path: root/testsuite/tests/dph
diff options
authorThomas Miedema <>2016-06-18 22:44:19 +0200
committerThomas Miedema <>2016-06-20 16:22:07 +0200
commit3dc1202546e63b50f828a34474717b1ddcbed5c7 (patch)
tree745fde8e9712c6d0b0507d9ae4988736c678abdb /testsuite/tests/dph
parentcf6e65693588cd9d40c895279f2e53d3d25a2c58 (diff)
Testsuite: tabs -> spaces [skip ci]
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/dph')
9 files changed, 207 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dph/dotp/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/dph/dotp/Main.hs
index c6d4f1e91c..04eb407fc7 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/dph/dotp/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dph/dotp/Main.hs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ generateVectorU n =
k = 1000
generateVector :: Int -> IO (PArray Double)
-generateVector n
+generateVector n
= do
vec <- generateVectorU n
return $ P.fromUArray vec
@@ -37,18 +37,18 @@ generateVectors n =
w <- generateVector n
return (v,w)
- = do -- compute dot product with NDP
- vectors <- generateVectors 100000
- let resultViaNDP = (uncurry dotp) vectors
- -- compute with lists
- let (aVecX, aVecY) = vectors
- let vecX = P.toList aVecX
- let vecY = P.toList aVecY
- let resultViaList = sum $ zipWith (*) vecX vecY
- -- ignore wibbles in low order bits
- putStr $ (take 12 $ show resultViaNDP) ++ "\n"
- putStr $ (take 12 $ show resultViaList) ++ "\n"
+ = do -- compute dot product with NDP
+ vectors <- generateVectors 100000
+ let resultViaNDP = (uncurry dotp) vectors
+ -- compute with lists
+ let (aVecX, aVecY) = vectors
+ let vecX = P.toList aVecX
+ let vecY = P.toList aVecY
+ let resultViaList = sum $ zipWith (*) vecX vecY
+ -- ignore wibbles in low order bits
+ putStr $ (take 12 $ show resultViaNDP) ++ "\n"
+ putStr $ (take 12 $ show resultViaList) ++ "\n"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dph/nbody/Body.hs b/testsuite/tests/dph/nbody/Body.hs
index 3ba2149533..8a116993a8 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/dph/nbody/Body.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dph/nbody/Body.hs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Body
, Accel
, MassPoint
, Body
, unitBody
, massPointOfBody
, setMassOfBody
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ unitBody x y
-- | Take the MassPoint of a body.
massPointOfBody :: Body -> MassPoint
-massPointOfBody (mp, vel, acc)
+massPointOfBody (mp, vel, acc)
= mp
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ setMassOfBody mass ((x, y, _), vel, acc)
-- | Set the acceleration of a body.
setAccelOfBody :: Accel -> Body -> Body
-setAccelOfBody acc' (mp, vel, _)
+setAccelOfBody acc' (mp, vel, _)
= (mp, vel, acc')
-- | Set the starting velocity of a body.
-- It is set to rotate around the origin, with the speed proportional
-- to the sqrt of the distance from it. This seems to make nice simulations.
@@ -68,18 +68,18 @@ setStartVelOfBody startVel (mp@(x, y, mass), vel, acc)
(x', y') = normaliseV (x, y)
vel' = (y', -x')
vel'' = mulSV (sqrt (magV pos) * startVel) vel'
in (mp, vel'', acc)
-- | Advance a body forwards in time.
advanceBody :: Double -> Body -> Body
-advanceBody time
- ( (px, py, mass)
- , (vx, vy)
- , acc@(ax, ay))
- = ( (px + time * vx, py + time * vy, mass)
- , (vx + time * ax, vy + time * ay)
- , acc)
+advanceBody time
+ ( (px, py, mass)
+ , (vx, vy)
+ , acc@(ax, ay))
+ = ( (px + time * vx, py + time * vy, mass)
+ , (vx + time * ax, vy + time * ay)
+ , acc)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dph/primespj/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/dph/primespj/Main.hs
index 049e6a3e04..f7a3ed1fe5 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/dph/primespj/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dph/primespj/Main.hs
@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ primesList :: Int -> [Int]
primesList 1 = []
primesList n = sps ++ [ i | i <- [sq+1..n], multiple sps i ]
- sps = primesList sq
+ sps = primesList sq
sq = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n
multiple :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
multiple ps i = and [i `mod` p /= 0 | p <- ps]
- = do let n = 1000
- let resultViaNDP = P.toList $ primesVect n
- let resultViaLists = primesList n
- print resultViaNDP
- print resultViaLists
- print $ resultViaNDP == resultViaLists
+ = do let n = 1000
+ let resultViaNDP = P.toList $ primesVect n
+ let resultViaLists = primesList n
+ print resultViaNDP
+ print resultViaLists
+ print $ resultViaNDP == resultViaLists
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/Main.hs
index 718a1630ef..e1dc04ba24 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/Main.hs
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
import qualified Types as QH
import QuickHullVect (quickhull)
-import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted as U
-import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude as P
+import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted as U
+import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude as P
import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.PArray as P
-import Data.Array.Parallel.PArray (PArray)
+import Data.Array.Parallel.PArray (PArray)
import System.Environment
import Data.List
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import TestData
runQuickhull :: PArray QH.Point -> [(Double, Double)]
-runQuickhull pts
+runQuickhull pts
= let result = quickhull pts
resxs = P.toUArray (QH.xsOf result)
resys = P.toUArray (QH.ysOf result)
@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ runQuickhull pts
-- Main Program ---------------------------------------------------------------
- = do args <- getArgs
- let n = case args of
- [s] -> read s
- _ -> 1000
- paInput <- toPArrayPoints
- $ genPointsCombo n
- let psHull = runQuickhull paInput
- psInput = P.toList paInput
- putStr
- $ makeSVG
- (roundPoints psInput)
- (roundPoints psHull)
+ = do args <- getArgs
+ let n = case args of
+ [s] -> read s
+ _ -> 1000
+ paInput <- toPArrayPoints
+ $ genPointsCombo n
+ let psHull = runQuickhull paInput
+ psInput = P.toList paInput
+ putStr
+ $ makeSVG
+ (roundPoints psInput)
+ (roundPoints psHull)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/SVG.hs b/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/SVG.hs
index f4183a77d6..c750fb06f5 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/SVG.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/SVG.hs
@@ -4,31 +4,31 @@ module SVG where
-- Making a SVG diagram of the points and hull
makeSVG :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> String
makeSVG points hull
- = unlines
- $ [ "<svg width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\">" ]
- ++ [svgPolygon hull]
- ++ map svgPoint points
- ++ map svgPointHull hull
- ++ ["</svg>"]
+ = unlines
+ $ [ "<svg width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\">" ]
+ ++ [svgPolygon hull]
+ ++ map svgPoint points
+ ++ map svgPointHull hull
+ ++ ["</svg>"]
svgPolygon :: [(Int, Int)] -> String
svgPolygon points
- = "<polygon"
- ++ " points=\"" ++ (concat [show x ++ "," ++ show y ++ " " | (x, y) <- points]) ++ "\""
- ++ " style=\"fill:#d0d0ff;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1\""
- ++ "/>"
+ = "<polygon"
+ ++ " points=\"" ++ (concat [show x ++ "," ++ show y ++ " " | (x, y) <- points]) ++ "\""
+ ++ " style=\"fill:#d0d0ff;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1\""
+ ++ "/>"
svgPoint :: (Int, Int) -> String
svgPoint (x, y)
- = "<circle cx=\"" ++ show x ++ "\" cy=\"" ++ show y ++ "\" r=\"0.5\""
- ++ " style=\"stroke:#000000\""
- ++ "/>"
+ = "<circle cx=\"" ++ show x ++ "\" cy=\"" ++ show y ++ "\" r=\"0.5\""
+ ++ " style=\"stroke:#000000\""
+ ++ "/>"
svgPointHull :: (Int, Int) -> String
svgPointHull (x, y)
- = "<circle cx=\"" ++ show x ++ "\" cy=\"" ++ show y ++ "\" r=\"1\""
- ++ " style=\"stroke:#ff0000\""
- ++ "/>"
+ = "<circle cx=\"" ++ show x ++ "\" cy=\"" ++ show y ++ "\" r=\"1\""
+ ++ " style=\"stroke:#ff0000\""
+ ++ "/>"
roundPoints :: [(Double, Double)] -> [(Int, Int)]
roundPoints ps = [(round x, round y) | (x, y) <- ps]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/TestData.hs b/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/TestData.hs
index 2d07354de7..a27cca288e 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/TestData.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dph/quickhull/TestData.hs
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-module TestData
- ( genPointsUniform
- , genPointsDisc
- , genPointsCombo
- , toPArrayPoints )
+module TestData
+ ( genPointsUniform
+ , genPointsDisc
+ , genPointsCombo
+ , toPArrayPoints )
import qualified Types as QH
-import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted as U
-import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude as P
+import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted as U
+import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude as P
import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Double as D
import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.PArray as P
-import Data.Array.Parallel.PArray (PArray)
+import Data.Array.Parallel.PArray (PArray)
import System.Random
import Control.Exception
@@ -22,71 +22,71 @@ import Control.Exception
-- is between O (N) and O (N^2) depending on the input.
-- To compare benchmark results, they always need to use the same
-- input.
-seed = 42742
+seed = 42742
-- | Some uniformly distributed points
- :: Int -- ^ number of points
- -> Double -- ^ minimum coordinate
- -> Double -- ^ maximum coordinate
- -> [(Double, Double)]
+ :: Int -- ^ number of points
+ -> Double -- ^ minimum coordinate
+ -> Double -- ^ maximum coordinate
+ -> [(Double, Double)]
genPointsUniform n minXY maxXY
= let
- pointMin = 10
- pointMax = 510
- gen = mkStdGen seed
- in toPairs $ take (2*n) $ randomRs (pointMin, pointMax) gen
+ pointMin = 10
+ pointMax = 510
+ gen = mkStdGen seed
+ in toPairs $ take (2*n) $ randomRs (pointMin, pointMax) gen
toPairs [] = []
toPairs (x:y:pts) = (x, y) : toPairs pts
-- | Some points distributed as a disc
- :: Int -- ^ number of points
- -> (Double, Double) -- ^ center of disc
- -> Double -- ^ radius of disc
- -> [(Double, Double)]
+ :: Int -- ^ number of points
+ -> (Double, Double) -- ^ center of disc
+ -> Double -- ^ radius of disc
+ -> [(Double, Double)]
genPointsDisc n (originX, originY) radiusMax
- = let (genRadius, genAngle)
- = split $ mkStdGen seed
- radius = take n $ randomRs (0, radiusMax) genRadius
- angle = take n $ randomRs (- pi, pi) genAngle
+ = let (genRadius, genAngle)
+ = split $ mkStdGen seed
- makeXY (r, a)
- = ( originX + r * cos a
- , originY + r * sin a)
+ radius = take n $ randomRs (0, radiusMax) genRadius
+ angle = take n $ randomRs (- pi, pi) genAngle
- in map makeXY $ zip radius angle
+ makeXY (r, a)
+ = ( originX + r * cos a
+ , originY + r * sin a)
+ in map makeXY $ zip radius angle
-- | A point cloud with areas of high an low density
- :: Int -- ^ number of points
- -> [(Double, Double)]
+ :: Int -- ^ number of points
+ -> [(Double, Double)]
genPointsCombo n
- = genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (250, 250) 200
- ++ genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (100, 100) 80
- ++ genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (150, 300) 30
- ++ genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (500, 120) 30
- ++ genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (300, 200) 150
+ = genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (250, 250) 200
+ ++ genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (100, 100) 80
+ ++ genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (150, 300) 30
+ ++ genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (500, 120) 30
+ ++ genPointsDisc (n `div` 5) (300, 200) 150
-- | Convert a list of points to a PArray
toPArrayPoints :: [(Double, Double)] -> IO (PArray QH.Point)
toPArrayPoints ps
- = do let pts = QH.points (P.fromList (map fst ps))
- (P.fromList (map snd ps))
- evaluate $ force pts
- return pts
+ = do let pts = QH.points (P.fromList (map fst ps))
+ (P.fromList (map snd ps))
+ evaluate $ force pts
+ return pts
-- | Force points to be evaluated
-force pts
- = U.index "TestData" (P.toUArray (QH.xsOf pts)) 0 D.+
+force pts
+ = U.index "TestData" (P.toUArray (QH.xsOf pts)) 0 D.+
U.index "TestData" (P.toUArray (QH.ysOf pts)) 0
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dph/sumnats/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/dph/sumnats/Main.hs
index 9e18e335a9..7c3ee7210b 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/dph/sumnats/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dph/sumnats/Main.hs
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ import SumNatsVect (sumNats)
-- Add all the natural numbers below 1000 that are multiples of 3 or 5.
solutionLists maxN
- = let sumOnetoN n = n * (n+1) `div` 2
- sumStep s n = s * sumOnetoN (n `div` s)
- in sumStep 3 (maxN - 1) + sumStep 5 (maxN - 1) - sumStep 15 (maxN - 1)
+ = let sumOnetoN n = n * (n+1) `div` 2
+ sumStep s n = s * sumOnetoN (n `div` s)
+ in sumStep 3 (maxN - 1) + sumStep 5 (maxN - 1) - sumStep 15 (maxN - 1)
solutionLists2 maxN
- = sum [ x | x <- [0.. maxN - 1]
- , (x `mod` 3 == 0) || (x `mod` 5 == 0) ]
+ = sum [ x | x <- [0.. maxN - 1]
+ , (x `mod` 3 == 0) || (x `mod` 5 == 0) ]
+ = do let n = 1000
+ print $ solutionLists n
+ print $ solutionLists2 n
+ print $ sumNats n
- = do let n = 1000
- print $ solutionLists n
- print $ solutionLists2 n
- print $ sumNats n
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dph/words/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/dph/words/Main.hs
index 094a2ceb7d..b7c266921f 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/dph/words/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dph/words/Main.hs
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
import WordsVect
import Data.Array.Parallel
-import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Word8 as W
-import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.PArray as P
-import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted as U
+import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Word8 as W
+import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.PArray as P
+import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted as U
import Data.Char
- = do -- take the filename containing the words as the first arg
- let str = "When I look into the looking glass I'm always sure to see"
- ++ " no matter how I dodge about, me looking back at me."
- -- convert string to a PArray
- let paStr :: PArray W.Word8
- paStr = P.fromUArray $ W.fromInt $ U.fromList $ map ord str
- -- break the string into words then flatten it back
- let str' :: String
- str' = map chr
- $ map fromIntegral
- $ P.toList
- $ wordsOfPArray paStr
- -- count the number of words in the string, using the vectorised program
- let wordCountVect = fromIntegral $ wordCountOfPArray paStr
- -- count the number of words with the ye'olde list way
- let wordCountList = length $ words str
- --
- putStr $ show str' ++ "\n"
- ++ "word count vect = " ++ show wordCountVect ++ "\n"
- ++ "word count lists = " ++ show wordCountList ++ "\n"
- \ No newline at end of file
+ = do -- take the filename containing the words as the first arg
+ let str = "When I look into the looking glass I'm always sure to see"
+ ++ " no matter how I dodge about, me looking back at me."
+ -- convert string to a PArray
+ let paStr :: PArray W.Word8
+ paStr = P.fromUArray $ W.fromInt $ U.fromList $ map ord str
+ -- break the string into words then flatten it back
+ let str' :: String
+ str' = map chr
+ $ map fromIntegral
+ $ P.toList
+ $ wordsOfPArray paStr
+ -- count the number of words in the string, using the vectorised program
+ let wordCountVect = fromIntegral $ wordCountOfPArray paStr
+ -- count the number of words with the ye'olde list way
+ let wordCountList = length $ words str
+ --
+ putStr $ show str' ++ "\n"
+ ++ "word count vect = " ++ show wordCountVect ++ "\n"
+ ++ "word count lists = " ++ show wordCountList ++ "\n"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dph/words/WordsVect.hs b/testsuite/tests/dph/words/WordsVect.hs
index 344442f3fb..218e885dac 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/dph/words/WordsVect.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dph/words/WordsVect.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- Break up a string into words in parallel.
--- Based on the presentation "Breaking Sequential Habits of Thought", Guy Steele.
+-- Based on the presentation "Breaking Sequential Habits of Thought", Guy Steele.
-- NOTE: This is a naive implementation, and I haven't benchmarked it.
-- Using parallel arrays in Seg probably isn't helpful for performance,
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ import qualified Prelude as Prel
-- We can't use the Prelude Char and String types in vectorised code yet..
-type Char = Word8
-char_space = W.fromInt 32
+type Char = Word8
+char_space = W.fromInt 32
-type String = [: Char :]
+type String = [: Char :]
-- | Word state
@@ -50,58 +50,58 @@ plusState str1 str2
(Seg al ass ar, Seg bl bss br) -> Seg al (ass +:+ joinEmpty [:ar +:+ bl:] +:+ bss) br
joinEmpty :: [:[:Word8:]:] -> [:[:Word8:]:]
-joinEmpty ws
- | lengthP ws I.== 1 && lengthP (ws !: 0) I.== 0 = [::]
- | otherwise = ws
+joinEmpty ws
+ | lengthP ws I.== 1 && lengthP (ws !: 0) I.== 0 = [::]
+ | otherwise = ws
-- | Convert a single char to a wordstate.
stateOfChar :: Char -> State
stateOfChar c
- | c W.== char_space = Seg [::] [::] [::]
- | otherwise = Chunk [:c:]
+ | c W.== char_space = Seg [::] [::] [::]
+ | otherwise = Chunk [:c:]
-- | Break this string into words.
stateOfString :: String -> State
stateOfString str
- = let len = lengthP str
- result
- | len I.== 0 = Chunk [::]
- | len I.== 1 = stateOfChar (str !: 0)
- | otherwise
- = let half = len `div` 2
- s1 = sliceP 0 half str
- s2 = sliceP half (len I.- half) str
- in plusState (stateOfString s1) (stateOfString s2)
- in result
+ = let len = lengthP str
+ result
+ | len I.== 0 = Chunk [::]
+ | len I.== 1 = stateOfChar (str !: 0)
+ | otherwise
+ = let half = len `div` 2
+ s1 = sliceP 0 half str
+ s2 = sliceP half (len I.- half) str
+ in plusState (stateOfString s1) (stateOfString s2)
+ in result
-- | Count the number of words in a string.
countWordsOfState :: State -> Int
countWordsOfState state
= case state of
- Chunk c -> wordsInChunkArr c
- Seg c1 ws c2 -> wordsInChunkArr c1 I.+ lengthP ws I.+ wordsInChunkArr c2
+ Chunk c -> wordsInChunkArr c
+ Seg c1 ws c2 -> wordsInChunkArr c1 I.+ lengthP ws I.+ wordsInChunkArr c2
wordsInChunkArr :: [:Word8:] -> Int
wordsInChunkArr arr
- | lengthP arr I.== 0 = 0
- | otherwise = 1
+ | lengthP arr I.== 0 = 0
+ | otherwise = 1
-- | Flatten a state back to an array of Word8s,
--- inserting spaces between the words.
+-- inserting spaces between the words.
flattenState :: State -> [:Word8:]
flattenState ss
= case ss of
- Chunk s -> s
+ Chunk s -> s
- Seg w1 ws w2
- -> w1
- +:+ [:char_space:]
- +:+ concatP [: w +:+ [:char_space:] | w <- ws :]
- +:+ w2
+ Seg w1 ws w2
+ -> w1
+ +:+ [:char_space:]
+ +:+ concatP [: w +:+ [:char_space:] | w <- ws :]
+ +:+ w2
-- Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -109,17 +109,17 @@ flattenState ss
wordsOfPArray :: PArray Word8 -> PArray Word8
{-# NOINLINE wordsOfPArray #-}
wordsOfPArray arr
- = let str = fromPArrayP arr
- state = stateOfString str
- strOut = flattenState state
- in toPArrayP strOut
+ = let str = fromPArrayP arr
+ state = stateOfString str
+ strOut = flattenState state
+ in toPArrayP strOut
-- | Count the number of words in an array
wordCountOfPArray :: PArray Word8 -> Int
{-# NOINLINE wordCountOfPArray #-}
wordCountOfPArray arr
- = let str = fromPArrayP arr
- state = stateOfString str
- in countWordsOfState state
+ = let str = fromPArrayP arr
+ state = stateOfString str
+ in countWordsOfState state