path: root/testsuite/tests/lib/Data.ByteString/bytestring004.hs
diff options
authorDavid Terei <>2011-07-20 11:09:03 -0700
committerDavid Terei <>2011-07-20 11:26:35 -0700
commit16514f272fb42af6e9c7674a9bd6c9dce369231f (patch)
treee4f332b45fe65e2a7a2451be5674f887b42bf199 /testsuite/tests/lib/Data.ByteString/bytestring004.hs
parentebd422aed41048476aa61dd4c520d43becd78682 (diff)
Move tests from tests/ghc-regress/* to just tests/*
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/lib/Data.ByteString/bytestring004.hs')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/Data.ByteString/bytestring004.hs b/testsuite/tests/lib/Data.ByteString/bytestring004.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c4df86a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib/Data.ByteString/bytestring004.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
+-- Uses multi-param type classes
+import Test.QuickCheck.Batch
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Text.Show.Functions
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Int
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Word
+import System.IO
+import System.Environment
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import System.Random
+import Control.Monad ( liftM2 )
+import Control.Monad.Instances ()
+import Text.Printf
+import Debug.Trace
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString(..), pack , unpack)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as L
+import Data.ByteString.Fusion
+import qualified Data.ByteString as P
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as PC
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC
+import qualified Data.ByteString as P
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as P
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as D
+import Data.ByteString.Fusion
+import Prelude hiding (abs)
+-- Enable this to get verbose test output. Including the actual tests.
+debug = False
+mytest :: Testable a => a -> Int -> IO ()
+mytest a n = mycheck defaultConfig
+ { configMaxTest=n
+ , configEvery= \n args -> if debug then show n ++ ":\n" ++ unlines args else [] } a
+mycheck :: Testable a => Config -> a -> IO ()
+mycheck config a =
+ do let rnd = mkStdGen 99
+ mytests config (evaluate a) rnd 0 0 []
+mytests :: Config -> Gen Result -> StdGen -> Int -> Int -> [[String]] -> IO ()
+mytests config gen rnd0 ntest nfail stamps
+ | ntest == configMaxTest config = do done "OK," ntest stamps
+ | nfail == configMaxFail config = do done "Arguments exhausted after" ntest stamps
+ | otherwise =
+ do putStr (configEvery config ntest (arguments result)) >> hFlush stdout
+ case ok result of
+ Nothing ->
+ mytests config gen rnd1 ntest (nfail+1) stamps
+ Just True ->
+ mytests config gen rnd1 (ntest+1) nfail (stamp result:stamps)
+ Just False ->
+ putStr ( "Falsifiable after "
+ ++ show ntest
+ ++ " tests:\n"
+ ++ unlines (arguments result)
+ ) >> hFlush stdout
+ where
+ result = generate (configSize config ntest) rnd2 gen
+ (rnd1,rnd2) = split rnd0
+done :: String -> Int -> [[String]] -> IO ()
+done mesg ntest stamps =
+ do putStr ( mesg ++ " " ++ show ntest ++ " tests" ++ table )
+ where
+ table = display
+ . map entry
+ . reverse
+ . sort
+ . map pairLength
+ . group
+ . sort
+ . filter (not . null)
+ $ stamps
+ display [] = ".\n"
+ display [x] = " (" ++ x ++ ").\n"
+ display xs = ".\n" ++ unlines (map (++ ".") xs)
+ pairLength xss@(xs:_) = (length xss, xs)
+ entry (n, xs) = percentage n ntest
+ ++ " "
+ ++ concat (intersperse ", " xs)
+ percentage n m = show ((100 * n) `div` m) ++ "%"
+instance Arbitrary Char where
+ arbitrary = choose ('a', 'i')
+ coarbitrary c = variant (ord c `rem` 4)
+instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (PairS a b) where
+ arbitrary = liftM2 (:*:) arbitrary arbitrary
+ coarbitrary (a :*: b) = coarbitrary a . coarbitrary b
+instance Arbitrary Word8 where
+ arbitrary = choose (97, 105)
+ coarbitrary c = variant (fromIntegral ((fromIntegral c) `rem` 4))
+instance Arbitrary Int64 where
+ arbitrary = sized $ \n -> choose (-fromIntegral n,fromIntegral n)
+ coarbitrary n = variant (fromIntegral (if n >= 0 then 2*n else 2*(-n) + 1))
+instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (MaybeS a) where
+ arbitrary = do a <- arbitrary ; elements [NothingS, JustS a]
+ coarbitrary NothingS = variant 0
+ coarbitrary _ = variant 1 -- ok?
+instance Arbitrary Char where
+ arbitrary = choose ('\0', '\255') -- since we have to test words, unlines too
+ coarbitrary c = variant (ord c `rem` 16)
+instance Arbitrary Word8 where
+ arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)
+ coarbitrary c = variant (fromIntegral ((fromIntegral c) `rem` 16))
+instance Random Word8 where
+ randomR = integralRandomR
+ random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
+instance Random Int64 where
+ randomR = integralRandomR
+ random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
+integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
+integralRandomR (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer,
+ fromIntegral b :: Integer) g of
+ (x,g) -> (fromIntegral x, g)
+instance Arbitrary L.ByteString where
+ arbitrary = arbitrary >>= return . L.fromChunks . filter (not. P.null) -- maintain the invariant.
+ coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (L.unpack s)
+instance Arbitrary P.ByteString where
+ arbitrary = P.pack `fmap` arbitrary
+ coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (P.unpack s)
+-- We're doing two forms of testing here. Firstly, model based testing.
+-- For our Lazy and strict bytestring types, we have model types:
+-- i.e. Lazy == Byte
+-- \\ //
+-- List
+-- That is, the Lazy type can be modeled by functions in both the Byte
+-- and List type. For each of the 3 models, we have a set of tests that
+-- check those types match.
+-- The Model class connects a type and its model type, via a conversion
+-- function.
+class Model a b where
+ model :: a -> b -- get the abstract vale from a concrete value
+-- Connecting our Lazy and Strict types to their models. We also check
+-- the data invariant on Lazy types.
+-- These instances represent the arrows in the above diagram
+instance Model B P where model = abstr . checkInvariant
+instance Model P [W] where model = P.unpack
+instance Model P [Char] where model = PC.unpack
+instance Model B [W] where model = L.unpack . checkInvariant
+instance Model B [Char] where model = LC.unpack . checkInvariant
+-- Types are trivially modeled by themselves
+instance Model Bool Bool where model = id
+instance Model Int Int where model = id
+instance Model Int64 Int64 where model = id
+instance Model Int64 Int where model = fromIntegral
+instance Model Word8 Word8 where model = id
+instance Model Ordering Ordering where model = id
+-- More structured types are modeled recursively, using the NatTrans class from Gofer.
+class (Functor f, Functor g) => NatTrans f g where
+ eta :: f a -> g a
+-- The transformation of the same type is identity
+instance NatTrans [] [] where eta = id
+instance NatTrans Maybe Maybe where eta = id
+instance NatTrans ((->) X) ((->) X) where eta = id
+instance NatTrans ((->) W) ((->) W) where eta = id
+-- We have a transformation of pairs, if the pairs are in Model
+instance Model f g => NatTrans ((,) f) ((,) g) where eta (f,a) = (model f, a)
+-- And finally, we can take any (m a) to (n b), if we can Model m n, and a b
+instance (NatTrans m n, Model a b) => Model (m a) (n b) where model x = fmap model (eta x)
+-- In a form more useful for QC testing (and it's lazy)
+checkInvariant :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
+checkInvariant cs0 = check cs0
+ where check L.Empty = L.Empty
+ check (L.Chunk c cs)
+ | P.null c = error ("invariant violation: " ++ show cs0)
+ | otherwise = L.Chunk c (check cs)
+abstr :: L.ByteString -> P.ByteString
+abstr = P.concat . L.toChunks
+-- Some short hand.
+type X = Int
+type W = Word8
+type P = P.ByteString
+type B = L.ByteString
+-- These comparison functions handle wrapping and equality.
+-- A single class for these would be nice, but note that they differe in
+-- the number of arguments, and those argument types, so we'd need HList
+-- tricks. See here:
+eq1 f g = \a ->
+ model (f a) == g (model a)
+eq2 f g = \a b ->
+ model (f a b) == g (model a) (model b)
+eq3 f g = \a b c ->
+ model (f a b c) == g (model a) (model b) (model c)
+eq4 f g = \a b c d ->
+ model (f a b c d) == g (model a) (model b) (model c) (model d)
+eq5 f g = \a b c d e ->
+ model (f a b c d e) == g (model a) (model b) (model c) (model d) (model e)
+-- And for functions that take non-null input
+eqnotnull1 f g = \x -> (not (isNull x)) ==> eq1 f g x
+eqnotnull2 f g = \x y -> (not (isNull y)) ==> eq2 f g x y
+eqnotnull3 f g = \x y z -> (not (isNull z)) ==> eq3 f g x y z
+class IsNull t where isNull :: t -> Bool
+instance IsNull L.ByteString where isNull = L.null
+instance IsNull P.ByteString where isNull = P.null
+main = do
+ x <- getArgs
+ let n = if null x then 100 else read . head $ x
+ mapM_ (\(s,a) -> printf "%-25s: " s >> a n) tests
+-- Test that, after loop fusion, our code behaves the same as the
+-- unfused lazy or list models. Use -ddump-simpl to also check that
+-- rules are firing for each case.
+tests = -- 29/5/06, all tests are fusing:
+ [("down/down list", mytest prop_downdown_list) -- checked
+ ,("down/filter list", mytest prop_downfilter_list) -- checked
+ ,("down/map list", mytest prop_downmap_list) -- checked
+ ,("filter/down lazy", mytest prop_filterdown_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("filter/down list", mytest prop_filterdown_list) -- checked
+ ,("filter/filter lazy", mytest prop_filterfilter_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("filter/filter list", mytest prop_filterfilter_list) -- checked
+ ,("filter/map lazy", mytest prop_filtermap_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("filter/map list", mytest prop_filtermap_list) -- checked
+ ,("filter/up lazy", mytest prop_filterup_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("filter/up list", mytest prop_filterup_list) -- checked
+ ,("map/down lazy", mytest prop_mapdown_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("map/down list", mytest prop_mapdown_list) -- checked
+ ,("map/filter lazy", mytest prop_mapfilter_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("map/filter list", mytest prop_mapfilter_list) -- checked
+ ,("map/map lazy", mytest prop_mapmap_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("map/map list", mytest prop_mapmap_list) -- checked
+ ,("map/up lazy", mytest prop_mapup_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("map/up list", mytest prop_mapup_list) -- checked
+ ,("up/filter lazy", mytest prop_upfilter_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("up/filter list", mytest prop_upfilter_list) -- checked
+ ,("up/map lazy", mytest prop_upmap_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("up/map list", mytest prop_upmap_list) -- checked
+ ,("up/up lazy", mytest prop_upup_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("up/up list", mytest prop_upup_list) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/noacc lazy", mytest prop_noacc_noacc_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/noacc list", mytest prop_noacc_noacc_list) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/up lazy", mytest prop_noacc_up_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/up list", mytest prop_noacc_up_list) -- checked
+ ,("up/noacc lazy", mytest prop_up_noacc_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("up/noacc list", mytest prop_up_noacc_list) -- checked
+ ,("map/noacc lazy", mytest prop_map_noacc_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("map/noacc list", mytest prop_map_noacc_list) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/map lazy", mytest prop_noacc_map_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/map list", mytest prop_noacc_map_list) -- checked
+ ,("filter/noacc lazy", mytest prop_filter_noacc_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("filter/noacc list", mytest prop_filter_noacc_list) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/filter lazy", mytest prop_noacc_filter_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/filter list", mytest prop_noacc_filter_list) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/down lazy", mytest prop_noacc_down_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("noacc/down list", mytest prop_noacc_down_list) -- checked
+-- ,("down/noacc lazy", mytest prop_down_noacc_lazy) -- checked
+ ,("down/noacc list", mytest prop_down_noacc_list) -- checked
+ ,("length/loop list", mytest prop_lengthloop_list)
+-- ,("length/loop lazy", mytest prop_lengthloop_lazy)
+ ,("maximum/loop list", mytest prop_maximumloop_list)
+-- ,("maximum/loop lazy", mytest prop_maximumloop_lazy)
+ ,("minimum/loop list", mytest prop_minimumloop_list)
+-- ,("minimum/loop lazy", mytest prop_minimumloop_lazy)
+ ]
+prop_upup_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.foldl f (0::Int) . P.scanl g (0::W))
+ ((\f g -> foldl f (0::Int) . scanl g (0::W)) :: (X -> W -> X) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> X)
+prop_upup_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.foldl f (0::X) . L.scanl g (0::W))
+ (\f g -> P.foldl f (0::X) . P.scanl g (0::W))
+prop_mapmap_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> f . g)
+ ((\f g -> map f . map g) :: (W -> W) -> (W -> W) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_mapmap_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> f . g)
+ (\f g -> f . g)
+prop_filterfilter_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.filter f . P.filter g)
+ ((\f g -> filter f . filter g) :: (W -> Bool) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_filterfilter_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.filter f . L.filter g)
+ (\f g -> P.filter f . P.filter g)
+prop_mapfilter_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.filter f . g)
+ ((\f g -> filter f . map g) :: (W -> Bool) -> (W -> W) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_mapfilter_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.filter f . g)
+ (\f g -> P.filter f . g)
+prop_filtermap_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> f . P.filter g)
+ ((\f g -> map f . filter g) :: (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_filtermap_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> f . L.filter g)
+ (\f g -> f . P.filter g)
+prop_mapup_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.foldl g (0::W) . f)
+ ((\f g -> foldl g (0::W) . map f) :: (W -> W) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> W)
+prop_mapup_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.foldl g (0::W) . f) -- n.b. scan doesn't fuse here, atm
+ (\f g -> P.foldl g (0::W) . f)
+prop_upmap_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> f . P.scanl g (0::W))
+ ((\f g -> map f . scanl g (0::W)) :: (W -> W) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_upmap_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> f . L.scanl g (0::W))
+ (\f g -> f . P.scanl g (0::W))
+prop_filterup_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.foldl g (0::W) . P.filter f)
+ ((\f g -> foldl g (0::W) . filter f) :: (W -> Bool) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> W)
+prop_filterup_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.foldl g (0::W) . L.filter f)
+ (\f g -> P.foldl g (0::W) . P.filter f)
+prop_upfilter_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.filter f . P.scanl g (0::W))
+ ((\f g -> filter f . scanl g (0::W)) :: (W -> Bool) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_upfilter_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.filter f . L.scanl g (0::W))
+ (\f g -> P.filter f . P.scanl g (0::W))
+prop_downdown_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.foldr f (0::X) . P.scanr g (0::W))
+ ((\f g -> foldr f (0::X) . scanr g (0::W)) :: (W -> X -> X) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> X)
+-- no lazy scanr yet
+prop_downdown_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.foldr f (0::X) . L.scanr g (0::W))
+ (\f g -> P.foldr f (0::X) . P.scanr g (0::W))
+prop_mapdown_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.foldr g (0::W) . f)
+ ((\f g -> foldr g (0::W) . map f) :: (W -> W) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> W)
+prop_mapdown_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.foldr g (0::W) . f) -- n.b. scan doesn't fuse here, atm
+ (\f g -> P.foldr g (0::W) . f)
+prop_downmap_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> f . P.scanr g (0::W))
+ ((\f g -> map f . scanr g (0::W)) :: (W -> W) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_downmap_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> f . L.scanr g (0::W))
+ (\f g -> f . P.scanr g (0::W))
+prop_filterdown_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.foldr g (0::W) . P.filter f)
+ ((\f g -> foldr g (0::W) . filter f) :: (W -> Bool) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> W)
+prop_filterdown_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.foldr g (0::W) . L.filter f) -- n.b. scan doesn't fuse here, atm
+ (\f g -> P.foldr g (0::W) . P.filter f)
+prop_downfilter_list = eq3
+ (\f g -> P.filter f . P.scanr g (0::W))
+ ((\f g -> filter f . scanr g (0::W)) :: (W -> Bool) -> (W -> W -> W) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_downfilter_lazy = eq3
+ (\f g -> L.filter f . L.scanr g (0::W))
+ (\f g -> P.filter f . P.scanr g (0::W))
+prop_noacc_noacc_list = eq5
+ (\f g h i -> ( f . P.filter g) . ( h . P.filter i))
+ ((\f g h i -> ( map f . filter g) . ( map h . filter i))
+ :: (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_noacc_noacc_lazy = eq5
+ (\f g h i -> ( f . L.filter g) . ( h . L.filter i))
+ (\f g h i -> ( f . P.filter g) . ( h . P.filter i))
+prop_noacc_up_list = eq4
+ ( \g h i -> P.foldl g (0::W) . ( h . P.filter i))
+ ((\g h i -> foldl g (0::W) . ( map h . filter i))
+ :: (W -> W -> W) -> (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> W)
+prop_noacc_up_lazy = eq4
+ (\g h i -> L.foldl g (0::W) . ( h . L.filter i))
+ (\g h i -> P.foldl g (0::W) . ( h . P.filter i))
+prop_up_noacc_list = eq4
+ ( \g h i -> ( h . P.filter i) . P.scanl g (0::W))
+ ((\g h i -> ( map h . filter i) . scanl g (0::W))
+ :: (W -> W -> W) -> (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_up_noacc_lazy = eq4
+ (\g h i -> ( h . L.filter i) . L.scanl g (0::W))
+ (\g h i -> ( h . P.filter i) . P.scanl g (0::W))
+prop_map_noacc_list = eq4
+ ( \g h i -> ( h . P.filter i) . g)
+ ((\g h i -> ( map h . filter i) . map g)
+ :: (W -> W) -> (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_map_noacc_lazy = eq4
+ (\g h i -> ( h . L.filter i) . g)
+ (\g h i -> ( h . P.filter i) . g)
+prop_noacc_map_list = eq4
+ ( \g h i -> g . ( h . P.filter i))
+ ((\g h i -> map g . ( map h . filter i))
+ :: (W -> W) -> (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_noacc_map_lazy = eq4
+ (\g h i -> g . ( h . L.filter i))
+ (\g h i -> g . ( h . P.filter i))
+prop_filter_noacc_list = eq4
+ ( \g h i -> ( h . P.filter i) . P.filter g)
+ ((\g h i -> ( map h . filter i) . filter g)
+ :: (W -> Bool) -> (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_filter_noacc_lazy = eq4
+ (\g h i -> ( h . L.filter i) . L.filter g)
+ (\g h i -> ( h . P.filter i) . P.filter g)
+prop_noacc_filter_list = eq4
+ ( \g h i -> P.filter g . ( h . P.filter i))
+ ((\g h i -> filter g . ( map h . filter i))
+ :: (W -> Bool) -> (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_noacc_filter_lazy = eq4
+ (\g h i -> L.filter g . ( h . L.filter i))
+ (\g h i -> P.filter g . ( h . P.filter i))
+prop_noacc_down_list = eq4
+ ( \g h i -> P.foldr g (0::W) . ( h . P.filter i))
+ ((\g h i -> foldr g (0::W) . ( map h . filter i))
+ :: (W -> W -> W) -> (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> W)
+prop_noacc_down_lazy = eq4
+ (\g h i -> L.foldr g (0::W) . ( h . L.filter i))
+ (\g h i -> P.foldr g (0::W) . ( h . P.filter i))
+prop_down_noacc_list = eq4
+ ( \g h i -> ( h . P.filter i) . P.scanr g (0::W))
+ ((\g h i -> ( map h . filter i) . scanr g (0::W))
+ :: (W -> W -> W) -> (W -> W) -> (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> [W])
+prop_down_noacc_lazy = eq4
+ (\g h i -> ( h . L.filter i) . L.scanl g (0::W))
+ (\g h i -> ( h . P.filter i) . P.scanl g (0::W))
+prop_lengthloop_list = eq2
+ (\f -> P.length . P.filter f)
+ ((\f -> length . filter f) :: (W -> Bool) -> [W] -> X)
+prop_lengthloop_lazy = eq2
+ (\f g -> L.length . L.filter f) -- n.b. scan doesn't fuse here, atm
+ (\f g -> P.length . P.filter f)
+prop_maximumloop_list = eqnotnull2
+ (\f -> P.maximum . f) -- so we don't get null strings
+ ((\f -> maximum . map f) :: (W -> W) -> [W] -> W)
+prop_maximumloop_lazy = eq2
+ (\f g -> L.maximum . L.filter f) -- n.b. scan doesn't fuse here, atm
+ (\f g -> P.maximum . P.filter f)
+prop_minimumloop_list = eqnotnull2
+ (\f -> P.minimum . f)
+ ((\f -> minimum . map f) :: (W -> W) -> [W] -> W)
+prop_minimumloop_lazy = eq2
+ (\f g -> L.minimum . L.filter f) -- n.b. scan doesn't fuse here, atm
+ (\f g -> P.minimum . P.filter f)