path: root/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T5490.hs
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-09-16 13:55:20 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-09-16 13:55:20 +0100
commitbc0183f4d34a62c33c9eaffa6aa8c6cf62a58c15 (patch)
tree93edd9c6d33f25101e2fd574fb56025a0a12c066 /testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T5490.hs
parenta3661c63a076a15e0e5424630e3fedec00160139 (diff)
Test Trac #5490
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T5490.hs')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T5490.hs b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T5490.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5b7a2d98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T5490.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module Bug (await, bug) where
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Functor
+import Control.Exception
+data Attempt α = Success α
+ | ∀ e . Exception e ⇒ Failure e
+fromAttempt ∷ Attempt α → IO α
+fromAttempt (Success a) = return a
+fromAttempt (Failure e) = throwIO e
+data Inject f α = ∀ β . Inject (f β) (α → β)
+class Completable f where
+ complete ∷ f α → α → IO Bool
+instance Completable f ⇒ Completable (Inject f) where
+ complete (Inject f inj) = complete f . inj
+class Awaitable f where
+ awaitResult ∷ f α → IO α
+data FakeFuture α = FakeFuture
+instance Completable FakeFuture where
+ complete _ _ = undefined
+instance Awaitable FakeFuture where
+ awaitResult _ = undefined
+class WaitOp op where
+ type WaitOpResult op
+ registerWaitOp ∷ Completable f
+ ⇒ op → f (Attempt (WaitOpResult op)) → IO Bool
+await ∷ WaitOp op ⇒ op → IO (WaitOpResult op)
+await op = do
+ let fut = FakeFuture
+ registerWaitOp op fut
+ fromAttempt =<< awaitResult fut
+data FakeOp α = FakeOp
+instance WaitOp (FakeOp α) where
+ type WaitOpResult (FakeOp α) = α
+ registerWaitOp _ _ = return True
+data WaitOps rs where
+ WaitOp ∷ WaitOp op ⇒ op → WaitOps (HSingle (WaitOpResult op))
+ (:?) ∷ (WaitOp op, HNonEmpty rs)
+ ⇒ op → WaitOps rs → WaitOps (WaitOpResult op :* rs)
+waitOpsNonEmpty ∷ ∀ rs . WaitOps rs → HNonEmptyInst rs
+waitOpsNonEmpty (WaitOp _) = HNonEmptyInst
+waitOpsNonEmpty (_ :? _) = HNonEmptyInst
+infixr 7 .?
+infix 8 .?.
+(.?) ∷ WaitOp op ⇒ op → WaitOps rs → WaitOps (WaitOpResult op :* rs)
+op .? ops = case waitOpsNonEmpty ops of
+ HNonEmptyInst → op :? ops
+(.?.) ∷ (WaitOp op1, WaitOp op2) ⇒ op1 → op2
+ → WaitOps (WaitOpResult op1 :*: WaitOpResult op2)
+op1 .?. op2 = op1 .? WaitOp op2
+data NthException n e = NthException (Peano n) e deriving (Typeable, Show)
+instance (Typeable n, Exception e) ⇒ Exception (NthException n e)
+instance WaitOp (WaitOps rs) where
+ type WaitOpResult (WaitOps rs) = HElemOf rs
+ registerWaitOp ops ev = do
+ let inj n (Success r) = Success (HNth n r)
+ inj n (Failure e) = Failure (NthException n e)
+ register ∷ ∀ n . HDropClass n rs
+ ⇒ Bool → Peano n → WaitOps (HDrop n rs) → IO Bool
+ register first n (WaitOp op) = do
+ t ← try $ registerWaitOp op (Inject ev $ inj n)
+ r ← case t of
+ Right r → return r
+ Left e → complete ev $ inj n $ Failure (e ∷ SomeException)
+ return $ r || not first
+ register first n (op :? ops') = do
+ t ← try $ registerWaitOp op (Inject ev $ inj n)
+ case t of
+ Right True → case waitOpsNonEmpty ops' of
+ HNonEmptyInst → case hTailDropComm ∷ HTailDropComm n rs of
+ HTailDropComm → register False (PSucc n) ops'
+ Right False → return $ not first
+ Left e → do
+ c ← complete ev $ inj n $ Failure (e ∷ SomeException)
+ return $ c || not first
+ case waitOpsNonEmpty ops of
+ HNonEmptyInst → register True PZero ops
+bug ∷ IO Int
+bug = do
+ temp ← await ((FakeOp ∷ FakeOp Int) .?. (FakeOp ∷ FakeOp String))
+ case temp of
+ (elem0 → Just _) → return 0
+ _ → return 1
+data PZero deriving Typeable
+data PSucc p deriving Typeable
+data Peano n where
+ PZero ∷ Peano PZero
+ PSucc ∷ IsPeano p ⇒ Peano p → Peano (PSucc p)
+instance Show (Peano n) where
+ show n = show (peanoNum n ∷ Int)
+peanoNum ∷ Num n ⇒ Peano p → n
+peanoNum PZero = 0
+peanoNum (PSucc p) = 1 + peanoNum p
+class Typeable n ⇒ IsPeano n where
+ peano ∷ Peano n
+instance IsPeano PZero where
+ peano = PZero
+instance IsPeano p ⇒ IsPeano (PSucc p) where
+ peano = PSucc peano
+class (n ~ PSucc (PPred n)) ⇒ PHasPred n where
+ type PPred n
+instance PHasPred (PSucc p) where
+ type PPred (PSucc p) = p
+pPred ∷ Peano (PSucc p) → Peano p
+pPred (PSucc p) = p
+infixr 7 :*, .*
+infix 8 :*:, .*.
+data HNil
+data h :* t
+type HSingle α = α :* HNil
+type α :*: β = α :* β :* HNil
+data HList l where
+ HNil ∷ HList HNil
+ (:*) ∷ HListClass t ⇒ h → HList t → HList (h :* t)
+instance Show (HList HNil) where
+ show _ = "HNil"
+instance (Show h, Show (HList t)) ⇒ Show (HList (h :* t)) where
+ showsPrec d (h :* t) = showParen (d > 7) $
+ showsPrec 8 h . showString " .* " . showsPrec 7 t
+(.*) ∷ HListClass t ⇒ h → HList t → HList (h :* t)
+(.*) = (:*)
+(.*.) ∷ α → β → HList (α :*: β)
+a .*. b = a .* b .* HNil
+data HListWitness l where
+ HNilList ∷ HListWitness HNil
+ HConsList ∷ HListClass t ⇒ HListWitness (h :* t)
+class HListClass l where
+ hListWitness ∷ HListWitness l
+instance HListClass HNil where
+ hListWitness = HNilList
+instance HListClass t ⇒ HListClass (h :* t) where
+ hListWitness = HConsList
+data HListInst l where
+ HListInst ∷ HListClass l ⇒ HListInst l
+hListInst ∷ HList l → HListInst l
+hListInst HNil = HListInst
+hListInst (_ :* _) = HListInst
+class (l ~ (HHead l :* HTail l), HListClass (HTail l)) ⇒ HNonEmpty l where
+ type HHead l
+ type HTail l
+instance HListClass t ⇒ HNonEmpty (h :* t) where
+ type HHead (h :* t) = h
+ type HTail (h :* t) = t
+hHead ∷ HList (h :* t) → h
+hHead (h :* _) = h
+hTail ∷ HList (h :* t) → HList t
+hTail (_ :* t) = t
+data HNonEmptyInst l where
+ HNonEmptyInst ∷ HListClass t ⇒ HNonEmptyInst (h :* t)
+data HDropWitness n l where
+ HDropZero ∷ HListClass l ⇒ HDropWitness PZero l
+ HDropSucc ∷ HDropClass p t ⇒ HDropWitness (PSucc p) (h :* t)
+class (IsPeano n, HListClass l, HListClass (HDrop n l)) ⇒ HDropClass n l where
+ type HDrop n l
+ hDropWitness ∷ HDropWitness n l
+instance HListClass l ⇒ HDropClass PZero l where
+ type HDrop PZero l = l
+ hDropWitness = HDropZero
+instance HDropClass p t ⇒ HDropClass (PSucc p) (h :* t) where
+ type HDrop (PSucc p) (h :* t) = HDrop p t
+ hDropWitness = case hDropWitness ∷ HDropWitness p t of
+ HDropZero → HDropSucc
+ HDropSucc → HDropSucc
+data HDropInst n l where
+ HDropInst ∷ HDropClass n l ⇒ HDropInst n l
+hDrop ∷ ∀ n l . HDropClass n l ⇒ Peano n → HList l → HList (HDrop n l)
+hDrop n l = case hDropWitness ∷ HDropWitness n l of
+ HDropZero → l
+ HDropSucc → hDrop (pPred n) (hTail l)
+data HNonEmptyDropInst n l where
+ HNonEmptyDropInst ∷ (HDropClass n l, HNonEmpty l,
+ HDropClass (PSucc n) l, HNonEmpty (HDrop n l))
+ ⇒ HNonEmptyDropInst n l
+pPrevDropInst ∷ ∀ n l . HDropClass (PSucc n) l ⇒ HNonEmptyDropInst n l
+pPrevDropInst = case hDropWitness ∷ HDropWitness (PSucc n) l of
+ HDropSucc → case hDropWitness ∷ HDropWitness n (HTail l) of
+ HDropZero → HNonEmptyDropInst
+ HDropSucc → case pPrevDropInst ∷ HNonEmptyDropInst (PPred n) (HTail l) of
+ HNonEmptyDropInst → HNonEmptyDropInst
+hNextDropInst ∷ ∀ n l . (HDropClass n l, HNonEmpty (HDrop n l))
+ ⇒ HNonEmptyDropInst n l
+hNextDropInst = case hDropWitness ∷ HDropWitness n l of
+ HDropZero → HNonEmptyDropInst
+ HDropSucc → case hNextDropInst ∷ HNonEmptyDropInst (PPred n) (HTail l) of
+ HNonEmptyDropInst → HNonEmptyDropInst
+data HTailDropComm n l where
+ HTailDropComm ∷ (HNonEmpty l, HDropClass n l,
+ HNonEmpty (HDrop n l), HDropClass n (HTail l),
+ HDropClass (PSucc n) l,
+ HTail (HDrop n l) ~ HDrop n (HTail l),
+ HDrop (PSucc n) l ~ HTail (HDrop n l),
+ HDrop (PSucc n) l ~ HDrop n (HTail l))
+ ⇒ HTailDropComm n l
+hTailDropComm' ∷ ∀ n l . (HDropClass (PSucc n) l)
+ ⇒ HTailDropComm n l
+hTailDropComm' = case pPrevDropInst ∷ HNonEmptyDropInst n l of
+ HNonEmptyDropInst → hTailDropComm
+hTailDropComm ∷ ∀ n l . (HDropClass n l, HNonEmpty (HDrop n l))
+ ⇒ HTailDropComm n l
+hTailDropComm = case hDropWitness ∷ HDropWitness n l of
+ HDropZero → HTailDropComm
+ HDropSucc → case hTailDropComm ∷ HTailDropComm (PPred n) (HTail l) of
+ HTailDropComm → HTailDropComm
+type HNth n l = HHead (HDrop n l)
+data HElemOf l where
+ HNth ∷ (HDropClass n l, HNonEmpty (HDrop n l))
+ ⇒ Peano n → HNth n l → HElemOf l
+hGetIfNth ∷ ∀ n l . (HDropClass n l, HNonEmpty (HDrop n l))
+ ⇒ Peano n → HElemOf l → Maybe (HNth n l)
+hGetIfNth PZero (HNth PZero x) = Just x
+hGetIfNth (PSucc p) (HNth (PSucc p') x) =
+ case hDropWitness ∷ HDropWitness n l of
+ HDropSucc →
+ let inst ∷ ∀ m . HDropClass (PSucc m) l
+ ⇒ Peano m → HTailDropComm m l
+ inst _ = hTailDropComm' in
+ case inst p' of
+ HTailDropComm → hGetIfNth p (HNth p' x ∷ HElemOf (HTail l))
+ _ → undefined
+hGetIfNth _ _ = Nothing
+elem0 ∷ HNonEmpty l ⇒ HElemOf l → Maybe (HHead l)
+elem0 = hGetIfNth PZero