path: root/testsuite/tests/lib
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2012-02-18 15:23:54 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2012-02-18 15:23:54 +0000
commit9919372b737d285d82ba6a990551d8db0b9b7552 (patch)
tree70f4fb96c35630218dfed3a827d20e097e3057f4 /testsuite/tests/lib
parent3b4572b736ed2009b1b762ae4e5d34c65924d208 (diff)
Update tests following OldException removal
Some redundant test have now been removed
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/lib')
10 files changed, 89 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/Makefile b/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a268530f1..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-include $(TOP)/mk/
-include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/OldException001.hs b/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/OldException001.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 150dc2aba7..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/OldException001.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
--- trace #2913
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-import qualified Control.Exception as New
-import qualified Control.OldException as Old
-import Data.Typeable
-data MyException = MyException
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
-instance New.Exception MyException
-main :: IO ()
-main = (New.throwIO MyException
- `Old.catch`
- (\e -> do putStrLn ("Old got " ++ show e)
- Old.throw e)
- ) `New.catch` (\e -> putStrLn ("New got " ++ show (e :: MyException)))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/OldException001.stdout b/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/OldException001.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index ba73072274..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/OldException001.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Old got exception :: SomeException
-New got MyException
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/all.T b/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/all.T
deleted file mode 100644
index 55459823eb..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/OldException/all.T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-test('OldException001', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/exceptions/Makefile b/testsuite/tests/lib/exceptions/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9101fbd40a..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/exceptions/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-include $(TOP)/mk/
-include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/exceptions/all.T b/testsuite/tests/lib/exceptions/all.T
deleted file mode 100644
index 04b3a7fce4..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/exceptions/all.T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-test('exceptions001', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/exceptions/exceptions001.hs b/testsuite/tests/lib/exceptions/exceptions001.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index f5fcbf0087..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/exceptions/exceptions001.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
--- trac #2508
-import System.Exit
-import Control.OldException
-main = exitWith ExitSuccess `finally` return ()
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun001.hs b/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun001.hs
index 9c6febc049..c858ba5574 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun001.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun001.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (catch)
-import Control.OldException
+import Control.Exception
+import System.IO.Error hiding (catch, try)
main = do
@@ -9,48 +10,38 @@ main = do
- dynTest
ioTest :: IO ()
-ioTest = catchJust userErrors (ioError (userError "wibble"))
- (\ex -> putStr "user exception caught\n")
+ioTest = catchJust (\e -> if isUserError e then Just () else Nothing)
+ (ioError (userError "wibble"))
+ (\() -> putStrLn "user exception caught")
errorTest :: IO ()
-errorTest = try (evaluate (1 + error "call to 'error'")) >>= \r ->
- case r of
- Left exception -> putStr "error call caught\n"
- Right _ -> error "help!"
+errorTest = do r <- try (evaluate (1 + error "call to 'error'"))
+ case r of
+ Left (ErrorCall _) -> putStrLn "error call caught"
+ Right _ -> error "help!"
instance (Show a, Eq a) => Num (Maybe a) where {}
noMethodTest :: IO ()
-noMethodTest = try (evaluate (Just () + Just ())) >>= \ r ->
- case r of
- Left (NoMethodError err) -> putStr "no method error\n"
- Right _ -> error "help!"
+noMethodTest = do r <- try (evaluate (Just () + Just ()))
+ case r of
+ Left (NoMethodError err) -> putStrLn "no method error"
+ Right _ -> error "help!"
patMatchTest :: IO ()
patMatchTest = catch (case test1 [1..10] of () -> return ())
(\ex -> case ex of
- PatternMatchFail err -> putStr err
- other -> error "help!")
+ PatternMatchFail err -> putStr err
+ _ -> error "help!")
test1 [] = ()
guardTest = catch (case test2 of () -> return ())
- (\ex -> case ex of
- PatternMatchFail err -> putStr err
- other -> error "help!")
+ (\ex -> case ex of
+ PatternMatchFail err -> putStr err
+ _ -> error "help!")
test2 | all (==0) [1] = ()
-dynTest = catchDyn (case throwDyn (42::Int, (+1)::Int->Int) of () -> return ())
- (\(i,f) -> let x = f (i::Int) :: Int in putStr (show x))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun001.stdout b/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun001.stdout
index 2d1930f8c9..a84f33ace9 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun001.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun001.stdout
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
user exception caught
error call caught
no method error
-exceptionsrun001.hs:38:1-13: Non-exhaustive patterns in function test1
-exceptionsrun001.hs:45:1-26: Non-exhaustive patterns in function test2
-43 \ No newline at end of file
+exceptionsrun001.hs:39:1-13: Non-exhaustive patterns in function test1
+exceptionsrun001.hs:46:1-26: Non-exhaustive patterns in function test2
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun002.hs b/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun002.hs
index 13b642a3ab..9503001a31 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun002.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/exceptionsrun002.hs
@@ -1,105 +1,96 @@
module Main where
- {
- import qualified Control.OldException as Exception;
- import Data.IORef;
- import Prelude;
- safeCatch :: IO () -> IO ();
- safeCatch f = Exception.catch f (\_ -> return ());
+import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
+import System.IO.Error (mkIOError)
+import Data.IORef
+import Prelude
- type Thrower = IO Bool;
+safeCatch :: IO () -> IO ()
+safeCatch f = Exception.catch f
+ ((\_ -> return ()) :: Exception.SomeException -> IO ())
- type Catcher = IO Bool -> IO () -> IO ();
+type Thrower = IO Bool
- checkCatch :: Catcher -> Thrower -> IO Bool;
- checkCatch catcher thrower = do
- {
- ref <- newIORef False;
- safeCatch (catcher thrower (writeIORef ref True));
- readIORef ref;
- };
+type Catcher = IO Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
- data Named a = MkNamed String a;
+checkCatch :: Catcher -> Thrower -> IO Bool
+checkCatch catcher thrower = do
+ ref <- newIORef False
+ safeCatch (catcher thrower (writeIORef ref True))
+ readIORef ref
- checkNamedCatch :: Named Catcher -> Named Thrower -> IO ();
- checkNamedCatch (MkNamed cname catcher) (MkNamed tname thrower) = do
- {
- didCatch <- checkCatch catcher thrower;
- putStrLn (cname ++ (if didCatch then " CAUGHT " else " MISSED ") ++ tname);
- };
+data Named a = MkNamed String a
- checkNamedCatches :: [Named Catcher] -> [Named Thrower] -> IO ();
- checkNamedCatches [] _ = return ();
- checkNamedCatches _ [] = return ();
- checkNamedCatches [c] (t:tr) = do
- {
- checkNamedCatch c t;
- checkNamedCatches [c] tr;
- };
- checkNamedCatches (c:cr) ts = do
- {
- checkNamedCatches [c] ts;
- checkNamedCatches cr ts
- };
+checkNamedCatch :: Named Catcher -> Named Thrower -> IO ()
+checkNamedCatch (MkNamed cname catcher) (MkNamed tname thrower) = do
+ didCatch <- checkCatch catcher thrower
+ putStrLn (cname ++ (if didCatch then " CAUGHT " else " MISSED ") ++ tname)
+checkNamedCatches :: [Named Catcher] -> [Named Thrower] -> IO ()
+checkNamedCatches [] _ = return ()
+checkNamedCatches _ [] = return ()
+checkNamedCatches [c] (t:tr) = do checkNamedCatch c t
+ checkNamedCatches [c] tr
+checkNamedCatches (c:cr) ts = do checkNamedCatches [c] ts
+ checkNamedCatches cr ts
- -- throwers
- returnThrower :: Named Thrower;
- returnThrower = MkNamed "return" (return True);
+-- throwers
- returnUndefinedThrower :: Named Thrower;
- returnUndefinedThrower = MkNamed "return undefined" (return undefined);
+returnThrower :: Named Thrower
+returnThrower = MkNamed "return" (return True)
- returnErrorThrower :: Named Thrower;
- returnErrorThrower = MkNamed "return error" (return (error "some error"));
+returnUndefinedThrower :: Named Thrower
+returnUndefinedThrower = MkNamed "return undefined" (return undefined)
- undefinedThrower :: Named Thrower;
- undefinedThrower = MkNamed "undefined" undefined;
+returnErrorThrower :: Named Thrower
+returnErrorThrower = MkNamed "return error" (return (error "some error"))
- failThrower :: Named Thrower;
- failThrower = MkNamed "fail" (fail "some failure");
+undefinedThrower :: Named Thrower
+undefinedThrower = MkNamed "undefined" undefined
- errorThrower :: Named Thrower;
- errorThrower = MkNamed "error" (error "some error");
+failThrower :: Named Thrower
+failThrower = MkNamed "fail" (fail "some failure")
- throwThrower :: Named Thrower;
- throwThrower = MkNamed "Exception.throw"
- (Exception.throw (Exception.ErrorCall "throw error"));
+errorThrower :: Named Thrower
+errorThrower = MkNamed "error" (error "some error")
- ioErrorErrorCallThrower :: Named Thrower;
- ioErrorErrorCallThrower = MkNamed "ioError ErrorCall"
- (Exception.throwIO (Exception.ErrorCall "throw error"));
+throwThrower :: Named Thrower
+throwThrower = MkNamed "Exception.throw"
+ (Exception.throw (Exception.ErrorCall "throw error"))
- ioErrorIOExceptionThrower :: Named Thrower;
- ioErrorIOExceptionThrower = MkNamed "ioError IOException"
- (Exception.throwIO (Exception.IOException undefined));
+ioErrorErrorCallThrower :: Named Thrower
+ioErrorErrorCallThrower = MkNamed "ioError ErrorCall"
+ (Exception.throwIO (Exception.ErrorCall "throw error"))
- returnThrowThrower :: Named Thrower;
- returnThrowThrower = MkNamed "return Exception.throw"
- (return (Exception.throw (Exception.ErrorCall "throw error")));
+ioErrorIOExceptionThrower :: Named Thrower
+ioErrorIOExceptionThrower = MkNamed "ioError IOException"
+ (Exception.throwIO (mkIOError undefined undefined undefined undefined))
+returnThrowThrower :: Named Thrower
+returnThrowThrower = MkNamed "return Exception.throw"
+ (return (Exception.throw (Exception.ErrorCall "throw error")))
- -- catchers
- bindCatcher :: Named Catcher;
- bindCatcher = MkNamed ">>" (>>);
+-- catchers
- preludeCatchCatcher :: Named Catcher;
- preludeCatchCatcher = MkNamed "Prelude.catch"
- (\f cc -> Prelude.catch (f >> (return ())) (const cc));
+bindCatcher :: Named Catcher
+bindCatcher = MkNamed ">>" (>>)
- ceCatchCatcher :: Named Catcher;
- ceCatchCatcher = MkNamed "Exception.catch"
- (\f cc -> Exception.catch (f >> (return ())) (const cc));
+preludeCatchCatcher :: Named Catcher
+preludeCatchCatcher = MkNamed "Prelude.catch"
+ (\f cc -> Prelude.catch (f >> (return ())) (const cc))
- finallyCatcher :: Named Catcher;
- finallyCatcher = MkNamed "Exception.finally"
- (\f cc -> Exception.finally (f >> (return ())) cc);
+ceCatchCatcher :: Named Catcher
+ceCatchCatcher = MkNamed "Exception.catch"
+ (\f cc -> Exception.catch (f >> (return ())) (const cc :: Exception.SomeException -> IO ()))
- main = checkNamedCatches
- [bindCatcher,preludeCatchCatcher,ceCatchCatcher,finallyCatcher]
- [returnThrower,returnUndefinedThrower,returnThrowThrower,returnErrorThrower,failThrower,
- errorThrower,throwThrower,ioErrorErrorCallThrower,ioErrorIOExceptionThrower,undefinedThrower];
+finallyCatcher :: Named Catcher
+finallyCatcher = MkNamed "Exception.finally"
+ (\f cc -> Exception.finally (f >> (return ())) cc)
+main = checkNamedCatches
+ [bindCatcher,preludeCatchCatcher,ceCatchCatcher,finallyCatcher]
+ [returnThrower,returnUndefinedThrower,returnThrowThrower,returnErrorThrower,failThrower,
+ errorThrower,throwThrower,ioErrorErrorCallThrower,ioErrorIOExceptionThrower,undefinedThrower]
- }