path: root/testsuite/tests/hiefile
diff options
authorZubin Duggal <>2022-03-24 11:21:44 +0530
committerMarge Bot <>2022-07-13 14:00:18 -0400
commitc4989131563efca8692c341e7b08096ac9a3b53b (patch)
tree32ae094967a1e9a3a92f7d71b570792d955a7c31 /testsuite/tests/hiefile
parente9d9f0784e8670c6b85f1bf80e26b571b08519b5 (diff)
hie-files: Record location of filled in default method bindings
This is useful for hie files to reconstruct the evidence that default methods depend on.
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/hiefile')
3 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/T20341.hs b/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/T20341.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22b0c1a564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/T20341.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+{-# language DeriveAnyClass #-}
+{-# language DefaultSignatures #-}
+{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}
+module Main where
+import System.Environment
+import Data.Tree
+import GHC.Types.Name.Cache
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable ( Outputable, renderWithContext, ppr, defaultUserStyle, text)
+import GHC.Iface.Ext.Binary
+import GHC.Iface.Ext.Types
+import GHC.Iface.Ext.Utils
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.SysTools
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Foldable
+import GHC.Generics
+class ToJSON a where
+ foo :: a -> String
+ default foo :: Show a => a -> String
+ foo x = show x
+data T = MkT { fieldName :: Bool }
+ deriving (Show, ToJSON)
+g :: String
+g = foo (MkT True)
+-- ^ this is point
+h :: String
+h = show (MkT True)
+-- ^ this is point'
+point :: (Int, Int)
+point = (36,6)
+point' :: (Int, Int)
+point' = (40,6)
+makeNc :: IO NameCache
+makeNc = initNameCache 'z' []
+dynFlagsForPrinting :: String -> IO DynFlags
+dynFlagsForPrinting libdir = do
+ systemSettings <- initSysTools libdir
+ return $ defaultDynFlags systemSettings (LlvmConfig [] [])
+selectPoint' :: HieFile -> (Int,Int) -> HieAST Int
+selectPoint' hf loc =
+ maybe (error "point not found") id $ selectPoint hf loc
+main = do
+ libdir:_ <- getArgs
+ df <- dynFlagsForPrinting libdir
+ nc <- makeNc
+ hfr <- readHieFile nc "T20341.hie"
+ let hf = hie_file_result hfr
+ asts = getAsts $ hie_asts hf
+ [ast] = M.elems asts
+ refmap = generateReferencesMap $ asts
+ expandType = text . renderHieType df .
+ flip recoverFullType (hie_types hf)
+ pretty = unlines . (++["└"]) . ("┌":) . map ("│ "++) . lines
+ pprint = pretty . render
+ render :: forall a. Outputable a => a -> String
+ render = renderWithContext (initSDocContext df sty) . ppr
+ sty = defaultUserStyle
+ putStr $ "At " ++ show point ++ ", got evidence: "
+ let trees = getEvidenceTreesAtPoint hf refmap point
+ ptrees = fmap (pprint . fmap expandType) <$> trees
+ -- Print the evidence tree at point - it should include $fToJSONT
+ putStr $ drawForest ptrees
+ -- Get the definition location of $fToJSONT
+ let loc = evidenceSpan $ head $ last $ levels $ head trees
+ print loc
+ -- Find the ast of the definition of $fToJSONT
+ let Just fToJSONTAst= selectLargestContainedBy loc ast
+ -- Print the evidence tree at point' - it should include $fShowT
+ let trees' = getEvidenceTreesAtPoint hf refmap point'
+ ptrees' = fmap (pprint . fmap expandType) <$> trees'
+ -- Print the evidence tree at point' - it should include $ShowT
+ putStr $ drawForest ptrees'
+ -- Get the name of $dShow = $fShowT
+ let dShowT = evidenceVar $ rootLabel $ head trees'
+ -- Finally ensure that the definition of $fToJSONT contains a reference to $dShowT
+ let isMember = M.member (Right dShowT) $ sourcedNodeIdents $ sourcedNodeInfo fToJSONTAst
+ if isMember
+ then putStrLn "$dShow was found in the definition of $fToJSONT"
+ else putStrLn "ERROR: $dShow was NOT found in the definition of $fToJSONT"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/T20341.stdout b/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/T20341.stdout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45b31bd95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/T20341.stdout
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+At (36,6), got evidence: ┌
+│ $dToJSON at T20341.hs:1:1, of type: ToJSON T
+│ is an evidence variable bound by a let, depending on: [$fToJSONT]
+│ with scope: ModuleScope
+│ Defined at <no location info>
+`- ┌
+ │ $fToJSONT at T20341.hs:32:19-24, of type: ToJSON T
+ │ is an evidence variable bound by an instance of class ToJSON
+ │ with scope: ModuleScope
+ │
+ │ Defined at T20341.hs:32:19
+ └
+SrcSpanOneLine "T20341.hs" 32 19 25
+│ $dShow at T20341.hs:1:1, of type: Show T
+│ is an evidence variable bound by a let, depending on: [$fShowT]
+│ with scope: ModuleScope
+│ Defined at <no location info>
+`- ┌
+ │ $fShowT at T20341.hs:32:13-16, of type: Show T
+ │ is an evidence variable bound by an instance of class Show
+ │ with scope: ModuleScope
+ │
+ │ Defined at T20341.hs:32:13
+ └
+$dShow was found in the definition of $fToJSONT
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/all.T b/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/all.T
index 55dc8d1722..f734e3c12e 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/all.T
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
test('PatTypes', [extra_run_opts('"' + config.libdir + '"')], compile_and_run, ['-package ghc -fwrite-ide-info'])
test('HieQueries', [extra_run_opts('"' + config.libdir + '"')], compile_and_run, ['-package ghc -fwrite-ide-info'])
+test('T20341', [extra_run_opts('"' + config.libdir + '"')], compile_and_run, ['-package ghc -fwrite-ide-info'])