path: root/testsuite/tests/perf
diff options
authorSandy Maguire <>2019-05-16 12:12:10 -0400
committerMarge Bot <>2019-05-26 08:57:20 -0400
commit2d0cf6252957b8980d89481ecd0b79891da4b14b (patch)
tree5857aa9938a0a587da3a53539ef2eb6f3c32f1d9 /testsuite/tests/perf
parent9be1749d24211c1a78334692d34be10dbc650371 (diff)
Let the specialiser work on dicts under lambdas
Following the discussion under #16473, this change allows the specializer to work on any dicts in a lambda, not just those that occur at the beginning. For example, if you use data types which contain dictionaries and higher-rank functions then once these are erased by the optimiser you end up with functions such as: ``` go_s4K9 Int# -> forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => (forall x. Union '[State (Sum Int)] x -> m x) -> m () ``` The dictionary argument is after the Int# value argument, this patch allows `go` to be specialised.
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/perf')
4 files changed, 248 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/Makefile b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/Makefile
index 7d8e96fd44..b27c842e91 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/Makefile
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/Makefile
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ TOP=../../..
include $(TOP)/mk/
include $(TOP)/mk/
-.PHONY: T4007
+.PHONY: T4007 T16473
$(RM) -f T4007.hi T4007.o
'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c -O -ddump-rule-firings T4007.hs
+ $(RM) -f T16473.hi T16473.o
+ '$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c -O -ddump-rule-firings T16473.hs
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T16473.hs b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T16473.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a9751e306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T16473.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -flate-specialise -O2 #-}
+module Main (main) where
+import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Functor.Identity
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Tuple
+main :: IO ()
+main = print $ badCore 100
+badCore :: Int -> Int
+badCore n = getSum $ fst $ run $ runState mempty $ for_ [0..n] $ \i -> modify (<> Sum i)
+data Union (r :: [Type -> Type]) a where
+ Union :: e a -> Union '[e] a
+decomp :: Union (e ': r) a -> e a
+decomp (Union a) = a
+{-# INLINE decomp #-}
+absurdU :: Union '[] a -> b
+absurdU = absurdU
+newtype Semantic r a = Semantic
+ { runSemantic
+ :: forall m
+ . Monad m
+ => (forall x. Union r x -> m x)
+ -> m a
+ }
+instance Functor (Semantic f) where
+ fmap f (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k -> fmap f $ m k
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Applicative (Semantic f) where
+ pure a = Semantic $ const $ pure a
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ Semantic f <*> Semantic a = Semantic $ \k -> f k <*> a k
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+instance Monad (Semantic f) where
+ return = pure
+ {-# INLINE return #-}
+ Semantic ma >>= f = Semantic $ \k -> do
+ z <- ma k
+ runSemantic (f z) k
+ {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
+data State s a
+ = Get (s -> a)
+ | Put s a
+ deriving Functor
+get :: Semantic '[State s] s
+get = Semantic $ \k -> k $ Union $ Get id
+{-# INLINE get #-}
+put :: s -> Semantic '[State s] ()
+put !s = Semantic $ \k -> k $ Union $! Put s ()
+{-# INLINE put #-}
+modify :: (s -> s) -> Semantic '[State s] ()
+modify f = do
+ !s <- get
+ put $! f s
+{-# INLINE modify #-}
+runState :: s -> Semantic (State s ': r) a -> Semantic r (s, a)
+runState = interpretInStateT $ \case
+ Get k -> fmap k S.get
+ Put s k -> S.put s >> pure k
+{-# INLINE[3] runState #-}
+run :: Semantic '[] a -> a
+run (Semantic m) = runIdentity $ m absurdU
+{-# INLINE run #-}
+ :: (forall x. e x -> S.StateT s (Semantic r) x)
+ -> s
+ -> Semantic (e ': r) a
+ -> Semantic r (s, a)
+interpretInStateT f s (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k ->
+ fmap swap $ flip S.runStateT s $ m $ \u ->
+ S.mapStateT (\z -> runSemantic z k) $ f $ decomp u
+{-# INLINE interpretInStateT #-}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T16473.stdout b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T16473.stdout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a1f5a571b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T16473.stdout
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op liftA2 (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <*> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <$ (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <*> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op get (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op put (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op get (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op put (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op show (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op mempty (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fromInteger (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: integerToInt (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op + (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op enumFromTo (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: fold/build (GHC.Base)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: ># (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: ==# (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT_$c>>= @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT_$c>> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT_$c>>= @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT_$c>> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fFunctorStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired:
+ SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$cpure @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$c<*> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$c*> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fFunctorStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired:
+ SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$cpure @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$c<*> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$c*> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <*> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <*> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC go @ (StateT (Sum Int) Identity) (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC go @ (StateT (Sum Int) Identity) (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
index 44216f4075..0db9bcf0ee 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
@@ -404,3 +404,5 @@ test('T16190',
['T16190.hs', '-v0'])
+test('T16473', normal, makefile_test, ['T16473'])