path: root/testsuite/tests/rebindable/rebindable5.hs
diff options
authorDavid Terei <>2011-07-20 11:09:03 -0700
committerDavid Terei <>2011-07-20 11:26:35 -0700
commit16514f272fb42af6e9c7674a9bd6c9dce369231f (patch)
treee4f332b45fe65e2a7a2451be5674f887b42bf199 /testsuite/tests/rebindable/rebindable5.hs
parentebd422aed41048476aa61dd4c520d43becd78682 (diff)
Move tests from tests/ghc-regress/* to just tests/*
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/rebindable/rebindable5.hs')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/rebindable/rebindable5.hs b/testsuite/tests/rebindable/rebindable5.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94b3f4ef7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/rebindable/rebindable5.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax, NPlusKPatterns, FlexibleInstances,
+ MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
+module Main where
+ {
+-- import Prelude;
+ import qualified Prelude;
+ import Prelude(String,undefined,Maybe(..),IO,putStrLn,
+ Integer,(++),Rational, (==), (>=) );
+ debugFunc :: String -> IO a -> IO a;
+ debugFunc s ioa = (putStrLn ("++ " ++ s)) Prelude.>>
+ (ioa Prelude.>>= (\a ->
+ (putStrLn ("-- " ++ s)) Prelude.>> (Prelude.return a)
+ ));
+ infixl 1 >>=;
+ infixl 1 >>;
+ returnIO :: a -> IO a;
+ returnIO = Prelude.return;
+ class HasReturn m where
+ {
+ return :: a -> m a;
+ };
+ class HasBind m n mn | m n -> mn, m mn -> n where
+ {
+ (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> n b) -> mn b;
+ };
+ class HasSeq m n mn | m n -> mn, m mn -> n where
+ {
+ (>>) :: m a -> n b -> mn b;
+ };
+ class HasFail m where
+ {
+ fail :: String -> m a;
+ };
+ instance HasReturn IO where
+ {
+ return a = debugFunc "return" (returnIO a);
+ };
+ instance HasBind IO IO IO where
+ {
+ (>>=) ma amb = debugFunc ">>=" ((Prelude.>>=) ma amb);
+ };
+ instance HasSeq IO IO IO where
+ {
+ (>>) ma mb = debugFunc ">>" ((Prelude.>>) ma mb);
+ };
+ instance HasFail IO where
+ {
+ fail s = debugFunc "fail" (returnIO undefined);
+ -- fail s = debugFunc "fail" ( s);
+ };
+ class HasFromInteger a where
+ {
+ fromInteger :: a -> a;
+ };
+ instance HasFromInteger Integer where
+ {
+ fromInteger a = a Prelude.+ a Prelude.+ a Prelude.+ a Prelude.+ a; -- five times
+ };
+ class HasFromRational a where
+ {
+ fromRational :: a -> a;
+ };
+ instance HasFromRational Rational where
+ {
+ fromRational a = a Prelude.+ a Prelude.+ a; -- three times
+ };
+ class HasNegate a where
+ {
+ negate :: a -> a;
+ };
+ instance HasNegate Integer where
+ {
+ negate a = a; -- don't actually negate
+ };
+ instance HasNegate Rational where
+ {
+ negate a = a; -- don't actually negate
+ };
+ class HasMinus a where
+ {
+ (-) :: a -> a -> a;
+ };
+ instance HasMinus Rational where
+ {
+ (-) x y = y; -- changed function
+ };
+ instance HasMinus Integer where
+ {
+ (-) x y = y; -- changed function
+ };
+ test_do f g = do
+ {
+ f; -- >>
+ Just a <- g; -- >>= (and fail if g returns Nothing)
+ return a; -- return
+ };
+ test_fromInteger :: Integer;
+ test_fromInteger = 27;
+ test_fromRational :: Rational;
+ test_fromRational = 31.5;
+ test_negate :: Integer -> Integer;
+ test_negate a = - a;
+ test_fromInteger_pattern :: Integer -> String;
+ test_fromInteger_pattern a@1 = "1=" ++ ( a);
+ test_fromInteger_pattern a@(-2) = "(-2)=" ++ ( a);
+ test_fromInteger_pattern (a + 7) = "(a + 7)=" ++ a;
+ test_fromRational_pattern :: Rational -> String;
+ test_fromRational_pattern a@0.5 = "0.5=" ++ ( a);
+ test_fromRational_pattern a@(-0.7) = "(-0.7)=" ++ ( a);
+ test_fromRational_pattern a = "_=" ++ ( a);
+ doTest :: String -> IO a -> IO ();
+ doTest s ioa =
+ (putStrLn ("start test " ++ s))
+ Prelude.>>
+ ioa
+ Prelude.>>
+ (putStrLn ("end test " ++ s));
+ main :: IO ();
+ main =
+ (doTest "test_do failure"
+ (test_do (returnIO ()) (returnIO Nothing))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_do success"
+ (test_do (returnIO ()) (returnIO (Just ())))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_fromInteger"
+ (putStrLn ( test_fromInteger))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_fromRational"
+ (putStrLn ( test_fromRational))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_negate"
+ (putStrLn ( (test_negate 3)))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_fromInteger_pattern 1"
+ (putStrLn (test_fromInteger_pattern 1))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_fromInteger_pattern (-2)"
+ (putStrLn (test_fromInteger_pattern (-(2::Integer)::Integer)))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_fromInteger_pattern 9"
+ (putStrLn (test_fromInteger_pattern 9))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_fromRational_pattern 0.5"
+ (putStrLn (test_fromRational_pattern 0.5))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_fromRational_pattern (-0.7)"
+ (putStrLn (test_fromRational_pattern (-(0.7::Rational)::Rational)))
+ )
+ Prelude.>>
+ (doTest "test_fromRational_pattern 1.7"
+ (putStrLn (test_fromRational_pattern 1.7))
+ )
+ ;
+ }