);
- /* sendFetch etc is now done in blockThread, which is called from the
- scheduler -- HWL */
- BLOCK_NP(1);
- FE_
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On the first entry of a FETCH_ME closure, we turn the closure into
- a FETCH_ME_BQ, which behaves just like a BLACKHOLE_BQ. Any thread
- entering the FETCH_ME_BQ will be placed in the blocking queue.
- When the data arrives from the remote PE, all waiting threads are
- woken up and the FETCH_ME_BQ is overwritten with the fetched data.
- FETCH_ME_BQ_entry is almost identical to BLACKHOLE_BQ_entry -- HWL
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-//@cindex FETCH_ME_BQ_info
- FB_
- /* Put ourselves on the blocking queue for this node */
- CurrentTSO->link = (StgTSO*)((StgBlockingQueue *)R1.p)->blocking_queue;
- ((StgBlockingQueue *)R1.p)->blocking_queue = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)CurrentTSO;
- /* jot down why and on what closure we are blocked */
- CurrentTSO->why_blocked = BlockedOnGA_NoSend;
- CurrentTSO->block_info.closure =;
- /* stg_gen_block is too heavyweight, use a specialised one */
- BLOCK_NP(1);
- FE_
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A BLOCKED_FETCH closure only ever exists in the blocking queue of a
- globally visible closure i.e. one with a GA. A BLOCKED_FETCH closure
- indicates that a TSO on another PE is waiting for the result of this
- computation. Thus, when updating the closure, the result has to be sent
- to that PE. The relevant routines handling that are awakenBlockedQueue
- and blockFetch (for putting BLOCKED_FETCH closure into a BQ).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-//@cindex BLOCKED_FETCH_info
-//@cindex BLOCKED_FETCH_entry
- FB_
- /* see NON_ENTERABLE_ENTRY_CODE in StgMiscClosures.hc */
- STGCALL2(fprintf,stderr,"BLOCKED_FETCH object entered!\n");
- STGCALL1(shutdownHaskellAndExit, EXIT_FAILURE);
- FE_
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A REMOTE_REF closure is generated whenever we wish to refer to a sticky
- object on another PE.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-//@cindex REMOTE_REF_info
-//@cindex REMOTE_REF_entry
- FB_
- /* see NON_ENTERABLE_ENTRY_CODE in StgMiscClosures.hc */
- STGCALL2(fprintf,stderr,"REMOTE REF object entered!\n");
- STGCALL1(shutdownHaskellAndExit, EXIT_FAILURE);
- FE_
-#endif /* PAR */
-//@node Index, , Info tables
-//@subsection Index
-//* BLOCKED_FETCH_entry:: @cindex\s-+BLOCKED_FETCH_entry
-//* BLOCKED_FETCH_info:: @cindex\s-+BLOCKED_FETCH_info
-//* FETCH_ME_BQ_info:: @cindex\s-+FETCH_ME_BQ_info
-//* FETCH_ME_entry:: @cindex\s-+FETCH_ME_entry
-//* FETCH_ME_info:: @cindex\s-+FETCH_ME_info
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/Global.c b/rts/parallel/Global.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aea3f8aba4..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/Global.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1090 +0,0 @@
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time-stamp: <2009-12-02 12:26:23 simonmar>
- (c) The AQUA/Parade Projects, Glasgow University, 1995
- The GdH/APART 624 Projects, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1999
- Global Address Manipulation.
- The GALA and LAGA tables for mapping global addresses to local addresses
- (i.e. heap pointers) are defined here. We use the generic hash tables
- defined in Hash.c.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifdef PAR /* whole file */
-//* Includes::
-//* Global tables and lists::
-//* Fcts on GALA tables::
-//* Interface to taskId-PE table::
-//* Interface to LAGA table::
-//* Interface to GALA table::
-//* GC functions for GALA tables::
-//* Index::
-//@end menu
-//@node Includes, Global tables and lists, Global Address Manipulation, Global Address Manipulation
-//@subsection Includes
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "Storage.h"
-#include "Hash.h"
-#include "HLC.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-# include "sm/Sanity.h"
-#include "ParallelDebug.h"
-#if defined(DIST)
-# include "Dist.h"
- @globalAddr@ structures are allocated in chunks to reduce malloc overhead.
-//@node Global tables and lists, Fcts on GALA tables, Includes, Global Address Manipulation
-//@subsection Global tables and lists
-//@cindex thisPE
-nat thisPE;
-//* Free lists::
-//* Hash tables::
-//@end menu
-//@node Free lists, Hash tables, Global tables and lists, Global tables and lists
-//@subsubsection Free lists
-/* Free list of GALA entries */
-GALA *freeGALAList = NULL;
-/* Number of globalAddr cells to allocate in one go */
-#define GCHUNK (1024 * sizeof(StgWord) / sizeof(GALA))
-/* Free list of indirections */
-//@cindex nextIndirection
-static StgInt nextIndirection = 0;
-//@cindex freeIndirections
-GALA *freeIndirections = NULL;
-/* The list of live indirections has to be marked for GC (see makeGlobal) */
-//@cindex liveIndirections
-GALA *liveIndirections = NULL;
-/* The list of remote indirections has to be marked for GC (see setRemoteGA) */
-//@cindex liveRemoteGAs
-GALA *liveRemoteGAs = NULL;
-//@node Hash tables, , Free lists, Global tables and lists
-//@subsubsection Hash tables
-/* Mapping global task ids PEs */
-//@cindex taskIDtoPEtable
-HashTable *taskIDtoPEtable = NULL;
-static int nextPE = 0;
-/* LAGA table: StgClosure* -> globalAddr*
- (Remember: globalAddr = (GlobalTaskId, Slot, Weight))
- Mapping local to global addresses (see interface below)
-//@cindex LAtoGALAtable
-HashTable *LAtoGALAtable = NULL;
-/* GALA table: globalAddr* -> StgClosure*
- (Remember: globalAddr = (GlobalTaskId, Slot, Weight))
- Mapping global to local addresses (see interface below)
-//@cindex pGAtoGALAtable
-HashTable *pGAtoGALAtable = NULL;
-//@node Fcts on GALA tables, Interface to taskId-PE table, Global tables and lists, Global Address Manipulation
-//@subsection Fcts on GALA tables
-//@cindex allocGALA
-static GALA *
- GALA *gl, *p;
- if ((gl = freeGALAList) != NULL) {
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- ASSERT(gl->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
- ASSERT(gl->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa));
- freeGALAList = gl->next;
- } else {
- gl = (GALA *) stgMallocBytes(GCHUNK * sizeof(GALA), "allocGALA");
- freeGALAList = gl + 1;
- for (p = freeGALAList; p < gl + GCHUNK - 1; p++) {
- p->next = p + 1;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- p->ga.weight=0xdead0add;
- p->la=(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
- }
- /* last elem in the new block has NULL pointer in link field */
- p->next = NULL;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- p->ga.weight=0xdead0add;
- p->la=(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
- }
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- gl->ga.weight=0xdead0add;
- gl->la=(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
- return gl;
-//@node Interface to taskId-PE table, Interface to LAGA table, Fcts on GALA tables, Global Address Manipulation
-//@subsection Interface to taskId-PE table
- We don't really like GLOBAL_TASK_ID, so we keep a table of TASK_ID to
- PE mappings. The idea is that a PE identifier will fit in 16 bits, whereas
- a TASK_ID may not.
-//@cindex taskIDtoPE
-taskIDtoPE(GlobalTaskId gtid)
- return ((PEs) lookupHashTable(taskIDtoPEtable, gtid));
-//@cindex registerTask
-registerTask(GlobalTaskId gtid) {
- nextPE++; //start counting from 1
- if (gtid == mytid)
- thisPE = nextPE;
- insertHashTable(taskIDtoPEtable, gtid, (void *) (StgWord) nextPE);
-//@node Interface to LAGA table, Interface to GALA table, Interface to taskId-PE table, Global Address Manipulation
-//@subsection Interface to LAGA table
- The local address to global address mapping returns a globalAddr structure
- (pe task id, slot, weight) for any closure in the local heap which has a
- global identity. Such closures may be copies of normal form objects with
- a remote `master' location, @FetchMe@ nodes referencing remote objects, or
- globally visible objects in the local heap (for which we are the master).
-//@cindex LAGAlookup
-globalAddr *
-StgClosure *addr;
- GALA *gala;
- /* We never look for GA's on indirections. -- unknown hacker
- Well, in fact at the moment we do in the new RTS. -- HWL
- ToDo: unwind INDs when entering them into the hash table
- */
- if ((gala = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) addr)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- else
- return &(gala->ga);
-//@node Interface to GALA table, GC functions for GALA tables, Interface to LAGA table, Global Address Manipulation
-//@subsection Interface to GALA table
- We also manage a mapping of global addresses to local addresses, so that
- we can ``common up'' multiple references to the same object as they arrive
- in data packets from remote PEs.
- The global address to local address mapping is actually managed via a
- ``packed global address'' to GALA hash table. The packed global
- address takes the interesting part of the @globalAddr@ structure
- (i.e. the pe and slot fields) and packs them into a single word
- suitable for hashing.
-//@cindex GALAlookup
-StgClosure *
-globalAddr *ga;
- StgWord pga = PackGA(taskIDtoPE(ga->payload.gc.gtid), ga->payload.gc.slot);
- GALA *gala;
- if ((gala = (GALA *) lookupHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- else {
- /*
- * Bypass any indirections when returning a local closure to
- * the caller. Note that we do not short-circuit the entry in
- * the GALA tables right now, because we would have to do a
- * hash table delete and insert in the LAtoGALAtable to keep
- * that table up-to-date for preferred GALA pairs. That's
- * probably a bit expensive.
- */
- return UNWIND_IND((StgClosure *)(gala->la));
- }
-/* ga becomes non-preferred (e.g. due to CommonUp) */
-globalAddr *ga;
- StgWord pga = PackGA(taskIDtoPE(ga->payload.gc.gtid), ga->payload.gc.slot);
- GALA *gala;
- gala = (GALA *) lookupHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga);
- ASSERT(gala!=NULL);
- ASSERT(gala->preferred==rtsTrue);
- gala->preferred = rtsFalse;
- External references to our globally-visible closures are managed through an
- indirection table. The idea is that the closure may move about as the result
- of local garbage collections, but its global identity is determined by its
- slot in the indirection table, which never changes.
- The indirection table is maintained implicitly as part of the global
- address to local address table. We need only keep track of the
- highest numbered indirection index allocated so far, along with a free
- list of lower numbered indices no longer in use.
- Allocate an indirection slot for the closure currently at address @addr@.
-//@cindex allocIndirection
-static GALA *
-allocIndirection(StgClosure *closure)
- GALA *gala;
- if ((gala = freeIndirections) != NULL) {
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- ASSERT(gala->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
- ASSERT(gala->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa));
- freeIndirections = gala->next;
- } else {
- gala = allocGALA();
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- ASSERT(gala->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
- ASSERT(gala->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa));
- gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid = mytid;
- gala->ga.payload.gc.slot = nextIndirection++;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- if (nextIndirection>=MAX_SLOTS)
- barf("Cannot handle more than %d slots for GA in a sanity-checking setup (this is no error)"));
- }
- gala->ga.weight = MAX_GA_WEIGHT;
- gala->la = (StgPtr)closure;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- gala->next=(struct gala *)0xcccccccc);
- return gala;
- This is only used for sanity checking (see LOOKS_LIKE_SLOT)
-highest_slot (void) { return nextIndirection; }
- Make a local closure globally visible.
- Called from: GlobaliseAndPackGA
- Args:
- closure ... closure to be made visible
- preferred ... should the new GA become the preferred one (normalle=y true)
- Allocate a GALA structure and add it to the (logical) Indirections table,
- by inserting it into the LAtoGALAtable hash table and putting it onto the
- liveIndirections list (only if it is preferred).
- We have to allocate an indirection slot for it, and update both the local
- address to global address and global address to local address maps.
-//@cindex makeGlobal
-globalAddr *
-makeGlobal(closure, preferred)
-StgClosure *closure;
-rtsBool preferred;
- /* check whether we already have a GA for this local closure */
- GALA *oldGALA = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) closure);
- /* create an entry in the LAGA table */
- GALA *newGALA = allocIndirection(closure);
- StgWord pga = PackGA(thisPE, newGALA->ga.payload.gc.slot);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- ASSERT(newGALA->next==(struct gala *)0xcccccccc););
- // ASSERT(HEAP_ALLOCED(closure)); // check that closure might point into the heap; might be static, though
- ASSERT(GALAlookup(&(newGALA->ga)) == NULL);
- /* global statistics gathering */
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.local_alloc_GA++;
- }
- newGALA->la = (StgPtr)closure;
- newGALA->preferred = preferred;
- if (preferred) {
- /* The new GA is now the preferred GA for the LA */
- if (oldGALA != NULL) {
- oldGALA->preferred = rtsFalse;
- (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) closure, (void *) oldGALA);
- }
- insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) closure, (void *) newGALA);
- }
- ASSERT(!isOnLiveIndTable(&(newGALA->ga)));
- /* put the new GALA entry on the list of live indirections */
- newGALA->next = liveIndirections;
- liveIndirections = newGALA;
- insertHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga, (void *) newGALA);
- return &(newGALA->ga);
- Assign an existing remote global address to an existing closure.
- Called from: Unpack in Pack.c
- Args:
- local_closure ... a closure that has just been unpacked
- remote_ga ... the GA that came with it, ie. the name under which the
- closure is known while being transferred
- preferred ... should the new GA become the preferred one (normalle=y true)
- Allocate a GALA structure and add it to the (logical) RemoteGA table,
- by inserting it into the LAtoGALAtable hash table and putting it onto the
- liveRemoteGAs list (only if it is preferred).
- We do not retain the @globalAddr@ structure that's passed in as an argument,
- so it can be a static in the calling routine.
-//@cindex setRemoteGA
-globalAddr *
-setRemoteGA(local_closure, remote_ga, preferred)
-StgClosure *local_closure;
-globalAddr *remote_ga;
-rtsBool preferred;
- /* old entry ie the one with the GA generated when sending off the closure */
- GALA *oldGALA = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) local_closure);
- /* alloc new entry and fill it with contents of the newly arrives GA */
- GALA *newGALA = allocGALA();
- StgWord pga = PackGA(taskIDtoPE(remote_ga->payload.gc.gtid),
- remote_ga->payload.gc.slot);
- ASSERT(remote_ga->payload.gc.gtid != mytid);
- ASSERT(remote_ga->weight > 0);
- ASSERT(GALAlookup(remote_ga) == NULL);
- newGALA->ga = *remote_ga;
- newGALA->la = (StgPtr)local_closure;
- newGALA->preferred = preferred;
- if (preferred) {
- /* The new GA is now the preferred GA for the LA */
- if (oldGALA != NULL) {
- oldGALA->preferred = rtsFalse;
- (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) local_closure, (void *) oldGALA);
- }
- insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) local_closure, (void *) newGALA);
- }
- ASSERT(!isOnRemoteGATable(&(newGALA->ga)));
- /* add new entry to the (logical) RemoteGA table */
- newGALA->next = liveRemoteGAs;
- liveRemoteGAs = newGALA;
- insertHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga, (void *) newGALA);
- /*
- The weight carried by the incoming closure is transferred to the newGALA
- entry (via the structure assign above). Therefore, we have to give back
- the weight to the GA on the other processor, because that indirection is
- no longer needed.
- */
- remote_ga->weight = 0;
- return &(newGALA->ga);
- Give me a bit of weight to give away on a new reference to a particular
- global address. If we run down to nothing, we have to assign a new GA.
-//@cindex splitWeight
-#if 0
-splitWeight(to, from)
-globalAddr *to, *from;
- /* Make sure we have enough weight to split */
- if (from->weight!=MAX_GA_WEIGHT && from->weight<=3) // fixed by UK in Eden implementation
- from = makeGlobal(GALAlookup(from), rtsTrue);
- to->payload = from->payload;
- if (from->weight == MAX_GA_WEIGHT)
- to->weight = 1L << (BITS_IN(unsigned) - 1);
- else
- to->weight = from->weight / 2;
- from->weight -= to->weight;
-splitWeight(to, from)
-globalAddr *to, *from;
- /* Make sure we have enough weight to split */
- /* Splitting at 2 needed, as weight 1 is not legal in packets (UK+KH) */
- if (from->weight / 2 <= 2) /* old: weight== 1 (UK) */
- from = makeGlobal(GALAlookup(from), rtsTrue);
- to->payload = from->payload;
- if (from->weight <= 1) /* old == 0 (UK) */
- to->weight = 1L << (BITS_IN(unsigned) - 1);
- else
- to->weight = from->weight / 2;
- from->weight -= to->weight;
- Here, I am returning a bit of weight that a remote PE no longer needs.
-//@cindex addWeight
-globalAddr *
-globalAddr *ga;
- StgWord pga;
- GALA *gala;
- pga = PackGA(taskIDtoPE(ga->payload.gc.gtid), ga->payload.gc.slot);
- gala = (GALA *) lookupHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(weight,
- fprintf(stderr, "@* Adding weight %x to ", ga->weight);
- printGA(&(gala->ga));
- fputc('\n', stderr));
- gala->ga.weight += ga->weight;
- ga->weight = 0;
- return &(gala->ga);
- Initialize all of the global address structures: the task ID to PE id
- map, the local address to global address map, the global address to
- local address map, and the indirection table.
-//@cindex initGAtables
- taskIDtoPEtable = allocHashTable();
- LAtoGALAtable = allocHashTable();
- pGAtoGALAtable = allocHashTable();
-//@cindex PackGA
-PackGA (pe, slot)
-StgWord pe;
-int slot;
- int pe_shift = (BITS_IN(StgWord)*3)/4;
- int pe_bits = BITS_IN(StgWord) - pe_shift;
- if ( pe_bits < 8 || slot >= (1L << pe_shift) ) { /* big trouble */
- fflush(stdout);
- fprintf(stderr, "PackGA: slot# too big (%d) or not enough pe_bits (%d)\n",
- slot,pe_bits);
- stg_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- return((((StgWord)(pe)) << pe_shift) | ((StgWord)(slot)));
- /* the idea is to use 3/4 of the bits (e.g., 24) for indirection-
- table "slot", and 1/4 for the pe# (e.g., 8).
- We check for too many bits in "slot", and double-check (at
- compile-time?) that we have enough bits for "pe". We *don't*
- check for too many bits in "pe", because SysMan enforces a
- MAX_PEs limit at the very very beginning.
- Phil & Will 95/08
- */
-//@node GC functions for GALA tables, Debugging routines, Interface to GALA table, Global Address Manipulation
-//@subsection GC functions for GALA tables
- When we do a copying collection, we want to evacuate all of the local
- entries in the GALA table for which there are outstanding remote
- pointers (i.e. for which the weight is not MAX_GA_WEIGHT.)
- This routine has to be run BEFORE doing the GC proper (it's a
- ``mark roots'' thing).
-//@cindex markLocalGAs
-markLocalGAs(rtsBool full)
- GALA *gala, *next, *prev = NULL;
- StgPtr old_la, new_la;
- nat n=0, m=0; // debugging only
- double start_time_GA; // stats only
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch("@@%%%% markLocalGAs (full=%d): Marking LIVE INDIRECTIONS in GALA table starting with GALA at %p\n",
- full, liveIndirections);
- printLAGAtable());
- for (gala = liveIndirections, m=0; gala != NULL; gala = next, m++) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fputs("@@ ",stderr);
- printGA(&(gala->ga));
- fprintf(stderr, ";@ %d: LA: %p (%s) ",
- m, (void*)gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la)));
- next = gala->next;
- old_la = gala->la;
- ASSERT(gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid == mytid); /* it's supposed to be local */
- if (gala->ga.weight != MAX_GA_WEIGHT) {
- /* Remote references exist, so we must evacuate the local closure */
- if (get_itbl((StgClosure *)old_la)->type == EVACUATED) {
- /* somebody else already evacuated this closure */
- new_la = (StgPtr)((StgEvacuated *)old_la)->evacuee;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch(" already evacuated to %p", new_la));
- } else {
-#if 1
- /* unwind any indirections we find */
- StgClosure *foo = UNWIND_IND((StgClosure *)old_la) ; // debugging only
- n++;
- new_la = (StgPtr) MarkRoot(foo);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch(" evacuated %p to %p", foo, new_la));
- /* ToDo: is this the right assertion to check that new_la is in to-space?
- ASSERT(!HEAP_ALLOCED(new_la) || Bdescr(new_la)->evacuated);
- */
- new_la = MarkRoot(old_la); // or just evacuate(old_ga)
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch(" evacuated %p to %p", old_la, new_la));
- }
- gala->la = new_la;
- /* remove old LA and replace with new LA */
- if (/* !full && */ gala->preferred && new_la != old_la) {
- GALA *q;
- ASSERT(lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)old_la));
- (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) old_la, (void *) gala);
- if ((q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) new_la))!=NULL) {
- if (q->preferred && gala->preferred) {
- q->preferred = rtsFalse;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fprintf(stderr, "@@## found hash entry for closure %p (%s): deprecated GA ",
- new_la, info_type((StgClosure*)new_la));
- printGA(&(q->ga));
- fputc('\n', stderr));
- }
- } else {
- insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) new_la, (void *) gala);
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch("__## Hash table update (%p --> %p): ",
- old_la, new_la));
- }
- gala->next = prev;
- prev = gala;
- } else if(LOOKS_LIKE_STATIC_CLOSURE(gala->la)) {
- /* to handle the CAFs, is this all?*/
- MarkRoot(gala->la);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch(" processed static closure"));
- n++;
- gala->next = prev;
- prev = gala;
- } else {
- /* Since we have all of the weight, this GA is no longer needed */
- StgWord pga = PackGA(thisPE, gala->ga.payload.gc.slot);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(free,
- belch("@@!! Freeing slot %d",
- gala->ga.payload.gc.slot));
- /* put gala on free indirections list */
- gala->next = freeIndirections;
- freeIndirections = gala;
- (void) removeHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga, (void *) gala);
- if (/* !full && */ gala->preferred)
- (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (W_) gala->la, (void *) gala);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- gala->ga.weight = 0xdead0add;
- gala->la = (StgPtr) 0xdead00aa);
- }
- } /* for gala ... */
- liveIndirections = prev; /* list has been reversed during the marking */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch("@@%%%% markLocalGAs: %d of %d GALAs marked on PE %x",
- n, m, mytid));
- Traverse the GALA table: for every live remote GA check whether it has been
- touched during GC; if not it is not needed locally and we can free the
- closure (i.e. let go of its heap space and send a free message to the
- PE holding its GA).
- This routine has to be run AFTER doing the GC proper.
-rebuildGAtables(rtsBool full)
- GALA *gala, *next, *prev;
- StgClosure *closure;
- nat n = 0, size_GA = 0; // stats only (no. of GAs, and their heap size in bytes)
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch("@@%%%% rebuildGAtables (full=%d): rebuilding LIVE REMOTE GAs in GALA table starting with GALA at %p\n",
- full, liveRemoteGAs));
- prepareFreeMsgBuffers();
- for (gala = liveRemoteGAs, prev = NULL; gala != NULL; gala = next) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- printGA(&(gala->ga)));
- next = gala->next;
- ASSERT(gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid != mytid); /* it's supposed to be remote */
- closure = (StgClosure *) (gala->la);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fprintf(stderr, " %p (%s) ",
- (StgClosure *)closure, info_type(closure)));
- if (/* !full && */ gala->preferred)
- (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *) gala);
- /* Follow indirection chains to the end, just in case */
- // should conform with unwinding in markLocalGAs
- closure = UNWIND_IND(closure);
- /*
- If closure has been evacuated it is live; otherwise it's dead and we
- can nuke the GA attached to it in the LAGA table.
- This approach also drops global aliases for PLCs.
- */
- //ASSERT(!HEAP_ALLOCED(closure) || !(Bdescr((StgPtr)closure)->evacuated));
- if (get_itbl(closure)->type == EVACUATED) {
- closure = ((StgEvacuated *)closure)->evacuee;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fprintf(stderr, " EVAC %p (%s)\n",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- } else {
- /* closure is not alive any more, thus remove GA and send free msg */
- int pe = taskIDtoPE(gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid);
- StgWord pga = PackGA(pe, gala->ga.payload.gc.slot);
- /* check that the block containing this closure is not in to-space */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fprintf(stderr, " !EVAC %p (%s); sending free to PE %d\n",
- closure, info_type(closure), pe));
- (void) removeHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga, (void *) gala);
- freeRemoteGA(pe-1, &(gala->ga)); //-1 cause ids start at 1... not 0
- gala->next = freeGALAList;
- freeGALAList = gala;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- gala->ga.weight = 0xdead0add;
- gala->la = (StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
- continue;
- }
- gala->la = (StgPtr)closure;
- if (/* !full && */ gala->preferred) {
- GALA *q;
- if ((q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la))!=NULL) {
- if (q->preferred && gala->preferred) {
- q->preferred = rtsFalse;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fprintf(stderr, "@@## found hash entry for closure %p (%s): deprecated GA ",
- gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la));
- printGA(&(q->ga));
- fputc('\n', stderr));
- }
- } else {
- insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *) gala);
- }
- }
- gala->next = prev;
- prev = gala;
- /* Global statistics: count GAs and total size
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i;
- char str[80];
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- size_GA += size ;
- n++; // stats: count number of GAs we add to the new table
- }
- */
- }
- liveRemoteGAs = prev; /* list is reversed during marking */
- /* If we have any remaining FREE messages to send off, do so now */
- sendFreeMessages();
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- checkFreeGALAList();
- checkFreeIndirectionsList());
- rebuildLAGAtable();
-#if defined(PAR_TICKY)
- getLAGAtableSize(&n, &size_GA); // determine no of GAs and global heap
- PAR_TICKY_REBUILD_GA_TABLES_END(n, size_GA); // record these values
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch("@#%%%% rebuildGAtables: After ReBuilding GALA table starting with GALA at %p",
- liveRemoteGAs);
- printLAGAtable());
- Rebuild the LA->GA table, assuming that the addresses in the GALAs are
- correct.
- A word on the lookupHashTable check in both loops:
- After GC we may end up with 2 preferred GAs for the same LA! For example,
- if we received a closure whose GA already exists on this PE we CommonUp
- both closures, making one an indirection to the other. Before GC everything
- is fine: one preferred GA refers to the IND, the other preferred GA refers
- to the closure it points to. After GC, however, we have short cutted the
- IND and suddenly we have 2 preferred GAs for the same closure. We detect
- this case in the loop below and deprecate one GA, so that we always just
- have one preferred GA per LA.
-//@cindex rebuildLAGAtable
- GALA *gala;
- nat n=0, m=0; // debugging
- /* The old LA->GA table is worthless */
- freeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, NULL);
- LAtoGALAtable = allocHashTable();
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch("@@%%%% rebuildLAGAtable: new LAGA table at %p",
- LAtoGALAtable));
- for (gala = liveIndirections; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
- n++;
- if (gala->preferred) {
- GALA *q;
- if ((q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la))!=NULL) {
- if (q->preferred && gala->preferred) {
- /* this deprecates q (see also GALAdeprecate) */
- q->preferred = rtsFalse;
- (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *)q);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fprintf(stderr, "@@## found hash entry for closure %p (%s): deprecated GA ",
- gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la));
- printGA(&(q->ga));
- fputc('\n', stderr));
- }
- }
- insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *) gala);
- }
- }
- for (gala = liveRemoteGAs; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
- m++;
- if (gala->preferred) {
- GALA *q;
- if ((q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la))!=NULL) {
- if (q->preferred && gala->preferred) {
- /* this deprecates q (see also GALAdeprecate) */
- q->preferred = rtsFalse;
- (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *)q);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fprintf(stderr, "@@## found hash entry for closure %p (%s): deprecated GA ",
- (StgClosure*)gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la));
- printGA(&(q->ga));
- fputc('\n', stderr));
- }
- }
- insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *) gala);
- }
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch("@@%%%% rebuildLAGAtable: inserted %d entries from liveIndirections and %d entries from liveRemoteGAs",
- n,m));
- Determine the size of the LAGA and GALA tables.
- Has to be done after rebuilding the tables.
- Only used for global statistics gathering.
-//@cindex getLAGAtableSize
-getLAGAtableSize(nat *nP, nat *sizeP)
- GALA *gala;
- // nat n=0, tot_size=0;
- StgClosure *closure;
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i;
- char str[80];
- /* IN order to avoid counting closures twice we maintain a hash table
- of all closures seen so far.
- ToDo: collect this data while rebuilding the GALA table and make use
- of the existing hash tables;
- */
- HashTable *closureTable; // hash table for closures encountered already
- closureTable = allocHashTable();
- (*nP) = (*sizeP) = 0;
- for (gala = liveIndirections; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
- closure = (StgClosure*) gala->la;
- if (lookupHashTable(closureTable, (StgWord)closure)==NULL) { // not seen yet
- insertHashTable(closureTable, (StgWord)closure, (void *)1);
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- (*sizeP) += size ; // stats: measure total heap size of global closures
- (*nP)++; // stats: count number of GAs
- }
- }
- for (gala = liveRemoteGAs; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
- closure = (StgClosure*) gala->la;
- if (lookupHashTable(closureTable, (StgWord)closure)==NULL) { // not seen yet
- insertHashTable(closureTable, (StgWord)closure, (void *)1);
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- (*sizeP) += size ; // stats: measure total heap size of global closures
- (*nP)++; // stats: count number of GAs
- }
- }
- freeHashTable(closureTable, NULL);
-//@node Debugging routines, Index, GC functions for GALA tables, Global Address Manipulation
-//@subsection Debugging routines
-//@cindex printGA
-printGA (globalAddr *ga)
- fprintf(stderr, "((%x, %d, %x))",
- ga->payload.gc.gtid,
- ga->payload.gc.slot,
- ga->weight);
-//@cindex printGALA
-printGALA (GALA *gala)
- printGA(&(gala->ga));
- fprintf(stderr, " -> %p (%s)",
- (StgClosure*)gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la));
- fprintf(stderr, " %s",
- (gala->preferred) ? "PREF" : "____");
- Printing the LA->GA table.
-//@cindex printLiveIndTable
- GALA *gala, *q;
- nat n=0; // debugging
- belch("@@%%%%:: logical LiveIndTable (%p) (liveIndirections=%p):",
- LAtoGALAtable, liveIndirections);
- for (gala = liveIndirections; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
- n++;
- printGALA(gala);
- /* check whether this gala->la is hashed into the LAGA table */
- q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)(gala->la));
- fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", (q==NULL) ? "...." : (q==gala) ? "====" : "####");
- //ASSERT(lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)(gala->la)));
- }
- belch("@@%%%%:: %d live indirections",
- n);
- GALA *gala, *q;
- nat m=0; // debugging
- belch("@@%%%%:: logical RemoteGATable (%p) (liveRemoteGAs=%p):",
- LAtoGALAtable, liveRemoteGAs);
- for (gala = liveRemoteGAs; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
- m++;
- printGALA(gala);
- /* check whether this gala->la is hashed into the LAGA table */
- q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)(gala->la));
- fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", (q==NULL) ? "...." : (q==gala) ? "====" : "####");
- // ASSERT(lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)(gala->la)));
- }
- belch("@@%%%%:: %d remote GAs",
- m);
-//@cindex printLAGAtable
- belch("@@%%: LAGAtable (%p) with liveIndirections=%p, liveRemoteGAs=%p:",
- LAtoGALAtable, liveIndirections, liveRemoteGAs);
- printLiveIndTable();
- printRemoteGATable();
- Check whether a GA is already in a list.
-isOnLiveIndTable(globalAddr *ga)
- GALA *gala;
- for (gala = liveIndirections; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next)
- if (gala->ga.weight==ga->weight &&
- gala->ga.payload.gc.slot==ga->payload.gc.slot &&
- gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid==ga->payload.gc.gtid)
- return rtsTrue;
- return rtsFalse;
-isOnRemoteGATable(globalAddr *ga)
- GALA *gala;
- for (gala = liveRemoteGAs; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next)
- if (gala->ga.weight==ga->weight &&
- gala->ga.payload.gc.slot==ga->payload.gc.slot &&
- gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid==ga->payload.gc.gtid)
- return rtsTrue;
- return rtsFalse;
- Sanity check for free lists.
-checkFreeGALAList(void) {
- GALA *gl;
- for (gl=freeGALAList; gl != NULL; gl=gl->next) {
- ASSERT(gl->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
- ASSERT(gl->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
- }
-checkFreeIndirectionsList(void) {
- GALA *gl;
- for (gl=freeIndirections; gl != NULL; gl=gl->next) {
- ASSERT(gl->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
- ASSERT(gl->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
- }
-#endif /* PAR -- whole file */
-//@node Index, , Debugging routines, Global Address Manipulation
-//@subsection Index
-//* DebugPrintLAGAtable:: @cindex\s-+DebugPrintLAGAtable
-//* GALAlookup:: @cindex\s-+GALAlookup
-//* LAGAlookup:: @cindex\s-+LAGAlookup
-//* LAtoGALAtable:: @cindex\s-+LAtoGALAtable
-//* PackGA:: @cindex\s-+PackGA
-//* addWeight:: @cindex\s-+addWeight
-//* allocGALA:: @cindex\s-+allocGALA
-//* allocIndirection:: @cindex\s-+allocIndirection
-//* freeIndirections:: @cindex\s-+freeIndirections
-//* initGAtables:: @cindex\s-+initGAtables
-//* liveIndirections:: @cindex\s-+liveIndirections
-//* liveRemoteGAs:: @cindex\s-+liveRemoteGAs
-//* makeGlobal:: @cindex\s-+makeGlobal
-//* markLocalGAs:: @cindex\s-+markLocalGAs
-//* nextIndirection:: @cindex\s-+nextIndirection
-//* pGAtoGALAtable:: @cindex\s-+pGAtoGALAtable
-//* printGA:: @cindex\s-+printGA
-//* printGALA:: @cindex\s-+printGALA
-//* rebuildLAGAtable:: @cindex\s-+rebuildLAGAtable
-//* registerTask:: @cindex\s-+registerTask
-//* setRemoteGA:: @cindex\s-+setRemoteGA
-//* splitWeight:: @cindex\s-+splitWeight
-//* taskIDtoPE:: @cindex\s-+taskIDtoPE
-//* taskIDtoPEtable:: @cindex\s-+taskIDtoPEtable
-//* thisPE:: @cindex\s-+thisPE
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/GranSim.c b/rts/parallel/GranSim.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f7ad4424f..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/GranSim.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3015 +0,0 @@
- Time-stamp: <2009-07-06 21:48:36 simonmar>
- Variables and functions specific to GranSim the parallelism simulator
- for GPH.
-//@node GranSim specific code, , ,
-//@section GranSim specific code
- Macros for dealing with the new and improved GA field for simulating
- parallel execution. Based on @CONCURRENT@ package. The GA field now
- contains a mask, where the n-th bit stands for the n-th processor, where
- this data can be found. In case of multiple copies, several bits are
- set. The total number of processors is bounded by @MAX_PROC@, which
- should be <= the length of a word in bits. -- HWL
-//* Includes::
-//* Prototypes and externs::
-//* Constants and Variables::
-//* Initialisation::
-//* Global Address Operations::
-//* Global Event Queue::
-//* Spark queue functions::
-//* Scheduling functions::
-//* Thread Queue routines::
-//* GranSim functions::
-//* GranSimLight routines::
-//* Code for Fetching Nodes::
-//* Idle PEs::
-//* Routines directly called from Haskell world::
-//* Emiting profiling info for GrAnSim::
-//* Dumping routines::
-//* Index::
-//@end menu
-//@node Includes, Prototypes and externs, GranSim specific code, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Includes
-#if defined(GRAN)
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "StgMiscClosures.h"
-#include "StgTypes.h"
-#include "Storage.h" // for recordMutable
-#include "Schedule.h"
-#include "SchedAPI.h" // for pushClosure
-#include "GranSimRts.h"
-#include "GranSim.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#include "ParallelDebug.h"
-#include "Sparks.h"
-//@node Prototypes and externs, Constants and Variables, Includes, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Prototypes and externs
-/* Prototypes */
-static inline PEs ga_to_proc(StgWord);
-static inline rtsBool any_idle(void);
-static inline nat idlers(void);
- PEs where_is(StgClosure *node);
-static rtsBool stealSomething(PEs proc, rtsBool steal_spark, rtsBool steal_thread);
-static rtsBool stealSpark(PEs proc);
-static rtsBool stealThread(PEs proc);
-static rtsBool stealSparkMagic(PEs proc);
-static rtsBool stealThreadMagic(PEs proc);
-/* subsumed by stealSomething
-static void stealThread(PEs proc);
-static void stealSpark(PEs proc);
-static rtsTime sparkStealTime(void);
-static nat natRandom(nat from, nat to);
-static PEs findRandomPE(PEs proc);
-static void sortPEsByTime (PEs proc, PEs *pes_by_time,
- nat *firstp, nat *np);
-void GetRoots(void);
-#endif /* GRAN */
-//@node Constants and Variables, Initialisation, Prototypes and externs, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Constants and Variables
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
-/* See GranSim.h for the definition of the enum gran_event_types */
-char *gran_event_names[] = {
- "START", "START(Q)",
- "END",
- "ALLOC",
- "SYSTEM_START", "SYSTEM_END", /* only for debugging */
- "??"
-#if defined(GRAN) /* whole file */
-char *proc_status_names[] = {
- "Idle", "Sparking", "Starting", "Fetching", "Fishing", "Busy",
- "UnknownProcStatus"
-/* For internal use (event statistics) only */
-char *event_names[] =
- { "ContinueThread", "StartThread", "ResumeThread",
- "MoveSpark", "MoveThread", "FindWork",
- "FetchNode", "FetchReply",
- "GlobalBlock", "UnblockThread"
- };
-//@cindex CurrentProc
-PEs CurrentProc = 0;
- ToDo: Create a structure for the processor status and put all the
- arrays below into it.
- -- HWL */
-//@cindex CurrentTime
-/* One clock for each PE */
-rtsTime CurrentTime[MAX_PROC];
-/* Useful to restrict communication; cf fishing model in GUM */
-nat OutstandingFetches[MAX_PROC], OutstandingFishes[MAX_PROC];
-/* Status of each PE (new since but independent of GranSim Light) */
-rtsProcStatus procStatus[MAX_PROC];
-# if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
-/* To check if the RTS ever tries to run a thread that should be blocked
- because of fetching remote data */
-StgTSO *BlockedOnFetch[MAX_PROC];
-# define FETCH_MASK_TSO 0x08000000 /* only bits 0, 1, 2 should be used */
-# endif
-nat SparksAvail = 0; /* How many sparks are available */
-nat SurplusThreads = 0; /* How many excess threads are there */
-/* Do we need to reschedule following a fetch? */
-rtsBool NeedToReSchedule = rtsFalse, IgnoreEvents = rtsFalse, IgnoreYields = rtsFalse;
-rtsTime TimeOfNextEvent, TimeOfLastEvent, EndOfTimeSlice; /* checked from the threaded world! */
-//@cindex spark queue
-/* GranSim: a globally visible array of spark queues */
-rtsSparkQ pending_sparks_hds[MAX_PROC];
-rtsSparkQ pending_sparks_tls[MAX_PROC];
-nat sparksIgnored = 0, sparksCreated = 0;
-GlobalGranStats globalGranStats;
-nat gran_arith_cost, gran_branch_cost, gran_load_cost,
- gran_store_cost, gran_float_cost;
-Old comment from 0.29. ToDo: Check and update -- HWL
-The following variables control the behaviour of GrAnSim. In general, there
-is one RTS option for enabling each of these features. In getting the
-desired setup of GranSim the following questions have to be answered:
-\item {\em Which scheduling algorithm} to use (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule@)?
- Currently only unfair scheduling is supported.
-\item What to do when remote data is fetched (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch@)?
- Either block and wait for the
- data or reschedule and do some other work.
- Thus, if this variable is true, asynchronous communication is
- modelled. Block on fetch mainly makes sense for incremental fetching.
- There is also a simplified fetch variant available
- (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.SimplifiedFetch@). This variant does not use events to model
- communication. It is faster but the results will be less accurate.
-\item How aggressive to be in getting work after a reschedule on fetch
- (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy@)?
- This is determined by the so-called {\em fetching
- strategy\/}. Currently, there are four possibilities:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item Only run a runnable thread.
- \item Turn a spark into a thread, if necessary.
- \item Steal a remote spark, if necessary.
- \item Steal a runnable thread from another processor, if necessary.
- \end{itemize}
- The variable @RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy@ determines how far to go in this list
- when rescheduling on a fetch.
-\item Should sparks or threads be stolen first when looking for work
- (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst@)?
- The default is to steal sparks first (much cheaper).
-\item Should the RTS use a lazy thread creation scheme
- (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads@)? By default yes i.e.\ sparks are only
- turned into threads when work is needed. Also note, that sparks
- can be discarded by the RTS (this is done in the case of an overflow
- of the spark pool). Setting @RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads@ to @True@ forces
- the creation of threads at the next possibility (i.e.\ when new work
- is demanded the next time).
-\item Should data be fetched closure-by-closure or in packets
- (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching@)? The default strategy is a GRIP-like incremental
- (i.e.\ closure-by-closure) strategy. This makes sense in a
- low-latency setting but is bad in a high-latency system. Setting
- @RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching@ to @True@ enables bulk (packet) fetching. Other
- parameters determine the size of the packets (@pack_buffer_size@) and the number of
- thunks that should be put into one packet (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack@).
-\item If there is no other possibility to find work, should runnable threads
- be moved to an idle processor (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration@)? In any case, the
- RTS tried to get sparks (either local or remote ones) first. Thread
- migration is very expensive, since a whole TSO has to be transferred
- and probably data locality becomes worse in the process. Note, that
- the closure, which will be evaluated next by that TSO is not
- transferred together with the TSO (that might block another thread).
-\item Should the RTS distinguish between sparks created by local nodes and
- stolen sparks (@RtsFlags.GranFlags.PreferSparksOfLocalNodes@)? The idea is to improve
- data locality by preferring sparks of local nodes (it is more likely
- that the data for those sparks is already on the local processor).
- However, such a distinction also imposes an overhead on the spark
- queue management, and typically a large number of sparks are
- generated during execution. By default this variable is set to @False@.
-\item Should the RTS use granularity control mechanisms? The idea of a
- granularity control mechanism is to make use of granularity
- information provided via annotation of the @par@ construct in order
- to prefer bigger threads when either turning a spark into a thread or
- when choosing the next thread to schedule. Currently, three such
- mechanisms are implemented:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Cut-off: The granularity information is interpreted as a
- priority. If a threshold priority is given to the RTS, then
- only those sparks with a higher priority than the threshold
- are actually created. Other sparks are immediately discarded.
- This is similar to a usual cut-off mechanism often used in
- parallel programs, where parallelism is only created if the
- input data is lage enough. With this option, the choice is
- hidden in the RTS and only the threshold value has to be
- provided as a parameter to the runtime system.
- \item Priority Sparking: This mechanism keeps priorities for sparks
- and chooses the spark with the highest priority when turning
- a spark into a thread. After that the priority information is
- discarded. The overhead of this mechanism comes from
- maintaining a sorted spark queue.
- \item Priority Scheduling: This mechanism keeps the granularity
- information for threads, to. Thus, on each reschedule the
- largest thread is chosen. This mechanism has a higher
- overhead, as the thread queue is sorted, too.
- \end{itemize}
-//@node Initialisation, Global Address Operations, Constants and Variables, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Initialisation
-init_gr_stats (void) {
- memset(&globalGranStats, '\0', sizeof(GlobalGranStats));
-#if 0
- /* event stats */
- globalGranStats.noOfEvents = 0;
- for (i=0; i<MAX_EVENT; i++) globalGranStats.event_counts[i]=0;
- /* communication stats */
- globalGranStats.fetch_misses = 0;
- globalGranStats.tot_low_pri_sparks = 0;
- /* obscure stats */
- globalGranStats.rs_sp_count = 0;
- globalGranStats.rs_t_count = 0;
- globalGranStats.ntimes_total = 0,
- globalGranStats.fl_total = 0;
- globalGranStats.no_of_steals = 0;
- /* spark queue stats */
- globalGranStats.tot_sq_len = 0,
- globalGranStats.tot_sq_probes = 0;
- globalGranStats.tot_sparks = 0;
- globalGranStats.withered_sparks = 0;
- globalGranStats.tot_add_threads = 0;
- globalGranStats.tot_tq_len = 0;
- globalGranStats.non_end_add_threads = 0;
- /* thread stats */
- globalGranStats.tot_threads_created = 0;
- for (i=0; i<MAX_PROC; i++) globalGranStats.threads_created_on_PE[i]=0;
-#endif /* 0 */
-//@node Global Address Operations, Global Event Queue, Initialisation, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Global Address Operations
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Global Address Operations
- These functions perform operations on the global-address (ga) part of a
- closure. The ga is the only new field (1 word) in a closure introduced by
- GrAnSim. It serves as a bitmask, indicating on which processor the
- closure is residing. Since threads are described by Thread State Object
- (TSO), which is nothing but another kind of closure, this scheme allows
- gives placement information about threads.
- A ga is just a bitmask, so the operations on them are mainly bitmask
- manipulating functions. Note, that there are important macros like PROCS,
- IS_LOCAL_TO etc. They are defined in @GrAnSim.lh@.
- NOTE: In GrAnSim-light we don't maintain placement information. This
- allows to simulate an arbitrary number of processors. The price we have
- to be is the lack of costing any communication properly. In short,
- GrAnSim-light is meant to reveal the maximal parallelism in a program.
- From an implementation point of view the important thing is: {\em
- GrAnSim-light does not maintain global-addresses}. */
-/* ga_to_proc returns the first processor marked in the bitmask ga.
- Normally only one bit in ga should be set. But for PLCs all bits
- are set. That shouldn't hurt since we only need IS_LOCAL_TO for PLCs */
-//@cindex ga_to_proc
-static inline PEs
-ga_to_proc(StgWord ga)
- PEs i;
- for (i = 0; i < RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc && !IS_LOCAL_TO(ga, i); i++);
- ASSERT(i<RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc);
- return (i);
-/* NB: This takes a *node* rather than just a ga as input */
-//@cindex where_is
-where_is(StgClosure *node)
-{ return (ga_to_proc(PROCS(node))); }
-// debugging only
-//@cindex is_unique
-is_unique(StgClosure *node)
- PEs i;
- rtsBool unique = rtsFalse;
- for (i = 0; i < RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc ; i++)
- if (IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node), i))
- if (unique) // exactly 1 instance found so far
- return rtsFalse; // found a 2nd instance => not unique
- else
- unique = rtsTrue; // found 1st instance
- ASSERT(unique); // otherwise returned from within loop
- return (unique);
-//@cindex any_idle
-static inline rtsBool
-any_idle(void) { /* any (map (\ i -> procStatus[i] == Idle)) [0,..,MAX_PROC] */
- PEs i;
- rtsBool any_idle;
- for(i=0, any_idle=rtsFalse;
- !any_idle && i<RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc;
- any_idle = any_idle || procStatus[i] == Idle, i++)
- {} ;
-//@cindex idlers
-static inline nat
-idlers(void) { /* number of idle PEs */
- PEs i, j;
- for(i=0, j=0;
- i<RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc;
- j += (procStatus[i] == Idle) ? 1 : 0, i++)
- {} ;
- return j;
-//@node Global Event Queue, Spark queue functions, Global Address Operations, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Global Event Queue
-The following routines implement an ADT of an event-queue (FIFO).
-ToDo: Put that in an own file(?)
-/* Pointer to the global event queue; events are currently malloc'ed */
-rtsEventQ EventHd = NULL;
-//@cindex get_next_event
-rtsEvent *
- static rtsEventQ entry = NULL;
- if (EventHd == NULL) {
- barf("No next event. This may be caused by a circular data dependency in the program.");
- }
- if (entry != NULL)
- free((char *)entry);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global) { /* count events */
- globalGranStats.noOfEvents++;
- globalGranStats.event_counts[EventHd->evttype]++;
- }
- entry = EventHd;
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(event_trace,
- print_event(entry));
- EventHd = EventHd->next;
- return(entry);
-/* When getting the time of the next event we ignore CONTINUETHREAD events:
- we don't want to be interrupted before the end of the current time slice
- unless there is something important to handle.
-//@cindex get_time_of_next_event
- rtsEventQ event = EventHd;
- while (event != NULL && event->evttype==ContinueThread) {
- event = event->next;
- }
- if(event == NULL)
- return ((rtsTime) 0);
- else
- return (event->time);
-/* ToDo: replace malloc/free with a free list */
-//@cindex insert_event
-rtsEvent *newentry;
- rtsEventType evttype = newentry->evttype;
- rtsEvent *event, **prev;
- /* if(evttype >= CONTINUETHREAD1) evttype = CONTINUETHREAD; */
- /* Search the queue and insert at the right point:
- FINDWORK before everything, CONTINUETHREAD after everything.
- This ensures that we find any available work after all threads have
- executed the current cycle. This level of detail would normally be
- irrelevant, but matters for ridiculously low latencies...
- */
- /* Changed the ordering: Now FINDWORK comes after everything but
- CONTINUETHREAD. This makes sure that a MOVESPARK comes before a
- FINDWORK. This is important when a GranSimSparkAt happens and
- DoAlwaysCreateThreads is turned on. Also important if a GC occurs
- when trying to build a new thread (see much_spark) -- HWL 02/96 */
- if(EventHd == NULL)
- EventHd = newentry;
- else {
- for (event = EventHd, prev=(rtsEvent**)&EventHd;
- event != NULL;
- prev = (rtsEvent**)&(event->next), event = event->next) {
- switch (evttype) {
- case FindWork: if ( event->time < newentry->time ||
- ( (event->time == newentry->time) &&
- (event->evttype != ContinueThread) ) )
- continue;
- else
- break;
- case ContinueThread: if ( event->time <= newentry->time )
- continue;
- else
- break;
- default: if ( event->time < newentry->time ||
- ((event->time == newentry->time) &&
- (event->evttype == newentry->evttype)) )
- continue;
- else
- break;
- }
- /* Insert newentry here (i.e. before event) */
- *prev = newentry;
- newentry->next = event;
- break;
- }
- if (event == NULL)
- *prev = newentry;
- }
-//@cindex new_event
-PEs proc, creator;
-rtsTime time;
-rtsEventType evttype;
-StgTSO *tso;
-StgClosure *node;
-rtsSpark *spark;
- rtsEvent *newentry = (rtsEvent *) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(rtsEvent), "new_event");
- newentry->proc = proc;
- newentry->creator = creator;
- newentry->time = time;
- newentry->evttype = evttype;
- newentry->tso = tso;
- newentry->node = node;
- newentry->spark = spark;
- newentry->gc_info = 0;
- newentry->next = NULL;
- insert_event(newentry);
- IF_DEBUG(gran,
- fprintf(stderr, "GRAN: new_event: \n");
- print_event(newentry));
-//@cindex prepend_event
-prepend_event(event) /* put event at beginning of EventQueue */
-rtsEvent *event;
-{ /* only used for GC! */
- event->next = EventHd;
- EventHd = event;
-//@cindex grab_event
-grab_event(void) /* undo prepend_event i.e. get the event */
-{ /* at the head of EventQ but don't free anything */
- rtsEventQ event = EventHd;
- if (EventHd == NULL) {
- barf("No next event (in grab_event). This may be caused by a circular data dependency in the program.");
- }
- EventHd = EventHd->next;
- return (event);
-//@cindex traverse_eventq_for_gc
- rtsEventQ event = EventHd;
- StgWord bufsize;
- StgClosure *closurep;
- StgTSO *tsop;
- StgPtr buffer, bufptr;
- PEs proc, creator;
- /* Traverse eventq and replace every FETCHREPLY by a FETCHNODE for the
- orig closure (root of packed graph). This means that a graph, which is
- between processors at the time of GC is fetched again at the time when
- it would have arrived, had there been no GC. Slightly inaccurate but
- safe for GC.
- This is only needed for GUM style fetchng. -- HWL */
- if (!RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching)
- return;
- for(event = EventHd; event!=NULL; event=event->next) {
- if (event->evttype==FetchReply) {
- buffer = stgCast(StgPtr,event->node);
- ASSERT(buffer[PACK_FLAG_LOCN]==MAGIC_PACK_FLAG); /* It's a pack buffer */
- bufsize = buffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN];
- closurep = stgCast(StgClosure*,buffer[PACK_HDR_SIZE]);
- tsop = stgCast(StgTSO*,buffer[PACK_TSO_LOCN]);
- proc = event->proc;
- creator = event->creator; /* similar to unpacking */
- for (bufptr=buffer+PACK_HDR_SIZE;
- bufptr<(buffer+bufsize);
- bufptr++) {
- // if ( (INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(*bufptr)) == INFO_SPEC_RBH_TYPE) ||
- // (INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(*bufptr)) == INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE) ) {
- if ( GET_INFO(stgCast(StgClosure*,bufptr)) ) {
- convertFromRBH(stgCast(StgClosure *,bufptr));
- }
- }
- free(buffer);
- event->evttype = FetchNode;
- event->proc = creator;
- event->creator = proc;
- event->node = closurep;
- event->tso = tsop;
- event->gc_info = 0;
- }
- }
- StgClosure *MarkRoot(StgClosure *root); // prototype
- rtsEventQ event = EventHd;
- nat len;
- /* iterate over eventq and register relevant fields in event as roots */
- for(event = EventHd, len = 0; event!=NULL; event=event->next, len++) {
- switch (event->evttype) {
- case ContinueThread:
- event->tso = (StgTSO *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->tso);
- break;
- case StartThread:
- event->tso = (StgTSO *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->tso);
- event->node = (StgClosure *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->node);
- break;
- case ResumeThread:
- event->tso = (StgTSO *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->tso);
- event->node = (StgClosure *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->node);
- break;
- case MoveSpark:
- event->spark->node = (StgClosure *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->spark->node);
- break;
- case MoveThread:
- event->tso = (StgTSO *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->tso);
- break;
- case FindWork:
- break;
- case FetchNode:
- event->tso = (StgTSO *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->tso);
- event->node = (StgClosure *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->node);
- break;
- case FetchReply:
- event->tso = (StgTSO *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->tso);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching)
- // ToDo: traverse_eventw_for_gc if GUM-Fetching!!! HWL
- belch("ghuH: packets in BulkFetching not marked as roots; mayb be fatal");
- else
- event->node = (StgClosure *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->node);
- break;
- case GlobalBlock:
- event->tso = (StgTSO *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->tso);
- event->node = (StgClosure *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->node);
- break;
- case UnblockThread:
- event->tso = (StgTSO *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->tso);
- event->node = (StgClosure *)MarkRoot((StgClosure *)event->node);
- break;
- default:
- barf("markEventQueue: trying to mark unknown event @ %p", event);
- }}
- IF_DEBUG(gc,
- belch("GC: markEventQueue: %d events in queue", len));
- Prune all ContinueThread events related to tso or node in the eventq.
- Currently used if a thread leaves STG land with ThreadBlocked status,
- i.e. it blocked on a closure and has been put on its blocking queue. It
- will be reawakended via a call to awakenBlockedQueue. Until then no
- event effecting this tso should appear in the eventq. A bit of a hack,
- because ideally we shouldn't generate such spurious ContinueThread events
- in the first place.
-//@cindex prune_eventq
-prune_eventq(tso, node)
-StgTSO *tso;
-StgClosure *node;
-{ rtsEventQ prev = (rtsEventQ)NULL, event = EventHd;
- /* node unused for now */
- ASSERT(node==NULL);
- /* tso must be valid, then */
- while (event != NULL) {
- if (event->evttype==ContinueThread &&
- (event->tso==tso)) {
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(event_trace, // ToDo: use another debug flag
- belch("prune_eventq: pruning ContinueThread event for TSO %d (%p) on PE %d @ %lx (%p)",
- event->tso->id, event->tso, event->proc, event->time, event));
- if (prev==(rtsEventQ)NULL) { // beginning of eventq
- EventHd = event->next;
- free(event);
- event = EventHd;
- } else {
- prev->next = event->next;
- free(event);
- event = prev->next;
- }
- } else { // no pruning necessary; go to next event
- prev = event;
- event = event->next;
- }
- }
-//@cindex print_event
-rtsEvent *event;
- char str_tso[16], str_node[16];
- StgThreadID tso_id;
- if (event->tso==END_TSO_QUEUE) {
- strcpy(str_tso, "______");
- tso_id = 0;
- } else {
- sprintf(str_tso, "%p", event->tso);
- tso_id = (event->tso==NULL) ? 0 : event->tso->id;
- }
- if (event->node==(StgClosure*)NULL) {
- strcpy(str_node, "______");
- } else {
- sprintf(str_node, "%p", event->node);
- }
- // HWL: shouldn't be necessary; ToDo: nuke
- //str_tso[6]='\0';
- //str_node[6]='\0';
- if (event==NULL)
- fprintf(stderr,"Evt: NIL\n");
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "Evt: %s (%u), PE %u [%u], Time %lu, TSO %d (%s), Node %s\n", //"Evt: %s (%u), PE %u [%u], Time %u, TSO %s (%#l), Node %s\n",
- event_names[event->evttype], event->evttype,
- event->proc, event->creator, event->time,
- tso_id, str_tso, str_node
- /*, event->spark, event->next */ );
-//@cindex print_eventq
-rtsEvent *hd;
- rtsEvent *x;
- fprintf(stderr,"Event Queue with root at %p:\n", hd);
- for (x=hd; x!=NULL; x=x->next) {
- print_event(x);
- }
- Spark queue functions are now all in Sparks.c!!
-//@node Scheduling functions, Thread Queue routines, Spark queue functions, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Scheduling functions
- These functions are variants of thread initialisation and therefore
- related to initThread and friends in Schedule.c. However, they are
- specific to a GranSim setup in storing more info in the TSO's statistics
- buffer and sorting the thread queues etc.
- A large portion of startThread deals with maintaining a sorted thread
- queue, which is needed for the Priority Sparking option. Without that
- complication the code boils down to FIFO handling.
-//@cindex insertThread
-insertThread(tso, proc)
-StgTSO* tso;
-PEs proc;
- StgTSO *prev = NULL, *next = NULL;
- nat count = 0;
- rtsBool found = rtsFalse;
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
- ASSERT(!is_on_queue(tso,proc));
- /* Idle proc: put the thread on the run queue
- same for pri spark and basic version */
- if (run_queue_hds[proc] == END_TSO_QUEUE)
- {
- /* too strong!
- ASSERT((CurrentProc==MainProc &&
- CurrentTime[MainProc]==0 &&
- procStatus[MainProc]==Idle) ||
- procStatus[proc]==Starting);
- */
- run_queue_hds[proc] = run_queue_tls[proc] = tso;
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadqueuetime;
- /* new_event of ContinueThread has been moved to do_the_startthread */
- /* too strong!
- ASSERT(procStatus[proc]==Idle ||
- procStatus[proc]==Fishing ||
- procStatus[proc]==Starting);
- procStatus[proc] = Busy;
- */
- return;
- }
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light)
- GranSimLight_insertThread(tso, proc);
- /* Only for Pri Scheduling: find place where to insert tso into queue */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling && tso->gran.pri!=0)
- /* {add_to_spark_queue}vo' jInIHta'; Qu' wa'DIch yIleghQo' */
- for (prev = run_queue_hds[proc], next = run_queue_hds[proc]->link, count=0;
- (next != END_TSO_QUEUE) &&
- !(found = tso->gran.pri >= next->gran.pri);
- prev = next, next = next->link, count++)
- {
- ASSERT((prev!=(StgTSO*)NULL || next==run_queue_hds[proc]) &&
- (prev==(StgTSO*)NULL || prev->link==next));
- }
- ASSERT(!found || next != END_TSO_QUEUE);
- ASSERT(procStatus[proc]!=Idle);
- if (found) {
- /* found can only be rtsTrue if pri scheduling enabled */
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global)
- globalGranStats.non_end_add_threads++;
- /* Add tso to ThreadQueue between prev and next */
- tso->link = next;
- if ( next == (StgTSO*)END_TSO_QUEUE ) {
- run_queue_tl = tso;
- } else {
- /* no back link for TSO chain */
- }
- if ( prev == (StgTSO*)END_TSO_QUEUE ) {
- /* Never add TSO as first elem of thread queue; the first */
- /* element should be the one that is currently running -- HWL */
- IF_DEBUG(gran,
- belch("GRAN: Qagh: NewThread (w/ PriorityScheduling): Trying to add TSO %p (PRI=%d) as first elem of threadQ (%p) on proc %u (@ %u)\n",
- tso, tso->gran.pri, run_queue_hd, proc,
- CurrentTime[proc]));
- } else {
- prev->link = tso;
- }
- } else { /* !found */ /* or not pri sparking! */
- /* Add TSO to the end of the thread queue on that processor */
- run_queue_tls[proc]->link = tso;
- run_queue_tls[proc] = tso;
- }
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling || count==0);
- CurrentTime[proc] += count * RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.pri_sched_overhead +
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadqueuetime;
- /* ToDo: check if this is still needed -- HWL
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration)
- ++SurplusThreads;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full &&
- !(( event_type == GR_START || event_type == GR_STARTQ) &&
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.labelling) )
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, creator, event_type+1, tso, node,
- tso->gran.sparkname, spark_queue_len(proc));
- */
-# if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
- /* Check if thread queue is sorted. Only for testing, really! HWL */
- if ( RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling &&
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.Debug.sortedQ) ) {
- rtsBool sorted = rtsTrue;
- StgTSO *prev, *next;
- if (run_queue_hds[proc]==END_TSO_QUEUE ||
- run_queue_hds[proc]->link==END_TSO_QUEUE) {
- /* just 1 elem => ok */
- } else {
- /* Qu' wa'DIch yIleghQo' (ignore first elem)! */
- for (prev = run_queue_hds[proc]->link, next = prev->link;
- (next != END_TSO_QUEUE) ;
- prev = next, next = prev->link) {
- ASSERT((prev!=(StgTSO*)NULL || next==run_queue_hds[proc]) &&
- (prev==(StgTSO*)NULL || prev->link==next));
- sorted = sorted &&
- (prev->gran.pri >= next->gran.pri);
- }
- }
- if (!sorted) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: THREADQ on PE %d is not sorted:\n",
- CurrentProc);
- G_THREADQ(run_queue_hd,0x1);
- }
- }
-# endif
- insertThread, which is only used for GranSim Light, is similar to
- startThread in that it adds a TSO to a thread queue. However, it assumes
- that the thread queue is sorted by local clocks and it inserts the TSO at
- the right place in the queue. Don't create any event, just insert.
-//@cindex GranSimLight_insertThread
-GranSimLight_insertThread(tso, proc)
-StgTSO* tso;
-PEs proc;
- StgTSO *prev, *next;
- nat count = 0;
- rtsBool found = rtsFalse;
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* In GrAnSim-Light we always have an idle `virtual' proc.
- The semantics of the one-and-only thread queue is different here:
- all threads in the queue are running (each on its own virtual processor);
- the queue is only needed internally in the simulator to interleave the
- reductions of the different processors.
- The one-and-only thread queue is sorted by the local clocks of the TSOs.
- */
- ASSERT(run_queue_hds[proc] != END_TSO_QUEUE);
- ASSERT(tso->link == END_TSO_QUEUE);
- /* If only one thread in queue so far we emit DESCHEDULE in debug mode */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full &&
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.Debug.checkLight) &&
- (run_queue_hd->link == END_TSO_QUEUE)) {
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, proc, GR_DESCHEDULE,
- run_queue_hds[proc], (StgClosure*)NULL,
- tso->gran.sparkname, spark_queue_len(proc)); // ToDo: check spar_queue_len
- // resched = rtsTrue;
- }
- /* this routine should only be used in a GrAnSim Light setup */
- /* && CurrentProc must be 0 in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light && CurrentProc==0);
- /* Idle proc; same for pri spark and basic version */
- if (run_queue_hd==END_TSO_QUEUE)
- {
- run_queue_hd = run_queue_tl = tso;
- /* MAKE_BUSY(CurrentProc); */
- return rtsTrue;
- }
- for (prev = run_queue_hds[proc], next = run_queue_hds[proc]->link, count = 0;
- (next != END_TSO_QUEUE) &&
- !(found = (tso->gran.clock < next->gran.clock));
- prev = next, next = next->link, count++)
- {
- ASSERT((prev!=(StgTSO*)NULL || next==run_queue_hds[proc]) &&
- (prev==(StgTSO*)NULL || prev->link==next));
- }
- /* found can only be rtsTrue if pri sparking enabled */
- if (found) {
- /* Add tso to ThreadQueue between prev and next */
- tso->link = next;
- if ( next == END_TSO_QUEUE ) {
- run_queue_tls[proc] = tso;
- } else {
- /* no back link for TSO chain */
- }
- if ( prev == END_TSO_QUEUE ) {
- run_queue_hds[proc] = tso;
- } else {
- prev->link = tso;
- }
- } else { /* !found */ /* or not pri sparking! */
- /* Add TSO to the end of the thread queue on that processor */
- run_queue_tls[proc]->link = tso;
- run_queue_tls[proc] = tso;
- }
- if ( prev == END_TSO_QUEUE ) { /* new head of queue */
- new_event(proc, proc, CurrentTime[proc],
- ContinueThread,
- tso, (StgClosure*)NULL, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- }
- /*
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full &&
- !(( event_type == GR_START || event_type == GR_STARTQ) &&
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.labelling) )
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, creator, gr_evttype, tso, node,
- tso->gran.sparkname, spark_queue_len(proc));
- */
- return rtsTrue;
- endThread is responsible for general clean-up after the thread tso has
- finished. This includes emitting statistics into the profile etc.
-endThread(StgTSO *tso, PEs proc)
- ASSERT(procStatus[proc]==Busy); // coming straight out of STG land
- ASSERT(tso->what_next==ThreadComplete);
- // ToDo: prune ContinueThreads for this TSO from event queue
- DumpEndEvent(proc, tso, rtsFalse /* not mandatory */);
- /* if this was the last thread on this PE then make it Idle */
- if (run_queue_hds[proc]==END_TSO_QUEUE) {
- procStatus[CurrentProc] = Idle;
- }
-//@node Thread Queue routines, GranSim functions, Scheduling functions, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Thread Queue routines
- Check whether given tso resides on the run queue of the current processor.
- Only used for debugging.
-//@cindex is_on_queue
-is_on_queue (StgTSO *tso, PEs proc)
- StgTSO *t;
- rtsBool found;
- for (t=run_queue_hds[proc], found=rtsFalse;
- t!=END_TSO_QUEUE && !(found = t==tso);
- t=t->link)
- /* nothing */ ;
- return found;
-/* This routine is only used for keeping a statistics of thread queue
- lengths to evaluate the impact of priority scheduling. -- HWL
- {spark_queue_len}vo' jInIHta'
-//@cindex thread_queue_len
-thread_queue_len(PEs proc)
- StgTSO *prev, *next;
- nat len;
- for (len = 0, prev = END_TSO_QUEUE, next = run_queue_hds[proc];
- next != END_TSO_QUEUE;
- len++, prev = next, next = prev->link)
- {}
- return (len);
-//@node GranSim functions, GranSimLight routines, Thread Queue routines, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection GranSim functions
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* The main event handling functions; called from Schedule.c (schedule) */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-//@cindex do_the_globalblock
-do_the_globalblock(rtsEvent* event)
- PEs proc = event->proc; /* proc that requested node */
- StgTSO *tso = event->tso; /* tso that requested node */
- StgClosure *node = event->node; /* requested, remote node */
- IF_DEBUG(gran, fprintf(stderr, "GRAN: doing the GlobalBlock\n"));
- /* There should be no GLOBALBLOCKs in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* GlobalBlock events only valid with GUM fetching */
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching);
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(bq, // globalBlock,
- if (IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),proc)) {
- belch("## Qagh: GlobalBlock: Blocking TSO %d (%p) on LOCAL node %p (PE %d).\n",
- tso->id, tso, node, proc);
- });
- /* CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.munpacktime; */
- if ( blockFetch(tso,proc,node) != 0 )
- return; /* node has become local by now */
-#if 0
- ToDo: check whether anything has to be done at all after blockFetch -- HWL
- if (!RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch) { /* head of queue is next thread */
- StgTSO* tso = run_queue_hds[proc]; /* awaken next thread */
- if (tso != (StgTSO*)NULL) {
- new_event(proc, proc, CurrentTime[proc],
- ContinueThread,
- tso, (StgClosure*)NULL, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadcontextswitchtime;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, CurrentProc, GR_SCHEDULE, tso,
- (StgClosure*)NULL, tso->gran.sparkname, spark_queue_len(CurrentProc)); // ToDo: check sparkname and spar_queue_len
- procStatus[proc] = Busy; /* might have been fetching */
- } else {
- procStatus[proc] = Idle; /* no work on proc now */
- }
- } else { /* RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch i.e. block-on-fetch */
- /* other thread is already running */
- /* 'oH 'utbe' 'e' vIHar ; I think that's not needed -- HWL
- new_event(proc,proc,CurrentTime[proc],
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching ? closure :
- EVENT_NODE(event)),NULL);
- */
- }
-//@cindex do_the_unblock
-do_the_unblock(rtsEvent* event)
- PEs proc = event->proc, /* proc that requested node */
- creator = event->creator; /* proc that requested node */
- StgTSO* tso = event->tso; /* tso that requested node */
- StgClosure* node = event->node; /* requested, remote node */
- IF_DEBUG(gran, fprintf(stderr, "GRAN: doing the UnBlock\n"))
- /* There should be no UNBLOCKs in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* UnblockThread means either FetchReply has arrived or
- a blocking queue has been awakened;
- ToDo: check with assertions
- ASSERT(procStatus[proc]==Fetching || IS_BLACK_HOLE(event->node));
- */
- if (!RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch) { /* block-on-fetch */
- /* We count block-on-fetch as normal block time */
- tso->gran.blocktime += CurrentTime[proc] - tso->gran.blockedat;
- /* Dumping now done when processing the event
- No costs for contextswitch or thread queueing in this case
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, CurrentProc, GR_RESUME, tso,
- (StgClosure*)NULL, tso->gran.sparkname, spark_queue_len(CurrentProc));
- */
- /* Maybe do this in FetchReply already
- if (procStatus[proc]==Fetching)
- procStatus[proc] = Busy;
- */
- /*
- new_event(proc, proc, CurrentTime[proc],
- ContinueThread,
- tso, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- */
- } else {
- /* Asynchr comm causes additional costs here: */
- /* Bring the TSO from the blocked queue into the threadq */
- }
- /* In all cases, the UnblockThread causes a ResumeThread to be scheduled */
- new_event(proc, proc,
- CurrentTime[proc]+RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadqueuetime,
- ResumeThread,
- tso, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
-//@cindex do_the_fetchnode
-do_the_fetchnode(rtsEvent* event)
- PEs proc = event->proc, /* proc that holds the requested node */
- creator = event->creator; /* proc that requested node */
- StgTSO* tso = event->tso;
- StgClosure* node = event->node; /* requested, remote node */
- rtsFetchReturnCode rc;
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
- /* There should be no FETCHNODEs in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- IF_DEBUG(gran, fprintf(stderr, "GRAN: doing the FetchNode\n"));
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.munpacktime;
- /* ToDo: check whether this is the right place for dumping the event */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(creator, proc, GR_FETCH, tso, node, (StgInt)0, 0);
- do {
- rc = handleFetchRequest(node, proc, creator, tso);
- if (rc == OutOfHeap) { /* trigger GC */
-# if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
- if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats)
- fprintf(RtsFlags.GcFlags.statsFile,"***** veQ boSwI' PackNearbyGraph(node %p, tso %p (%d))\n",
- node, tso, tso->id);
-# endif
- barf("//// do_the_fetchnode: out of heap after handleFetchRequest; ToDo: call GarbageCollect()");
- prepend_event(event);
- GarbageCollect(GetRoots, rtsFalse);
- // HWL: ToDo: check whether a ContinueThread has to be issued
- // HWL old: ReallyPerformThreadGC(PACK_HEAP_REQUIRED, rtsFalse);
-# if 0 && defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
- if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
- fprintf(RtsFlags.GcFlags.statsFile,"***** SAVE_Hp=%p, SAVE_HpLim=%p, PACK_HEAP_REQUIRED=%d\n",
- Hp, HpLim, 0) ; // PACK_HEAP_REQUIRED); ???
- fprintf(stderr,"***** No. of packets so far: %d (total size: %d)\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_packets, globalGranStats.tot_packet_size);
- }
-# endif
- event = grab_event();
- // Hp -= PACK_HEAP_REQUIRED; // ???
- /* GC knows that events are special and follows the pointer i.e. */
- /* events are valid even if they moved. An EXIT is triggered */
- /* if there is not enough heap after GC. */
- }
- } while (rc == OutOfHeap);
-//@cindex do_the_fetchreply
-do_the_fetchreply(rtsEvent* event)
- PEs proc = event->proc, /* proc that requested node */
- creator = event->creator; /* proc that holds the requested node */
- StgTSO* tso = event->tso;
- StgClosure* node = event->node; /* requested, remote node */
- StgClosure* closure=(StgClosure*)NULL;
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch || procStatus[proc]==Fetching);
- IF_DEBUG(gran, fprintf(stderr, "GRAN: doing the FetchReply\n"));
- /* There should be no FETCHREPLYs in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* assign message unpack costs *before* dumping the event */
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.munpacktime;
- /* ToDo: check whether this is the right place for dumping the event */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, creator, GR_REPLY, tso, node,
- tso->gran.sparkname, spark_queue_len(proc));
- If tso is in the BQ of node this means that it actually entered the
- remote closure, due to a missing GranSimFetch at the beginning of the
- entry code; therefore, this is actually a faked fetch, triggered from
- within GranSimBlock;
- since tso is both in the EVQ and the BQ for node, we have to take it out
- of the BQ first before we can handle the FetchReply;
- ToDo: special cases in awakenBlockedQueue, since the BQ magically moved.
- */
- if (tso->block_info.closure!=(StgClosure*)NULL) {
- belch("## ghuH: TSO %d (%p) in FetchReply is blocked on node %p (shouldn't happen AFAIK)",
- tso->id, tso, node));
- // unlink_from_bq(tso, node);
- }
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching) { /* bulk (packet) fetching */
- rtsPackBuffer *buffer = (rtsPackBuffer*)node;
- nat size = buffer->size;
- /* NB: Fetch misses can't occur with GUM fetching, as */
- /* updatable closure are turned into RBHs and therefore locked */
- /* for other processors that try to grab them. */
- closure = UnpackGraph(buffer);
- CurrentTime[proc] += size * RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.munpacktime;
- } else // incremental fetching
- /* Copy or move node to CurrentProc */
- if (fetchNode(node, creator, proc)) {
- /* Fetch has failed i.e. node has been grabbed by another PE */
- PEs p = where_is(node);
- rtsTime fetchtime;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global)
- globalGranStats.fetch_misses++;
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(thunkStealing,
- belch("== Qu'vatlh! fetch miss @ %u: node %p is at proc %u (rather than proc %u)\n",
- CurrentTime[proc],node,p,creator));
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime;
- /* Count fetch again !? */
- ++(tso->gran.fetchcount);
- tso->gran.fetchtime += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.fetchtime;
- fetchtime = stg_max(CurrentTime[CurrentProc],CurrentTime[p]) +
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.latency;
- /* Chase the grabbed node */
- new_event(p, proc, fetchtime,
- FetchNode,
- tso, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
-# if 0 && defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(blockOnFetch,
- BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc] = tso;) /*-rtsTrue;-*/
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(blockOnFetch_sanity,
- tso->type |= FETCH_MASK_TSO;)
-# endif
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime;
- return; /* NB: no REPLy has been processed; tso still sleeping */
- }
- /* -- Qapla'! Fetch has been successful; node is here, now */
- ++(event->tso->gran.fetchcount);
- event->tso->gran.fetchtime += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.fetchtime;
- /* this is now done at the beginning of this routine
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc,event->creator, GR_REPLY, event->tso,
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching ?
- closure :
- event->node),
- tso->gran.sparkname, spark_queue_len(proc));
- */
- ASSERT(OutstandingFetches[proc] > 0);
- --OutstandingFetches[proc];
- new_event(proc, proc, CurrentTime[proc],
- ResumeThread,
- event->tso, (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching ?
- closure :
- event->node),
- (rtsSpark*)NULL);
-//@cindex do_the_movethread
-do_the_movethread(rtsEvent* event) {
- PEs proc = event->proc, /* proc that requested node */
- creator = event->creator; /* proc that holds the requested node */
- StgTSO* tso = event->tso;
- IF_DEBUG(gran, fprintf(stderr, "GRAN: doing the MoveThread\n"));
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
- /* There should be no MOVETHREADs in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* MOVETHREAD events should never occur without -bM */
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration);
- /* Bitmask of moved thread should be 0 */
- ASSERT(PROCS(tso)==0);
- ASSERT(procStatus[proc] == Fishing ||
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch);
- ASSERT(OutstandingFishes[proc]>0);
- /* ToDo: exact costs for unpacking the whole TSO */
- CurrentTime[proc] += 5l * RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.munpacktime;
- /* ToDo: check whether this is the right place for dumping the event */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, creator,
- GR_STOLEN, tso, (StgClosure*)NULL, (StgInt)0, 0);
- // ToDo: check cost functions
- --OutstandingFishes[proc];
- SET_GRAN_HDR(tso, ThisPE); // adjust the bitmask for the TSO
- insertThread(tso, proc);
- if (procStatus[proc]==Fishing)
- procStatus[proc] = Idle;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global)
- globalGranStats.tot_TSOs_migrated++;
-//@cindex do_the_movespark
-do_the_movespark(rtsEvent* event) {
- PEs proc = event->proc, /* proc that requested spark */
- creator = event->creator; /* proc that holds the requested spark */
- StgTSO* tso = event->tso;
- rtsSparkQ spark = event->spark;
- IF_DEBUG(gran, fprintf(stderr, "GRAN: doing the MoveSpark\n"))
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
- ASSERT(spark!=NULL);
- ASSERT(procStatus[proc] == Fishing ||
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch);
- ASSERT(OutstandingFishes[proc]>0);
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.munpacktime;
- /* record movement of spark only if spark profiling is turned on */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Sparks)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, creator,
- tso, spark->node, spark->name, spark_queue_len(proc));
- /* global statistics */
- if ( RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global &&
- !closure_SHOULD_SPARK(spark->node))
- globalGranStats.withered_sparks++;
- /* Not adding the spark to the spark queue would be the right */
- /* thing here, but it also would be cheating, as this info can't be */
- /* available in a real system. -- HWL */
- --OutstandingFishes[proc];
- add_to_spark_queue(spark);
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(randomSteal, // ToDo: spark-distribution flag
- print_sparkq_stats());
- /* Should we treat stolen sparks specially? Currently, we don't. */
- if (procStatus[proc]==Fishing)
- procStatus[proc] = Idle;
- /* add_to_spark_queue will increase the time of the current proc. */
- /*
- If proc was fishing, it is Idle now with the new spark in its spark
- pool. This means that the next time handleIdlePEs is called, a local
- FindWork will be created on this PE to turn the spark into a thread. Of
- course another PE might steal the spark in the meantime (that's why we
- are using events rather than inlining all the operations in the first
- place). */
- In the Constellation class version of GranSim the semantics of StarThread
- events has changed. Now, StartThread has to perform 3 basic operations:
- - create a new thread (previously this was done in ActivateSpark);
- - insert the thread into the run queue of the current processor
- - generate a new event for actually running the new thread
- Note that the insertThread is called via createThread.
-//@cindex do_the_startthread
-do_the_startthread(rtsEvent *event)
- PEs proc = event->proc; /* proc that requested node */
- StgTSO *tso = event->tso; /* tso that requested node */
- StgClosure *node = event->node; /* requested, remote node */
- rtsSpark *spark = event->spark;
- GranEventType gr_evttype;
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light || CurrentProc==0);
- ASSERT(event->evttype == ResumeThread || event->evttype == StartThread);
- /* if this was called via StartThread: */
- ASSERT(event->evttype!=StartThread || tso == END_TSO_QUEUE); // not yet created
- // ToDo: check: ASSERT(event->evttype!=StartThread || procStatus[proc]==Starting);
- /* if this was called via ResumeThread: */
- ASSERT(event->evttype!=ResumeThread ||
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch ||!is_on_queue(tso,proc));
- /* startThread may have been called from the main event handler upon
- finding either a ResumeThread or a StartThread event; set the
- gr_evttype (needed for writing to .gr file) accordingly */
- // gr_evttype = (event->evttype == ResumeThread) ? GR_RESUME : GR_START;
- if ( event->evttype == StartThread ) {
- GranEventType gr_evttype = (run_queue_hds[proc]==END_TSO_QUEUE) ?
- tso = createThread(BLOCK_SIZE_W, spark->gran_info);// implicit insertThread!
- pushClosure(tso, node);
- // ToDo: fwd info on local/global spark to thread -- HWL
- // tso->gran.exported = spark->exported;
- // tso->gran.locked = !spark->global;
- tso->gran.sparkname = spark->name;
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpGranEvent(gr_evttype,tso);
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadcreatetime;
- } else { // event->evttype == ResumeThread
- GranEventType gr_evttype = (run_queue_hds[proc]==END_TSO_QUEUE) ?
- insertThread(tso, proc);
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpGranEvent(gr_evttype,tso);
- }
- ASSERT(run_queue_hds[proc]!=END_TSO_QUEUE); // non-empty run queue
- procStatus[proc] = Busy;
- /* make sure that this thread is actually run */
- new_event(proc, proc,
- CurrentTime[proc],
- ContinueThread,
- tso, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- /* A wee bit of statistics gathering */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global) {
- globalGranStats.tot_add_threads++;
- globalGranStats.tot_tq_len += thread_queue_len(CurrentProc);
- }
-//@cindex do_the_findwork
-do_the_findwork(rtsEvent* event)
- PEs proc = event->proc, /* proc to search for work */
- creator = event->creator; /* proc that requested work */
- rtsSparkQ spark = event->spark;
- /* ToDo: check that this size is safe -- HWL */
-#if 0
- ToDo: check available heap
- nat req_heap = sizeofW(StgTSO) + MIN_STACK_WORDS;
- // add this? -- HWL:RtsFlags.ConcFlags.stkChunkSize;
- IF_DEBUG(gran, fprintf(stderr, "GRAN: doing the Findwork\n"));
- /* If GUM style fishing is enabled, the contents of the spark field says
- what to steal (spark(1) or thread(2)); */
- ASSERT(!(RtsFlags.GranFlags.Fishing && event->spark==(rtsSpark*)0));
- /* Make sure that we have enough heap for creating a new
- thread. This is a conservative estimate of the required heap.
- This eliminates special checks for GC around NewThread within
- ActivateSpark. */
-#if 0
- ToDo: check available heap
- if (Hp + req_heap > HpLim ) {
- IF_DEBUG(gc,
- belch("GC: Doing GC from within Findwork handling (that's bloody dangerous if you ask me)");)
- GarbageCollect(GetRoots);
- // ReallyPerformThreadGC(req_heap, rtsFalse); old -- HWL
- Hp -= req_heap;
- if (procStatus[CurrentProc]==Sparking)
- procStatus[CurrentProc]=Idle;
- return;
- }
- if ( RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads ||
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Fishing ||
- ((procStatus[proc]==Idle || procStatus[proc]==Sparking) &&
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy >= 2 ||
- OutstandingFetches[proc] == 0)) )
- {
- rtsBool found;
- rtsSparkQ prev, spark;
- /* ToDo: check */
- ASSERT(procStatus[proc]==Sparking ||
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads ||
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Fishing);
- /* SImmoHwI' yInej! Search spark queue! */
- /* gimme_spark (event, &found, &spark); */
- findLocalSpark(event, &found, &spark);
- if (!found) { /* pagh vumwI' */
- /*
- If no spark has been found this can mean 2 things:
- 1/ The FindWork was a fish (i.e. a message sent by another PE) and
- the spark pool of the receiver is empty
- --> the fish has to be forwarded to another PE
- 2/ The FindWork was local to this PE (i.e. no communication; in this
- case creator==proc) and the spark pool of the PE is not empty
- contains only sparks of closures that should not be sparked
- (note: if the spark pool were empty, handleIdlePEs wouldn't have
- generated a FindWork in the first place)
- --> the PE has to be made idle to trigger stealing sparks the next
- time handleIdlePEs is performed
- */
- ASSERT(pending_sparks_hds[proc]==(rtsSpark*)NULL);
- if (creator==proc) {
- /* local FindWork */
- if (procStatus[proc]==Busy) {
- belch("ghuH: PE %d in Busy state while processing local FindWork (spark pool is empty!) @ %lx",
- proc, CurrentTime[proc]);
- procStatus[proc] = Idle;
- }
- } else {
- /* global FindWork i.e. a Fish */
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.Fishing);
- /* actually this generates another request from the originating PE */
- ASSERT(OutstandingFishes[creator]>0);
- OutstandingFishes[creator]--;
- /* ToDo: assign costs for sending fish to proc not to creator */
- stealSpark(creator); /* might steal from same PE; ToDo: fix */
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.maxFishes!=1 || procStatus[creator] == Fishing);
- /* any assertions on state of proc possible here? */
- }
- } else {
- /* DaH chu' Qu' yIchen! Now create new work! */
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(findWork,
- belch("+- munching spark %p; creating thread for node %p",
- spark, spark->node));
- activateSpark (event, spark);
- ASSERT(spark != (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- spark = delete_from_sparkq (spark, proc, rtsTrue);
- }
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(findWork,
- belch("+- Contents of spark queues at the end of FindWork @ %lx",
- CurrentTime[proc]);
- print_sparkq_stats());
- /* ToDo: check ; not valid if GC occurs in ActivateSpark */
- ASSERT(!found ||
- /* forward fish or */
- (proc!=creator ||
- /* local spark or */
- (proc==creator && procStatus[proc]==Starting)) ||
- //(!found && procStatus[proc]==Idle) ||
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads);
- } else {
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(findWork,
- belch("+- RTS refuses to findWork on PE %d @ %lx",
- proc, CurrentTime[proc]);
- belch(" procStatus[%d]=%s, fetch strategy=%d, outstanding fetches[%d]=%d",
- proc, proc_status_names[procStatus[proc]],
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy,
- proc, OutstandingFetches[proc]));
- }
-//@node GranSimLight routines, Code for Fetching Nodes, GranSim functions, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection GranSimLight routines
- This code is called from the central scheduler after having rgabbed a
- new event and is only needed for GranSim-Light. It mainly adjusts the
- ActiveTSO so that all costs that have to be assigned from within the
- scheduler are assigned to the right TSO. The choice of ActiveTSO depends
- on the type of event that has been found.
-GranSimLight_enter_system(event, ActiveTSOp)
-rtsEvent *event;
-StgTSO **ActiveTSOp;
- StgTSO *ActiveTSO = *ActiveTSOp;
- ASSERT (RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* Restore local clock of the virtual processor attached to CurrentTSO.
- All costs will be associated to the `virt. proc' on which the tso
- is living. */
- if (ActiveTSO != NULL) { /* already in system area */
- ActiveTSO->gran.clock = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule)
- {
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full &&
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Debug.checkLight)
- DumpGranEvent(GR_SYSTEM_END,ActiveTSO);
- }
- }
- switch (event->evttype)
- {
- case ContinueThread:
- case FindWork: /* inaccurate this way */
- ActiveTSO = run_queue_hd;
- break;
- case ResumeThread:
- case StartThread:
- case MoveSpark: /* has tso of virt proc in tso field of event */
- ActiveTSO = event->tso;
- break;
- default: barf("Illegal event type %s (%d) in GrAnSim Light setup\n",
- event_names[event->evttype],event->evttype);
- }
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] = ActiveTSO->gran.clock;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule) {
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full &&
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Debug.checkLight)
- DumpGranEvent(GR_SYSTEM_START,ActiveTSO);
- }
-GranSimLight_leave_system(event, ActiveTSOp)
-rtsEvent *event;
-StgTSO **ActiveTSOp;
- StgTSO *ActiveTSO = *ActiveTSOp;
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* Save time of `virt. proc' which was active since last getevent and
- restore time of `virt. proc' where CurrentTSO is living on. */
- if(RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule) {
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full &&
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Debug.checkLight) // ToDo: clean up flags
- DumpGranEvent(GR_SYSTEM_END,ActiveTSO);
- }
- ActiveTSO->gran.clock = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
- ActiveTSO = (StgTSO*)NULL;
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] = CurrentTSO->gran.clock;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule /* && resched */ ) {
- // resched = rtsFalse;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full &&
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Debug.checkLight)
- DumpGranEvent(GR_SCHEDULE,run_queue_hd);
- }
- /*
- if (TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd)!=PrelBase_Z91Z93_closure &&
- (TimeOfNextEvent == 0 ||
- TSO_CLOCK(TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd))+1000<TimeOfNextEvent)) {
- new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,TSO_CLOCK(TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd))+1000,
- CONTINUETHREAD,TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd),PrelBase_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
- TimeOfNextEvent = get_time_of_next_event();
- }
- */
-//@node Code for Fetching Nodes, Idle PEs, GranSimLight routines, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Code for Fetching Nodes
- The following GrAnSim routines simulate the fetching of nodes from a
- remote processor. We use a 1 word bitmask to indicate on which processor
- a node is lying. Thus, moving or copying a node from one processor to
- another just requires an appropriate change in this bitmask (using
- @SET_GA@). Additionally, the clocks have to be updated.
- A special case arises when the node that is needed by processor A has
- been moved from a processor B to a processor C between sending out a
- @FETCH@ (from A) and its arrival at B. In that case the @FETCH@ has to
- be forwarded to C. This is simulated by issuing another FetchNode event
- on processor C with A as creator.
-/* ngoqvam che' {GrAnSim}! */
-/* Fetch node "node" to processor "p" */
-//@cindex fetchNode
-StgClosure* node;
-PEs from, to;
- /* In case of RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching this fct should never be
- entered! Instead, UnpackGraph is used in ReSchedule */
- StgClosure* closure;
- ASSERT(to==CurrentProc);
- /* Should never be entered in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* fetchNode should never be entered with DoBulkFetching */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching);
- /* Now fetch the node */
- if (!IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),from) &&
- !IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),to) )
- return NodeHasMoved;
- if (closure_HNF(node)) /* node already in head normal form? */
- node->header.gran.procs |= PE_NUMBER(to); /* Copy node */
- else
- node->header.gran.procs = PE_NUMBER(to); /* Move node */
- return Ok;
- Process a fetch request.
- Cost of sending a packet of size n = C + P*n
- where C = packet construction constant,
- P = cost of packing one word into a packet
- [Should also account for multiple packets].
-//@cindex handleFetchRequest
-StgClosure* node; // the node which is requested
-PEs to, from; // fetch request: from -> to
-StgTSO* tso; // the tso which needs the node
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* ToDo: check assertion */
- ASSERT(OutstandingFetches[from]>0);
- /* probably wrong place; */
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==to);
- if (IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node), from)) /* Somebody else moved node already => */
- { /* start tso */
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(thunkStealing,
- fprintf(stderr,"ghuH: handleFetchRequest entered with local node %p (%s) (PE %d)\n",
- node, info_type(node), from));
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching) {
- nat size;
- rtsPackBuffer *graph;
- /* Create a 1-node-buffer and schedule a FETCHREPLY now */
- graph = PackOneNode(node, tso, &size);
- new_event(from, to, CurrentTime[to],
- FetchReply,
- tso, (StgClosure *)graph, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- } else {
- new_event(from, to, CurrentTime[to],
- FetchReply,
- tso, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- }
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(thunkStealing,
- belch("== majQa'! closure %p is local on PE %d already (this is a good thing)", node, from));
- return (NodeIsLocal);
- }
- else if (IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node), to) ) /* Is node still here? */
- {
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching) { /* {GUM}vo' ngoqvam vInIHta' */
- nat size; /* (code from GUM) */
- StgClosure* graph;
- if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(node)) { /* block on BH or RBH */
- new_event(from, to, CurrentTime[to],
- GlobalBlock,
- tso, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- /* Note: blockFetch is done when handling GLOBALBLOCK event;
- make sure the TSO stays out of the run queue */
- /* When this thread is reawoken it does the usual: it tries to
- enter the updated node and issues a fetch if it's remote.
- It has forgotten that it has sent a fetch already (i.e. a
- FETCHNODE is swallowed by a BH, leaving the thread in a BQ) */
- --OutstandingFetches[from];
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(thunkStealing,
- belch("== majQa'! closure %p on PE %d is a BH (demander=PE %d); faking a FMBQ",
- node, to, from));
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global) {
- globalGranStats.tot_FMBQs++;
- }
- return (NodeIsBH);
- }
- /* The tso requesting the node is blocked and cannot be on a run queue */
- ASSERT(!is_on_queue(tso, from));
- // ToDo: check whether graph is ever used as an rtsPackBuffer!!
- if ((graph = (StgClosure *)PackNearbyGraph(node, tso, &size, 0)) == NULL)
- return (OutOfHeap); /* out of heap */
- /* Actual moving/copying of node is done on arrival; see FETCHREPLY */
- /* Send a reply to the originator */
- /* ToDo: Replace that by software costs for doing graph packing! */
- CurrentTime[to] += size * RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime;
- new_event(from, to,
- CurrentTime[to]+RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.latency,
- FetchReply,
- tso, (StgClosure *)graph, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- CurrentTime[to] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime;
- return (Ok);
- } else { /* incremental (single closure) fetching */
- /* Actual moving/copying of node is done on arrival; see FETCHREPLY */
- /* Send a reply to the originator */
- CurrentTime[to] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime;
- new_event(from, to,
- CurrentTime[to]+RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.latency,
- FetchReply,
- tso, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- CurrentTime[to] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime;
- return (Ok);
- }
- }
- else /* Qu'vatlh! node has been grabbed by another proc => forward */
- {
- PEs node_loc = where_is(node);
- rtsTime fetchtime;
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(thunkStealing,
- belch("== Qu'vatlh! node %p has been grabbed by PE %d from PE %d (demander=%d) @ %d\n",
- node,node_loc,to,from,CurrentTime[to]));
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global) {
- globalGranStats.fetch_misses++;
- }
- /* Prepare FORWARD message to proc p_new */
- CurrentTime[to] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime;
- fetchtime = stg_max(CurrentTime[to], CurrentTime[node_loc]) +
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.latency;
- new_event(node_loc, from, fetchtime,
- FetchNode,
- tso, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- CurrentTime[to] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime;
- return (NodeHasMoved);
- }
- blockFetch blocks a BlockedFetch node on some kind of black hole.
- Taken from gum/ [find a better place for that ?] -- HWL
- {\bf Note:} In GranSim we don't have @FETCHME@ nodes and therefore don't
- create @FMBQ@'s (FetchMe blocking queues) to cope with global
- blocking. Instead, non-local TSO are put into the BQ in the same way as
- local TSOs. However, we have to check if a TSO is local or global in
- order to account for the latencies involved and for keeping track of the
- number of fetches that are really going on.
-//@cindex blockFetch
-blockFetch(tso, proc, bh)
-StgTSO* tso; /* TSO which gets blocked */
-PEs proc; /* PE where that tso was running */
-StgClosure* bh; /* closure to block on (BH, RBH, BQ) */
- StgInfoTable *info;
- fprintf(stderr,"## blockFetch: blocking TSO %p (%d)[PE %d] on node %p (%s) [PE %d]. No graph is packed!\n",
- tso, tso->id, proc, bh, info_type(bh), where_is(bh)));
- if (!IS_BLACK_HOLE(bh)) { /* catches BHs and RBHs */
- fprintf(stderr,"## blockFetch: node %p (%s) is not a BH => awakening TSO %p (%d) [PE %u]\n",
- bh, info_type(bh), tso, tso->id, proc));
- /* No BH anymore => immediately unblock tso */
- new_event(proc, proc, CurrentTime[proc],
- UnblockThread,
- tso, bh, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- /* Is this always a REPLY to a FETCH in the profile ? */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, proc, GR_REPLY, tso, bh, (StgInt)0, 0);
- return (NodeIsNoBH);
- }
- /* DaH {BQ}Daq Qu' Suq 'e' wISov!
- Now we know that we have to put the tso into the BQ.
- 2 cases: If block-on-fetch, tso is at head of threadq =>
- => take it out of threadq and into BQ
- If reschedule-on-fetch, tso is only pointed to be event
- => just put it into BQ
- ngoq ngo'!!
- if (!RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch) {
- GranSimBlock(tso, proc, bh);
- } else {
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, where_is(bh), GR_BLOCK, tso, bh, (StgInt)0, 0);
- ++(tso->gran.blockcount);
- tso->gran.blockedat = CurrentTime[proc];
- }
- */
- /* after scheduling the GlobalBlock event the TSO is not put into the
- run queue again; it is only pointed to via the event we are
- processing now; in GranSim 4.xx there is no difference between
- synchr and asynchr comm here */
- ASSERT(!is_on_queue(tso, proc));
- ASSERT(tso->link == END_TSO_QUEUE);
- GranSimBlock(tso, proc, bh); /* GranSim statistics gathering */
- /* Now, put tso into BQ (similar to blocking entry codes) */
- info = get_itbl(bh);
- switch (info -> type) {
- case RBH:
- case CAF_BLACKHOLE: // ToDo: check whether this is a possibly ITBL here
- case SE_BLACKHOLE: // ToDo: check whether this is a possibly ITBL here
- case SE_CAF_BLACKHOLE:// ToDo: check whether this is a possibly ITBL here
- /* basically an inlined version of BLACKHOLE_entry -- HWL */
- /* Change the BLACKHOLE into a BLACKHOLE_BQ */
- ((StgBlockingQueue *)bh)-> = &BLACKHOLE_BQ_info;
- /* Put ourselves on the blocking queue for this black hole */
- // tso->link=END_TSO_QUEUE; not necessary; see assertion above
- ((StgBlockingQueue *)bh)->blocking_queue = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)tso;
- tso->block_info.closure = bh;
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)bh);
- break;
- /* basically an inlined version of BLACKHOLE_BQ_entry -- HWL */
- tso->link = (StgTSO *) (((StgBlockingQueue*)bh)->blocking_queue);
- ((StgBlockingQueue*)bh)->blocking_queue = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)tso;
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)bh);
-# if 0 && defined(GC_MUT_REQUIRED)
- ToDo: check whether recordMutable is necessary -- HWL
- /*
- * If we modify a black hole in the old generation, we have to make
- * sure it goes on the mutables list
- */
- if (bh <= StorageMgrInfo.OldLim) {
- MUT_LINK(bh) = (W_) StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables;
- StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables = bh;
- } else
-# endif
- break;
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- barf("Qagh: FMBQ closure (%p) found in GrAnSim (TSO=%p (%d))\n",
- bh, tso, tso->id);
- default:
- {
- barf("Qagh: thought %p was a black hole (IP %p (%s))",
- bh, info, info_type(bh));
- }
- }
- return (Ok);
-//@node Idle PEs, Routines directly called from Haskell world, Code for Fetching Nodes, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Idle PEs
- Export work to idle PEs. This function is called from @ReSchedule@
- before dispatching on the current event. @HandleIdlePEs@ iterates over
- all PEs, trying to get work for idle PEs. Note, that this is a
- simplification compared to GUM's fishing model. We try to compensate for
- that by making the cost for stealing work dependent on the number of
- idle processors and thereby on the probability with which a randomly
- sent fish would find work.
-//@cindex handleIdlePEs
- PEs p;
- IF_DEBUG(gran, fprintf(stderr, "GRAN: handling Idle PEs\n"))
- /* Should never be entered in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- /* Could check whether there are idle PEs if it's a cheap check */
- for (p = 0; p < RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc; p++)
- if (procStatus[p]==Idle) /* && IS_SPARKING(p) && IS_STARTING(p) */
- /* First look for local work i.e. examine local spark pool! */
- if (pending_sparks_hds[p]!=(rtsSpark *)NULL) {
- new_event(p, p, CurrentTime[p],
- FindWork,
- (StgTSO*)NULL, (StgClosure*)NULL, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- procStatus[p] = Sparking;
- } else if ((RtsFlags.GranFlags.maxFishes==0 ||
- OutstandingFishes[p]<RtsFlags.GranFlags.maxFishes) ) {
- /* If no local work then try to get remote work!
- Qu' Hopbe' pagh tu'lu'pu'chugh Qu' Hop yISuq ! */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst &&
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy >= 4 || OutstandingFetches[p] == 0))
- {
- if (SurplusThreads > 0l) /* Steal a thread */
- stealThread(p);
- if (procStatus[p]!=Idle)
- break;
- }
- if (SparksAvail > 0 &&
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy >= 3 || OutstandingFetches[p] == 0)) /* Steal a spark */
- stealSpark(p);
- if (SurplusThreads > 0 &&
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy >= 4 || OutstandingFetches[p] == 0)) /* Steal a thread */
- stealThread(p);
- }
- Steal a spark and schedule moving it to proc. We want to look at PEs in
- clock order -- most retarded first. Currently sparks are only stolen
- from the @ADVISORY_POOL@ never from the @REQUIRED_POOL@. Eventually,
- this should be changed to first steal from the former then from the
- latter.
- We model a sort of fishing mechanism by counting the number of sparks
- and threads we are currently stealing. */
- Return a random nat value in the intervall [from, to)
-static nat
-natRandom(from, to)
-nat from, to;
- nat r, d;
- ASSERT(from<=to);
- d = to - from;
- /* random returns a value in [0, RAND_MAX] */
- r = (nat) ((float)from + ((float)random()*(float)d)/(float)RAND_MAX);
- r = (r==to) ? from : r;
- ASSERT(from<=r && (r<to || from==to));
- return r;
- Find any PE other than proc. Used for GUM style fishing only.
-static PEs
-findRandomPE (proc)
-PEs proc;
- nat p;
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.GranFlags.Fishing);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.RandomSteal) {
- p = natRandom(0,RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc); /* full range of PEs */
- } else {
- p = 0;
- }
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(randomSteal,
- belch("^^ RANDOM_STEAL (fishing): stealing from PE %d (current proc is %d)",
- p, proc));
- return (PEs)p;
- Magic code for stealing sparks/threads makes use of global knowledge on
- spark queues.
-static void
-sortPEsByTime (proc, pes_by_time, firstp, np)
-PEs proc;
-PEs *pes_by_time;
-nat *firstp, *np;
- PEs p, temp, n, i, j;
- nat first, upb, r=0, q=0;
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Fishing);
-#if 0
- upb = RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc; /* full range of PEs */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.RandomSteal) {
- r = natRandom(0,RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc); /* full range of PEs */
- } else {
- r = 0;
- }
- /* pes_by_time shall contain processors from which we may steal sparks */
- for(n=0, p=0; p < RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc; ++p)
- if ((proc != p) && // not the current proc
- (pending_sparks_hds[p] != (rtsSpark *)NULL) && // non-empty spark pool
- (CurrentTime[p] <= CurrentTime[CurrentProc]))
- pes_by_time[n++] = p;
- /* sort pes_by_time */
- for(i=0; i < n; ++i)
- for(j=i+1; j < n; ++j)
- if (CurrentTime[pes_by_time[i]] > CurrentTime[pes_by_time[j]]) {
- rtsTime temp = pes_by_time[i];
- pes_by_time[i] = pes_by_time[j];
- pes_by_time[j] = temp;
- }
- /* Choose random processor to steal spark from; first look at processors */
- /* that are earlier than the current one (i.e. proc) */
- for(first=0;
- (first < n) && (CurrentTime[pes_by_time[first]] <= CurrentTime[proc]);
- ++first)
- /* nothing */ ;
- /* if the assertion below is true we can get rid of first */
- /* ASSERT(first==n); */
- /* ToDo: check if first is really needed; find cleaner solution */
- *firstp = first;
- *np = n;
- Steal a spark (piece of work) from any processor and bring it to proc.
-//@cindex stealSpark
-static rtsBool
-stealSpark(PEs proc) { stealSomething(proc, rtsTrue, rtsFalse); }
- Steal a thread from any processor and bring it to proc i.e. thread migration
-//@cindex stealThread
-static rtsBool
-stealThread(PEs proc) { stealSomething(proc, rtsFalse, rtsTrue); }
- Steal a spark or a thread and schedule moving it to proc.
-//@cindex stealSomething
-static rtsBool
-stealSomething(proc, steal_spark, steal_thread)
-PEs proc; // PE that needs work (stealer)
-rtsBool steal_spark, steal_thread; // should a spark and/or thread be stolen
- PEs p;
- rtsTime fish_arrival_time;
- rtsSpark *spark, *prev, *next;
- rtsBool stolen = rtsFalse;
- ASSERT(steal_spark || steal_thread);
- /* Should never be entered in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- ASSERT(!steal_thread || RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration);
- if (!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Fishing) {
- // ToDo: check if stealing threads is prefered over stealing sparks
- if (steal_spark) {
- if (stealSparkMagic(proc))
- return rtsTrue;
- else // no spark found
- if (steal_thread)
- return stealThreadMagic(proc);
- else // no thread found
- return rtsFalse;
- } else { // ASSERT(steal_thread);
- return stealThreadMagic(proc);
- }
- barf("stealSomething: never reached");
- }
- /* The rest of this function does GUM style fishing */
- p = findRandomPE(proc); /* find a random PE other than proc */
- /* Message packing costs for sending a Fish; qeq jabbI'ID */
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime;
- /* use another GranEvent for requesting a thread? */
- if (steal_spark && RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Sparks)
- DumpRawGranEvent(p, proc, SP_REQUESTED,
- (StgTSO*)NULL, (StgClosure *)NULL, (StgInt)0, 0);
- /* time of the fish arrival on the remote PE */
- fish_arrival_time = CurrentTime[proc] + RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.latency;
- /* Phps use an own Fish event for that? */
- /* The contents of the spark component is a HACK:
- 1 means give me a spark;
- 2 means give me a thread
- 0 means give me nothing (this should never happen)
- */
- new_event(p, proc, fish_arrival_time,
- FindWork,
- (StgTSO*)NULL, (StgClosure*)NULL,
- (steal_spark ? (rtsSpark*)1 : steal_thread ? (rtsSpark*)2 : (rtsSpark*)0));
- ++OutstandingFishes[proc];
- /* only with Async fetching? */
- if (procStatus[proc]==Idle)
- procStatus[proc]=Fishing;
- /* time needed to clean up buffers etc after sending a message */
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime;
- /* If GUM style fishing stealing always succeeds because it only consists
- of sending out a fish; of course, when the fish may return
- empty-handed! */
- return rtsTrue;
- This version of stealing a spark makes use of the global info on all
- spark pools etc which is not available in a real parallel system.
- This could be extended to test e.g. the impact of perfect load information.
-//@cindex stealSparkMagic
-static rtsBool
-PEs proc;
- PEs p=0, i=0, j=0, n=0, first, upb;
- rtsSpark *spark=NULL, *next;
- PEs pes_by_time[MAX_PROC];
- rtsBool stolen = rtsFalse;
- rtsTime stealtime;
- /* Should never be entered in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- sortPEsByTime(proc, pes_by_time, &first, &n);
- while (!stolen && n>0) {
- upb = (first==0) ? n : first;
- i = natRandom(0,upb); /* choose a random eligible PE */
- p = pes_by_time[i];
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(randomSteal,
- belch("^^ stealSparkMagic (random_steal, not fishing): stealing spark from PE %d (current proc is %d)",
- p, proc));
- ASSERT(pending_sparks_hds[p]!=(rtsSpark *)NULL); /* non-empty spark pool */
- /* Now go through rtsSparkQ and steal the first eligible spark */
- spark = pending_sparks_hds[p];
- while (!stolen && spark != (rtsSpark*)NULL)
- {
- /* NB: no prev pointer is needed here because all sparks that are not
- chosen are pruned
- */
- if ((procStatus[p]==Idle || procStatus[p]==Sparking || procStatus[p] == Fishing) &&
- spark->next==(rtsSpark*)NULL)
- {
- /* Be social! Don't steal the only spark of an idle processor
- not {spark} neH yInIH !! */
- break; /* next PE */
- }
- else if (closure_SHOULD_SPARK(spark->node))
- {
- /* Don't Steal local sparks;
- ToDo: optionally prefer local over global sparks
- if (!spark->global) {
- prev=spark;
- continue; next spark
- }
- */
- /* found a spark! */
- /* Prepare message for sending spark */
- CurrentTime[p] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Sparks)
- DumpRawGranEvent(p, (PEs)0, SP_EXPORTED,
- (StgTSO*)NULL, spark->node,
- spark->name, spark_queue_len(p));
- stealtime = (CurrentTime[p] > CurrentTime[proc] ?
- CurrentTime[p] :
- CurrentTime[proc])
- + sparkStealTime();
- new_event(proc, p /* CurrentProc */, stealtime,
- MoveSpark,
- (StgTSO*)NULL, spark->node, spark);
- stolen = rtsTrue;
- ++OutstandingFishes[proc]; /* no. of sparks currently on the fly */
- if (procStatus[proc]==Idle)
- procStatus[proc] = Fishing;
- ++(spark->global); /* record that this is a global spark */
- ASSERT(SparksAvail>0);
- --SparksAvail; /* on-the-fly sparks are not available */
- next = delete_from_sparkq(spark, p, rtsFalse); // don't dispose!
- CurrentTime[p] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime;
- }
- else /* !(closure_SHOULD_SPARK(SPARK_NODE(spark))) */
- {
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(checkSparkQ,
- belch("^^ pruning spark %p (node %p) in stealSparkMagic",
- spark, spark->node));
- /* if the spark points to a node that should not be sparked,
- prune the spark queue at this point */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Sparks)
- DumpRawGranEvent(p, (PEs)0, SP_PRUNED,
- (StgTSO*)NULL, spark->node,
- spark->name, spark_queue_len(p));
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global)
- globalGranStats.pruned_sparks++;
- ASSERT(SparksAvail>0);
- --SparksAvail;
- spark = delete_from_sparkq(spark, p, rtsTrue);
- }
- /* unlink spark (may have been freed!) from sparkq;
- if (prev == NULL) // spark was head of spark queue
- pending_sparks_hds[p] = spark->next;
- else
- prev->next = spark->next;
- if (spark->next == NULL)
- pending_sparks_tls[p] = prev;
- else
- next->prev = prev;
- */
- } /* while ... iterating over sparkq */
- /* ToDo: assert that PE p still has work left after stealing the spark */
- if (!stolen && (n>0)) { /* nothing stealable from proc p :( */
- ASSERT(pes_by_time[i]==p);
- /* remove p from the list (at pos i) */
- for (j=i; j+1<n; j++)
- pes_by_time[j] = pes_by_time[j+1];
- n--;
- /* update index to first proc which is later (or equal) than proc */
- for ( ;
- (first>0) &&
- (CurrentTime[pes_by_time[first-1]]>CurrentTime[proc]);
- first--)
- /* nothing */ ;
- }
- } /* while ... iterating over PEs in pes_by_time */
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(randomSteal,
- if (stolen)
- belch("^^ stealSparkMagic: spark %p (node=%p) stolen by PE %d from PE %d (SparksAvail=%d; idlers=%d)",
- spark, spark->node, proc, p,
- SparksAvail, idlers());
- else
- belch("^^ stealSparkMagic: nothing stolen by PE %d (sparkq len after pruning=%d)(SparksAvail=%d; idlers=%d)",
- proc, SparksAvail, idlers()));
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global &&
- stolen && (i!=0)) { /* only for statistics */
- globalGranStats.rs_sp_count++;
- globalGranStats.ntimes_total += n;
- globalGranStats.fl_total += first;
- globalGranStats.no_of_steals++;
- }
- return stolen;
- The old stealThread code, which makes use of global info and does not
- send out fishes.
- NB: most of this is the same as in stealSparkMagic;
- only the pieces specific to processing thread queues are different;
- long live polymorphism!
-//@cindex stealThreadMagic
-static rtsBool
-PEs proc;
- PEs p=0, i=0, j=0, n=0, first, upb;
- PEs pes_by_time[MAX_PROC];
- rtsBool stolen = rtsFalse;
- rtsTime stealtime;
- /* Should never be entered in GrAnSim Light setup */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light);
- sortPEsByTime(proc, pes_by_time, &first, &n);
- while (!stolen && n>0) {
- upb = (first==0) ? n : first;
- i = natRandom(0,upb); /* choose a random eligible PE */
- p = pes_by_time[i];
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(randomSteal,
- belch("^^ stealThreadMagic (random_steal, not fishing): stealing thread from PE %d (current proc is %d)",
- p, proc));
- /* Steal the first exportable thread in the runnable queue but
- never steal the first in the queue for social reasons;
- not Qu' wa'DIch yInIH !!
- */
- /* Would be better to search through queue and have options which of
- the threads to pick when stealing */
- if (run_queue_hds[p] == END_TSO_QUEUE) {
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(randomSteal,
- belch("^^ stealThreadMagic: No thread to steal from PE %d (stealer=PE %d)",
- p, proc));
- } else {
- tso = run_queue_hds[p]->link; /* tso is *2nd* thread in thread queue */
- /* Found one */
- stolen = rtsTrue;
- /* update links in queue */
- run_queue_hds[p]->link = tso->link;
- if (run_queue_tls[p] == tso)
- run_queue_tls[p] = run_queue_hds[p];
- /* ToDo: Turn magic constants into params */
- CurrentTime[p] += 5l * RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime;
- stealtime = (CurrentTime[p] > CurrentTime[proc] ?
- CurrentTime[p] :
- CurrentTime[proc])
- + sparkStealTime()
- + 4l * RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.additional_latency
- + 5l * RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.munpacktime;
- /* Move the thread; set bitmask to 0 while TSO is `on-the-fly' */
- SET_GRAN_HDR(tso,Nowhere /* PE_NUMBER(proc) */);
- /* Move from one queue to another */
- new_event(proc, p, stealtime,
- MoveThread,
- tso, (StgClosure*)NULL, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- /* MAKE_BUSY(proc); not yet; only when thread is in threadq */
- ++OutstandingFishes[proc];
- if (procStatus[proc])
- procStatus[proc] = Fishing;
- --SurplusThreads;
- if(RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(p, proc,
- tso, (StgClosure*)NULL, (StgInt)0, 0);
- /* costs for tidying up buffer after having sent it */
- CurrentTime[p] += 5l * RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime;
- }
- /* ToDo: assert that PE p still has work left after stealing the spark */
- if (!stolen && (n>0)) { /* nothing stealable from proc p :( */
- ASSERT(pes_by_time[i]==p);
- /* remove p from the list (at pos i) */
- for (j=i; j+1<n; j++)
- pes_by_time[j] = pes_by_time[j+1];
- n--;
- /* update index to first proc which is later (or equal) than proc */
- for ( ;
- (first>0) &&
- (CurrentTime[pes_by_time[first-1]]>CurrentTime[proc]);
- first--)
- /* nothing */ ;
- }
- } /* while ... iterating over PEs in pes_by_time */
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(randomSteal,
- if (stolen)
- belch("^^ stealThreadMagic: stolen TSO %d (%p) by PE %d from PE %d (SparksAvail=%d; idlers=%d)",
- tso->id, tso, proc, p,
- SparksAvail, idlers());
- else
- belch("stealThreadMagic: nothing stolen by PE %d (SparksAvail=%d; idlers=%d)",
- proc, SparksAvail, idlers()));
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global &&
- stolen && (i!=0)) { /* only for statistics */
- /* ToDo: more statistics on avg thread queue lenght etc */
- globalGranStats.rs_t_count++;
- globalGranStats.no_of_migrates++;
- }
- return stolen;
-//@cindex sparkStealTime
-static rtsTime
- double fishdelay, sparkdelay, latencydelay;
- fishdelay = (double)RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc/2;
- sparkdelay = fishdelay -
- ((fishdelay-1.0)/(double)(RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc-1))*((double)idlers());
- latencydelay = sparkdelay*((double)RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.latency);
- return((rtsTime)latencydelay);
-//@node Routines directly called from Haskell world, Emiting profiling info for GrAnSim, Idle PEs, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Routines directly called from Haskell world
-The @GranSim...@ routines in here are directly called via macros from the
-threaded world.
-First some auxiliary routines.
-/* Take the current thread off the thread queue and thereby activate the
- next thread. It's assumed that the next ReSchedule after this uses
- NEW_THREAD as param.
- This fct is called from GranSimBlock and GranSimFetch
-//@cindex ActivateNextThread
-ActivateNextThread (proc)
-PEs proc;
- StgTSO *t;
- /*
- This routine is entered either via GranSimFetch or via GranSimBlock.
- It has to prepare the CurrentTSO for being blocked and update the
- run queue and other statistics on PE proc. The actual enqueuing to the
- blocking queue (if coming from GranSimBlock) is done in the entry code
- of the BLACKHOLE and BLACKHOLE_BQ closures (see StgMiscClosures.hc).
- */
- /* ToDo: add assertions here!! */
- //ASSERT(run_queue_hds[proc]!=END_TSO_QUEUE);
- // Only necessary if the running thread is at front of the queue
- // run_queue_hds[proc] = run_queue_hds[proc]->link;
- ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
- ASSERT(!is_on_queue(CurrentTSO,proc));
- if (run_queue_hds[proc]==END_TSO_QUEUE) {
- /* NB: this routine is only entered with asynchr comm (see assertion) */
- procStatus[proc] = Idle;
- } else {
- /* ToDo: check cost assignment */
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadcontextswitchtime;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full &&
- (!RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light || RtsFlags.GranFlags.Debug.checkLight))
- /* right flag !?? ^^^ */
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc, 0, GR_SCHEDULE, run_queue_hds[proc],
- (StgClosure*)NULL, (StgInt)0, 0);
- }
- The following GranSim fcts are stg-called from the threaded world.
-/* Called from HP_CHK and friends (see StgMacros.h) */
-//@cindex GranSimAllocate
-StgInt n;
- CurrentTSO->gran.allocs += n;
- ++(CurrentTSO->gran.basicblocks);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Heap) {
- DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc, 0, GR_ALLOC, CurrentTSO,
- (StgClosure*)NULL, (StgInt)0, n);
- }
- CurrentTSO->gran.exectime += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.heapalloc_cost;
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.heapalloc_cost;
- Subtract the values added above, if a heap check fails and
- so has to be redone.
-//@cindex GranSimUnallocate
-StgInt n;
- CurrentTSO->gran.allocs -= n;
- --(CurrentTSO->gran.basicblocks);
- CurrentTSO->gran.exectime -= RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.heapalloc_cost;
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] -= RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.heapalloc_cost;
-/* NB: We now inline this code via GRAN_EXEC rather than calling this fct */
-//@cindex GranSimExec
-StgWord ariths,branches,loads,stores,floats;
- StgWord cost = RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.arith_cost*ariths +
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.branch_cost*branches +
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.load_cost * loads +
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.store_cost*stores +
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.float_cost*floats;
- CurrentTSO->gran.exectime += cost;
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += cost;
- Fetch the node if it isn't local
- -- result indicates whether fetch has been done.
- This is GRIP-style single item fetching.
-//@cindex GranSimFetch
-GranSimFetch(node /* , liveness_mask */ )
-StgClosure *node;
-/* StgInt liveness_mask; */
- /* reset the return value (to be checked within STG land) */
- NeedToReSchedule = rtsFalse;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light) {
- /* Always reschedule in GrAnSim-Light to prevent one TSO from
- running off too far
- new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
- ContinueThread,CurrentTSO,node,NULL);
- */
- return(0);
- }
- /* Faking an RBH closure:
- If the bitmask of the closure is 0 then this node is a fake RBH;
- */
- if (node->header.gran.procs == Nowhere) {
- belch("## Found fake RBH (node %p); delaying TSO %d (%p)",
- node, CurrentTSO->id, CurrentTSO));
- new_event(CurrentProc, CurrentProc, CurrentTime[CurrentProc]+10000,
- ContinueThread, CurrentTSO, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- /* Rescheduling (GranSim internal) is necessary */
- NeedToReSchedule = rtsTrue;
- return(1);
- }
- /* Note: once a node has been fetched, this test will be passed */
- if (!IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),CurrentProc))
- {
- PEs p = where_is(node);
- rtsTime fetchtime;
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(thunkStealing,
- if (p==CurrentProc)
- belch("GranSimFetch: Trying to fetch from own processor%u\n", p););
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime;
- /* NB: Fetch is counted on arrival (FetchReply) */
- fetchtime = stg_max(CurrentTime[CurrentProc],CurrentTime[p]) +
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.latency;
- new_event(p, CurrentProc, fetchtime,
- FetchNode, CurrentTSO, node, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- if (fetchtime<TimeOfNextEvent)
- TimeOfNextEvent = fetchtime;
- /* About to block */
- CurrentTSO->gran.blockedat = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
- ++OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc];
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch)
- /* if asynchr comm is turned on, activate the next thread in the q */
- ActivateNextThread(CurrentProc);
- else
- procStatus[CurrentProc] = Fetching;
-#if 0
- /* ToDo: nuke the entire if (anything special for fair schedule?) */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch)
- {
- /* Remove CurrentTSO from the queue -- assumes head of queue == CurrentTSO */
- if(!RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule)
- {
- /* now done in do_the_fetchnode
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc, p, GR_FETCH, CurrentTSO,
- node, (StgInt)0, 0);
- */
- ActivateNextThread(CurrentProc);
-# if 0 && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.Debug.blockOnFetch_sanity) {
- if (TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) {
- fprintf(stderr,"FetchNode: TSO 0x%x has fetch-mask set @ %d\n",
- CurrentTSO,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
- stg_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- } else {
- }
- }
-# endif
- CurrentTSO->link = END_TSO_QUEUE;
- /* CurrentTSO = END_TSO_QUEUE; */
- /* CurrentTSO is pointed to by the FetchNode event; it is
- on no run queue any more */
- } else { /* fair scheduling currently not supported -- HWL */
- barf("Asynchr communication is not yet compatible with fair scheduling\n");
- }
- } else { /* !RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch */
- procStatus[CurrentProc] = Fetching; // ToDo: BlockedOnFetch;
- /* now done in do_the_fetchnode
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc, p,
- GR_FETCH, CurrentTSO, node, (StgInt)0, 0);
- */
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(blockOnFetch,
- BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc] = CurrentTSO;); /*- rtsTrue; -*/
- }
-#endif /* 0 */
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime;
- /* Rescheduling (GranSim internal) is necessary */
- NeedToReSchedule = rtsTrue;
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
-//@cindex GranSimSpark
-StgInt local;
-StgClosure *node;
- /* ++SparksAvail; Nope; do that in add_to_spark_queue */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Sparks)
- DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc, (PEs)0, SP_SPARK,
- END_TSO_QUEUE, node, (StgInt)0, spark_queue_len(CurrentProc)-1);
- /* Force the PE to take notice of the spark */
- if(RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads) {
- new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
- FindWork,
- END_TSO_QUEUE, (StgClosure*)NULL, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- if (CurrentTime[CurrentProc]<TimeOfNextEvent)
- TimeOfNextEvent = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
- }
- if(local)
- ++CurrentTSO->gran.localsparks;
- else
- ++CurrentTSO->gran.globalsparks;
-//@cindex GranSimSparkAt
-rtsSpark *spark;
-StgClosure *where; /* This should be a node; alternatively could be a GA */
-StgInt identifier;
- PEs p = where_is(where);
- GranSimSparkAtAbs(spark,p,identifier);
-//@cindex GranSimSparkAtAbs
-rtsSpark *spark;
-PEs proc;
-StgInt identifier;
- rtsTime exporttime;
- if (spark == (rtsSpark *)NULL) /* Note: Granularity control might have */
- return; /* turned a spark into a NULL. */
- /* ++SparksAvail; Nope; do that in add_to_spark_queue */
- if(RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Sparks)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc,0,SP_SPARKAT,
- END_TSO_QUEUE, spark->node, (StgInt)0, spark_queue_len(proc));
- if (proc!=CurrentProc) {
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime;
- exporttime = (CurrentTime[proc] > CurrentTime[CurrentProc]?
- CurrentTime[proc]: CurrentTime[CurrentProc])
- + RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.latency;
- } else {
- exporttime = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
- }
- if ( RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light )
- /* Need CurrentTSO in event field to associate costs with creating
- spark even in a GrAnSim Light setup */
- new_event(proc, CurrentProc, exporttime,
- MoveSpark,
- CurrentTSO, spark->node, spark);
- else
- new_event(proc, CurrentProc, exporttime,
- MoveSpark, (StgTSO*)NULL, spark->node, spark);
- /* Bit of a hack to treat placed sparks the same as stolen sparks */
- ++OutstandingFishes[proc];
- /* Force the PE to take notice of the spark (FINDWORK is put after a
- MoveSpark into the sparkq!) */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads) {
- new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,exporttime+1,
- FindWork,
- (StgTSO*)NULL, (StgClosure*)NULL, (rtsSpark*)NULL);
- }
- if (exporttime<TimeOfNextEvent)
- TimeOfNextEvent = exporttime;
- if (proc!=CurrentProc) {
- CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime;
- ++CurrentTSO->gran.globalsparks;
- } else {
- ++CurrentTSO->gran.localsparks;
- }
- This function handles local and global blocking. It's called either
- from threaded code (RBH_entry, BH_entry etc) or from blockFetch when
- trying to fetch an BH or RBH
-//@cindex GranSimBlock
-GranSimBlock(tso, proc, node)
-StgTSO *tso;
-PEs proc;
-StgClosure *node;
- PEs node_proc = where_is(node),
- tso_proc = where_is((StgClosure *)tso);
- ASSERT(tso_proc==CurrentProc);
- // ASSERT(node_proc==CurrentProc);
- if (node_proc!=CurrentProc)
- belch("## ghuH: TSO %d (%lx) [PE %d] blocks on non-local node %p [PE %d] (no simulation of FETCHMEs)",
- tso->id, tso, tso_proc, node, node_proc));
- ASSERT(tso->link==END_TSO_QUEUE);
- ASSERT(!is_on_queue(tso,proc)); // tso must not be on run queue already!
- //ASSERT(tso==run_queue_hds[proc]);
- IF_DEBUG(gran,
- belch("GRAN: TSO %d (%p) [PE %d] blocks on closure %p @ %lx",
- tso->id, tso, proc, node, CurrentTime[proc]));
- If tso tries to block on a remote node (i.e. node_proc!=CurrentProc)
- we have missed a GranSimFetch before entering this closure;
- we hack around it for now, faking a FetchNode;
- because GranSimBlock is entered via a BLACKHOLE(_BQ) closure,
- tso will be blocked on this closure until the FetchReply occurs.
- ngoq Dogh!
- if (node_proc!=CurrentProc) {
- StgInt ret;
- ret = GranSimFetch(node);
- if (ret)
- belch(".. GranSimBlock: faking a FetchNode of node %p from %d to %d",
- node, node_proc, CurrentProc););
- return;
- }
- */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- DumpRawGranEvent(proc,node_proc,GR_BLOCK,tso,node,(StgInt)0,0);
- ++(tso->gran.blockcount);
- /* Distinction between local and global block is made in blockFetch */
- tso->gran.blockedat = CurrentTime[proc];
- CurrentTime[proc] += RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadqueuetime;
- ActivateNextThread(proc);
- /* tso->link = END_TSO_QUEUE; not really necessary; only for testing */
-#endif /* GRAN */
-//@node Index, , Dumping routines, GranSim specific code
-//@subsection Index
-//* ActivateNextThread:: @cindex\s-+ActivateNextThread
-//* CurrentProc:: @cindex\s-+CurrentProc
-//* CurrentTime:: @cindex\s-+CurrentTime
-//* GranSimAllocate:: @cindex\s-+GranSimAllocate
-//* GranSimBlock:: @cindex\s-+GranSimBlock
-//* GranSimExec:: @cindex\s-+GranSimExec
-//* GranSimFetch:: @cindex\s-+GranSimFetch
-//* GranSimLight_insertThread:: @cindex\s-+GranSimLight_insertThread
-//* GranSimSpark:: @cindex\s-+GranSimSpark
-//* GranSimSparkAt:: @cindex\s-+GranSimSparkAt
-//* GranSimSparkAtAbs:: @cindex\s-+GranSimSparkAtAbs
-//* GranSimUnallocate:: @cindex\s-+GranSimUnallocate
-//* any_idle:: @cindex\s-+any_idle
-//* blockFetch:: @cindex\s-+blockFetch
-//* do_the_fetchnode:: @cindex\s-+do_the_fetchnode
-//* do_the_fetchreply:: @cindex\s-+do_the_fetchreply
-//* do_the_findwork:: @cindex\s-+do_the_findwork
-//* do_the_globalblock:: @cindex\s-+do_the_globalblock
-//* do_the_movespark:: @cindex\s-+do_the_movespark
-//* do_the_movethread:: @cindex\s-+do_the_movethread
-//* do_the_startthread:: @cindex\s-+do_the_startthread
-//* do_the_unblock:: @cindex\s-+do_the_unblock
-//* fetchNode:: @cindex\s-+fetchNode
-//* ga_to_proc:: @cindex\s-+ga_to_proc
-//* get_next_event:: @cindex\s-+get_next_event
-//* get_time_of_next_event:: @cindex\s-+get_time_of_next_event
-//* grab_event:: @cindex\s-+grab_event
-//* handleFetchRequest:: @cindex\s-+handleFetchRequest
-//* handleIdlePEs:: @cindex\s-+handleIdlePEs
-//* idlers:: @cindex\s-+idlers
-//* insertThread:: @cindex\s-+insertThread
-//* insert_event:: @cindex\s-+insert_event
-//* is_on_queue:: @cindex\s-+is_on_queue
-//* is_unique:: @cindex\s-+is_unique
-//* new_event:: @cindex\s-+new_event
-//* prepend_event:: @cindex\s-+prepend_event
-//* print_event:: @cindex\s-+print_event
-//* print_eventq:: @cindex\s-+print_eventq
-//* prune_eventq :: @cindex\s-+prune_eventq
-//* spark queue:: @cindex\s-+spark queue
-//* sparkStealTime:: @cindex\s-+sparkStealTime
-//* stealSomething:: @cindex\s-+stealSomething
-//* stealSpark:: @cindex\s-+stealSpark
-//* stealSparkMagic:: @cindex\s-+stealSparkMagic
-//* stealThread:: @cindex\s-+stealThread
-//* stealThreadMagic:: @cindex\s-+stealThreadMagic
-//* thread_queue_len:: @cindex\s-+thread_queue_len
-//* traverse_eventq_for_gc:: @cindex\s-+traverse_eventq_for_gc
-//* where_is:: @cindex\s-+where_is
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/GranSimRts.h b/rts/parallel/GranSimRts.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fc31a1f0a6..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/GranSimRts.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time-stamp: <Tue Mar 06 2001 00:18:30 Stardate: [-30]6285.06 hwloidl>
- Variables and functions specific to GranSim.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifndef GRANSIM_RTS_H
-#define GRANSIM_RTS_H
-//@node Headers for GranSim objs used only in the RTS internally, , ,
-//@section Headers for GranSim objs used only in the RTS internally
-//* Event queue::
-//* Spark handling routines::
-//* Processor related stuff::
-//* Local types::
-//* Statistics gathering::
-//* Prototypes::
-//@end menu
-//*/ fool highlight
-//@node Event queue, Spark handling routines, Headers for GranSim objs used only in the RTS internally, Headers for GranSim objs used only in the RTS internally
-//@subsection Event queue
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
-/* Granularity event types for output (see DumpGranEvent) */
-typedef enum GranEventType_ {
- GR_SYSTEM_START, GR_SYSTEM_END, /* only for debugging */
-} GranEventType;
-extern char *gran_event_names[];
-#if defined(GRAN) /* whole file */
-/* Event Types (internal use only) */
-typedef enum rtsEventType_ {
- ContinueThread = 0, /* Continue running the first thread in the queue */
- StartThread, /* Start a newly created thread */
- ResumeThread, /* Resume a previously running thread */
- MoveSpark, /* Move a spark from one PE to another */
- MoveThread, /* Move a thread from one PE to another */
- FindWork, /* Search for work */
- FetchNode, /* Fetch a node */
- FetchReply, /* Receive a node */
- GlobalBlock, /* Block a TSO on a remote node */
- UnblockThread /* Make a TSO runnable */
-} rtsEventType;
-/* Number of last event type */
-#define MAX_EVENT 9
-typedef struct rtsEvent_ {
- PEs proc; /* Processor id */
- PEs creator; /* Processor id of PE that created the event */
- rtsEventType evttype; /* rtsEvent type */
- rtsTime time; /* Time at which event happened */
- StgTSO *tso; /* Associated TSO, if relevant */
- StgClosure *node; /* Associated node, if relevant */
- rtsSpark *spark; /* Associated SPARK, if relevant */
- StgInt gc_info; /* Counter of heap objects to mark (used in GC only)*/
- struct rtsEvent_ *next;
- } rtsEvent;
-typedef rtsEvent *rtsEventQ;
-extern rtsEventQ EventHd;
-/* Interface for ADT of Event Queue */
-rtsEvent *get_next_event(void);
-rtsTime get_time_of_next_event(void);
-void insert_event(rtsEvent *newentry);
-void new_event(PEs proc, PEs creator, rtsTime time,
- rtsEventType evttype, StgTSO *tso,
- StgClosure *node, rtsSpark *spark);
-void print_event(rtsEvent *event);
-void print_eventq(rtsEvent *hd);
-void prepend_event(rtsEvent *event);
-rtsEventQ grab_event(void);
-void prune_eventq(StgTSO *tso, StgClosure *node);
-void traverse_eventq_for_gc(void);
-void markEventQueue(void);
-//@node Spark handling routines, Processor related stuff, Event queue, Headers for GranSim objs used only in the RTS internally
-//@subsection Spark handling routines
-/* These functions are only used in the RTS internally; see GranSim.h for rest */
-void disposeSpark(rtsSpark *spark);
-void disposeSparkQ(rtsSparkQ spark);
-void print_spark(rtsSpark *spark);
-void print_sparkq(PEs proc);
-void print_sparkq_stats(void);
-nat spark_queue_len(PEs proc);
-rtsSpark *delete_from_sparkq (rtsSpark *spark, PEs p, rtsBool dispose_too);
-void markSparkQueue(void);
-//@node Processor related stuff, Local types, Spark handling routines, Headers for GranSim objs used only in the RTS internally
-//@subsection Processor related stuff
-typedef enum rtsProcStatus_ {
- Idle = 0, /* empty threadq */
- Sparking, /* non-empty sparkq; FINDWORK has been issued */
- Starting, /* STARTTHREAD has been issue */
- Fetching, /* waiting for remote data (only if block-on-fetch) */
- Fishing, /* waiting for remote spark/thread */
- Busy /* non-empty threadq, with head of queue active */
-} rtsProcStatus;
-#define IS_IDLE(proc) (procStatus[proc] == Idle)
-#define IS_SPARKING(proc) (procStatus[proc] == Sparking)
-#define IS_STARTING(proc) (procStatus[proc] == Starting)
-#define IS_FETCHING(proc) (procStatus[proc] == Fetching)
-#define IS_FISHING(proc) (procStatus[proc] == Fishing)
-#define IS_BUSY(proc) (procStatus[proc] == Busy)
-#define ANY_IDLE (any_idle())
-#define MAKE_IDLE(proc) procStatus[proc] = Idle
-#define MAKE_SPARKING(proc) procStatus[proc] = Sparking
-#define MAKE_STARTING(proc) procStatus[proc] = Starting
-#define MAKE_FETCHING(proc) procStatus[proc] = Fetching
-#define MAKE_FISHING(proc) procStatus[proc] = Fishing
-#define MAKE_BUSY(proc) procStatus[proc] = Busy
-//@node Local types, Statistics gathering, Processor related stuff, Headers for GranSim objs used only in the RTS internally
-//@subsection Local types
-/* Return codes of HandleFetchRequest:
- 0 ... ok (FETCHREPLY event with a buffer containing addresses of the
- nearby graph has been scheduled)
- 1 ... node is already local (fetched by somebody else; no event is
- scheduled in here)
- 2 ... fetch request has been forwrded to the PE that now contains the
- node
- 3 ... node is a black hole (BH, BQ or RBH); no event is scheduled, and
- the current TSO is put into the blocking queue of that node
- 4 ... out of heap in PackNearbyGraph; GC should be triggered in calling
- function to guarantee that the tso and node inputs are valid
- (they may be moved during GC).
- Return codes of blockFetch:
- 0 ... ok; tso is now at beginning of BQ attached to the bh closure
- 1 ... the bh closure is no BH any more; tso is immediately unblocked
-typedef enum rtsFetchReturnCode_ {
- Ok = 0,
- NodeIsLocal,
- NodeHasMoved,
- NodeIsBH,
- NodeIsNoBH,
- OutOfHeap,
-} rtsFetchReturnCode;
-//@node Statistics gathering, Prototypes, Local types, Headers for GranSim objs used only in the RTS internally
-//@subsection Statistics gathering
-extern unsigned int /* nat */ OutstandingFetches[], OutstandingFishes[];
-extern rtsProcStatus procStatus[];
-extern StgTSO *BlockedOnFetch[];
-/* global structure for collecting statistics */
-typedef struct GlobalGranStats_ {
- /* event stats */
- nat noOfEvents;
- nat event_counts[MAX_EVENT];
- /* communication stats */
- nat fetch_misses;
- nat tot_fake_fetches; // GranSim internal; faked Fetches are a kludge!!
- nat tot_low_pri_sparks;
- /* load distribution statistics */
- nat rs_sp_count, rs_t_count, ntimes_total, fl_total,
- no_of_steals, no_of_migrates;
- /* spark queue stats */
- nat tot_sq_len, tot_sq_probes, tot_sparks;
- nat tot_add_threads, tot_tq_len, non_end_add_threads;
- /* packet statistics */
- nat tot_packets, tot_packet_size, tot_cuts, tot_thunks;
- /* thread stats */
- nat tot_threads_created, threads_created_on_PE[MAX_PROC],
- tot_TSOs_migrated;
- /* spark stats */
- nat pruned_sparks, withered_sparks;
- nat tot_sparks_created, sparks_created_on_PE[MAX_PROC];
- /* scheduling stats */
- nat tot_yields, tot_stackover, tot_heapover;
- /* blocking queue statistics */
- rtsTime tot_bq_processing_time;
- nat tot_bq_len, tot_bq_len_local, tot_awbq, tot_FMBQs;
-} GlobalGranStats;
-extern GlobalGranStats globalGranStats;
-//@node Prototypes, , Statistics gathering, Headers for GranSim objs used only in the RTS internally
-//@subsection Prototypes
-/* Generally useful fcts */
-PEs where_is(StgClosure *node);
-rtsBool is_unique(StgClosure *node);
-/* Prototypes of event handling functions; needed in Schedule.c:ReSchedule() */
-void do_the_globalblock (rtsEvent* event);
-void do_the_unblock (rtsEvent* event);
-void do_the_fetchnode (rtsEvent* event);
-void do_the_fetchreply (rtsEvent* event);
-void do_the_movethread (rtsEvent* event);
-void do_the_movespark (rtsEvent* event);
-void do_the_startthread(rtsEvent *event);
-void do_the_findwork(rtsEvent* event);
-void gimme_spark (rtsEvent *event, rtsBool *found_res, rtsSparkQ *spark_res);
-rtsBool munch_spark (rtsEvent *event, rtsSparkQ spark);
-/* GranSimLight routines */
-void GranSimLight_enter_system(rtsEvent *event, StgTSO **ActiveTSOp);
-void GranSimLight_leave_system(rtsEvent *event, StgTSO **ActiveTSOp);
-/* Communication related routines */
-rtsFetchReturnCode fetchNode(StgClosure* node, PEs from, PEs to);
-rtsFetchReturnCode handleFetchRequest(StgClosure* node, PEs curr_proc, PEs p, StgTSO* tso);
-void handleIdlePEs(void);
-long int random(void); /* used in stealSpark() and stealThread() in GranSim.c */
-/* Scheduling fcts defined in GranSim.c */
-void insertThread(StgTSO *tso, PEs proc);
-void endThread(StgTSO *tso, PEs proc);
-rtsBool GranSimLight_insertThread(StgTSO *tso, PEs proc);
-nat thread_queue_len(PEs proc);
-/* For debugging */
-rtsBool is_on_queue (StgTSO *tso, PEs proc);
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
- Interface for dumping routines (i.e. writing to log file).
- These routines are shared with GUM (and could also be used for SMP).
-void DumpGranEvent(GranEventType name, StgTSO *tso);
-void DumpEndEvent(PEs proc, StgTSO *tso, rtsBool mandatory_thread);
-void DumpTSO(StgTSO *tso);
-void DumpRawGranEvent(PEs proc, PEs p, GranEventType name,
- StgTSO *tso, StgClosure *node,
- StgInt sparkname, StgInt len);
-void DumpVeryRawGranEvent(rtsTime time, PEs proc, PEs p, GranEventType name,
- StgTSO *tso, StgClosure *node,
- StgInt sparkname, StgInt len);
-#endif /* GRANSIM_RTS_H */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/HLC.h b/rts/parallel/HLC.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 793ac840f9..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/HLC.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time-stamp: <Sun Mar 18 2001 20:16:14 Stardate: [-30]6349.22 hwloidl>
- High Level Communications Header (HLC.h)
- Contains the high-level definitions (i.e. communication
- subsystem independent) used by GUM
- Phil Trinder, Glasgow University, 12 December 1994
- H-W. Loidl, Heriot-Watt, November 1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifndef __HLC_H
-#define __HLC_H
-#ifdef PAR
-#include "LLC.h"
-#define NEW_FISH_AGE 0
-#define NEW_FISH_HUNGER 0
-//@node GUM Message Sending and Unpacking Functions
-//@subsection GUM Message Sending and Unpacking Functions
-rtsBool initMoreBuffers(void);
-void sendFetch (globalAddr *ga, globalAddr *bqga, int load);
-void sendResume(globalAddr *rga, int nelem, rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer);
-void sendAck (GlobalTaskId task, int ngas, globalAddr *gagamap);
-void sendFish (GlobalTaskId destPE, GlobalTaskId origPE, int age, int history, int hunger);
-void sendFree (GlobalTaskId destPE, int nelem, P_ data);
-void sendSchedule(GlobalTaskId origPE, int nelem, rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer);
-void sendReval(GlobalTaskId origPE, int nelem, rtsPackBuffer *data);
-//@node Message-Processing Functions
-//@subsection Message-Processing Functions
-rtsBool processMessages(void);
-void processFetches(void);
-void processTheRealFetches(void);
-//@node Miscellaneous Functions
-//@subsection Miscellaneous Functions
-void prepareFreeMsgBuffers(void);
-void freeRemoteGA (int pe, globalAddr *ga);
-void sendFreeMessages(void);
-GlobalTaskId choosePE(void);
-StgClosure *createBlockedFetch (globalAddr ga, globalAddr rga);
-void waitForTermination(void);
-/* Message bouncing (startup and shutdown, mainly) */
-void bounceFish(void);
-void bounceReval(void);
-void DebugPrintGAGAMap (globalAddr *gagamap, int nGAs);
-#endif /* PAR */
-#endif /* __HLC_H */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/HLComms.c b/rts/parallel/HLComms.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b0982e441c..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/HLComms.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1810 +0,0 @@
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Time-stamp: <Wed Mar 21 2001 16:34:41 Stardate: [-30]6363.45 hwloidl>
- *
- * High Level Communications Routines (
- *
- * Contains the high-level routines (i.e. communication
- * subsystem independent) used by GUM
- *
- * GUM 0.2x: Phil Trinder, Glasgow University, 12 December 1994
- * GUM 3.xx: Phil Trinder, Simon Marlow July 1998
- * GUM 4.xx: H-W. Loidl, Heriot-Watt University, November 1999 -
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifdef PAR /* whole file */
-//@node High Level Communications Routines, , ,
-//@section High Level Communications Routines
-//* Macros etc::
-//* Includes::
-//* GUM Message Sending and Unpacking Functions::
-//* Message-Processing Functions::
-//* GUM Message Processor::
-//* Miscellaneous Functions::
-//* Index::
-//@end menu
-//@node Macros etc, Includes, High Level Communications Routines, High Level Communications Routines
-//@subsection Macros etc
-/* Evidently not Posix */
-/* #include "PosixSource.h" */
-//@node Includes, GUM Message Sending and Unpacking Functions, Macros etc, High Level Communications Routines
-//@subsection Includes
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "Storage.h" // for recordMutable
-#include "HLC.h"
-#include "Parallel.h"
-#include "GranSimRts.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#include "Sparks.h"
-#include "FetchMe.h" // for BLOCKED_FETCH_info etc
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-# include "ParallelDebug.h"
-#include "StgMacros.h" // inlined IS_... fcts
-#ifdef DIST
-#include "SchedAPI.h" //for createIOThread
-extern unsigned int context_switch;
-#endif /* DIST */
-//@node GUM Message Sending and Unpacking Functions, Message-Processing Functions, Includes, High Level Communications Routines
-//@subsection GUM Message Sending and Unpacking Functions
- * GUM Message Sending and Unpacking Functions
- */
- * Allocate space for message processing
- */
-//@cindex gumPackBuffer
-static rtsPackBuffer *gumPackBuffer;
-//@cindex initMoreBuffers
- if ((gumPackBuffer = (rtsPackBuffer *)stgMallocWords(RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize,
- "initMoreBuffers")) == NULL)
- return rtsFalse;
- return rtsTrue;
- * SendFetch packs the two global addresses and a load into a message +
- * sends it.
-//@cindex FETCH
- Structure of a FETCH message:
- | GA 1 | GA 2 |
- +------------------------------------+------+
- | gtid | slot | weight | gtid | slot | load |
- +------------------------------------+------+
- */
-//@cindex sendFetch
-sendFetch(globalAddr *rga, globalAddr *lga, int load)
- ASSERT(rga->weight > 0 && lga->weight > 0);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("~^** Sending Fetch for ((%x, %d, 0)); locally ((%x, %d, %x)), load = %d",
- rga->payload.gc.gtid, rga->payload.gc.slot,
- lga->payload.gc.gtid, lga->payload.gc.slot, lga->weight,
- load));
- /* ToDo: Dump event
- DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC, taskIDtoPE(rga->payload.gc.gtid),
- GR_FETCH, CurrentTSO, (StgClosure *)(lga->payload.gc.slot),
- 0, spark_queue_len(ADVISORY_POOL));
- */
- sendOpV(PP_FETCH, rga->payload.gc.gtid, 6,
- (StgWord) rga->payload.gc.gtid, (StgWord) rga->payload.gc.slot,
- (StgWord) lga->weight, (StgWord) lga->payload.gc.gtid,
- (StgWord) lga->payload.gc.slot, (StgWord) load);
- * unpackFetch unpacks a FETCH message into two Global addresses and a load
- * figure.
-//@cindex unpackFetch
-static void
-unpackFetch(globalAddr *lga, globalAddr *rga, int *load)
- long buf[6];
- GetArgs(buf, 6);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("~^** Unpacking Fetch for ((%x, %d, 0)) to ((%x, %d, %x)), load = %d",
- (GlobalTaskId) buf[0], (int) buf[1],
- (GlobalTaskId) buf[3], (int) buf[4], buf[2], buf[5]));
- lga->weight = 1;
- lga->payload.gc.gtid = (GlobalTaskId) buf[0];
- lga->payload.gc.slot = (int) buf[1];
- rga->weight = (unsigned) buf[2];
- rga->payload.gc.gtid = (GlobalTaskId) buf[3];
- rga->payload.gc.slot = (int) buf[4];
- *load = (int) buf[5];
- ASSERT(rga->weight > 0);
- * SendResume packs the remote blocking queue's GA and data into a message
- * and sends it.
-//@cindex RESUME
- Structure of a RESUME message:
- -------------------------------
- | weight | slot | n | data ...
- -------------------------------
- data is a packed graph represented as an rtsPackBuffer
- n is the size of the graph (as returned by PackNearbyGraph) + packet hdr size
- */
-//@cindex sendResume
-sendResume(globalAddr *rga, int nelem, rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer)
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("~^[] Sending Resume (packet <<%d>> with %d elems) for ((%x, %d, %x)) to [%x]",
- packBuffer->id, nelem,
- rga->payload.gc.gtid, rga->payload.gc.slot, rga->weight,
- rga->payload.gc.gtid));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- PrintPacket(packBuffer));
- ASSERT(nelem==packBuffer->size);
- /* check for magic end-of-buffer word */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, ASSERT(*(packBuffer->buffer+nelem) == END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER));
- sendOpNV(PP_RESUME, rga->payload.gc.gtid,
- nelem + PACK_BUFFER_HDR_SIZE + DEBUG_HEADROOM, (StgPtr)packBuffer,
- 2, (rtsWeight) rga->weight, (StgWord) rga->payload.gc.slot);
- * unpackResume unpacks a Resume message into two Global addresses and
- * a data array.
- */
-//@cindex unpackResume
-static void
-unpackResume(globalAddr *lga, int *nelem, rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer)
- long buf[3];
- GetArgs(buf, 3);
- /*
- RESUME event is written in awaken_blocked_queue
- DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC, taskIDtoPE(lga->payload.gc.gtid),
- GR_RESUME, END_TSO_QUEUE, (StgClosure *)NULL, 0, 0);
- */
- lga->weight = (unsigned) buf[0];
- lga->payload.gc.gtid = mytid;
- lga->payload.gc.slot = (int) buf[1];
- *nelem = (int) buf[2] - PACK_BUFFER_HDR_SIZE - DEBUG_HEADROOM;
- GetArgs(packBuffer, *nelem + PACK_BUFFER_HDR_SIZE + DEBUG_HEADROOM);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("~^[] Unpacking Resume (packet <<%d>> with %d elems) for ((%x, %d, %x))",
- packBuffer->id, *nelem, mytid, (int) buf[1], (unsigned) buf[0]));
- /* check for magic end-of-buffer word */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, ASSERT(*(packBuffer->buffer+*nelem) == END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER));
- * SendAck packs the global address being acknowledged, together with
- * an array of global addresses for any closures shipped and sends them.
-//@cindex ACK
- Structure of an ACK message:
- | GA 1 | GA 2 |
- +---------------------------------------------+-------
- | weight | gtid | slot | weight | gtid | slot | ..... ngas times
- + --------------------------------------------+-------
- */
-//@cindex sendAck
-sendAck(GlobalTaskId task, int ngas, globalAddr *gagamap)
- static long *buffer;
- long *p;
- int i;
- if(ngas==0)
- return; //don't send unnecessary messages!!
- buffer = (long *) gumPackBuffer;
- for(i = 0, p = buffer; i < ngas; i++, p += 6) {
- ASSERT(gagamap[1].weight > 0);
- p[0] = (long) gagamap->weight;
- p[1] = (long) gagamap->payload.gc.gtid;
- p[2] = (long) gagamap->payload.gc.slot;
- gagamap++;
- p[3] = (long) gagamap->weight;
- p[4] = (long) gagamap->payload.gc.gtid;
- p[5] = (long) gagamap->payload.gc.slot;
- gagamap++;
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- belch("~^,, Sending Ack (%d pairs) to [%x]\n",
- ngas, task));
- sendOpN(PP_ACK, task, p - buffer, (StgPtr)buffer);
- * unpackAck unpacks an Acknowledgement message into a Global address,
- * a count of the number of global addresses following and a map of
- * Global addresses
- */
-//@cindex unpackAck
-static void
-unpackAck(int *ngas, globalAddr *gagamap)
- long GAarraysize;
- long buf[6];
- GetArgs(&GAarraysize, 1);
- *ngas = GAarraysize / 6;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- belch("~^,, Unpacking Ack (%d pairs) on [%x]\n",
- *ngas, mytid));
- while (GAarraysize > 0) {
- GetArgs(buf, 6);
- gagamap->weight = (rtsWeight) buf[0];
- gagamap->payload.gc.gtid = (GlobalTaskId) buf[1];
- gagamap->payload.gc.slot = (int) buf[2];
- gagamap++;
- gagamap->weight = (rtsWeight) buf[3];
- gagamap->payload.gc.gtid = (GlobalTaskId) buf[4];
- gagamap->payload.gc.slot = (int) buf[5];
- ASSERT(gagamap->weight > 0);
- gagamap++;
- GAarraysize -= 6;
- }
- * SendFish packs the global address being acknowledged, together with
- * an array of global addresses for any closures shipped and sends them.
-//@cindex FISH
- Structure of a FISH message:
- +----------------------------------+
- | orig PE | age | history | hunger |
- +----------------------------------+
- */
-//@cindex sendFish
-sendFish(GlobalTaskId destPE, GlobalTaskId origPE,
- int age, int history, int hunger)
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fish,
- belch("~^$$ Sending Fish to [%x] (%d outstanding fishes)",
- destPE, outstandingFishes));
- sendOpV(PP_FISH, destPE, 4,
- (StgWord) origPE, (StgWord) age, (StgWord) history, (StgWord) hunger);
- if (origPE == mytid) {
- //fishing = rtsTrue;
- outstandingFishes++;
- }
- * unpackFish unpacks a FISH message into the global task id of the
- * originating PE and 3 data fields: the age, history and hunger of the
- * fish. The history + hunger are not currently used.
- */
-//@cindex unpackFish
-static void
-unpackFish(GlobalTaskId *origPE, int *age, int *history, int *hunger)
- long buf[4];
- GetArgs(buf, 4);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fish,
- belch("~^$$ Unpacking Fish from [%x] (age=%d)",
- (GlobalTaskId) buf[0], (int) buf[1]));
- *origPE = (GlobalTaskId) buf[0];
- *age = (int) buf[1];
- *history = (int) buf[2];
- *hunger = (int) buf[3];
- * SendFree sends (weight, slot) pairs for GAs that we no longer need
- * references to.
-//@cindex FREE
- Structure of a FREE message:
- +-----------------------------
- | n | weight_1 | slot_1 | ...
- +-----------------------------
- */
-//@cindex sendFree
-sendFree(GlobalTaskId pe, int nelem, StgPtr data)
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(free,
- belch("~^!! Sending Free (%d GAs) to [%x]",
- nelem/2, pe));
- sendOpN(PP_FREE, pe, nelem, data);
- * unpackFree unpacks a FREE message into the amount of data shipped and
- * a data block.
- */
-//@cindex unpackFree
-static void
-unpackFree(int *nelem, StgWord *data)
- long buf[1];
- GetArgs(buf, 1);
- *nelem = (int) buf[0];
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(free,
- belch("~^!! Unpacking Free (%d GAs)",
- *nelem/2));
- GetArgs(data, *nelem);
- * SendSchedule sends a closure to be evaluated in response to a Fish
- * message. The message is directed to the PE that originated the Fish
- * (origPE), and includes the packed closure (data) along with its size
- * (nelem).
-//@cindex SCHEDULE
- Structure of a SCHEDULE message:
- +------------------------------------
- | PE | n | pack buffer of a graph ...
- +------------------------------------
- */
-//@cindex sendSchedule
-sendSchedule(GlobalTaskId origPE, int nelem, rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer)
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- belch("~^-- Sending Schedule (packet <<%d>> with %d elems) to [%x]\n",
- packBuffer->id, nelem, origPE));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- PrintPacket(packBuffer));
- ASSERT(nelem==packBuffer->size);
- /* check for magic end-of-buffer word */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, ASSERT(*(packBuffer->buffer+nelem) == END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER));
- sendOpN(PP_SCHEDULE, origPE,
- nelem + PACK_BUFFER_HDR_SIZE + DEBUG_HEADROOM, (StgPtr)packBuffer);
- * unpackSchedule unpacks a SCHEDULE message into the Global address of
- * the closure shipped, the amount of data shipped (nelem) and the data
- * block (data).
- */
-//@cindex unpackSchedule
-static void
-unpackSchedule(int *nelem, rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer)
- long buf[1];
- /* first, just unpack 1 word containing the total size (including header) */
- GetArgs(buf, 1);
- /* no. of elems, not counting the header of the pack buffer */
- *nelem = (int) buf[0] - PACK_BUFFER_HDR_SIZE - DEBUG_HEADROOM;
- /* automatic cast of flat pvm-data to rtsPackBuffer */
- GetArgs(packBuffer, *nelem + PACK_BUFFER_HDR_SIZE + DEBUG_HEADROOM);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- belch("~^-- Unpacking Schedule (packet <<%d>> with %d elems) on [%x]\n",
- packBuffer->id, *nelem, mytid));
- ASSERT(*nelem==packBuffer->size);
- /* check for magic end-of-buffer word */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, ASSERT(*(packBuffer->buffer+*nelem) == END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER));
-#ifdef DIST
-/* sendReval is almost identical to the Schedule version, so we can unpack with unpackSchedule */
-sendReval(GlobalTaskId origPE, int nelem, rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer)
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- belch("~^-- Sending Reval (packet <<%d>> with %d elems) to [%x]\n",
- packBuffer->id, nelem, origPE));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- PrintPacket(packBuffer));
- ASSERT(nelem==packBuffer->size);
- /* check for magic end-of-buffer word */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, ASSERT(*(packBuffer->buffer+nelem) == END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER));
- sendOpN(PP_REVAL, origPE,
- nelem + PACK_BUFFER_HDR_SIZE + DEBUG_HEADROOM, (StgPtr)packBuffer);
-void FinishReval(StgTSO *t)
-{ StgClosure *res;
- globalAddr ga;
- nat size;
- rtsPackBuffer *buffer=NULL;
- ga.payload.gc.slot = t->revalSlot;
- ga.payload.gc.gtid = t->revalTid;
- ga.weight = 0;
- //find where the reval result is
- res = GALAlookup(&ga);
- ASSERT(res);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- printGA(&ga);
- belch(" needs the result %08x\n",res));
- //send off the result
- buffer = PackNearbyGraph(res, END_TSO_QUEUE, &size,ga.payload.gc.gtid);
- ASSERT(buffer != (rtsPackBuffer *)NULL);
- sendResume(&ga, size, buffer);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- belch("@;~) Reval Finished"));
-#endif /* DIST */
-//@node Message-Processing Functions, GUM Message Processor, GUM Message Sending and Unpacking Functions, High Level Communications Routines
-//@subsection Message-Processing Functions
- * Message-Processing Functions
- *
- * The following routines process incoming GUM messages. Often reissuing
- * messages in response.
- *
- * processFish unpacks a fish message, reissuing it if it's our own,
- * sending work if we have it or sending it onwards otherwise.
- */
- * processFetches constructs and sends resume messages for every
- * BlockedFetch which is ready to be awakened.
- * awaken_blocked_queue (in Schedule.c) is responsible for moving
- * BlockedFetches from a blocking queue to the PendingFetches queue.
- */
-void GetRoots(void);
-extern StgBlockedFetch *PendingFetches;
- StgBlockedFetch *bf;
- nat n;
- for (n=0, bf=PendingFetches; bf != END_BF_QUEUE; n++, bf = (StgBlockedFetch *)(bf->link)) {
- ASSERT(get_itbl(bf)->type==BLOCKED_FETCH);
- }
- return n;
-//@cindex processFetches
-processFetches(void) {
- StgBlockedFetch *bf, *next;
- StgClosure *closure;
- StgInfoTable *ip;
- globalAddr rga;
- static rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("____ processFetches: %d pending fetches (root @ %p)",
- pending_fetches_len(), PendingFetches));
- for (bf = PendingFetches;
- bf != END_BF_QUEUE;
- bf=next) {
- /* the PendingFetches list contains only BLOCKED_FETCH closures */
- ASSERT(get_itbl(bf)->type==BLOCKED_FETCH);
- /* store link (we might overwrite it via blockFetch later on */
- next = (StgBlockedFetch *)(bf->link);
- /*
- * Find the target at the end of the indirection chain, and
- * process it in much the same fashion as the original target
- * of the fetch. Though we hope to find graph here, we could
- * find a black hole (of any flavor) or even a FetchMe.
- */
- closure = bf->node;
- /*
- We evacuate BQs and update the node fields where necessary in GC.c
- So, if we find an EVACUATED closure, something has gone Very Wrong
- (and therefore we let the RTS crash most ungracefully).
- */
- ASSERT(get_itbl(closure)->type != EVACUATED);
- // closure = ((StgEvacuated *)closure)->evacuee;
- closure = UNWIND_IND(closure);
- //while ((ind = IS_INDIRECTION(closure)) != NULL) { closure = ind; }
- ip = get_itbl(closure);
- if (ip->type == FETCH_ME) {
- /* Forward the Fetch to someone else */
- rga.payload.gc.gtid = bf->ga.payload.gc.gtid;
- rga.payload.gc.slot = bf->ga.payload.gc.slot;
- rga.weight = bf->ga.weight;
- sendFetch(((StgFetchMe *)closure)->ga, &rga, 0 /* load */);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_fetch_mess++;
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("__-> processFetches: Forwarding fetch from %lx to %lx",
- mytid, rga.payload.gc.gtid));
- } else if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(closure)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("__++ processFetches: trying to send a BLACK_HOLE => doing a blockFetch on closure %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- bf->node = closure;
- blockFetch(bf, closure);
- } else {
- /* We now have some local graph to send back */
- nat size;
- packBuffer = gumPackBuffer;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("__*> processFetches: PackNearbyGraph of closure %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- if ((packBuffer = PackNearbyGraph(closure, END_TSO_QUEUE, &size, bf->ga.payload.gc.gtid)) == NULL) {
- // Put current BF back on list
- bf->link = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)PendingFetches;
- PendingFetches = (StgBlockedFetch *)bf;
- // ToDo: check that nothing more has to be done to prepare for GC!
- barf("processFetches: out of heap while packing graph; ToDo: call GC here");
- GarbageCollect(GetRoots, rtsFalse);
- bf = PendingFetches;
- PendingFetches = (StgBlockedFetch *)(bf->link);
- closure = bf->node;
- packBuffer = PackNearbyGraph(closure, END_TSO_QUEUE, &size, bf->ga.payload.gc.gtid);
- ASSERT(packBuffer != (rtsPackBuffer *)NULL);
- }
- rga.payload.gc.gtid = bf->ga.payload.gc.gtid;
- rga.payload.gc.slot = bf->ga.payload.gc.slot;
- rga.weight = bf->ga.weight;
- sendResume(&rga, size, packBuffer);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_resume_mess++;
- }
- }
- }
- PendingFetches = END_BF_QUEUE;
-#if 0
- Alternatively to sending fetch messages directly from the FETCH_ME_entry
- code we could just store the data about the remote data in a global
- variable and send the fetch request from the main scheduling loop (similar
- to processFetches above). This would save an expensive STGCALL in the entry
- code because we have to go back to the scheduler anyway.
-//@cindex processFetches
-processTheRealFetches(void) {
- StgBlockedFetch *bf;
- StgClosure *closure, *next;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("__ processTheRealFetches: ");
- printGA(&theGlobalFromGA);
- printGA(&theGlobalToGA));
- ASSERT(theGlobalFromGA.payload.gc.gtid != 0 &&
- theGlobalToGA.payload.gc.gtid != 0);
- /* the old version did this in the FETCH_ME entry code */
- sendFetch(&theGlobalFromGA, &theGlobalToGA, 0/*load*/);
- Way of dealing with unwanted fish.
- Used during startup/shutdown, or from unknown PEs
-bounceFish(void) {
- GlobalTaskId origPE;
- int age, history, hunger;
- /* IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose, */
- belch(".... [%x] Bouncing unwanted FISH",mytid);
- unpackFish(&origPE, &age, &history, &hunger);
- if (origPE == mytid) {
- //fishing = rtsFalse; // fish has come home
- outstandingFishes--;
- last_fish_arrived_at = CURRENT_TIME; // remember time (see schedule fct)
- return; // that's all
- }
- /* otherwise, send it home to die */
- sendFish(origPE, origPE, (age + 1), NEW_FISH_HISTORY, NEW_FISH_HUNGER);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_fish_mess++;
- }
- * processFish unpacks a fish message, reissuing it if it's our own,
- * sending work if we have it or sending it onwards otherwise.
- */
-//@cindex processFish
-static void
- GlobalTaskId origPE;
- int age, history, hunger;
- rtsSpark spark;
- static rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer;
- unpackFish(&origPE, &age, &history, &hunger);
- if (origPE == mytid) {
- //fishing = rtsFalse; // fish has come home
- outstandingFishes--;
- last_fish_arrived_at = CURRENT_TIME; // remember time (see schedule fct)
- return; // that's all
- }
- ASSERT(origPE != mytid);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fish,
- belch("$$__ processing fish; %d sparks available",
- spark_queue_len(&(MainRegTable.rSparks))));
- while ((spark = findSpark(rtsTrue/*for_export*/)) != NULL) {
- nat size;
- // StgClosure *graph;
- packBuffer = gumPackBuffer;
- ASSERT(closure_SHOULD_SPARK((StgClosure *)spark));
- if ((packBuffer = PackNearbyGraph(spark, END_TSO_QUEUE, &size,origPE)) == NULL) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fish,
- belch("$$ GC while trying to satisfy FISH via PackNearbyGraph of node %p",
- (StgClosure *)spark));
- barf("processFish: out of heap while packing graph; ToDo: call GC here");
- GarbageCollect(GetRoots, rtsFalse);
- /* Now go back and try again */
- } else {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Sparks)
- belch("==== STEALING spark %x; sending to %x", spark, origPE));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fish,
- belch("$$-- Replying to FISH from %x by sending graph @ %p (%s)",
- origPE,
- (StgClosure *)spark, info_type((StgClosure *)spark)));
- sendSchedule(origPE, size, packBuffer);
- disposeSpark(spark);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_schedule_mess++;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (spark == (rtsSpark)NULL) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fish,
- belch("$$^^ No sparks available for FISH from %x",
- origPE));
- /* We have no sparks to give */
- /* and the fish is atill young, send it to another PE to look for work */
- sendFish(choosePE(), origPE,
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_fish_mess++;
- }
- } else { /* otherwise, send it home to die */
- sendFish(origPE, origPE, (age + 1), NEW_FISH_HISTORY, NEW_FISH_HUNGER);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_fish_mess++;
- }
- }
- }
-} /* processFish */
- * processFetch either returns the requested data (if available)
- * or blocks the remote blocking queue on a black hole (if not).
- */
-//@cindex processFetch
-static void
- globalAddr ga, rga;
- int load;
- StgClosure *closure;
- StgInfoTable *ip;
- unpackFetch(&ga, &rga, &load);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("%%%%__ Rcvd Fetch for ((%x, %d, 0)), Resume ((%x, %d, %x)) (load %d) from %x",
- ga.payload.gc.gtid, ga.payload.gc.slot,
- rga.payload.gc.gtid, rga.payload.gc.slot, rga.weight, load,
- rga.payload.gc.gtid));
- closure = GALAlookup(&ga);
- ASSERT(closure != (StgClosure *)NULL);
- ip = get_itbl(closure);
- if (ip->type == FETCH_ME) {
- /* Forward the Fetch to someone else */
- sendFetch(((StgFetchMe *)closure)->ga, &rga, load);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_fetch_mess++;
- }
- } else if (rga.payload.gc.gtid == mytid) {
- /* Our own FETCH forwarded back around to us */
- StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *fmbq = (StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *)GALAlookup(&rga);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("%%%%== Fetch returned to sending PE; closure=%p (%s); receiver=%p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure), fmbq, info_type((StgClosure*)fmbq)));
- /* We may have already discovered that the fetch target is our own. */
- if ((StgClosure *)fmbq != closure)
- CommonUp((StgClosure *)fmbq, closure);
- (void) addWeight(&rga);
- } else if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(closure)) {
- /* This includes RBH's and FMBQ's */
- StgBlockedFetch *bf;
- /* Can we assert something on the remote GA? */
- ASSERT(GALAlookup(&rga) == NULL);
- /* If we're hitting a BH or RBH or FMBQ we have to put a BLOCKED_FETCH
- closure into the BQ in order to denote that when updating this node
- the result should be sent to the originator of this fetch message. */
- bf = (StgBlockedFetch *)createBlockedFetch(ga, rga);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("%%++ Blocking Fetch ((%x, %d, %x)) on %p (%s)",
- rga.payload.gc.gtid, rga.payload.gc.slot, rga.weight,
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- blockFetch(bf, closure);
- } else {
- /* The target of the FetchMe is some local graph */
- nat size;
- // StgClosure *graph;
- rtsPackBuffer *buffer = (rtsPackBuffer *)NULL;
- if ((buffer = PackNearbyGraph(closure, END_TSO_QUEUE, &size, rga.payload.gc.gtid)) == NULL) {
- barf("processFetch: out of heap while packing graph; ToDo: call GC here");
- GarbageCollect(GetRoots, rtsFalse);
- closure = GALAlookup(&ga);
- buffer = PackNearbyGraph(closure, END_TSO_QUEUE, &size, rga.payload.gc.gtid);
- ASSERT(buffer != (rtsPackBuffer *)NULL);
- }
- sendResume(&rga, size, buffer);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_resume_mess++;
- }
- }
- The list of pending fetches must be a root-list for GC.
- This routine is called from GC.c (same as marking GAs etc).
-markPendingFetches(rtsBool major_gc) {
- /* No need to traverse the list; this is done via the scavenge code
- for a BLOCKED_FETCH closure, which evacuates the link field */
- if (PendingFetches != END_BF_QUEUE ) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fprintf(stderr, "@@@@ PendingFetches is root; evaced from %p to",
- PendingFetches));
- PendingFetches = MarkRoot((StgClosure*)PendingFetches);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr, " %p\n", PendingFetches));
- } else {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- fprintf(stderr, "@@@@ PendingFetches is empty; no need to mark it\n"));
- }
- * processFree unpacks a FREE message and adds the weights to our GAs.
- */
-//@cindex processFree
-static void
- int nelem;
- static StgWord *buffer;
- int i;
- globalAddr ga;
- buffer = (StgWord *)gumPackBuffer;
- unpackFree(&nelem, buffer);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(free,
- belch("!!__ Rcvd Free (%d GAs)", nelem / 2));
- ga.payload.gc.gtid = mytid;
- for (i = 0; i < nelem;) {
- ga.weight = (rtsWeight) buffer[i++];
- ga.payload.gc.slot = (int) buffer[i++];
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(free,
- fprintf(stderr, "!!-- Processing free ");
- printGA(&ga);
- fputc('\n', stderr);
- );
- (void) addWeight(&ga);
- }
- * processResume unpacks a RESUME message into the graph, filling in
- * the LA -> GA, and GA -> LA tables. Threads blocked on the original
- * FetchMe (now a blocking queue) are awakened, and the blocking queue
- * is converted into an indirection. Finally it sends an ACK in response
- * which contains any newly allocated GAs.
- */
-//@cindex processResume
-static void
-processResume(GlobalTaskId sender)
- int nelem;
- nat nGAs;
- static rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer;
- StgClosure *newGraph, *old;
- globalAddr lga;
- globalAddr *gagamap;
- packBuffer = (rtsPackBuffer *)gumPackBuffer;
- unpackResume(&lga, &nelem, packBuffer);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- fprintf(stderr, "[]__ Rcvd Resume for ");
- printGA(&lga);
- fputc('\n', stderr));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- PrintPacket((rtsPackBuffer *)packBuffer));
- /*
- * We always unpack the incoming graph, even if we've received the
- * requested node in some other data packet (and already awakened
- * the blocking queue).
- if (SAVE_Hp + packBuffer[0] >= SAVE_HpLim) {
- ReallyPerformThreadGC(packBuffer[0], rtsFalse);
- SAVE_Hp -= packBuffer[0];
- }
- */
- // ToDo: Check for GC here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- /* Do this *after* GC; we don't want to release the object early! */
- if (lga.weight > 0)
- (void) addWeight(&lga);
- old = GALAlookup(&lga);
- /* ToDo: The closure that requested this graph must be one of these two?*/
- ASSERT(get_itbl(old)->type == FETCH_ME_BQ ||
- get_itbl(old)->type == RBH);
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Full) {
- StgBlockingQueueElement *bqe, *last_bqe;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("[]-- Resume is REPLY to closure %lx", old));
- /* Write REPLY events to the log file, indicating that the remote
- data has arrived
- NB: we emit a REPLY only for the *last* elem in the queue; this is
- the one that triggered the fetch message; all other entries
- have just added themselves to the queue, waiting for the data
- they know that has been requested (see entry code for FETCH_ME_BQ)
- */
- if ((get_itbl(old)->type == FETCH_ME_BQ ||
- get_itbl(old)->type == RBH)) {
- for (bqe = ((StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *)old)->blocking_queue,
- last_bqe = END_BQ_QUEUE;
- get_itbl(bqe)->type==TSO ||
- get_itbl(bqe)->type==BLOCKED_FETCH;
- last_bqe = bqe, bqe = bqe->link) { /* nothing */ }
- ASSERT(last_bqe==END_BQ_QUEUE ||
- get_itbl((StgClosure *)last_bqe)->type == TSO);
- /* last_bqe now points to the TSO that triggered the FETCH */
- if (get_itbl((StgClosure *)last_bqe)->type == TSO)
- DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC, taskIDtoPE(sender),
- GR_REPLY, ((StgTSO *)last_bqe), ((StgTSO *)last_bqe)->block_info.closure,
- 0, spark_queue_len(&(MainRegTable.rSparks)));
- }
- }
- newGraph = UnpackGraph(packBuffer, &gagamap, &nGAs);
- ASSERT(newGraph != NULL);
- /*
- * Sometimes, unpacking will common up the resumee with the
- * incoming graph, but if it hasn't, we'd better do so now.
- */
- if (get_itbl(old)->type == FETCH_ME_BQ)
- CommonUp(old, newGraph);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(fetch,
- belch("[]-- Ready to resume unpacked graph at %p (%s)",
- newGraph, info_type(newGraph)));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- DebugPrintGAGAMap(gagamap, nGAs));
- sendAck(sender, nGAs, gagamap);
- * processSchedule unpacks a SCHEDULE message into the graph, filling
- * in the LA -> GA, and GA -> LA tables. The root of the graph is added to
- * the local spark queue. Finally it sends an ACK in response
- * which contains any newly allocated GAs.
- */
-//@cindex processSchedule
-static void
-processSchedule(GlobalTaskId sender)
- nat nelem, nGAs;
- rtsBool success;
- static rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer;
- StgClosure *newGraph;
- globalAddr *gagamap;
- packBuffer = gumPackBuffer; /* HWL */
- unpackSchedule(&nelem, packBuffer);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- belch("--__ Rcvd Schedule (%d elems)", nelem));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- PrintPacket(packBuffer));
- /*
- * For now, the graph is a closure to be sparked as an advisory
- * spark, but in future it may be a complete spark with
- * required/advisory status, priority etc.
- */
- /*
- space_required = packBuffer[0];
- if (SAVE_Hp + space_required >= SAVE_HpLim) {
- ReallyPerformThreadGC(space_required, rtsFalse);
- SAVE_Hp -= space_required;
- }
- */
- // ToDo: check whether GC is necessary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- newGraph = UnpackGraph(packBuffer, &gagamap, &nGAs);
- ASSERT(newGraph != NULL);
- success = add_to_spark_queue(newGraph, &(MainRegTable.rSparks));
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Full &&
- RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Sparks &&
- success)
- GR_STOLEN, ((StgTSO *)NULL), newGraph,
- 0, 0 /* spark_queue_len(ADVISORY_POOL) */);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- if (success)
- belch("--^^ added spark to unpacked graph %p (%s); %d sparks available on [%x] (%s)",
- newGraph, info_type(newGraph), spark_queue_len(&(MainRegTable.rSparks)), mytid);
- else
- belch("--^^ received non-sparkable closure %p (%s); nothing added to spark pool; %d sparks available on [%x]",
- newGraph, info_type(newGraph), spark_queue_len(&(MainRegTable.rSparks)), mytid));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- belch("*< Unpacked graph with root at %p (%s):",
- newGraph, info_type(newGraph));
- PrintGraph(newGraph, 0));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- DebugPrintGAGAMap(gagamap, nGAs));
- sendAck(sender, nGAs, gagamap);
- //fishing = rtsFalse;
- ASSERT(outstandingFishes>0);
- outstandingFishes--;
- * processAck unpacks an ACK, and uses the GAGA map to convert RBH's
- * (which represent shared thunks that have been shipped) into fetch-mes
- * to remote GAs.
- */
-//@cindex processAck
-static void
- nat nGAs;
- globalAddr *gaga;
- globalAddr gagamap[256]; // ToDo: elim magic constant!! MAX_GAS * 2];??
- unpackAck(&nGAs, gagamap);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch(",,,, Rcvd Ack (%d pairs)", nGAs);
- DebugPrintGAGAMap(gagamap, nGAs));
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- checkGAGAMap(gagamap, nGAs));
- /*
- * For each (oldGA, newGA) pair, set the GA of the corresponding
- * thunk to the newGA, convert the thunk to a FetchMe, and return
- * the weight from the oldGA.
- */
- for (gaga = gagamap; gaga < gagamap + nGAs * 2; gaga += 2) {
- StgClosure *old_closure = GALAlookup(gaga);
- StgClosure *new_closure = GALAlookup(gaga + 1);
- ASSERT(old_closure != NULL);
- if (new_closure == NULL) {
- /* We don't have this closure, so we make a fetchme for it */
- globalAddr *ga = setRemoteGA(old_closure, gaga + 1, rtsTrue);
- /* convertToFetchMe should be done unconditionally here.
- Currently, we assign GAs to CONSTRs, too, (a bit of a hack),
- so we have to check whether it is an RBH before converting
- ASSERT(get_itbl(old_closure)==RBH);
- */
- if (get_itbl(old_closure)->type==RBH)
- convertToFetchMe((StgRBH *)old_closure, ga);
- } else {
- /*
- * Oops...we've got this one already; update the RBH to
- * point to the object we already know about, whatever it
- * happens to be.
- */
- CommonUp(old_closure, new_closure);
- /*
- * Increase the weight of the object by the amount just
- * received in the second part of the ACK pair.
- */
- (void) addWeight(gaga + 1);
- }
- (void) addWeight(gaga);
- }
- /* check the sanity of the LAGA and GALA tables after mincing them */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, checkLAGAtable(rtsFalse));
-#ifdef DIST
-bounceReval(void) {
- barf("Task %x: TODO: should send NACK in response to REVAL",mytid);
-static void
-processReval(GlobalTaskId sender) //similar to schedule...
-{ nat nelem, space_required, nGAs;
- static rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer;
- StgClosure *newGraph;
- globalAddr *gagamap;
- StgTSO* tso;
- globalAddr *ga;
- packBuffer = gumPackBuffer; /* HWL */
- unpackSchedule(&nelem, packBuffer); /* okay, since the structure is the same */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- belch("@;~) [%x] Rcvd Reval (%d elems)", mytid, nelem);
- PrintPacket(packBuffer));
- /*
- space_required = packBuffer[0];
- if (SAVE_Hp + space_required >= SAVE_HpLim) {
- ReallyPerformThreadGC(space_required, rtsFalse);
- SAVE_Hp -= space_required;
- }
- */
- // ToDo: check whether GC is necessary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- newGraph = UnpackGraph(packBuffer, &gagamap, &nGAs);
- ASSERT(newGraph != NULL);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- belch("@;~) Unpacked graph with root at %p (%s):",
- newGraph, info_type(newGraph));
- PrintGraph(newGraph, 0));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- DebugPrintGAGAMap(gagamap, nGAs));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- printLAGAtable();
- DebugPrintGAGAMap(gagamap, nGAs));
- //We don't send an Ack to the head!!!!
- ASSERT(nGAs>0);
- sendAck(sender, nGAs-1, gagamap+2);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("@;~) About to create Reval thread on behalf of %x",
- sender));
- tso=createGenThread(RtsFlags.GcFlags.initialStkSize,newGraph);
- tso->priority=RevalPriority;
- tso->revalSlot=gagamap->payload.gc.slot;//record who sent the reval
- tso->revalTid =gagamap->payload.gc.gtid;
- scheduleThread(tso);
- context_switch = 1; // switch at the earliest opportunity
-//@node GUM Message Processor, Miscellaneous Functions, Message-Processing Functions, High Level Communications Routines
-//@subsection GUM Message Processor
- * GUM Message Processor
- * processMessages processes any messages that have arrived, calling
- * appropriate routines depending on the message tag
- * (opcode). N.B. Unless profiling it assumes that there {\em ARE} messages
- * present and performs a blocking receive! During profiling it
- * busy-waits in order to record idle time.
- */
-//@cindex processMessages
- rtsPacket packet;
- OpCode opcode;
- GlobalTaskId task;
- rtsBool receivedFinish = rtsFalse;
- do {
- packet = GetPacket(); /* Get next message; block until one available */
- getOpcodeAndSender(packet, &opcode, &task);
- if (task==SysManTask) {
- switch (opcode) {
- case PP_PETIDS:
- processPEtids();
- break;
- case PP_FINISH:
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("==== received FINISH [%p]", mytid));
- /* this boolean value is returned and propagated to the main
- scheduling loop, thus shutting-down this PE */
- receivedFinish = rtsTrue;
- break;
- default:
- barf("Task %x: received unknown opcode %x from SysMan",mytid, opcode);
- }
- } else if (taskIDtoPE(task)==0) {
- /* When a new PE joins then potentially FISH & REVAL message may
- reach PES before they are notified of the new PEs existance. The
- only solution is to bounce/fail these messages back to the sender.
- But we will worry about it once we start seeing these race
- conditions! */
- switch (opcode) {
- case PP_FISH:
- bounceFish();
- break;
-#ifdef DIST
- case PP_REVAL:
- bounceReval();
- break;
- case PP_PETIDS:
- belch("Task %x: Ignoring PVM session opened by another SysMan %x",mytid,task);
- break;
- case PP_FINISH:
- break;
- default:
- belch("Task %x: Ignoring opcode %x from unknown PE %x",mytid, opcode, task);
- }
- } else
- switch (opcode) {
- case PP_FETCH:
- processFetch();
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.rec_fetch_mess++;
- }
- break;
- case PP_RESUME:
- processResume(task);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.rec_resume_mess++;
- }
- break;
- case PP_ACK:
- processAck();
- break;
- case PP_FISH:
- processFish();
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.rec_fish_mess++;
- }
- break;
- case PP_FREE:
- processFree();
- break;
- processSchedule(task);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.rec_schedule_mess++;
- }
- break;
-#ifdef DIST
- case PP_REVAL:
- processReval(task);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.rec_reval_mess++;
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* Anything we're not prepared to deal with. */
- barf("Task %x: Unexpected opcode %x from %x",
- mytid, opcode, task);
- } /* switch */
- } while (PacketsWaiting()); /* While there are messages: process them */
- return receivedFinish;
-} /* processMessages */
-//@node Miscellaneous Functions, Index, GUM Message Processor, High Level Communications Routines
-//@subsection Miscellaneous Functions
- * blockFetch blocks a BlockedFetch node on some kind of black hole.
- */
-//@cindex blockFetch
-blockFetch(StgBlockedFetch *bf, StgClosure *bh) {
- bf->node = bh;
- switch (get_itbl(bh)->type) {
- bf->link = END_BQ_QUEUE;
- //((StgBlockingQueue *)bh)-> = &stg_BLACKHOLE_BQ_info;
- SET_INFO(bh, &stg_BLACKHOLE_BQ_info); // turn closure into a blocking queue
- ((StgBlockingQueue *)bh)->blocking_queue = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)bf;
- // put bh on the mutables list
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)bh);
- break;
- /* enqueue bf on blocking queue of closure bh */
- bf->link = ((StgBlockingQueue *)bh)->blocking_queue;
- ((StgBlockingQueue *)bh)->blocking_queue = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)bf;
- // put bh on the mutables list; ToDo: check
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)bh);
- break;
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- /* enqueue bf on blocking queue of closure bh */
- bf->link = ((StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *)bh)->blocking_queue;
- ((StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *)bh)->blocking_queue = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)bf;
- // put bh on the mutables list; ToDo: check
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)bh);
- break;
- case RBH:
- /* enqueue bf on blocking queue of closure bh */
- bf->link = ((StgRBH *)bh)->blocking_queue;
- ((StgRBH *)bh)->blocking_queue = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)bf;
- // put bh on the mutables list; ToDo: check
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)bh);
- break;
- default:
- barf("blockFetch: thought %p was a black hole (IP %#lx, %s)",
- (StgClosure *)bh, get_itbl((StgClosure *)bh),
- info_type((StgClosure *)bh));
- }
- belch("##++ blockFetch: after block the BQ of %p (%s) is:",
- bh, info_type(bh));
- print_bq(bh));
- @blockThread@ is called from the main scheduler whenever tso returns with
- a ThreadBlocked return code; tso has already been added to a blocking
- queue (that's done in the entry code of the closure, because it is a
- cheap operation we have to do in any case); the main purpose of this
- routine is to send a Fetch message in case we are blocking on a FETCHME(_BQ)
- closure, which is indicated by the tso.why_blocked field;
- we also write an entry into the log file if we are generating one
- Should update exectime etc in the entry code already; but we don't have
- something like ``system time'' in the log file anyway, so this should
- even out the inaccuracies.
-//@cindex blockThread
-blockThread(StgTSO *tso)
- globalAddr *remote_ga=NULL;
- globalAddr *local_ga;
- globalAddr fmbq_ga;
- // ASSERT(we are on some blocking queue)
- ASSERT(tso->block_info.closure != (StgClosure *)NULL);
- /*
- We have to check why this thread has been blocked.
- */
- switch (tso->why_blocked) {
- case BlockedOnGA:
- /* the closure must be a FETCH_ME_BQ; tso came in here via
- FETCH_ME entry code */
- ASSERT(get_itbl(tso->block_info.closure)->type==FETCH_ME_BQ);
- /* HACK: the link field is used to hold the GA between FETCH_ME_entry
- end this point; if something (eg. GC) happens inbetween the whole
- thing will blow up
- The problem is that the ga field of the FETCH_ME has been overwritten
- with the head of the blocking queue (which is tso).
- */
- ASSERT(looks_like_ga(&theGlobalFromGA));
- // ASSERT(tso->link!=END_TSO_QUEUE && tso->link!=NULL);
- remote_ga = &theGlobalFromGA; //tso->link;
- tso->link = (StgTSO*)END_BQ_QUEUE;
- /* it was tso which turned node from FETCH_ME into FETCH_ME_BQ =>
- we have to send a Fetch message here! */
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Full) {
- /* Note that CURRENT_TIME may perform an unsafe call */
- tso->par.exectime += CURRENT_TIME - tso->par.blockedat;
- tso->par.fetchcount++;
- tso->par.blockedat = CURRENT_TIME;
- /* we are about to send off a FETCH message, so dump a FETCH event */
- DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC,
- taskIDtoPE(remote_ga->payload.gc.gtid),
- GR_FETCH, tso, tso->block_info.closure, 0, 0);
- }
- /* Phil T. claims that this was a workaround for a hard-to-find
- * bug, hence I'm leaving it out for now --SDM
- */
- /* Assign a brand-new global address to the newly created FMBQ */
- local_ga = makeGlobal(tso->block_info.closure, rtsFalse);
- splitWeight(&fmbq_ga, local_ga);
- ASSERT(fmbq_ga.weight == 1U << (BITS_IN(unsigned) - 1));
- sendFetch(remote_ga, &fmbq_ga, 0/*load*/);
- // Global statistics: count no. of fetches
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_fetch_mess++;
- }
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- theGlobalFromGA.payload.gc.gtid = (GlobalTaskId)0);
- break;
- case BlockedOnGA_NoSend:
- /* the closure must be a FETCH_ME_BQ; tso came in here via
- FETCH_ME_BQ entry code */
- ASSERT(get_itbl(tso->block_info.closure)->type==FETCH_ME_BQ);
- /* Fetch message has been sent already */
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Full) {
- /* Note that CURRENT_TIME may perform an unsafe call */
- tso->par.exectime += CURRENT_TIME - tso->par.blockedat;
- tso->par.blockcount++;
- tso->par.blockedat = CURRENT_TIME;
- /* dump a block event, because fetch has been sent already */
- DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC, thisPE,
- GR_BLOCK, tso, tso->block_info.closure, 0, 0);
- }
- break;
- case BlockedOnMVar:
- case BlockedOnBlackHole:
- /* the closure must be a BLACKHOLE_BQ or an RBH; tso came in here via
- BLACKHOLE(_BQ) or CAF_BLACKHOLE or RBH entry code */
- ASSERT(get_itbl(tso->block_info.closure)->type==MVAR ||
- get_itbl(tso->block_info.closure)->type==BLACKHOLE_BQ ||
- get_itbl(tso->block_info.closure)->type==RBH);
- /* if collecting stats update the execution time etc */
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Full) {
- /* Note that CURRENT_TIME may perform an unsafe call */
- tso->par.exectime += CURRENT_TIME - tso->par.blockedat;
- tso->par.blockcount++;
- tso->par.blockedat = CURRENT_TIME;
- DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC, thisPE,
- GR_BLOCK, tso, tso->block_info.closure, 0, 0);
- }
- break;
- case BlockedOnDelay:
- /* Whats sort of stats shall we collect for an explicit threadDelay? */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("##++ blockThread: TSO %d blocked on ThreadDelay",
- tso->id));
- break;
- /* Check that the following is impossible to happen, indeed
- case BlockedOnException:
- case BlockedOnRead:
- case BlockedOnWrite:
- */
- default:
- barf("blockThread: impossible why_blocked code %d for TSO %d",
- tso->why_blocked, tso->id);
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("##++ blockThread: TSO %d blocked on closure %p (%s); %s",
- tso->id, tso->block_info.closure, info_type(tso->block_info.closure),
- (tso->why_blocked==BlockedOnGA) ? "Sent FETCH for GA" : ""));
- print_bq(tso->block_info.closure));
- * ChoosePE selects a GlobalTaskId from the array of PEs 'at random'.
- * Important properties:
- * - it varies during execution, even if the PE is idle
- * - it's different for each PE
- * - we never send a fish to ourselves
- */
-extern long lrand48 (void);
-//@cindex choosePE
- long temp;
- temp = lrand48() % nPEs;
- if (allPEs[temp] == mytid) { /* Never send a FISH to yourself */
- temp = (temp + 1) % nPEs;
- }
- return allPEs[temp];
- * allocate a BLOCKED_FETCH closure and fill it with the relevant fields
- * of the ga argument; called from processFetch when the local closure is
- * under evaluation
- */
-//@cindex createBlockedFetch
-StgClosure *
-createBlockedFetch (globalAddr ga, globalAddr rga)
- StgBlockedFetch *bf;
- StgClosure *closure;
- closure = GALAlookup(&ga);
- if ((bf = (StgBlockedFetch *)allocate(_HS + sizeofW(StgBlockedFetch))) == NULL) {
- barf("createBlockedFetch: out of heap while allocating heap for a BlocekdFetch; ToDo: call GC here");
- GarbageCollect(GetRoots, rtsFalse);
- closure = GALAlookup(&ga);
- bf = (StgBlockedFetch *)allocate(_HS + sizeofW(StgBlockedFetch));
- // ToDo: check whether really guaranteed to succeed 2nd time around
- }
- ASSERT(bf != (StgBlockedFetch *)NULL);
- SET_INFO((StgClosure *)bf, &stg_BLOCKED_FETCH_info);
- // ToDo: check whether other header info is needed
- bf->node = closure;
- bf->ga.payload.gc.gtid = rga.payload.gc.gtid;
- bf->ga.payload.gc.slot = rga.payload.gc.slot;
- bf->ga.weight = rga.weight;
- // bf->link = NULL; debugging
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(schedule,
- fprintf(stderr, "%%%%// created BF: bf=%p (%s) of closure , GA: ",
- bf, info_type((StgClosure*)bf));
- printGA(&(bf->ga));
- fputc('\n',stderr));
- return (StgClosure *)bf;
- * waitForTermination enters a loop ignoring spurious messages while
- * waiting for the termination sequence to be completed.
- */
-//@cindex waitForTermination
- do {
- rtsPacket p = GetPacket();
- processUnexpectedMessage(p);
- } while (rtsTrue);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-//@cindex DebugPrintGAGAMap
-DebugPrintGAGAMap(globalAddr *gagamap, int nGAs)
- nat i;
- for (i = 0; i < nGAs; ++i, gagamap += 2)
- fprintf(stderr, "__ gagamap[%d] = ((%x, %d, %x)) -> ((%x, %d, %x))\n", i,
- gagamap[0].payload.gc.gtid, gagamap[0].payload.gc.slot, gagamap[0].weight,
- gagamap[1].payload.gc.gtid, gagamap[1].payload.gc.slot, gagamap[1].weight);
-//@cindex checkGAGAMap
-checkGAGAMap(globalAddr *gagamap, int nGAs)
- nat i;
- for (i = 0; i < (nat)nGAs; ++i, gagamap += 2) {
- ASSERT(looks_like_ga(gagamap));
- ASSERT(looks_like_ga(gagamap+1));
- }
-//@cindex freeMsgBuffer
-static StgWord **freeMsgBuffer = NULL;
-//@cindex freeMsgIndex
-static nat *freeMsgIndex = NULL;
-//@cindex prepareFreeMsgBuffers
- nat i;
- /* Allocate the freeMsg buffers just once and then hang onto them. */
- if (freeMsgIndex == NULL) {
- freeMsgIndex = (nat *) stgMallocBytes(nPEs * sizeof(nat),
- "prepareFreeMsgBuffers (Index)");
- freeMsgBuffer = (StgWord **) stgMallocBytes(nPEs * sizeof(long *),
- "prepareFreeMsgBuffers (Buffer)");
- for(i = 0; i < nPEs; i++)
- if (i != (thisPE-1))
- freeMsgBuffer[i] = (StgPtr) stgMallocWords(RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize,
- "prepareFreeMsgBuffers (Buffer #i)");
- else
- freeMsgBuffer[i] = 0;
- }
- /* Initialize the freeMsg buffer pointers to point to the start of their
- buffers */
- for (i = 0; i < nPEs; i++)
- freeMsgIndex[i] = 0;
-//@cindex freeRemoteGA
-freeRemoteGA(int pe, globalAddr *ga)
- nat i;
- ASSERT(GALAlookup(ga) == NULL);
- if ((i = freeMsgIndex[pe]) + 2 >= RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(free,
- belch("!! Filled a free message buffer (sending remaining messages indivisually)"));
- sendFree(ga->payload.gc.gtid, i, freeMsgBuffer[pe]);
- i = 0;
- }
- freeMsgBuffer[pe][i++] = (StgWord) ga->weight;
- freeMsgBuffer[pe][i++] = (StgWord) ga->payload.gc.slot;
- freeMsgIndex[pe] = i;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- ga->weight = 0xdead0add;
- ga->payload.gc.gtid = 0xbbbbbbbb;
- ga->payload.gc.slot = 0xbbbbbbbb;);
-//@cindex sendFreeMessages
- nat i;
- for (i = 0; i < nPEs; i++)
- if (freeMsgIndex[i] > 0)
- sendFree(allPEs[i], freeMsgIndex[i], freeMsgBuffer[i]);
-/* synchronises with the other PEs. Receives and records in a global
- * variable the task-id of SysMan. If this is the main thread (discovered
- * in, identifies itself to SysMan. Finally it receives
- * from SysMan an array of the Global Task Ids of each PE, which is
- * returned as the value of the function.
- */
-#if defined(PAR_TICKY)
-/* Has to see freeMsgIndex, so must be defined here not in ParTicky.c */
-//@cindex stats_CntFreeGA
-stats_CntFreeGA (void) { // stats only
- // Global statistics: residency of thread and spark pool
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- nat i, s;
- globalParStats.cnt_free_GA++;
- for (i = 0, s = 0; i < nPEs; i++)
- s += globalParStats.tot_free_GA += freeMsgIndex[i]/2;
- if ( s > globalParStats.res_free_GA )
- globalParStats.res_free_GA = s;
- }
-#endif /* PAR_TICKY */
-#endif /* PAR -- whole file */
-//@node Index, , Miscellaneous Functions, High Level Communications Routines
-//@subsection Index
-//* ACK:: @cindex\s-+ACK
-//* DebugPrintGAGAMap:: @cindex\s-+DebugPrintGAGAMap
-//* FETCH:: @cindex\s-+FETCH
-//* FISH:: @cindex\s-+FISH
-//* FREE:: @cindex\s-+FREE
-//* RESUME:: @cindex\s-+RESUME
-//* SCHEDULE:: @cindex\s-+SCHEDULE
-//* blockFetch:: @cindex\s-+blockFetch
-//* choosePE:: @cindex\s-+choosePE
-//* freeMsgBuffer:: @cindex\s-+freeMsgBuffer
-//* freeMsgIndex:: @cindex\s-+freeMsgIndex
-//* freeRemoteGA:: @cindex\s-+freeRemoteGA
-//* gumPackBuffer:: @cindex\s-+gumPackBuffer
-//* initMoreBuffers:: @cindex\s-+initMoreBuffers
-//* prepareFreeMsgBuffers:: @cindex\s-+prepareFreeMsgBuffers
-//* processAck:: @cindex\s-+processAck
-//* processFetch:: @cindex\s-+processFetch
-//* processFetches:: @cindex\s-+processFetches
-//* processFish:: @cindex\s-+processFish
-//* processFree:: @cindex\s-+processFree
-//* processMessages:: @cindex\s-+processMessages
-//* processResume:: @cindex\s-+processResume
-//* processSchedule:: @cindex\s-+processSchedule
-//* sendAck:: @cindex\s-+sendAck
-//* sendFetch:: @cindex\s-+sendFetch
-//* sendFish:: @cindex\s-+sendFish
-//* sendFree:: @cindex\s-+sendFree
-//* sendFreeMessages:: @cindex\s-+sendFreeMessages
-//* sendResume:: @cindex\s-+sendResume
-//* sendSchedule:: @cindex\s-+sendSchedule
-//* unpackAck:: @cindex\s-+unpackAck
-//* unpackFetch:: @cindex\s-+unpackFetch
-//* unpackFish:: @cindex\s-+unpackFish
-//* unpackFree:: @cindex\s-+unpackFree
-//* unpackResume:: @cindex\s-+unpackResume
-//* unpackSchedule:: @cindex\s-+unpackSchedule
-//* waitForTermination:: @cindex\s-+waitForTermination
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/LLC.h b/rts/parallel/LLC.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 536e431bef..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/LLC.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time-stamp: <Sun Mar 18 2001 21:23:50 Stardate: [-30]6349.45 hwloidl>
- Low Level Communications Header (LLC.h)
- Contains the definitions used by the Low-level Communications
- module of the GUM Haskell runtime environment.
- Based on the Graph for PVM implementation.
- Phil Trinder, Glasgow University, 13th Dec 1994
- Adapted for the 4.xx RTS
- H-W. Loidl, Heriot-Watt, November 1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifndef __LLC_H
-#define __LLC_H
-#ifdef PAR
-//@node Low Level Communications Header, , ,
-//@section Low Level Communications Header
-//* Includes::
-//* Macros and Constants::
-//* PVM macros::
-//* Externs::
-//@end menu
-//@node Includes, Macros and Constants, Low Level Communications Header, Low Level Communications Header
-//@subsection Includes
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "Parallel.h"
-#include "PEOpCodes.h"
-#include "pvm3.h"
-//@node Macros and Constants, PVM macros, Includes, Low Level Communications Header
-//@subsection Macros and Constants
-#define ANY_TASK (-1) /* receive messages from any task */
-#define ANY_OPCODE (-1) /* receive any opcode */
-#define ALL_GROUP (-1) /* wait for barrier from every group member */
-#define PEGROUP "PE"
-#define MGRGROUP "MGR"
-#define SYSGROUP "SYS"
-#define PETASK "PE"
-//@node PVM macros, Externs, Macros and Constants, Low Level Communications Header
-//@subsection PVM macros
-#define sync(gp,op) do { \
- broadcast(gp,op); \
- pvm_barrier(gp,ALL_GROUP); \
- } while(0)
-#define broadcast(gp,op) do { \
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); \
- pvm_bcast(gp,op); \
- } while(0)
-#define checkComms(c,s) do { \
- if ((c)<0) { \
- pvm_perror(s); \
- stg_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
- }} while(0)
-#define _my_gtid pvm_mytid()
-#define GetPacket() pvm_recv(ANY_TASK,ANY_OPCODE)
-#define PacketsWaiting() (pvm_probe(ANY_TASK,ANY_OPCODE) != 0)
-#define _extract_jump_field(v) (v)
-/* basic PVM packing */
-#define PutArg1(a) pvm_pklong((long *)&(a),1,1)
-#define PutArg2(a) pvm_pklong((long *)&(a),1,1)
-#define PutArgN(n,a) pvm_pklong((long *)&(a),1,1)
-#define PutArgs(b,n) pvm_pklong((long *)b,n,1)
-#define PutLit(l) { int a = l; PutArgN(?,a); }
-/* basic PVM unpacking */
-#define GetArg1(a) pvm_upklong((long *)&(a),1,1)
-#define GetArg2(a) pvm_upklong((long *)&(a),1,1)
-#define GetArgN(n,a) pvm_upklong((long *)&(a),1,1)
-#define GetArgs(b,n) pvm_upklong((long *)b,n,1)
-//@node Externs, , PVM macros, Low Level Communications Header
-//@subsection Externs
-/* basic message passing routines */
-extern void sendOp (OpCode,GlobalTaskId),
- sendOp1 (OpCode,GlobalTaskId,StgWord),
- sendOp2 (OpCode,GlobalTaskId,StgWord,StgWord),
- sendOpV (OpCode,GlobalTaskId,int,...),
- sendOpN (OpCode,GlobalTaskId,int,StgPtr),
- sendOpNV (OpCode,GlobalTaskId,int,StgPtr,int,...);
-extern void broadcastOpN(OpCode op, char *group, int n, StgPtr args);
-/* extracting data out of a packet */
-OpCode getOpcode (rtsPacket p);
-void getOpcodeAndSender (rtsPacket p, OpCode *popcode,
- GlobalTaskId *psender_id);
-GlobalTaskId senderTask (rtsPacket p);
-rtsPacket waitForPEOp(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId who, void(*processUnexpected)(rtsPacket) );
-/* Init and shutdown routines */
-void startUpPE (void);
-void shutDownPE(void);
-int getExitCode(int nbytes, GlobalTaskId *sender_idp);
-/* aux functions */
-char *getOpName (unsigned op); // returns string of opcode
-void processUnexpectedMessage (rtsPacket);
-//void NullException(void);
-#endif /*PAR */
-#endif /*defined __LLC_H */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/LLComms.c b/rts/parallel/LLComms.c
deleted file mode 100644
index baa6dddf0c..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/LLComms.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Time-stamp: <Mon Mar 19 2001 22:10:38 Stardate: [-30]6354.62 hwloidl>
- *
- * GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
- *
- * This module defines PVM Routines for PE-PE communication.
- *
- * P. Trinder, December 5th. 1994.
- * P. Trinder, July 1998
- * H-W. Loidl, November 1999 -
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifdef PAR /* whole file */
-//@node GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication, , ,
-//@section GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
- *This module defines the routines which communicate between PEs. The
- *code is based on Kevin Hammond's GRIP RTS. (OpCodes.h defines
- *PEOp1 etc. in terms of sendOp1 etc.).
- *
- *Routine & Arguments
- * &
- *sendOp & 0 \\
- *sendOp1 & 1 \\
- *sendOp2 & 2 \\
- *sendOpN & vector \\
- *sendOpV & variable \\
- *sendOpNV & variable+ vector \\
- *
- *First the standard include files.
- */
-//* Macros etc::
-//* Includes::
-//* Auxiliary functions::
-//* Index::
-//@end menu
-//@node Macros etc, Includes, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
-//@subsection Macros etc
-/* Evidently not Posix */
-/* #include "PosixSource.h" */
-#define UNUSED /* nothing */
-//@node Includes, Auxiliary functions, Macros etc, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
-//@subsection Includes
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "Parallel.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-# include "ParallelDebug.h"
-#include "LLC.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-/* Cannot use std macro when compiling for SysMan */
-/* debugging enabled */
-// #define IF_PAR_DEBUG(c,s) { s; }
-/* debugging disabled */
-#define IF_PAR_DEBUG(c,s) /* nothing */
-//@node Auxiliary functions, Index, Includes, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
-//@subsection Auxiliary functions
- * heapChkCounter tracks the number of heap checks since the last probe.
- * Not currently used! We check for messages when a thread is resheduled.
- */
-int heapChkCounter = 0;
- * Then some miscellaneous functions.
- * getOpName returns the character-string name of any OpCode.
- */
-char *UserPEOpNames[] = { PEOP_NAMES };
-//@cindex getOpName
-char *
-getOpName(nat op)
- if (op >= MIN_PEOPS && op <= MAX_PEOPS)
- return (UserPEOpNames[op - MIN_PEOPS]);
- else
- return ("Unknown PE OpCode");
- * traceSendOp handles the tracing of messages.
- */
-//@cindex traceSendOp
-static void
-traceSendOp(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId dest UNUSED,
- unsigned int data1 UNUSED, unsigned int data2 UNUSED)
- char *OpName;
- OpName = getOpName(op);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(trace,
- fprintf(stderr," %s [%x,%x] sent from %x to %x",
- OpName, data1, data2, mytid, dest));
- * sendOp sends a 0-argument message with OpCode {\em op} to
- * the global task {\em task}.
- */
-//@cindex sendOp
-sendOp(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task)
- traceSendOp(op, task,0,0);
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
- pvm_send(task, op);
- * sendOp1 sends a 1-argument message with OpCode {\em op}
- * to the global task {\em task}.
- */
-//@cindex sendOp1
-sendOp1(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, StgWord arg1)
- traceSendOp(op, task, arg1,0);
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
- PutArg1(arg1);
- pvm_send(task, op);
- * sendOp2 is used by the FP code only.
- */
-//@cindex sendOp2
-sendOp2(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, StgWord arg1, StgWord arg2)
- traceSendOp(op, task, arg1, arg2);
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
- PutArg1(arg1);
- PutArg2(arg2);
- pvm_send(task, op);
- *
- * sendOpV takes a variable number of arguments, as specified by {\em n}.
- * For example,
- *
- * sendOpV( PP_STATS, StatsTask, 3, start_time, stop_time, sparkcount);
- */
-//@cindex sendOpV
-sendOpV(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, int n, ...)
- va_list ap;
- int i;
- StgWord arg;
- va_start(ap, n);
- traceSendOp(op, task, 0, 0);
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- arg = va_arg(ap, StgWord);
- PutArgN(i, arg);
- }
- va_end(ap);
- pvm_send(task, op);
- *
- * sendOpNV takes a variable-size datablock, as specified by {\em
- * nelem} and a variable number of arguments, as specified by {\em
- * narg}. N.B. The datablock and the additional arguments are contiguous
- * and are copied over together. For example,
- *
- * sendOpNV(PP_RESUME,, 6, nelem, data,
- * (W_) ga.weight, (W_) ga.loc.gc.gtid, (W_) ga.loc.gc.slot,
- * (W_) tsoga.weight, (W_) tsoga.loc.gc.gtid, (W_) tsoga.loc.gc.slot);
- *
- * Important: The variable arguments must all be StgWords.
- sendOpNV(_, tid, m, n, data, x1, ..., xm):
- | n elems
- +------------------------------
- | x1 | ... | xm | n | data ....
- +------------------------------
- */
-//@cindex sendOpNV
-sendOpNV(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, int nelem,
- StgWord *datablock, int narg, ...)
- va_list ap;
- int i;
- StgWord arg;
- va_start(ap, narg);
- traceSendOp(op, task, 0, 0);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(trace,
- fprintf(stderr,"~~ sendOpNV: op = %x (%s), task = %x, narg = %d, nelem = %d",
- op, getOpName(op), task, narg, nelem));
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
- for (i = 0; i < narg; ++i) {
- arg = va_arg(ap, StgWord);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(trace,
- fprintf(stderr,"~~ sendOpNV: arg = %d\n",arg));
- PutArgN(i, arg);
- }
- arg = (StgWord) nelem;
- PutArgN(narg, arg);
-/* for (i=0; i < nelem; ++i) fprintf(stderr, "%d ",datablock[i]); */
-/* fprintf(stderr," in sendOpNV\n");*/
- PutArgs(datablock, nelem);
- va_end(ap);
- pvm_send(task, op);
- * sendOpN take a variable size array argument, whose size is given by
- * {\em n}. For example,
- *
- * sendOpN( PP_STATS, StatsTask, 3, stats_array);
- */
-//@cindex sendOpN
-sendOpN(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId task, int n, StgPtr args)
- long arg;
- traceSendOp(op, task, 0, 0);
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
- arg = (long) n;
- PutArgN(0, arg);
- PutArgs(args, n);
- pvm_send(task, op);
- * broadcastOpN is as sendOpN but broadcasts to all members of a group.
- */
-broadcastOpN(OpCode op, char *group, int n, StgPtr args)
- long arg;
- //traceSendOp(op, task, 0, 0);
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw);
- arg = (long) n;
- PutArgN(0, arg);
- PutArgs(args, n);
- pvm_bcast(group, op);
- waitForPEOp waits for a packet from global task who with the
- OpCode op. If ignore is true all other messages are simply ignored;
- otherwise they are handled by processUnexpected.
- */
-//@cindex waitForPEOp
-waitForPEOp(OpCode op, GlobalTaskId who, void(*processUnexpected)(rtsPacket) )
- rtsPacket p;
- int nbytes;
- OpCode opCode;
- GlobalTaskId sender_id;
- rtsBool match;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"~~ waitForPEOp: expecting op = %x (%s), who = [%x]\n",
- op, getOpName(op), who));
- do {
- while((p = pvm_recv(ANY_TASK,ANY_OPCODE)) < 0)
- pvm_perror("waitForPEOp: Waiting for PEOp");
- pvm_bufinfo( p, &nbytes, &opCode, &sender_id );
- match = (op == ANY_OPCODE || op == opCode) &&
- (who == ANY_TASK || who == sender_id);
- if (match) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,
- "~~waitForPEOp: Qapla! received: OpCode = %#x (%s), sender_id = [%x]",
- opCode, getOpName(opCode), sender_id));
- return(p);
- }
- /* Handle the unexpected OpCodes */
- if (processUnexpected!=NULL) {
- (*processUnexpected)(p);
- } else {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,
- "~~ waitForPEOp: ignoring OpCode = %#x (%s), sender_id = [%x]",
- opCode, getOpName(opCode), sender_id));
- }
- } while(rtsTrue);
- processUnexpected processes unexpected messages. If the message is a
- FINISH it exits the prgram, and PVM gracefully
- */
-//@cindex processUnexpectedMessage
-processUnexpectedMessage(rtsPacket packet) {
- OpCode opCode = getOpcode(packet);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- GlobalTaskId sender = senderTask(packet);
- fprintf(stderr,"~~ [%x] processUnexpected: Received %x (%s), sender %x\n",
- mytid, opCode, getOpName(opCode), sender));
- switch (opCode) {
- case PP_FINISH:
- stg_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- break;
- /* Anything we're not prepared to deal with. Note that ALL OpCodes
- are discarded during termination -- this helps prevent bizarre
- race conditions. */
- default:
- // if (!GlobalStopPending)
- {
- GlobalTaskId errorTask;
- OpCode opCode;
- getOpcodeAndSender(packet, &opCode, &errorTask);
- fprintf(stderr,"== Task %x: Unexpected OpCode %x from %x in processUnexpected",
- mytid, opCode, errorTask );
- stg_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- }
-//@cindex getOpcode
-getOpcode(rtsPacket p)
- int nbytes;
- OpCode OpCode;
- GlobalTaskId sender_id;
- /* read PVM buffer */
- pvm_bufinfo(p, &nbytes, &OpCode, &sender_id);
- /* return tag of the buffer as opcode */
- return(OpCode);
-//@cindex getOpcodeAndSender
-getOpcodeAndSender(rtsPacket p, OpCode *opCodep, GlobalTaskId *senderIdp)
- int nbytes;
- /* read PVM buffer */
- pvm_bufinfo(p, &nbytes, opCodep, senderIdp);
-//@cindex senderTask
-senderTask(rtsPacket p)
- int nbytes;
- OpCode opCode;
- GlobalTaskId sender_id;
- /* read PVM buffer */
- pvm_bufinfo(p, &nbytes, &opCode, &sender_id);
- return(sender_id);
- * startUpPE does the low-level comms specific startup stuff for a
- * PE. It initialises the comms system, joins the appropriate groups
- * allocates the PE buffer
- */
-//@cindex startUpPE
- mytid = _my_gtid; /* Initialise PVM and get task id into global var.*/
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"== [%x] PEStartup: Task id = [%x], No. PEs = %d \n",
- mytid, mytid, nPEs));
- checkComms(pvm_joingroup(PEGROUP), "PEStartup");
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"== [%x] PEStartup: Joined PEGROUP\n", mytid));
- * PEShutdown does the low-level comms-specific shutdown stuff for a
- * single PE. It leaves the groups and then exits from pvm.
- */
-//@cindex shutDownPE
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr, "== [%x] PEshutdown\n", mytid));
- checkComms(pvm_lvgroup(PEGROUP),"PEShutDown");
- checkComms(pvm_exit(),"PEShutDown");
- Extract the exit code out of a PP_FINISH packet (used in SysMan)
-getExitCode(int nbytes, GlobalTaskId *sender_idp) {
- int exitCode=0;
- if (nbytes==4) { // Notification from a task doing pvm_exit
- GetArgs(sender_idp,1); // Presumably this must be MainPE Id
- exitCode = -1;
- } else if (nbytes==8) { // Doing a controlled shutdown
- GetArgs(&exitCode,1); // HACK: controlled shutdown == 2 values
- GetArgs(&exitCode,1);
- } else {
- exitCode = -2; // everything else
- }
- return exitCode;
-#endif /* PAR -- whole file */
-//@node Index, , Auxiliary functions, GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication
-//@subsection Index
-//* getOpName:: @cindex\s-+getOpName
-//* traceSendOp:: @cindex\s-+traceSendOp
-//* sendOp:: @cindex\s-+sendOp
-//* sendOp1:: @cindex\s-+sendOp1
-//* sendOp2:: @cindex\s-+sendOp2
-//* sendOpV:: @cindex\s-+sendOpV
-//* sendOpNV:: @cindex\s-+sendOpNV
-//* sendOpN:: @cindex\s-+sendOpN
-//* waitForPEOp:: @cindex\s-+waitForPEOp
-//* processUnexpectedMessage:: @cindex\s-+processUnexpectedMessage
-//* getOpcode:: @cindex\s-+getOpcode
-//* getOpcodeAndSender:: @cindex\s-+getOpcodeAndSender
-//* senderTask:: @cindex\s-+senderTask
-//* startUpPE:: @cindex\s-+startUpPE
-//* shutDownPE:: @cindex\s-+shutDownPE
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/PEOpCodes.h b/rts/parallel/PEOpCodes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d18b439f2..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/PEOpCodes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PEOPCODES_H
-#define PEOPCODES_H
-* PEOpCodes.h *
-* *
-* This file contains definitions for all the GUM PE Opcodes *
-* It's based on the GRAPH for PVM version *
-* Phil Trinder, Glasgow University 8th December 1994 *
-* *
- RFPointon, December 1999
- - removed PP_SYSMAN_TID, introduced PP_READY
- - removed PP_MAIN_TASK, introduced PP_NEWPE
- - added PP_REVAL
-#define REPLY_OK 0x00
-/*Startup + Shutdown*/
-#define PP_READY 0x50 /* sent PEs -> SysMan */
-#define PP_NEWPE 0x51 /* sent via newHost notify -> SysMan */
-#define PP_FINISH 0x52 /* sent PEs & via taskExit notfiy -> SysMan */
-#define PP_PETIDS 0x53 /* sent sysman -> PEs */
-/* Stats stuff */
-#define PP_STATS 0x54
-#define PP_STATS_ON 0x55
-#define PP_STATS_OFF 0x56
-//#define PP_FAIL 0x57
-/*Garbage Collection*/
-#define PP_GC_INIT 0x58
-#define PP_FULL_SYSTEM 0x59
-#define PP_GC_POLL 0x5a
-/*GUM Messages*/
-#define PP_FETCH 0x5b
-#define PP_RESUME 0x5c
-#define PP_ACK 0x5d
-#define PP_FISH 0x5e
-#define PP_SCHEDULE 0x5f
-#define PP_FREE 0x60
-#define PP_REVAL 0x61
-#define MIN_PEOPS 0x50
-#define MAX_PEOPS 0x61
-#define PEOP_NAMES "Ready", "NewPE", \
- "Finish", "PETIDS", \
- "Stats", "Stats_On", "Stats_Off", \
- "Fail", \
- "GCInit", "FullSystem", "GCPoll", \
- "Fetch","Resume","ACK","Fish","Schedule", \
- "Free","REval"
-#endif /* PEOPCODES_H */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/Pack.c b/rts/parallel/Pack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 58fe7ed2db..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/Pack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4293 +0,0 @@
- Time-stamp: <2009-12-02 12:26:34 simonmar>
- Graph packing and unpacking code for sending it to another processor
- and retrieving the original graph structure from the packet.
- In the old RTS the code was split into Pack.c and Unpack.c (now deceased)
- Used in GUM and GrAnSim.
- The GrAnSim version of the code defines routines for *simulating* the
- packing of closures in the same way it is done in the parallel runtime
- system. Basically GrAnSim only puts the addresses of the closures to be
- transferred into a buffer. This buffer will then be associated with the
- event of transferring the graph. When this event is scheduled, the
- @UnpackGraph@ routine is called and the buffer can be discarded
- afterwards.
- Note that in GranSim we need many buffers, not just one per PE.
-//@node Graph packing, , ,
-//@section Graph packing
-#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN) /* whole file */
-//* Includes::
-//* Prototypes::
-//* Global variables::
-//* ADT of Closure Queues::
-//* Initialisation for packing::
-//* Packing Functions::
-//* Low level packing routines::
-//* Unpacking routines::
-//* Aux fcts for packing::
-//* Printing Packet Contents::
-//* End of file::
-//@end menu
-//@node Includes, Prototypes, Graph packing, Graph packing
-//@subsection Includes
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "ClosureTypes.h"
-#include "Storage.h"
-#include "Hash.h"
-#include "Parallel.h"
-#include "GranSimRts.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-# if defined(DEBUG)
-# include "sm/Sanity.h"
-# include "Printer.h"
-# include "ParallelDebug.h"
-# endif
-#include "FetchMe.h"
-/* Which RTS flag should be used to get the size of the pack buffer ? */
-# if defined(PAR)
-# define RTS_PACK_BUFFER_SIZE RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize
-# else /* GRAN */
-# define RTS_PACK_BUFFER_SIZE RtsFlags.GranFlags.packBufferSize
-# endif
-//@node Prototypes, Global variables, Includes, Graph packing
-//@subsection Prototypes
- Code declarations.
-//@node ADT of closure queues, Init for packing, Prototypes, Prototypes
-//@subsubsection ADT of closure queues
-static inline void InitClosureQueue(void);
-static inline rtsBool QueueEmpty(void);
-static inline void QueueClosure(StgClosure *closure);
-static inline StgClosure *DeQueueClosure(void);
-//@node Init for packing, Packing routines, ADT of closure queues, Prototypes
-//@subsubsection Init for packing
-static void InitPacking(rtsBool unpack);
-# if defined(PAR)
-rtsBool InitPackBuffer(void);
-# elif defined(GRAN)
-rtsPackBuffer *InstantiatePackBuffer (void);
-static void reallocPackBuffer (void);
-# endif
-//@node Packing routines, Low level packing fcts, Init for packing, Prototypes
-//@subsubsection Packing routines
-static void PackClosure (StgClosure *closure);
-//@node Low level packing fcts, Unpacking routines, Packing routines, Prototypes
-//@subsubsection Low level packing fcts
-# if defined(GRAN)
-static void Pack (StgClosure *data);
-# else
-static void Pack (StgWord data);
-static void PackGeneric(StgClosure *closure);
-static void PackArray(StgClosure *closure);
-static void PackPLC (StgPtr addr);
-static void PackOffset (int offset);
-static void PackPAP(StgPAP *pap);
-static rtsPackBuffer *PackTSO(StgTSO *tso, nat *packBufferSize);
-static rtsPackBuffer *PackStkO(StgPtr stko, nat *packBufferSize);
-static void PackFetchMe(StgClosure *closure);
-static void GlobaliseAndPackGA (StgClosure *closure);
-# endif
-//@node Unpacking routines, Aux fcts for packing, Low level packing fcts, Prototypes
-//@subsubsection Unpacking routines
-# if defined(PAR)
-void InitPendingGABuffer(nat size);
-void CommonUp(StgClosure *src, StgClosure *dst);
-static StgClosure *SetGAandCommonUp(globalAddr *gaP, StgClosure *closure,
- rtsBool hasGA);
-static nat FillInClosure(StgWord ***bufptrP, StgClosure *graph);
-static void LocateNextParent(StgClosure **parentP,
- nat *pptrP, nat *pptrsP, nat *sizeP);
-StgClosure *UnpackGraph(rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer,
- globalAddr **gamap,
- nat *nGAs);
-static StgClosure *UnpackClosure (StgWord ***bufptrP, StgClosure **graphP,
- globalAddr *ga);
-static StgWord **UnpackGA(StgWord **bufptr, globalAddr *ga);
-static StgClosure *UnpackOffset(globalAddr *ga);
-static StgClosure *UnpackPLC(globalAddr *ga);
-static void UnpackArray(StgWord ***bufptrP, StgClosure *graph);
-static nat UnpackPAP(StgWord ***bufptrP, StgClosure *graph);
-# elif defined(GRAN)
-void CommonUp(StgClosure *src, StgClosure *dst);
-StgClosure *UnpackGraph(rtsPackBuffer* buffer);
-//@node Aux fcts for packing, , Unpacking routines, Prototypes
-//@subsubsection Aux fcts for packing
-# if defined(PAR)
-static void DonePacking(void);
-static void AmPacking(StgClosure *closure);
-static int OffsetFor(StgClosure *closure);
-static rtsBool NotYetPacking(int offset);
-static inline rtsBool RoomToPack (nat size, nat ptrs);
-static inline rtsBool isOffset(globalAddr *ga);
-static inline rtsBool isFixed(globalAddr *ga);
-static inline rtsBool isConstr(globalAddr *ga);
-static inline rtsBool isUnglobalised(globalAddr *ga);
-# elif defined(GRAN)
-static void DonePacking(void);
-static rtsBool NotYetPacking(StgClosure *closure);
-# endif
-//@node Global variables, ADT of Closure Queues, Prototypes, Graph packing
-//@subsection Global variables
- Static data declarations
-static nat pack_locn, /* ptr to first free loc in pack buffer */
- clq_size, clq_pos,
- buf_id = 1; /* identifier for buffer */
-static nat unpacked_size;
-static rtsBool roomInBuffer;
-#if defined(PAR)
-static GlobalTaskId dest_gtid=0; /* destination for message to send */
- The pack buffer
- To be pedantic: in GrAnSim we're packing *addresses* of closures,
- not the closures themselves.
-static rtsPackBuffer *globalPackBuffer = NULL, /* for packing a graph */
- *globalUnpackBuffer = NULL; /* for unpacking a graph */
- Bit of a hack for testing if a closure is the root of the graph. This is
- set in @PackNearbyGraph@ and tested in @PackClosure@.
-static nat packed_thunks = 0;
-static StgClosure *graph_root;
-# if defined(PAR)
- The offset hash table is used during packing to record the location in
- the pack buffer of each closure which is packed.
-//@cindex offsetTable
-static HashTable *offsetTable;
-//@cindex PendingGABuffer
-static globalAddr *PendingGABuffer, *gaga;
-# endif /* PAR */
-//@node ADT of Closure Queues, Initialisation for packing, Global variables, Graph packing
-//@subsection ADT of Closure Queues
-//* Closure Queues::
-//* Init routines::
-//* Basic routines::
-//@end menu
-//@node Closure Queues, Init routines, ADT of Closure Queues, ADT of Closure Queues
-//@subsubsection Closure Queues
- Closure Queues
- These routines manage the closure queue.
-static nat clq_pos, clq_size;
-static StgClosure **ClosureQueue = NULL; /* HWL: init in main */
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-static char graphFingerPrint[MAX_FINGER_PRINT_LEN];
-//@node Init routines, Basic routines, Closure Queues, ADT of Closure Queues
-//@subsubsection Init routines
-/* @InitClosureQueue@ allocates and initialises the closure queue. */
-//@cindex InitClosureQueue
-static inline void
- clq_pos = clq_size = 0;
- if (ClosureQueue==NULL)
- ClosureQueue = (StgClosure**) stgMallocWords(RTS_PACK_BUFFER_SIZE,
- "InitClosureQueue");
-//@node Basic routines, Types of Global Addresses, Init routines, ADT of Closure Queues
-//@subsubsection Basic routines
- QueueEmpty returns rtsTrue if the closure queue is empty; rtsFalse otherwise.
-//@cindex QueueEmpty
-static inline rtsBool
- return(clq_pos >= clq_size);
-/* QueueClosure adds its argument to the closure queue. */
-//@cindex QueueClosure
-static inline void
-StgClosure *closure;
- if(clq_size < RTS_PACK_BUFFER_SIZE ) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(paranoia,
- belch(">__> <<%d>> Q: %p (%s); %d elems in q",
- globalPackBuffer->id, closure, info_type(closure), clq_size-clq_pos));
- ClosureQueue[clq_size++] = closure;
- } else {
- barf("Closure Queue Overflow (EnQueueing %p (%s))",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- }
-/* DeQueueClosure returns the head of the closure queue. */
-//@cindex DeQueueClosure
-static inline StgClosure *
- if(!QueueEmpty()) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(paranoia,
- belch(">__> <<%d>> DeQ: %p (%s); %d elems in q",
- globalPackBuffer->id, ClosureQueue[clq_pos], info_type(ClosureQueue[clq_pos]),
- clq_size-clq_pos));
- return(ClosureQueue[clq_pos++]);
- } else {
- return((StgClosure*)NULL);
- }
-/* DeQueueClosure returns the head of the closure queue. */
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-//@cindex PrintQueueClosure
-static void
- nat i;
- fputs("Closure queue:", stderr);
- for (i=clq_pos; i < clq_size; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, "%p (%s), ",
- (StgClosure *)ClosureQueue[clq_pos++],
- info_type(ClosureQueue[clq_pos++]));
- fputc('\n', stderr);
-//@node Types of Global Addresses, , Basic routines, ADT of Closure Queues
-//@subsubsection Types of Global Addresses
- Types of Global Addresses
- These routines determine whether a GA is one of a number of special types
- of GA.
-# if defined(PAR)
-//@cindex isOffset
-static inline rtsBool
-isOffset(globalAddr *ga)
- return (ga->weight == 1U && ga->payload.gc.gtid == (GlobalTaskId)0);
-//@cindex isFixed
-static inline rtsBool
-isFixed(globalAddr *ga)
- return (ga->weight == 0U);
-//@cindex isConstr
-static inline rtsBool
-isConstr(globalAddr *ga)
- return (ga->weight == 2U);
-//@cindex isUnglobalised
-static inline rtsBool
-isUnglobalised(globalAddr *ga)
- return (ga->weight == 2U);
-# endif
-//@node Initialisation for packing, Packing Functions, ADT of Closure Queues, Graph packing
-//@subsection Initialisation for packing
- Simple Packing Routines
- About packet sizes in GrAnSim: In GrAnSim we use a malloced block of
- gransim_pack_buffer_size words to simulate a packet of pack_buffer_size
- words. In the simulated PackBuffer we only keep the addresses of the
- closures that would be packed in the parallel system (see Pack). To
- decide if a packet overflow occurs pack_buffer_size must be compared
- versus unpacked_size (see RoomToPack). Currently, there is no multi
- packet strategy implemented, so in the case of an overflow we just stop
- adding closures to the closure queue. If an overflow of the simulated
- packet occurs, we just realloc some more space for it and carry on as
- usual. -- HWL
-# if defined(GRAN)
-rtsPackBuffer *
-InstantiatePackBuffer (void) {
- extern rtsPackBuffer *globalPackBuffer;
- globalPackBuffer = (rtsPackBuffer *) stgMallocWords(sizeofW(rtsPackBuffer),
- "InstantiatePackBuffer: failed to alloc packBuffer");
- globalPackBuffer->size = RtsFlags.GranFlags.packBufferSize_internal;
- globalPackBuffer->buffer = (StgWord **) stgMallocWords(RtsFlags.GranFlags.packBufferSize_internal,
- "InstantiatePackBuffer: failed to alloc GranSim internal packBuffer");
- /* NB: gransim_pack_buffer_size instead of pack_buffer_size -- HWL */
- /* stgMallocWords is now simple allocate in Storage.c */
- return (globalPackBuffer);
- Reallocate the GranSim internal pack buffer to make room for more closure
- pointers. This is independent of the check for packet overflow as in GUM
-static void
-reallocPackBuffer (void) {
- ASSERT(pack_locn >= (int)globalPackBuffer->size+sizeofW(rtsPackBuffer));
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(packBuffer,
- belch("** Increasing size of PackBuffer %p to %d words (PE %u @ %d)\n",
- globalPackBuffer, globalPackBuffer->size+REALLOC_SZ,
- CurrentProc, CurrentTime[CurrentProc]));
- globalPackBuffer = (rtsPackBuffer*)realloc(globalPackBuffer,
- sizeof(StgClosure*)*(REALLOC_SZ +
- (int)globalPackBuffer->size +
- sizeofW(rtsPackBuffer))) ;
- if (globalPackBuffer==(rtsPackBuffer*)NULL)
- barf("Failing to realloc %d more words for PackBuffer %p (PE %u @ %d)\n",
- REALLOC_SZ, globalPackBuffer, CurrentProc, CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
- globalPackBuffer->size += REALLOC_SZ;
- ASSERT(pack_locn < globalPackBuffer->size+sizeofW(rtsPackBuffer));
-# endif
-# if defined(PAR)
-/* @initPacking@ initialises the packing buffer etc. */
-//@cindex InitPackBuffer
- if (globalPackBuffer==(rtsPackBuffer*)NULL) {
- if ((globalPackBuffer = (rtsPackBuffer *)
- stgMallocWords(sizeofW(rtsPackBuffer)+RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize+DEBUG_HEADROOM,
- "InitPackBuffer")) == NULL)
- return rtsFalse;
- }
- return rtsTrue;
-# endif
-//@cindex InitPacking
-static void
-InitPacking(rtsBool unpack)
-# if defined(GRAN)
- globalPackBuffer = InstantiatePackBuffer(); /* for GrAnSim only -- HWL */
- /* NB: free in UnpackGraph */
-# elif defined(PAR)
- if (unpack) {
- /* allocate a GA-to-GA map (needed for ACK message) */
- InitPendingGABuffer(RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize);
- } else {
- /* allocate memory to pack the graph into */
- InitPackBuffer();
- }
-# endif
- /* init queue of closures seen during packing */
- InitClosureQueue();
- if (unpack)
- return;
- globalPackBuffer->id = buf_id++; /* buffer id are only used for debugging! */
- pack_locn = 0; /* the index into the actual pack buffer */
- unpacked_size = 0; /* the size of the whole graph when unpacked */
- roomInBuffer = rtsTrue;
- packed_thunks = 0; /* total number of thunks packed so far */
-# if defined(PAR)
- offsetTable = allocHashTable();
-# endif
-//@node Packing Functions, Low level packing routines, Initialisation for packing, Graph packing
-//@subsection Packing Functions
-//* Packing Sections of Nearby Graph::
-//* Packing Closures::
-//@end menu
-//@node Packing Sections of Nearby Graph, Packing Closures, Packing Functions, Packing Functions
-//@subsubsection Packing Sections of Nearby Graph
- Packing Sections of Nearby Graph
- @PackNearbyGraph@ packs a closure and associated graph into a static
- buffer (@PackBuffer@). It returns the address of this buffer and the
- size of the data packed into the buffer (in its second parameter,
- @packBufferSize@). The associated graph is packed in a depth first
- manner, hence it uses an explicit queue of closures to be packed rather
- than simply using a recursive algorithm. Once the packet is full,
- closures (other than primitive arrays) are packed as FetchMes, and their
- children are not queued for packing. */
-//@cindex PackNearbyGraph
-/* NB: this code is shared between GranSim and GUM;
- tso only used in GranSim */
-rtsPackBuffer *
-PackNearbyGraph(closure, tso, packBufferSize, dest)
-StgClosure* closure;
-StgTSO* tso;
-nat *packBufferSize;
-GlobalTaskId dest;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(resume,
- graphFingerPrint[0] = '\0');
- ASSERT(_HS==1); // HWL HACK; compile time constant
- /* ToDo: check that we have enough heap for the packet
- ngoq ngo'
- if (Hp + PACK_HEAP_REQUIRED > HpLim)
- return NULL;
- */
- InitPacking(rtsFalse);
-# if defined(PAR)
- dest_gtid=dest; //-1 to disable
-# elif defined(GRAN)
- graph_root = closure;
-# endif
- belch(">>> Packing <<%d>> (buffer @ %p); graph root @ %p [PE %d]\n demanded by TSO %d (%p) [PE %u]",
- globalPackBuffer->id, globalPackBuffer, closure, where_is(closure),
- tso->id, tso, where_is((StgClosure*)tso)));
- belch("** PrintGraph of %p is:", closure);
- PrintGraph(closure,0));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(resume,
- GraphFingerPrint(closure, graphFingerPrint);
- ASSERT(strlen(graphFingerPrint)<=MAX_FINGER_PRINT_LEN);
- belch(">>> Packing <<%d>> (buffer @ %p); graph root @ %p [%x]\n demanded by TSO %d (%p); Finger-print is\n {%s}",
- globalPackBuffer->id, globalPackBuffer, closure, mytid,
- tso->id, tso, graphFingerPrint));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- belch("** PrintGraph of %p is:", closure);
- belch("** pack_locn=%d", pack_locn);
- PrintGraph(closure,0));
- QueueClosure(closure);
- do {
- PackClosure(DeQueueClosure());
- } while (!QueueEmpty());
-# if defined(PAR)
- /* Record how much space the graph needs in packet and in heap */
- globalPackBuffer->tso = tso; // currently unused, I think (debugging?)
- globalPackBuffer->unpacked_size = unpacked_size;
- globalPackBuffer->size = pack_locn;
- /* Check for buffer overflow (again) */
- ASSERT(pack_locn <= RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize+DEBUG_HEADROOM);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, // write magic end-of-buffer word
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_locn] = END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER);
- *packBufferSize = pack_locn;
-# else /* GRAN */
- /* Record how much space is needed to unpack the graph */
- // PackBuffer[PACK_FLAG_LOCN] = (P_) MAGIC_PACK_FLAG; for testing
- globalPackBuffer->tso = tso;
- globalPackBuffer->unpacked_size = unpacked_size;
- // ASSERT(pack_locn <= PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN]+PACK_HDR_SIZE);
- /* ToDo: Print an earlier, more meaningful message */
- if (pack_locn==0) /* i.e. packet is empty */
- barf("EMPTY PACKET! Can't transfer closure %p at all!!\n",
- closure);
- globalPackBuffer->size = pack_locn;
- *packBufferSize = pack_locn;
-# endif
- DonePacking(); /* {GrAnSim}vaD 'ut'Ha' */
-# if defined(GRAN)
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(pack ,
- belch("** Finished <<%d>> packing graph %p; closures packed: %d; thunks packed: %d; size of graph: %d",
- globalPackBuffer->id, closure, globalPackBuffer->size, packed_thunks, globalPackBuffer->unpacked_size));
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global) {
- globalGranStats.tot_packets++;
- globalGranStats.tot_packet_size += pack_locn;
- }
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(pack, PrintPacket(globalPackBuffer));
-# elif defined(PAR)
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(packet,
- belch("** Finished <<%d>> packing graph %p (%s); closures packed: %d; thunks packed: %d; size of graph: %d",
- globalPackBuffer->id, closure, info_type(closure),
- globalPackBuffer->size, packed_thunks,
- globalPackBuffer->unpacked_size));;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, // do a sanity check on the packet just constructed
- checkPacket(globalPackBuffer));
-# endif /* GRAN */
- PAR_TICKY_PACK_NEARBY_GRAPH_END(globalPackBuffer->size, packed_thunks);
- return (globalPackBuffer);
-//@cindex PackOneNode
-# if defined(GRAN)
-/* This version is used when the node is already local */
-rtsPackBuffer *
-PackOneNode(closure, tso, packBufferSize)
-StgClosure* closure;
-StgTSO* tso;
-nat *packBufferSize;
- extern rtsPackBuffer *globalPackBuffer;
- int i, clpack_locn;
- InitPacking(rtsFalse);
- belch("** PackOneNode: %p (%s)[PE %d] requested by TSO %d (%p) [PE %d]",
- closure, info_type(closure),
- where_is(closure), tso->id, tso, where_is((StgClosure *)tso)));
- Pack(closure);
- /* Record how much space is needed to unpack the graph */
- globalPackBuffer->tso = tso;
- globalPackBuffer->unpacked_size = unpacked_size;
- /* Set the size parameter */
- globalPackBuffer->size = pack_locn;
- *packBufferSize = pack_locn;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global) {
- globalGranStats.tot_packets++;
- globalGranStats.tot_packet_size += pack_locn;
- }
- PrintPacket(globalPackBuffer));
- return (globalPackBuffer);
-# endif /* GRAN */
-#if defined(GRAN)
- PackTSO and PackStkO are entry points for two special kinds of closure
- which are used in the parallel RTS. Compared with other closures they
- are rather awkward to pack because they don't follow the normal closure
- layout (where all pointers occur before all non-pointers). Luckily,
- they're only needed when migrating threads between processors. */
-//@cindex PackTSO
-PackTSO(tso, packBufferSize)
-StgTSO *tso;
-nat *packBufferSize;
- extern rtsPackBuffer *globalPackBuffer;
- belch("** Packing TSO %d (%p)", tso->id, tso));
- *packBufferSize = 0;
- // PackBuffer[0] = PackBuffer[1] = 0; ???
- return(globalPackBuffer);
-//@cindex PackStkO
-static rtsPackBuffer*
-PackStkO(stko, packBufferSize)
-StgPtr stko;
-nat *packBufferSize;
- extern rtsPackBuffer *globalPackBuffer;
- belch("** Packing STKO %p", stko));
- *packBufferSize = 0;
- // PackBuffer[0] = PackBuffer[1] = 0;
- return(globalPackBuffer);
-static void
-PackFetchMe(StgClosure *closure)
- barf("{PackFetchMe}Daq Qagh: no FetchMe closures in GRAN!");
-#elif defined(PAR)
-static rtsPackBuffer*
-PackTSO(tso, packBufferSize)
-StgTSO *tso;
-nat *packBufferSize;
- barf("{PackTSO}Daq Qagh: trying to pack a TSO %d (%p) of size %d; thread migrations not supported, yet",
- tso->id, tso, packBufferSize);
-PackStkO(stko, packBufferSize)
-StgPtr stko;
-nat *packBufferSize;
- barf("{PackStkO}Daq Qagh: trying to pack a STKO (%p) of size %d; thread migrations not supported, yet",
- stko, packBufferSize);
-//@cindex PackFetchMe
-static void
-PackFetchMe(StgClosure *closure)
- StgInfoTable *ip;
- nat i;
- int offset;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
- nat x = pack_locn;
-#if defined(GRAN)
- barf("{PackFetchMe}Daq Qagh: no FetchMe closures in GRAN!");
- offset = OffsetFor(closure);
- if (!NotYetPacking(offset)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>.. Packing FETCH_ME for closure %p (s) as offset to %d",
- closure, info_type(closure), offset));
- PackOffset(offset);
- // unpacked_size += 0; // unpacked_size unchanged (closure is shared!!)
- return;
- }
- /* Need a GA even when packing a constructed FETCH_ME (cruel world!) */
- AmPacking(closure);
- /* FMs must be always globalised */
- GlobaliseAndPackGA(closure);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>.. Packing FETCH_ME for closure %p (%s) with GA: ((%x, %d, %x))",
- closure, info_type(closure),
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_locn-2],
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_locn-1],
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_locn-3]));
- /* Pack a FetchMe closure instead of closure */
- ip = &stg_FETCH_ME_info;
- /* this assumes that the info ptr is always the first word in a closure*/
- Pack((StgWord)ip);
- for (i = 1; i < _HS; ++i) // pack rest of fixed header
- Pack((StgWord)*(((StgPtr)closure)+i));
- unpacked_size += sizeofW(StgFetchMe);
- /* size of FETCHME in packed is the same as that constant */
- /* In the pack buffer the pointer to a GA (in the FetchMe closure)
- is expanded to the full GA; this is a compile-time const */
-#ifdef DIST
-static void
-PackRemoteRef(StgClosure *closure)
- StgInfoTable *ip;
- nat i;
- int offset;
- offset = OffsetFor(closure);
- if (!NotYetPacking(offset)) {
- PackOffset(offset);
- unpacked_size += 2;
- return;
- }
- /* Need a GA even when packing a constructed REMOTE_REF (cruel world!) */
- AmPacking(closure);
- /* basically we just Globalise, but for sticky things we can't have multiple GAs,
- so we must prevent the GAs being split.
- In returning things to the true sticky owner, this case is already handled, but for
- anything else we just give up at the moment... This needs to be fixed!
- */
- { globalAddr *ga;
- ga = LAGAlookup(closure); // surely this ga must exist?
- // ***************************************************************************
- // ***************************************************************************
- // REMOTE_REF HACK - dual is in SetGAandCommonUp
- // - prevents the weight from ever reaching zero
- if(ga != NULL)
- ga->weight=0x06660666; //anything apart from 0 really...
- // ***************************************************************************
- // ***************************************************************************
- if((ga != NULL)&&(ga->weight / 2 <= 2))
- barf("Cant split the weight any further when packing REMOTE_REF for closure %p (%s) with GA: ((%x, %d, %x))",
- closure, info_type(closure),
- ga->payload.gc.gtid, ga->payload.gc.slot, ga->weight);
- }
- GlobaliseAndPackGA(closure);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>.. Packing REMOTE_REF for closure %p (%s) with GA: ((%x, %d, %x))",
- closure, info_type(closure),
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_locn-2],
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_locn-1],
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_locn-3]));
- /* Pack a REMOTE_REF closure instead of closure */
- ip = &stg_REMOTE_REF_info;
- /* this assumes that the info ptr is always the first word in a closure*/
- Pack((StgWord)ip);
- for (i = 1; i < _HS; ++i) // pack rest of fixed header
- Pack((StgWord)*(((StgPtr)closure)+i));
- unpacked_size += PACK_FETCHME_SIZE;
-#endif /* DIST */
-//@node Packing Closures, , Packing Sections of Nearby Graph, Packing Functions
-//@subsubsection Packing Closures
- Packing Closures
- @PackClosure@ is the heart of the normal packing code. It packs a single
- closure into the pack buffer, skipping over any indirections and
- globalising it as necessary, queues any child pointers for further
- packing, and turns it into a @FetchMe@ or revertible black hole (@RBH@)
- locally if it was a thunk. Before the actual closure is packed, a
- suitable global address (GA) is inserted in the pack buffer. There is
- always room to pack a fetch-me to the closure (guaranteed by the
- RoomToPack calculation), and this is packed if there is no room for the
- entire closure.
- Space is allocated for any primitive array children of a closure, and
- hence a primitive array can always be packed along with it's parent
- closure. */
-//@cindex PackClosure
-# if defined(PAR)
-StgClosure *closure;
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat clpack_locn;
- ASSERT(LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO(get_itbl(closure)));
- closure = UNWIND_IND(closure);
- /* now closure is the thing we want to pack */
- info = get_itbl(closure);
- clpack_locn = OffsetFor(closure);
- /* If the closure has been packed already, just pack an indirection to it
- to guarantee that the graph doesn't become a tree when unpacked */
- if (!NotYetPacking(clpack_locn)) {
- PackOffset(clpack_locn);
- return;
- }
- switch (info->type) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>^^ Packing a charlike closure %d",
- ((StgIntCharlikeClosure*)closure)->data));
- PackPLC((StgPtr)CHARLIKE_CLOSURE(((StgIntCharlikeClosure*)closure)->data));
- // NB: unpacked_size of a PLC is 0
- return;
- {
- StgInt val = ((StgIntCharlikeClosure*)closure)->data;
- if ((val <= MAX_INTLIKE) && (val >= MIN_INTLIKE)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>^^ Packing a small intlike %d as a PLC",
- val));
- PackPLC((StgPtr)INTLIKE_CLOSURE(val));
- // NB: unpacked_size of a PLC is 0
- return;
- } else {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>^^ Packing a big intlike %d as a normal closure",
- val));
- PackGeneric(closure);
- return;
- }
- }
- case CONSTR:
- case CONSTR_1_0:
- case CONSTR_0_1:
- case CONSTR_2_0:
- case CONSTR_1_1:
- case CONSTR_0_2:
- /* it's a constructor (i.e. plain data) */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>^^ Packing a CONSTR %p (%s) using generic packing",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- PackGeneric(closure);
- return;
- case THUNK_STATIC: // ToDo: check whether that's ok
- case FUN_STATIC: // ToDo: check whether that's ok
- case CONSTR_NOCAF_STATIC:// For now we ship indirections to CAFs: They are
- // evaluated on each PE if needed
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>~~ Packing a %p (%s) as a PLC",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- PackPLC((StgPtr)closure);
- // NB: unpacked_size of a PLC is 0
- return;
- {
- StgClosure *selectee = ((StgSelector *)closure)->selectee;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** Found THUNK_SELECTOR at %p (%s) pointing to %p (%s); using PackGeneric",
- closure, info_type(closure),
- selectee, info_type(selectee)));
- PackGeneric(closure);
- /* inlined code; probably could use PackGeneric
- Pack((StgWord)(*(StgPtr)closure));
- Pack((StgWord)(selectee));
- QueueClosure(selectee);
- unpacked_size += 2;
- */
- }
- return;
- case FUN:
- case FUN_1_0:
- case FUN_0_1:
- case FUN_2_0:
- case FUN_1_1:
- case FUN_0_2:
- case THUNK:
- case THUNK_1_0:
- case THUNK_0_1:
- case THUNK_2_0:
- case THUNK_1_1:
- case THUNK_0_2:
- PackGeneric(closure);
- return;
- case AP_UPD:
- case PAP:
- /*
- barf("*> Packing of PAP not implemented %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- Currently we don't pack PAPs; we pack a FETCH_ME to the closure,
- instead. Note that since PAPs contain a chunk of stack as payload,
- implementing packing of PAPs is a first step towards thread migration.
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>.. Packing a PAP closure at %p (%s) as a FETCH_ME",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- PackFetchMe(closure);
- */
- PackPAP((StgPAP *)closure);
- return;
- case RBH:
- case FETCH_ME:
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- /* If it's a (revertible) black-hole, pack a FetchMe closure to it */
- //ASSERT(pack_locn > PACK_HDR_SIZE);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>.. Packing a BH-like closure at %p (%s) as a FETCH_ME",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- /* NB: in case of a FETCH_ME this might build up a chain of FETCH_MEs;
- phps short-cut the GA here */
- PackFetchMe(closure);
- return;
-#ifdef DIST
- case REMOTE_REF:
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>.. Packing %p (%s) as a REMOTE_REF",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- PackRemoteRef(closure);
- /* we hopefully don't end up with a chain of REMOTE_REFs!!!!!!!!!! */
- return;
- case TSO:
- case MVAR:
-#ifdef DIST
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>.. Packing %p (%s) as a RemoteRef",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- PackRemoteRef(closure);
- barf("{Pack}Daq Qagh: Only GdH can pack %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- return;
- case ARR_WORDS:
- PackArray(closure);
- return;
- case MUT_ARR_PTRS:
- case MUT_VAR:
- /*
- Eventually, this should use the same packing routine as ARR_WRODS
- GlobaliseAndPackGA(closure);
- PackArray(closure);
- return;
- */
- barf("Qagh{Pack}Doq: packing of mutable closures not yet implemented: %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
-# ifdef DEBUG
- case BCO:
- barf("{Pack}Daq Qagh: found BCO closure %p (%s); GUM hates interpreted code",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- /* never reached */
- // check error cases only in a debugging setup
- case RET_BCO:
- case RET_SMALL:
- case RET_BIG:
- case RET_VEC_BIG:
- case RET_DYN:
- barf("{Pack}Daq Qagh: found return vector %p (%s) when packing (thread migration not implemented)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- /* never reached */
- case STOP_FRAME:
- case SEQ_FRAME:
- barf("{Pack}Daq Qagh: found stack frame %p (%s) when packing (thread migration not implemented)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- /* never reached */
- /* something's very wrong */
- barf("{Pack}Daq Qagh: found %s (%p) when packing",
- info_type(closure), closure);
- /* never reached */
- case IND:
- case IND_OLDGEN:
- case IND_PERM:
- case IND_STATIC:
- barf("Pack: found IND_... after shorting out indirections %d (%s)",
- (nat)(info->type), info_type(closure));
- case WEAK:
- case FOREIGN:
- barf("Pack: found foreign thingy; not yet implemented in %d (%s)",
- (nat)(info->type), info_type(closure));
- default:
- barf("Pack: strange closure %d", (nat)(info->type));
- } /* switch */
- Pack a constructor of unknown size.
- Similar to PackGeneric but without creating GAs.
-#if 0
-//@cindex PackConstr
-static void
-PackConstr(StgClosure *closure)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i;
- char str[80];
- /* get info about basic layout of the closure */
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- ASSERT(info->type == CONSTR ||
- info->type == CONSTR_1_0 ||
- info->type == CONSTR_0_1 ||
- info->type == CONSTR_2_0 ||
- info->type == CONSTR_1_1 ||
- info->type == CONSTR_0_2);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- fprintf(stderr, "*>^^ packing a constructor at %p (%s) (size=%d, ptrs=%d, nonptrs=%d)\n",
- closure, info_type(closure), size, ptrs, nonptrs));
- /* Primitive arrays have gone; now we have (MUT_)ARR_WORDS etc */
- if (!RoomToPack(PACK_GA_SIZE + _HS + vhs + nonptrs, ptrs)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>&& pack buffer is full; packing FETCH_ME for closure %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- PackFetchMe(closure);
- return;
- }
- /* Record the location of the GA */
- AmPacking(closure);
- /* Pack Constructor marker */
- Pack((StgWord)2);
- /* pack fixed and variable header */
- for (i = 0; i < _HS + vhs; ++i)
- Pack((StgWord)*(((StgPtr)closure)+i));
- /* register all ptrs for further packing */
- for (i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i)
- QueueClosure(((StgClosure *) *(((StgPtr)closure)+(_HS+vhs)+i)));
- /* pack non-ptrs */
- for (i = 0; i < nonptrs; ++i)
- Pack((StgWord)*(((StgPtr)closure)+(_HS+vhs)+ptrs+i));
- Generic packing code.
- This code is performed for `ordinary' closures such as CONSTR, THUNK etc.
-//@cindex PackGeneric
-static void
-PackGeneric(StgClosure *closure)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- StgClosure *rbh;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i, m;
- char str[80];
- /* get info about basic layout of the closure */
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- ASSERT(!IS_BLACK_HOLE(closure));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- fprintf(stderr, "*>== %p (%s): generic packing (size=%d, ptrs=%d, nonptrs=%d)\n",
- closure, info_type(closure), size, ptrs, nonptrs));
- /* packing strategies: how many thunks to add to a packet;
- default is infinity i.e. RtsFlags.ParFlags.thunksToPack==0 */
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.thunksToPack &&
- packed_thunks >= RtsFlags.ParFlags.thunksToPack &&
- closure_THUNK(closure)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>&& refusing to pack more than %d thunks per packet; packing FETCH_ME for closure %p (%s)",
- packed_thunks, closure, info_type(closure)));
- PackFetchMe(closure);
- return;
- }
- /* Primitive arrays have gone; now we have (MUT_)ARR_WORDS etc */
- if (!RoomToPack(PACK_GA_SIZE + _HS + vhs + nonptrs, ptrs)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>&& pack buffer is full; packing FETCH_ME for closure %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- PackFetchMe(closure);
- return;
- }
- /* Record the location of the GA */
- AmPacking(closure);
- /* Allocate a GA for this closure and put it into the buffer */
- /* Checks for globalisation scheme; default: globalise everything thunks */
- if ( RtsFlags.ParFlags.globalising == 0 ||
- (closure_THUNK(closure) && !closure_UNPOINTED(closure)) )
- GlobaliseAndPackGA(closure);
- else
- Pack((StgWord)2); // marker for unglobalised closure
- ASSERT(!(info->type == ARR_WORDS || info->type == MUT_ARR_PTRS ||
- info->type == MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN || info->type == MUT_VAR));
- /* At last! A closure we can actually pack! */
- if (ip_MUTABLE(info) && ((info->type != FETCH_ME)||(info->type != REMOTE_REF)))
- barf("*>// %p (%s) PackClosure: trying to replicate a Mutable closure!",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- /*
- Remember, the generic closure layout is as follows:
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- */
- /* pack fixed and variable header */
- for (i = 0; i < _HS + vhs; ++i)
- Pack((StgWord)*(((StgPtr)closure)+i));
- /* register all ptrs for further packing */
- for (i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i)
- QueueClosure(((StgClosure *) *(((StgPtr)closure)+(_HS+vhs)+i)));
- /* pack non-ptrs */
- for (i = 0; i < nonptrs; ++i)
- Pack((StgWord)*(((StgPtr)closure)+(_HS+vhs)+ptrs+i));
- // ASSERT(_HS+vhs+ptrs+nonptrs==size);
- if ((m=_HS+vhs+ptrs+nonptrs)<size) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** WARNING: slop in closure %p (%s); filling %d words; SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN",
- closure, info_type(closure), size-m));
- for (i=m; i<size; i++)
- Pack((StgWord)*(((StgPtr)closure)+i));
- }
- unpacked_size += size;
- //unpacked_size += (size < MIN_UPD_SIZE) ? MIN_UPD_SIZE : size;
- /*
- * Record that this is a revertable black hole so that we can fill in
- * its address from the fetch reply. Problem: unshared thunks may cause
- * space leaks this way, their GAs should be deallocated following an
- * ACK.
- */
- if (closure_THUNK(closure) && !closure_UNPOINTED(closure)) {
- rbh = convertToRBH(closure);
- ASSERT(size>=_HS+MIN_UPD_SIZE); // min size for any updatable closure
- ASSERT(rbh == closure); // rbh at the same position (minced version)
- packed_thunks++;
- } else if ( closure==graph_root ) {
- packed_thunks++; // root of graph is counted as a thunk
- }
- Pack an array of words.
- ToDo: implement packing of MUT_ARRAYs
-//@cindex PackArray
-static void
-PackArray(StgClosure *closure)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
- nat i, n;
- char str[80];
- /* get info about basic layout of the closure */
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- ASSERT(info->type == ARR_WORDS || info->type == MUT_ARR_PTRS ||
- info->type == MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN || info->type == MUT_VAR);
- n = arr_words_words(((StgArrWords *)closure));
- // this includes the header!: arr_words_sizeW(stgCast(StgArrWords*,q));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>== %p (%s): packing an array of %d words (size=%d)\n",
- closure, info_type(closure), n,
- arr_words_sizeW((StgArrWords *)closure)));
- /* check that we have enough room in the pack buffer */
- if (!RoomToPack(PACK_GA_SIZE + _HS + vhs + nonptrs, ptrs)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>&& pack buffer is full; packing FETCH_ME for closure %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- PackFetchMe(closure);
- return;
- }
- /* global stats about arrays sent */
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_arrs++;
- globalParStats.tot_arr_size += arr_words_words(((StgArrWords *)closure));
- }
- /* record offset of the closure and allocate a GA */
- AmPacking(closure);
- /* Checks for globalisation scheme; default: globalise everything thunks */
- if ( RtsFlags.ParFlags.globalising == 0 ||
- (closure_THUNK(closure) && !closure_UNPOINTED(closure)) )
- GlobaliseAndPackGA(closure);
- else
- Pack((StgWord)2); // marker for unglobalised closure
- /* Pack the header (2 words: info ptr and the number of words to follow) */
- Pack((StgWord)*(StgPtr)closure);
- Pack(arr_words_words(((StgArrWords *)closure)));
- /* pack the payload of the closure (all non-ptrs) */
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- Pack((StgWord)((StgArrWords *)closure)->payload[i]);
- unpacked_size += arr_words_sizeW((StgArrWords *)closure);
- Pack a PAP closure.
- Note that the representation of a PAP in the buffer is different from
- its representation in the heap. In particular, pointers to local
- closures are packed directly as FETCHME closures, using
- PACK_FETCHME_SIZE words to represent q 1 word pointer in the orig graph
- structure. To account for the difference in size we store the packed
- size of the closure as part of the PAP's variable header in the buffer.
-//@cindex PackPAP
-static void
-PackPAP(StgPAP *pap) {
- nat n, i, j, pack_start;
- StgPtr p, q;
- const StgInfoTable* info;
- StgWord bitmap;
- /* debugging only */
- StgPtr end;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
- char str[80];
- nat unpacked_size_before_PAP, FMs_in_PAP=0; // debugging only
- /* This is actually a setup invariant; checked here 'cause it affects PAPs*/
- ASSERT(NotYetPacking(OffsetFor((StgClosure *)pap)));
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- unpacked_size_before_PAP = unpacked_size);
- n = (nat)(pap->n_args);
- /* get info about basic layout of the closure */
- info = get_closure_info((StgClosure *)pap, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- ASSERT(ptrs==0 && nonptrs==0 && size==pap_sizeW(pap));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** %p (%s): PackPAP: packing PAP with %d words (size=%d; ptrs=%d; nonptrs=%d:",
- (StgClosure *)pap, info_type((StgClosure *)pap),
- n, size, ptrs, nonptrs);
- printClosure((StgClosure *)pap));
- /* check that we have enough room in the pack buffer */
- if (!RoomToPack(PACK_GA_SIZE + _HS + vhs + nonptrs, ptrs)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>&& pack buffer is full; packing FETCH_ME for closure %p (%s)",
- (StgClosure *)pap, info_type((StgClosure *)pap)));
- PackFetchMe((StgClosure *)pap);
- return;
- }
- /* record offset of the closure and allocate a GA */
- AmPacking((StgClosure *)pap);
- /* Checks for globalisation scheme; default: globalise everything thunks */
- if ( RtsFlags.ParFlags.globalising == 0 ||
- (closure_THUNK(pap) && !closure_UNPOINTED(pap)) )
- GlobaliseAndPackGA((StgClosure *)pap);
- else
- Pack((StgWord)2); // marker for unglobalised closure
- /* Pack the PAP header */
- Pack((StgWord)(pap->;
- Pack((StgWord)(pap->n_args));
- Pack((StgWord)(pap->fun));
- pack_start = pack_locn; // to compute size of PAP in buffer
- Pack((StgWord)0); // this will be filled in later (size of PAP in buffer)
- /* Pack the payload of a PAP i.e. a stack chunk */
- /* pointers to start of stack chunk */
- p = (StgPtr)(pap->payload);
- end = (StgPtr)((nat)pap+pap_sizeW(pap)*sizeof(StgWord)); // (StgPtr)((nat)pap+sizeof(StgPAP)+sizeof(StgPtr)*n);
- while (p<end) {
- /* the loop body has been borrowed from scavenge_stack */
- q = (StgPtr)*p;
- /* If we've got a tag, pack all words in that block */
- if (IS_ARG_TAG((W_)q)) { // q stands for the no. of non-ptrs to follow
- nat m = ARG_TAG((W_)q); // first word after this block
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: packing %d words (tagged), starting @ %p",
- p, m, p));
- for (i=0; i<m+1; i++)
- Pack((StgWord)*(p+i));
- p += m+1; // m words + the tag
- continue;
- }
- /* If q is is a pointer to a (heap allocated) closure we pack a FETCH_ME
- ToDo: provide RTS flag to also pack these closures
- */
- if (! LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO(q) ) {
- /* distinguish static closure (PLC) from other closures (FM) */
- switch (get_itbl((StgClosure*)q)->type) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP: packing a charlike closure %d",
- ((StgIntCharlikeClosure*)q)->data));
- PackPLC((StgPtr)CHARLIKE_CLOSURE(((StgIntCharlikeClosure*)q)->data));
- p++;
- break;
- {
- StgInt val = ((StgIntCharlikeClosure*)q)->data;
- if ((val <= MAX_INTLIKE) && (val >= MIN_INTLIKE)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP: Packing ptr to a small intlike %d as a PLC", val));
- PackPLC((StgPtr)INTLIKE_CLOSURE(val));
- p++;
- break;
- } else {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP: Packing a ptr to a big intlike %d as a FM",
- val));
- Pack((StgWord)(ARGTAG_MAX+1));
- PackFetchMe((StgClosure *)q);
- p++;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, FMs_in_PAP++);
- break;
- }
- }
- case THUNK_STATIC: // ToDo: check whether that's ok
- case FUN_STATIC: // ToDo: check whether that's ok
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP: packing a ptr to a %p (%s) as a PLC",
- q, info_type((StgClosure *)q)));
- PackPLC((StgPtr)q);
- p++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: packing FM to %p (%s)",
- p, q, info_type((StgClosure*)q)));
- Pack((StgWord)(ARGTAG_MAX+1));
- PackFetchMe((StgClosure *)q);
- p++;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, FMs_in_PAP++);
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Otherwise, q must be the info pointer of an activation
- * record. All activation records have 'bitmap' style layout
- * info.
- */
- info = get_itbl((StgClosure *)p);
- switch (info->type) {
- /* Dynamic bitmap: the mask is stored on the stack */
- case RET_DYN:
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: RET_DYN",
- p));
- /* Pack the header as is */
- Pack((StgWord)(((StgRetDyn *)p)->info));
- Pack((StgWord)(((StgRetDyn *)p)->liveness));
- Pack((StgWord)(((StgRetDyn *)p)->ret_addr));
- bitmap = ((StgRetDyn *)p)->liveness;
- p = (P_)&((StgRetDyn *)p)->payload[0];
- goto small_bitmap;
- /* probably a slow-entry point return address: */
- case FUN:
- case FUN_STATIC:
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: FUN or FUN_STATIC",
- p));
- Pack((StgWord)(((StgClosure *)p)->;
- p++;
- goto follow_srt; //??
- }
- /* Using generic code here; could inline as in scavenge_stack */
- {
- StgUpdateFrame *frame = (StgUpdateFrame *)p;
- nat type = get_itbl(frame->updatee)->type;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: UPDATE_FRAME (updatee=%p; link=%p)",
- p, frame->updatee, frame->link));
- Pack((StgWord)(frame->;
- Pack((StgWord)(frame->link)); // ToDo: fix intra-stack pointer
- Pack((StgWord)(frame->updatee)); // ToDo: follow link
- p += 3;
- }
- /* small bitmap (< 32 entries, or 64 on a 64-bit machine) */
- case STOP_FRAME:
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: STOP_FRAME",
- p));
- Pack((StgWord)((StgStopFrame *)p)->;
- p++;
- }
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: CATCH_FRAME (handler=%p)",
- p, ((StgCatchFrame *)p)->handler));
- Pack((StgWord)((StgCatchFrame *)p)->;
- Pack((StgWord)((StgCatchFrame *)p)->link); // ToDo: fix intra-stack pointer
- Pack((StgWord)((StgCatchFrame *)p)->exceptions_blocked);
- Pack((StgWord)((StgCatchFrame *)p)->handler);
- p += 4;
- }
- case SEQ_FRAME:
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: UPDATE_FRAME (link=%p)",
- p, ((StgSeqFrame *)p)->link));
- Pack((StgWord)((StgSeqFrame *)p)->;
- Pack((StgWord)((StgSeqFrame *)p)->link); // ToDo: fix intra-stack pointer
- // ToDo: handle bitmap
- bitmap = info->layout.bitmap;
- p = (StgPtr)&(((StgClosure *)p)->payload);
- goto small_bitmap;
- }
- case RET_BCO:
- case RET_SMALL:
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: RET_{BCO,SMALL,VEC_SMALL} (bitmap=%o)",
- p, info->layout.bitmap));
- Pack((StgWord)((StgClosure *)p)->;
- p++;
- // ToDo: handle bitmap
- bitmap = info->layout.bitmap;
- /* this assumes that the payload starts immediately after the info-ptr */
- small_bitmap:
- while (bitmap != 0) {
- if ((bitmap & 1) == 0) {
- Pack((StgWord)(ARGTAG_MAX+1));
- PackFetchMe((StgClosure *)*p++); // pack a FetchMe to the closure
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, FMs_in_PAP++);
- } else {
- Pack((StgWord)*p++);
- }
- bitmap = bitmap >> 1;
- }
- follow_srt:
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>-- PackPAP: nothing to do for follow_srt"));
- continue;
- /* large bitmap (> 32 entries) */
- case RET_BIG:
- case RET_VEC_BIG:
- {
- StgPtr q;
- StgLargeBitmap *large_bitmap;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>** PackPAP @ %p: RET_{BIG,VEC_BIG} (large_bitmap=%p)",
- p, info->layout.large_bitmap));
- Pack((StgWord)((StgClosure *)p)->;
- p++;
- large_bitmap = info->layout.large_bitmap;
- for (j=0; j<large_bitmap->size; j++) {
- bitmap = large_bitmap->bitmap[j];
- q = p + BITS_IN(W_);
- while (bitmap != 0) {
- if ((bitmap & 1) == 0) {
- Pack((StgWord)(ARGTAG_MAX+1));
- PackFetchMe((StgClosure *)*p++); // ToDo: pack pointer(StgClosure *)*p = evacuate((StgClosure *)*p);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, FMs_in_PAP++);
- } else {
- Pack((StgWord)*p++);
- }
- bitmap = bitmap >> 1;
- }
- if (j+1 < large_bitmap->size) {
- while (p < q) {
- Pack((StgWord)(ARGTAG_MAX+1));
- PackFetchMe((StgClosure *)*p++); // ToDo: pack pointer (StgClosure *)*p = evacuate((StgClosure *)*p);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, FMs_in_PAP++);
- }
- }
- }
- /* and don't forget to follow the SRT */
- goto follow_srt;
- }
- default:
- barf("PackPAP: weird activation record found on stack (@ %p): %d",
- p, (int)(info->type));
- }
- }
- // fill in size of the PAP (only the payload!) in buffer
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_start] = (StgWord)(pack_locn - pack_start - 1*sizeofW(StgWord));
- /*
- We can use the generic pap_sizeW macro to compute the size of the
- unpacked PAP because whenever we pack a new FETCHME as part of the
- PAP's payload we also adjust unpacked_size accordingly (smart, aren't we?)
- NB: the current PAP (un-)packing code relies on the fact that
- the size of the unpacked PAP + size of all unpacked FMs is the same as
- the size of the packed PAP!!
- */
- unpacked_size += pap_sizeW(pap); // sizeofW(pap) + (nat)(globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_start]);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- ASSERT(unpacked_size-unpacked_size_before_PAP==pap_sizeW(pap)+FMs_in_PAP*sizeofW(StgFetchMe)));
-# else /* GRAN */
-/* Fake the packing of a closure */
-StgClosure *closure;
- StgInfoTable *info, *childInfo;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
- char info_hdr_ty[80];
- nat i;
- StgClosure *indirectee, *rbh;
- char str[80];
- rtsBool is_mutable, will_be_rbh, no_more_thunks_please;
- is_mutable = rtsFalse;
- /* In GranSim we don't pack and unpack closures -- we just simulate
- packing by updating the bitmask. So, the graph structure is unchanged
- i.e. we don't short out indirections here. -- HWL */
- /* Nothing to do with packing but good place to (sanity) check closure;
- if the closure is a thunk, it must be unique; otherwise we have copied
- work at some point before that which violates one of our main global
- assertions in GranSim/GUM */
- ASSERT(!closure_THUNK(closure) || is_unique(closure));
- belch("** Packing closure %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- if (where_is(closure) != where_is(graph_root)) {
- belch("** faking a FETCHME [current PE: %d, closure's PE: %d]",
- where_is(graph_root), where_is(closure)));
- /* GUM would pack a FETCHME here; simulate that by increasing the */
- /* unpacked size accordingly but don't pack anything -- HWL */
- unpacked_size += _HS + 2 ; // sizeofW(StgFetchMe);
- return;
- }
- /* If the closure's not already being packed */
- if (!NotYetPacking(closure))
- /* Don't have to do anything in GrAnSim if closure is already */
- /* packed -- HWL */
- {
- belch("** Closure %p is already packed and omitted now!",
- closure));
- return;
- }
- switch (get_itbl(closure)->type) {
- /* ToDo: check for sticky bit here? */
- /* BH-like closures which must not be moved to another PE */
- case CAF_BLACKHOLE: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 0,2 */
- case SE_BLACKHOLE: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 0,2 */
- case SE_CAF_BLACKHOLE: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 0,2 */
- case BLACKHOLE: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 0,2 */
- case BLACKHOLE_BQ: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 1,1 */
- case RBH: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 1,1 */
- /* same for these parallel specific closures */
- case FETCH_ME:
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- belch("** Avoid packing BH-like closures (%p, %s)!",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- /* Just ignore RBHs i.e. they stay where they are */
- return;
- {
- StgClosure *selectee = ((StgSelector *)closure)->selectee;
- belch("** Avoid packing THUNK_SELECTOR (%p, %s) but queuing %p (%s)!",
- closure, info_type(closure), selectee, info_type(selectee)));
- QueueClosure(selectee);
- belch("** [%p (%s) (Queueing closure) ....]",
- selectee, info_type(selectee)));
- }
- return;
- /* For now we ship indirections to CAFs:
- * They are evaluated on each PE if needed */
- belch("** Nothing to pack for %p (%s)!",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- // Pack(closure); GUM only
- return;
- belch("** Nothing to pack for %s (%p)!",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- // PackPLC(((StgIntCharlikeClosure *)closure)->data); GUM only
- return;
- case AP_UPD:
- case PAP:
- /* partial applications; special treatment necessary? */
- break;
- case MVAR:
- barf("{PackClosure}Daq Qagh: found an MVAR (%p, %s); ToDo: implement proper treatment of MVARs",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- case ARR_WORDS:
- case MUT_VAR:
- case MUT_ARR_PTRS:
- /* Mutable objects; require special treatment to ship all data */
- is_mutable = rtsTrue;
- break;
- case WEAK:
- case FOREIGN:
- /* weak pointers and other FFI objects */
- barf("{PackClosure}Daq Qagh: found an FFI object (%p, %s); FFI not yet supported by GranSim, sorry",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- case TSO:
- /* parallel objects */
- barf("{PackClosure}Daq Qagh: found a TSO when packing (%p, %s); thread migration not yet implemented, sorry",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- case BCO:
- /* Hugs objects (i.e. closures used by the interpreter) */
- barf("{PackClosure}Daq Qagh: found a Hugs closure when packing (%p, %s); GranSim not yet integrated with Hugs, sorry",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- case IND: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 1,0 */
- case IND_STATIC: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 1,0 */
- case IND_PERM: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 1,1 */
- case IND_OLDGEN: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 1,1 */
- case IND_OLDGEN_PERM: /* # of ptrs, nptrs: 1,1 */
- /* we shouldn't find an indirection here, because we have shorted them
- out at the beginning of this functions already.
- */
- break;
- /* should be:
- barf("{PackClosure}Daq Qagh: found indirection when packing (%p, %s)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- */
- case SEQ_FRAME:
- case STOP_FRAME:
- /* stack frames; should never be found when packing for now;
- once we support thread migration these have to be covered properly
- */
- barf("{PackClosure}Daq Qagh: found stack frame when packing (%p, %s)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- case RET_BCO:
- case RET_SMALL:
- case RET_BIG:
- case RET_VEC_BIG:
- case RET_DYN:
- /* vectored returns; should never be found when packing; */
- barf("{PackClosure}Daq Qagh: found vectored return (%p, %s)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- barf("{PackClosure}Daq Qagh: found Invalid object (%p, %s)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- default:
- /*
- Here we know that the closure is a CONSTR, FUN or THUNK (maybe
- a specialised version with wired in #ptr/#nptr info; currently
- we treat these specialised versions like the generic version)
- */
- } /* switch */
- /* Otherwise it's not Fixed */
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- will_be_rbh = closure_THUNK(closure) && !closure_UNPOINTED(closure);
- belch("** Info on closure %p (%s): size=%d; ptrs=%d",
- closure, info_type(closure),
- size, ptrs,
- (will_be_rbh) ? "will become RBH" : "will NOT become RBH"));
- // check whether IS_UPDATABLE(closure) == !closure_UNPOINTED(closure) -- HWL
- no_more_thunks_please =
- (RtsFlags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack>0) &&
- (packed_thunks>=RtsFlags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack);
- /*
- should be covered by get_closure_info
- if (info->type == FETCH_ME || info->type == FETCH_ME_BQ ||
- info->type == BLACKHOLE || info->type == RBH )
- size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
- */
- /* Now peek ahead to see whether the closure has any primitive */
- /* array children */
- /*
- ToDo: fix this code
- for (i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i) {
- P_ childInfo;
- W_ childSize, childPtrs, childNonPtrs, childVhs;
- childInfo = get_closure_info(((StgPtrPtr) (closure))[i + _HS + vhs],
- &childSize, &childPtrs, &childNonPtrs,
- &childVhs, junk_str);
- if (IS_BIG_MOTHER(childInfo)) {
- reservedPAsize += PACK_GA_SIZE + _HS +
- childVhs + childNonPtrs +
- childPtrs * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE;
- PAsize += PACK_GA_SIZE + _HS + childSize;
- PAptrs += childPtrs;
- }
- }
- */
- /* Don't pack anything (GrAnSim) if it's a black hole, or the buffer
- * is full and it isn't a primitive array. N.B. Primitive arrays are
- * always packed (because their parents index into them directly) */
- if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(closure))
- /*
- ToDo: fix this code
- ||
- !(RoomToPack(PACK_GA_SIZE + _HS + vhs + nonptrs, ptrs)
- || IS_BIG_MOTHER(info)))
- */
- return;
- /* At last! A closure we can actually pack! */
- if (closure_MUTABLE(closure)) // not nec. && (info->type != FETCHME))
- belch("ghuH: Replicated a Mutable closure!");
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global &&
- no_more_thunks_please && will_be_rbh) {
- globalGranStats.tot_cuts++;
- if ( RtsFlags.GranFlags.Debug.pack )
- belch("** PackClosure (w/ ThunksToPack=%d): Cutting tree with root at %#x\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack, closure);
- } else if (will_be_rbh || (closure==graph_root) ) {
- packed_thunks++;
- globalGranStats.tot_thunks++;
- }
- if (no_more_thunks_please && will_be_rbh)
- return; /* don't pack anything */
- /* actual PACKING done here -- HWL */
- Pack(closure);
- for (i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i) {
- /* extract i-th pointer from closure */
- QueueClosure((StgClosure *)(closure->payload[i]));
- belch("** [%p (%s) (Queueing closure) ....]",
- closure->payload[i],
- info_type(*stgCast(StgPtr*,((closure)->payload+(i))))));
- //^^^^^^^^^^^ payloadPtr(closure,i))));
- }
- /*
- for packing words (GUM only) do something like this:
- for (i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i) {
- Pack(payloadWord(obj,i+j));
- }
- */
- /* Turn thunk into a revertible black hole. */
- if (will_be_rbh) {
- rbh = convertToRBH(closure);
- ASSERT(rbh != NULL);
- }
-# endif /* PAR */
-//@node Low level packing routines, Unpacking routines, Packing Functions, Graph packing
-//@subsection Low level packing routines
- @Pack@ is the basic packing routine. It just writes a word of data into
- the pack buffer and increments the pack location. */
-//@cindex Pack
-# if defined(PAR)
-static void
-StgWord data;
- ASSERT(pack_locn < RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize);
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_locn++] = data;
-#if defined(GRAN)
-static void
-StgClosure *closure;
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
- char str[80];
- /* This checks the size of the GrAnSim internal pack buffer. The simulated
- pack buffer is checked via RoomToPack (as in GUM) */
- if (pack_locn >= (int)globalPackBuffer->size+sizeofW(rtsPackBuffer))
- reallocPackBuffer();
- if (closure==(StgClosure*)NULL)
- belch("Qagh {Pack}Daq: Trying to pack 0");
- globalPackBuffer->buffer[pack_locn++] = closure;
- /* ASSERT: Data is a closure in GrAnSim here */
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- // ToDo: is check for MIN_UPD_SIZE really needed? */
- unpacked_size += _HS + (size < MIN_UPD_SIZE ?
- size);
-# endif /* GRAN */
- If a closure is local, make it global. Then, divide its weight for
- export. The GA is then packed into the pack buffer. */
-# if defined(PAR)
-//@cindex GlobaliseAndPackGA
-static void
-StgClosure *closure;
- globalAddr *ga;
- globalAddr packGA;
- if ((ga = LAGAlookup(closure)) == NULL) {
- ga = makeGlobal(closure, rtsTrue);
- // Global statistics: increase amount of global data by closure-size
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i, m; // stats only!!
- char str[80]; // stats only!!
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- globalParStats.tot_global += size;
- }
- }
- ASSERT(ga->weight==MAX_GA_WEIGHT || ga->weight > 2);
- if(dest_gtid==ga->payload.gc.gtid)
- { packGA.payload = ga->payload;
- packGA.weight = 0xFFFFFFFF; // 0,1,2 are used already
- }
- else
- { splitWeight(&packGA, ga);
- ASSERT(packGA.weight > 0);
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- fprintf(stderr, "*>## %p (%s): Globalising (%s) closure with GA ",
- closure, info_type(closure),
- ( (ga->payload.gc.gtid==dest_gtid)?"returning":
- ( (ga->payload.gc.gtid==mytid)?"creating":"sharing" ) ));
- printGA(&packGA);
- fputc('\n', stderr));
- Pack((StgWord) packGA.weight);
- Pack((StgWord) packGA.payload.gc.gtid);
- Pack((StgWord) packGA.payload.gc.slot);
- @PackPLC@ makes up a bogus GA for a PLC. Weight 0 implies that a PLC
- address follows instead of PE, slot. */
-//@cindex PackPLC
-static void
-StgPtr addr;
- Pack(0L); /* weight */
- Pack((StgWord) addr); /* address */
- @PackOffset@ packs a special GA value that will be interpreted as an
- offset to a closure in the pack buffer. This is used to avoid unfolding
- the graph structure into a tree. */
-static void
-int offset;
- /*
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("** Packing Offset %d at pack location %u",
- offset, pack_locn));
- */
- Pack(1L); /* weight */
- Pack(0L); /* pe */
- Pack(offset); /* slot/offset */
-# endif /* PAR */
-//@node Unpacking routines, Aux fcts for packing, Low level packing routines, Graph packing
-//@subsection Unpacking routines
- This was formerly in the (now deceased) module Unpack.c
- Unpacking closures which have been exported to remote processors
- This module defines routines for unpacking closures in the parallel
- runtime system (GUM).
- In the case of GrAnSim, this module defines routines for *simulating* the
- unpacking of closures as it is done in the parallel runtime system.
-//@node GUM code, GranSim Code, Unpacking routines, Unpacking routines
-//@subsubsection GUM code
-#if defined(PAR)
-//@cindex InitPendingGABuffer
-nat size;
- if (PendingGABuffer==(globalAddr *)NULL)
- PendingGABuffer = (globalAddr *)
- stgMallocBytes(size*2*sizeof(globalAddr),
- "InitPendingGABuffer");
- /* current location in the buffer */
- gaga = PendingGABuffer;
- @CommonUp@ commons up two closures which we have discovered to be
- variants of the same object. One is made an indirection to the other. */
-//@cindex CommonUp
-CommonUp(StgClosure *src, StgClosure *dst)
- StgBlockingQueueElement *bqe;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i;
- char str[80];
- /* get info about basic layout of the closure */
- info = get_closure_info(src, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- ASSERT(src != (StgClosure *)NULL && dst != (StgClosure *)NULL);
- ASSERT(src != dst);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*___ CommonUp %p (%s) --> %p (%s)",
- src, info_type(src), dst, info_type(dst)));
- switch (get_itbl(src)->type) {
- bqe = ((StgBlockingQueue *)src)->blocking_queue;
- break;
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- bqe = ((StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *)src)->blocking_queue;
- break;
- case RBH:
- bqe = ((StgRBH *)src)->blocking_queue;
- break;
- case FETCH_ME:
- bqe = END_BQ_QUEUE;
- break;
- /* These closures are too small to be updated with an indirection!!! */
- case CONSTR_1_0:
- case CONSTR_0_1:
- ASSERT(size<_HS+MIN_UPD_SIZE); // that's why we have to avoid UPD_IND
- return;
- /* currently we also common up 2 CONSTRs; this should reduce heap
- * consumption but also does more work; not sure whether it's worth doing
- */
- case CONSTR:
- case CONSTR_2_0:
- case CONSTR_1_1:
- case CONSTR_0_2:
- case ARR_WORDS:
- case MUT_ARR_PTRS:
- case MUT_VAR:
- break;
- default:
- /* Don't common up anything else */
- return;
- }
- /* closure must be big enough to permit update with ind */
- /* NB: this also awakens the blocking queue for src */
- UPD_IND(src, dst);
- * Common up the new closure with any existing closure having the same
- * GA
- */
-//@cindex SetGAandCommonUp
-static StgClosure *
-SetGAandCommonUp(globalAddr *ga, StgClosure *closure, rtsBool hasGA)
- StgClosure *existing;
- StgInfoTable *ip, *oldip;
- globalAddr *newGA;
- if (!hasGA)
- return closure;
- /* should we already have a local copy? */
- if (ga->weight==0xFFFFFFFF) {
- ASSERT(ga->payload.gc.gtid==mytid); //sanity
- ga->weight=0;
- /* probably should also ASSERT that a commonUp takes place...*/
- }
- ip = get_itbl(closure);
- if ((existing = GALAlookup(ga)) == NULL) {
- /* Just keep the new object */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<## New local object for GA ((%x, %d, %x)) is %p (%s)",
- ga->payload.gc.gtid, ga->payload.gc.slot, ga->weight,
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- // make an entry binding closure to ga in the RemoteGA table
- newGA = setRemoteGA(closure, ga, rtsTrue);
- // if local closure is a FETCH_ME etc fill in the global indirection
- if (ip->type == FETCH_ME || ip->type == REMOTE_REF)
- ((StgFetchMe *)closure)->ga = newGA;
- } else {
-#ifdef DIST
-// ***************************************************************************
-// ***************************************************************************
-// REMOTE_REF HACK - dual is in PackRemoteRef
-// - prevents the weight ever being updated
- if (ip->type == REMOTE_REF)
- ga->weight=0;
-// ***************************************************************************
-// ***************************************************************************
-#endif /* DIST */
- /* Two closures, one global name. Someone loses */
- oldip = get_itbl(existing);
- if ((oldip->type == FETCH_ME ||
- IS_BLACK_HOLE(existing) ||
- /* try to share evaluated closures */
- oldip->type == CONSTR ||
- oldip->type == CONSTR_1_0 ||
- oldip->type == CONSTR_0_1 ||
- oldip->type == CONSTR_2_0 ||
- oldip->type == CONSTR_1_1 ||
- oldip->type == CONSTR_0_2
- ) &&
- ip->type != FETCH_ME)
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<#- Duplicate local object for GA ((%x, %d, %x)); redirecting %p (%s) -> %p (%s)",
- ga->payload.gc.gtid, ga->payload.gc.slot, ga->weight,
- existing, info_type(existing), closure, info_type(closure)));
- /*
- * What we had wasn't worth keeping, so make the old closure an
- * indirection to the new closure (copying BQs if necessary) and
- * make sure that the old entry is not the preferred one for this
- * closure.
- */
- CommonUp(existing, closure);
- //GALAdeprecate(ga);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
- {
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i;
- char str[80];
- /* get info about basic layout of the closure */
- info = get_closure_info(GALAlookup(ga), &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- /* now ga indirectly refers to the new closure */
- UNWIND_IND(GALAlookup(ga))==closure);
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * Either we already had something worthwhile by this name or
- * the new thing is just another FetchMe. However, the thing we
- * just unpacked has to be left as-is, or the child unpacking
- * code will fail. Remember that the way pointer words are
- * filled in depends on the info pointers of the parents being
- * the same as when they were packed.
- */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<#@ Duplicate local object for GA ((%x, %d, %x)); keeping %p (%s) nuking unpacked %p (%s)",
- ga->payload.gc.gtid, ga->payload.gc.slot, ga->weight,
- existing, info_type(existing), closure, info_type(closure)));
- /* overwrite 2nd word; indicates that the closure is garbage */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- ((StgFetchMe*)closure)->ga = (globalAddr*)GARBAGE_MARKER;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("++++ unpacked closure %p (%s) is garbage: %p",
- closure, info_type(closure), *(closure+1))));
- closure = existing;
-#if 0
- // HACK
- ty = get_itbl(closure)->type;
- if (ty == CONSTR ||
- ty == CONSTR_1_0 ||
- ty == CONSTR_0_1 ||
- ty == CONSTR_2_0 ||
- ty == CONSTR_1_1 ||
- ty == CONSTR_0_2)
- CommonUp(closure, graph);
- }
- /* We don't use this GA after all, so give back the weight */
- (void) addWeight(ga);
- }
- /* if we have unpacked a FETCH_ME, we have a GA, too */
- ASSERT(get_itbl(closure)->type!=FETCH_ME ||
- looks_like_ga(((StgFetchMe*)closure)->ga));
- /* Sort out the global address mapping */
- if (ip_THUNK(ip)){
- // || // (ip_THUNK(ip) && !ip_UNPOINTED(ip)) ||
- //(ip_MUTABLE(ip) && ip->type != FETCH_ME)) {
- /* Make up new GAs for single-copy closures */
- globalAddr *newGA = makeGlobal(closure, rtsTrue);
- // It's a new GA and therefore has the full weight
- ASSERT(newGA->weight==0);
- /* Create an old GA to new GA mapping */
- *gaga++ = *ga;
- splitWeight(gaga, newGA);
- /* inlined splitWeight; we know that newGALA has full weight
- newGA->weight = gaga->weight = 1L << (BITS_IN(unsigned) - 1);
- gaga->payload = newGA->payload;
- */
- ASSERT(gaga->weight == 1U << (BITS_IN(unsigned) - 1));
- gaga++;
- }
- return closure;
- Copies a segment of the buffer, starting at @bufptr@, representing a closure
- into the heap at @graph@.
- */
-//@cindex FillInClosure
-static nat
-FillInClosure(StgWord ***bufptrP, StgClosure *graph)
- StgInfoTable *ip;
- StgWord **bufptr = *bufptrP;
- nat ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i, size;
- char str[80];
- ASSERT(LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO(((StgClosure*)bufptr)->;
- /*
- * Close your eyes. You don't want to see where we're looking. You
- * can't get closure info until you've unpacked the variable header,
- * but you don't know how big it is until you've got closure info.
- * So...we trust that the closure in the buffer is organized the
- * same way as they will be in the least up through the
- * end of the variable header.
- */
- ip = get_closure_info((StgClosure *)bufptr, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- /* Make sure that nothing sans the fixed header is filled in
- The ga field of the FETCH_ME is filled in in SetGAandCommonUp */
- if (ip->type == FETCH_ME || ip->type == REMOTE_REF) {
- ASSERT(size>=_HS+MIN_UPD_SIZE); // size of the FM in the heap
- ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0; // i.e. only unpack FH from buffer
- }
- /* ToDo: check whether this is really needed */
- if (ip->type == ARR_WORDS) {
- UnpackArray(bufptrP, graph);
- return arr_words_sizeW((StgArrWords *)bufptr);
- }
- if (ip->type == PAP || ip->type == AP_UPD) {
- return UnpackPAP(bufptrP, graph); // includes size of unpackes FMs
- }
- /*
- Remember, the generic closure layout is as follows:
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- */
- /* Fill in the fixed header */
- for (i = 0; i < _HS; i++)
- ((StgPtr)graph)[i] = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- /* Fill in the packed variable header */
- for (i = 0; i < vhs; i++)
- ((StgPtr)graph)[_HS + i] = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- /* Pointers will be filled in later */
- /* Fill in the packed non-pointers */
- for (i = 0; i < nonptrs; i++)
- ((StgPtr)graph)[_HS + i + vhs + ptrs] = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- /* Indirections are never packed */
- // ASSERT(INFO_PTR(graph) != (W_) Ind_info_TO_USE);
- // return bufptr;
- *bufptrP = bufptr;
- ASSERT(((ip->type==FETCH_ME || ip->type==REMOTE_REF)&& sizeofW(StgFetchMe)==size) ||
- _HS+vhs+ptrs+nonptrs == size);
- return size;
- Find the next pointer field in the parent closure.
- If the current parent has been completely unpacked already, get the
- next closure from the global closure queue.
-//@cindex LocateNextParent
-static void
-LocateNextParent(parentP, pptrP, pptrsP, sizeP)
-StgClosure **parentP;
-nat *pptrP, *pptrsP, *sizeP;
- StgInfoTable *ip; // debugging
- nat nonptrs, pvhs;
- char str[80];
- /* pptr as an index into the current parent; find the next pointer field
- in the parent by increasing pptr; if that takes us off the closure
- (i.e. *pptr + 1 > *pptrs) grab a new parent from the closure queue
- */
- (*pptrP)++;
- while (*pptrP + 1 > *pptrsP) {
- /* *parentP has been constructed (all pointer set); so check it now */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- if ((*parentP!=(StgClosure*)NULL) && // not root
- (*((StgPtr)(*parentP)+1)!=GARBAGE_MARKER) && // not commoned up
- (get_itbl(*parentP)->type != FETCH_ME))
- checkClosure(*parentP));
- *parentP = DeQueueClosure();
- if (*parentP == NULL)
- break;
- else {
- ip = get_closure_info(*parentP, sizeP, pptrsP, &nonptrs,
- &pvhs, str);
- *pptrP = 0;
- }
- }
- /* *parentP points to the new (or old) parent; */
- /* *pptr, *pptrs and *size have been updated referring to the new parent */
- UnpackClosure is the heart of the unpacking routine. It is called for
- every closure found in the packBuffer. Any prefix such as GA, PLC marker
- etc has been unpacked into the *ga structure.
- UnpackClosure does the following:
- - check for the kind of the closure (PLC, Offset, std closure)
- - copy the contents of the closure from the buffer into the heap
- - update LAGA tables (in particular if we end up with 2 closures
- having the same GA, we make one an indirection to the other)
- - set the GAGA map in order to send back an ACK message
- At the end of this function *graphP has been updated to point to the
- next free word in the heap for unpacking the rest of the graph and
- *bufptrP points to the next word in the pack buffer to be unpacked.
-static StgClosure*
-UnpackClosure (StgWord ***bufptrP, StgClosure **graphP, globalAddr *ga) {
- StgClosure *closure;
- nat size;
- rtsBool hasGA = rtsFalse, unglobalised = rtsFalse;
- /* Now unpack the closure body, if there is one; three cases:
- - PLC: closure is just a pointer to a static closure
- - Offset: closure has been unpacked already
- - else: copy data from packet into closure
- */
- if (isFixed(ga)) {
- closure = UnpackPLC(ga);
- } else if (isOffset(ga)) {
- closure = UnpackOffset(ga);
- } else {
- /* if not PLC or Offset it must be a GA and then the closure */
- ASSERT(RtsFlags.ParFlags.globalising!=0 || LOOKS_LIKE_GA(ga));
- /* check whether this is an unglobalised closure */
- unglobalised = isUnglobalised(ga);
- /* Now we have to build something. */
- hasGA = !isConstr(ga);
- /* the new closure will be built here */
- closure = *graphP;
- /* fill in the closure from the buffer */
- size = FillInClosure(/*in/out*/bufptrP, /*in*/closure);
- /* if it is unglobalised, it may not be a thunk!! */
- ASSERT(!unglobalised || !closure_THUNK(closure));
- /* Add to queue for processing */
- QueueClosure(closure);
- /* common up with other graph if necessary */
- if (!unglobalised)
- closure = SetGAandCommonUp(ga, closure, hasGA);
- /* if we unpacked a THUNK, check that it is large enough to update */
- ASSERT(!closure_THUNK(closure) || size>=_HS+MIN_UPD_SIZE);
- /* graph shall point to next free word in the heap */
- *graphP += size;
- //*graphP += (size < _HS+MIN_UPD_SIZE) ? _HS+MIN_UPD_SIZE : size; // see ASSERT
- }
- return closure;
- @UnpackGraph@ unpacks the graph contained in a message buffer. It
- returns a pointer to the new graph. The @gamap@ parameter is set to
- point to an array of (oldGA,newGA) pairs which were created as a result
- of unpacking the buffer; @nGAs@ is set to the number of GA pairs which
- were created.
- The format of graph in the pack buffer is as defined in */
-//@cindex UnpackGraph
-StgClosure *
-UnpackGraph(packBuffer, gamap, nGAs)
-rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer;
-globalAddr **gamap;
-nat *nGAs;
- StgWord **bufptr, **slotptr;
- globalAddr gaS;
- StgClosure *closure, *graphroot, *graph, *parent;
- nat size, heapsize, bufsize,
- pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs = 0;
- nat unpacked_closures = 0, unpacked_thunks = 0; // stats only
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(resume,
- graphFingerPrint[0] = '\0');
- ASSERT(_HS==1); // HWL HACK; compile time constant
- /* Initialisation */
- InitPacking(rtsTrue); // same as in PackNearbyGraph
- globalUnpackBuffer = packBuffer;
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, // do a sanity check on the incoming packet
- checkPacket(packBuffer));
- ASSERT(gaga==PendingGABuffer);
- graphroot = (StgClosure *)NULL;
- /* Unpack the header */
- bufsize = packBuffer->size;
- heapsize = packBuffer->unpacked_size;
- bufptr = packBuffer->buffer;
- /* allocate heap */
- if (heapsize > 0) {
- graph = (StgClosure *)allocate(heapsize);
- ASSERT(graph != NULL);
- // parallel global statistics: increase amount of global data
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.tot_global += heapsize;
- }
- }
- /* iterate over the buffer contents and unpack all closures */
- parent = (StgClosure *)NULL;
- do {
- /* check that we aren't at the end of the buffer, yet */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, ASSERT(*bufptr != END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER));
- /* This is where we will ultimately save the closure's address */
- slotptr = bufptr;
- /* fill in gaS from buffer; gaS may receive GA, PLC- or offset-marker */
- bufptr = UnpackGA(/*in*/bufptr, /*out*/&gaS);
- /* this allocates heap space, updates LAGA tables etc */
- closure = UnpackClosure (/*in/out*/&bufptr, /*in/out*/&graph, /*in*/&gaS);
- unpacked_closures++; // stats only; doesn't count FMs in PAP!!!
- unpacked_thunks += (closure_THUNK(closure)) ? 1 : 0; // stats only
- /*
- * Set parent pointer to point to chosen closure. If we're at the top of
- * the graph (our parent is NULL), then we want to arrange to return the
- * chosen closure to our caller (possibly in place of the allocated graph
- * root.)
- */
- if (parent == NULL)
- graphroot = closure;
- else
- ((StgPtr)parent)[_HS + pvhs + pptr] = (StgWord) closure;
- /* Save closure pointer for resolving offsets */
- *slotptr = (StgWord*) closure;
- /* Locate next parent pointer */
- LocateNextParent(&parent, &pptr, &pptrs, &size);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- gaS.weight = 0xdeadffff;
- gaS.payload.gc.gtid = 0xdead;
- gaS.payload.gc.slot = 0xdeadbeef;);
- } while (parent != NULL);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(resume,
- GraphFingerPrint(graphroot, graphFingerPrint);
- ASSERT(strlen(graphFingerPrint)<=MAX_FINGER_PRINT_LEN);
- belch(">>> Fingerprint of graph rooted at %p (after unpacking <<%d>>:\n {%s}",
- graphroot, packBuffer->id, graphFingerPrint));
- /* we unpacked exactly as many words as there are in the buffer */
- ASSERT(bufsize == (nat) (bufptr-(packBuffer->buffer)));
- /* we filled no more heap closure than we allocated at the beginning;
- ideally this should be a ==;
- NB: test is only valid if we unpacked anything at all (graphroot might
- end up to be a PLC!), therfore the strange test for HEAP_ALLOCED
- */
- /*
- {
- StgInfoTable *info = get_itbl(graphroot);
- ASSERT(!HEAP_ALLOCED(graphroot) || heapsize >= (nat) (graph-graphroot) ||
- // ToDo: check whether CAFs are really a special case here!!
- info->type==CAF_BLACKHOLE || info->type==FETCH_ME || info->type==FETCH_ME_BQ);
- }
- */
- /* check for magic end-of-buffer word */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, ASSERT(*bufptr == END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER));
- *gamap = PendingGABuffer;
- *nGAs = (gaga - PendingGABuffer) / 2;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
- belch("** LAGA table after unpacking closure %p:",
- graphroot);
- printLAGAtable());
- /* ToDo: are we *certain* graphroot has been set??? WDP 95/07 */
- ASSERT(graphroot!=NULL);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- {
- StgPtr p;
- /* check the unpacked graph */
- //checkHeapChunk(graphroot,graph-sizeof(StgWord));
- // if we do sanity checks, then wipe the pack buffer after unpacking
- for (p=(StgPtr)packBuffer->buffer; p<(StgPtr)(packBuffer->buffer)+(packBuffer->size); )
- *p++ = 0xdeadbeef;
- });
- /* reset the global variable */
- globalUnpackBuffer = (rtsPackBuffer*)NULL;
- PAR_TICKY_UNPACK_GRAPH_END(unpacked_closures, unpacked_thunks);
- return (graphroot);
-//@cindex UnpackGA
-static StgWord **
-UnpackGA(StgWord **bufptr, globalAddr *ga)
- /* First, unpack the next GA or PLC */
- ga->weight = (rtsWeight) *bufptr++;
- if (ga->weight == 2) { // unglobalised closure to follow
- // nothing to do; closure starts at *bufptr
- } else if (ga->weight > 0) { // fill in GA
- ga->payload.gc.gtid = (GlobalTaskId) *bufptr++;
- ga->payload.gc.slot = (int) *bufptr++;
- } else {
- ga->payload.plc = (StgPtr) *bufptr++;
- }
- return bufptr;
-//@cindex UnpackPLC
-static StgClosure *
-UnpackPLC(globalAddr *ga)
- /* No more to unpack; just set closure to local address */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<^^ Unpacked PLC at %x", ga->payload.plc));
- return (StgClosure*)ga->payload.plc;
-//@cindex UnpackOffset
-static StgClosure *
-UnpackOffset(globalAddr *ga)
- /* globalUnpackBuffer is a global var init in UnpackGraph */
- ASSERT(globalUnpackBuffer!=(rtsPackBuffer*)NULL);
- /* No more to unpack; just set closure to cached address */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<__ Unpacked indirection to %p (was OFFSET %d)",
- (StgClosure *)((globalUnpackBuffer->buffer)[ga->payload.gc.slot]),
- ga->payload.gc.slot));
- return (StgClosure *)(globalUnpackBuffer->buffer)[ga->payload.gc.slot];
- Input: *bufptrP, *graphP ... ptrs to the pack buffer and into the heap.
- *bufptrP points to something that should be unpacked as a FETCH_ME:
- |
- v
- +-------------------------------
- | GA | FH of FM
- +-------------------------------
- The first 3 words starting at *bufptrP are the GA address; the next
- word is the generic FM info ptr followed by the remaining FH (if any)
- The result after unpacking will be a FETCH_ME closure, pointed to by
- *graphP at the start of the fct;
- |
- v
- +------------------------+
- | FH of FM | ptr to a GA |
- +------------------------+
- The ptr field points into the RemoteGA table, which holds the actual GA.
- *bufptrP has been updated to point to the next word in the buffer.
- *graphP has been updated to point to the first free word at the end.
-static StgClosure*
-UnpackFetchMe (StgWord ***bufptrP, StgClosure **graphP) {
- StgClosure *closure, *foo;
- globalAddr gaS;
- /* This fct relies on size of FM < size of FM in pack buffer */
- /* fill in gaS from buffer */
- *bufptrP = UnpackGA(*bufptrP, &gaS);
- /* might be an offset to a closure in the pack buffer */
- if (isOffset(&gaS)) {
- belch("*< UnpackFetchMe: found OFFSET to %d when unpacking FM at buffer loc %p",
- gaS.payload.gc.slot, *bufptrP);
- closure = UnpackOffset(&gaS);
- /* return address of previously unpacked closure; leaves *graphP unchanged */
- return closure;
- }
- /* we have a proper GA at hand */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- if (isFixed(&gaS))
- barf("*< UnpackFetchMe: found PLC where FM was expected %p (%s)",
- *bufptrP, info_type((StgClosure*)*bufptrP)));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<_- Unpacked @ %p a FETCH_ME to GA ",
- *graphP);
- printGA(&gaS);
- fputc('\n', stderr));
- /* the next thing must be the IP to a FETCH_ME closure */
- ASSERT(get_itbl((StgClosure *)*bufptrP)->type == FETCH_ME);
- closure = *graphP;
- /* fill in the closure from the buffer */
- FillInClosure(bufptrP, closure);
- /* the newly built closure is a FETCH_ME */
- ASSERT(get_itbl(closure)->type == FETCH_ME);
- /* common up with other graph if necessary
- this also assigns the contents of gaS to the ga field of the FM closure */
- foo = SetGAandCommonUp(&gaS, closure, rtsTrue);
- ASSERT(foo!=closure || LOOKS_LIKE_GA(((StgFetchMe*)closure)->ga));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- if (foo==closure) { // only if not commoned up
- belch("*<_- current FM @ %p next FM @ %p; unpacked FM @ %p is ",
- *graphP, *graphP+sizeofW(StgFetchMe), closure);
- printClosure(closure);
- });
- *graphP += sizeofW(StgFetchMe);
- return foo;
- Unpack an array of words.
- Could use generic unpack most of the time, but cleaner to separate it.
- ToDo: implement packing of MUT_ARRAYs
-//@cindex UnpackArray
-static void
-UnpackArray(StgWord ***bufptrP, StgClosure *graph)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- StgWord **bufptr=*bufptrP;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i, n;
- char str[80];
- /* yes, I know I am paranoid; but who's asking !? */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- info = get_closure_info((StgClosure*)bufptr,
- &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- ASSERT(info->type == ARR_WORDS || info->type == MUT_ARR_PTRS ||
- info->type == MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN || info->type == MUT_VAR));
- n = arr_words_words(((StgArrWords *)bufptr));
- // this includes the header!: arr_words_sizeW(stgCast(StgArrWords*,q));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- if (n<100)
- belch("*<== unpacking an array of %d words %p (%s) (size=%d) |%s|\n",
- n, (StgClosure*)bufptr, info_type((StgClosure*)bufptr),
- arr_words_sizeW((StgArrWords *)bufptr),
- /* print array (string?) */
- ((StgArrWords *)graph)->payload);
- else
- belch("*<== unpacking an array of %d words %p (%s) (size=%d)\n",
- n, (StgClosure*)bufptr, info_type((StgClosure*)bufptr),
- arr_words_sizeW((StgArrWords *)bufptr)));
- /* Unpack the header (2 words: info ptr and the number of words to follow) */
- ((StgArrWords *)graph)-> = (StgInfoTable*)*bufptr++; // assumes _HS==1; yuck!
- ((StgArrWords *)graph)->bytes = ((StgWord)*bufptr++) * sizeof(StgWord);
- /* unpack the payload of the closure (all non-ptrs) */
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- ((StgArrWords *)graph)->payload[i] = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- ASSERT(bufptr==*bufptrP+arr_words_sizeW((StgArrWords *)*bufptrP));
- *bufptrP = bufptr;
- Unpack a PAP in the buffer into a heap closure.
- For each FETCHME we find in the packed PAP we have to unpack a separate
- FETCHME closure and insert a pointer to this closure into the PAP.
- We unpack all FETCHMEs into an area after the PAP proper (the `FM area').
- Note that the size of a FETCHME in the buffer is exactly the same as
- the size of an unpacked FETCHME plus 1 word for the pointer to it.
- Therefore, we just allocate packed_size words in the heap for the unpacking.
- After this routine the heap starting from *graph looks like this:
- graph
- |
- v PAP closure | FM area |
- +------------------------------------------------------------+
- | PAP header | n_args | fun | payload ... | FM_1 | FM_2 .... |
- +------------------------------------------------------------+
- where payload contains pointers to each of the unpacked FM_1, FM_2 ...
- The size of the PAP closure plus all FMs is _HS+2+packed_size.
-//@cindex UnpackPAP
-static nat
-UnpackPAP(StgWord ***bufptrP, StgClosure *graph)
- nat n, i, j, packed_size = 0;
- StgPtr p, q, end, payload_start, p_FMs;
- const StgInfoTable* info;
- StgWord bitmap;
- StgWord **bufptr = *bufptrP;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
- nat FMs_in_PAP=0;
- void checkPAPSanity(StgPAP *graph, StgPtr p_FM_begin, StgPtr p_FM_end);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP: unpacking PAP @ %p with %d words to closure %p",
- *bufptr, *(bufptr+1), graph));
- /* Unpack the PAP header (both fixed and variable) */
- ((StgPAP *)graph)-> = (StgInfoTable*)*bufptr++;
- n = ((StgPAP *)graph)->n_args = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- ((StgPAP *)graph)->fun = (StgClosure*)*bufptr++;
- packed_size = (nat)*bufptr++;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP: PAP header is [%p, %d, %p] %d",
- ((StgPAP *)graph)->,
- ((StgPAP *)graph)->n_args,
- ((StgPAP *)graph)->fun,
- packed_size));
- payload_start = (StgPtr)bufptr;
- /* p points to the current word in the heap */
- p = (StgPtr)((StgPAP *)graph)->payload; // payload of PAP will be unpacked here
- p_FMs = (StgPtr)graph+pap_sizeW((StgPAP*)graph); // FMs will be unpacked here
- end = (StgPtr) payload_start+packed_size;
- /*
- The main loop unpacks the PAP in *bufptr into *p, with *p_FMS as the
- FM area for unpacking all FETCHMEs encountered during unpacking.
- */
- while ((StgPtr)bufptr<end) {
- /* be sure that we don't write more than we allocated for this closure */
- ASSERT(p_FMs <= (StgPtr)(graph+_HS+2+packed_size));
- /* be sure that the unpacked PAP doesn't run into the FM area */
- ASSERT(p < (StgPtr)(graph+pap_sizeW((StgPAP*)graph)));
- /* the loop body has been borrowed from scavenge_stack */
- q = *bufptr; // let q be the contents of the current pointer into the buffer
- /* Test whether the next thing is a FETCH_ME.
- In PAPs FETCH_ME are encoded via a starting marker of ARGTAG_MAX+1
- */
- if (q==(StgPtr)(ARGTAG_MAX+1)) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: unpacking FM; filling in ptr to FM area: %p",
- p, p_FMs));
- bufptr++; // skip ARGTAG_MAX+1 marker
- // Unpack a FM into the FM area after the PAP proper and insert pointer
- *p++ = (StgWord)UnpackFetchMe(&bufptr, (StgClosure**)&p_FMs);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, FMs_in_PAP++);
- continue;
- }
- /* Test whether it is a PLC */
- if (q==(StgPtr)0) { // same as isFixed(q)
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: unpacking PLC to %p",
- p, *(bufptr+1)));
- bufptr++; // skip 0 marker
- *p++ = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- continue;
- }
- /* If we've got a tag, pack all words in that block */
- if (IS_ARG_TAG((W_)q)) { // q stands for the no. of non-ptrs to follow
- nat m = ARG_SIZE(q); // first word after this block
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: unpacking %d words (tagged), starting @ %p",
- p, m, p));
- for (i=0; i<m+1; i++)
- *p++ = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Otherwise, q must be the info pointer of an activation
- * record. All activation records have 'bitmap' style layout
- * info.
- */
- info = get_itbl((StgClosure *)q);
- switch (info->type) {
- /* Dynamic bitmap: the mask is stored on the stack */
- case RET_DYN:
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: RET_DYN",
- p));
- /* Pack the header as is */
- ((StgRetDyn *)p)->info = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- ((StgRetDyn *)p)->liveness = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- ((StgRetDyn *)p)->ret_addr = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- p += 3;
- //bitmap = ((StgRetDyn *)p)->liveness;
- //p = (P_)&((StgRetDyn *)p)->payload[0];
- goto small_bitmap;
- /* probably a slow-entry point return address: */
- case FUN:
- case FUN_STATIC:
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: FUN or FUN_STATIC",
- p));
- ((StgClosure *)p)-> = (StgInfoTable*)*bufptr;
- p++;
- goto follow_srt; //??
- }
- /* Using generic code here; could inline as in scavenge_stack */
- {
- StgUpdateFrame *frame = (StgUpdateFrame *)p;
- //nat type = get_itbl(frame->updatee)->type;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: UPDATE_FRAME",
- p));
- ((StgUpdateFrame *)p)-> = (StgInfoTable*)*bufptr++;
- ((StgUpdateFrame *)p)->link = (StgUpdateFrame*)*bufptr++; // ToDo: fix intra-stack pointer
- ((StgUpdateFrame *)p)->updatee = (StgClosure*)*bufptr++; // ToDo: follow link
- p += 3;
- }
- /* small bitmap (< 32 entries, or 64 on a 64-bit machine) */
- case STOP_FRAME:
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: STOP_FRAME",
- p));
- ((StgStopFrame *)p)-> = (StgInfoTable*)*bufptr;
- p++;
- }
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: CATCH_FRAME",
- p));
- ((StgCatchFrame *)p)-> = (StgInfoTable*)*bufptr++;
- ((StgCatchFrame *)p)->link = (StgUpdateFrame*)*bufptr++;
- ((StgCatchFrame *)p)->exceptions_blocked = (StgInt)*bufptr++;
- ((StgCatchFrame *)p)->handler = (StgClosure*)*bufptr++;
- p += 4;
- }
- case SEQ_FRAME:
- {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: UPDATE_FRAME",
- p));
- ((StgSeqFrame *)p)-> = (StgInfoTable*)*bufptr++;
- ((StgSeqFrame *)p)->link = (StgUpdateFrame*)*bufptr++;
- // ToDo: handle bitmap
- bitmap = info->layout.bitmap;
- p = (StgPtr)&(((StgClosure *)p)->payload);
- goto small_bitmap;
- }
- case RET_BCO:
- case RET_SMALL:
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: RET_{BCO,SMALL,VEC_SMALL}",
- p));
- ((StgClosure *)p)-> = (StgInfoTable*)*bufptr++;
- p++;
- // ToDo: handle bitmap
- bitmap = info->layout.bitmap;
- /* this assumes that the payload starts immediately after the info-ptr */
- small_bitmap:
- while (bitmap != 0) {
- if ((bitmap & 1) == 0) {
- *p++ = (StgWord)UnpackFetchMe(&bufptr, (StgClosure**)&p_FMs);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, FMs_in_PAP++);
- } else {
- *p++ = (StgWord)*bufptr++;
- }
- bitmap = bitmap >> 1;
- }
- follow_srt:
- belch("*<-- UnpackPAP: nothing to do for follow_srt");
- continue;
- /* large bitmap (> 32 entries) */
- case RET_BIG:
- case RET_VEC_BIG:
- {
- StgPtr q;
- StgLargeBitmap *large_bitmap;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP @ %p: RET_{BIG,VEC_BIG} (large_bitmap=%p)",
- p, info->layout.large_bitmap));
- ((StgClosure *)p)-> = (StgInfoTable*)*bufptr++;
- p++;
- large_bitmap = info->layout.large_bitmap;
- for (j=0; j<large_bitmap->size; j++) {
- bitmap = large_bitmap->bitmap[j];
- q = p + BITS_IN(W_);
- while (bitmap != 0) {
- if ((bitmap & 1) == 0) {
- *p++ = (StgWord)UnpackFetchMe(&bufptr, (StgClosure**)&p_FMs);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, FMs_in_PAP++);
- } else {
- *p++ = (StgWord)*bufptr;
- }
- bitmap = bitmap >> 1;
- }
- if (j+1 < large_bitmap->size) {
- while (p < q) {
- *p++ = (StgWord)UnpackFetchMe(&bufptr, (StgClosure**)&p_FMs);
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, FMs_in_PAP++);
- }
- }
- }
- /* and don't forget to follow the SRT */
- goto follow_srt;
- }
- default:
- barf("UnpackPAP: weird activation record found on stack: %d",
- (int)(info->type));
- }
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*<** UnpackPAP finished; unpacked closure @ %p is:",
- (StgClosure *)graph);
- printClosure((StgClosure *)graph));
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, /* check sanity of unpacked PAP */
- checkClosure(graph));
- *bufptrP = bufptr;
- /*
- Now p points to the first word after the PAP proper and p_FMs points
- to the next free word in the heap; everything between p and p_FMs are
- */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity,
- checkPAPSanity(graph, p, p_FMs));
- /* we have to return the size of PAP + FMs as size of the unpacked thing */
- ASSERT(graph+pap_sizeW((StgPAP*)graph)==p);
- return (nat)((StgClosure*)p_FMs-graph);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
- Check sanity of a PAP after unpacking the PAP.
- This means that there is slice of heap after the PAP containing FETCHMEs
-checkPAPSanity(StgPAP *graph, StgPtr p_FM_begin, StgPtr p_FM_end)
- StgPtr xx;
- /* check that the main unpacked closure is a PAP */
- ASSERT(graph-> = &stg_PAP_info);
- checkClosure(graph);
- /* check that all of the closures in the FM-area are FETCHMEs */
- for (xx=p_FM_begin; xx<p_FM_end; xx += sizeofW(StgFetchMe)) {
- /* must be a FETCHME closure */
- ASSERT(((StgClosure*)xx)-> == &stg_FETCH_ME_info);
- /* it might have been commoned up (=> marked as garbage);
- otherwise it points to a GA */
- ASSERT((((StgFetchMe*)xx)->ga)==GARBAGE_MARKER ||
- LOOKS_LIKE_GA(((StgFetchMe*)xx)->ga));
- }
- /* traverse the payload of the PAP */
- for (xx=graph->payload; xx-(StgPtr)(graph->payload)<graph->n_args; xx++) {
- /* if the current elem is a pointer into the FM area, check that
- the GA field is ok */
- ASSERT(!(p_FM_begin<(StgPtr)*xx && (StgPtr)*xx<p_FM_end) ||
- LOOKS_LIKE_GA(((StgFetchMe*)*xx)->ga));
- }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-#endif /* PAR */
-//@node GranSim Code, , GUM code, Unpacking routines
-//@subsubsection GranSim Code
- For GrAnSim: No actual unpacking should be necessary. We just
- have to walk over the graph and set the bitmasks appropriately.
- Since we use RBHs similarly to GUM but without an ACK message/event
- we have to revert the RBH from within the UnpackGraph routine (good luck!)
- -- HWL
-#if defined(GRAN)
-CommonUp(StgClosure *src, StgClosure *dst)
- barf("CommonUp: should never be entered in a GranSim setup");
-rtsPackBuffer* buffer;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs,
- bufptr = 0;
- StgClosure *closure, *graphroot, *graph;
- StgInfoTable *ip;
- StgWord bufsize, unpackedsize,
- pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs;
- StgTSO* tso;
- char str[240], str1[80];
- int i;
- bufptr = 0;
- graphroot = buffer->buffer[0];
- tso = buffer->tso;
- /* Unpack the header */
- unpackedsize = buffer->unpacked_size;
- bufsize = buffer->size;
- belch("<<< Unpacking <<%d>> (buffer @ %p):\n (root @ %p, PE %d,size=%d), demanded by TSO %d (%p)[PE %d]",
- buffer->id, buffer, graphroot, where_is(graphroot),
- bufsize, tso->id, tso,
- where_is((StgClosure *)tso)));
- do {
- closure = buffer->buffer[bufptr++]; /* that's all we need for GrAnSim -- HWL */
- /* Actually only ip is needed; rest is useful for TESTING -- HWL */
- ip = get_closure_info(closure,
- &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- sprintf(str, "** (%p): Changing bitmask[%s]: 0x%x ",
- closure, (closure_HNF(closure) ? "NF" : "__"),
- PROCS(closure)));
- if (get_itbl(closure)->type == RBH) {
- /* if it's an RBH, we have to revert it into a normal closure, thereby
- awakening the blocking queue; not that this is code currently not
- needed in GUM, but it should be added with the new features in
- GdH (and the implementation of an NACK message)
- */
- // closure->header.gran.procs = PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc);
- SET_GRAN_HDR(closure, PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc)); /* Move node */
- strcat(str, " (converting RBH) "));
- convertFromRBH(closure); /* In GUM that's done by convertToFetchMe */
- belch(":: closure %p (%s) is a RBH; after reverting: IP=%p",
- closure, info_type(closure), get_itbl(closure)));
- } else if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(closure)) {
- belch(":: closure %p (%s) is a BH; copying node to %d",
- closure, info_type(closure), CurrentProc));
- closure->header.gran.procs |= PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc); /* Copy node */
- } else if ( (closure->header.gran.procs & PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc)) == 0 ) {
- if (closure_HNF(closure)) {
- belch(":: closure %p (%s) is a HNF; copying node to %d",
- closure, info_type(closure), CurrentProc));
- closure->header.gran.procs |= PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc); /* Copy node */
- } else {
- belch(":: closure %p (%s) is no (R)BH or HNF; moving node to %d",
- closure, info_type(closure), CurrentProc));
- closure->header.gran.procs = PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc); /* Move node */
- }
- }
- sprintf(str1, "0x%x", PROCS(closure)); strcat(str, str1));
- IF_GRAN_DEBUG(pack, belch(str));
- } while (bufptr<buffer->size) ; /* (parent != NULL); */
- /* In GrAnSim we allocate pack buffers dynamically! -- HWL */
- free(buffer->buffer);
- free(buffer);
- belch("PrintGraph of %p is:", graphroot); PrintGraph(graphroot,0));
- return (graphroot);
-#endif /* GRAN */
-//@node Aux fcts for packing, Printing Packet Contents, Unpacking routines, Graph packing
-//@subsection Aux fcts for packing
-//* Offset table::
-//* Packet size::
-//* Types of Global Addresses::
-//* Closure Info::
-//@end menu
-//@node Offset table, Packet size, Aux fcts for packing, Aux fcts for packing
-//@subsubsection Offset table
- DonePacking is called when we've finished packing. It releases memory
- etc. */
-//@cindex DonePacking
-# if defined(PAR)
-static void
- freeHashTable(offsetTable, NULL);
- offsetTable = NULL;
- AmPacking records that the closure is being packed. Note the abuse of
- the data field in the hash table -- this saves calling @malloc@! */
-//@cindex AmPacking
-static void
-StgClosure *closure;
- insertHashTable(offsetTable, (StgWord) closure, (void *) (StgWord) pack_locn);
- OffsetFor returns an offset for a closure which is already being packed. */
-//@cindex OffsetFor
-static int
-StgClosure *closure;
- return (int) (StgWord) lookupHashTable(offsetTable, (StgWord) closure);
- NotYetPacking determines whether the closure's already being packed.
- Offsets $<$ @PACK_HDR_SIZE@ (e.g. 0) mean no. */
-//@cindex NotYetPacking
-static rtsBool
-int offset;
- return(offset == 0); // ToDo: what if root is found again?? FIX
-# else /* GRAN */
-static void
- /* nothing */
- NotYetPacking searches through the whole pack buffer for closure. */
-static rtsBool
-StgClosure *closure;
-{ nat i;
- rtsBool found = rtsFalse;
- for (i=0; (i<pack_locn) && !found; i++)
- found = globalPackBuffer->buffer[i]==closure;
- return (!found);
-# endif
-//@node Packet size, Closure Info, Offset table, Aux fcts for packing
-//@subsubsection Packet size
- The size needed if all currently queued closures are packed as FETCH_ME
- closures. This represents the headroom we must have when packing the
- buffer in order to maintain all links in the graphs.
-// ToDo: check and merge cases
-#if defined(PAR)
-static nat
-QueuedClosuresMinSize (nat ptrs) {
- return ((clq_size - clq_pos) + ptrs) * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE;
-#else /* GRAN */
-static nat
-QueuedClosuresMinSize (nat ptrs) {
- return ((clq_size - clq_pos) + ptrs) * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE;
- RoomToPack determines whether there's room to pack the closure into
- the pack buffer based on
- o how full the buffer is already,
- o the closures' size and number of pointers (which must be packed as GAs),
- o the size and number of pointers held by any primitive arrays that it
- points to
- It has a *side-effect* (naughty, naughty) in assigning roomInBuffer
- to rtsFalse.
-//@cindex RoomToPack
-static rtsBool
-RoomToPack(size, ptrs)
-nat size, ptrs;
-# if defined(PAR)
- if (roomInBuffer &&
- (pack_locn + // where we are in the buffer right now
- size + // space needed for the current closure
- QueuedClosuresMinSize(ptrs) // space for queued closures as FETCH_MEs
- + 1 // headroom (DEBUGGING only)
- >=
- {
- roomInBuffer = rtsFalse;
- }
-# else /* GRAN */
- if (roomInBuffer &&
- (unpacked_size +
- size +
- QueuedClosuresMinSize(ptrs)
- >=
- {
- roomInBuffer = rtsFalse;
- }
-# endif
- return (roomInBuffer);
-//@node Closure Info, , Packet size, Aux fcts for packing
-//@subsubsection Closure Info
- Closure Info
- @get_closure_info@ determines the size, number of pointers etc. for this
- type of closure -- see @SMInfoTables.lh@ for the legal info. types etc.
-[Can someone please keep this function up to date. I keep needing it
- (or something similar) for interpretive code, and it keeps
- bit-rotting. {\em It really belongs somewhere else too}. KH @@ 17/2/95] */
-#if 0
-// {Parallel.h}Daq ngoqvam vIroQpu'
-# if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
-/* extracting specific info out of closure; currently only used in GRAN -- HWL */
-//@cindex get_closure_info
-get_closure_info(node, size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, info_hdr_ty)
-StgClosure* node;
-nat *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
-char *info_hdr_ty;
- StgInfoTable *info;
- info = get_itbl(node);
- /* the switch shouldn't be necessary, really; just use default case */
- switch (info->type) {
-#if 0
- case CONSTR_1_0:
- case THUNK_1_0:
- case FUN_1_0:
- *size = sizeW_fromITBL(info);
- *ptrs = (nat) 1; // (info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- *nonptrs = (nat) 0; // (info->layout.payload.nptrs);
- *vhs = (nat) 0; // unknown
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- return info;
- case CONSTR_0_1:
- case THUNK_0_1:
- case FUN_0_1:
- *size = sizeW_fromITBL(info);
- *ptrs = (nat) 0; // (info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- *nonptrs = (nat) 1; // (info->layout.payload.nptrs);
- *vhs = (nat) 0; // unknown
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- return info;
- case CONSTR_2_0:
- case THUNK_2_0:
- case FUN_2_0:
- *size = sizeW_fromITBL(info);
- *ptrs = (nat) 2; // (info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- *nonptrs = (nat) 0; // (info->layout.payload.nptrs);
- *vhs = (nat) 0; // unknown
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- return info;
- case CONSTR_1_1:
- case THUNK_1_1:
- case FUN_1_1:
- *size = sizeW_fromITBL(info);
- *ptrs = (nat) 1; // (info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- *nonptrs = (nat) 1; // (info->layout.payload.nptrs);
- *vhs = (nat) 0; // unknown
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- return info;
- case CONSTR_0_2:
- case THUNK_0_2:
- case FUN_0_2:
- *size = sizeW_fromITBL(info);
- *ptrs = (nat) 0; // (info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- *nonptrs = (nat) 2; // (info->layout.payload.nptrs);
- *vhs = (nat) 0; // unknown
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- return info;
- case RBH:
- {
- StgInfoTable *rip = REVERT_INFOPTR(info); // closure to revert to
- *size = sizeW_fromITBL(rip);
- *ptrs = (nat) (rip->layout.payload.ptrs);
- *nonptrs = (nat) (rip->layout.payload.nptrs);
- *vhs = (nat) 0; // unknown
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- return rip; // NB: we return the reverted info ptr for a RBH!!!!!!
- }
- default:
- *size = sizeW_fromITBL(info);
- *ptrs = (nat) (info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- *nonptrs = (nat) (info->layout.payload.nptrs);
- *vhs = (nat) 0; // unknown
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- return info;
- }
-//@cindex IS_BLACK_HOLE
-IS_BLACK_HOLE(StgClosure* node)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- info = get_itbl(node);
- return ((info->type == BLACKHOLE || info->type == RBH) ? rtsTrue : rtsFalse);
-StgClosure *
-IS_INDIRECTION(StgClosure* node)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- info = get_itbl(node);
- switch (info->type) {
- case IND:
- case IND_OLDGEN:
- case IND_PERM:
- case IND_STATIC:
- /* relies on indirectee being at same place for all these closure types */
- return (((StgInd*)node) -> indirectee);
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
-IS_THUNK(StgClosure* node)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- info = get_itbl(node);
- return ((info->type == THUNK ||
- info->type == THUNK_STATIC ||
- info->type == THUNK_SELECTOR) ? rtsTrue : rtsFalse);
-# endif /* GRAN */
-#endif /* 0 */
-# if 0
-/* ngoq ngo' */
-get_closure_info(closure, size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, type)
-P_ closure;
-W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
-char *type;
- P_ ip = (P_) INFO_PTR(closure);
- if (closure==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Qagh {get_closure_info}Daq: NULL closure\n");
- *size = *ptrs = *nonptrs = *vhs = 0;
- strcpy(type,"ERROR in get_closure_info");
- return;
- } else if (closure==PrelBase_Z91Z93_closure) {
- /* fprintf(stderr, "Qagh {get_closure_info}Daq: PrelBase_Z91Z93_closure closure\n"); */
- *size = *ptrs = *nonptrs = *vhs = 0;
- strcpy(type,"PrelBase_Z91Z93_closure");
- return;
- };
- ip = (P_) INFO_PTR(closure);
- switch (INFO_TYPE(ip)) {
- *size = SPEC_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = SPEC_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = SPEC_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = 0 /*SPEC_VHS*/;
- strcpy(type,"SPEC");
- break;
- *size = GEN_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = GEN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = GEN_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = GEN_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"GEN");
- break;
- *size = DYN_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = DYN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = DYN_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = DYN_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"DYN");
- break;
- *size = TUPLE_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = TUPLE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = TUPLE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = TUPLE_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"TUPLE");
- break;
- *size = DATA_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = DATA_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = DATA_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = DATA_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"DATA");
- break;
- *size = MUTUPLE_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = MUTUPLE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = MUTUPLE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = MUTUPLE_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"(IM)MUTUPLE");
- break;
- *size = STATIC_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = STATIC_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = STATIC_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = STATIC_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"STATIC");
- break;
- *size = IND_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = IND_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = IND_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = IND_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"CAF|IND");
- break;
- *size = CONST_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = CONST_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = CONST_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = CONST_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"CONST");
- break;
- *size = SPEC_RBH_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = SPEC_RBH_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = SPEC_RBH_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- if (*ptrs <= 2) {
- *nonptrs -= (2 - *ptrs);
- *ptrs = 1;
- } else
- *ptrs -= 1;
- *vhs = SPEC_RBH_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"SPEC_RBH");
- break;
- *size = GEN_RBH_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = GEN_RBH_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = GEN_RBH_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- if (*ptrs <= 2) {
- *nonptrs -= (2 - *ptrs);
- *ptrs = 1;
- } else
- *ptrs -= 1;
- *vhs = GEN_RBH_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"GEN_RBH");
- break;
- *size = CHARLIKE_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = CHARLIKE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = CHARLIKE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = CHARLIKE_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"CHARLIKE");
- break;
- *size = INTLIKE_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = INTLIKE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = INTLIKE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = INTLIKE_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"INTLIKE");
- break;
-# if !defined(GRAN)
- *size = FETCHME_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = FETCHME_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = FETCHME_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = FETCHME_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"FETCHME");
- break;
- *size = FMBQ_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = FMBQ_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = FMBQ_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = FMBQ_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"FMBQ");
- break;
-# endif
- case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
- *size = BQ_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = BQ_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = BQ_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = BQ_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"BQ");
- break;
- case INFO_BH_TYPE:
- *size = BH_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
- *ptrs = BH_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
- *nonptrs = BH_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
- *vhs = BH_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"BH");
- break;
- *size = 0; /* TSO_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); */
- *ptrs = 0; /* TSO_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); */
- *nonptrs = 0; /* TSO_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); */
- *vhs = TSO_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"TSO");
- break;
- *size = 0;
- *ptrs = 0;
- *nonptrs = 0;
- *vhs = STKO_VHS;
- strcpy(type,"STKO");
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "get_closure_info: Unexpected closure type (%lu), closure %lx\n",
- INFO_TYPE(ip), (StgWord) closure);
- }
- return ip;
-# endif
-# if 0
-// Use allocate in Storage.c instead
- @AllocateHeap@ will bump the heap pointer by @size@ words if the space
- is available, but it will not perform garbage collection.
- ToDo: check whether we can use an existing STG allocation routine -- HWL
-//@cindex AllocateHeap
-nat size;
- StgPtr newClosure;
- /* Allocate a new closure */
- if (Hp + size > HpLim)
- return NULL;
- newClosure = Hp + 1;
- Hp += size;
- return newClosure;
-# endif
-# if defined(PAR)
-//@cindex doGlobalGC
- fprintf(stderr,"Splat -- we just hit global GC!\n");
- stg_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- //fishing = rtsFalse;
- outstandingFishes--;
-# endif /* PAR */
-//@node Printing Packet Contents, End of file, Aux fcts for packing, Graph packing
-//@subsection Printing Packet Contents
- Printing Packet Contents
- */
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(GRAN_CHECK)
-//@cindex PrintPacket
-#if defined(PAR)
-rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer;
- StgClosure *parent, *graphroot, *closure_start;
- const StgInfoTable *ip;
- globalAddr ga;
- StgWord **bufptr, **slotptr;
- nat bufsize;
- nat pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs;
- nat locn = 0;
- nat i;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
- char str[80];
- /* disable printing if a non-std globalisation scheme is used; ToDo: FIX */
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.globalising != 0)
- return;
- /* NB: this whole routine is more or less a copy of UnpackGraph with all
- unpacking components replaced by printing fcts
- Long live higher-order fcts!
- */
- /* Initialisation */
- //InitPackBuffer(); /* in case it isn't already init'd */
- InitClosureQueue();
- // ASSERT(gaga==PendingGABuffer);
- graphroot = (StgClosure *)NULL;
- /* Unpack the header */
- bufsize = packBuffer->size;
- bufptr = packBuffer->buffer;
- fprintf(stderr, "*. Printing <<%d>> (buffer @ %p):\n",
- packBuffer->id, packBuffer);
- fprintf(stderr, "*. size: %d; unpacked_size: %d; tso: %p; buffer: %p\n",
- packBuffer->size, packBuffer->unpacked_size,
- packBuffer->tso, packBuffer->buffer);
- parent = (StgClosure *)NULL;
- do {
- /* This is where we will ultimately save the closure's address */
- slotptr = bufptr;
- locn = slotptr-(packBuffer->buffer); // index of closure in buffer
- /* First, unpack the next GA or PLC */
- ga.weight = (rtsWeight) *bufptr++;
- if (ga.weight == 2) { // unglobalised closure to follow
- // nothing to do; closure starts at *bufptr
- } else if (ga.weight > 0) { // fill in GA
- ga.payload.gc.gtid = (GlobalTaskId) *bufptr++;
- ga.payload.gc.slot = (int) *bufptr++;
- } else
- ga.payload.plc = (StgPtr) *bufptr++;
- /* Now unpack the closure body, if there is one */
- if (isFixed(&ga)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "*. %u: PLC @ %p\n", locn, ga.payload.plc);
- // closure = ga.payload.plc;
- } else if (isOffset(&ga)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "*. %u: OFFSET TO %d\n", locn, ga.payload.gc.slot);
- // closure = (StgClosure *) buffer[ga.payload.gc.slot];
- } else {
- /* Print normal closures */
- ASSERT(bufsize > 0);
- fprintf(stderr, "*. %u: ((%x, %d, %x)) ", locn,
- ga.payload.gc.gtid, ga.payload.gc.slot, ga.weight);
- closure_start = (StgClosure*)bufptr;
- ip = get_closure_info((StgClosure *)bufptr,
- &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- /* ToDo: check whether this is really needed */
- if (ip->type == FETCH_ME || ip->type == REMOTE_REF) {
- size = _HS;
- ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
- }
- /* ToDo: check whether this is really needed */
- if (ip->type == ARR_WORDS) {
- ptrs = vhs = 0;
- nonptrs = arr_words_words(((StgArrWords *)bufptr));
- size = arr_words_sizeW((StgArrWords *)bufptr);
- }
- /* special code for printing a PAP in a buffer */
- if (ip->type == PAP || ip->type == AP_UPD) {
- vhs = 3;
- ptrs = 0;
- nonptrs = (nat)((StgPAP *)bufptr)->payload[0];
- size = _HS+vhs+ptrs+nonptrs;
- }
- /*
- Remember, the generic closure layout is as follows:
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- */
- /* Print fixed header */
- fprintf(stderr, "FH [");
- for (i = 0; i < _HS; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %p", *bufptr++);
- if (ip->type == FETCH_ME || ip->type == REMOTE_REF)
- size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
- // VH is always empty in the new RTS
- ASSERT(vhs==0 ||
- ip->type == PAP || ip->type == AP_UPD);
- /* Print variable header */
- fprintf(stderr, "] VH [");
- for (i = 0; i < vhs; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %p", *bufptr++);
- //fprintf(stderr, "] %d PTRS [", ptrs);
- /* Pointers will be filled in later */
- fprintf(stderr, " ] (%d, %d) [", ptrs, nonptrs);
- /* Print non-pointers */
- for (i = 0; i < nonptrs; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %p", *bufptr++);
- fprintf(stderr, "] (%s)\n", str);
- /* Indirections are never packed */
- // ASSERT(INFO_PTR(graph) != (W_) Ind_info_TO_USE);
- /* Add to queue for processing
- When just printing the packet we do not have an unpacked closure
- in hand, so we feed it the packet entry;
- again, this assumes that at least the fixed header of the closure
- has the same layout in the packet; also we may not overwrite entries
- in the packet (done in Unpack), but for printing that's a bad idea
- anyway */
- QueueClosure((StgClosure *)closure_start);
- /* No Common up needed for printing */
- /* No Sort out the global address mapping for printing */
- } /* normal closure case */
- /* Locate next parent pointer */
- pptr++;
- while (pptr + 1 > pptrs) {
- parent = DeQueueClosure();
- if (parent == NULL)
- break;
- else {
- (void) get_closure_info(parent, &size, &pptrs, &nonptrs,
- &pvhs, str);
- pptr = 0;
- }
- }
- } while (parent != NULL);
- fprintf(stderr, "*. --- End packet <<%d>> (claimed size=%d; real size=%d)---\n",
- packBuffer->id, packBuffer->size, size);
- Doing a sanity check on a packet.
- This does a full iteration over the packet, as in PrintPacket.
-//@cindex checkPacket
-rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer;
- StgClosure *parent, *graphroot, *closure_start;
- const StgInfoTable *ip;
- globalAddr ga;
- StgWord **bufptr, **slotptr;
- nat bufsize;
- nat pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs;
- nat locn = 0;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
- char str[80];
- /* NB: this whole routine is more or less a copy of UnpackGraph with all
- unpacking components replaced by printing fcts
- Long live higher-order fcts!
- */
- /* Initialisation */
- //InitPackBuffer(); /* in case it isn't already init'd */
- InitClosureQueue();
- // ASSERT(gaga==PendingGABuffer);
- graphroot = (StgClosure *)NULL;
- /* Unpack the header */
- bufsize = packBuffer->size;
- bufptr = packBuffer->buffer;
- parent = (StgClosure *)NULL;
- ASSERT(bufsize > 0);
- do {
- /* check that we are not at the end of the buffer, yet */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, ASSERT(*bufptr != END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER));
- /* This is where we will ultimately save the closure's address */
- slotptr = bufptr;
- locn = slotptr-(packBuffer->buffer); // index of closure in buffer
- ASSERT(locn<=bufsize);
- /* First, check whether we have a GA, a PLC, or an OFFSET at hand */
- ga.weight = (rtsWeight) *bufptr++;
- if (ga.weight == 2) { // unglobalised closure to follow
- // nothing to do; closure starts at *bufptr
- } else if (ga.weight > 0) { // fill in GA
- ga.payload.gc.gtid = (GlobalTaskId) *bufptr++;
- ga.payload.gc.slot = (int) *bufptr++;
- } else
- ga.payload.plc = (StgPtr) *bufptr++;
- /* Now unpack the closure body, if there is one */
- if (isFixed(&ga)) {
- /* It's a PLC */
- ASSERT(LOOKS_LIKE_STATIC(ga.payload.plc));
- } else if (isOffset(&ga)) {
- ASSERT(ga.payload.gc.slot<=(int)bufsize);
- } else {
- /* normal closure */
- ASSERT(!RtsFlags.ParFlags.globalising==0 || LOOKS_LIKE_GA(&ga));
- closure_start = (StgClosure*)bufptr;
- ip = get_closure_info((StgClosure *)bufptr,
- &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- /* ToDo: check whether this is really needed */
- if (ip->type == FETCH_ME || ip->type == REMOTE_REF) {
- size = _HS;
- ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
- }
- /* ToDo: check whether this is really needed */
- if (ip->type == ARR_WORDS) {
- ptrs = vhs = 0;
- nonptrs = arr_words_words(((StgArrWords *)bufptr))+1; // payload+words
- size = arr_words_sizeW((StgArrWords *)bufptr);
- ASSERT(size==_HS+vhs+nonptrs);
- }
- /* special code for printing a PAP in a buffer */
- if (ip->type == PAP || ip->type == AP_UPD) {
- vhs = 3;
- ptrs = 0;
- nonptrs = (nat)((StgPAP *)bufptr)->payload[0];
- size = _HS+vhs+ptrs+nonptrs;
- }
- /* no checks on contents of closure (pointers aren't packed anyway) */
- ASSERT(_HS+vhs+nonptrs>=MIN_NONUPD_SIZE);
- bufptr += _HS+vhs+nonptrs;
- /* Add to queue for processing */
- QueueClosure((StgClosure *)closure_start);
- /* No Common up needed for checking */
- /* No Sort out the global address mapping for checking */
- } /* normal closure case */
- /* Locate next parent pointer */
- pptr++;
- while (pptr + 1 > pptrs) {
- parent = DeQueueClosure();
- if (parent == NULL)
- break;
- else {
- //ASSERT(LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO((StgPtr)*parent));
- (void) get_closure_info(parent, &size, &pptrs, &nonptrs,
- &pvhs, str);
- pptr = 0;
- }
- }
- } while (parent != NULL);
- /* we unpacked exactly as many words as there are in the buffer */
- ASSERT(packBuffer->size == bufptr-(packBuffer->buffer));
- /* check for magic end-of-buffer word */
- IF_DEBUG(sanity, ASSERT(*bufptr == END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER));
-#else /* GRAN */
-rtsPackBuffer *buffer;
- // extern char *info_hdr_type(P_ infoptr); /* defined in */
- // extern char *display_info_type(P_ infoptr); /* defined in */
- StgInfoTable *info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
- char info_hdr_ty[80];
- char str1[80], str2[80], junk_str[80];
- /* globalAddr ga; */
- nat bufsize, unpacked_size ;
- StgClosure *parent;
- nat pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs;
- nat unpack_locn = 0;
- nat gastart = unpack_locn;
- nat closurestart = unpack_locn;
- StgTSO *tso;
- StgClosure *closure, *p;
- nat i;
- fprintf(stderr, "*** Printing <<%d>> (buffer @ %p):\n", buffer->id, buffer);
- fprintf(stderr, " size: %d; unpacked_size: %d; tso: %d (%p); buffer: %p\n",
- buffer->size, buffer->unpacked_size, buffer->tso, buffer->buffer);
- fputs(" contents: ", stderr);
- for (unpack_locn=0; unpack_locn<buffer->size; unpack_locn++) {
- closure = buffer->buffer[unpack_locn];
- fprintf(stderr, ", %p (%s)",
- closure, info_type(closure));
- }
- fputc('\n', stderr);
-#if 0
- /* traverse all elements of the graph; omitted for now, but might be usefule */
- InitClosureQueue();
- tso = buffer->tso;
- /* Unpack the header */
- unpacked_size = buffer->unpacked_size;
- bufsize = buffer->size;
- fprintf(stderr, "Packet %p, size %u (unpacked size is %u); demanded by TSO %d (%p)[PE %d]\n--- Begin ---\n",
- buffer, bufsize, unpacked_size,
- tso->id, tso, where_is((StgClosure*)tso));
- do {
- closurestart = unpack_locn;
- closure = buffer->buffer[unpack_locn++];
- fprintf(stderr, "[%u]: (%p) ", closurestart, closure);
- info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str1);
- strcpy(str2, str1);
- fprintf(stderr, "(%s|%s) ", str1, str2);
- if (info->type == FETCH_ME || info->type == FETCH_ME_BQ ||
- IS_BLACK_HOLE(closure))
- size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
- if (closure_THUNK(closure)) {
- if (closure_UNPOINTED(closure))
- fputs("UNPOINTED ", stderr);
- else
- fputs("POINTED ", stderr);
- }
- if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(closure)) {
- fputs("BLACK HOLE\n", stderr);
- } else {
- /* Fixed header */
- fprintf(stderr, "FH [");
- for (i = 0, p = (StgClosure*)&(closure->header); i < _HS; i++, p++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %p", *p);
- /* Variable header
- if (vhs > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "] VH [%p", closure->payload[_HS]);
- for (i = 1; i < vhs; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %p", closure->payload[_HS+i]);
- }
- */
- fprintf(stderr, "] PTRS %u", ptrs);
- /* Non-pointers */
- if (nonptrs > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, " NPTRS [%p", closure->payload[_HS+vhs]);
- for (i = 1; i < nonptrs; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %p", closure->payload[_HS+vhs+i]);
- putc(']', stderr);
- }
- putc('\n', stderr);
- }
- } while (unpack_locn<bufsize) ; /* (parent != NULL); */
- fprintf(stderr, "--- End ---\n\n");
-#endif /* 0 */
-#endif /* PAR */
-#endif /* DEBUG || GRAN_CHECK */
-#endif /* PAR || GRAN -- whole file */
-//@node End of file, , Printing Packet Contents, Graph packing
-//@subsection End of file
-//* AllocateHeap:: @cindex\s-+AllocateHeap
-//* AmPacking:: @cindex\s-+AmPacking
-//* CommonUp:: @cindex\s-+CommonUp
-//* DeQueueClosure:: @cindex\s-+DeQueueClosure
-//* DeQueueClosure:: @cindex\s-+DeQueueClosure
-//* DonePacking:: @cindex\s-+DonePacking
-//* FillInClosure:: @cindex\s-+FillInClosure
-//* IS_BLACK_HOLE:: @cindex\s-+IS_BLACK_HOLE
-//* InitClosureQueue:: @cindex\s-+InitClosureQueue
-//* InitPendingGABuffer:: @cindex\s-+InitPendingGABuffer
-//* LocateNextParent:: @cindex\s-+LocateNextParent
-//* NotYetPacking:: @cindex\s-+NotYetPacking
-//* OffsetFor:: @cindex\s-+OffsetFor
-//* Pack:: @cindex\s-+Pack
-//* PackArray:: @cindex\s-+PackArray
-//* PackClosure:: @cindex\s-+PackClosure
-//* PackFetchMe:: @cindex\s-+PackFetchMe
-//* PackGeneric:: @cindex\s-+PackGeneric
-//* PackNearbyGraph:: @cindex\s-+PackNearbyGraph
-//* PackOneNode:: @cindex\s-+PackOneNode
-//* PackPAP:: @cindex\s-+PackPAP
-//* PackPLC:: @cindex\s-+PackPLC
-//* PackStkO:: @cindex\s-+PackStkO
-//* PackTSO:: @cindex\s-+PackTSO
-//* PendingGABuffer:: @cindex\s-+PendingGABuffer
-//* PrintPacket:: @cindex\s-+PrintPacket
-//* QueueClosure:: @cindex\s-+QueueClosure
-//* QueueEmpty:: @cindex\s-+QueueEmpty
-//* RoomToPack:: @cindex\s-+RoomToPack
-//* SetGAandCommonUp:: @cindex\s-+SetGAandCommonUp
-//* UnpackGA:: @cindex\s-+UnpackGA
-//* UnpackGraph:: @cindex\s-+UnpackGraph
-//* UnpackOffset:: @cindex\s-+UnpackOffset
-//* UnpackPLC:: @cindex\s-+UnpackPLC
-//* doGlobalGC:: @cindex\s-+doGlobalGC
-//* get_closure_info:: @cindex\s-+get_closure_info
-//* InitPackBuffer:: @cindex\s-+initPackBuffer
-//* isFixed:: @cindex\s-+isFixed
-//* isOffset:: @cindex\s-+isOffset
-//* offsetTable:: @cindex\s-+offsetTable
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/ParInit.c b/rts/parallel/ParInit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 22c9119c89..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/ParInit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time-stamp: <Wed Mar 21 2001 16:37:16 Stardate: [-30]6363.46 hwloidl>
- Initialising the parallel RTS
- An extension based on Kevin Hammond's GRAPH for PVM version
- P. Trinder, January 17th 1995.
- Adapted for the new RTS
- P. Trinder, July 1997.
- H-W. Loidl, November 1999.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#ifdef PAR /* whole file */
-//* Includes::
-//* Global variables::
-//* Initialisation Routines::
-//@end menu
-//@node Includes, Global variables
-//@subsection Includes
-/* Evidently not Posix */
-/* #include "PosixSource.h" */
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#include "Sparks.h"
-#include "LLC.h"
-#include "HLC.h"
-//@node Global variables, Initialisation Routines, Includes
-//@subsection Global variables
-/* Global conditions defined here. */
-rtsBool IAmMainThread = rtsFalse; /* Set for the main thread */
-/* Task identifiers for various interesting global tasks. */
-GlobalTaskId IOTask = 0, /* The IO Task Id */
- SysManTask = 0, /* The System Manager Task Id */
- mytid = 0; /* This PE's Task Id */
-rtsTime main_start_time; /* When the program started */
-rtsTime main_stop_time; /* When the program finished */
-jmp_buf exit_parallel_system; /* How to abort from the RTS */
-//rtsBool fishing = rtsFalse; /* We have no fish out in the stream */
-rtsTime last_fish_arrived_at = 0; /* Time of arrival of most recent fish*/
-nat outstandingFishes = 0; /* Number of active fishes */
-//@cindex spark queue
-/* GranSim: a globally visible array of spark queues */
-rtsSpark *pending_sparks_hd[SPARK_POOLS], /* ptr to start of a spark pool */
- *pending_sparks_tl[SPARK_POOLS], /* ptr to end of a spark pool */
- *pending_sparks_lim[SPARK_POOLS],
- *pending_sparks_base[SPARK_POOLS];
-//@cindex spark_limit
-/* max number of sparks permitted on the PE;
- see RtsFlags.ParFlags.maxLocalSparks */
-nat spark_limit[SPARK_POOLS];
-//@cindex PendingFetches
-/* A list of fetch reply messages not yet processed; this list is filled
- by awaken_blocked_queue and processed by processFetches */
-StgBlockedFetch *PendingFetches = END_BF_QUEUE;
-//@cindex allPEs
-GlobalTaskId *allPEs;
-//@cindex nPEs
-nat nPEs = 0;
-//@cindex sparksIgnored
-nat sparksIgnored = 0, sparksCreated = 0,
- threadsIgnored = 0, threadsCreated = 0;
-//@cindex advisory_thread_count
-nat advisory_thread_count = 0;
-globalAddr theGlobalFromGA;
-/* For flag handling see RtsFlags.h */
-//@node Prototypes
-//@subsection Prototypes
-/* Needed for FISH messages (initialisation of random number generator) */
-void srand48 (long);
-time_t time (time_t *);
-//@node Initialisation Routines, , Global variables
-//@subsection Initialisation Routines
- par_exit defines how to terminate the program. If the exit code is
- non-zero (i.e. an error has occurred), the PE should not halt until
- outstanding error messages have been processed. Otherwise, messages
- might be sent to non-existent Task Ids. The infinite loop will actually
- terminate, since STG_Exception will call myexit\tr{(0)} when
- it received a PP_FINISH from the system manager task.
-//@cindex shutdownParallelSystem
-shutdownParallelSystem(StgInt n)
- /* use the file specified via -S */
- FILE *sf = RtsFlags.GcFlags.statsFile;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- if (n==0)
- belch("==== entered shutdownParallelSystem ...");
- else
- belch("==== entered shutdownParallelSystem (ERROR %d)...", n);
- );
- stopPEComms(n);
-#if 0
- if (sf!=(FILE*)NULL)
- fprintf(sf, "PE %x: %u sparks created, %u sparks Ignored, %u threads created, %u threads Ignored",
- (W_) mytid, sparksCreated, sparksIgnored,
- threadsCreated, threadsIgnored);
- ShutdownEachPEHook();
-//@cindex initParallelSystem
- /* Don't buffer standard channels... */
- setbuf(stdout,NULL);
- setbuf(stderr,NULL);
- srand48(time(NULL) * getpid()); /* Initialise Random-number generator seed*/
- /* used to select target of FISH message*/
- if (!InitPackBuffer())
- barf("InitPackBuffer");
- if (!initMoreBuffers())
- barf("initMoreBuffers");
- if (!initSparkPools())
- barf("initSparkPools");
- * SynchroniseSystem synchronises the reduction task with the system
- * manager, and initialises the Global address tables (LAGA & GALA)
- */
-//@cindex synchroniseSystem
- /* Only in debug mode? */
- fprintf(stderr, "==== Starting parallel execution on %d processors ...\n", nPEs);
- InitEachPEHook(); /* HWL: hook to be execed on each PE */
- /* Initialize global address tables */
- initGAtables();
- initParallelSystem();
- startPEComms();
- Do the startup stuff (this is PVM specific!).
- Determines global vars: mytid, IAmMainThread, SysManTask, nPEs
- Called at the beginning of RtsStartup.startupHaskell
-startupParallelSystem(char *argv[]) {
- mytid = pvm_mytid(); /* Connect to PVM */
- if (*argv[0] == '-') { /* Look to see whether we're the Main Thread */
- IAmMainThread = rtsTrue;
- sscanf(argv[0],"-%0X",&SysManTask); /* extract SysMan task ID*/
- argv++; /* Strip off flag argument */
- } else {
- SysManTask = pvm_parent();
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr, "==== [%x] %s PE located SysMan at %x\n",
- mytid, IAmMainThread?"Main":"Remote", SysManTask));
- nPEs = atoi(argv[1]);
- Exception handler during startup.
-void *
-processUnexpectedMessageDuringStartup(rtsPacket p) {
- OpCode opCode;
- GlobalTaskId sender_id;
- getOpcodeAndSender(p, &opCode, &sender_id);
- switch(opCode) {
- case PP_FISH:
- bounceFish();
- break;
-#if defined(DIST)
- case PP_REVAL:
- bounceReval();
- break;
- case PP_FINISH:
- stg_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"== Task %x: Unexpected OpCode %x (%s) from %x in startPEComms\n",
- mytid, opCode, getOpName(opCode), sender_id);
- }
- startUpPE();
- allPEs = (GlobalTaskId *) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(GlobalTaskId) * MAX_PES,
- "(PEs)");
- /* Send our tid and IAmMainThread flag back to SysMan */
- sendOp1(PP_READY, SysManTask, (StgWord)IAmMainThread);
- /* Wait until we get the PE-Id table from Sysman */
- waitForPEOp(PP_PETIDS, SysManTask, processUnexpectedMessageDuringStartup);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("==-- startPEComms: methinks we just received a PP_PETIDS message"));
- /* Digest the PE table we received */
- processPEtids();
-processPEtids(void) {
- long newPE;
- nat i, sentPEs, currentPEs;
- nPEs=0;
- currentPEs = nPEs;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("==-- processPEtids: starting to iterate over a PVM buffer"));
- /* ToDo: this has to go into LLComms !!! */
- GetArgs(&sentPEs,1);
- ASSERT(sentPEs > currentPEs);
- ASSERT(sentPEs < MAX_PES); /* enforced by SysMan too*/
- for (i = 0; i < sentPEs; i++) {
- GetArgs(&newPE,1);
- if (i<currentPEs) {
- ASSERT(newPE == allPEs[i]);
- } else {
-#if defined(DIST)
- // breaks with PAR && !DEBUG
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr, "[%x] registering %d'th %x\n", mytid, i, newPE));
- if(!looks_like_tid(newPE))
- barf("unacceptable taskID %x\n",newPE);
- allPEs[i] = newPE;
- nPEs++;
- registerTask(newPE);
- }
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- /* debugging */
- belch("++++ [%x] PE table as I see it:", mytid);
- for (i = 0; i < sentPEs; i++) {
- belch("++++ allPEs[%d] = %x", i, allPEs[i]);
- });
-stopPEComms(StgInt n) {
- if (n != 0) {
- /* In case sysman doesn't know about us yet...
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault);
- PutArgs(&IAmMainThread,1);
- pvm_send(SysManTask, PP_READY);
- */
- sendOp(PP_READY, SysManTask);
- }
- sendOp2(PP_FINISH, SysManTask, n, n);
- waitForPEOp(PP_FINISH, SysManTask, NULL);
- fflush(gr_file);
- shutDownPE();
-#endif /* PAR -- whole file */
-//* PendingFetches:: @cindex\s-+PendingFetches
-//* SynchroniseSystem:: @cindex\s-+SynchroniseSystem
-//* allPEs:: @cindex\s-+allPEs
-//* initParallelSystem:: @cindex\s-+initParallelSystem
-//* nPEs:: @cindex\s-+nPEs
-//* par_exit:: @cindex\s-+par_exit
-//* spark queue:: @cindex\s-+spark queue
-//* sparksIgnored:: @cindex\s-+sparksIgnored
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/ParInit.h b/rts/parallel/ParInit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a22a50bae6..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/ParInit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * ParInit.h,1
- *
- * Phil Trinder
- * July 1998
- *
- * External Parallel Initialisation Interface
- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef PARINIT_H
-#define PARINIT_H
-extern void RunParallelSystem (P_);
-extern void initParallelSystem(void);
-extern void SynchroniseSystem(void);
-extern void par_exit(I_);
-#endif /* PARINIT_H */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/ParTicky.c b/rts/parallel/ParTicky.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 07e3ba9390..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/ParTicky.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * (c) Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, 2000-
- *
- * Parallel ticky profiling, monitoring basic RTS operations in GUM.
- * Similar in structure to TICKY_TICKY profiling, but doesn't need a
- * separate way of building GHC.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined(PAR) && defined(PAR_TICKY)
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-//#include "StoragePriv.h"
-//#include "MBlock.h"
-//#include "Schedule.h"
-#include "GC.h"
-#include "Stats.h"
-#include "ParTicky.h" // ToDo: move into Rts.h
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#if defined(PAR) && defined(HAVE_GETRUSAGE)
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-/* external data */
-extern double ElapsedTimeStart;
-extern StgWord64 GC_tot_alloc;
-extern StgWord64 GC_tot_copied;
-extern W_ MaxResidency; /* in words; for stats only */
-extern W_ ResidencySamples; /* for stats only */
-/* ngIplu' {Stats.c}vo' */
-#define BIG_STRING_LEN 512
-/* ngIplu' {Ticky.c}vo' */
-#define INTAVG(a,b) ((b == 0) ? 0.0 : ((double) (a) / (double) (b)))
-#define PC(a) (100.0 * a)
-#define AVG(thing) \
- StgDouble avg##thing = INTAVG(tot##thing,ctr##thing)
-#if 0
-set_foo_time(double *x) {
- *x = usertime();
-get_foo_time(double x) {
- fprintf(stderr, "get_foo_time: %7.2f (%7.5f,%7.5f) \n",
- usertime()-x,usertime(),x);
- return (usertime()-x);
-static double start_time_GA = 0.0;
-static double start_mark = 0.0;
-static double start_pack = 0.0;
-static double start_unpack = 0.0;
-par_ticky_Par_start (void) {
-# if !defined(HAVE_GETRUSAGE) || irix_HOST_OS || defined(_WIN32)
- fprintf(stderr, "|| sorry don't have RUSAGE\n");
- return ;
-# else
- FILE *sf = RtsFlags.GcFlags.statsFile;
- struct rusage t;
- double utime, stime;
- if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats>1 && sf != NULL) {
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &t);
- utime = t.ru_utime.tv_sec + 1e-6*t.ru_utime.tv_usec;
- stime = t.ru_stime.tv_sec + 1e-6*t.ru_stime.tv_usec;
- fprintf(stderr, "|| user time: %5.2f; system time: %5.2f\n",
- utime, stime);
- fprintf(stderr, "|| max RSS: %ld; int SM size: %ld; int USM data size: %ld; int USS size: %ld\n",
- t.ru_maxrss, t.ru_ixrss, t.ru_idrss, t.ru_isrss);
- }
-#if 0
- struct rusage
- {
- struct timeval ru_utime; /* user time used */
- struct timeval ru_stime; /* system time used */
- long ru_maxrss; /* maximum resident set size */
- long ru_ixrss; /* integral shared memory size */
- long ru_idrss; /* integral unshared data size */
- long ru_isrss; /* integral unshared stack size */
- long ru_minflt; /* page reclaims */
- long ru_majflt; /* page faults */
- long ru_nswap; /* swaps */
- long ru_inblock; /* block input operations */
- long ru_oublock; /* block output operations */
- long ru_msgsnd; /* messages sent */
- long ru_msgrcv; /* messages received */
- long ru_nsignals; /* signals received */
- long ru_nvcsw; /* voluntary context switches */
- long ru_nivcsw; /* involuntary context switches */
- };
-par_ticky_rebuildGAtables_start(void) {
- // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats)
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- //set_foo_time(&start_time_GA);
- start_time_GA = usertime();
- }
-par_ticky_rebuildGAtables_end(nat n, nat size_GA) {
- // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats)
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- static double foo = 0.0;
- foo = usertime() - start_time_GA; // get_foo_time(start_time_GA);
- globalParStats.cnt_rebuild_GA++;
- globalParStats.tot_rebuild_GA += n;
- if ( n > globalParStats.res_rebuild_GA )
- globalParStats.res_rebuild_GA = n;
- // fprintf(stderr, "rebuildGAtables: footime=%7.2f (%11.5f, %11.5f)\n",
- // foo, usertime(), start_time_GA);
- globalParStats.time_rebuild_GA += foo;
- globalParStats.tot_size_GA += size_GA;
- if ( size_GA > globalParStats.res_size_GA )
- globalParStats.res_size_GA = size_GA;
- }
- // fprintf(stderr, ">> n: %d; size: %d;; tot: %d; res: %d\n",
- // n, size_GA, globalParStats.tot_size_GA, globalParStats.res_size_GA);
-par_ticky_markLocalGAs_start(void) {
- // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats)
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- start_time_GA = usertime();
- }
-par_ticky_markLocalGAs_end(nat n) {
- // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats)
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.cnt_mark_GA++;
- globalParStats.tot_mark_GA += n;
- if ( n > globalParStats.res_mark_GA )
- globalParStats.res_mark_GA = n;
- globalParStats.time_mark_GA += usertime() - start_time_GA;
- }
-par_ticky_markSparkQueue_start(void) {
- // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats)
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- start_mark=usertime();
- }
-par_ticky_markSparkQueue_end(nat n) {
- // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats)
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.time_sparks += usertime() - start_mark;
- globalParStats.tot_sparks_marked += n;
- if ( n > globalParStats.res_sparks_marked )
- globalParStats.res_sparks_marked = n;
- }
-par_ticky_PackNearbyGraph_start (void) {
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- start_pack=usertime();
- }
-par_ticky_PackNearbyGraph_end(nat n, nat thunks) {
- // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats)
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.time_pack += usertime() - start_pack;
- globalParStats.tot_packets++;
- globalParStats.tot_packet_size += n;
- if ( n > globalParStats.res_packet_size )
- globalParStats.res_packet_size = n;
- globalParStats.tot_thunks += thunks;
- if ( thunks > globalParStats.res_thunks )
- globalParStats.res_thunks = thunks;
- }
-par_ticky_UnpackGraph_start (void) {
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- start_unpack=usertime();
- }
-par_ticky_UnpackGraph_end(nat n, nat thunks) {
- // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats)
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- globalParStats.time_unpack += usertime() - start_unpack;
- globalParStats.rec_packets++;
- globalParStats.rec_packet_size += n;
- /*
- if ( n > globalParStats.res_packet_size )
- globalParStats.res_packet_size = n;
- */
- globalParStats.rec_thunks += thunks;
- /*
- if ( thunks > globalParStats.res_thunks )
- globalParStats.res_thunks = thunks;
- */
- }
-par_ticky_TP (void) {
- StgSparkPool *pool;
- nat tp_size, sp_size; // stats only
- // Global stats gathering
- /* the spark pool for the current PE */
- pool = &(MainRegTable.rSparks); // generalise to cap = &MainRegTable
- // Global statistics: residency of thread and spark pool
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
- tp_size = run_queue_len() + 1; // add the TSO just poped
- // No: there may be many blocked threads being awoken at the same time
- // ASSERT(tp_size <= RtsFlags.ParFlags.maxThreads);
- globalParStats.tot_tp += tp_size;
- globalParStats.emp_tp += (tp_size==0) ? 1 : 0;
- globalParStats.cnt_tp++;
- if ( tp_size > globalParStats.res_tp)
- globalParStats.res_tp = tp_size;
- // fprintf(stderr, "run_queue_len() = %d (max %d)\n", run_queue_len(), globalParStats.res_tp);
- sp_size = spark_queue_len(pool);
- //ASSERT(sp_size <= RtsFlags.ParFlags.maxLocalSparks);
- globalParStats.tot_sp += sp_size;
- globalParStats.emp_sp += (sp_size==0) ? 1 : 0;
- globalParStats.cnt_sp++;
- if ( sp_size > globalParStats.res_sp)
- globalParStats.res_sp = sp_size;
- // fprintf(stderr, "spark_queue_len(pool) = %d (max %d)\n", spark_queue_len(pool), globalParStats.res_sp);
- }
- FILE *sf = RtsFlags.GcFlags.statsFile;
- double time, etime;
- /* print only if GC stats is enabled, too; i.e. -sstderr */
- if (!(RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
- RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS))
- return;
- time = usertime();
- etime = elapsedtime() - ElapsedTimeStart;
- // fprintf(stderr, "foo=%7.2f\n", time);
- if (sf != NULL){
- char temp[BIG_STRING_LEN];
- // GC_tot_alloc += alloc;
- fprintf(sf,"\n");
- fprintf(sf, "%11d threads created\n",
- globalParStats.tot_threads_created);
- /*
- Would need to add a ++ to the par macro to use this
- fprintf(sf, "%11d sparks created\n",
- globalParStats.tot_sparks_created);
- fprintf(sf, "%11d sparks ignored\n",
- globalParStats.tot_sparks_ignored);
- */
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.res_tp, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s thread pool residency", temp);
- fprintf(sf, " (avg: %3.2f; %d times (%2.2f%%) of %d empty)\n",
- (double)globalParStats.tot_tp/(double)globalParStats.cnt_tp,
- globalParStats.emp_tp,
- globalParStats.emp_tp*100.0/(double)globalParStats.cnt_tp,
- globalParStats.cnt_tp);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.res_sp, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s spark pool residency", temp);
- fprintf(sf, " (avg: %3.2f; %d times (%2.2f%%) of %d empty)\n",
- (double)globalParStats.tot_sp/(double)globalParStats.cnt_sp,
- globalParStats.emp_sp,
- globalParStats.emp_sp*100.0/(double)globalParStats.cnt_sp,
- globalParStats.cnt_sp);
- //showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_fishes, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11d messages sent (%d fish, %d fetch, %d resume, %d schedule",
- globalParStats.tot_fish_mess+globalParStats.tot_fetch_mess+
- globalParStats.tot_resume_mess+globalParStats.tot_schedule_mess,
- globalParStats.tot_fish_mess, globalParStats.tot_fetch_mess,
- globalParStats.tot_resume_mess, globalParStats.tot_schedule_mess);
-#if defined(DIST)
- fprintf(sf, "%d revals", globalParStats.tot_reval_mess);
- fprintf(sf,")\n");
- fprintf(sf, "%11d messages received (%d fish, %d fetch, %d resume, %d schedule",
- globalParStats.rec_fish_mess+globalParStats.rec_fetch_mess+
- globalParStats.rec_resume_mess+globalParStats.rec_schedule_mess,
- globalParStats.rec_fish_mess, globalParStats.rec_fetch_mess,
- globalParStats.rec_resume_mess, globalParStats.rec_schedule_mess);
-#if defined(DIST)
- fprintf(sf, "%d revals", globalParStats.rec_reval_mess);
- fprintf(sf,")\n\n");
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_size_GA*sizeof(W_), temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s bytes of global heap in total ", temp);
- fprintf(sf, "(%5.2f%% of total allocated heap)\n",
- globalParStats.tot_size_GA*sizeof(W_)*100.0/(double)GC_tot_alloc*sizeof(W_));
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.res_size_GA*sizeof(W_), temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s bytes global heap residency ", temp);
- fprintf(sf, "(%5.2f%% of max heap residency)\n",
- globalParStats.res_size_GA*sizeof(W_)*100.0/(double)MaxResidency*sizeof(W_));
- //showStgWord64(globalParStats.res_mark_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- //fprintf(sf, "%11s GAs residency in GALA table ", temp);
- // showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_mark_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- //fprintf(sf, "(avg %5.2f; %d samples)\n",
- // (double)globalParStats.tot_mark_GA/(double)globalParStats.cnt_mark_GA,
- // globalParStats.cnt_mark_GA);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.local_alloc_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s GAs locally allocated (calls to makeGlobal)\n", temp);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_rebuild_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s live GAs in total (after rebuilding tables)\n", temp);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.res_rebuild_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s GAs residency (after rebuilding tables) ", temp);
- fprintf(sf, "(avg %5.2f; %d samples)\n",
- (double)globalParStats.tot_rebuild_GA/(double)globalParStats.cnt_rebuild_GA,
- globalParStats.cnt_rebuild_GA);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.res_free_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s residency of freeing GAs", temp);
- fprintf(sf, " (avg %5.2f; %d samples)\n",
- (double)globalParStats.tot_free_GA/(double)globalParStats.cnt_free_GA,
- globalParStats.cnt_free_GA);
- fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent marking GAs (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs)\n",
- globalParStats.time_mark_GA,
- globalParStats.time_mark_GA*100./time, time);
- fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent rebuilding GALA tables (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs; %7.2f%% of %7.2fs)\n",
- globalParStats.time_rebuild_GA,
- globalParStats.time_rebuild_GA*100./time, time,
- globalParStats.time_rebuild_GA*100./etime, etime);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_sparks_marked, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s sparks marked\t", temp);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.res_sparks_marked, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%6s spark mark residency\n", temp);
- fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent marking sparks (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs; %7.2f%% of %7.2fs elapsed)\n",
- globalParStats.time_sparks,
- globalParStats.time_sparks*100./time, time,
- globalParStats.time_sparks*100./etime, etime);
- fprintf(sf,"\n");
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_packets, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s packets sent\n", temp);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_packet_size, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s bytes of graph sent in total (max %d; avg %.2f)\n",
- temp, globalParStats.res_packet_size,
- (double)globalParStats.tot_packet_size/(double)globalParStats.tot_packets);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_thunks, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s thunks sent in total (max %d; avg %.2f)\n",
- temp, globalParStats.res_thunks,
- (double)globalParStats.tot_thunks/(double)globalParStats.tot_packets);
- fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent packing graph structures (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs; %7.2f%% of %7.2fs elapsed)\n",
- globalParStats.time_pack,
- globalParStats.time_pack*100./time, time,
- globalParStats.time_pack*100./etime, etime);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.rec_packets, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s packets received\n", temp);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.rec_packet_size, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s bytes of graph received in total (max %d; avg %.2f)\n",
- temp, globalParStats.rec_res_packet_size,
- (double)globalParStats.rec_packet_size/(double)globalParStats.rec_packets);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.rec_thunks, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s thunks received in total (max %d; avg %.2f)\n",
- temp, globalParStats.rec_res_thunks,
- (double)globalParStats.rec_thunks/(double)globalParStats.rec_packets);
- fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent unpacking graph structures (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs; %7.2f%% of %7.2fs elapsed)\n",
- globalParStats.time_unpack,
- globalParStats.time_unpack*100./time, time,
- globalParStats.time_unpack*100./etime, etime);
- fprintf(sf,"\n");
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_arrs, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, "%11s bytearrays sent; ", temp);
- showStgWord64(globalParStats.tot_arr_size, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/);
- fprintf(sf, " %s bytes in total (avg %.2f)\n",
- temp,
- (double)globalParStats.tot_arr_size/(double)globalParStats.tot_arrs);
- fprintf(sf,"\n");
- fprintf(sf, "%11d yields, %d stack overflows, %d heap overflows\n",
- globalParStats.tot_yields, globalParStats.tot_stackover,
- globalParStats.tot_heapover);
- fprintf(sf,"\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "Printing this pathetic statistics took %7.2fs (start @ %7.2f)\n",
- // usertime()-time, time);
- fflush(sf);
- // Open filehandle needed by other stats printing fcts
- // fclose(sf);
- }
diff --git a/rts/parallel/ParTicky.h b/rts/parallel/ParTicky.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d6e7435c9..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/ParTicky.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * (c) Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, 2000-
- *
- * Header for ParTicky.c
- *
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#if defined(PAR_TICKY)
-/* macros */
-#define PAR_TICKY_PAR_START() par_ticky_Par_start ()
-#define PAR_TICKY_PAR_END() globalParStat_exit ()
-#define PAR_TICKY_REBUILD_GA_TABLES_START() par_ticky_rebuildGAtables_start()
-#define PAR_TICKY_REBUILD_GA_TABLES_END(n, size_GA) par_ticky_rebuildGAtables_end(n, size_GA)
-#define PAR_TICKY_MARK_LOCAL_GAS_START() par_ticky_markLocalGAs_start()
-#define PAR_TICKY_MARK_LOCAL_GAS_END(n) par_ticky_markLocalGAs_end(n)
-#define PAR_TICKY_MARK_SPARK_QUEUE_START() par_ticky_markSparkQueue_start()
-#define PAR_TICKY_MARK_SPARK_QUEUE_END(n) par_ticky_markSparkQueue_end(n)
-#define PAR_TICKY_PACK_NEARBY_GRAPH_START() (par_ticky_PackNearbyGraph_start())
-#define PAR_TICKY_PACK_NEARBY_GRAPH_END(n, thunks) par_ticky_PackNearbyGraph_end(n, thunks)
-#define PAR_TICKY_UNPACK_GRAPH_START() par_ticky_UnpackGraph_start()
-#define PAR_TICKY_UNPACK_GRAPH_END(n,thunks) par_ticky_UnpackGraph_end(n,thunks)
-#define PAR_TICKY_TP() par_ticky_TP()
-#define PAR_TICKY_CNT_FREE_GA() stats_CntFreeGA()
-/* prototypes */
-extern void par_ticky_Par_start (void) ;
-extern void par_ticky_rebuildGAtables_start(void) ;
-extern void par_ticky_rebuildGAtables_end(nat n, nat size_GA) ;
-extern void par_ticky_markLocalGAs_start(void) ;
-extern void par_ticky_markLocalGAs_end(nat n) ;
-extern void par_ticky_markSparkQueue_start(void) ;
-extern void par_ticky_markSparkQueue_end(nat n) ;
-extern void par_ticky_PackNearbyGraph_start (void) ;
-extern void par_ticky_PackNearbyGraph_end(nat n, nat thunks) ;
-extern void par_ticky_UnpackGraph_start (void) ;
-extern void par_ticky_UnpackGraph_end(nat n, nat thunks) ;
-extern void par_ticky_TP (void) ;
-extern void globalParStat_exit(void);
-#define PAR_TICKY_PAR_END()
-#define PAR_TICKY_UNPACK_GRAPH_END(n, thunks)
-#define PAR_TICKY_TP ()
diff --git a/rts/parallel/ParTypes.h b/rts/parallel/ParTypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 910a6f2d99..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/ParTypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Time-stamp: <Tue Nov 09 1999 16:31:38 Stardate: [-30]3873.44 hwloidl>
- *
- * Runtime system types for GUM
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifndef PARTYPES_H
-#define PARTYPES_H
-#ifdef PAR /* all of it */
-// now in Parallel.h
-//typedef struct hashtable HashTable;
-//typedef struct hashlist HashList;
-/* Global addresses now live in Parallel.h (needed in Closures.h) */
-// gaddr
-// now in Parallel.h
-/* (GA, LA) pairs
-typedef struct gala {
- globalAddr ga;
- StgPtr la;
- struct gala *next;
- rtsBool preferred;
-} rtsGaLa;
-#if defined(GRAN)
-typedef unsigned long TIME;
-typedef unsigned char Proc;
-typedef unsigned char EVTTYPE;
-#endif /* PAR */
-#endif /* ! PARTYPES_H */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/Parallel.c b/rts/parallel/Parallel.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 55c22c752a..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/Parallel.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1140 +0,0 @@
- Time-stamp: <Wed Mar 21 2001 16:42:40 Stardate: [-30]6363.48 hwloidl>
- Basic functions for use in either GranSim or GUM.
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR) /* whole file */
-//* Includes::
-//* Variables and constants::
-//* Writing to the log-file::
-//* Global statistics::
-//* Dumping routines::
-//@end menu
-//*/ fool highlight
-//@node Includes, Variables and constants
-//@subsection Includes
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "Storage.h"
-#include "GranSimRts.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-//@node Variables and constants, Writing to the log-file, Includes
-//@subsection Variables and constants
-/* Where to write the log file */
-FILE *gr_file = NULL;
-char gr_filename[STATS_FILENAME_MAXLEN];
-#if defined(PAR)
-/* Global statistics */
-GlobalParStats globalParStats;
-#if defined(PAR)
-StgWord64 startTime = 0;
-#if defined(PAR) && !defined(DEBUG)
-// Definitely the wrong place for info_type in !DEBUG (see Printer.c) -- HWL
-static char *closure_type_names[] = {
- "INVALID_OBJECT", /* 0 */
- "CONSTR", /* 1 */
- "CONSTR_1_0", /* 2 */
- "CONSTR_0_1", /* 3 */
- "CONSTR_2_0", /* 4 */
- "CONSTR_1_1", /* 5 */
- "CONSTR_0_2", /* 6 */
- "CONSTR_INTLIKE", /* 7 */
- "CONSTR_CHARLIKE", /* 8 */
- "CONSTR_STATIC", /* 9 */
- "FUN", /* 11 */
- "FUN_1_0", /* 12 */
- "FUN_0_1", /* 13 */
- "FUN_2_0", /* 14 */
- "FUN_1_1", /* 15 */
- "FUN_0_2", /* 16 */
- "FUN_STATIC", /* 17 */
- "THUNK", /* 18 */
- "THUNK_1_0", /* 19 */
- "THUNK_0_1", /* 20 */
- "THUNK_2_0", /* 21 */
- "THUNK_1_1", /* 22 */
- "THUNK_0_2", /* 23 */
- "THUNK_STATIC", /* 24 */
- "THUNK_SELECTOR", /* 25 */
- "BCO", /* 26 */
- "AP_UPD", /* 27 */
- "PAP", /* 28 */
- "IND", /* 29 */
- "IND_OLDGEN", /* 30 */
- "IND_PERM", /* 31 */
- "IND_OLDGEN_PERM", /* 32 */
- "IND_STATIC", /* 33 */
- "CAF_UNENTERED", /* 34 */
- "CAF_ENTERED", /* 35 */
- "CAF_BLACKHOLE", /* 36 */
- "RET_BCO", /* 37 */
- "RET_SMALL", /* 38 */
- "RET_VEC_SMALL", /* 39 */
- "RET_BIG", /* 40 */
- "RET_VEC_BIG", /* 41 */
- "RET_DYN", /* 42 */
- "UPDATE_FRAME", /* 43 */
- "CATCH_FRAME", /* 44 */
- "STOP_FRAME", /* 45 */
- "SEQ_FRAME", /* 46 */
- "BLACKHOLE", /* 47 */
- "BLACKHOLE_BQ", /* 48 */
- "SE_BLACKHOLE", /* 49 */
- "SE_CAF_BLACKHOLE", /* 50 */
- "MVAR", /* 51 */
- "ARR_WORDS", /* 52 */
- "MUT_ARR_PTRS", /* 53 */
- "MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN", /* 54 */
- "MUT_VAR", /* 55 */
- "WEAK", /* 56 */
- "FOREIGN", /* 57 */
- "STABLE_NAME", /* 58 */
- "TSO", /* 59 */
- "BLOCKED_FETCH", /* 60 */
- "FETCH_ME", /* 61 */
- "FETCH_ME_BQ", /* 62 */
- "RBH", /* 63 */
- "EVACUATED", /* 64 */
- "REMOTE_REF", /* 65 */
- "N_CLOSURE_TYPES" /* 66 */
-char *
-info_type(StgClosure *closure){
- return closure_type_names[get_itbl(closure)->type];
-char *
-info_type_by_ip(StgInfoTable *ip){
- return closure_type_names[ip->type];
-info_hdr_type(StgClosure *closure, char *res){
- strcpy(res,closure_type_names[get_itbl(closure)->type]);
-//@node Writing to the log-file, Global statistics, Variables and constants
-//@subsection Writing to the log-file
- Writing to the log-file
- These routines dump event-based info to the main log-file.
- The code for writing log files is shared between GranSim and GUM.
- * If you're not using GNUC and you're on a 32-bit machine, you're
- * probably out of luck here. However, since CONCURRENT currently
- * requires GNUC, I'm not too worried about it. --JSM
- */
-//@cindex init_gr_simulation
-#if defined(GRAN)
-init_gr_simulation(rts_argc, rts_argv, prog_argc, prog_argv)
-char *prog_argv[], *rts_argv[];
-int prog_argc, rts_argc;
- nat i;
- char *extension = RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Binary ? "gb" : "gr";
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global)
- init_gr_stats();
- /* init global constants for costs of basic operations */
- gran_arith_cost = RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.arith_cost;
- gran_branch_cost = RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.branch_cost;
- gran_load_cost = RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.load_cost;
- gran_store_cost = RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.store_cost;
- gran_float_cost = RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.float_cost;
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Suppressed)
- return;
- if (!RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- return;
- sprintf(gr_filename, GR_FILENAME_FMT, prog_argv[0], extension);
- if ((gr_file = fopen(gr_filename, "w")) == NULL) {
- barf("Can't open granularity simulation report file %s\n",
- gr_filename);
- }
- setbuf(gr_file, NULL); /* turn buffering off */
- /* write header with program name, options and setup to gr_file */
- fputs("Granularity Simulation for ", gr_file);
- for (i = 0; i < prog_argc; ++i) {
- fputs(prog_argv[i], gr_file);
- fputc(' ', gr_file);
- }
- if (rts_argc > 0) {
- fputs("+RTS ", gr_file);
- for (i = 0; i < rts_argc; ++i) {
- fputs(rts_argv[i], gr_file);
- fputc(' ', gr_file);
- }
- }
- fputs("\nStart time: ", gr_file);
- fputs(time_str(), gr_file); /* defined in RtsUtils.c */
- fputc('\n', gr_file);
- fputs("\n\n--------------------\n\n", gr_file);
- fputs("General Parameters:\n\n", gr_file);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.Light)
- fprintf(gr_file, "GrAnSim-Light\nPEs infinite, %s Scheduler, %sMigrate Threads %s, %s\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule?"Fair":"Unfair",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration?"":"Don't ",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration && RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst?" Before Sparks":"",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch ? "Asynchronous Fetch" :
- "Block on Fetch");
- else
- fprintf(gr_file, "PEs %u, %s Scheduler, %sMigrate Threads %s, %s\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc,RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule?"Fair":"Unfair",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration?"":"Don't ",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration && RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst?" Before Sparks":"",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoAsyncFetch ? "Asynchronous Fetch" :
- "Block on Fetch");
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching)
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack)
- fprintf(gr_file, "Bulk Fetching: Fetch %d Thunks in Each Packet (Packet Size = %d closures)\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.packBufferSize);
- else
- fprintf(gr_file, "Bulk Fetching: Fetch as many closures as possible (Packet Size = %d closures)\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.packBufferSize);
- else
- fprintf(gr_file, "Incremental Fetching: Fetch Exactly One Closure in Each Packet\n");
- fprintf(gr_file, "Fetch Strategy(%u):If outstanding fetches %s\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==0 ?
- " block (block-on-fetch)":
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==1 ?
- "only run runnable threads":
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==2 ?
- "create threads only from local sparks":
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==3 ?
- "create threads from local or global sparks":
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==4 ?
- "create sparks and steal threads if necessary":
- "unknown");
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking)
- fprintf(gr_file, "Priority Sparking (i.e. keep sparks ordered by priority)\n");
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling)
- fprintf(gr_file, "Priority Scheduling (i.e. keep threads ordered by priority)\n");
- fprintf(gr_file, "Thread Creation Time %u, Thread Queue Time %u\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadcreatetime,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadqueuetime);
- fprintf(gr_file, "Thread DeSchedule Time %u, Thread Schedule Time %u\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threaddescheduletime,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadscheduletime);
- fprintf(gr_file, "Thread Context-Switch Time %u\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.threadcontextswitchtime);
- fputs("\n\n--------------------\n\n", gr_file);
- fputs("Communication Metrics:\n\n", gr_file);
- fprintf(gr_file,
- "Latency %u (1st) %u (rest), Fetch %u, Notify %u (Global) %u (Local)\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.latency,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.additional_latency,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.fetchtime,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.gunblocktime,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.lunblocktime);
- fprintf(gr_file,
- "Message Creation %u (+ %u after send), Message Read %u\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mpacktime,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.mtidytime,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.munpacktime);
- fputs("\n\n--------------------\n\n", gr_file);
- fputs("Instruction Metrics:\n\n", gr_file);
- fprintf(gr_file, "Arith %u, Branch %u, Load %u, Store %u, Float %u, Alloc %u\n",
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.arith_cost,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.branch_cost,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.load_cost,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.store_cost,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.float_cost,
- RtsFlags.GranFlags.Costs.heapalloc_cost);
- fputs("\n\n++++++++++++++++++++\n\n", gr_file);
-# if 0
- /* binary log files are currently not supported */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Binary)
- grputw(sizeof(rtsTime));
-# endif
- return (0);
-#elif defined(PAR)
-void init_gr_stats (void);
-init_gr_simulation(rts_argc, rts_argv, prog_argc, prog_argv)
-char *prog_argv[], *rts_argv[];
-int prog_argc, rts_argc;
- nat i;
- char time_string[TIME_STR_LEN], node_str[NODE_STR_LEN];
- char *extension = RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Binary ? "gb" : "gr";
- sprintf(gr_filename, GR_FILENAME_FMT_GUM, prog_argv[0], thisPE, extension);
- if (!RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Full)
- return;
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global)
- init_gr_stats();
- if ((gr_file = fopen(gr_filename, "w")) == NULL)
- barf("Can't open activity report file %s\n", gr_filename);
- setbuf(gr_file, NULL); /* turn buffering off */
- /* write header with program name, options and setup to gr_file */
- for (i = 0; i < prog_argc; ++i) {
- fputs(prog_argv[i], gr_file);
- fputc(' ', gr_file);
- }
- if (rts_argc > 0) {
- fputs("+RTS ", gr_file);
- for (i = 0; i < rts_argc; ++i) {
- fputs(rts_argv[i], gr_file);
- fputc(' ', gr_file);
- }
- }
- fputc('\n', gr_file);
- /* record the absolute start time to allow synchronisation of log-files */
- fputs("Start-Time: ", gr_file);
- fputs(time_str(), gr_file);
- fputc('\n', gr_file);
- ASSERT(startTime==0);
- // startTime = msTime();
- startTime = CURRENT_TIME;
- showStgWord64(CURRENT_TIME, time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
- fprintf(gr_file, "PE %2u [%s]: TIME\n", thisPE, time_string);
-# if 0
- ngoq Dogh'q' vImuS
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- belch("== Start-time: %ld (%s)",
- startTime, time_string));
- if (startTime > LL(1000000000)) {
- fprintf(gr_file, "PE %2u [%lu%lu]: TIME\n", thisPE,
- (rtsTime) (startTime / LL(1000000000)),
- (rtsTime) (startTime % LL(1000000000)));
- } else {
- fprintf(gr_file, "PE %2u [%lu]: TIME\n", thisPE, (TIME) startTime);
- }
- /* binary log files are currently not supported */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Binary)
- grputw(sizeof(rtsTime));
-# endif
- return;
-init_gr_stats (void) {
- // memset(&globalParStats, '\0', sizeof(GlobalParStats));
- globalParStats.tot_mark_GA = globalParStats.tot_rebuild_GA = globalParStats.tot_free_GA = globalParStats.res_mark_GA = globalParStats.res_rebuild_GA = globalParStats.res_free_GA = globalParStats.tot_size_GA = globalParStats.res_size_GA = globalParStats.tot_global = globalParStats.tot_local = 0;
- globalParStats.cnt_mark_GA = globalParStats.cnt_rebuild_GA = globalParStats.cnt_free_GA = globalParStats.res_free_GA = globalParStats.local_alloc_GA = 0;
- globalParStats.time_mark_GA = 0.0;
- globalParStats.time_rebuild_GA = 0.0;
- globalParStats.time_sparks = 0.0;
- globalParStats.time_pack = 0.0;
- globalParStats.res_sp = globalParStats.res_tp = globalParStats.tot_sp = globalParStats.tot_tp = globalParStats.cnt_sp = globalParStats.cnt_tp = globalParStats.emp_sp = globalParStats.emp_tp = 0;
- globalParStats.tot_packets = globalParStats.tot_packet_size = globalParStats.tot_thunks = globalParStats.res_packet_size = globalParStats.res_thunks = globalParStats.rec_res_packet_size = globalParStats.rec_res_thunks = 0;
- globalParStats.tot_fish_mess = globalParStats.tot_fetch_mess = globalParStats.tot_resume_mess = globalParStats.tot_schedule_mess = 0;
- globalParStats.rec_fish_mess = globalParStats.rec_resume_mess = globalParStats.rec_schedule_mess = 0;
- globalParStats.rec_fetch_mess = 0;
-#if defined(DIST)
- globalParStats.tot_reval_mess = 0;
- globalParStats.rec_reval_mess = 0;
- globalParStats.tot_threads_created = globalParStats.tot_sparks_created = globalParStats.tot_sparks_ignored = globalParStats.tot_sparks_marked = globalParStats.res_sparks_created = globalParStats.res_sparks_ignored = globalParStats.res_sparks_marked = 0;
- globalParStats.tot_yields = globalParStats.tot_stackover = globalParStats.tot_heapover = 0;
- globalParStats.tot_arrs = globalParStats.tot_arr_size = 0;
-#endif /* PAR */
-//@cindex end_gr_simulation
-#if defined(GRAN)
- char time_string[TIME_STR_LEN];
- showStgWord64(CURRENT_TIME, time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Suppressed)
- return;
- /* Print event stats */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global) {
- nat i;
- fprintf(stderr,"Total yields: %d\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_yields);
- fprintf(stderr,"Total number of threads created: %d ; per PE:\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_threads_created);
- for (i=0; i<RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc; i++) {
- fprintf(stderr," PE %d: %d\t",
- i, globalGranStats.threads_created_on_PE[i]);
- if (i+1 % 4 == 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- }
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc+1 % 4 != 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Total number of threads migrated: %d\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_TSOs_migrated);
- fprintf(stderr,"Total number of sparks created: %d ; per PE:\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_sparks_created);
- for (i=0; i<RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc; i++) {
- fprintf(stderr," PE %d: %d\t",
- i, globalGranStats.sparks_created_on_PE[i]);
- if (i+1 % 4 == 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- }
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc+1 % 4 != 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Event statistics (number of events: %d):\n",
- globalGranStats.noOfEvents);
- for (i=0; i<=MAX_EVENT; i++) {
- fprintf(stderr," %s (%d): \t%d \t%f%%\t%f%%\n",
- event_names[i],i,globalGranStats.event_counts[i],
- (float)(100*globalGranStats.event_counts[i])/(float)(globalGranStats.noOfEvents),
- (i==ContinueThread ? 0.0 :
- (float)(100*(globalGranStats.event_counts[i])/(float)(globalGranStats.noOfEvents-globalGranStats.event_counts[ContinueThread])) ));
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"Randomized steals: %ld sparks, %ld threads \n \t(Sparks: #%u (avg ntimes=%f; avg fl=%f)\n\t(Threads: %ld)",
- globalGranStats.rs_sp_count,
- globalGranStats.rs_t_count,
- globalGranStats.no_of_steals,
- (float)globalGranStats.ntimes_total/(float)stg_max(globalGranStats.no_of_steals,1),
- (float)globalGranStats.fl_total/(float)stg_max(globalGranStats.no_of_steals,1),
- globalGranStats.no_of_migrates);
- fprintf(stderr,"Moved sparks: %d Withered sparks: %d (%.2f %%)\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_sparks, globalGranStats.withered_sparks,
- ( globalGranStats.tot_sparks == 0 ? 0 :
- (float)(100*globalGranStats.withered_sparks)/(float)(globalGranStats.tot_sparks)) );
- /* Print statistics about priority sparking */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking) {
- fprintf(stderr,"About Priority Sparking:\n");
- fprintf(stderr," Total no. NewThreads: %d Avg. spark queue len: %.2f \n", globalGranStats.tot_sq_probes, (float)globalGranStats.tot_sq_len/(float)globalGranStats.tot_sq_probes);
- }
- /* Print statistics about priority sparking */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling) {
- fprintf(stderr,"About Priority Scheduling:\n");
- fprintf(stderr," Total no. of StartThreads: %d (non-end: %d) Avg. thread queue len: %.2f\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_add_threads, globalGranStats.non_end_add_threads,
- (float)globalGranStats.tot_tq_len/(float)globalGranStats.tot_add_threads);
- }
- /* Blocking queue statistics */
- if (1) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Blocking queue statistcs:\n");
- fprintf(stderr," Total no. of FMBQs generated: %d\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_FMBQs);
- fprintf(stderr," Total no. of bqs awakened: %d\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_awbq);
- fprintf(stderr," Total length of all bqs: %d\tAvg length of bqs: %.2f\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_bq_len, (float)globalGranStats.tot_bq_len/(float)globalGranStats.tot_awbq);
- fprintf(stderr," Percentage of local TSOs in BQs: %.2f\n",
- (float)globalGranStats.tot_bq_len*100.0/(float)globalGranStats.tot_bq_len);
- fprintf(stderr," Total time spent processing BQs: %lx\n",
- globalGranStats.tot_bq_processing_time);
- }
- /* Fetch misses and thunk stealing */
- fprintf(stderr,"Number of fetch misses: %d\n",
- globalGranStats.fetch_misses);
- /* Print packet statistics if GUMM fetching is turned on */
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.DoBulkFetching) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Packet statistcs:\n");
- fprintf(stderr," Total no. of packets: %d Avg. packet size: %.2f \n", globalGranStats.tot_packets, (float)globalGranStats.tot_packet_size/(float)globalGranStats.tot_packets);
- fprintf(stderr," Total no. of thunks: %d Avg. thunks/packet: %.2f \n", globalGranStats.tot_thunks, (float)globalGranStats.tot_thunks/(float)globalGranStats.tot_packets);
- fprintf(stderr," Total no. of cuts: %d Avg. cuts/packet: %.2f\n", globalGranStats.tot_cuts, (float)globalGranStats.tot_cuts/(float)globalGranStats.tot_packets);
- /*
- if (closure_queue_overflows>0)
- fprintf(stderr," Number of closure queue overflows: %u\n",
- closure_queue_overflows);
- */
- }
- } /* RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Global */
-# if defined(GRAN_COUNT)
-# error "GRAN_COUNT not supported; should be parallel ticky profiling, really"
- fprintf(stderr,"Update count statistics:\n");
- fprintf(stderr," Total number of updates: %u\n",nUPDs);
- fprintf(stderr," Needed to awaken BQ: %u with avg BQ len of: %f\n",
- nUPDs_BQ,(float)BQ_lens/(float)nUPDs_BQ);
- fprintf(stderr," Number of PAPs: %u\n",nPAPs);
-# endif
- fprintf(stderr, "Simulation finished after @ %s @ cycles. %d sparks created, %d sparks ignored. Check %s for details.\n",
- time_string, sparksCreated, sparksIgnored, gr_filename);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- fclose(gr_file);
-#elif defined(PAR)
- Under GUM we print only one line.
- char time_string[TIME_STR_LEN];
- showStgWord64(CURRENT_TIME-startTime, time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
- fprintf(stderr, "Computation finished after @ %s @ ms. %d sparks created, %d sparks ignored. Check %s for details.\n",
- time_string, sparksCreated, sparksIgnored, gr_filename);
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Full)
- fclose(gr_file);
-#endif /* PAR */
-//@node Global statistics, Dumping routines, Writing to the log-file
-//@subsection Global statistics
- Called at the end of execution
-//@node Dumping routines, , Global statistics
-//@subsection Dumping routines
-//@cindex DumpGranEvent
-DumpGranEvent(name, tso)
-GranEventType name;
-StgTSO *tso;
- DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC, (PEs)0, name, tso, &stg_END_TSO_QUEUE_closure, (StgInt)0, (StgInt)0);
-//@cindex DumpRawGranEvent
-DumpRawGranEvent(proc, p, name, tso, node, sparkname, len)
-PEs proc, p; /* proc ... where it happens; p ... where node lives */
-GranEventType name;
-StgTSO *tso;
-StgClosure *node;
-StgInt sparkname, len;
-# if defined(GRAN)
- DumpVeryRawGranEvent(TIME_ON_PROC(proc),
- proc, p, name, tso, node, sparkname, len);
-# elif defined(PAR)
- DumpVeryRawGranEvent(CURRENT_TIME,
- proc, p, name, tso, node, sparkname, len);
-# endif
-//@cindex DumpVeryRawGranEvent
-DumpVeryRawGranEvent(time, proc, p, name, tso, node, sparkname, len)
-rtsTime time;
-PEs proc, p; /* proc ... where it happens; p ... where node lives */
-GranEventType name;
-StgTSO *tso;
-StgClosure *node;
-StgInt sparkname, len;
- FILE *output_file; // DEBUGGING ONLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
- StgWord id;
- char time_string[TIME_STR_LEN], node_str[NODE_STR_LEN];
-# if defined(GRAN)
- showStgWord64(time,
- time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
-# elif defined(PAR)
- showStgWord64(time,
- time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
-# endif
- output_file = gr_file;
-# if defined(GRAN)
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Full)
- ASSERT(output_file!=NULL);
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Suppressed)
- return;
-# elif defined(PAR)
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Full)
- ASSERT(output_file!=NULL);
- if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Suppressed)
- return;
-# endif
- id = tso == NULL ? -1 : tso->id;
- if (node==stgCast(StgClosure*,&stg_END_TSO_QUEUE_closure))
- strcpy(node_str,"________"); /* "END_TSO_QUEUE"); */
- else
- sprintf(node_str,"0x%-6lx",node);
- if (name > GR_EVENT_MAX)
- name = GR_EVENT_MAX;
- barf("binary log files not yet supported");
-#if 0
- /* ToDo: fix code for writing binary GrAnSim statistics */
- switch (name) {
- case GR_START:
- case GR_STARTQ:
- grputw(name);
- grputw(proc);
- abort(); /* die please: a single word */
- /* doesn't represent long long times */
- grputw(TIME_ON_PROC(proc));
- grputw((StgWord)node);
- break;
- case GR_FETCH:
- case GR_REPLY:
- case GR_BLOCK:
- grputw(name);
- grputw(proc);
- abort(); /* die please: a single word */
- /* doesn't represent long long times */
- grputw(TIME_ON_PROC(proc)); /* this line is bound to */
- grputw(id); /* do the wrong thing */
- break;
- default:
- grputw(name);
- grputw(proc);
- abort(); /* die please: a single word */
- /* doesn't represent long long times */
- grputw(TIME_ON_PROC(proc));
- grputw((StgWord)node);
- }
- else /* !BINARY_STATS */
- switch (name) {
- case GR_START:
- case GR_STARTQ:
- fprintf(output_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t%s\t[SN %u]\t[sparks %u]\n",
- proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],
- id,node_str,sparkname,len);
- break;
- case GR_FETCH:
- case GR_REPLY:
- case GR_BLOCK:
- case GR_STOLEN:
- case GR_STOLENQ:
- fprintf(output_file, "PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx \t%s\t(from %2u)\n",
- proc, time_string, gran_event_names[name],
- id,node_str,p);
- break;
- case GR_RESUME:
- case GR_RESUMEQ:
- fprintf(output_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx \n",
- proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],id);
- break;
- case GR_ALLOC:
- fprintf(output_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t \tallocating %u words\n",
- proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],id,len);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(output_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t%s\t[sparks %u]\n",
- proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],id,node_str,len);
- }
-//@cindex DumpGranInfo
-DumpEndEvent(proc, tso, mandatory_thread)
-PEs proc;
-StgTSO *tso;
-rtsBool mandatory_thread;
- FILE *output_file; // DEBUGGING ONLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
- char time_string[TIME_STR_LEN];
-# if defined(GRAN)
- showStgWord64(TIME_ON_PROC(proc),
- time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
-# elif defined(PAR)
- showStgWord64(CURRENT_TIME,
- time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
-# endif
- output_file = gr_file;
- ASSERT(output_file!=NULL);
-#if defined(GRAN)
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Suppressed)
- return;
- barf("binary log files not yet supported");
-#if 0
- grputw(GR_END);
- grputw(proc);
- abort(); /* die please: a single word doesn't represent long long times */
- grputw(CURRENT_TIME); /* this line is bound to fail */
- grputw(tso->id);
-#ifdef PAR
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(0);
- grputw(tso->gran.sparkname);
- grputw(tso->gran.startedat);
- grputw(tso->gran.exported);
- grputw(tso->gran.basicblocks);
- grputw(tso->gran.allocs);
- grputw(tso->gran.exectime);
- grputw(tso->gran.blocktime);
- grputw(tso->gran.blockcount);
- grputw(tso->gran.fetchtime);
- grputw(tso->gran.fetchcount);
- grputw(tso->gran.localsparks);
- grputw(tso->gran.globalsparks);
- grputw(mandatory_thread);
-#endif /* 0 */
- } else {
- /*
- * NB: DumpGranEvent cannot be used because PE may be wrong
- * (as well as the extra info)
- */
- fprintf(output_file, "PE %2u [%s]: END %lx, SN %u, ST %lu, EXP %s, BB %u, HA %u, RT %u, BT %u (%u), FT %u (%u), LS %u, GS %u, MY %s\n"
- ,proc
- ,time_string
- ,tso->id
-#if defined(GRAN)
- ,tso->gran.sparkname
- ,tso->gran.startedat
- ,((tso->gran.exported) ? 'T' : 'F')
- ,tso->gran.basicblocks
- ,tso->gran.allocs
- ,tso->gran.exectime
- ,tso->gran.blocktime
- ,tso->gran.blockcount
- ,tso->gran.fetchtime
- ,tso->gran.fetchcount
- ,tso->gran.localsparks
- ,tso->gran.globalsparks
-#elif defined(PAR)
- ,tso->par.sparkname
- ,tso->par.startedat
- ,(tso->par.exported) ? "T" : "F"
- ,tso->par.basicblocks
- ,tso->par.allocs
- ,tso->par.exectime
- ,tso->par.blocktime
- ,tso->par.blockcount
- ,tso->par.fetchtime
- ,tso->par.fetchcount
- ,tso->par.localsparks
- ,tso->par.globalsparks
- ,(mandatory_thread ? "T" : "F")
- );
- }
-//@cindex DumpTSO
-StgTSO *tso;
- FILE *output_file; // DEBUGGING ONLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
- output_file = gr_file;
- ASSERT(output_file!=NULL);
- fprintf(stderr,"TSO 0x%lx, NAME 0x%lx, ID %u, LINK 0x%lx, TYPE %s\n"
- ,tso
-#if defined(GRAN)
- ,tso->gran.sparkname
-#elif defined(PAR)
- ,tso->par.sparkname
- ,tso->id
- ,tso->link
- ,/*tso->state==T_MAIN?"MAIN":
- */
- "???"
- );
- fprintf(output_file,"TSO %lx: SN %u, ST %u, GBL %c, BB %u, HA %u, RT %u, BT %u (%u), FT %u (%u) LS %u, GS %u\n"
- ,tso->id
-#if defined(GRAN)
- ,tso->gran.sparkname
- ,tso->gran.startedat
- ,tso->gran.exported?'T':'F'
- ,tso->gran.basicblocks
- ,tso->gran.allocs
- ,tso->gran.exectime
- ,tso->gran.blocktime
- ,tso->gran.blockcount
- ,tso->gran.fetchtime
- ,tso->gran.fetchcount
- ,tso->gran.localsparks
- ,tso->gran.globalsparks
-#elif defined(PAR)
- ,tso->par.sparkname
- ,tso->par.startedat
- ,tso->par.exported?'T':'F'
- ,tso->par.basicblocks
- ,tso->par.allocs
- ,tso->par.exectime
- ,tso->par.blocktime
- ,tso->par.blockcount
- ,tso->par.fetchtime
- ,tso->par.fetchcount
- ,tso->par.localsparks
- ,tso->par.globalsparks
- );
-#if 0
- ToDo: fix binary output of log files, and support new log file format.
- Output a terminate event and an 8-byte time.
-//@cindex grterminate
-rtsTime v;
- barf("grterminate: binary statistics not enabled\n");
-# if defined(GRAN)
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Suppressed)
- return;
-# endif
- DumpGranEvent(GR_TERMINATE, stgCast(StgTSO*,&stg_END_TSO_QUEUE_closure));
- if (sizeof(rtsTime) == 4) {
- putc('\0', gr_file);
- putc('\0', gr_file);
- putc('\0', gr_file);
- putc('\0', gr_file);
- } else {
- putc(v >> 56l, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 48l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 40l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 32l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- }
- putc((v >> 24l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 16l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 8l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc(v & 0xffl, gr_file);
- Length-coded output: first 3 bits contain length coding
- 00x 1 byte
- 01x 2 bytes
- 10x 4 bytes
- 110 8 bytes
- 111 5 or 9 bytes
-//@cindex grputw
-rtsTime v;
- barf("grputw: binary statistics not enabled\n");
-# if defined(GRAN)
- if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.GranSimStats.Suppressed)
- return;
-# endif
- if (v <= 0x3fl) { /* length v = 1 byte */
- fputc(v & 0x3f, gr_file);
- } else if (v <= 0x3fffl) { /* length v = 2 byte */
- fputc((v >> 8l) | 0x40l, gr_file);
- fputc(v & 0xffl, gr_file);
- } else if (v <= 0x3fffffffl) { /* length v = 4 byte */
- fputc((v >> 24l) | 0x80l, gr_file);
- fputc((v >> 16l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- fputc((v >> 8l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- fputc(v & 0xffl, gr_file);
- } else if (sizeof(TIME) == 4) {
- fputc(0x70, gr_file);
- fputc((v >> 24l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- fputc((v >> 16l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- fputc((v >> 8l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- fputc(v & 0xffl, gr_file);
- } else {
- if (v <= 0x3fffffffffffffl)
- putc((v >> 56l) | 0x60l, gr_file);
- else {
- putc(0x70, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 56l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- }
- putc((v >> 48l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 40l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 32l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 24l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 16l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc((v >> 8l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
- putc(v & 0xffl, gr_file);
- }
-#endif /* 0 */
- extracting specific info out of a closure; used in packing (GranSim, GUM)
-//@cindex get_closure_info
-get_closure_info(StgClosure* node, nat *size, nat *ptrs, nat *nonptrs,
- nat *vhs, char *info_hdr_ty)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- info = get_itbl(node);
- /* the switch shouldn't be necessary, really; just use default case */
- switch (info->type) {
- case RBH:
- {
- StgInfoTable *rip = REVERT_INFOPTR(info); // closure to revert to
- *size = sizeW_fromITBL(rip);
- *ptrs = (nat) (rip->layout.payload.ptrs);
- *nonptrs = (nat) (rip->layout.payload.nptrs);
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
-#if 0 /* DEBUG */
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- strcpy(info_hdr_ty, "RBH");
- return rip; // NB: we return the reverted info ptr for a RBH!!!!!!
- }
-#if defined(PAR)
- /* Closures specific to GUM */
- case FETCH_ME:
- *size = sizeofW(StgFetchMe);
- *ptrs = (nat)0;
- *nonptrs = (nat)0;
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
-#if 0 /* DEBUG */
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- strcpy(info_hdr_ty, "FETCH_ME");
- return info;
-#ifdef DIST
- case REMOTE_REF: //same as for FETCH_ME...
- *size = sizeofW(StgFetchMe);
- *ptrs = (nat)0;
- *nonptrs = (nat)0;
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
-#if 0 /* DEBUG */
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- strcpy(info_hdr_ty, "REMOTE_REF");
- return info;
-#endif /* DIST */
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- *size = sizeofW(StgFetchMeBlockingQueue);
- *ptrs = (nat)0;
- *nonptrs = (nat)0;
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
-#if 0 /* DEBUG */
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- strcpy(info_hdr_ty, "FETCH_ME_BQ");
- return info;
- *size = sizeofW(StgBlockedFetch);
- *ptrs = (nat)0;
- *nonptrs = (nat)0;
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
-#if 0 /* DEBUG */
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- strcpy(info_hdr_ty, "BLOCKED_FETCH");
- return info;
-#endif /* PAR */
- /* these magic constants are outrageous!! why does the ITBL lie about it? */
- *size = THUNK_SELECTOR_sizeW();
- *ptrs = 1;
- *nonptrs = MIN_UPD_SIZE-*ptrs; // weird
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
- return info;
- case ARR_WORDS:
- /* ToDo: check whether this can be merged with the default case */
- *size = arr_words_sizeW((StgArrWords *)node);
- *ptrs = 0;
- *nonptrs = arr_words_words(((StgArrWords *)node));
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
- return info;
- case PAP:
- /* ToDo: check whether this can be merged with the default case */
- *size = pap_sizeW((StgPAP *)node);
- *ptrs = 0;
- *nonptrs = 0;
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
- return info;
- case AP_UPD:
- /* ToDo: check whether this can be merged with the default case */
- *size = AP_sizeW(((StgAP_UPD *)node)->n_args);
- *ptrs = 0;
- *nonptrs = 0;
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
- return info;
- default:
- *size = sizeW_fromITBL(info);
- *ptrs = (nat) (info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- *nonptrs = (nat) (info->layout.payload.nptrs);
- *vhs = *size - *ptrs - *nonptrs - sizeofW(StgHeader);
-#if 0 /* DEBUG */
- info_hdr_type(node, info_hdr_ty);
- strcpy(info_hdr_ty, "UNKNOWN");
- return info;
- }
-//@cindex IS_BLACK_HOLE
-IS_BLACK_HOLE(StgClosure* node)
- // StgInfoTable *info;
- switch (get_itbl(node)->type) {
- case RBH:
- case FETCH_ME:
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- return rtsTrue;
- default:
- return rtsFalse;
- }
-//return ((info->type == BLACKHOLE || info->type == RBH) ? rtsTrue : rtsFalse);
-StgClosure *
-IS_INDIRECTION(StgClosure* node)
- StgInfoTable *info;
- info = get_itbl(node);
- switch (info->type) {
- case IND:
- case IND_OLDGEN:
- case IND_PERM:
- case IND_STATIC:
- /* relies on indirectee being at same place for all these closure types */
- return (((StgInd*)node) -> indirectee);
-#if 0
- case EVACUATED: // counting as ind to use in GC routines, too
- // could use the same code as above (evacuee is at same pos as indirectee)
- return (((StgEvacuated *)node) -> evacuee);
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
-//@cindex unwindInd
-StgClosure *
-UNWIND_IND (StgClosure *closure)
- StgClosure *next;
- while ((next = IS_INDIRECTION((StgClosure *)closure)) != NULL)
- closure = next;
- ASSERT(next==(StgClosure *)NULL);
- return closure;
-#endif /* GRAN || PAR whole file */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/ParallelDebug.c b/rts/parallel/ParallelDebug.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5616a9a945..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/ParallelDebug.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1955 +0,0 @@
- Time-stamp: <Sun Mar 18 2001 19:32:56 Stardate: [-30]6349.07 hwloidl>
- Various debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-#if defined(DEBUG) && (defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)) /* whole file */
-//@node Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM, , ,
-//@section Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//* Includes::
-//* Constants and Variables::
-//* Closures::
-//* Threads::
-//* Events::
-//* Sparks::
-//* Processors::
-//* Shortcuts::
-//* Printing info type::
-//* Printing Pack:et Contents::
-//* End of File::
-//@end menu
-//@node Includes, Prototypes, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Includes
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "GranSimRts.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-#include "StgMiscClosures.h"
-#include "Printer.h"
-# if defined(DEBUG)
-# include "Hash.h"
-# include "Storage.h"
-# include "ParallelDebug.h"
-# endif
-//@node Prototypes, Constants and Variables, Includes, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Prototypes
-rtsBool isOffset(globalAddr *ga);
-rtsBool isFixed(globalAddr *ga);
-//@node Constants and Variables, Closures, Prototypes, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Constants and Variables
-static HashTable *tmpClosureTable; // used in GraphFingerPrint and PrintGraph
-#if defined(PAR)
-static char finger_print_char[] = {
- '/', /* INVALID_OBJECT 0 */
- 'C', /* CONSTR 1 */
- 'C', /* CONSTR_1_0 2 */
- 'C', /* CONSTR_0_1 3 */
- 'C', /* CONSTR_2_0 4 */
- 'C', /* CONSTR_1_1 5 */
- 'C', /* CONSTR_0_2 6 */
- 'I', /* CONSTR_INTLIKE 7 */
- 'I', /* CONSTR_CHARLIKE 8 */
- 'S', /* CONSTR_STATIC 9 */
- 'F', /* FUN 11 */
- 'F', /* FUN_1_0 12 */
- 'F', /* FUN_0_1 13 */
- 'F', /* FUN_2_0 14 */
- 'F', /* FUN_1_1 15 */
- 'F', /* FUN_0_2 16 */
- 'S', /* FUN_STATIC 17 */
- 'T', /* THUNK 18 */
- 'T', /* THUNK_1_0 19 */
- 'T', /* THUNK_0_1 20 */
- 'T', /* THUNK_2_0 21 */
- 'T', /* THUNK_1_1 22 */
- 'T', /* THUNK_0_2 23 */
- 'S', /* THUNK_STATIC 24 */
- 'E', /* THUNK_SELECTOR 25 */
- 'b', /* BCO 26 */
- 'p', /* AP_UPD 27 */
- 'p', /* PAP 28 */
- '_', /* IND 29 */
- '_', /* IND_OLDGEN 30 */
- '_', /* IND_PERM 31 */
- '_', /* IND_OLDGEN_PERM 32 */
- '_', /* IND_STATIC 33 */
- '?', /* ***unused*** 34 */
- '?', /* ***unused*** 35 */
- '^', /* RET_BCO 36 */
- '^', /* RET_SMALL 37 */
- '^', /* RET_VEC_SMALL 38 */
- '^', /* RET_BIG 39 */
- '^', /* RET_VEC_BIG 40 */
- '^', /* RET_DYN 41 */
- '~', /* UPDATE_FRAME 42 */
- '~', /* CATCH_FRAME 43 */
- '~', /* STOP_FRAME 44 */
- '~', /* SEQ_FRAME 45 */
- 'o', /* CAF_BLACKHOLE 46 */
- 'o', /* BLACKHOLE 47 */
- 'o', /* BLACKHOLE_BQ 48 */
- 'o', /* SE_BLACKHOLE 49 */
- 'o', /* SE_CAF_BLACKHOLE 50 */
- 'm', /* MVAR 51 */
- 'a', /* ARR_WORDS 52 */
- 'a', /* MUT_ARR_PTRS 53 */
- 'a', /* MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN 54 */
- 'q', /* MUT_VAR 55 */
- 'w', /* WEAK 56 */
- 'f', /* FOREIGN 57 */
- 's', /* STABLE_NAME 58 */
- '@', /* TSO 59 */
- '#', /* BLOCKED_FETCH 60 */
- '>', /* FETCH_ME 61 */
- '>', /* FETCH_ME_BQ 62 */
- '$', /* RBH 63 */
- 'v', /* EVACUATED 64 */
- '>' /* REMOTE_REF 65 */
- /* ASSERT(there are N_CLOSURE_TYPES (==66) in this arrary) */
-#endif /* PAR */
-#if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
-//@node Closures, Threads, Constants and Variables, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Closures
-StgClosure* node;
- StgInfoTable *info_ptr;
- StgTSO* bqe;
- nat size = 0, ptrs = 0, nonptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0;
- char info_hdr_ty[80], info_ty[80];
- if (node==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"NULL\n");
- return;
- } else if (node==END_TSO_QUEUE) {
- fprintf(stderr,"END_TSO_QUEUE\n");
- return;
- }
- /* size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs); */
- info_ptr = get_closure_info(node, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, info_hdr_ty);
- /* vhs = var_hdr_size(node); */
- display_info_type(info_ptr,info_ty);
- fprintf(stderr,"Node: 0x%lx", node);
-#if defined(PAR)
- fprintf(stderr," [GA: 0x%lx]",GA(node));
-#if defined(USE_COST_CENTRES)
- fprintf(stderr," [CC: 0x%lx]",CC_HDR(node));
-#if defined(GRAN)
- fprintf(stderr," [Bitmask: 0%lo]",PROCS(node));
- if (info_ptr->type==TSO)
- fprintf(stderr," TSO: 0x%lx (%x) IP: 0x%lx (%s), type %s \n ",
- (StgTSO*)node, ((StgTSO*)node)->id, info_ptr, info_hdr_ty, info_ty);
- else
- fprintf(stderr," IP: 0x%lx (%s), type %s \n VHS: %d, size: %ld, ptrs:%ld, nonptrs: %ld\n ",
- info_ptr,info_hdr_ty,info_ty,vhs,size,ptrs,nonptrs);
- /* For now, we ignore the variable header */
- fprintf(stderr," Ptrs: ");
- for(i=0; i < ptrs; ++i)
- {
- if ( (i+1) % 6 == 0)
- fprintf(stderr,"\n ");
- fprintf(stderr," 0x%lx[P]",node->payload[i]);
- };
- fprintf(stderr," Data: ");
- for(i=0; i < nonptrs; ++i)
- {
- if( (i+1) % 6 == 0)
- fprintf(stderr,"\n ");
- fprintf(stderr," %lu[D]",node->payload[ptrs+i]);
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- switch (info_ptr->type)
- {
- case TSO:
- fprintf(stderr,"\n TSO_LINK: %#lx",
- ((StgTSO*)node)->link);
- break;
- case RBH:
- bqe = ((StgBlockingQueue*)node)->blocking_queue;
- fprintf(stderr," BQ of %#lx: ", node);
- G_PRINT_BQ(bqe);
- break;
- case FETCH_ME:
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- printf("Panic: found FETCH_ME or FETCH_ME_BQ Infotable in GrAnSim system.\n");
- break;
- default:
- /* do nothing */
- }
-G_PPN(node) /* Extracted from PrintPacket in */
-StgClosure* node;
- StgInfoTable *info ;
- nat size = 0, ptrs = 0, nonptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0, locn = 0;
- char info_type[80];
- /* size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs); */
- info = get_closure_info(node, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, info_type);
- if (info->type == FETCH_ME || info->type == FETCH_ME_BQ ||
- info->type == BLACKHOLE || info->type == RBH )
- size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
- if (closure_THUNK(node)) {
- if (!closure_UNPOINTED(node))
- fputs("SHARED ", stderr);
- else
- fputs("UNSHARED ", stderr);
- }
- if (info->type==BLACKHOLE) {
- fputs("BLACK HOLE\n", stderr);
- } else {
- /* Fixed header */
- fprintf(stderr, "(%s) FH [%#lx", info_type, node[locn++]);
- for (i = 1; i < _HS; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", node[locn++]);
- /* Variable header */
- if (vhs > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "] VH [%#lx", node->payload[0]);
- for (i = 1; i < vhs; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", node->payload[i]);
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "] PTRS %u", ptrs);
- /* Non-pointers */
- if (nonptrs > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, " NPTRS [%#lx", node->payload[ptrs]);
- for (i = 1; i < nonptrs; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", node->payload[ptrs+i]);
- putc(']', stderr);
- }
- putc('\n', stderr);
- }
-#if 0
-// ToDo: fix this!! -- HWL
-StgClosure *node;
- StgInfoTable *info_ptr;
- nat size = 0, ptrs = 0, nonptrs = 0, vhs = 0;
- char info_type[80], hdr_type[80];
- info_hdr_type(info_ptr, hdr_type);
- // get_itbl(node);
- info_ptr = get_closure_info(node, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, info_type);
- fprintf(stderr,"%s Info Ptr @0x%lx; Entry: 0x%lx; Size: %lu; Ptrs: %lu\n\n",
- info_type,info_ptr,(W_) ENTRY_CODE(info_ptr),
- size, ptrs);
- // INFO_SIZE(info_ptr),INFO_NoPTRS(info_ptr));
- if (closure_THUNK(node) && !closure_UNPOINTED(node) ) {
- fprintf(stderr," RBH InfoPtr: %#lx\n",
- RBH_INFOPTR(info_ptr));
- }
-#if defined(PAR)
- fprintf(stderr,"Enter Flush Entry: 0x%lx;\tExit Flush Entry: 0x%lx\n",INFO_FLUSHENT(info_ptr),INFO_FLUSH(info_ptr));
-#if defined(USE_COST_CENTRES)
- fprintf(stderr,"Cost Centre (?): 0x%lx\n",INFO_CAT(info_ptr));
-#if defined(_INFO_COPYING)
- fprintf(stderr,"Evacuate Entry: 0x%lx;\tScavenge Entry: 0x%lx\n",
- INFO_EVAC_2S(info_ptr),INFO_SCAV_2S(info_ptr));
-#if defined(_INFO_COMPACTING)
- fprintf(stderr,"Scan Link: 0x%lx;\tScan Move: 0x%lx\n",
- (W_) INFO_SCAN_LINK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_SCAN_MOVE_1S(info_ptr));
- fprintf(stderr,"Mark: 0x%lx;\tMarked: 0x%lx;\t",
- (W_) INFO_MARK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_MARKED_1S(info_ptr));
-#if 0 /* avoid INFO_TYPE */
- fprintf(stderr,"plus specialised code\n");
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"Marking: 0x%lx\n",(W_) INFO_MARKING_1S(info_ptr));
-#endif /* 0 */
-#endif /* _INFO_COMPACTING */
-#endif /* 0 */
-//@cindex G_PRINT_BQ
-StgClosure* node;
- StgInfoTable *info;
- StgTSO *tso, *last;
- char str[80], str0[80];
- fprintf(stderr,"\n[PE %d] @ %lu BQ: ",
- CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
- if ( node == (StgClosure*)NULL ) {
- fprintf(stderr," NULL.\n");
- return;
- }
- if ( node == END_TSO_QUEUE ) {
- fprintf(stderr," _|_\n");
- return;
- }
- tso = ((StgBlockingQueue*)node)->blocking_queue;
- while (node != END_TSO_QUEUE) {
- PEs proc;
- /* Find where the tso lives */
- proc = where_is(node);
- info = get_itbl(node);
- switch (info->type) {
- case TSO:
- strcpy(str0,"TSO");
- break;
- strcpy(str0,"BLOCKED_FETCH");
- break;
- default:
- strcpy(str0,"???");
- break;
- }
- if(proc == CurrentProc)
- fprintf(stderr," %#lx (%x) L %s,",
- node, ((StgBlockingQueue*)node)->blocking_queue, str0);
- else
- fprintf(stderr," %#lx (%x) G (PE %d) %s,",
- node, ((StgBlockingQueue*)node)->blocking_queue, proc, str0);
- last = tso;
- tso = last->link;
- }
- if ( tso == END_TSO_QUEUE )
- fprintf(stderr," _|_\n");
-//@node Threads, Events, Closures, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Threads
-StgInt verbose;
- fprintf(stderr,"Thread Queue on proc %d: ", CurrentProc);
- G_THREADQ(run_queue_hd, verbose);
-G_THREADQ(closure, verbose)
-StgTSO* closure;
-StgInt verbose;
- StgTSO* x;
- fprintf(stderr,"Thread Queue: ");
- for (x=closure; x!=END_TSO_QUEUE; x=x->link)
- if (verbose)
- G_TSO(x,0);
- else
- fprintf(stderr," %#lx",x);
- if (closure==END_TSO_QUEUE)
- fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-StgTSO* closure;
-StgInt verbose;
- if (closure==END_TSO_QUEUE) {
- fprintf(stderr,"TSO at %#lx is END_TSO_QUEUE!\n");
- return;
- }
- if ( verbose & 0x08 ) { /* short info */
- fprintf(stderr,"[TSO @ %#lx, PE %d]: Id: %#lx, Link: %#lx\n",
- closure,where_is(closure),
- closure->id,closure->link);
- return;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"TSO at %#lx has the following contents:\n",
- closure);
- fprintf(stderr,"> Id: \t%#lx",closure->id);
- // fprintf(stderr,"\tstate: \t%#lx",closure->state);
- fprintf(stderr,"\twhat_next: \t%#lx",closure->what_next);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tlink: \t%#lx\n",closure->link);
- fprintf(stderr,"\twhy_blocked: \t%d", closure->why_blocked);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tblock_info: \t%p\n", closure->block_info);
- // fprintf(stderr,"\tType: \t%s\n",type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure)]);
- fprintf(stderr,">PRI: \t%#lx", closure->gran.pri);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tMAGIC: \t%#lx %s\n", closure->gran.magic,
- (closure->gran.magic==TSO_MAGIC ? "it IS a TSO" : "THIS IS NO TSO!!"));
- if ( verbose & 0x04 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Stack: stack @ %#lx (stack_size: %u; max_stack_size: %u)\n",
- closure->stack, closure->stack_size, closure->max_stack_size);
- fprintf(stderr, " sp: %#lx, su: %#lx, splim: %#lx\n",
- closure->sp, closure->su, closure->splim);
- }
- // fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- if (verbose & 0x01) {
- // fprintf(stderr,"} LOCKED: \t%#lx",closure->locked);
- fprintf(stderr,"} SPARKNAME: \t%#lx\n", closure->gran.sparkname);
- fprintf(stderr,"} STARTEDAT: \t%#lx", closure->gran.startedat);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tEXPORTED: \t%#lx\n", closure->gran.exported);
- fprintf(stderr,"} BASICBLOCKS: \t%#lx", closure->gran.basicblocks);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tALLOCS: \t%#lx\n", closure->gran.allocs);
- fprintf(stderr,"} EXECTIME: \t%#lx", closure->gran.exectime);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tFETCHTIME: \t%#lx\n", closure->gran.fetchtime);
- fprintf(stderr,"} FETCHCOUNT: \t%#lx", closure->gran.fetchcount);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tBLOCKTIME: \t%#lx\n", closure->gran.blocktime);
- fprintf(stderr,"} BLOCKCOUNT: \t%#lx", closure->gran.blockcount);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tBLOCKEDAT: \t%#lx\n", closure->gran.blockedat);
- fprintf(stderr,"} GLOBALSPARKS:\t%#lx", closure->gran.globalsparks);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tLOCALSPARKS:\t%#lx\n", closure->gran.localsparks);
- }
- if ( verbose & 0x02 ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"BQ that starts with this TSO: ");
- G_PRINT_BQ(closure);
- }
-//@node Events, Sparks, Threads, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Events
-G_EVENT(event, verbose)
-rtsEventQ event;
-StgInt verbose;
- if (verbose) {
- print_event(event);
- }else{
- fprintf(stderr," %#lx",event);
- }
-StgInt verbose;
- extern rtsEventQ EventHd;
- rtsEventQ x;
- fprintf(stderr,"RtsEventQ (hd @%#lx):\n",EventHd);
- for (x=EventHd; x!=NULL; x=x->next) {
- G_EVENT(x,verbose);
- }
- if (EventHd==NULL)
- fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-PEs pe;
-StgInt verbose;
- extern rtsEventQ EventHd;
- rtsEventQ x;
- fprintf(stderr,"RtsEventQ (hd @%#lx):\n",EventHd);
- for (x=EventHd; x!=NULL; x=x->next) {
- if (x->proc==pe)
- G_EVENT(x,verbose);
- }
- if (EventHd==NULL)
- fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-//@node Sparks, Processors, Events, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Sparks
-G_SPARK(spark, verbose)
-rtsSparkQ spark;
-StgInt verbose;
- if (spark==(rtsSpark*)NULL) {
- belch("G_SPARK: NULL spark; aborting");
- return;
- }
- if (verbose)
- print_spark(spark);
- else
- fprintf(stderr," %#lx",spark);
-rtsSparkQ spark;
-StgInt verbose;
- rtsSparkQ x;
- if (spark==(rtsSpark*)NULL) {
- belch("G_SPARKQ: NULL spark; aborting");
- return;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"RtsSparkQ (hd @%#lx):\n",spark);
- for (x=spark; x!=NULL; x=x->next) {
- G_SPARK(x,verbose);
- }
- if (spark==NULL)
- fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-StgInt verbose;
- G_SPARKQ(pending_sparks_hd,verbose);
-//@node Processors, Shortcuts, Sparks, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Processors
-StgInt proc;
-StgInt verbose;
- extern rtsEventQ EventHd;
- extern char *proc_status_names[];
- fprintf(stderr,"Status of proc %d at time %d (%#lx): %s (%s)\n",
- proc,CurrentTime[proc],CurrentTime[proc],
- (CurrentProc==proc)?"ACTIVE":"INACTIVE",
- proc_status_names[procStatus[proc]]);
- G_THREADQ(run_queue_hds[proc],verbose & 0x2);
- if ( (CurrentProc==proc) )
- G_TSO(CurrentTSO,1);
- if (EventHd!=NULL)
- fprintf(stderr,"Next event (%s) is on proc %d\n",
- event_names[EventHd->evttype],EventHd->proc);
- if (verbose & 0x1) {
- fprintf(stderr,"\nREQUIRED sparks: ");
- G_SPARKQ(pending_sparks_hds[proc],1);
- fprintf(stderr,"\nADVISORY_sparks: ");
- G_SPARKQ(pending_sparks_hds[proc],1);
- }
-//@node Shortcuts, Printing info type, Processors, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Shortcuts
-/* Debug Processor */
-StgInt proc;
-{ G_PROC(proc,1);
-/* Debug Current Processor */
-GCP(){ G_PROC(CurrentProc,2); }
-/* Debug TSO */
-GT(StgPtr tso){
- G_TSO(tso,1);
-/* Debug CurrentTSO */
- fprintf(stderr,"Current Proc: %d\n",CurrentProc);
- G_TSO(CurrentTSO,1);
-/* Shorthand for debugging event queue */
-GEQ() { G_EVENTQ(1); }
-/* Shorthand for debugging thread queue of a processor */
-GTQ(PEs p) { G_THREADQ(run_queue_hds[p],1); }
-/* Shorthand for debugging thread queue of current processor */
-GCTQ() { G_THREADQ(run_queue_hds[CurrentProc],1); }
-/* Shorthand for debugging spark queue of a processor */
-GSQ(PEs p) { G_SPARKQ(pending_sparks_hds[p],1); }
-/* Shorthand for debugging spark queue of current processor */
-/* Shorthand for printing a node */
-GN(StgPtr node) { G_PRINT_NODE(node); }
-/* Shorthand for printing info table */
-#if 0
-// ToDo: fix -- HWL
-GIT(StgPtr node) { G_INFO_TABLE(node); }
- PEs p;
- for (p=0; p<RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc; p++) {
- fprintf(stderr,", PE %d: (hd=%p,tl=%p)",
- run_queue_hds[p], run_queue_tls[p]);
- }
-printThreadQ(StgTSO *tso) { G_THREADQ(tso, 0); };
-printSparkQ(rtsSpark *spark) { G_SPARKQ(spark, 0); };
-printThreadQ_verbose(StgTSO *tso) { G_THREADQ(tso, 1); };
-printSparkQ_verbose(rtsSpark *spark) { G_SPARKQ(spark, 1); };
-/* Shorthand for some of ADRs debugging functions */
-#endif /* GRAN && GRAN_CHECK*/
-#if 0
-StgPtr node;
- W_ info_ptr = INFO_PTR(node);
- StgInt size = 0, ptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0;
- char info_type[80];
- info_hdr_type(info_ptr, info_type);
- size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs);
- vhs = var_hdr_size(node);
- fprintf(stderr,"Node: 0x%lx", (W_) node);
-#if defined(PAR)
- fprintf(stderr," [GA: 0x%lx]",GA(node));
-#if defined(PROFILING)
- fprintf(stderr," [CC: 0x%lx]",CC_HDR(node));
-#if defined(GRAN)
- fprintf(stderr," [Bitmask: 0%lo]",PROCS(node));
- fprintf(stderr," IP: 0x%lx (%s), size %ld, %ld ptrs\n",
- info_ptr,info_type,size,ptrs);
- /* For now, we ignore the variable header */
- for(i=0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if(i == 0)
- fprintf(stderr,"Data: ");
- else if(i % 6 == 0)
- fprintf(stderr,"\n ");
- if(i < ptrs)
- fprintf(stderr," 0x%lx[P]",*(node+_HS+vhs+i));
- else
- fprintf(stderr," %lu[D]",*(node+_HS+vhs+i));
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-#define INFO_MASK 0x80000000
-StgPtr node;
- W_ size = 0, ptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0;
- /* Don't print cycles */
- if((INFO_PTR(node) & INFO_MASK) != 0)
- return;
- size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs);
- vhs = var_hdr_size(node);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- /* Mark the node -- may be dangerous */
- INFO_PTR(node) |= INFO_MASK;
- for(i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i)
- DEBUG_TREE((StgPtr)node[i+vhs+_HS]);
- /* Unmark the node */
- INFO_PTR(node) &= ~INFO_MASK;
-StgPtr node;
- W_ info_ptr = INFO_PTR(node);
- char *iStgPtrtype = info_hdr_type(info_ptr);
- fprintf(stderr,"%s Info Ptr @0x%lx; Entry: 0x%lx; Size: %lu; Ptrs: %lu\n\n",
- iStgPtrtype,info_ptr,(W_) ENTRY_CODE(info_ptr),INFO_SIZE(info_ptr),INFO_NoPTRS(info_ptr));
-#if defined(PAR)
- fprintf(stderr,"Enter Flush Entry: 0x%lx;\tExit Flush Entry: 0x%lx\n",INFO_FLUSHENT(info_ptr),INFO_FLUSH(info_ptr));
-#if defined(PROFILING)
- fprintf(stderr,"Cost Centre (?): 0x%lx\n",INFO_CAT(info_ptr));
-#if defined(_INFO_COPYING)
- fprintf(stderr,"Evacuate Entry: 0x%lx;\tScavenge Entry: 0x%lx\n",
- INFO_EVAC_2S(info_ptr),INFO_SCAV_2S(info_ptr));
-#if defined(_INFO_COMPACTING)
- fprintf(stderr,"Scan Link: 0x%lx;\tScan Move: 0x%lx\n",
- (W_) INFO_SCAN_LINK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_SCAN_MOVE_1S(info_ptr));
- fprintf(stderr,"Mark: 0x%lx;\tMarked: 0x%lx;\t",
- (W_) INFO_MARK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_MARKED_1S(info_ptr));
-#if 0 /* avoid INFO_TYPE */
- fprintf(stderr,"plus specialised code\n");
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"Marking: 0x%lx\n",(W_) INFO_MARKING_1S(info_ptr));
-#endif /* 0 */
-#endif /* _INFO_COMPACTING */
-#endif /* 0 */
-//@node Printing info type, Printing Packet Contents, Shortcuts, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection Printing info type
-char *
-display_info_type(closure, str)
-StgClosure *closure;
-char *str;
- strcpy(str,"");
- if ( closure_HNF(closure) )
- strcat(str,"|_HNF ");
- else if ( closure_BITMAP(closure) )
- strcat(str,"|_BTM");
- else if ( !closure_SHOULD_SPARK(closure) )
- strcat(str,"|_NS");
- else if ( closure_STATIC(closure) )
- strcat(str,"|_STA");
- else if ( closure_THUNK(closure) )
- strcat(str,"|_THU");
- else if ( closure_MUTABLE(closure) )
- strcat(str,"|_MUT");
- else if ( closure_UNPOINTED(closure) )
- strcat(str,"|_UPT");
- else if ( closure_SRT(closure) )
- strcat(str,"|_SRT");
- return(str);
- PrintPacket is in Pack.c because it makes use of closure queues
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
- Print graph rooted at q. The structure of this recursive printing routine
- should be the same as in the graph traversals when packing a graph in
- GUM. Thus, it demonstrates the structure of such a generic graph
- traversal, and in particular, how to extract pointer and non-pointer info
- from the multitude of different heap objects available.
- {evacuate}Daq ngoqvam nIHlu'pu'!!
-PrintGraph(StgClosure *p, int indent_level)
- void PrintGraph_(StgClosure *p, int indent_level);
- ASSERT(tmpClosureTable==NULL);
- /* init hash table */
- tmpClosureTable = allocHashTable();
- /* now do the real work */
- PrintGraph_(p, indent_level);
- /* nuke hash table */
- freeHashTable(tmpClosureTable, NULL);
- tmpClosureTable = NULL;
- This is the actual worker functions.
- All recursive calls should be made to this function.
-PrintGraph_(StgClosure *p, int indent_level)
- StgPtr x, q;
- rtsBool printed = rtsFalse;
- nat i, j;
- const StgInfoTable *info;
- /* check whether we have met this node already to break cycles */
- if (lookupHashTable(tmpClosureTable, (StgWord)p)) { // ie. already touched
- /* indentation */
- for (j=0; j<indent_level; j++)
- fputs(" ", stderr);
- fprintf(stderr, "#### cylce to %p", p);
- return;
- }
- /* record that we are processing this closure */
- insertHashTable(tmpClosureTable, (StgWord) p, (void *)rtsTrue/*non-NULL*/);
- q = p; /* save ptr to object */
- /* indentation */
- for (j=0; j<indent_level; j++)
- fputs(" ", stderr);
- ASSERT(p!=(StgClosure*)NULL);
- LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO(GET_INFO((StgClosure *)p)) ||
- IS_HUGS_CONSTR_INFO(GET_INFO((StgClosure *)p)));
- printClosure(p); // prints contents of this one closure
- /* indentation */
- for (j=0; j<indent_level; j++)
- fputs(" ", stderr);
- info = get_itbl((StgClosure *)p);
- /* the rest of this fct recursively traverses the graph */
- switch (info -> type) {
- case BCO:
- {
- StgBCO* bco = stgCast(StgBCO*,p);
- nat i;
- fprintf(stderr, "BCO (%p)\n", p);
- /*
- for (i = 0; i < bco->n_ptrs; i++) {
- // bcoConstCPtr(bco,i) =
- PrintGraph_(bcoConstCPtr(bco,i), indent_level+1);
- }
- */
- // p += bco_sizeW(bco);
- break;
- }
- case MVAR:
- /* treat MVars specially, because we don't want to PrintGraph the
- * mut_link field in the middle of the closure.
- */
- {
- StgMVar *mvar = ((StgMVar *)p);
- // evac_gen = 0;
- fprintf(stderr, "MVAR (%p) with 3 pointers (head, tail, value)\n", p);
- // (StgClosure *)mvar->head =
- PrintGraph_((StgClosure *)mvar->head, indent_level+1);
- // (StgClosure *)mvar->tail =
- PrintGraph_((StgClosure *)mvar->tail, indent_level+1);
- //(StgClosure *)mvar->value =
- PrintGraph_((StgClosure *)mvar->value, indent_level+1);
- // p += sizeofW(StgMVar);
- // evac_gen = saved_evac_gen;
- break;
- }
- case THUNK_2_0:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "THUNK_2_0 (%p) with 2 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- case FUN_2_0:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "FUN_2_0 (%p) with 2 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // scavenge_srt(info);
- case CONSTR_2_0:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR_2_0 (%p) with 2 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // ((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0] =
- PrintGraph_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0],
- indent_level+1);
- // ((StgClosure *)p)->payload[1] =
- PrintGraph_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[1],
- indent_level+1);
- // p += sizeofW(StgHeader) + 2;
- break;
- case THUNK_1_0:
- // scavenge_srt(info);
- fprintf(stderr, "THUNK_1_0 (%p) with 1 pointer\n", p);
- // ((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0] =
- PrintGraph_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0],
- indent_level+1);
- // p += sizeofW(StgHeader) + 2; /* MIN_UPD_SIZE */
- break;
- case FUN_1_0:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "FUN_1_0 (%p) with 1 pointer\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // scavenge_srt(info);
- case CONSTR_1_0:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR_2_0 (%p) with 2 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // ((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0] =
- PrintGraph_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0],
- indent_level+1);
- // p += sizeofW(StgHeader) + 1;
- break;
- case THUNK_0_1:
- fprintf(stderr, "THUNK_0_1 (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- // scavenge_srt(info);
- // p += sizeofW(StgHeader) + 2; /* MIN_UPD_SIZE */
- break;
- case FUN_0_1:
- fprintf(stderr, "FUN_0_1 (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- //scavenge_srt(info);
- case CONSTR_0_1:
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR_0_1 (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- //p += sizeofW(StgHeader) + 1;
- break;
- case THUNK_0_2:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "THUNK_0_2 (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- case FUN_0_2:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "FUN_0_2 (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // scavenge_srt(info);
- case CONSTR_0_2:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR_0_2 (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // p += sizeofW(StgHeader) + 2;
- break;
- case THUNK_1_1:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "THUNK_1_1 (%p) with 1 pointer\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- case FUN_1_1:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "FUN_1_1 (%p) with 1 pointer\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // scavenge_srt(info);
- case CONSTR_1_1:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR_1_1 (%p) with 1 pointer\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // ((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0] =
- PrintGraph_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0],
- indent_level+1);
- // p += sizeofW(StgHeader) + 2;
- break;
- case FUN:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "FUN (%p) with %d pointers\n", p, info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- /* fall through */
- case THUNK:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "THUNK (%p) with %d pointers\n", p, info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // scavenge_srt(info);
- /* fall through */
- case CONSTR:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR (%p) with %d pointers\n", p, info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- /* basically same as loop in STABLE_NAME case */
- for (i=0; i<info->layout.payload.ptrs; i++)
- PrintGraph_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[i],
- indent_level+1);
- break;
- /* NOT fall through */
- case WEAK:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "WEAK (%p) with %d pointers\n", p, info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- /* fall through */
- case FOREIGN:
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "FOREIGN (%p) with %d pointers\n", p, info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- /* fall through */
- {
- StgPtr end;
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "STABLE_NAME (%p) with %d pointers (not followed!)\n",
- p, info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- end = (StgPtr)((StgClosure *)p)->payload + info->layout.payload.ptrs;
- for (p = (StgPtr)((StgClosure *)p)->payload; p < end; p++) {
- // (StgClosure *)*p =
- //PrintGraph_((StgClosure *)*p, indent_level+1);
- fprintf(stderr, ", %p", *p);
- }
- //fputs("\n", stderr);
- // p += info->layout.payload.nptrs;
- break;
- }
- case IND_PERM:
- //if (step->gen->no != 0) {
- // SET_INFO(((StgClosure *)p), &IND_OLDGEN_PERM_info);
- //}
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "IND_PERM (%p) with indirection to\n",
- p, ((StgIndOldGen *)p)->indirectee);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- /* fall through */
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "IND_OLDGEN_PERM (%p) with indirection to %p\n",
- p, ((StgIndOldGen *)p)->indirectee);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- // ((StgIndOldGen *)p)->indirectee =
- PrintGraph_(((StgIndOldGen *)p)->indirectee,
- indent_level+1);
- //if (failed_to_evac) {
- // failed_to_evac = rtsFalse;
- // recordOldToNewPtrs((StgMutClosure *)p);
- //}
- // p += sizeofW(StgIndOldGen);
- break;
- case MUT_VAR:
- /* ignore MUT_CONSs */
- fprintf(stderr, "MUT_VAR (%p) pointing to %p\n", p, ((StgMutVar *)p)->var);
- if (((StgMutVar *)p)-> != &stg_MUT_CONS_info) {
- //evac_gen = 0;
- PrintGraph_(((StgMutVar *)p)->var, indent_level+1);
- //evac_gen = saved_evac_gen;
- }
- //p += sizeofW(StgMutVar);
- break;
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "CAF_BLACKHOLE (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SE_CAF_BLACKHOLE (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SE_BLACKHOLE (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- if (!printed) {
- fprintf(stderr, "BLACKHOLE (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- printed = rtsTrue;
- }
- //p += BLACKHOLE_sizeW();
- break;
- {
- StgBlockingQueue *bh = (StgBlockingQueue *)p;
- // (StgClosure *)bh->blocking_queue =
- fprintf(stderr, "BLACKHOLE_BQ (%p) pointing to %p\n",
- p, (StgClosure *)bh->blocking_queue);
- PrintGraph_((StgClosure *)bh->blocking_queue, indent_level+1);
- //if (failed_to_evac) {
- // failed_to_evac = rtsFalse;
- // recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)bh);
- //}
- // p += BLACKHOLE_sizeW();
- break;
- }
- {
- StgSelector *s = (StgSelector *)p;
- fprintf(stderr, "THUNK_SELECTOR (%p) pointing to %p\n",
- p, s->selectee);
- PrintGraph_(s->selectee, indent_level+1);
- // p += THUNK_SELECTOR_sizeW();
- break;
- }
- case IND:
- fprintf(stderr, "IND (%p) pointing to %p\n", p, ((StgInd*)p)->indirectee);
- PrintGraph_(((StgInd*)p)->indirectee, indent_level+1);
- break;
- case IND_OLDGEN:
- fprintf(stderr, "IND_OLDGEN (%p) pointing to %p\n",
- p, ((StgIndOldGen*)p)->indirectee);
- PrintGraph_(((StgIndOldGen*)p)->indirectee, indent_level+1);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR_INTLIKE (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR_CHARLIKE (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR_STATIC (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "CONSTR_NOCAF_STATIC (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "THUNK_STATIC (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case FUN_STATIC:
- fprintf(stderr, "FUN_STATIC (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case IND_STATIC:
- fprintf(stderr, "IND_STATIC (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case RET_BCO:
- fprintf(stderr, "RET_BCO (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case RET_SMALL:
- fprintf(stderr, "RET_SMALL (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "RET_VEC_SMALL (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case RET_BIG:
- fprintf(stderr, "RET_BIG (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case RET_VEC_BIG:
- fprintf(stderr, "RET_VEC_BIG (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case RET_DYN:
- fprintf(stderr, "RET_DYN (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "UPDATE_FRAME (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case STOP_FRAME:
- fprintf(stderr, "STOP_FRAME (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "CATCH_FRAME (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case SEQ_FRAME:
- fprintf(stderr, "SEQ_FRAME (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case AP_UPD: /* same as PAPs */
- fprintf(stderr, "AP_UPD (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- case PAP:
- /* Treat a PAP just like a section of stack, not forgetting to
- * PrintGraph_ the function pointer too...
- */
- {
- StgPAP* pap = stgCast(StgPAP*,p);
- fprintf(stderr, "PAP (%p) pointing to %p\n", p, pap->fun);
- // pap->fun =
- //PrintGraph_(pap->fun, indent_level+1);
- //scavenge_stack((P_)pap->payload, (P_)pap->payload + pap->n_args);
- //p += pap_sizeW(pap);
- break;
- }
- case ARR_WORDS:
- /* an array of (non-mutable) words */
- fprintf(stderr, "ARR_WORDS (%p) of %d non-ptrs (maybe a string?)\n",
- p, arr_words_words((StgArrWords *)q));
- break;
- case MUT_ARR_PTRS:
- /* follow everything */
- {
- StgPtr next;
- fprintf(stderr, "MUT_ARR_PTRS (%p) with %d pointers (not followed)\n",
- p, mut_arr_ptrs_sizeW((StgMutArrPtrs*)p));
- // evac_gen = 0; /* repeatedly mutable */
- next = p + mut_arr_ptrs_sizeW((StgMutArrPtrs*)p);
- for (p = (P_)((StgMutArrPtrs *)p)->payload; p < next; p++) {
- // (StgClosure *)*p =
- // PrintGraph_((StgClosure *)*p, indent_level+1);
- fprintf(stderr, ", %p", *p);
- }
- fputs("\n", stderr);
- //evac_gen = saved_evac_gen;
- break;
- }
- /* follow everything */
- {
- StgPtr start = p, next;
- fprintf(stderr, "MUT_ARR_PTRS (%p) with %d pointers (not followed)",
- p, mut_arr_ptrs_sizeW((StgMutArrPtrs*)p));
- next = p + mut_arr_ptrs_sizeW((StgMutArrPtrs*)p);
- for (p = (P_)((StgMutArrPtrs *)p)->payload; p < next; p++) {
- // (StgClosure *)*p =
- // PrintGraph_((StgClosure *)*p, indent_level+1);
- fprintf(stderr, ", %p", *p);
- }
- fputs("\n", stderr);
- //if (failed_to_evac) {
- /* we can do this easier... */
- // recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)start);
- // failed_to_evac = rtsFalse;
- //}
- break;
- }
- case TSO:
- {
- StgTSO *tso;
- tso = (StgTSO *)p;
- fprintf(stderr, "TSO (%p) with link field %p\n", p, (StgClosure *)tso->link);
- // evac_gen = 0;
- /* chase the link field for any TSOs on the same queue */
- // (StgClosure *)tso->link =
- PrintGraph_((StgClosure *)tso->link, indent_level+1);
- //if (tso->blocked_on) {
- // tso->blocked_on = PrintGraph_(tso->blocked_on);
- //}
- /* scavenge this thread's stack */
- //scavenge_stack(tso->sp, &(tso->stack[tso->stack_size]));
- //evac_gen = saved_evac_gen;
- //p += tso_sizeW(tso);
- break;
- }
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
- case RBH:
- {
- StgInfoTable *rip = REVERT_INFOPTR(get_itbl(p));
- //if (LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO(rip))
- // fprintf(stderr, "RBH (%p) with 0 pointers (reverted type=%s)\n",
- // p, info_type_by_ip(rip));
- //else
- fprintf(stderr, "RBH (%p) with 0 pointers (reverted IP=%x)\n",
- p, rip);
- }
- break;
-#if defined(PAR)
- fprintf(stderr, "BLOCKED_FETCH (%p) with 0 pointers (link=%p)\n",
- p, ((StgBlockedFetch *)p)->link);
- break;
- case FETCH_ME:
- fprintf(stderr, "FETCH_ME (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- fprintf(stderr, "FETCH_ME_BQ (%p) with 0 pointers (blocking_queue=%p)\n",
- p, ((StgFetchMeBlockingQueue *)p)->blocking_queue);
- break;
-#ifdef DIST
- case REMOTE_REF:
- fprintf(stderr, "REMOTE_REF (%p) with 0 pointers\n", p);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "EVACUATED (%p) with 0 pointers (evacuee=%p)\n",
- p, ((StgEvacuated *)p)->evacuee);
- break;
- default:
- barf("PrintGraph_: unknown closure %d (%s)",
- info -> type, info_type(info));
- }
- /* If we didn't manage to promote all the objects pointed to by
- * the current object, then we have to designate this object as
- * mutable (because it contains old-to-new generation pointers).
- */
- //if (failed_to_evac) {
- // mkMutCons((StgClosure *)q, &generations[evac_gen]);
- // failed_to_evac = rtsFalse;
- //}
-# if defined(PAR)
- Generate a finger-print for a graph.
- A finger-print is a string, with each char representing one node;
- depth-first traversal
-GraphFingerPrint(StgClosure *p, char *finger_print)
- void GraphFingerPrint_(StgClosure *p, char *finger_print);
- ASSERT(tmpClosureTable==NULL);
- ASSERT(strlen(finger_print)==0);
- /* init hash table */
- tmpClosureTable = allocHashTable();
- /* now do the real work */
- GraphFingerPrint_(p, finger_print);
- /* nuke hash table */
- freeHashTable(tmpClosureTable, NULL);
- tmpClosureTable = NULL;
- This is the actual worker functions.
- All recursive calls should be made to this function.
-GraphFingerPrint_(StgClosure *p, char *finger_print)
- StgPtr x, q;
- rtsBool printed = rtsFalse;
- nat i, j, len;
- const StgInfoTable *info;
- q = p; /* save ptr to object */
- len = strlen(finger_print);
- /* at most 7 chars for this node (I think) */
- if (len+7>=MAX_FINGER_PRINT_LEN)
- return;
- /* check whether we have met this node already to break cycles */
- if (lookupHashTable(tmpClosureTable, (StgWord)p)) { // ie. already touched
- strcat(finger_print, "#");
- return;
- }
- /* record that we are processing this closure */
- insertHashTable(tmpClosureTable, (StgWord) p, (void *)rtsTrue/*non-NULL*/);
- ASSERT(p!=(StgClosure*)NULL);
- LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO(GET_INFO((StgClosure *)p)) ||
- IS_HUGS_CONSTR_INFO(GET_INFO((StgClosure *)p)));
- info = get_itbl((StgClosure *)p);
- // append char for this node
- finger_print[len] = finger_print_char[info->type]; finger_print[len+1] = '\0';
- /* the rest of this fct recursively traverses the graph */
- switch (info -> type) {
- case BCO:
- {
- StgBCO* bco = stgCast(StgBCO*,p);
- nat i;
- //%% fprintf(stderr, "BCO (%p) with %d pointers\n", p, bco->n_ptrs);
- /*
- for (i = 0; i < bco->n_ptrs; i++) {
- // bcoConstCPtr(bco,i) =
- GraphFingerPrint_(bcoConstCPtr(bco,i), finger_print);
- }
- */
- // p += bco_sizeW(bco);
- break;
- }
- case MVAR:
- break;
- case THUNK_2_0:
- case FUN_2_0:
- case CONSTR_2_0:
- // append char for this node
- strcat(finger_print, "22(");
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0], finger_print);
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[1], finger_print);
- if (strlen(finger_print)+2<MAX_FINGER_PRINT_LEN)
- strcat(finger_print, ")");
- break;
- case THUNK_1_0:
- case FUN_1_0:
- case CONSTR_1_0:
- // append char for this node
- strcat(finger_print, "12(");
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0], finger_print);
- if (strlen(finger_print)+2<MAX_FINGER_PRINT_LEN)
- strcat(finger_print, ")");
- break;
- case THUNK_0_1:
- case FUN_0_1:
- case CONSTR_0_1:
- // append char for this node
- strcat(finger_print, "01");
- break;
- case THUNK_0_2:
- case FUN_0_2:
- case CONSTR_0_2:
- // append char for this node
- strcat(finger_print, "02");
- break;
- case THUNK_1_1:
- case FUN_1_1:
- case CONSTR_1_1:
- // append char for this node
- strcat(finger_print, "11(");
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0], finger_print);
- if (strlen(finger_print)+2<MAX_FINGER_PRINT_LEN)
- strcat(finger_print, ")");
- break;
- case FUN:
- case THUNK:
- case CONSTR:
- /* basically same as loop in STABLE_NAME case */
- {
- char str[6];
- sprintf(str,"%d?(",info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- strcat(finger_print,str);
- for (i=0; i<info->layout.payload.ptrs; i++)
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[i], finger_print);
- if (strlen(finger_print)+2<MAX_FINGER_PRINT_LEN)
- strcat(finger_print, ")");
- }
- break;
- case WEAK:
- case FOREIGN:
- {
- StgPtr end;
- char str[6];
- sprintf(str,"%d?", info->layout.payload.ptrs);
- strcat(finger_print,str);
- //end = (StgPtr)((StgClosure *)p)->payload + info->layout.payload.ptrs;
- //for (p = (StgPtr)((StgClosure *)p)->payload; p < end; p++) {
- // GraphFingerPrint_((StgClosure *)*p, finger_print);
- //}
- break;
- }
- case IND_PERM:
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgIndOldGen *)p)->indirectee, finger_print);
- break;
- case MUT_VAR:
- /* ignore MUT_CONSs */
- if (((StgMutVar *)p)-> != &stg_MUT_CONS_info) {
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgMutVar *)p)->var, finger_print);
- }
- break;
- break;
- {
- StgBlockingQueue *bh = (StgBlockingQueue *)p;
- // GraphFingerPrint_((StgClosure *)bh->blocking_queue, finger_print);
- break;
- }
- {
- StgSelector *s = (StgSelector *)p;
- GraphFingerPrint_(s->selectee, finger_print);
- break;
- }
- case IND:
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgInd*)p)->indirectee, finger_print);
- break;
- case IND_OLDGEN:
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgIndOldGen*)p)->indirectee, finger_print);
- break;
- case IND_STATIC:
- GraphFingerPrint_(((StgIndOldGen*)p)->indirectee, finger_print);
- break;
- case FUN_STATIC:
- break;
- case RET_BCO:
- case RET_SMALL:
- case RET_BIG:
- case RET_VEC_BIG:
- case RET_DYN:
- case STOP_FRAME:
- case SEQ_FRAME:
- break;
- case AP_UPD: /* same as PAPs */
- case PAP:
- /* Treat a PAP just like a section of stack, not forgetting to
- * GraphFingerPrint_ the function pointer too...
- */
- {
- StgPAP* pap = stgCast(StgPAP*,p);
- char str[6];
- sprintf(str,"%d",pap->n_args);
- strcat(finger_print,str);
- //GraphFingerPrint_(pap->fun, finger_print); // ??
- break;
- }
- case ARR_WORDS:
- {
- char str[6];
- sprintf(str,"%d",arr_words_words((StgArrWords*)p));
- strcat(finger_print,str);
- }
- break;
- case MUT_ARR_PTRS:
- /* follow everything */
- {
- char str[6];
- sprintf(str,"%d",((StgMutArrPtrs*)p)->ptrs);
- strcat(finger_print,str);
- }
- {
- StgPtr next;
- //next = p + mut_arr_ptrs_sizeW((StgMutArrPtrs*)p);
- //for (p = (P_)((StgMutArrPtrs *)p)->payload; p < next; p++) {
- // GraphFingerPrint_((StgClosure *)*p, finger_print);
- //}
- break;
- }
- /* follow everything */
- {
- char str[6];
- sprintf(str,"%d",((StgMutArrPtrs*)p)->ptrs);
- strcat(finger_print,str);
- }
- {
- StgPtr start = p, next;
- //next = p + mut_arr_ptrs_sizeW((StgMutArrPtrs*)p);
- //for (p = (P_)((StgMutArrPtrs *)p)->payload; p < next; p++) {
- // GraphFingerPrint_((StgClosure *)*p, finger_print);
- //}
- break;
- }
- case TSO:
- {
- StgTSO *tso = (StgTSO *)p;
- char str[6];
- sprintf(str,"%d",tso->id);
- strcat(finger_print,str);
- }
- //GraphFingerPrint_((StgClosure *)tso->link, indent_level+1);
- break;
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
- case RBH:
- {
- // use this
- // StgInfoTable *rip = REVERT_INFOPTR(get_itbl(p));
- }
- break;
-#if defined(PAR)
- break;
- case FETCH_ME:
- break;
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- break;
-#ifdef DIST
- case REMOTE_REF:
- break;
- break;
- default:
- barf("GraphFingerPrint_: unknown closure %d (%s)",
- info -> type, info_type(info));
- }
-# endif /* PAR */
- Do a sanity check on the whole graph, down to a recursion level of level.
- Same structure as PrintGraph (nona).
-checkGraph(StgClosure *p, int rec_level)
- StgPtr x, q;
- nat i, j;
- const StgInfoTable *info;
- if (rec_level==0)
- return;
- q = p; /* save ptr to object */
- /* First, the obvious generic checks */
- ASSERT(p!=(StgClosure*)NULL);
- checkClosure(p); /* see Sanity.c for what's actually checked */
- info = get_itbl((StgClosure *)p);
- /* the rest of this fct recursively traverses the graph */
- switch (info -> type) {
- case BCO:
- {
- StgBCO* bco = stgCast(StgBCO*,p);
- nat i;
- /*
- for (i = 0; i < bco->n_ptrs; i++) {
- checkGraph(bcoConstCPtr(bco,i), rec_level-1);
- }
- */
- break;
- }
- case MVAR:
- /* treat MVars specially, because we don't want to PrintGraph the
- * mut_link field in the middle of the closure.
- */
- {
- StgMVar *mvar = ((StgMVar *)p);
- checkGraph((StgClosure *)mvar->head, rec_level-1);
- checkGraph((StgClosure *)mvar->tail, rec_level-1);
- checkGraph((StgClosure *)mvar->value, rec_level-1);
- break;
- }
- case THUNK_2_0:
- case FUN_2_0:
- case CONSTR_2_0:
- checkGraph(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0], rec_level-1);
- checkGraph(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[1], rec_level-1);
- break;
- case THUNK_1_0:
- checkGraph(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0], rec_level-1);
- break;
- case FUN_1_0:
- case CONSTR_1_0:
- checkGraph(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0], rec_level-1);
- break;
- case THUNK_0_1:
- break;
- case FUN_0_1:
- case CONSTR_0_1:
- break;
- case THUNK_0_2:
- case FUN_0_2:
- case CONSTR_0_2:
- break;
- case THUNK_1_1:
- case FUN_1_1:
- case CONSTR_1_1:
- checkGraph(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[0], rec_level-1);
- break;
- case FUN:
- case THUNK:
- case CONSTR:
- for (i=0; i<info->layout.payload.ptrs; i++)
- checkGraph(((StgClosure *)p)->payload[i], rec_level-1);
- break;
- case WEAK:
- case FOREIGN:
- {
- StgPtr end;
- end = (StgPtr)((StgClosure *)p)->payload + info->layout.payload.ptrs;
- for (p = (StgPtr)((StgClosure *)p)->payload; p < end; p++) {
- checkGraph(*(StgClosure **)p, rec_level-1);
- }
- break;
- }
- case IND_PERM:
- checkGraph(((StgIndOldGen *)p)->indirectee, rec_level-1);
- break;
- case MUT_VAR:
- /* ignore MUT_CONSs */
- if (((StgMutVar *)p)-> != &stg_MUT_CONS_info) {
- checkGraph(((StgMutVar *)p)->var, rec_level-1);
- }
- break;
- break;
- break;
- {
- StgSelector *s = (StgSelector *)p;
- checkGraph(s->selectee, rec_level-1);
- break;
- }
- case IND:
- checkGraph(((StgInd*)p)->indirectee, rec_level-1);
- break;
- case IND_OLDGEN:
- checkGraph(((StgIndOldGen*)p)->indirectee, rec_level-1);
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- case FUN_STATIC:
- break;
- case IND_STATIC:
- break;
- case RET_BCO:
- break;
- case RET_SMALL:
- break;
- break;
- case RET_BIG:
- break;
- case RET_VEC_BIG:
- break;
- case RET_DYN:
- break;
- break;
- case STOP_FRAME:
- break;
- break;
- case SEQ_FRAME:
- break;
- case AP_UPD: /* same as PAPs */
- case PAP:
- /* Treat a PAP just like a section of stack, not forgetting to
- * checkGraph the function pointer too...
- */
- {
- StgPAP* pap = stgCast(StgPAP*,p);
- checkGraph(pap->fun, rec_level-1);
- break;
- }
- case ARR_WORDS:
- break;
- case MUT_ARR_PTRS:
- /* follow everything */
- {
- StgPtr next;
- next = p + mut_arr_ptrs_sizeW((StgMutArrPtrs*)p);
- for (p = (P_)((StgMutArrPtrs *)p)->payload; p < next; p++) {
- checkGraph(*(StgClosure **)p, rec_level-1);
- }
- break;
- }
- /* follow everything */
- {
- StgPtr start = p, next;
- next = p + mut_arr_ptrs_sizeW((StgMutArrPtrs*)p);
- for (p = (P_)((StgMutArrPtrs *)p)->payload; p < next; p++) {
- checkGraph(*(StgClosure **)p, rec_level-1);
- }
- break;
- }
- case TSO:
- {
- StgTSO *tso;
- tso = (StgTSO *)p;
- checkGraph((StgClosure *)tso->link, rec_level-1);
- break;
- }
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
- case RBH:
- break;
-#if defined(PAR)
- break;
- case FETCH_ME:
- break;
- case FETCH_ME_BQ:
- break;
- barf("checkGraph: found EVACUATED closure %p (%s)",
- p, info_type(p));
- break;
- default:
- }
-#endif /* GRAN */
-#endif /* GRAN || PAR */
-//@node End of File, , Printing Packet Contents, Debugging routines for GranSim and GUM
-//@subsection End of File
diff --git a/rts/parallel/ParallelDebug.h b/rts/parallel/ParallelDebug.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f8aaeb85d4..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/ParallelDebug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- Time-stamp: <Tue Mar 06 2001 00:25:14 Stardate: [-30]6285.08 hwloidl>
- Prototypes of all parallel debugging functions.
-#if defined(DEBUG) && (defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR))
-/* max length of the string holding a finger-print for a graph */
-#define MAX_FINGER_PRINT_LEN 10000
-// (10*RtsFlags.ParFlags.packBufferSize)
-#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(GRAN)
-void G_PRINT_NODE(StgClosure* node);
-void G_PPN(StgClosure* node);
-void G_INFO_TABLE(StgClosure* node);
-void G_CURR_THREADQ(StgInt verbose);
-void G_THREADQ(StgTSO* closure, StgInt verbose);
-void G_TSO(StgTSO* closure, StgInt verbose);
-void G_EVENT(rtsEventQ event, StgInt verbose);
-void G_EVENTQ(StgInt verbose);
-void G_PE_EQ(PEs pe, StgInt verbose);
-void G_SPARK(rtsSparkQ spark, StgInt verbose);
-void G_SPARKQ(rtsSparkQ spark, StgInt verbose);
-void G_CURR_SPARKQ(StgInt verbose);
-void G_PROC(StgInt proc, StgInt verbose);
-void GP(StgInt proc);
-void GCP(void);
-void GT(StgPtr tso);
-void GCT(void);
-void GEQ(void);
-void GTQ(PEs p);
-void GCTQ(void);
-void GSQ(PEs p);
-void GCSQ(void);
-void GN(StgPtr node);
-void GIT(StgPtr node);
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
-char *display_info_type(StgClosure *closure, char *str);
-void info_hdr_type(StgClosure *closure, char *res);
-char *info_type(StgClosure *closure);
-char *info_type_by_ip(StgInfoTable *ip);
-void PrintPacket(rtsPackBuffer *buffer);
-void PrintGraph(StgClosure *p, int indent_level);
-void GraphFingerPrint(StgClosure *p, char *finger_print);
-void checkGraph(StgClosure *p, int rec_level);
-void checkPacket(rtsPackBuffer *packBuffer);
-#endif /* GRAN || PAR */
-#if defined(PAR)
-/* don't want to import Schedule.h and Sanity.h everywhere */
-extern void print_bq (StgClosure *node);
-extern void checkBQ (StgBlockingQueueElement *bqe, StgClosure *closure);
-void checkGAGAMap(globalAddr *gagamap, int nGAs);
-extern rtsBool isOnLiveIndTable(globalAddr *ga);
-extern void rebuildGAtables(rtsBool full);
-extern void rebuildLAGAtable(void);
-extern void checkLAGAtable(rtsBool check_closures);
-extern void checkHeapChunk(StgPtr start, StgPtr end);
-extern void printGA (globalAddr *ga);
-extern void printGALA (GALA *gala);
-extern void printLiveIndTable(void);
-extern void printRemoteGATable(void);
-extern void printLAGAtable(void);
-#endif /* PARALLEL_DEBUG_H */
diff --git a/rts/parallel/ParallelRts.h b/rts/parallel/ParallelRts.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d421296d19..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/ParallelRts.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time-stamp: <Tue Mar 06 2001 00:25:50 Stardate: [-30]6285.08 hwloidl>
- Variables and functions specific to the parallel RTS (i.e. GUM or GranSim)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include "ParTicky.h"
-/* HWL HACK: compile time sanity checks; shouldn't be necessary at all */
-#if defined(PAR) && defined(GRAN)
-# error "Both PAR and GRAN defined"
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-/* Paranoia debugging: we add an end-of-buffer marker to every pack buffer
- (only when sanity checking RTS is enabled, of course) */
-#define END_OF_BUFFER_MARKER 0x1111bbbb
-#define GARBAGE_MARKER 0x1111eeee
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
-#if defined(GRAN)
-/* Statistics info */
-extern nat tot_packets, tot_packet_size, tot_cuts, tot_thunks;
-/* Pack.c */
-rtsPackBuffer *PackNearbyGraph(StgClosure* closure, StgTSO* tso,
- nat *packBufferSize, GlobalTaskId dest);
-rtsPackBuffer *PackOneNode(StgClosure* closure, StgTSO* tso,
- nat *packBufferSize);
-rtsPackBuffer *PackTSO(StgTSO *tso, nat *packBufferSize);
-rtsPackBuffer *PackStkO(StgPtr stko, nat *packBufferSize);
-void PackFetchMe(StgClosure *closure);
-/* Unpack.c */
-StgClosure* UnpackGraph(rtsPackBuffer* buffer);
-void InitPendingGABuffer(nat size);
-/* RBH.c */
-StgClosure *convertToRBH(StgClosure *closure);
-void convertFromRBH(StgClosure *closure);
-/* HLComms.c */
-rtsFetchReturnCode blockFetch(StgTSO* tso, PEs proc, StgClosure* bh);
-void blockThread(StgTSO *tso);
-#if defined(PAR)
-/* Statistics info */
-/* global structure for collecting statistics */
-typedef struct GlobalParStats_ {
- /* GALA and LAGA table info */
- nat tot_mark_GA, tot_rebuild_GA, tot_free_GA,
- res_mark_GA, res_rebuild_GA, res_free_GA,
- cnt_mark_GA, cnt_rebuild_GA, cnt_free_GA,
- res_size_GA, tot_size_GA, local_alloc_GA, tot_global, tot_local;
- /* time spent managing the GAs */
- double time_mark_GA, time_rebuild_GA;
- /* spark queue stats */
- nat res_sp, tot_sp, cnt_sp, emp_sp;
- // nat tot_sq_len, tot_sq_probes, tot_sparks;
- /* thread queue stats */
- nat res_tp, tot_tp, cnt_tp, emp_tp;
- //nat tot_add_threads, tot_tq_len, non_end_add_threads;
- /* packet statistics */
- nat tot_packets, tot_packet_size, tot_thunks,
- res_packet_size, res_thunks,
- rec_packets, rec_packet_size, rec_thunks,
- rec_res_packet_size, rec_res_thunks;
- /* time spent packing stuff */
- double time_pack, time_unpack;
- /* thread stats */
- nat tot_threads_created;
- /* spark stats */
- //nat pruned_sparks, withered_sparks;
- nat tot_sparks_created, tot_sparks_ignored, tot_sparks_marked,
- res_sparks_created, res_sparks_ignored, res_sparks_marked; // , sparks_created_on_PE[MAX_PROC];
- double time_sparks;
- /* scheduling stats */
- nat tot_yields, tot_stackover, tot_heapover;
- /* message statistics */
- nat tot_fish_mess, tot_fetch_mess, tot_resume_mess, tot_schedule_mess;
- nat rec_fish_mess, rec_fetch_mess, rec_resume_mess, rec_schedule_mess;
-#if defined(DIST)
- nat tot_reval_mess;
- nat rec_reval_mess;
- /* blocking queue statistics
- rtsTime tot_bq_processing_time;
- nat tot_bq_len, tot_bq_len_local, tot_awbq, tot_FMBQs;
- */
- /* specialised info on arrays (for GPH/Maple mainly) */
- nat tot_arrs, tot_arr_size;
-} GlobalParStats;
-extern GlobalParStats globalParStats;
-void globalParStat_exit(void);
-/* Pack.c */
-rtsBool InitPackBuffer(void);
-rtsPackBuffer *PackNearbyGraph(StgClosure* closure, StgTSO* tso,
- nat *packBufferSize, GlobalTaskId dest);
-/* Unpack.c */
-void CommonUp(StgClosure *src, StgClosure *dst);
-StgClosure *UnpackGraph(rtsPackBuffer *buffer, globalAddr **gamap,
- nat *nGAs);
-/* RBH.c */
-StgClosure *convertToRBH(StgClosure *closure);
-void convertToFetchMe(StgRBH *rbh, globalAddr *ga);
-/* HLComms.c */
-void blockFetch(StgBlockedFetch *bf, StgClosure *bh);
-void blockThread(StgTSO *tso);
-/* Global.c */
-void GALAdeprecate(globalAddr *ga);
-/* HLComms.c */
-nat pending_fetches_len(void);
-/* ParInit.c */
-void initParallelSystem(void);
-void shutdownParallelSystem(StgInt n);
-void synchroniseSystem(void);
-void par_exit(I_);
-/* this routine should be moved to a more general module; currently in Pack.c
-StgInfoTable* get_closure_info(StgClosure* node,
- nat *size, nat *ptrs, nat *nonptrs, nat *vhs,
- char *info_hdr_ty);
-void doGlobalGC(void);
-//@node GC routines, Debugging routines, Spark handling routines
-//@subsection GC routines
-#if defined(PAR)
-/* HLComms.c */
-void freeRemoteGA(int pe, globalAddr *ga);
-void sendFreeMessages(void);
-void markPendingFetches(rtsBool major_gc);
-/* Global.c */
-void markLocalGAs(rtsBool full);
-void RebuildGAtables(rtsBool full);
-void RebuildLAGAtable(void);
-//@node Debugging routines, Generating .gr profiles, GC routines
-//@subsection Debugging routines
-#if defined(PAR)
-void printGA (globalAddr *ga);
-void printGALA (GALA *gala);
-void printLAGAtable(void);
-rtsBool isOnLiveIndTable(globalAddr *ga);
-rtsBool isOnRemoteGATable(globalAddr *ga);
-void checkFreeGALAList(void);
-void checkFreeIndirectionsList(void);
-//@node Generating .gr profiles, Index, Debugging routines
-//@subsection Generating .gr profiles
-/* Where to write the log file */
-//@cindex gr_file
-//@cindex gr_filename
-extern FILE *gr_file;
-extern char gr_filename[STATS_FILENAME_MAXLEN];
-//@cindex init_gr_stats
-//@cindex init_gr_simulation
-//@cindex end_gr_simulation
-void init_gr_stats (void);
-void init_gr_simulation(int rts_argc, char *rts_argv[],
- int prog_argc, char *prog_argv[]);
-void end_gr_simulation(void);
-// TODO: move fcts in here (as static inline)
-StgInfoTable* get_closure_info(StgClosure* node, nat *size, nat *ptrs, nat *nonptrs, nat *vhs, char *info_hdr_ty);
-rtsBool IS_BLACK_HOLE(StgClosure* node);
-StgClosure *IS_INDIRECTION(StgClosure* node) ;
-StgClosure *UNWIND_IND (StgClosure *closure);
-#endif /* defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN) */
-//@node Common macros, Index, Generating .gr profiles
-//@subsection Common macros
-#define LOOKS_LIKE_PTR(r) \
- ((HEAP_ALLOCED(r) && Bdescr((P_)r)->free != (void *)-1)))
-/* see Sanity.c for this kind of test; doing this in these basic fcts
- is paranoid (nuke it after debugging!)
-/* pathetic version of the check whether p can be a closure */
- /* Is it a static closure (i.e. in the data segment)? */ \
- /*
- closure_STATIC(p) \
- : !closure_STATIC(p) && LOOKS_LIKE_PTR(p))
- */
-#endif /* PARALLEL_RTS_H */
-//@node Index, , Index
-//@subsection Index
-//* IS_BLACK_HOLE:: @cindex\s-+IS_BLACK_HOLE
-//* end_gr_simulation:: @cindex\s-+end_gr_simulation
-//* get_closure_info:: @cindex\s-+get_closure_info
-//* gr_file:: @cindex\s-+gr_file
-//* gr_filename:: @cindex\s-+gr_filename
-//* init_gr_simulation:: @cindex\s-+init_gr_simulation
-//* unwindInd:: @cindex\s-+unwindInd
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/RBH.c b/rts/parallel/RBH.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1612209027..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/RBH.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
- Time-stamp: <Tue Mar 13 2001 19:07:13 Stardate: [-30]6323.98 hwloidl>
- Revertible Black Hole Manipulation.
- Used in GUM and GranSim during the packing of closures. These black holes
- must be revertible because a GC might occur while the packet is being
- transmitted. In this case all RBHs have to be reverted.
- */
-#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN) /* whole file */
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "RtsFlags.h"
-#include "RtsUtils.h"
-#include "GranSimRts.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h"
-# if defined(DEBUG)
-# include "ParallelDebug.h"
-# endif
-#include "Storage.h" // for recordMutable
-#include "StgMacros.h" // inlined IS_... fcts
- Turn a closure into a revertible black hole. After the conversion, the
- first two words of the closure (after the fixed header, of course) will
- be a link to the mutables list (if appropriate for the garbage
- collector), and a pointer to the blocking queue. The blocking queue is
- terminated by a 2-word SPEC closure which holds the original contents of
- the first two words of the closure.
-//* Externs and prototypes::
-//* Conversion Functions::
-//* Index::
-//@end menu
-//@node Externs and prototypes, Conversion Functions
-//@section Externs and prototypes
-//@node Conversion Functions, Index, Externs and prototypes
-//@section Conversion Functions
- A closure is turned into an RBH upon packing it (see PackClosure in Pack.c).
- This is needed in case we have to do a GC before the packet is turned
- into a graph on the PE receiving the packet.
-//@cindex convertToRBH
-StgClosure *
-StgClosure *closure;
- StgRBHSave *rbh_save;
- StgInfoTable *info_ptr, *rbh_info_ptr, *old_info;
- nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
- char str[80];
- /*
- Closure layout before this routine runs amuck:
- +-------------------
- | HEADER | DATA ...
- +-------------------
- | FIXED_HS |
- */
- /*
- Turn closure into an RBH. This is done by modifying the info_ptr,
- grabbing the info_ptr of the RBH for this closure out of its
- ITBL. Additionally, we have to save the words from the closure, which
- will hold the link to the blocking queue. For this purpose we use the
- RBH_Save_N closures, with N being the number of pointers for this
- closure. */
- belch("*>:: %p (%s): Converting closure into an RBH",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("*>:: %p (%s): Converting closure into an RBH",
- closure, info_type(closure)));
- ASSERT(closure_THUNK(closure));
- old_info = get_itbl(closure));
- /* Allocate a new closure for the holding data ripped out of closure */
- if ((rbh_save = (StgRBHSave *)allocate(_HS + 2)) == NULL)
- return NULL; /* have to Garbage Collect; check that in the caller! */
- info_ptr = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
- /* Fill in the RBH_Save closure with the original data from closure */
- rbh_save->payload[0] = (StgPtr) ((StgRBH *)closure)->blocking_queue;
- rbh_save->payload[1] = (StgPtr) ((StgRBH *)closure)->mut_link;
- /* Set the info_ptr for the rbh_Save closure according to the number of
- pointers in the original */
- rbh_info_ptr = (StgInfoTable *) (ptrs == 0 ? &stg_RBH_Save_0_info :
- ptrs == 1 ? &stg_RBH_Save_1_info :
- &stg_RBH_Save_2_info);
- SET_INFO(rbh_save, rbh_info_ptr);
- /* same bitmask as the original closure */
- SET_GRAN_HDR(rbh_save, PROCS(closure));
- /* Init the blocking queue of the RBH and have it point to the saved data */
- ((StgRBH *)closure)->blocking_queue = (StgBlockingQueueElement *)rbh_save;
- /* Turn the closure into a RBH; a great system, indeed! */
- SET_INFO(closure, RBH_INFOPTR(get_itbl(closure)));
- /*
- add closure to the mutable list!
- do this after having turned the closure into an RBH, because an
- RBH is mutable but the closure it was before wasn't mutable
- */
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)closure);
- //IF_GRAN_DEBUG(pack,
- /* sanity check; make sure that reverting the RBH yields the
- orig closure, again */
- //ASSERT(REVERT_INFOPTR(get_itbl(closure))==old_info));
- /*
- Closure layout after this routine has run amuck:
- +---------------------
- | RBH-HEADER | | | ...
- +--------------|---|--
- | FIXED_HS | | v
- | Mutable-list ie another StgMutClosure
- v
- +---------
- | RBH_SAVE with 0-2 words of DATA
- +---------
- */
- return closure;
- An RBH closure is turned into a FETCH_ME when reveiving an ACK message
- indicating that the transferred closure has been unpacked on the other PE
- (see processAck in HLComms.c). The ACK also contains the new GA of the
- closure to which the FETCH_ME closure has to point.
- Converting a closure to a FetchMe is trivial, unless the closure has
- acquired a blocking queue. If that has happened, we first have to awaken
- the blocking queue. What a nuisance! Fortunately, @AwakenBlockingQueue@
- should now know what to do.
- A note on GrAnSim: In GrAnSim we don't have FetchMe closures. However,
- we have to turn a RBH back to its original form when the simulated
- transfer of the closure has been finished. Therefore we need the
- @convertFromRBH@ routine below. After converting the RBH back to its
- original form and awakening all TSOs, the first TSO will reenter the
- closure which is now local and carry on merrily reducing it (the other
- TSO will be less merrily blocked on the now local closure; we're costing
- the difference between local and global blocks in the BQ code). -- HWL
-# if defined(PAR)
-//@cindex convertToFetchMe
-convertToFetchMe(rbh, ga)
-StgRBH *rbh;
-globalAddr *ga;
- // StgInfoTable *ip = get_itbl(rbh);
- StgBlockingQueueElement *bqe = rbh->blocking_queue;
- ASSERT(get_itbl(rbh)->type==RBH);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- belch("**:: Converting RBH %p (%s) into a FETCH_ME for GA ((%x, %d, %x))",
- rbh, info_type(rbh),
- ga->payload.gc.gtid, ga->payload.gc.slot, ga->weight));
- /* put closure on mutables list, while it is still a RBH */
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)rbh);
- /* actually turn it into a FETCH_ME */
- SET_INFO((StgClosure *)rbh, &stg_FETCH_ME_info);
- /* set the global pointer in the FETCH_ME closure to the given value */
- ((StgFetchMe *)rbh)->ga = ga;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(pack,
- if (get_itbl(bqe)->type==TSO || get_itbl(bqe)->type==BLOCKED_FETCH)
- belch("**:: Awakening non-empty BQ of RBH closure %p (first TSO is %d (%p)",
- rbh, ((StgTSO *)bqe)->id, ((StgTSO *)bqe)));
- /* awaken all TSOs and BLOCKED_FETCHES on the blocking queue */
- if (get_itbl(bqe)->type==TSO || get_itbl(bqe)->type==BLOCKED_FETCH)
- awakenBlockedQueue(bqe, (StgClosure *)rbh);
-# else /* GRAN */
-/* Prototype */
-// void UnlinkFromMUT(StgPtr closure);
- This routine in fact reverts the RBH into its original form; this code
- should be of interest for GUM, too, but is not needed in the current version.
- convertFromRBH is called where GUM uses convertToFetchMe.
-StgClosure *closure;
- StgBlockingQueueElement *bqe = ((StgRBH*)closure)->blocking_queue;
- char str[NODE_STR_LEN]; // debugging only
- StgInfoTable *rip = REVERT_INFOPTR(get_itbl(closure)); // debugging only
- if (get_itbl(bqe)->type==TSO)
- sprintf(str, "%d (%p)",
- ((StgTSO *)bqe)->id, ((StgTSO *)bqe));
- else
- strcpy(str, "empty");
- belch("*<:: Reverting RBH %p (%s) into a ??? closure again; BQ start: %s",
- closure, info_type(closure), str));
- ASSERT(get_itbl(closure)->type==RBH);
- /* awakenBlockedQueue also restores the RBH_Save closure
- (have to call it even if there are no TSOs in the queue!) */
- awakenBlockedQueue(bqe, closure);
- /* Put back old info pointer (grabbed from the RBH's info table).
- We do that *after* awakening the BQ to be sure node is an RBH when
- calling awakenBlockedQueue (different in GUM!)
- */
- SET_INFO(closure, REVERT_INFOPTR(get_itbl(closure)));
- /* put closure on mutables list */
- recordMutable((StgMutClosure *)closure);
-# if 0 /* rest of this fct */
- /* ngoq ngo' */
- /* FETCHME_GA(closure) = ga; */
- if (IS_MUTABLE(INFO_PTR(bqe))) {
- PROC old_proc = CurrentProc, /* NB: For AwakenBlockingQueue, */
- new_proc = where_is(closure); /* CurentProc must be where */
- /* closure lives. */
- CurrentProc = new_proc;
-# if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
- if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100)
- fprintf(stderr,"===== AwBQ of node 0x%lx (%s) [PE %2u]\n",
- closure, (isSpec ? "SPEC_RBH" : "GEN_RBH"), new_proc);
-# endif
- rbh_save = AwakenBlockingQueue(bqe); /* AwakenBlockingQueue(bqe); */
- CurrentProc = old_proc;
- } else {
- rbh_save = bqe;
- }
- /* Put data from special RBH save closures back into the closure */
- if ( rbh_save == NULL ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"convertFromRBH: No RBH_Save_? closure found at end of BQ!\n");
- } else {
- closure[isSpec ? SPEC_HS : GEN_HS] = rbh_save[SPEC_HS];
- closure[(isSpec ? SPEC_HS : GEN_HS) + 1] = rbh_save[SPEC_HS + 1];
- }
-# endif /* 0 */
-# if 0 && (defined(GCap) || defined(GCgn))
- /* ngoq ngo' */
- /* If we convert from an RBH in the old generation,
- we have to make sure it goes on the mutables list */
- if(closure <= StorageMgrInfo.OldLim) {
- if (IS_MUTABLE(INFO_PTR(closure)) && MUT_LINK(closure) == MUT_NOT_LINKED) {
- MUT_LINK(closure) = (StgWord) StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables;
- StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables = closure;
- }
- }
-# endif /* 0 */
-#endif /* PAR */
-/* Remove closure from the mutables list */
-#if 0
-/* ngoq ngo' */
-UnlinkFromMUT(StgPtr closure)
- StgPtr curr = StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables, prev = NULL;
- while (curr != NULL && curr != closure) {
- prev=curr;
- curr=MUT_LINK(curr);
- }
- if (curr==closure) {
- if (prev==NULL)
- StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables = MUT_LINK(curr);
- else
- MUT_LINK(prev) = MUT_LINK(curr);
- }
-# if 0 && (defined(GCap) || defined(GCgn))
- {
- closq newclos;
- extern closq ex_RBH_q;
- newclos = (closq) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(struct clos), "UnlinkFromMUT");
- CLOS_CLOSURE(newclos) = closure;
- CLOS_PREV(newclos) = NULL;
- CLOS_NEXT(newclos) = ex_RBH_q;
- if (ex_RBH_q!=NULL)
- CLOS_PREV(ex_RBH_q) = newclos;
- ex_RBH_q = newclos;
- }
-# endif
-#endif /* PAR */
-#endif /* PAR || GRAN -- whole file */
-//@node Index, , Conversion Functions
-//@section Index
-//* convertToFetchMe:: @cindex\s-+convertToFetchMe
-//* convertToRBH:: @cindex\s-+convertToRBH
-//@end index
diff --git a/rts/parallel/SysMan.c b/rts/parallel/SysMan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 40bcf6a19e..0000000000
--- a/rts/parallel/SysMan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time-stamp: <Wed Mar 21 2001 17:16:28 Stardate: [-30]6363.59 hwloidl>
- GUM System Manager Program
- Handles startup, shutdown and global synchronisation of the parallel system.
- The Parade/AQUA Projects, Glasgow University, 1994-1995.
- GdH/APART Projects, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1997-2000.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-//@node GUM System Manager Program, , ,
-//@section GUM System Manager Program
-//* General docu::
-//* Includes::
-//* Macros etc::
-//* Variables::
-//* Prototypes::
-//* Aux startup and shutdown fcts::
-//* Main fct::
-//* Message handlers::
-//* Auxiliary fcts::
-//* Index::
-//@end menu
-//@node General docu, Includes, GUM System Manager Program, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection General docu
-The Sysman task currently controls initiation, termination, of a
-parallel Haskell program running under GUM. In the future it may
-control global GC synchronisation and statistics gathering. Based on
-K. Hammond's in Graph for PVM. SysMan is unusual in that it
-is not part of the executable produced by ghc: it is a free-standing
-program that spawns PVM tasks (logical PEs) to evaluate the
-program. After initialisation it runs in parallel with the PE tasks,
-awaiting messages.
-OK children, buckle down for some serious weirdness, it works like this ...
-o The argument vector (argv) for SysMan has one the following 2 shapes:
-| SysMan path | debug flag | pvm-executable path | Num. PEs | Program Args ...|
-| SysMan path | pvm-executable path | Num. PEs | Program Args ... |
-The "pvm-executable path" is an absolute path of where PVM stashes the
-code for each PE. The arguments passed on to each PE-executable
-spawned by PVM are:
-| Num. PEs | Program Args ... |
-The arguments passed to the Main-thread PE-executable are
-| main flag | pvm-executable path | Num. PEs | Program Args ... |
-o SysMan's algorithm is as follows.
-o use PVM to spawn (nPE-1) PVM tasks
-o fork SysMan to create the main-thread PE. This permits the main-thread to
- read and write to stdin and stdout.
-o Wait for all the PE-tasks to reply back saying they are ready and if they were the
- main thread or not.
-o Broadcast an array of the PE task-ids out to all of the PE-tasks.
-o Enter a loop awaiting incoming messages, e.g. failure, Garbage-collection,
- termination.
-The forked Main-thread algorithm, in SysMan, is as follows.
-o disconnects from PVM.
-o sets a flag in argv to indicate that it is the main thread.
-o `exec's a copy of the pvm-executable (i.e. the program being run)
-The pvm-executable run by each PE-task, is initialised as follows.
-o Registers with PVM, obtaining a task-id.
-o If it was main it gets SysMan's task-id from argv otherwise it can use pvm_parent.
-oSends a ready message to SysMan together with a flag indicating if it was main or not.
-o Receives from SysMan the array of task-ids of the other PEs.
-o If the number of task-ids sent was larger than expected then it must have been a task
- generated after the rest of the program had started, so it sends its own task-id message
- to all the tasks it was told about.
-o Begins execution.
-//@node Includes, Macros etc, General docu, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection Includes
-/* Evidently not Posix */
-/* #include "PosixSource.h" */
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "ParTypes.h"
-#include "LLC.h"
-#include "Parallel.h"
-#include "ParallelRts.h" // stats only
-//@node Macros etc, Variables, Includes, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection Macros etc
-/* SysMan is put on top of the GHC routine that does the RtsFlags handling.
- So, we cannot use the standard macros. For the time being we use a macro
- that is fixed at compile time.
-#ifdef IF_PAR_DEBUG
-#undef IF_PAR_DEBUG
-/* debugging enabled */
-//#define IF_PAR_DEBUG(c,s) { s; }
-/* debugging disabled */
-#define IF_PAR_DEBUG(c,s) /* nothing */
-void *stgMallocBytes (int n, char *msg);
-//@node Variables, Prototypes, Macros etc, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection Variables
- The following definitions included so that SysMan can be linked with Low
- Level Communications module (LLComms). They are not used in SysMan.
-GlobalTaskId mytid;
-static unsigned PEsArrived = 0;
-static GlobalTaskId gtids[MAX_PES];
-static GlobalTaskId sysman_id, sender_id;
-static unsigned PEsTerminated = 0;
-static rtsBool Finishing = rtsFalse;
-static long PEbuffer[MAX_PES];
-nat nSpawn = 0; // current no. of spawned tasks (see gtids)
-nat nPEs = 0; // number of PEs specified on startup
-nat nextPE;
-/* PVM-ish variables */
-char *petask, *pvmExecutable;
-char **pargv;
-int cc, spawn_flag = PvmTaskDefault;
-#if 0 && defined(PAR_TICKY)
-/* ToDo: use allGlobalParStats to collect stats of all PEs */
-GlobalParStats *allGlobalParStats[MAX_PES];
-//@node Prototypes, Aux startup and shutdown fcts, Variables, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection Prototypes
-/* prototypes for message handlers called from the main loop of SysMan */
-void newPE(int nbytes, int opcode, int sender_id);
-void readyPE(int nbytes, int opcode, int sender_id);
-void finishPE(int nbytes, int opcode, int sender_id, int exit_code);
-//@node Aux startup and shutdown fcts, Main fct, Prototypes, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection Aux startup and shutdown fcts
- Create the PE Tasks. We spawn (nPEs-1) pvm threads: the Main Thread
- (which starts execution and performs IO) is created by forking SysMan
-static int
-createPEs(int total_nPEs) {
- int i, spawn_nPEs, iSpawn = 0, nArch, nHost;
- struct pvmhostinfo *hostp;
- int sysman_host;
- spawn_nPEs = total_nPEs-1;
- if (spawn_nPEs > 0) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr, "==== [%x] Spawning %d PEs(%s) ...\n",
- sysman_id, spawn_nPEs, petask);
- fprintf(stderr, " args: ");
- for (i = 0; pargv[i]; ++i)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s, ", pargv[i]);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n"));
- pvm_config(&nHost,&nArch,&hostp);
- sysman_host=pvm_tidtohost(sysman_id);
- /* create PEs on the specific machines in the specified order! */
- for (i=0; (iSpawn<spawn_nPEs) && (i<nHost); i++)
- if (hostp[i].hi_tid != sysman_host) {
- checkComms(pvm_spawn(petask, pargv, spawn_flag+PvmTaskHost,
- hostp[i].hi_name, 1, gtids+iSpawn),
- "SysMan startup");
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr, "==== [%x] Spawned PE %d onto %s\n",
- sysman_id, i, hostp[i].hi_name));
- iSpawn++;
- }
- /* create additional PEs anywhere you like */
- if (iSpawn<spawn_nPEs) {
- checkComms(pvm_spawn(petask, pargv, spawn_flag, "",
- spawn_nPEs-iSpawn, gtids+iSpawn),
- "SysMan startup");
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Spawned %d additional PEs anywhere\n",
- sysman_id, spawn_nPEs-iSpawn));
- }
- }
-#if 0
- /* old code with random placement of PEs; make that a variant? */
-# error "Broken startup in SysMan"
- { /* let pvm place the PEs anywhere; not used anymore */
- checkComms(pvm_spawn(petask, pargv, spawn_flag, "", spawn_nPEs, gtids),"SysMan startup");
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Spawned\n", sysman_id));
- }
- // iSpawn=spawn_nPEs;
- return iSpawn;
- Check if this pvm task is in the list of tasks we spawned and are waiting
- on, if so then remove it.
-static rtsBool
-alreadySpawned (GlobalTaskId g) {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<nSpawn; i++)
- if (g==gtids[i]) {
- nSpawn--;
- gtids[i] = gtids[nSpawn]; //the last takes its place
- return rtsTrue;
- }
- return rtsFalse;
-static void
-broadcastFinish(void) {
- int i,j;
- int tids[MAX_PES]; /* local buffer of all surviving PEs */
- for (i=0, j=0; i<nPEs; i++)
- if (PEbuffer[i])
- tids[j++]=PEbuffer[i]; //extract valid tids
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Broadcasting Finish to %d PEs; initiating shutdown\n",
- sysman_id, j));
- /* ToDo: move into LLComms.c */
- pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault);
- pvm_mcast(tids,j,PP_FINISH);
-static void
-broadcastPEtids (void) {
- nat i;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] SysMan sending PE table to all PEs\n", sysman_id);
- /* debugging */
- fprintf(stderr,"++++ [%x] PE table as seen by SysMan:\n", mytid);
- for (i = 0; i < nPEs; i++) {
- fprintf(stderr,"++++ PEbuffer[%d] = %x\n", i, PEbuffer[i]);
- }
- )
- broadcastOpN(PP_PETIDS, PEGROUP, nPEs, &PEbuffer);
-//@node Main fct, Message handlers, Aux startup and shutdown fcts, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection Main fct
-//@cindex main
-main (int argc, char **argv) {
- int rbufid;
- int opcode, nbytes, nSpawn;
- unsigned int i;
- setbuf(stdout, NULL); // disable buffering of stdout
- setbuf(stderr, NULL); // disable buffering of stderr
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,
- "==== RFP: GdH enabled SysMan reporting for duty\n"));
- if (argc > 1) {
- if (*argv[1] == '-') {
- spawn_flag = PvmTaskDebug;
- argv[1] = argv[0];
- argv++; argc--;
- }
- sysman_id = pvm_mytid(); /* This must be the first PVM call */
- if (sysman_id<0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "==== PVM initialisation failure\n");
- }
- /*
- Get the full path and filename of the pvm executable (stashed in some
- PVM directory), and the number of PEs from the command line.
- */
- pvmExecutable = argv[1];
- nPEs = atoi(argv[2]);
- if (nPEs==0) {
- /* as usual 0 means infinity: use all PEs specified in PVM config */
- int nArch, nHost;
- struct pvmhostinfo *hostp;
- /* get info on PVM config */
- pvm_config(&nHost,&nArch,&hostp);
- nPEs=nHost;
- sprintf(argv[2],"%d",nPEs); /* ToCheck: does this work on all archs */
- }
- /* get the name of the binary to execute */
- if ((petask = getenv(PETASK)) == NULL) // PETASK set by driver
- petask = PETASK;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] nPEs: %d; executable: |%s|\n",
- sysman_id, nPEs, petask));
- /* Check that we can create the number of PE and IMU tasks requested.
- ^^^
- This comment is most entertaining since we haven't been using IMUs
- for the last 10 years or so -- HWL */
- if ((nPEs > MAX_PES) || (nPEs<1)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"==** SysMan: No more than %d PEs allowed (%d requested)\n Reconfigure GUM setting MAX_PE in ghc/includes/Parallel.h to a higher value\n",
- MAX_PES, nPEs);
- }
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] is SysMan Task\n", sysman_id));
- /* Initialise the PE task arguments from Sysman's arguments */
- pargv = argv + 2;
- /* Initialise list of all PE identifiers */
- PEsArrived=0;
- nextPE=1;
- for (i=0; i<nPEs; i++)
- PEbuffer[i]=0;
- /* start up the required number of PEs */
- nSpawn = createPEs(nPEs);
- /*
- Create the MainThread PE by forking SysMan. This arcane coding
- is required to allow MainThread to read stdin and write to stdout.
- PWT 18/1/96
- */
- //nPEs++; /* Record that the number of PEs is increasing */
- if ((cc = fork())) {
- checkComms(cc,"SysMan fork"); /* Parent continues as SysMan */
- PEbuffer[0]=0; /* we accept the first main and assume its valid. */
- PEsArrived=1; /* assume you've got main */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Sysman successfully initialized!\n",
- sysman_id));
-//@cindex message handling loop
- /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
- /* Main message handling loop */
- /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
- /* Process incoming messages */
- while (1) {
- if ((rbufid = pvm_recv(ANY_TASK, ANY_OPCODE)) < 0) {
- pvm_perror("==** Sysman: Receiving Message (pvm_recv)");
- /* never reached */
- }
- pvm_bufinfo(rbufid, &nbytes, &opcode, &sender_id);
- /* very low level debugging
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"== [%x] SysMan: Message received by SysMan: rbufid=%x, nbytes = %d, opcode = %x, sender_id = %x\n",
- sysman_id, rbufid, nbytes, opcode, sender_id));
- */
- switch (opcode) {
- case PP_NEWPE: /* a new PE is registering for work */
- newPE(nbytes, opcode, sender_id);
- break;
- case PP_READY: /* startup complete; let PEs start working */
- readyPE(nbytes, opcode, sender_id);
- break;
- case PP_GC_INIT: /* start global GC */
- /* This Function not yet implemented for GUM */
- fprintf(stderr,"==** Global GC requested by PE %x. Not yet implemented for GUM!\n",
- sender_id);
- break;
- case PP_STATS_ON: /* enable statistics gathering */
- fprintf(stderr,"==** PP_STATS_ON requested by %x. Not yet implemented for GUM!\n",
- sender_id);
- break;
- case PP_STATS_OFF: /* disable statistics gathering */
- fprintf(stderr,"==** PP_STATS_OFF requested by %x. Not yet implemented for GUM!\n",
- sender_id);
- break;
- case PP_FINISH:
- {
- int exit_code = getExitCode(nbytes, &sender_id);
- finishPE(nbytes, opcode, sender_id, exit_code);
- break;
- default:
- {
- /*
- char *opname = GetOpName(opcode);
- fprintf(stderr,"Sysman: Unrecognised opcode %s (%x)\n",
- opname,opcode); */
- fprintf(stderr,"==** Qagh: Sysman: Unrecognised opcode (%x)\n",
- opcode);
- }
- break;
- } /* switch */
- } /* else */
- } /* while 1 */
- /* end of SysMan!! */
- } else {
- /* forked main thread begins here */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr, "==== Main Thread PE has been forked; doing an execv(%s,...)\n",
- pvmExecutable));
- pvmendtask(); // Disconnect from PVM to avoid confusion:
- // executable reconnects
- // RFP: assumes that length(arvv[0])>=9 !!!
- sprintf(argv[0],"-%08X",sysman_id); /*flag that its the Main Thread PE and include sysman's id*/
- execv(pvmExecutable,argv); /* Parent task becomes Main Thread PE */
- } /* else */
- } /* argc > 1 */
-} /* main */
-//@node Message handlers, Auxiliary fcts, Main fct, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection Message handlers
- Received PP_NEWPE:
- A new PE has been added to the configuration.
-newPE(int nbytes, int opcode, int sender_id) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] SysMan detected a new host\n",
- sysman_id));
- /* Determine the new machine... assume its the last on the config list? */
- if (nSpawn < MAX_PES) {
- int nArch,nHost;
- struct pvmhostinfo *hostp;
- /* get conmfiguration of PVM machine */
- pvm_config(&nHost,&nArch,&hostp);
- nHost--;
- checkComms(pvm_spawn(petask, pargv, spawn_flag+PvmTaskHost,
- hostp[nHost].hi_name, 1, gtids+nSpawn),
- "SysMan loop");
- nSpawn++;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr, "==== [%x] Spawned onto %s\n",
- sysman_id, hostp[nHost].hi_name));
- }
- Received PP_READY:
- Let it be known that PE @sender_id@ participates in the computation.
-readyPE(int nbytes, int opcode, int sender_id) {
- int i = 0, flag = 1;
- long isMain;
- int nArch, nHost;
- struct pvmhostinfo *hostp;
- //ASSERT(opcode==PP_READY);
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] SysMan received PP_READY message from %x\n",
- sysman_id, sender_id));
- pvm_config(&nHost,&nArch,&hostp);
- GetArg1(isMain);
- //if ((isMain && (PEbuffer[0]==0)) || alreadySpawned(sender_id)) {
- if (nPEs >= MAX_PES) {
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] SysMan doesn't need PE %d (max %d PEs allowed)\n",
- sysman_id, sender_id, MAX_PES);
- pvm_kill(sender_id);
- } else {
- if (isMain) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] SysMan found Main PE %x\n",
- sysman_id, sender_id));
- PEbuffer[0]=sender_id;
- } else {
- /* search for PE in list of PEs */
- for(i=1; i<nPEs; i++)
- if (PEbuffer[i]==sender_id) {
- flag=0;
- break;
- }
- /* it's a new PE: add it to the list of PEs */
- if (flag)
- PEbuffer[nextPE++] = sender_id;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] SysMan: found PE %d as [%x] on host %s\n",
- sysman_id, PEsArrived, sender_id, hostp[PEsArrived].hi_name));
- PEbuffer[PEsArrived++] = sender_id;
- }
- /* enable better handling of unexpected terminations */
- checkComms( pvm_notify(PvmTaskExit, PP_FINISH, 1, &sender_id),
- "SysMan loop");
- /* finished registration of all PEs => enable notification */
- if ((PEsArrived==nPEs) && PEbuffer[0]) {
- checkComms( pvm_notify(PvmHostAdd, PP_NEWPE, -1, 0),
- "SysMan startup");
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] SysMan initialising notificaton for new hosts\n", sysman_id));
- }
- /* finished notification => send off the PE ids */
- if ((PEsArrived>=nPEs) && PEbuffer[0]) {
- if (PEsArrived>nPEs) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Weird: %d PEs registered, but we only asked for %d\n", sysman_id, PEsArrived, nPEs));
- // nPEs=PEsArrived;
- }
- broadcastPEtids();
- }
- }
- Received PP_FINISH:
- Shut down the corresponding PE. Check whether it is a regular shutdown
- or an uncontrolled termination.
-finishPE(int nbytes, int opcode, int sender_id, int exitCode) {
- int i;
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] SysMan received PP_FINISH message from %x (exit code: %d)\n",
- sysman_id, sender_id, exitCode));
- /* Is it relevant to us? Count the first message */
- for (i=0; i<nPEs; i++)
- if (PEbuffer[i] == sender_id) {
- PEsTerminated++;
- PEbuffer[i]=0;
- /* handle exit code */
- if (exitCode<0) { /* a task exit before a controlled finish? */
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Termination at %x with exit(%d)\n",
- sysman_id, sender_id, exitCode);
- } else if (exitCode>0) { /* an abnormal exit code? */
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Uncontrolled termination at %x with exit(%d)\n",
- sysman_id, sender_id, exitCode);
- } else if (!Finishing) { /* exitCode==0 which is good news */
- if (i!=0) { /* someone other than main PE terminated first? */
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Unexpected early termination at %x\n",
- sysman_id, sender_id);
- } else {
- /* start shutdown by broadcasting FINISH to other PEs */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Initiating shutdown (requested by [%x] RIP) (exit code: %d)\n", sysman_id, sender_id, exitCode));
- Finishing = rtsTrue;
- broadcastFinish();
- }
- } else {
- /* we are in a shutdown already */
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Finish from %x during shutdown (%d PEs terminated so far; %d total)\n",
- sysman_id, sender_id, PEsTerminated, nPEs));
- }
- if (PEsTerminated >= nPEs) {
- IF_PAR_DEBUG(verbose,
- fprintf(stderr,"==== [%x] Global Shutdown, Goodbye!! (SysMan has received FINISHes from all PEs)\n", sysman_id));
- //broadcastFinish();
- /* received finish from everybody; now, we can exit, too */
- exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* Qapla'! */
- }
- }
-//@node Auxiliary fcts, Index, Message handlers, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection Auxiliary fcts
-/* Needed here because its used in loads of places like LLComms etc */
-//@cindex stg_exit
- * called from STG-land to exit the program
- */
-stg_exit(I_ n)
- fprintf(stderr, "==// [%x] %s in SysMan code; sending PP_FINISH to all PEs ...\n",
- mytid,(n!=0)?"FAILURE":"FINISH");
- broadcastFinish();
- //broadcastFinish();
- pvm_exit();
- exit(n);
-//@node Index, , Auxiliary fcts, GUM System Manager Program
-//@subsection Index
-//* main:: @cindex\s-+main
-//* message handling loop:: @cindex\s-+message handling loop
-//* stgMallocBytes:: @cindex\s-+stgMallocBytes
-//* stg_exit:: @cindex\s-+stg_exit
-//@end index