path: root/utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
diff options
authorAlan Zimmerman <>2021-02-21 21:23:40 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2021-03-20 07:48:38 -0400
commit95275a5f25a2e70b71240d4756109180486af1b1 (patch)
treeeb4801bb0e00098b8b9d513479de4fbbd779ddac /utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
parentf940fd466a86c2f8e93237b36835797be3f3c898 (diff)
GHC Exactprint main commit
Metric Increase: T10370 parsing001 Updates haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs')
1 files changed, 4165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs b/utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f4f89e265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4165 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module ExactPrint
+ (
+ ExactPrint(..)
+ , exactPrint
+ -- , exactPrintWithOptions
+ ) where
+import GHC
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom (Role(..))
+import GHC.Data.Bag
+import qualified GHC.Data.BooleanFormula as BF
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Types.Basic hiding (EP)
+import GHC.Types.Fixity
+import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
+import GHC.Types.SourceText
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ( (<>) )
+import GHC.Driver.Ppr
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Control.Monad.RWS
+import Data.Data ( Data )
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.List ( partition, sort, sortBy)
+import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
+import Data.Void
+import Lookup
+import Utils
+import Types
+-- import Debug.Trace
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactPrint :: ExactPrint ast => Located ast -> ApiAnns -> String
+exactPrint ast anns = runIdentity (runEP anns stringOptions (markAnnotated ast))
+type EP w m a = RWST (PrintOptions m w) (EPWriter w) EPState m a
+type EPP a = EP String Identity a
+runEP :: ApiAnns -> PrintOptions Identity String
+ -> Annotated () -> Identity String
+runEP anns epReader action =
+ fmap (output . snd) .
+ (\next -> execRWST next epReader (defaultEPState anns))
+ . xx $ action
+xx :: Annotated () -> EP String Identity ()
+-- xx :: Annotated() -> RWST (PrintOptions m w) (EPWriter w) EPState m ()
+xx = id
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+defaultEPState :: ApiAnns -> EPState
+defaultEPState as = EPState
+ { epPos = (1,1)
+ , epApiAnns = as
+ , dLHS = 1
+ , pMarkLayout = False
+ , pLHS = 1
+ , dMarkLayout = False
+ , dPriorEndPosition = (1,1)
+ , uAnchorSpan = badRealSrcSpan
+ , uExtraDP = Nothing
+ , epComments = rogueComments as
+ }
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The EP monad and basic combinators
+-- | The R part of RWS. The environment. Updated via 'local' as we
+-- enter a new AST element, having a different anchor point.
+data PrintOptions m a = PrintOptions
+ {
+ epAnn :: !Annotation
+ , epAstPrint :: forall ast . Data ast => GHC.Located ast -> a -> m a
+ , epTokenPrint :: String -> m a
+ , epWhitespacePrint :: String -> m a
+ , epRigidity :: Rigidity
+ , epContext :: !AstContextSet
+ }
+-- | Helper to create a 'PrintOptions'
+printOptions ::
+ (forall ast . Data ast => GHC.Located ast -> a -> m a)
+ -> (String -> m a)
+ -> (String -> m a)
+ -> Rigidity
+ -> PrintOptions m a
+printOptions astPrint tokenPrint wsPrint rigidity = PrintOptions
+ {
+ epAnn = annNone
+ , epAstPrint = astPrint
+ , epWhitespacePrint = wsPrint
+ , epTokenPrint = tokenPrint
+ , epRigidity = rigidity
+ , epContext = defaultACS
+ }
+-- | Options which can be used to print as a normal String.
+stringOptions :: PrintOptions Identity String
+stringOptions = printOptions (\_ b -> return b) return return NormalLayout
+data EPWriter a = EPWriter
+ { output :: !a }
+instance Monoid w => Semigroup (EPWriter w) where
+ (EPWriter a) <> (EPWriter b) = EPWriter (a <> b)
+instance Monoid w => Monoid (EPWriter w) where
+ mempty = EPWriter mempty
+data EPState = EPState
+ { epApiAnns :: !ApiAnns
+ , uAnchorSpan :: !RealSrcSpan -- ^ in pre-changed AST
+ -- reference frame, from
+ -- Annotation
+ , uExtraDP :: !(Maybe Anchor) -- ^ Used to anchor a
+ -- list
+ -- Print phase
+ , epPos :: !Pos -- ^ Current output position
+ , pMarkLayout :: !Bool
+ , pLHS :: !LayoutStartCol
+ -- Delta phase
+ , dPriorEndPosition :: !Pos -- ^ End of Position reached
+ -- when processing the
+ -- preceding element
+ , dMarkLayout :: !Bool
+ , dLHS :: !LayoutStartCol
+ -- Shared
+ , epComments :: ![Comment]
+ }
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- AZ:TODO: this can just be a function :: (ApiAnn' a) -> Entry
+class HasEntry ast where
+ fromAnn :: ast -> Entry
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- type Annotated = FreeT AnnotationF Identity
+type Annotated a = EP String Identity a
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Key entry point. Switches to an independent AST element with its
+-- own annotation, calculating new offsets, etc
+markAnnotated :: ExactPrint a => a -> Annotated ()
+markAnnotated a = enterAnn (getAnnotationEntry a) a
+data Entry = Entry Anchor ApiAnnComments
+ | NoEntryVal
+instance (HasEntry (ApiAnn' an)) => HasEntry (SrcSpanAnn' (ApiAnn' an)) where
+ fromAnn (SrcSpanAnn ApiAnnNotUsed ss) = Entry (spanAsAnchor ss) noCom
+ fromAnn (SrcSpanAnn an _) = fromAnn an
+instance HasEntry (ApiAnn' a) where
+ fromAnn (ApiAnn anchor _ cs) = Entry anchor cs
+ fromAnn ApiAnnNotUsed = NoEntryVal
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+astId :: (Typeable a) => a -> String
+astId a = show (typeOf a)
+-- | "Enter" an annotation, by using the associated 'anchor' field as
+-- the new reference point for calculating all DeltaPos positions.
+-- This is combination of the ghc=exactprint Delta.withAST and
+-- Print.exactPC functions and effectively does the delta processing
+-- immediately followed by the print processing. JIT ghc-exactprint.
+enterAnn :: (ExactPrint a) => Entry -> a -> Annotated ()
+enterAnn NoEntryVal a = do
+ p <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "enterAnn:NO ANN:(p,a) =" ++ show (p, astId a) ++ " starting"
+ -- curAnchor <- getAnchorU
+ -- printComments curAnchor
+ exact a
+ debugM $ "enterAnn:NO ANN:p =" ++ show (p, astId a) ++ " done"
+enterAnn (Entry anchor' cs) a = do
+ p <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "enterAnn:(p,a) =" ++ show (p, astId a) ++ " starting"
+ let curAnchor = anchor anchor' -- As a base for the current AST element
+ debugM $ "enterAnn:(curAnchor):=" ++ show (rs2range curAnchor)
+ addCommentsA (priorComments cs)
+ printComments curAnchor
+ -- -------------------------
+ case anchor_op anchor' of
+ MovedAnchor dp -> do
+ debugM $ "enterAnn: MovedAnchor:" ++ show dp
+ -- Set the original anchor as prior end, so the rest of this AST
+ -- fragment has a reference
+ -- BUT: this means the entry DP can be calculated incorrectly too,
+ -- for immediately nested items.
+ setPriorEndNoLayoutD (ss2pos curAnchor)
+ _ -> do
+ return ()
+ -- -------------------------
+ setAnchorU curAnchor
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- The first part corresponds to the delta phase, so should only use
+ -- delta phase variables
+ -- -----------------------------------
+ -- Calculate offset required to get to the start of the SrcSPan
+ off <- gets dLHS
+ let spanStart = ss2pos curAnchor
+ priorEndAfterComments <- getPriorEndD
+ let edp' = adjustDeltaForOffset 0
+ -- Use the propagated offset if one is set
+ -- Note that we need to use the new offset if it has
+ -- changed.
+ off (ss2delta priorEndAfterComments curAnchor)
+ debugM $ "enterAnn: (edp',off,priorEndAfterComments,curAnchor):" ++ show (edp',off,priorEndAfterComments,rs2range curAnchor)
+ let edp'' = case anchor_op anchor' of
+ MovedAnchor dp -> dp
+ _ -> edp'
+ -- ---------------------------------------------
+ -- let edp = edp''
+ med <- getExtraDP
+ setExtraDP Nothing
+ let edp = case med of
+ Nothing -> edp''
+ -- Just dp -> addDP dp edp''
+ Just (Anchor _ (MovedAnchor dp)) -> dp
+ -- Replace original with desired one. Allows all
+ -- list entry values to be DP (1,0)
+ Just (Anchor r _) -> dp
+ where
+ dp = adjustDeltaForOffset 0
+ off (ss2delta priorEndAfterComments r)
+ when (isJust med) $ debugM $ "enterAnn:(med,edp)=" ++ show (med,edp)
+ -- ---------------------------------------------
+ -- Preparation complete, perform the action
+ when (priorEndAfterComments < spanStart) (do
+ debugM $ "enterAnn.dPriorEndPosition:spanStart=" ++ show spanStart
+ modify (\s -> s { dPriorEndPosition = spanStart } ))
+ debugM $ "enterAnn: (anchor_op, curAnchor):" ++ show (anchor_op anchor', rs2range curAnchor)
+ debugM $ "enterAnn: (dLHS,spanStart,pec,edp)=" ++ show (off,spanStart,priorEndAfterComments,edp)
+ -- end of delta phase processing
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- start of print phase processing
+ let
+ st = annNone { annEntryDelta = edp }
+ withOffset st (advance edp >> exact a)
+ when ((getFollowingComments cs) /= []) $ do
+ debugM $ "starting trailing comments:" ++ showAst (getFollowingComments cs)
+ mapM_ printOneComment (map tokComment $ getFollowingComments cs)
+ debugM $ "ending trailing comments"
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+addCommentsA :: [LAnnotationComment] -> EPP ()
+addCommentsA csNew = addComments (map tokComment csNew)
+ -- cs <- getUnallocatedComments
+ -- -- AZ:TODO: sortedlist?
+ -- putUnallocatedComments (sort $ (map tokComment csNew) ++ cs)
+addComments :: [Comment] -> EPP ()
+addComments csNew = do
+ debugM $ "addComments:" ++ show csNew
+ cs <- getUnallocatedComments
+ let cmp (Comment _ l1 _) (Comment _ l2 _) = compare (anchor l1) (anchor l2)
+ -- AZ:TODO: sortedlist?
+ putUnallocatedComments (sortBy cmp $ csNew ++ cs)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- |In order to interleave annotations into the stream, we turn them into
+-- comments.
+annotationsToComments :: [AddApiAnn] -> [AnnKeywordId] -> EPP ()
+annotationsToComments ans kws = do
+ let
+ getSpans _ [] = []
+ getSpans k1 (AddApiAnn k2 ss:as)
+ | k1 == k2 = ss : getSpans k1 as
+ | otherwise = getSpans k1 as
+ doOne :: AnnKeywordId -> EPP [Comment]
+ doOne kw = do
+ let sps =getSpans kw ans
+ return $ map (mkKWComment kw ) sps
+ -- TODO:AZ make sure these are sorted/merged properly when the invariant for
+ -- allocateComments is re-established.
+ newComments <- mapM doOne kws
+ addComments (concat newComments)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Temporary function to simply reproduce the "normal" pretty printer output
+withPpr :: (Outputable a) => a -> Annotated ()
+withPpr a = do
+ ss <- getAnchorU
+ debugM $ "withPpr: ss=" ++ show ss
+ printStringAtKw' ss (showPprUnsafe a)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modeled on Outputable
+-- | An AST fragment with an annotation must be able to return the
+-- requirements for nesting another one, captured in an 'Entry', and
+-- to be able to use the rest of the exactprint machinery to print the
+-- element. In the analogy to Outputable, 'exact' plays the role of
+-- 'ppr'.
+class (Typeable a) => ExactPrint a where
+ getAnnotationEntry :: a -> Entry
+ exact :: a -> Annotated ()
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Bare Located elements are simply stripped off without further
+-- processing.
+instance (ExactPrint a) => ExactPrint (Located a) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (L l _) = Entry (spanAsAnchor l) noCom
+ exact (L _ a) = markAnnotated a
+instance (ExactPrint a) => ExactPrint (LocatedA a) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L la a) = do
+ debugM $ "LocatedA a:la loc=" ++ show (ss2range $ locA la)
+ markAnnotated a
+ markALocatedA (ann la)
+instance (ExactPrint a) => ExactPrint [a] where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact ls = mapM_ markAnnotated ls
+instance (ExactPrint a) => ExactPrint (Maybe a) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact Nothing = return ()
+ exact (Just a) = markAnnotated a
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | 'Located (HsModule GhcPs)' corresponds to 'ParsedSource'
+instance ExactPrint HsModule where
+ getAnnotationEntry hsmod = fromAnn (hsmodAnn hsmod)
+ exact hsmod@(HsModule ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = withPpr hsmod
+ exact (HsModule an _lo mmn mexports imports decls mdeprec mbDoc) = do
+ markAnnotated mbDoc
+ case mmn of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (L ln mn) -> do
+ markApiAnn' an am_main AnnModule
+ -- debugM $ "HsModule name: (ss,ln)=" ++ show (ss2pos ss,ss2pos (realSrcSpan ln))
+ -- printStringAtSs ln (moduleNameString mn)
+ markAnnotated (L ln mn)
+ -- forM_ mdeprec markLocated
+ setLayoutTopLevelP $ markAnnotated mdeprec
+ setLayoutTopLevelP $ markAnnotated mexports
+ debugM $ "HsModule.AnnWhere coming"
+ setLayoutTopLevelP $ markApiAnn' an am_main AnnWhere
+ setLayoutTopLevelP $ mapM_ markAddApiAnn (al_open $ am_decls $ anns an)
+ -- markOptional GHC.AnnOpenC -- Possible '{'
+ -- markManyOptional GHC.AnnSemi -- possible leading semis
+ -- setContextLevel (Set.singleton TopLevel) 2 $ markListWithLayout imports
+ -- markListWithLayout imports
+ markTopLevelList imports
+ -- setContextLevel (Set.singleton TopLevel) 2 $ markListWithLayout decls
+ -- markListWithLayout decls
+ -- setLayoutTopLevelP $ markAnnotated decls
+ markTopLevelList decls
+ setLayoutTopLevelP $ mapM_ markAddApiAnn (al_close $ am_decls $ anns an)
+ -- markOptional GHC.AnnCloseC -- Possible '}'
+ -- markEOF
+ -- eof <- getEofPos
+ -- debugM $ "eof pos:" ++ show (rs2range eof)
+ -- setLayoutTopLevelP $ printStringAtKw' eof ""
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- TODO:AZ: do we *need* the following, or can we capture it in the AST?
+-- | We can have a list with its own entry point defined. Create a
+-- data structure to capture this, for defining an ExactPrint instance
+data AnnotatedList a = AnnotatedList (Maybe Anchor) a
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+instance (ExactPrint a) => ExactPrint (AnnotatedList a) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (AnnotatedList (Just anc) _) = Entry anc (AnnComments [])
+ getAnnotationEntry (AnnotatedList Nothing _) = NoEntryVal
+ exact (AnnotatedList an ls) = do
+ debugM $ "AnnotatedList:an=" ++ show an
+ markAnnotatedWithLayout ls
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Start of utility functions
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+printSourceText :: SourceText -> String -> EPP ()
+printSourceText NoSourceText txt = printStringAdvance txt
+printSourceText (SourceText txt) _ = printStringAdvance txt
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+printStringAtRs :: RealSrcSpan -> String -> EPP ()
+printStringAtRs ss str = printStringAtKw' ss str
+printStringAtSs :: SrcSpan -> String -> EPP ()
+printStringAtSs ss str = printStringAtKw' (realSrcSpan ss) str
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- AZ:TODO get rid of this
+printStringAtMkw :: Maybe AnnAnchor -> String -> EPP ()
+printStringAtMkw (Just aa) s = printStringAtAA aa s
+printStringAtMkw Nothing s = printStringAtLsDelta (DP 0 1) s
+printStringAtAA :: AnnAnchor -> String -> EPP ()
+printStringAtAA (AR r) s = printStringAtKw' r s
+printStringAtAA (AD d) s = do
+ pe <- getPriorEndD
+ p1 <- getPosP
+ printStringAtLsDelta d s
+ p2 <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "printStringAtAA:(pe,p1,p2)=" ++ show (pe,p1,p2)
+ setPriorEndASTPD True (p1,p2)
+-- Based on Delta.addAnnotationWorker
+printStringAtKw' :: RealSrcSpan -> String -> EPP ()
+printStringAtKw' pa str = do
+ printComments pa
+ pe <- getPriorEndD
+ debugM $ "printStringAtKw':pe=" ++ show pe
+ let p = ss2delta pe pa
+ p' <- adjustDeltaForOffsetM p
+ printStringAtLsDelta p' str
+ setPriorEndASTD True pa
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+markExternalSourceText :: SrcSpan -> SourceText -> String -> EPP ()
+markExternalSourceText l NoSourceText txt = printStringAtKw' (realSrcSpan l) txt
+markExternalSourceText l (SourceText txt) _ = printStringAtKw' (realSrcSpan l) txt
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+markAddApiAnn :: AddApiAnn -> EPP ()
+markAddApiAnn a@(AddApiAnn kw _) = mark [a] kw
+markLocatedMAA :: ApiAnn' a -> (a -> Maybe AddApiAnn) -> EPP ()
+markLocatedMAA ApiAnnNotUsed _ = return ()
+markLocatedMAA (ApiAnn _ a _) f =
+ case f a of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just aa -> markAddApiAnn aa
+markLocatedAA :: ApiAnn' a -> (a -> AddApiAnn) -> EPP ()
+markLocatedAA ApiAnnNotUsed _ = return ()
+markLocatedAA (ApiAnn _ a _) f = markKw (f a)
+markLocatedAAL :: ApiAnn' a -> (a -> [AddApiAnn]) -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+markLocatedAAL ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ = return ()
+markLocatedAAL (ApiAnn _ a _) f kw = go (f a)
+ where
+ go [] = return ()
+ go (aa@(AddApiAnn kw' _):as)
+ | kw' == kw = mark [aa] kw
+ | otherwise = go as
+markLocatedAALS :: ApiAnn' a -> (a -> [AddApiAnn]) -> AnnKeywordId -> Maybe String -> EPP ()
+markLocatedAALS an f kw Nothing = markLocatedAAL an f kw
+markLocatedAALS ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ _ = return ()
+markLocatedAALS (ApiAnn _ a _) f kw (Just str) = go (f a)
+ where
+ go [] = return ()
+ go (AddApiAnn kw' r:as)
+ | kw' == kw = printStringAtAA r str
+ | otherwise = go as
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+markArrow :: ApiAnn' TrailingAnn -> HsArrow GhcPs -> EPP ()
+markArrow ApiAnnNotUsed _ = pure ()
+markArrow an _mult = markKwT (anns an)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+markAnnCloseP :: ApiAnn' AnnPragma -> EPP ()
+markAnnCloseP an = markLocatedAALS an (pure . apr_close) AnnClose (Just "#-}")
+markAnnOpenP :: ApiAnn' AnnPragma -> SourceText -> String -> EPP ()
+markAnnOpenP an NoSourceText txt = markLocatedAALS an (pure . apr_open) AnnOpen (Just txt)
+markAnnOpenP an (SourceText txt) _ = markLocatedAALS an (pure . apr_open) AnnOpen (Just txt)
+markAnnOpen :: ApiAnn -> SourceText -> String -> EPP ()
+markAnnOpen an NoSourceText txt = markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpen (Just txt)
+markAnnOpen an (SourceText txt) _ = markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpen (Just txt)
+markAnnOpen' :: Maybe AnnAnchor -> SourceText -> String -> EPP ()
+markAnnOpen' ms NoSourceText txt = printStringAtMkw ms txt
+markAnnOpen' ms (SourceText txt) _ = printStringAtMkw ms txt
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+markOpeningParen, markClosingParen :: ApiAnn' AnnParen -> EPP ()
+markOpeningParen an = markParen an fst
+markClosingParen an = markParen an snd
+markParen :: ApiAnn' AnnParen -> (forall a. (a,a) -> a) -> EPP ()
+markParen ApiAnnNotUsed _ = return ()
+markParen (ApiAnn _ (AnnParen pt o c) _) f = markKwA (f $ kw pt) (f (o, c))
+ where
+ kw AnnParens = (AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP)
+ kw AnnParensHash = (AnnOpenPH, AnnClosePH)
+ kw AnnParensSquare = (AnnOpenS, AnnCloseS)
+markAnnKw :: ApiAnn' a -> (a -> AnnAnchor) -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+markAnnKw ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ = return ()
+markAnnKw (ApiAnn _ a _) f kw = markKwA kw (f a)
+markAnnKwAll :: ApiAnn' a -> (a -> [AnnAnchor]) -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+markAnnKwAll ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ = return ()
+markAnnKwAll (ApiAnn _ a _) f kw = mapM_ (markKwA kw) (sort (f a))
+markAnnKwM :: ApiAnn' a -> (a -> Maybe AnnAnchor) -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+markAnnKwM ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ = return ()
+markAnnKwM (ApiAnn _ a _) f kw = go (f a)
+ where
+ go Nothing = return ()
+ go (Just s) = markKwA kw s
+markALocatedA :: ApiAnn' AnnListItem -> EPP ()
+markALocatedA ApiAnnNotUsed = return ()
+markALocatedA (ApiAnn _ a _) = markTrailing (lann_trailing a)
+markApiAnn :: ApiAnn -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+markApiAnn ApiAnnNotUsed _ = return ()
+markApiAnn (ApiAnn _ a _) kw = mark a kw
+markApiAnn' :: ApiAnn' ann -> (ann -> [AddApiAnn]) -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+markApiAnn' ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ = return ()
+markApiAnn' (ApiAnn _ a _) f kw = mark (f a) kw
+markApiAnnAll :: ApiAnn' ann -> (ann -> [AddApiAnn]) -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+markApiAnnAll ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ = return ()
+markApiAnnAll (ApiAnn _ a _) f kw = mapM_ markKw (sort anns)
+ where
+ anns = filter (\(AddApiAnn ka _) -> ka == kw) (f a)
+mark :: [AddApiAnn] -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+mark anns kw = do
+ case find (\(AddApiAnn k _) -> k == kw) anns of
+ Just aa -> markKw aa
+ Nothing -> case find (\(AddApiAnn k _) -> k == (unicodeAnn kw)) anns of
+ Just aau -> markKw aau
+ Nothing -> return ()
+markKwT :: TrailingAnn -> EPP ()
+markKwT (AddSemiAnn ss) = markKwA AnnSemi ss
+markKwT (AddCommaAnn ss) = markKwA AnnComma ss
+markKwT (AddVbarAnn ss) = markKwA AnnVbar ss
+markKwT (AddRarrowAnn ss) = markKwA AnnRarrow ss
+markKwT (AddRarrowAnnU ss) = markKwA AnnRarrowU ss
+-- markKwT (AddLollyAnn ss) = markKwA AnnLolly ss
+-- markKwT (AddLollyAnnU ss) = markKwA AnnLollyU ss
+markKw :: AddApiAnn -> EPP ()
+markKw (AddApiAnn kw ss) = markKwA kw ss
+-- | This should be the main driver of the process, managing comments
+markKwA :: AnnKeywordId -> AnnAnchor -> EPP ()
+markKwA kw aa = printStringAtAA aa (keywordToString (G kw))
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+markAnnList :: ApiAnn' AnnList -> EPP () -> EPP ()
+markAnnList ApiAnnNotUsed action = action
+markAnnList an@(ApiAnn _ ann _) action = do
+ p <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "markAnnList : " ++ showPprUnsafe (p, an)
+ markLocatedMAA an al_open
+ action
+ markLocatedMAA an al_close
+ debugM $ "markAnnList: calling markTrailing with:" ++ showPprUnsafe (al_trailing ann)
+ markTrailing (al_trailing ann)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- printTrailingComments :: EPP ()
+-- printTrailingComments = do
+-- cs <- getUnallocatedComments
+-- mapM_ printOneComment cs
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+printComments :: RealSrcSpan -> EPP ()
+printComments ss = do
+ cs <- commentAllocation ss
+ debugM $ "printComments: (ss,comment locations): " ++ showPprUnsafe (rs2range ss,map commentAnchor cs)
+ mapM_ printOneComment cs
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+printOneComment :: Comment -> EPP ()
+printOneComment c@(Comment _str loc _mo) = do
+ debugM $ "printOneComment:c=" ++ showGhc c
+ dp <-case anchor_op loc of
+ MovedAnchor dp -> return dp
+ _ -> do
+ pe <- getPriorEndD
+ let dp = ss2delta pe (anchor loc)
+ debugM $ "printOneComment:(dp,pe,anchor loc)=" ++ showGhc (dp,pe,ss2pos $ anchor loc)
+ return dp
+ dp'' <- adjustDeltaForOffsetM dp
+ mep <- getExtraDP
+ dp' <- case mep of
+ Nothing -> return dp''
+ Just (Anchor _ (MovedAnchor edp)) -> do
+ -- setExtraDP Nothing
+ debugM $ "printOneComment:edp=" ++ show edp
+ return edp
+ Just (Anchor r _) -> do
+ pe <- getPriorEndD
+ let dp' = ss2delta pe r
+ debugM $ "printOneComment:extraDP(dp,pe,anchor loc)=" ++ showGhc (dp',pe,ss2pos r)
+ return dp
+ LayoutStartCol dOff <- gets dLHS
+ debugM $ "printOneComment:(dp,dp',dOff)=" ++ showGhc (dp,dp',dOff)
+ setPriorEndD (ss2posEnd (anchor loc))
+ printQueuedComment (anchor loc) c dp'
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+commentAllocation :: RealSrcSpan -> EPP [Comment]
+commentAllocation ss = do
+ cs <- getUnallocatedComments
+ let (earlier,later) = partition (\(Comment _str loc _mo) -> anchor loc <= ss) cs
+ putUnallocatedComments later
+ -- debugM $ "commentAllocation:(ss,earlier,later)" ++ show (rs2range ss,earlier,later)
+ return earlier
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+markAnnotatedWithLayout :: ExactPrint ast => ast -> EPP ()
+markAnnotatedWithLayout a = setLayoutBoth $ markAnnotated a
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+markTopLevelList :: ExactPrint ast => [ast] -> EPP ()
+markTopLevelList ls = mapM_ (\a -> setLayoutTopLevelP $ markAnnotated a) ls
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint ModuleName where
+ getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+ exact n = do
+ debugM $ "ModuleName: " ++ showPprUnsafe n
+ withPpr n
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedP WarningTxt) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) (WarningTxt (L _ src) ws)) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an src "{-# WARNING"
+ markLocatedAAL an apr_rest AnnOpenS
+ markAnnotated ws
+ markLocatedAAL an apr_rest AnnCloseS
+ markAnnCloseP an
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) (DeprecatedTxt (L _ src) ws)) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an src "{-# DEPRECATED"
+ markLocatedAAL an apr_rest AnnOpenS
+ markAnnotated ws
+ markLocatedAAL an apr_rest AnnCloseS
+ markAnnCloseP an
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (ImportDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry idecl = fromAnn (ideclExt idecl)
+ exact x@(ImportDecl ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = withPpr x
+ exact (ImportDecl ann@(ApiAnn _ an _) msrc (L lm modname) mpkg _src safeflag qualFlag _impl mAs hiding) = do
+ markAnnKw ann importDeclAnnImport AnnImport
+ -- "{-# SOURCE" and "#-}"
+ case msrc of
+ SourceText _txt -> do
+ debugM $ "ImportDecl sourcetext"
+ let mo = fmap fst $ importDeclAnnPragma an
+ let mc = fmap snd $ importDeclAnnPragma an
+ markAnnOpen' mo msrc "{-# SOURCE"
+ printStringAtMkw mc "#-}"
+ NoSourceText -> return ()
+ when safeflag (markAnnKwM ann importDeclAnnSafe AnnSafe)
+ case qualFlag of
+ QualifiedPre -- 'qualified' appears in prepositive position.
+ -> printStringAtMkw (importDeclAnnQualified an) "qualified"
+ _ -> return ()
+ case mpkg of
+ Just (StringLiteral src v _) ->
+ printStringAtMkw (importDeclAnnPackage an) (sourceTextToString src (show v))
+ _ -> return ()
+ printStringAtKw' (realSrcSpan lm) (moduleNameString modname)
+ case qualFlag of
+ QualifiedPost -- 'qualified' appears in postpositive position.
+ -> printStringAtMkw (importDeclAnnQualified an) "qualified"
+ _ -> return ()
+ case mAs of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (L l mn) -> do
+ printStringAtMkw (importDeclAnnAs an) "as"
+ printStringAtKw' (realSrcSpan l) (moduleNameString mn)
+ case hiding of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (_isHiding,lie) -> exact lie
+ -- markTrailingSemi
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint HsDocString where
+ getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+ exact = withPpr -- TODO:AZ use annotations
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (TyClD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (InstD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (DerivD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (ValD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (SigD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (KindSigD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (DefD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (ForD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (WarningD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (AnnD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (RuleD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (SpliceD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (DocD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (RoleAnnotD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ exact (TyClD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (InstD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (DerivD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (ValD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (SigD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (KindSigD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (DefD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (ForD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (WarningD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (AnnD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (RuleD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (SpliceD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (DocD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+ exact (RoleAnnotD _ d) = markAnnotated d
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (InstDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (ClsInstD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (DataFamInstD an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (TyFamInstD _ _) = NoEntryVal
+-- instance Annotate (GHC.InstDecl GHC.GhcPs) where
+-- markAST l (GHC.ClsInstD _ cid) = markAST l cid
+-- markAST l (GHC.DataFamInstD _ dfid) = markAST l dfid
+-- markAST l (GHC.TyFamInstD _ tfid) = markAST l tfid
+-- markAST _ (GHC.XInstDecl x) = error $ "got XInstDecl for:" ++ showPprUnsafe x
+ exact (ClsInstD _ cid) = markAnnotated cid
+ exact (DataFamInstD an decl) = do
+ exactDataFamInstDecl an TopLevel decl
+ exact (TyFamInstD _ eqn) = do
+ -- exactTyFamInstDecl an TopLevel eqn
+ markAnnotated eqn
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactDataFamInstDecl :: ApiAnn -> TopLevelFlag -> (DataFamInstDecl GhcPs) -> EPP ()
+exactDataFamInstDecl an top_lvl
+ (DataFamInstDecl ( FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tycon
+ , feqn_bndrs = bndrs
+ , feqn_pats = pats
+ , feqn_fixity = fixity
+ , feqn_rhs = defn }))
+ = exactDataDefn an pp_hdr defn
+ where
+ pp_hdr mctxt = do
+ case top_lvl of
+ TopLevel -> markApiAnn an AnnInstance -- TODO: maybe in toplevel
+ NotTopLevel -> return ()
+ exactHsFamInstLHS an tycon bndrs pats fixity mctxt
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactTyFamInstDecl :: TopLevelFlag -> (TyFamInstDecl GhcPs) -> EPP ()
+exactTyFamInstDecl top_lvl (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_xtn = an, tfid_eqn = eqn }) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnType
+ case top_lvl of
+ TopLevel -> markApiAnn an AnnInstance
+ NotTopLevel -> return ()
+ markAnnotated eqn
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (DerivDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (DerivDecl {deriv_ext = an} ) = fromAnn an
+ exact (DerivDecl an typ ms mov) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnDeriving
+ mapM_ markAnnotated ms
+ markApiAnn an AnnInstance
+ mapM_ markAnnotated mov
+ markAnnotated typ
+ -- markAST _ (GHC.DerivDecl _ (GHC.HsWC _ (GHC.HsIB _ typ)) ms mov) = do
+ -- mark GHC.AnnDeriving
+ -- markMaybe ms
+ -- mark GHC.AnnInstance
+ -- markMaybe mov
+ -- markLocated typ
+ -- markTrailingSemi
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (ForeignDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (ForeignImport an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ForeignExport an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (ForeignImport an n ty fimport) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnForeign
+ markApiAnn an AnnImport
+ markAnnotated fimport
+ markAnnotated n
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated ty
+ exact x = error $ "ForDecl: exact for " ++ showAst x
+ markAST _ (GHC.ForeignImport _ ln (GHC.HsIB _ typ)
+ (GHC.CImport cconv safety@(GHC.L ll _) _mh _imp (GHC.L ls src))) = do
+ mark GHC.AnnForeign
+ mark GHC.AnnImport
+ markLocated cconv
+ unless (ll == GHC.noSrcSpan) $ markLocated safety
+ markExternalSourceText ls src ""
+ markLocated ln
+ mark GHC.AnnDcolon
+ markLocated typ
+ markTrailingSemi
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint ForeignImport where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (CImport cconv safety@(L ll _) _mh _imp (L ls src)) = do
+ markAnnotated cconv
+ unless (ll == noSrcSpan) $ markAnnotated safety
+ unless (ls == noSrcSpan) $ markExternalSourceText ls src ""
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint Safety where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact = withPpr
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint CCallConv where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact = withPpr
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (WarnDecls GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (Warnings an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (Warnings an src warns) = do
+ markAnnOpen an src "{-# WARNING" -- Note: might be {-# DEPRECATED
+ markAnnotated warns
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (WarnDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (Warning an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (Warning an lns txt) = do
+ markAnnotated lns
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenS -- "["
+ case txt of
+ WarningTxt _src ls -> markAnnotated ls
+ DeprecatedTxt _src ls -> markAnnotated ls
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseS -- "]"
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint StringLiteral where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (StringLiteral src fs mcomma) = do
+ printSourceText src (show (unpackFS fs))
+ mapM_ (\r -> printStringAtKw' r ",") mcomma
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint FastString where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ -- TODO: applies.
+ -- exact fs = printStringAdvance (show (unpackFS fs))
+ exact fs = printStringAdvance (unpackFS fs)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (RuleDecls GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsRules an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (HsRules an src rules) = do
+ case src of
+ NoSourceText -> markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpen (Just "{-# RULES")
+ SourceText srcTxt -> markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpen (Just srcTxt)
+ markAnnotated rules
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
+ -- markTrailingSemi
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (RuleDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsRule {rd_ext = an}) = fromAnn an
+ exact (HsRule an ln act mtybndrs termbndrs lhs rhs) = do
+ debugM "HsRule entered"
+ markAnnotated ln
+ debugM "HsRule after ln"
+ markActivation an ra_rest act
+ debugM "HsRule after act"
+ case mtybndrs of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just bndrs -> do
+ markLocatedMAA an (\a -> fmap fst (ra_tyanns a)) -- AnnForall
+ mapM_ markAnnotated bndrs
+ markLocatedMAA an (\a -> fmap snd (ra_tyanns a)) -- AnnDot
+ markLocatedMAA an (\a -> fmap fst (ra_tmanns a)) -- AnnForall
+ mapM_ markAnnotated termbndrs
+ markLocatedMAA an (\a -> fmap snd (ra_tmanns a)) -- AnnDot
+ markAnnotated lhs
+ markApiAnn' an ra_rest AnnEqual
+ markAnnotated rhs
+ -- markAST l (GHC.HsRule _ ln act mtybndrs termbndrs lhs rhs) = do
+ -- markLocated ln
+ -- setContext (Set.singleton ExplicitNeverActive) $ markActivation l act
+ -- mark GHC.AnnForall
+ -- mapM_ markLocated termbndrs
+ -- mark GHC.AnnDot
+ -- markLocated lhs
+ -- mark GHC.AnnEqual
+ -- markLocated rhs
+ -- inContext (Set.singleton Intercalate) $ mark GHC.AnnSemi
+ -- markTrailingSemi
+markActivation :: ApiAnn' a -> (a -> [AddApiAnn]) -> Activation -> Annotated ()
+markActivation an fn act = do
+ case act of
+ ActiveBefore src phase -> do
+ markApiAnn' an fn AnnOpenS -- '['
+ markApiAnn' an fn AnnTilde -- ~
+ markLocatedAALS an fn AnnVal (Just (toSourceTextWithSuffix src (show phase) ""))
+ markApiAnn' an fn AnnCloseS -- ']'
+ ActiveAfter src phase -> do
+ markApiAnn' an fn AnnOpenS -- '['
+ markLocatedAALS an fn AnnVal (Just (toSourceTextWithSuffix src (show phase) ""))
+ markApiAnn' an fn AnnCloseS -- ']'
+ NeverActive -> do
+ markApiAnn' an fn AnnOpenS -- '['
+ markApiAnn' an fn AnnTilde -- ~
+ markApiAnn' an fn AnnCloseS -- ']'
+ _ -> return ()
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (SpliceDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (SpliceDecl _ splice _flag) = do
+ markAnnotated splice
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint DocDecl where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact v =
+ let str =
+ case v of
+ (DocCommentNext ds) -> unpackHDS ds
+ (DocCommentPrev ds) -> unpackHDS ds
+ (DocCommentNamed _s ds) -> unpackHDS ds
+ (DocGroup _i ds) -> unpackHDS ds
+ in
+ printStringAdvance str
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (RoleAnnotDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (RoleAnnotDecl an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (RoleAnnotDecl an ltycon roles) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnType
+ markApiAnn an AnnRole
+ markAnnotated ltycon
+ markAnnotated roles
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint Role where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact = withPpr
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (RuleBndr GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ = RuleBndr (XCRuleBndr pass) (Located (IdP pass))
+ | RuleBndrSig (XRuleBndrSig pass) (Located (IdP pass)) (HsPatSigType pass)
+ exact (RuleBndr _ ln) = markAnnotated ln
+ exact (RuleBndrSig an ln (HsPS _ ty)) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenP -- "("
+ markAnnotated ln
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated ty
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseP -- ")"
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (TyFamInstEqn GhcPs) where
+-- instance (ExactPrint body) => ExactPrint (FamInstEqn GhcPs body) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+-- exact (HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_ext = an
+-- , feqn_tycon = tycon
+-- , feqn_bndrs = bndrs
+-- , feqn_pats = pats
+-- , feqn_fixity = fixity
+-- , feqn_rhs = rhs }}) = do
+-- exactHsFamInstLHS an tycon bndrs pats fixity Nothing
+-- markApiAnn an AnnEqual
+-- markAnnotated rhs
+instance (ExactPrint body) => ExactPrint (FamEqn GhcPs body) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (FamEqn { feqn_ext = an}) = fromAnn an
+ exact (FamEqn { feqn_ext = an
+ , feqn_tycon = tycon
+ , feqn_bndrs = bndrs
+ , feqn_pats = pats
+ , feqn_fixity = fixity
+ , feqn_rhs = rhs }) = do
+ exactHsFamInstLHS an tycon bndrs pats fixity Nothing
+ markApiAnn an AnnEqual
+ markAnnotated rhs
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactHsFamInstLHS ::
+ ApiAnn
+ -> LocatedN RdrName
+ -- -> Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr () GhcPs]
+ -> HsOuterTyVarBndrs () GhcPs
+ -> HsTyPats GhcPs
+ -> LexicalFixity
+ -> Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs)
+ -> EPP ()
+exactHsFamInstLHS an thing bndrs typats fixity mb_ctxt = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnForall
+ markAnnotated bndrs
+ markApiAnn an AnnDot
+ mapM_ markAnnotated mb_ctxt
+ exact_pats typats
+ where
+ exact_pats :: HsTyPats GhcPs -> EPP ()
+ exact_pats (patl:patr:pats)
+ | Infix <- fixity
+ = let exact_op_app = do
+ markAnnotated patl
+ markAnnotated thing
+ markAnnotated patr
+ in case pats of
+ [] -> exact_op_app
+ _ -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
+ exact_op_app
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
+ mapM_ markAnnotated pats
+ exact_pats pats = do
+ markAnnotated thing
+ markAnnotated pats
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (LHsTypeArg GhcPs) where
+instance (ExactPrint tm, ExactPrint ty, Outputable tm, Outputable ty)
+ => ExactPrint (HsArg tm ty) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsValArg tm) = markAnnotated tm
+ exact (HsTypeArg ss ty) = printStringAtSs ss "@" >> markAnnotated ty
+ exact x@(HsArgPar _sp) = withPpr x -- Does not appear in original source
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint [LHsTyVarBndr () GhcPs] where
+-- getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+-- exact bs = mapM_ markAnnotated bs
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (ClsInstDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry cid = fromAnn (fst $ cid_ext cid)
+ exact (ClsInstDecl { cid_ext = (an, sortKey)
+ , cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = binds
+ , cid_sigs = sigs, cid_tyfam_insts = ats
+ , cid_overlap_mode = mbOverlap
+ , cid_datafam_insts = adts })
+ | null sigs, null ats, null adts, isEmptyBag binds -- No "where" part
+ = top_matter
+ | otherwise -- Laid out
+ = do
+ top_matter
+ markApiAnn an AnnWhere
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenC
+ -- = vcat [ top_matter <+> text "where"
+ -- , nest 2 $ pprDeclList $
+ -- map (pprTyFamInstDecl NotTopLevel . unLoc) ats ++
+ -- map (pprDataFamInstDecl NotTopLevel . unLoc) adts ++
+ -- pprLHsBindsForUser binds sigs ]
+ withSortKey sortKey
+ (prepareListAnnotationA ats
+ ++ prepareListAnnotationF (exactDataFamInstDecl an NotTopLevel ) adts
+ ++ prepareListAnnotationA (bagToList binds)
+ ++ prepareListAnnotationA sigs
+ )
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseC -- '}'
+ where
+ top_matter = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnInstance
+ mapM_ markAnnotated mbOverlap
+ markAnnotated inst_ty
+ markApiAnn an AnnWhere -- Optional
+ -- text "instance" <+> ppOverlapPragma mbOverlap
+ -- <+> ppr inst_ty
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (TyFamInstDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (TyFamInstDecl an _) = fromAnn an
+ exact d@(TyFamInstDecl _an _eqn) =
+ exactTyFamInstDecl TopLevel d
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance (ExactPrint body) => ExactPrint (HsImplicitBndrs GhcPs body) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry (HsIB an _) = fromAnn an
+-- exact (HsIB an t) = markAnnotated t
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedP OverlapMode) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ -- NOTE: NoOverlap is only used in the typechecker
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) (NoOverlap src)) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an src "{-# NO_OVERLAP"
+ markAnnCloseP an
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) (Overlappable src)) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an src "{-# OVERLAPPABLE"
+ markAnnCloseP an
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) (Overlapping src)) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an src "{-# OVERLAPPING"
+ markAnnCloseP an
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) (Overlaps src)) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an src "{-# OVERLAPS"
+ markAnnCloseP an
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) (Incoherent src)) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an src "{-# INCOHERENT"
+ markAnnCloseP an
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsBind GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry FunBind{} = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry PatBind{} = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry VarBind{} = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry AbsBinds{} = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry PatSynBind{} = NoEntryVal
+ exact (FunBind _ _ matches _) = do
+ markAnnotated matches
+ exact (PatBind _ pat grhss _) = do
+ markAnnotated pat
+ markAnnotated grhss
+ exact (PatSynBind _ bind) = markAnnotated bind
+ exact x = error $ "HsBind: exact for " ++ showAst x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (PatSynBind GhcPs GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (PSB { psb_ext = an}) = fromAnn an
+ exact (PSB{ psb_ext = an
+ , psb_id = psyn, psb_args = details
+ , psb_def = pat
+ , psb_dir = dir }) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnPattern
+ case details of
+ InfixCon v1 v2 -> do
+ markAnnotated v1
+ markAnnotated psyn
+ markAnnotated v2
+ PrefixCon tvs vs -> do
+ markAnnotated psyn
+ markAnnotated tvs
+ markAnnotated vs
+ RecCon vs -> do
+ markAnnotated psyn
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenC -- '{'
+ markAnnotated vs
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseC -- '}'
+ case dir of
+ Unidirectional -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnLarrow
+ markAnnotated pat
+ ImplicitBidirectional -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnEqual
+ markAnnotated pat
+ ExplicitBidirectional mg -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnLarrow
+ markAnnotated pat
+ markApiAnn an AnnWhere
+ markAnnotated mg
+ -- case dir of
+ -- GHC.ImplicitBidirectional -> mark GHC.AnnEqual
+ -- _ -> mark GHC.AnnLarrow
+ -- markLocated def
+ -- case dir of
+ -- GHC.Unidirectional -> return ()
+ -- GHC.ImplicitBidirectional -> return ()
+ -- GHC.ExplicitBidirectional mg -> do
+ -- mark GHC.AnnWhere
+ -- mark GHC.AnnOpenC -- '{'
+ -- markMatchGroup l mg
+ -- mark GHC.AnnCloseC -- '}'
+ -- markTrailingSemi
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (RecordPatSynField GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (RecordPatSynField { recordPatSynField = v }) = markAnnotated v
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (Match ann _ _ _) = fromAnn ann
+ exact match@(Match ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ _) = withPpr match
+ exact (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
+ exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss)
+-- -------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (Match ann _ _ _) = fromAnn ann
+ exact match@(Match ApiAnnNotUsed _ _ _) = withPpr match
+ exact (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
+ exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss)
+ -- -- Based on Expr.pprMatch
+ -- debugM $ "exact Match entered"
+ -- -- herald
+ -- case mctxt of
+ -- FunRhs fun fixity strictness -> do
+ -- debugM $ "exact Match FunRhs:" ++ showPprUnsafe fun
+ -- case strictness of
+ -- SrcStrict -> markApiAnn an AnnBang
+ -- _ -> pure ()
+ -- case fixity of
+ -- Prefix -> do
+ -- markAnnotated fun
+ -- mapM_ markAnnotated pats
+ -- Infix ->
+ -- case pats of
+ -- (p1:p2:rest)
+ -- | null rest -> do
+ -- markAnnotated p1
+ -- markAnnotated fun
+ -- markAnnotated p2
+ -- | otherwise -> do
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
+ -- markAnnotated p1
+ -- markAnnotated fun
+ -- markAnnotated p2
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
+ -- mapM_ markAnnotated rest
+ -- LambdaExpr -> do
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnLam
+ -- mapM_ markAnnotated pats
+ -- GHC.CaseAlt -> do
+ -- mapM_ markAnnotated pats
+ -- _ -> withPpr mctxt
+ -- markAnnotated grhss
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactMatch :: (ExactPrint (GRHSs GhcPs body)) => (Match GhcPs body) -> Annotated ()
+exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
+-- Based on Expr.pprMatch
+ debugM $ "exact Match entered"
+ -- herald
+ case mctxt of
+ FunRhs fun fixity strictness -> do
+ debugM $ "exact Match FunRhs:" ++ showPprUnsafe fun
+ case strictness of
+ SrcStrict -> markApiAnn an AnnBang
+ _ -> pure ()
+ case fixity of
+ Prefix -> do
+ markAnnotated fun
+ markAnnotated pats
+ Infix ->
+ case pats of
+ (p1:p2:rest)
+ | null rest -> do
+ markAnnotated p1
+ markAnnotated fun
+ markAnnotated p2
+ | otherwise -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
+ markAnnotated p1
+ markAnnotated fun
+ markAnnotated p2
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
+ mapM_ markAnnotated rest
+ _ -> panic "FunRhs"
+ LambdaExpr -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnLam
+ markAnnotated pats
+ GHC.CaseAlt -> do
+ markAnnotated pats
+ _ -> withPpr mctxt
+ markAnnotated grhss
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (GRHSs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (GRHSs _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ exact (GRHSs _ grhss binds) = do
+ markAnnotated grhss
+ markAnnotated binds
+instance ExactPrint (GRHSs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (GRHSs _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ exact (GRHSs _an grhss binds) = do
+ markAnnotated grhss
+ markAnnotated binds
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsLocalBinds GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsValBinds an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsIPBinds{}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (EmptyLocalBinds{}) = NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsValBinds an valbinds) = do
+ markLocatedAAL an al_rest AnnWhere
+ let manc = case an of
+ ApiAnnNotUsed -> Nothing
+ _ -> al_anchor $ anns an
+ case manc of
+ Just anc -> do
+ when (not $ isEmptyValBinds valbinds) $ setExtraDP (Just anc)
+ _ -> return ()
+ markAnnotatedWithLayout valbinds
+ exact (HsIPBinds an bs)
+ = markAnnList an (markLocatedAAL an al_rest AnnWhere >> markAnnotated bs)
+ exact (EmptyLocalBinds _) = return ()
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsValBindsLR GhcPs GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+ exact (ValBinds sortKey binds sigs) = do
+ setLayoutBoth $ withSortKey sortKey
+ (prepareListAnnotationA (bagToList binds)
+ ++ prepareListAnnotationA sigs
+ )
+ exact (XValBindsLR _) = panic "XValBindsLR"
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsIPBinds GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (IPBinds _ binds) = setLayoutBoth $ markAnnotated binds
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (IPBind GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (IPBind an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (IPBind an (Left lr) rhs) = do
+ markAnnotated lr
+ markApiAnn an AnnEqual
+ markAnnotated rhs
+ exact (IPBind _ (Right _) _) = error $ "ExactPrint IPBind: Right only after typechecker"
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint HsIPName where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsIPName fs) = printStringAdvance ("?" ++ (unpackFS fs))
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (HsValBindsLR GhcPs GhcPs) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+-- exact (ValBinds sortKey binds sigs) = do
+-- -- printStringAdvance "ValBinds"
+-- setLayoutBoth $ withSortKey sortKey
+-- (prepareListAnnotationA (bagToList binds)
+-- ++ prepareListAnnotationA sigs
+-- )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Managing lists which have been separated, e.g. Sigs and Binds
+-- AZ:TODO: generalise this, and the next one
+-- prepareListAnnotationFamilyD :: [LFamilyDecl GhcPs] -> [(RealSrcSpan,EPP ())]
+-- prepareListAnnotationFamilyD ls
+-- = map (\b -> (realSrcSpan $ getLocA b,exactFamilyDecl NotTopLevel (unLoc b))) ls
+prepareListAnnotationF :: (a -> EPP ()) -> [LocatedAn an a] -> [(RealSrcSpan,EPP ())]
+prepareListAnnotationF f ls
+ = map (\b -> (realSrcSpan $ getLocA b, f (unLoc b))) ls
+prepareListAnnotationA :: ExactPrint (LocatedAn an a)
+ => [LocatedAn an a] -> [(RealSrcSpan,EPP ())]
+prepareListAnnotationA ls = map (\b -> (realSrcSpan $ getLocA b,markAnnotated b)) ls
+-- applyListAnnotations :: [(RealSrcSpan, EPP ())] -> EPP ()
+-- applyListAnnotations ls = withSortKey ls
+withSortKey :: AnnSortKey -> [(RealSrcSpan, EPP ())] -> EPP ()
+withSortKey annSortKey xs = do
+ debugM $ "withSortKey:annSortKey=" ++ showAst annSortKey
+ let ordered = case annSortKey of
+ NoAnnSortKey -> sortBy orderByFst xs
+ -- Just keys -> error $ "withSortKey: keys" ++ show keys
+ AnnSortKey keys -> orderByKey xs keys
+ -- `debug` ("withSortKey:" ++
+ -- showPprUnsafe (map fst (sortBy (comparing (flip elemIndex keys . fst)) xs),
+ -- map fst xs,
+ -- keys)
+ -- )
+ mapM_ snd ordered
+orderByFst :: Ord a => (a, b1) -> (a, b2) -> Ordering
+orderByFst (a,_) (b,_) = compare a b
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (Sig GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (TypeSig a _ _) = fromAnn a
+ getAnnotationEntry (PatSynSig a _ _) = fromAnn a
+ getAnnotationEntry (ClassOpSig a _ _ _) = fromAnn a
+ getAnnotationEntry (IdSig {}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (FixSig a _) = fromAnn a
+ getAnnotationEntry (InlineSig a _ _) = fromAnn a
+ getAnnotationEntry (SpecSig a _ _ _) = fromAnn a
+ getAnnotationEntry (SpecInstSig a _ _) = fromAnn a
+ getAnnotationEntry (MinimalSig a _ _) = fromAnn a
+ getAnnotationEntry (SCCFunSig a _ _ _) = fromAnn a
+ getAnnotationEntry (CompleteMatchSig a _ _ _) = fromAnn a
+-- instance Annotate (Sig GhcPs) where
+ exact (TypeSig an vars ty) = exactVarSig an vars ty
+ exact (PatSynSig an lns typ) = do
+ markLocatedAAL an asRest AnnPattern
+ markAnnotated lns
+ markLocatedAA an asDcolon
+ markAnnotated typ
+ exact (ClassOpSig an is_deflt vars ty)
+ | is_deflt = markLocatedAAL an asRest AnnDefault >> exactVarSig an vars ty
+ | otherwise = exactVarSig an vars ty
+-- markAST _ (IdSig {}) =
+-- traceM "warning: Introduced after renaming"
+ exact (FixSig an (FixitySig _ names (Fixity src v fdir))) = do
+ let fixstr = case fdir of
+ InfixL -> "infixl"
+ InfixR -> "infixr"
+ InfixN -> "infix"
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnInfix (Just fixstr)
+-- markSourceText src (show v)
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnVal (Just (sourceTextToString src (show v)))
+ markAnnotated names
+ exact (InlineSig an ln inl) = do
+ markAnnOpen an (inl_src inl) "{-# INLINE"
+ -- markActivation l (inl_act inl)
+ markActivation an id (inl_act inl)
+ markAnnotated ln
+ -- markWithString AnnClose "#-}" -- '#-}'
+ debugM $ "InlineSig:an=" ++ showAst an
+ p <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "InlineSig: p=" ++ show p
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
+ debugM $ "InlineSig:done"
+ exact (SpecSig an ln typs inl) = do
+ markAnnOpen an (inl_src inl) "{-# SPECIALISE" -- Note: may be {-# SPECIALISE_INLINE
+ markActivation an id (inl_act inl)
+ markAnnotated ln
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated typs
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
+ exact (SpecInstSig an src typ) = do
+ markAnnOpen an src "{-# SPECIALISE"
+ markApiAnn an AnnInstance
+ markAnnotated typ
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
+-- markAST _ (SpecInstSig _ src typ) = do
+-- markAnnOpen src "{-# SPECIALISE"
+-- mark AnnInstance
+-- markLHsSigType typ
+-- markWithString AnnClose "#-}" -- '#-}'
+-- markTrailingSemi
+ exact (MinimalSig an src formula) = do
+ markAnnOpen an src "{-# MINIMAL"
+ markAnnotated formula
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
+-- markAST _ (MinimalSig _ src formula) = do
+-- markAnnOpen src "{-# MINIMAL"
+-- markLocated formula
+-- markWithString AnnClose "#-}"
+-- markTrailingSemi
+ exact (SCCFunSig an src ln ml) = do
+ markAnnOpen an src "{-# SCC"
+ markAnnotated ln
+ markAnnotated ml
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
+-- markAST _ (CompleteMatchSig _ src (L _ ns) mlns) = do
+-- markAnnOpen src "{-# COMPLETE"
+-- markListIntercalate ns
+-- case mlns of
+-- Nothing -> return ()
+-- Just _ -> do
+-- mark AnnDcolon
+-- markMaybe mlns
+-- markWithString AnnClose "#-}" -- '#-}'
+-- markTrailingSemi
+ exact x = error $ "exact Sig for:" ++ showAst x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactVarSig :: (ExactPrint a) => ApiAnn' AnnSig -> [LocatedN RdrName] -> a -> EPP ()
+exactVarSig an vars ty = do
+ mapM_ markAnnotated vars
+ markLocatedAA an asDcolon
+ markAnnotated ty
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (FixitySig GhcPs) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+-- exact (FixitySig an names (Fixity src v fdir)) = do
+-- let fixstr = case fdir of
+-- InfixL -> "infixl"
+-- InfixR -> "infixr"
+-- InfixN -> "infix"
+-- markAnnotated names
+-- markLocatedAALS an id AnnInfix (Just fixstr)
+-- -- markAST _ (FixSig _ (FixitySig _ lns (Fixity src v fdir))) = do
+-- -- let fixstr = case fdir of
+-- -- InfixL -> "infixl"
+-- -- InfixR -> "infixr"
+-- -- InfixN -> "infix"
+-- -- markWithString AnnInfix fixstr
+-- -- markSourceText src (show v)
+-- -- setContext (Set.singleton InfixOp) $ markListIntercalate lns
+-- -- markTrailingSemi
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (StandaloneKindSig GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (StandaloneKindSig an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (StandaloneKindSig an vars sig) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnType
+ markAnnotated vars
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated sig
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (DefaultDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (DefaultDecl an _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (DefaultDecl an tys) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnDefault
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
+ markAnnotated tys
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (AnnDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsAnnotation an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (HsAnnotation an src prov e) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an src "{-# ANN"
+ case prov of
+ (ValueAnnProvenance n) -> markAnnotated n
+ (TypeAnnProvenance n) -> do
+ markLocatedAAL an apr_rest AnnType
+ markAnnotated n
+ ModuleAnnProvenance -> markLocatedAAL an apr_rest AnnModule
+ markAnnotated e
+ markAnnCloseP an
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (BF.BooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName)) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (BF.Var x) = do
+ markAnnotated x
+ exact (BF.Or ls) = markAnnotated ls
+ exact (BF.And ls) = do
+ markAnnotated ls
+ exact (BF.Parens x) = do
+ -- mark AnnOpenP -- '('
+ markAnnotated x
+ -- mark AnnCloseP -- ')'
+-- instance (Annotate name) => Annotate (GHC.BooleanFormula (GHC.Located name)) where
+-- markAST _ (GHC.Var x) = do
+-- setContext (Set.singleton PrefixOp) $ markLocated x
+-- inContext (Set.fromList [AddVbar]) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
+-- inContext (Set.fromList [Intercalate]) $ mark GHC.AnnComma
+-- markAST _ (GHC.Or ls) = markListIntercalateWithFunLevelCtx markLocated 2 AddVbar ls
+-- markAST _ (GHC.And ls) = do
+-- markListIntercalateWithFunLevel markLocated 2 ls
+-- inContext (Set.fromList [AddVbar]) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
+-- inContext (Set.fromList [Intercalate]) $ mark GHC.AnnComma
+-- markAST _ (GHC.Parens x) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnOpenP -- '('
+-- markLocated x
+-- mark GHC.AnnCloseP -- ')'
+-- inContext (Set.fromList [AddVbar]) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
+-- inContext (Set.fromList [Intercalate]) $ mark GHC.AnnComma
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (LHsSigWcType GhcPs) where
+-- instance ExactPrint (HsWildCardBndrs GhcPs (LHsSigType GhcPs)) where
+instance (ExactPrint body) => ExactPrint (HsWildCardBndrs GhcPs body) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsWC _ ty) = markAnnotated ty
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (GRHS GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (GRHS an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (GRHS an guards expr) = do
+ debugM $ "GRHS comments:" ++ showGhc (comments an)
+ markAnnKwM an ga_vbar AnnVbar
+ markAnnotated guards
+ debugM $ "GRHS before matchSeparator"
+ markLocatedAA an ga_sep -- Mark the matchSeparator for these GRHSs
+ debugM $ "GRHS after matchSeparator"
+ markAnnotated expr
+ -- markLocatedAA an ga_sep
+instance ExactPrint (GRHS GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (GRHS ann _ _) = fromAnn ann
+ exact (GRHS an guards expr) = do
+ markAnnKwM an ga_vbar AnnVbar
+ markAnnotated guards
+ markLocatedAA an ga_sep -- Mark the matchSeparator for these GRHSs
+ markAnnotated expr
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsVar{}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsUnboundVar an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsConLikeOut{}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsRecFld{}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsOverLabel an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsIPVar an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsOverLit an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsLit an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsLam _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsLamCase an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsApp an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsAppType _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (OpApp an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (NegApp an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsPar an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (SectionL an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (SectionR an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ExplicitTuple an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ExplicitSum an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCase an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsIf an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsMultiIf an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsLet an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsDo an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ExplicitList an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (RecordCon an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (RecordUpd an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsGetField an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsProjection an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ExprWithTySig an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ArithSeq an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsBracket an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsRnBracketOut{}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsTcBracketOut{}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsSpliceE an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsProc an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsStatic an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsTick {}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsBinTick {}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsPragE{}) = NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsVar _ n) = markAnnotated n
+ exact x@(HsUnboundVar an _v) = do
+ case an of
+ ApiAnnNotUsed -> withPpr x
+ ApiAnn _ (ApiAnnUnboundVar (ob,cb) l) _ -> do
+ printStringAtAA ob "`"
+ printStringAtAA l "_"
+ printStringAtAA cb "`"
+ -- exact x@(HsConLikeOut{}) = withPpr x
+ -- exact x@(HsRecFld{}) = withPpr x
+ -- exact x@(HsOverLabel ann _ _) = withPpr x
+ exact (HsIPVar _ (HsIPName n))
+ = printStringAdvance ("?" ++ unpackFS n)
+ exact x@(HsOverLit _an ol) = do
+ let str = case ol_val ol of
+ HsIntegral (IL src _ _) -> src
+ HsFractional (FL { fl_text = src }) -> src
+ HsIsString src _ -> src
+ -- markExternalSourceText l str ""
+ case str of
+ SourceText s -> printStringAdvance s
+ NoSourceText -> withPpr x
+ exact (HsLit _an lit) = withPpr lit
+ exact (HsLam _ (MG _ (L _ [match]) _)) = do
+ markAnnotated match
+ -- markExpr _ (HsLam _ (MG _ (L _ [match]) _)) = do
+ -- setContext (Set.singleton LambdaExpr) $ do
+ -- -- TODO: Change this, HsLam binds do not need obey layout rules.
+ -- -- And will only ever have a single match
+ -- markLocated match
+ -- markExpr _ (HsLam _ _) = error $ "HsLam with other than one match"
+ exact (HsLam _ _) = error $ "HsLam with other than one match"
+ exact (HsLamCase an mg) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnLam
+ markApiAnn an AnnCase
+ markAnnotated mg
+ exact (HsApp _an e1 e2) = do
+ p <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "HsApp entered. p=" ++ show p
+ markAnnotated e1
+ markAnnotated e2
+ exact (HsAppType ss fun arg) = do
+ markAnnotated fun
+ printStringAtSs ss "@"
+ markAnnotated arg
+ exact (OpApp _an e1 e2 e3) = do
+ exact e1
+ exact e2
+ exact e3
+ exact (NegApp an e _) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnMinus
+ markAnnotated e
+ exact (HsPar an e) = do
+ markOpeningParen an
+ markAnnotated e
+ debugM $ "HsPar closing paren"
+ markClosingParen an
+ debugM $ "HsPar done"
+ -- exact (SectionL an expr op) = do
+ exact (SectionR _an op expr) = do
+ markAnnotated op
+ markAnnotated expr
+ exact (ExplicitTuple an args b) = do
+ if b == Boxed then markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
+ else markApiAnn an AnnOpenPH
+ mapM_ markAnnotated args
+ if b == Boxed then markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
+ else markApiAnn an AnnClosePH
+ debugM $ "ExplicitTuple done"
+ exact (ExplicitSum an _alt _arity expr) = do
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnOpenPH
+ markAnnKw an aesOpen AnnOpenPH
+ markAnnKwAll an aesBarsBefore AnnVbar
+ markAnnotated expr
+ markAnnKwAll an aesBarsAfter AnnVbar
+ markAnnKw an aesClose AnnClosePH
+ exact (HsCase an e alts) = do
+ markAnnKw an hsCaseAnnCase AnnCase
+ markAnnotated e
+ markAnnKw an hsCaseAnnOf AnnOf
+ markApiAnn' an hsCaseAnnsRest AnnOpenC
+ markApiAnnAll an hsCaseAnnsRest AnnSemi
+ setLayoutBoth $ markAnnotated alts
+ markApiAnn' an hsCaseAnnsRest AnnCloseC
+ -- exact x@(HsCase ApiAnnNotUsed _ _) = withPpr x
+ exact (HsIf an e1 e2 e3) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnIf
+ markAnnotated e1
+ markApiAnn an AnnThen
+ markAnnotated e2
+ markApiAnn an AnnElse
+ markAnnotated e3
+ exact (HsMultiIf an mg) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnIf
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenC -- optional
+ markAnnotated mg
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseC -- optional
+ exact (HsLet an binds e) = do
+ setLayoutBoth $ do -- Make sure the 'in' gets indented too
+ markAnnKw an alLet AnnLet
+ debugM $ "HSlet:binds coming"
+ setLayoutBoth $ markAnnotated binds
+ debugM $ "HSlet:binds done"
+ markAnnKw an alIn AnnIn
+ debugM $ "HSlet:expr coming"
+ markAnnotated e
+ exact (HsDo an do_or_list_comp stmts) = do
+ debugM $ "HsDo"
+ markAnnList an $ exactDo an do_or_list_comp stmts
+ exact (ExplicitList an es) = do
+ debugM $ "ExplicitList start"
+ markLocatedMAA an al_open
+ markAnnotated es
+ markLocatedMAA an al_close
+ debugM $ "ExplicitList end"
+ exact (RecordCon an con_id binds) = do
+ markAnnotated con_id
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenC
+ markAnnotated binds
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseC
+ exact (RecordUpd an expr fields) = do
+ markAnnotated expr
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenC
+ markAnnotated fields
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseC
+ exact (HsGetField _an expr field) = do
+ markAnnotated expr
+ markAnnotated field
+ exact (HsProjection an flds) = do
+ markAnnKw an apOpen AnnOpenP
+ markAnnotated flds
+ markAnnKw an apClose AnnCloseP
+ exact (ExprWithTySig an expr sig) = do
+ markAnnotated expr
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated sig
+ exact (ArithSeq an _ seqInfo) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenS -- '['
+ case seqInfo of
+ From e -> do
+ markAnnotated e
+ markApiAnn an AnnDotdot
+ FromTo e1 e2 -> do
+ markAnnotated e1
+ markApiAnn an AnnDotdot
+ markAnnotated e2
+ FromThen e1 e2 -> do
+ markAnnotated e1
+ markApiAnn an AnnComma
+ markAnnotated e2
+ markApiAnn an AnnDotdot
+ FromThenTo e1 e2 e3 -> do
+ markAnnotated e1
+ markApiAnn an AnnComma
+ markAnnotated e2
+ markApiAnn an AnnDotdot
+ markAnnotated e3
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseS -- ']'
+ exact (HsBracket an (ExpBr _ e)) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenEQ -- "[|"
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenE -- "[e|" -- optional
+ markAnnotated e
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseQ -- "|]"
+ exact (HsBracket an (PatBr _ e)) = do
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpen (Just "[p|")
+ markAnnotated e
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseQ -- "|]"
+ exact (HsBracket an (DecBrL _ e)) = do
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpen (Just "[d|")
+ markAnnotated e
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseQ -- "|]"
+ -- -- exact (HsBracket an (DecBrG _ _)) =
+ -- -- traceM "warning: DecBrG introduced after renamer"
+ exact (HsBracket an (TypBr _ e)) = do
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpen (Just "[t|")
+ markAnnotated e
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseQ -- "|]"
+ exact (HsBracket an (VarBr _ b e)) = do
+ if b
+ then do
+ markApiAnn an AnnSimpleQuote
+ markAnnotated e
+ else do
+ markApiAnn an AnnThTyQuote
+ markAnnotated e
+ exact (HsBracket an (TExpBr _ e)) = do
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpen (Just "[||")
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpenE (Just "[e||")
+ markAnnotated e
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "||]")
+ -- exact x@(HsRnBracketOut{}) = withPpr x
+ -- exact x@(HsTcBracketOut{}) = withPpr x
+ exact (HsSpliceE _ sp) = markAnnotated sp
+ exact (HsProc an p c) = do
+ debugM $ "HsProc start"
+ markApiAnn an AnnProc
+ markAnnotated p
+ markApiAnn an AnnRarrow
+ debugM $ "HsProc after AnnRarrow"
+ markAnnotated c
+ exact (HsStatic an e) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnStatic
+ markAnnotated e
+ -- exact x@(HsTick {}) = withPpr x
+ -- exact x@(HsBinTick {}) = withPpr x
+ exact (HsPragE _ prag e) = do
+ markAnnotated prag
+ markAnnotated e
+ exact x = error $ "exact HsExpr for:" ++ showAst x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactDo :: (ExactPrint body)
+ => ApiAnn' AnnList -> (HsStmtContext any) -> body -> EPP ()
+exactDo an (DoExpr m) stmts = exactMdo an m AnnDo >> markAnnotatedWithLayout stmts
+exactDo an GhciStmtCtxt stmts = markLocatedAAL an al_rest AnnDo >> markAnnotatedWithLayout stmts
+exactDo an ArrowExpr stmts = markLocatedAAL an al_rest AnnDo >> markAnnotatedWithLayout stmts
+exactDo an (MDoExpr m) stmts = exactMdo an m AnnMdo >> markAnnotatedWithLayout stmts
+exactDo _ ListComp stmts = markAnnotatedWithLayout stmts
+exactDo _ MonadComp stmts = markAnnotatedWithLayout stmts
+exactDo _ _ _ = panic "pprDo" -- PatGuard, ParStmtCxt
+exactMdo :: ApiAnn' AnnList -> Maybe ModuleName -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+exactMdo an Nothing kw = markLocatedAAL an al_rest kw
+exactMdo an (Just module_name) kw = markLocatedAALS an al_rest kw (Just n)
+ where
+ n = (moduleNameString module_name) ++ "." ++ (keywordToString (G kw))
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsPragE GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry HsPragSCC{} = NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsPragSCC an st sl) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an st "{-# SCC"
+ let txt = sourceTextToString (sl_st sl) (unpackFS $ sl_fs sl)
+ markLocatedAALS an apr_rest AnnVal (Just txt) -- optional
+ markLocatedAALS an apr_rest AnnValStr (Just txt) -- optional
+ markAnnCloseP an
+ -- markExpr _ (GHC.HsPragE _ prag e) = do
+ -- case prag of
+ -- (GHC.HsPragSCC _ src csFStr) -> do
+ -- markAnnOpen src "{-# SCC"
+ -- let txt = sourceTextToString (GHC.sl_st csFStr) (GHC.unpackFS $ GHC.sl_fs csFStr)
+ -- markWithStringOptional GHC.AnnVal txt
+ -- markWithString GHC.AnnValStr txt
+ -- markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#-}"
+ -- markLocated e
+ -- (GHC.HsPragTick _ src (str,(v1,v2),(v3,v4)) ((s1,s2),(s3,s4))) -> do
+ -- markAnnOpen src "{-# GENERATED"
+ -- markOffsetWithString GHC.AnnVal 0 (stringLiteralToString str) -- STRING
+ -- let
+ -- markOne n v GHC.NoSourceText = markOffsetWithString GHC.AnnVal n (show v)
+ -- markOne n _v (GHC.SourceText s) = markOffsetWithString GHC.AnnVal n s
+ -- markOne 1 v1 s1 -- INTEGER
+ -- markOffset GHC.AnnColon 0 -- ':'
+ -- markOne 2 v2 s2 -- INTEGER
+ -- mark GHC.AnnMinus -- '-'
+ -- markOne 3 v3 s3 -- INTEGER
+ -- markOffset GHC.AnnColon 1 -- ':'
+ -- markOne 4 v4 s4 -- INTEGER
+ -- markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#-}"
+ -- markLocated e
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsSplice GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsTypedSplice an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsUntypedSplice an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsQuasiQuote _ _ _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsSpliced _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsTypedSplice an DollarSplice _n e) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnDollarDollar
+ markAnnotated e
+ -- = ppr_splice (text "$$") n e empty
+ -- exact (HsTypedSplice _ BareSplice _ _ )
+ -- = panic "Bare typed splice" -- impossible
+ exact (HsUntypedSplice an decoration _n b) = do
+ when (decoration == DollarSplice) $ markApiAnn an AnnDollar
+ markAnnotated b
+ -- exact (HsUntypedSplice _ DollarSplice n e)
+ -- = ppr_splice (text "$") n e empty
+ -- exact (HsUntypedSplice _ BareSplice n e)
+ -- = ppr_splice empty n e empty
+ exact (HsQuasiQuote _ _ q ss fs) = do
+ -- The quasiquote string does not honour layout offsets. Store
+ -- the colOffset for now.
+ -- TODO: use local?
+ oldOffset <- getLayoutOffsetP
+ setLayoutOffsetP 0
+ printStringAdvance
+ -- Note: Lexer.x does not provide unicode alternative. 2017-02-26
+ ("[" ++ (showPprUnsafe q) ++ "|" ++ (unpackFS fs) ++ "|]")
+ setLayoutOffsetP oldOffset
+ p <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "HsQuasiQuote:after:(p,ss)=" ++ show (p,ss2range ss)
+ -- exact (HsSpliced _ _ thing) = ppr thing
+ -- exact (XSplice x) = case ghcPass @p of
+ exact x = error $ "exact HsSplice for:" ++ showAst x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- TODO:AZ: combine these instances
+instance ExactPrint (MatchGroup GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (MG _ matches _) = do
+ -- TODO:AZ use SortKey, in MG ann.
+ markAnnotated matches
+instance ExactPrint (MatchGroup GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (MG _ matches _) = do
+ -- TODO:AZ use SortKey, in MG ann.
+ markAnnotated matches
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance (ExactPrint body) => ExactPrint (HsRecFields GhcPs body) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsRecFields fields mdot) = do
+ markAnnotated fields
+ case mdot of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (L ss _) ->
+ printStringAtSs ss ".."
+ -- Note: mdot contains the SrcSpan where the ".." appears, if present
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance (ExactPrint body) => ExactPrint (HsRecField GhcPs body) where
+instance (ExactPrint body)
+ => ExactPrint (HsRecField' (FieldOcc GhcPs) body) where
+ getAnnotationEntry x = fromAnn (hsRecFieldAnn x)
+ exact (HsRecField an f arg isPun) = do
+ debugM $ "HsRecField"
+ markAnnotated f
+ if isPun then return ()
+ else do
+ markApiAnn an AnnEqual
+ markAnnotated arg
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance (ExactPrint body)
+ => ExactPrint (HsRecField' (FieldLabelStrings GhcPs) body) where
+ getAnnotationEntry x = fromAnn (hsRecFieldAnn x)
+ exact (HsRecField an f arg isPun) = do
+ debugM $ "HsRecField FieldLabelStrings"
+ markAnnotated f
+ if isPun then return ()
+ else do
+ markApiAnn an AnnEqual
+ markAnnotated arg
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (HsRecUpdField GhcPs ) where
+instance (ExactPrint body)
+ => ExactPrint (HsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs) body) where
+-- instance (ExactPrint body)
+ -- => ExactPrint (HsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs) body) where
+ getAnnotationEntry x = fromAnn (hsRecFieldAnn x)
+ exact (HsRecField an f arg isPun) = do
+ debugM $ "HsRecUpdField"
+ markAnnotated f
+ if isPun then return ()
+ else markApiAnn an AnnEqual
+ markAnnotated arg
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance (ExactPrint body)
+-- => ExactPrint (Either (HsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs) body)
+-- (HsRecField' (FieldOcc GhcPs) body)) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+-- exact (Left rbinds) = markAnnotated rbinds
+-- exact (Right pbinds) = markAnnotated pbinds
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance (ExactPrint body)
+-- => ExactPrint
+-- (Either [LocatedA (HsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs) body)]
+-- [LocatedA (HsRecField' (FieldOcc GhcPs) body)]) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+-- exact (Left rbinds) = markAnnotated rbinds
+-- exact (Right pbinds) = markAnnotated pbinds
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance -- (ExactPrint body)
+ (ExactPrint (HsRecField' (a GhcPs) body),
+ ExactPrint (HsRecField' (b GhcPs) body))
+ => ExactPrint
+ (Either [LocatedA (HsRecField' (a GhcPs) body)]
+ [LocatedA (HsRecField' (b GhcPs) body)]) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (Left rbinds) = markAnnotated rbinds
+ exact (Right pbinds) = markAnnotated pbinds
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (FieldLabelStrings GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (FieldLabelStrings fs) = markAnnotated fs
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsFieldLabel GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsFieldLabel an _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (HsFieldLabel an fs) = do
+ markAnnKwM an afDot AnnDot
+ markAnnotated fs
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsTupArg GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (Present an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (Missing an) = fromAnn an
+ exact (Present _ e) = markAnnotated e
+ exact (Missing ApiAnnNotUsed) = return ()
+ exact (Missing _) = printStringAdvance ","
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsCmdTop GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsCmdTop _ cmd) = markAnnotated cmd
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdArrApp an _ _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdArrForm an _ _ _ _ ) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdApp an _ _ ) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdLam {}) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdPar an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdCase an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdLamCase an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdIf an _ _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdLet an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdDo an _) = fromAnn an
+-- ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsFirstOrderApp True)
+-- = hsep [ppr_lexpr arrow, larrowt, ppr_lexpr arg]
+-- ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsFirstOrderApp False)
+-- = hsep [ppr_lexpr arg, arrowt, ppr_lexpr arrow]
+-- ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsHigherOrderApp True)
+-- = hsep [ppr_lexpr arrow, larrowtt, ppr_lexpr arg]
+-- ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsHigherOrderApp False)
+-- = hsep [ppr_lexpr arg, arrowtt, ppr_lexpr arrow]
+ exact (HsCmdArrApp an arr arg _o isRightToLeft) = do
+ if isRightToLeft
+ then do
+ markAnnotated arr
+ markKw (anns an)
+ markAnnotated arg
+ else do
+ markAnnotated arg
+ markKw (anns an)
+ markAnnotated arr
+-- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdArrApp _ e1 e2 o isRightToLeft) = do
+-- -- isRightToLeft True => right-to-left (f -< arg)
+-- -- False => left-to-right (arg >- f)
+-- if isRightToLeft
+-- then do
+-- markLocated e1
+-- case o of
+-- GHC.HsFirstOrderApp -> mark GHC.Annlarrowtail
+-- GHC.HsHigherOrderApp -> mark GHC.AnnLarrowtail
+-- else do
+-- markLocated e2
+-- case o of
+-- GHC.HsFirstOrderApp -> mark GHC.Annrarrowtail
+-- GHC.HsHigherOrderApp -> mark GHC.AnnRarrowtail
+-- if isRightToLeft
+-- then markLocated e2
+-- else markLocated e1
+ exact (HsCmdArrForm an e fixity _mf [arg1,arg2]) = do
+ markLocatedMAA an al_open
+ case fixity of
+ Infix -> do
+ markAnnotated arg1
+ markAnnotated e
+ markAnnotated arg2
+ Prefix -> do
+ markAnnotated e
+ markAnnotated arg1
+ markAnnotated arg2
+ markLocatedMAA an al_close
+-- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdArrForm _ e fixity _mf cs) = do
+-- -- The AnnOpen should be marked for a prefix usage, not for a postfix one,
+-- -- due to the way checkCmd maps both HsArrForm and OpApp to HsCmdArrForm
+-- let isPrefixOp = case fixity of
+-- GHC.Infix -> False
+-- GHC.Prefix -> True
+-- when isPrefixOp $ mark GHC.AnnOpenB -- "(|"
+-- -- This may be an infix operation
+-- applyListAnnotationsContexts (LC (Set.singleton PrefixOp) (Set.singleton PrefixOp)
+-- (Set.singleton InfixOp) (Set.singleton InfixOp))
+-- (prepareListAnnotation [e]
+-- ++ prepareListAnnotation cs)
+-- when isPrefixOp $ mark GHC.AnnCloseB -- "|)"
+-- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdApp _ e1 e2) = do
+-- markLocated e1
+-- markLocated e2
+ exact (HsCmdLam _ match) = markAnnotated match
+-- markAST l (GHC.HsCmdLam _ match) = do
+-- setContext (Set.singleton LambdaExpr) $ do markMatchGroup l match
+ exact (HsCmdPar an e) = do
+ markOpeningParen an
+ markAnnotated e
+ markClosingParen an
+ exact (HsCmdCase an e alts) = do
+ markAnnKw an hsCaseAnnCase AnnCase
+ markAnnotated e
+ markAnnKw an hsCaseAnnOf AnnOf
+ markApiAnn' an hsCaseAnnsRest AnnOpenC
+ markApiAnnAll an hsCaseAnnsRest AnnSemi
+ markAnnotated alts
+ markApiAnn' an hsCaseAnnsRest AnnCloseC
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnCase
+ -- markAnnotated e1
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnOf
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnOpenC
+ -- markAnnotated matches
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnCloseC
+-- markAST l (GHC.HsCmdCase _ e1 matches) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnCase
+-- markLocated e1
+-- mark GHC.AnnOf
+-- markOptional GHC.AnnOpenC
+-- setContext (Set.singleton CaseAlt) $ do
+-- markMatchGroup l matches
+-- markOptional GHC.AnnCloseC
+-- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdIf _ _ e1 e2 e3) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnIf
+-- markLocated e1
+-- markOffset GHC.AnnSemi 0
+-- mark GHC.AnnThen
+-- markLocated e2
+-- markOffset GHC.AnnSemi 1
+-- mark GHC.AnnElse
+-- markLocated e3
+-- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdLet _ (GHC.L _ binds) e) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnLet
+-- markOptional GHC.AnnOpenC
+-- markLocalBindsWithLayout binds
+-- markOptional GHC.AnnCloseC
+-- mark GHC.AnnIn
+-- markLocated e
+ exact (HsCmdDo an es) = do
+ debugM $ "HsCmdDo"
+ markApiAnn' an al_rest AnnDo
+ markAnnotated es
+-- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdDo _ (GHC.L _ es)) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnDo
+-- markOptional GHC.AnnOpenC
+-- markListWithLayout es
+-- markOptional GHC.AnnCloseC
+-- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdWrap {}) =
+-- traceM "warning: HsCmdWrap introduced after renaming"
+-- markAST _ (GHC.XCmd x) = error $ "got XCmd for:" ++ showPprUnsafe x
+ exact x = error $ "exact HsCmd for:" ++ showAst x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (CmdLStmt GhcPs) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+-- exact (L _ a) = markAnnotated a
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsCmd GhcPs)) where
+instance (ExactPrint (LocatedA body))
+ => ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA body)) where
+-- instance ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (LastStmt _ _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (BindStmt an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ApplicativeStmt _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (BodyStmt _ _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (LetStmt an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ParStmt _ _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (TransStmt an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (RecStmt an _ _ _ _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ exact (LastStmt _ body _ _) = do
+ debugM $ "LastStmt"
+ markAnnotated body
+ exact (BindStmt an pat body) = do
+ debugM $ "BindStmt"
+ markAnnotated pat
+ markApiAnn an AnnLarrow
+ markAnnotated body
+ exact (ApplicativeStmt _ _body _) = do
+ debugM $ "ApplicativeStmt"
+ -- TODO: ApplicativeStmt
+ -- markAnnotated body
+ error $ "need to complete ApplicativeStmt"
+ exact (BodyStmt _ body _ _) = do
+ debugM $ "BodyStmt"
+ markAnnotated body
+ exact (LetStmt an binds) = do
+ debugM $ "LetStmt"
+ markApiAnn an AnnLet
+ markAnnotated binds
+ exact (ParStmt _ pbs _ _) = do
+ debugM $ "ParStmt"
+ markAnnotated pbs
+ -- markAST l (GHC.ParStmt _ pbs _ _) = do
+ -- -- Within a given parallel list comprehension,one of the sections to be done
+ -- -- in parallel. It is a normal list comprehension, so has a list of
+ -- -- ParStmtBlock, one for each part of the sub- list comprehension
+ -- ifInContext (Set.singleton Intercalate)
+ -- (
+ -- unsetContext Intercalate $
+ -- markListWithContextsFunction
+ -- (LC (Set.singleton Intercalate) -- only
+ -- Set.empty -- first
+ -- Set.empty -- middle
+ -- (Set.singleton Intercalate) -- last
+ -- ) (markAST l) pbs
+ -- )
+ -- (
+ -- unsetContext Intercalate $
+ -- markListWithContextsFunction
+ -- (LC Set.empty -- only
+ -- (Set.fromList [AddVbar]) -- first
+ -- (Set.fromList [AddVbar]) -- middle
+ -- Set.empty -- last
+ -- ) (markAST l) pbs
+ -- )
+ -- markTrailingSemi
+-- pprStmt (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_by = by
+-- , trS_using = using, trS_form = form })
+-- = sep $ punctuate comma (map ppr stmts ++ [pprTransStmt by using form])
+ exact (TransStmt an form stmts _b using by _ _ _) = do
+ debugM $ "TransStmt"
+ markAnnotated stmts
+ exactTransStmt an by using form
+ -- markAST _ (GHC.TransStmt _ form stmts _b using by _ _ _) = do
+ -- setContext (Set.singleton Intercalate) $ mapM_ markLocated stmts
+ -- case form of
+ -- GHC.ThenForm -> do
+ -- mark GHC.AnnThen
+ -- unsetContext Intercalate $ markLocated using
+ -- case by of
+ -- Just b -> do
+ -- mark GHC.AnnBy
+ -- unsetContext Intercalate $ markLocated b
+ -- Nothing -> return ()
+ -- GHC.GroupForm -> do
+ -- mark GHC.AnnThen
+ -- mark GHC.AnnGroup
+ -- case by of
+ -- Just b -> mark GHC.AnnBy >> markLocated b
+ -- Nothing -> return ()
+ -- mark GHC.AnnUsing
+ -- markLocated using
+ -- inContext (Set.singleton AddVbar) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
+ -- inContext (Set.singleton Intercalate) $ mark GHC.AnnComma
+ -- markTrailingSemi
+ exact (RecStmt _ _stmts _ _ _ _ _) = do
+ -- TODO: implement RecStmt
+ debugM $ "RecStmt"
+ error $ "need to test RecStmt"
+ -- markAST _ (GHC.RecStmt _ stmts _ _ _ _ _) = do
+ -- mark GHC.AnnRec
+ -- markOptional GHC.AnnOpenC
+ -- markInside GHC.AnnSemi
+ -- markListWithLayout stmts
+ -- markOptional GHC.AnnCloseC
+ -- inContext (Set.singleton AddVbar) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
+ -- inContext (Set.singleton Intercalate) $ mark GHC.AnnComma
+ -- markTrailingSemi
+ -- exact x = error $ "exact CmdLStmt for:" ++ showAst x
+ -- exact x = error $ "exact CmdLStmt for:"
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (ParStmtBlock GhcPs GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (ParStmtBlock _ stmts _ _) = markAnnotated stmts
+exactTransStmt :: ApiAnn -> Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> TransForm -> EPP ()
+exactTransStmt an by using ThenForm = do
+ debugM $ "exactTransStmt:ThenForm"
+ markApiAnn an AnnThen
+ markAnnotated using
+ case by of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just b -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnBy
+ markAnnotated b
+exactTransStmt an by using GroupForm = do
+ debugM $ "exactTransStmt:GroupForm"
+ markApiAnn an AnnThen
+ markApiAnn an AnnGroup
+ case by of
+ Just b -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnBy
+ markAnnotated b
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ markApiAnn an AnnUsing
+ markAnnotated using
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (TyClDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (FamDecl { }) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (SynDecl { tcdSExt = an }) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (DataDecl { tcdDExt = an }) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ClassDecl { tcdCExt = (an, _, _) }) = fromAnn an
+ exact (FamDecl _ decl) = do
+ markAnnotated decl
+ exact (SynDecl { tcdSExt = an
+ , tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity
+ , tcdRhs = rhs }) = do
+ -- There may be arbitrary parens around parts of the constructor that are
+ -- infix.
+ -- Turn these into comments so that they feed into the right place automatically
+ -- annotationsToComments [GHC.AnnOpenP,GHC.AnnCloseP]
+ markApiAnn an AnnType
+ -- markTyClass Nothing fixity ln tyvars
+ exactVanillaDeclHead an ltycon tyvars fixity Nothing
+ markApiAnn an AnnEqual
+ markAnnotated rhs
+ -- ppr (SynDecl { tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity
+ -- , tcdRhs = rhs })
+ -- = hang (text "type" <+>
+ -- pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars fixity Nothing <+> equals)
+ -- 4 (ppr rhs)
+-- {-
+-- SynDecl { tcdSExt :: XSynDecl pass -- ^ Post renameer, FVs
+-- , tcdLName :: Located (IdP pass) -- ^ Type constructor
+-- , tcdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars pass -- ^ Type variables; for an
+-- -- associated type these
+-- -- include outer binders
+-- , tcdFixity :: LexicalFixity -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
+-- , tcdRhs :: LHsType pass } -- ^ RHS of type declaration
+-- -}
+-- markAST _ (GHC.SynDecl _ ln (GHC.HsQTvs _ tyvars) fixity typ) = do
+-- -- There may be arbitrary parens around parts of the constructor that are
+-- -- infix.
+-- -- Turn these into comments so that they feed into the right place automatically
+-- -- annotationsToComments [GHC.AnnOpenP,GHC.AnnCloseP]
+-- mark GHC.AnnType
+-- markTyClass Nothing fixity ln tyvars
+-- mark GHC.AnnEqual
+-- markLocated typ
+-- markTrailingSemi
+ exact (DataDecl { tcdDExt = an, tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars
+ , tcdFixity = fixity, tcdDataDefn = defn }) =
+ exactDataDefn an (exactVanillaDeclHead an ltycon tyvars fixity) defn
+ -- -----------------------------------
+ exact (ClassDecl {tcdCExt = (an, sortKey, _),
+ tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lclas, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
+ tcdFixity = fixity,
+ tcdFDs = fds,
+ tcdSigs = sigs, tcdMeths = methods,
+ tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs,
+ tcdDocs = _docs})
+ -- TODO: add a test that demonstrates tcdDocs
+ | null sigs && isEmptyBag methods && null ats && null at_defs -- No "where" part
+ = top_matter
+ | otherwise -- Laid out
+ = do
+ top_matter
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnWhere
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenC
+ withSortKey sortKey
+ (prepareListAnnotationA sigs
+ ++ prepareListAnnotationA (bagToList methods)
+ ++ prepareListAnnotationA ats
+ ++ prepareListAnnotationA at_defs
+ -- ++ prepareListAnnotation docs
+ )
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseC
+ where
+ top_matter = do
+ annotationsToComments (apiAnnAnns an) [AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP]
+ markApiAnn an AnnClass
+ exactVanillaDeclHead an lclas tyvars fixity context
+ unless (null fds) $ do
+ markApiAnn an AnnVbar
+ markAnnotated fds
+ markApiAnn an AnnWhere
+-- -- -----------------------------------
+-- markAST _ (GHC.ClassDecl _ ctx ln (GHC.HsQTvs _ tyVars) fixity fds
+-- sigs meths ats atdefs docs) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnClass
+-- markLocated ctx
+-- markTyClass Nothing fixity ln tyVars
+-- unless (null fds) $ do
+-- mark GHC.AnnVbar
+-- markListIntercalateWithFunLevel markLocated 2 fds
+-- mark GHC.AnnWhere
+-- markOptional GHC.AnnOpenC -- '{'
+-- markInside GHC.AnnSemi
+-- -- AZ:TODO: we end up with both the tyVars and the following body of the
+-- -- class defn in annSortKey for the class. This could cause problems when
+-- -- changing things.
+-- setContext (Set.singleton InClassDecl) $
+-- applyListAnnotationsLayout
+-- (prepareListAnnotation sigs
+-- ++ prepareListAnnotation (GHC.bagToList meths)
+-- ++ prepareListAnnotation ats
+-- ++ prepareListAnnotation atdefs
+-- ++ prepareListAnnotation docs
+-- )
+-- markOptional GHC.AnnCloseC -- '}'
+-- markTrailingSemi
+-- {-
+-- | ClassDecl { tcdCExt :: XClassDecl pass, -- ^ Post renamer, FVs
+-- tcdCtxt :: LHsContext pass, -- ^ Context...
+-- tcdLName :: Located (IdP pass), -- ^ Name of the class
+-- tcdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars pass, -- ^ Class type variables
+-- tcdFixity :: LexicalFixity, -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
+-- tcdFDs :: [Located (FunDep (Located (IdP pass)))],
+-- -- ^ Functional deps
+-- tcdSigs :: [LSig pass], -- ^ Methods' signatures
+-- tcdMeths :: LHsBinds pass, -- ^ Default methods
+-- tcdATs :: [LFamilyDecl pass], -- ^ Associated types;
+-- tcdATDefs :: [LTyFamDefltEqn pass],
+-- -- ^ Associated type defaults
+-- tcdDocs :: [LDocDecl] -- ^ Haddock docs
+-- }
+-- -}
+-- markAST _ (GHC.SynDecl _ _ (GHC.XLHsQTyVars _) _ _)
+-- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
+-- markAST _ (GHC.DataDecl _ _ (GHC.HsQTvs _ _) _ (GHC.XHsDataDefn _))
+-- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
+-- markAST _ (GHC.DataDecl _ _ (GHC.XLHsQTyVars _) _ _)
+-- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
+-- markAST _ (GHC.ClassDecl _ _ _ (GHC.XLHsQTyVars _) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+-- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
+-- markAST _ (GHC.XTyClDecl _)
+-- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
+ -- exact x = error $ "exact TyClDecl for:" ++ showAst x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (FunDep GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (FunDep an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (FunDep an ls rs') = do
+ markAnnotated ls
+ markApiAnn an AnnRarrow
+ markAnnotated rs'
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (FamilyDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (FamilyDecl { fdExt = an }) = fromAnn an
+ exact (FamilyDecl { fdExt = an
+ , fdInfo = info
+ , fdTopLevel = top_level
+ , fdLName = ltycon
+ , fdTyVars = tyvars
+ , fdFixity = fixity
+ , fdResultSig = L _ result
+ , fdInjectivityAnn = mb_inj }) = do
+ -- = vcat [ pprFlavour info <+> pp_top_level <+>
+ -- pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars fixity Nothing <+>
+ -- pp_kind <+> pp_inj <+> pp_where
+ -- , nest 2 $ pp_eqns ]
+ exactFlavour an info
+ exact_top_level
+ exactVanillaDeclHead an ltycon tyvars fixity Nothing
+ exact_kind
+ mapM_ markAnnotated mb_inj
+ case info of
+ ClosedTypeFamily mb_eqns -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnWhere
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenC
+ case mb_eqns of
+ Nothing -> printStringAdvance ".."
+ Just eqns -> markAnnotated eqns
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseC
+ _ -> return ()
+ where
+ exact_top_level = case top_level of
+ TopLevel -> markApiAnn an AnnFamily
+ NotTopLevel -> return ()
+ exact_kind = case result of
+ NoSig _ -> return ()
+ KindSig _ kind -> markApiAnn an AnnDcolon >> markAnnotated kind
+ TyVarSig _ tv_bndr -> markApiAnn an AnnEqual >> markAnnotated tv_bndr
+ -- exact_inj = case mb_inj of
+ -- Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn _ lhs rhs)) ->
+ -- hsep [ vbar, ppr lhs, text "->", hsep (map ppr rhs) ]
+ -- Nothing -> empty
+ -- (pp_where, pp_eqns) = case info of
+ -- ClosedTypeFamily mb_eqns ->
+ -- ( text "where"
+ -- , case mb_eqns of
+ -- Nothing -> text ".."
+ -- Just eqns -> vcat $ map (ppr_fam_inst_eqn . unLoc) eqns )
+ -- _ -> (empty, empty)
+exactFlavour :: ApiAnn -> FamilyInfo GhcPs -> EPP ()
+exactFlavour an DataFamily = markApiAnn an AnnData
+exactFlavour an OpenTypeFamily = markApiAnn an AnnType
+exactFlavour an (ClosedTypeFamily {}) = markApiAnn an AnnType
+-- instance Outputable (FamilyInfo pass) where
+-- ppr info = pprFlavour info <+> text "family"
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactDataDefn :: ApiAnn
+ -> (Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs) -> EPP ()) -- Printing the header
+ -> HsDataDefn GhcPs
+ -> EPP ()
+exactDataDefn an exactHdr
+ (HsDataDefn { dd_ext = an2
+ , dd_ND = new_or_data, dd_ctxt = context
+ , dd_cType = mb_ct
+ , dd_kindSig = mb_sig
+ , dd_cons = condecls, dd_derivs = derivings }) = do
+ if new_or_data == DataType
+ then markApiAnn an2 AnnData
+ else markApiAnn an2 AnnNewtype
+ mapM_ markAnnotated mb_ct
+ exactHdr context
+ case mb_sig of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just kind -> do
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated kind
+ when (isGadt condecls) $ markApiAnn an AnnWhere
+ exact_condecls an2 condecls
+ mapM_ markAnnotated derivings
+ return ()
+exactVanillaDeclHead :: ApiAnn
+ -> LocatedN RdrName
+ -> LHsQTyVars GhcPs
+ -> LexicalFixity
+ -> Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs)
+ -> EPP ()
+exactVanillaDeclHead an thing (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tyvars }) fixity context = do
+ let
+ exact_tyvars :: [LHsTyVarBndr () GhcPs] -> EPP ()
+ exact_tyvars (varl:varsr)
+ | fixity == Infix && length varsr > 1 = do
+ -- = hsep [char '(',ppr (unLoc varl), pprInfixOcc (unLoc thing)
+ -- , (ppr.unLoc) (head varsr), char ')'
+ -- , hsep (map (ppr.unLoc) (tail vaprsr))]
+ markApiAnnAll an id AnnOpenP
+ markAnnotated varl
+ markAnnotated thing
+ markAnnotated (head varsr)
+ markApiAnnAll an id AnnCloseP
+ markAnnotated (tail varsr)
+ return ()
+ | fixity == Infix = do
+ -- = hsep [ppr (unLoc varl), pprInfixOcc (unLoc thing)
+ -- , hsep (map (ppr.unLoc) varsr)]
+ markAnnotated varl
+ markAnnotated thing
+ markAnnotated varsr
+ return ()
+ | otherwise = do
+ -- hsep [ pprPrefixOcc (unLoc thing)
+ -- , hsep (map (ppr.unLoc) (varl:varsr))]
+ markAnnotated thing
+ mapM_ markAnnotated (varl:varsr)
+ return ()
+ exact_tyvars [] = do
+ -- pprPrefixOcc (unLoc thing)
+ markAnnotated thing
+ mapM_ markAnnotated context
+ exact_tyvars tyvars
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (InjectivityAnn GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (InjectivityAnn an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (InjectivityAnn an lhs rhs) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnVbar
+ markAnnotated lhs
+ markApiAnn an AnnRarrow
+ mapM_ markAnnotated rhs
+ -- Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn _ lhs rhs)) ->
+ -- hsep [ vbar, ppr lhs, text "->", hsep (map ppr rhs) ]
+ -- Nothing -> empty
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (HsTyVarBndr () GhcPs) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry (UserTyVar an _ _) = fromAnn an
+-- getAnnotationEntry (KindedTyVar an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+-- exact = withPpr
+instance (Typeable flag) => ExactPrint (HsTyVarBndr flag GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (UserTyVar an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (KindedTyVar an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (UserTyVar an _ n) = do
+ markApiAnnAll an id AnnOpenP
+ markAnnotated n
+ markApiAnnAll an id AnnCloseP
+ exact (KindedTyVar an _ n k) = do
+ markApiAnnAll an id AnnOpenP
+ markAnnotated n
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated k
+ markApiAnnAll an id AnnCloseP
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- NOTE: this is also an alias for LHsKind
+-- instance ExactPrint (LHsType GhcPs) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+-- exact (L _ a) = markAnnotated a
+instance ExactPrint (HsType GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsForAllTy _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsQualTy _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsTyVar an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsAppTy _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsAppKindTy _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsFunTy an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsListTy an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsTupleTy an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsSumTy an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsOpTy _ _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsParTy an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsIParamTy an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsStarTy _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsKindSig an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsSpliceTy _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsDocTy an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsBangTy an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsRecTy an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsExplicitListTy an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsExplicitTupleTy an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsTyLit _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsWildCardTy _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (XHsType _) = NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = _an
+ , hst_tele = tele, hst_body = ty }) = do
+ markAnnotated tele
+ markAnnotated ty
+ exact (HsQualTy _ ctxt ty) = do
+ markAnnotated ctxt
+ -- markApiAnn an AnnDarrow
+ markAnnotated ty
+ exact (HsTyVar an promoted name) = do
+ when (promoted == IsPromoted) $ markApiAnn an AnnSimpleQuote
+ markAnnotated name
+ exact (HsAppTy _ t1 t2) = markAnnotated t1 >> markAnnotated t2
+ exact (HsAppKindTy ss ty ki) = do
+ markAnnotated ty
+ printStringAtSs ss "@"
+ markAnnotated ki
+ exact (HsFunTy an mult ty1 ty2) = do
+ markAnnotated ty1
+ markArrow an mult
+ markAnnotated ty2
+ exact (HsListTy an tys) = do
+ markOpeningParen an
+ markAnnotated tys
+ markClosingParen an
+ exact (HsTupleTy an _con tys) = do
+ markOpeningParen an
+ markAnnotated tys
+ markClosingParen an
+ exact (HsSumTy an tys) = do
+ markOpeningParen an
+ markAnnotated tys
+ markClosingParen an
+ exact (HsOpTy _an t1 lo t2) = do
+ markAnnotated t1
+ markAnnotated lo
+ markAnnotated t2
+ exact (HsParTy an ty) = do
+ markOpeningParen an
+ markAnnotated ty
+ markClosingParen an
+ exact (HsIParamTy an n t) = do
+ markAnnotated n
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated t
+ exact (HsStarTy _an isUnicode)
+ = if isUnicode
+ then printStringAdvance "\x2605" -- Unicode star
+ else printStringAdvance "*"
+ exact (HsKindSig an ty k) = do
+ exact ty
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ exact k
+ exact (HsSpliceTy _ splice) = do
+ markAnnotated splice
+ -- exact x@(HsDocTy an _ _) = withPpr x
+ exact (HsBangTy an (HsSrcBang mt _up str) ty) = do
+ case mt of
+ NoSourceText -> return ()
+ SourceText src -> do
+ debugM $ "HsBangTy: src=" ++ showAst src
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnOpen (Just src)
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
+ debugM $ "HsBangTy: done unpackedness"
+ case str of
+ SrcLazy -> markApiAnn an AnnTilde
+ SrcStrict -> markApiAnn an AnnBang
+ NoSrcStrict -> return ()
+ markAnnotated ty
+ -- exact x@(HsRecTy an _) = withPpr x
+ exact (HsExplicitListTy an prom tys) = do
+ when (isPromoted prom) $ markApiAnn an AnnSimpleQuote
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenS
+ markAnnotated tys
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseS
+ exact (HsExplicitTupleTy an tys) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnSimpleQuote
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
+ markAnnotated tys
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
+ exact (HsTyLit _ lit) = do
+ case lit of
+ (HsNumTy src v) -> printSourceText src (show v)
+ (HsStrTy src v) -> printSourceText src (show v)
+ (HsCharTy src v) -> printSourceText src (show v)
+ exact (HsWildCardTy _) = printStringAdvance "_"
+ exact x = error $ "missing match for HsType:" ++ showAst x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsForAllTelescope GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsForAllVis an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsForAllInvis an _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (HsForAllVis an bndrs) = do
+ markLocatedAA an fst -- AnnForall
+ markAnnotated bndrs
+ markLocatedAA an snd -- AnnRarrow
+ exact (HsForAllInvis an bndrs) = do
+ markLocatedAA an fst -- AnnForall
+ markAnnotated bndrs
+ markLocatedAA an snd -- AnnDot
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsDerivingClause GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry d@(HsDerivingClause{}) = fromAnn (deriv_clause_ext d)
+ exact (HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_ext = an
+ , deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
+ , deriv_clause_tys = dct }) = do
+ -- = hsep [ text "deriving"
+ -- , pp_strat_before
+ -- , pp_dct dct
+ -- , pp_strat_after ]
+ markApiAnn an AnnDeriving
+ exact_strat_before
+ markAnnotated dct
+ exact_strat_after
+ where
+ -- -- This complexity is to distinguish between
+ -- -- deriving Show
+ -- -- deriving (Show)
+ -- pp_dct [HsIB { hsib_body = ty }]
+ -- = ppr (parenthesizeHsType appPrec ty)
+ -- pp_dct _ = parens (interpp'SP dct)
+ -- @via@ is unique in that in comes /after/ the class being derived,
+ -- so we must special-case it.
+ (exact_strat_before, exact_strat_after) =
+ case dcs of
+ Just v@(L _ ViaStrategy{}) -> (pure (), markAnnotated v)
+ _ -> (mapM_ markAnnotated dcs, pure ())
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (DerivStrategy GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (StockStrategy an) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (AnyclassStrategy an) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (NewtypeStrategy an) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs an _)) = fromAnn an
+ exact (StockStrategy an) = markApiAnn an AnnStock
+ exact (AnyclassStrategy an) = markApiAnn an AnnAnyclass
+ exact (NewtypeStrategy an) = markApiAnn an AnnNewtype
+ exact (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs an ty))
+ = markApiAnn an AnnVia >> markAnnotated ty
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance (ExactPrint a) => ExactPrint (LocatedC a) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (L sann _) = fromAnn sann
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn ApiAnnNotUsed _) a) = markAnnotated a
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn (ApiAnn _ (AnnContext ma opens closes) _) _) a) = do
+ -- case ma of
+ -- Just (UnicodeSyntax, rs) -> markKw' AnnDarrowU rs
+ -- Just (NormalSyntax, rs) -> markKw' AnnDarrow rs
+ -- Nothing -> pure ()
+ mapM_ (markKwA AnnOpenP) (sort opens)
+ markAnnotated a
+ mapM_ (markKwA AnnCloseP) (sort closes)
+ case ma of
+ Just (UnicodeSyntax, r) -> markKwA AnnDarrowU r
+ Just (NormalSyntax, r) -> markKwA AnnDarrow r
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (DerivClauseTys GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (DctSingle _ ty) = markAnnotated ty
+ exact (DctMulti _ tys) = do
+ -- parens (interpp'SP tys)
+ markAnnotated tys
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsSigType GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsSig _ bndrs ty) = do
+ markAnnotated bndrs
+ markAnnotated ty
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedN RdrName) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (L sann _) = fromAnn sann
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn ApiAnnNotUsed l) n) = do
+ p <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "LocatedN RdrName:NOANN: (p,l,str)=" ++ show (p,ss2range l, showPprUnsafe n)
+ printStringAtSs l (showPprUnsafe n)
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn (ApiAnn _anchor ann _cs) _ll) n) = do
+ case ann of
+ NameAnn a o l c t -> do
+ markName a o (Just (l,n)) c
+ markTrailing t
+ NameAnnCommas a o cs c t -> do
+ let (kwo,kwc) = adornments a
+ markKw (AddApiAnn kwo o)
+ forM_ cs (\loc -> markKw (AddApiAnn AnnComma loc))
+ markKw (AddApiAnn kwc c)
+ markTrailing t
+ NameAnnOnly a o c t -> do
+ markName a o Nothing c
+ markTrailing t
+ NameAnnRArrow nl t -> do
+ markKw (AddApiAnn AnnRarrow nl)
+ markTrailing t
+ NameAnnQuote q name t -> do
+ debugM $ "NameAnnQuote"
+ markKw (AddApiAnn AnnSimpleQuote q)
+ markAnnotated (L name n)
+ markTrailing t
+ NameAnnTrailing t -> do
+ printStringAdvance (showPprUnsafe n)
+ markTrailing t
+markName :: NameAdornment
+ -> AnnAnchor -> Maybe (AnnAnchor,RdrName) -> AnnAnchor -> EPP ()
+markName adorn open mname close = do
+ let (kwo,kwc) = adornments adorn
+ markKw (AddApiAnn kwo open)
+ case mname of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (name, a) -> printStringAtAA name (showPprUnsafe a)
+ markKw (AddApiAnn kwc close)
+adornments :: NameAdornment -> (AnnKeywordId, AnnKeywordId)
+adornments NameParens = (AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP)
+adornments NameParensHash = (AnnOpenPH, AnnClosePH)
+adornments NameBackquotes = (AnnBackquote, AnnBackquote)
+adornments NameSquare = (AnnOpenS, AnnCloseS)
+markTrailing :: [TrailingAnn] -> EPP ()
+markTrailing ts = do
+ p <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "markTrailing:" ++ showPprUnsafe (p,ts)
+ mapM_ markKwT (sort ts)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- based on pp_condecls in Decls.hs
+exact_condecls :: ApiAnn -> [LConDecl GhcPs] -> EPP ()
+exact_condecls an cs
+ | gadt_syntax -- In GADT syntax
+ -- = hang (text "where") 2 (vcat (map ppr cs))
+ = do
+ -- printStringAdvance "exact_condecls:gadt"
+ mapM_ markAnnotated cs
+ | otherwise -- In H98 syntax
+ -- = equals <+> sep (punctuate (text " |") (map ppr cs))
+ = do
+ -- printStringAdvance "exact_condecls:not gadt"
+ markApiAnn an AnnEqual
+ mapM_ markAnnotated cs
+ where
+ gadt_syntax = case cs of
+ [] -> False
+ (L _ ConDeclH98{} : _) -> False
+ (L _ ConDeclGADT{} : _) -> True
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (ConDecl GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry x@(ConDeclGADT{}) = fromAnn (con_g_ext x)
+ getAnnotationEntry x@(ConDeclH98{}) = fromAnn (con_ext x)
+-- based on pprConDecl
+ exact (ConDeclH98 { con_ext = an
+ , con_name = con
+ , con_forall = has_forall
+ , con_ex_tvs = ex_tvs
+ , con_mb_cxt = mcxt
+ , con_args = args
+ , con_doc = doc }) = do
+ -- = sep [ ppr_mbDoc doc
+ -- , pprHsForAll (mkHsForAllInvisTele ex_tvs) mcxt
+ -- , ppr_details args ]
+ mapM_ markAnnotated doc
+ when has_forall $ markApiAnn an AnnForall
+ mapM_ markAnnotated ex_tvs
+ when has_forall $ markApiAnn an AnnDot
+ -- exactHsForall (mkHsForAllInvisTele ex_tvs) mcxt
+ mapM_ markAnnotated mcxt
+ when (isJust mcxt) $ markApiAnn an AnnDarrow
+ exact_details args
+ -- case args of
+ -- InfixCon _ _ -> return ()
+ -- _ -> markAnnotated con
+ where
+ -- -- In ppr_details: let's not print the multiplicities (they are always 1, by
+ -- -- definition) as they do not appear in an actual declaration.
+ exact_details (InfixCon t1 t2) = do
+ markAnnotated t1
+ markAnnotated con
+ markAnnotated t2
+ exact_details (PrefixCon tyargs tys) = do
+ markAnnotated con
+ markAnnotated tyargs
+ markAnnotated tys
+ exact_details (RecCon fields) = do
+ markAnnotated con
+ markAnnotated fields
+ -- -----------------------------------
+ exact (ConDeclGADT { con_g_ext = an
+ , con_names = cons
+ , con_bndrs = bndrs
+ , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_g_args = args
+ , con_res_ty = res_ty, con_doc = doc }) = do
+ mapM_ markAnnotated doc
+ mapM_ markAnnotated cons
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ annotationsToComments (apiAnnAnns an) [AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP]
+ -- when has_forall $ markApiAnn an AnnForall
+ markAnnotated bndrs
+ -- mapM_ markAnnotated qvars
+ -- when has_forall $ markApiAnn an AnnDot
+ mapM_ markAnnotated mcxt
+ when (isJust mcxt) $ markApiAnn an AnnDarrow
+ -- mapM_ markAnnotated args
+ case args of
+ (PrefixConGADT args') -> mapM_ markAnnotated args'
+ (RecConGADT fields) -> markAnnotated fields
+ -- mapM_ markAnnotated (unLoc fields)
+ markAnnotated res_ty
+ -- markAST _ (GHC.ConDeclGADT _ lns (GHC.L l forall) qvars mbCxt args typ _) = do
+ -- setContext (Set.singleton PrefixOp) $ markListIntercalate lns
+ -- mark GHC.AnnDcolon
+ -- annotationsToComments [GHC.AnnOpenP]
+ -- markLocated (GHC.L l (ResTyGADTHook forall qvars))
+ -- markMaybe mbCxt
+ -- markHsConDeclDetails False True lns args
+ -- markLocated typ
+ -- markManyOptional GHC.AnnCloseP
+ -- markTrailingSemi
+-- pprConDecl (ConDeclGADT { con_names = cons, con_qvars = qvars
+-- , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_args = args
+-- , con_res_ty = res_ty, con_doc = doc })
+-- = ppr_mbDoc doc <+> ppr_con_names cons <+> dcolon
+-- <+> (sep [pprHsForAll (mkHsForAllInvisTele qvars) mcxt,
+-- ppr_arrow_chain (get_args args ++ [ppr res_ty]) ])
+-- where
+-- get_args (PrefixCon args) = map ppr args
+-- get_args (RecCon fields) = [pprConDeclFields (unLoc fields)]
+-- get_args (InfixCon {}) = pprPanic "pprConDecl:GADT" (ppr_con_names cons)
+-- ppr_arrow_chain (a:as) = sep (a : map (arrow <+>) as)
+-- ppr_arrow_chain [] = empty
+-- ppr_con_names :: (OutputableBndr a) => [GenLocated l a] -> SDoc
+-- ppr_con_names = pprWithCommas (pprPrefixOcc . unLoc)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- exactHsForall :: HsForAllTelescope GhcPs
+-- -> Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs) -> EPP ()
+-- exactHsForall = exactHsForAllExtra False
+-- exactHsForAllExtra :: Bool
+-- -> HsForAllTelescope GhcPs
+-- -> Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs) -> EPP ()
+-- exactHsForAllExtra show_extra Nothing = return ()
+-- exactHsForAllExtra show_extra lctxt@(Just ctxt)
+-- | not show_extra = markAnnotated ctxt
+-- -- | null ctxt = char '_' <+> darrow
+-- | null ctxt = return ()
+-- | otherwise = parens (sep (punctuate comma ctxt')) <+> darrow
+-- where
+-- ctxt' = map ppr ctxt ++ [char '_']
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint Void where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact _ = return ()
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance (Typeable flag) => ExactPrint (HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsOuterImplicit _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (HsOuterExplicit an _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (HsOuterImplicit _) = pure ()
+ exact (HsOuterExplicit an bndrs) = do
+ markLocatedAA an fst -- "forall"
+ markAnnotated bndrs
+ markLocatedAA an snd -- "."
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (ConDeclField GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry f@(ConDeclField{}) = fromAnn (cd_fld_ext f)
+ exact (ConDeclField an names ftype mdoc) = do
+ markAnnotated names
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated ftype
+ mapM_ markAnnotated mdoc
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (FieldOcc GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (FieldOcc _ n) = markAnnotated n
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (Unambiguous _ n) = markAnnotated n
+ exact (Ambiguous _ n) = markAnnotated n
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance (ExactPrint a) => ExactPrint (HsScaled GhcPs a) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsScaled _arr t) = markAnnotated t
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (LHsContext GhcPs) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry (L (SrcSpanAnn ann _) _) = fromAnn ann
+-- exact = withPpr
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedP CType) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn ApiAnnNotUsed _) ct) = withPpr ct
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _ll)
+ (CType stp mh (stct,ct))) = do
+ markAnnOpenP an stp "{-# CTYPE"
+ case mh of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (Header srcH _h) ->
+ markLocatedAALS an apr_rest AnnHeader (Just (toSourceTextWithSuffix srcH "" ""))
+ markLocatedAALS an apr_rest AnnVal (Just (toSourceTextWithSuffix stct (unpackFS ct) ""))
+ markAnnCloseP an
+-- instance Annotate GHC.CType where
+-- markAST _ (GHC.CType src mh f) = do
+-- -- markWithString GHC.AnnOpen src
+-- markAnnOpen src ""
+-- case mh of
+-- Nothing -> return ()
+-- Just (GHC.Header srcH _h) ->
+-- -- markWithString GHC.AnnHeader srcH
+-- markWithString GHC.AnnHeader (toSourceTextWithSuffix srcH "" "")
+-- -- markWithString GHC.AnnVal (fst f)
+-- markSourceText (fst f) (GHC.unpackFS $ snd f)
+-- markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#-}"
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (SourceText, RuleName) where
+ -- We end up at the right place from the Located wrapper
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (st, rn)
+ = printStringAdvance (toSourceTextWithSuffix st (unpackFS rn) "")
+-- =====================================================================
+-- LocatedL instances start --
+-- Each is dealt with specifically, as they have
+-- different wrapping annotations in the al_rest zone.
+-- In future, the annotation could perhaps be improved, with an
+-- 'al_pre' and 'al_post' set of annotations to be simply sorted and
+-- applied.
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance (ExactPrint body) => ExactPrint (LocatedL body) where
+-- getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+-- exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) b) = do
+-- markLocatedMAA an al_open
+-- markApiAnnAll an al_rest AnnSemi
+-- markAnnotated b
+-- markLocatedMAA an al_close
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (IE GhcPs)]) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn ann _) ies) = do
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [LIE"
+ markLocatedAAL ann al_rest AnnHiding
+ p <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [LIE:p=" ++ showPprUnsafe p
+ markAnnList ann (markAnnotated ies)
+-- AZ:TODO: combine with next instance
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L la a) = do
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [LMatch"
+ -- TODO: markAnnList?
+ markApiAnnAll (ann la) al_rest AnnWhere
+ markLocatedMAA (ann la) al_open
+ markApiAnnAll (ann la) al_rest AnnSemi
+ markAnnotated a
+ markLocatedMAA (ann la) al_close
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs)))]) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L la a) = do
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [LMatch"
+ -- TODO: markAnnList?
+ markApiAnnAll (ann la) al_rest AnnWhere
+ markLocatedMAA (ann la) al_open
+ markApiAnnAll (ann la) al_rest AnnSemi
+ markAnnotated a
+ markLocatedMAA (ann la) al_close
+-- instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [ExprLStmt GhcPs]) where
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) stmts) = do
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [ExprLStmt"
+ markAnnList an $ do
+ -- markLocatedMAA an al_open
+ case snocView stmts of
+ Just (initStmts, ls@(L _ (LastStmt _ _body _ _))) -> do
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [ExprLStmt: snocView"
+ markAnnotated ls
+ markAnnotated initStmts
+ _ -> markAnnotated stmts
+ -- x -> error $ "pprDo:ListComp" ++ showAst x
+ -- markLocatedMAA an al_close
+-- instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [CmdLStmt GhcPs]) where
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs)))]) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn ann _) es) = do
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [CmdLStmt"
+ markLocatedMAA ann al_open
+ mapM_ markAnnotated es
+ markLocatedMAA ann al_close
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (ConDeclField GhcPs)]) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) fs) = do
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [LConDeclField"
+ markAnnList an (mapM_ markAnnotated fs) -- AZ:TODO get rid of mapM_
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedL (BF.BooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName))) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _) bf) = do
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [LBooleanFormula"
+ markAnnList an (markAnnotated bf)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- LocatedL instances end --
+-- =====================================================================
+instance ExactPrint (IE GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (IEVar _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (IEThingAbs an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (IEThingAll an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (IEThingWith an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (IEModuleContents an _)= fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (IEGroup _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (IEDoc _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (IEDocNamed _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ exact (IEVar _ ln) = markAnnotated ln
+ exact (IEThingAbs _ thing) = markAnnotated thing
+ exact (IEThingAll an thing) = do
+ markAnnotated thing
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
+ markApiAnn an AnnDotdot
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
+ exact (IEThingWith an thing wc withs) = do
+ markAnnotated thing
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
+ case wc of
+ NoIEWildcard -> markAnnotated withs
+ IEWildcard pos -> do
+ let (bs, as) = splitAt pos withs
+ markAnnotated bs
+ markApiAnn an AnnDotdot
+ markApiAnn an AnnComma
+ markAnnotated as
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
+ exact (IEModuleContents an (L lm mn)) = do
+ markApiAnn an AnnModule
+ printStringAtSs lm (moduleNameString mn)
+ -- exact (IEGroup _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ -- exact (IEDoc _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ -- exact (IEDocNamed _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ exact x = error $ "missing match for IE:" ++ showAst x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (IEWrappedName RdrName) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (IEName n) = markAnnotated n
+ exact (IEPattern r n) = do
+ printStringAtAA r "pattern"
+ markAnnotated n
+ exact (IEType r n) = do
+ printStringAtAA r "type"
+ markAnnotated n
+-- markIEWrapped :: ApiAnn -> LIEWrappedName RdrName -> EPP ()
+-- markIEWrapped an (L _ (IEName n))
+-- = markAnnotated n
+-- markIEWrapped an (L _ (IEPattern n))
+-- = markApiAnn an AnnPattern >> markAnnotated n
+-- markIEWrapped an (L _ (IEType n))
+-- = markApiAnn an AnnType >> markAnnotated n
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- instance ExactPrint (LocatedA (Pat GhcPs)) where
+-- -- getAnnotationEntry (L (SrcSpanAnn ann _) _) = fromAnn ann
+-- getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+-- exact (L _ a) = do
+-- debugM $ "exact:LPat:" ++ showPprUnsafe a
+-- markAnnotated a
+instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry (WildPat _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (VarPat _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (LazyPat an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (AsPat an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ParPat an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (BangPat an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ListPat an _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (TuplePat an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (SumPat an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ConPat an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (ViewPat an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (SplicePat _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (LitPat _ _) = NoEntryVal
+ getAnnotationEntry (NPat an _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (NPlusKPat an _ _ _ _ _) = fromAnn an
+ getAnnotationEntry (SigPat an _ _) = fromAnn an
+ exact (WildPat _) = do
+ anchor <- getAnchorU
+ debugM $ "WildPat:anchor=" ++ show anchor
+ printStringAtRs anchor "_"
+ exact (VarPat _ n) = do
+ -- The parser inserts a placeholder value for a record pun rhs. This must be
+ -- filtered.
+ let pun_RDR = "pun-right-hand-side"
+ when (showPprUnsafe n /= pun_RDR) $ markAnnotated n
+ -- | LazyPat an pat)
+ exact (AsPat an n pat) = do
+ markAnnotated n
+ markApiAnn an AnnAt
+ markAnnotated pat
+ exact (ParPat an pat) = do
+ markAnnKw an ap_open AnnOpenP
+ markAnnotated pat
+ markAnnKw an ap_close AnnCloseP
+ -- | BangPat an pat)
+ exact (ListPat an pats) = markAnnList an (markAnnotated pats)
+ exact (TuplePat an pats boxity) = do
+ case boxity of
+ Boxed -> markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
+ Unboxed -> markApiAnn an AnnOpenPH
+ markAnnotated pats
+ case boxity of
+ Boxed -> markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
+ Unboxed -> markApiAnn an AnnClosePH
+ exact (SumPat an pat _alt _arity) = do
+ markLocatedAAL an sumPatParens AnnOpenPH
+ markAnnKwAll an sumPatVbarsBefore AnnVbar
+ markAnnotated pat
+ markAnnKwAll an sumPatVbarsAfter AnnVbar
+ markLocatedAAL an sumPatParens AnnClosePH
+ -- markPat _ (GHC.SumPat _ pat alt arity) = do
+ -- markWithString GHC.AnnOpen "(#"
+ -- replicateM_ (alt - 1) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
+ -- markLocated pat
+ -- replicateM_ (arity - alt) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
+ -- markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#)"
+ -- | ConPat an con args)
+ exact (ConPat an con details) = exactUserCon an con details
+ exact (ViewPat an expr pat) = do
+ markAnnotated expr
+ markApiAnn an AnnRarrow
+ markAnnotated pat
+ exact (SplicePat _ splice) = markAnnotated splice
+ exact (LitPat _ lit) = printStringAdvance (hsLit2String lit)
+ exact (NPat an ol mn _) = do
+ when (isJust mn) $ markApiAnn an AnnMinus
+ markAnnotated ol
+ -- | NPlusKPat an n lit1 lit2 _ _)
+ exact (SigPat an pat sig) = do
+ markAnnotated pat
+ markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated sig
+ -- exact x = withPpr x
+ exact x = error $ "missing match for Pat:" ++ showAst x
+-- instance Annotate (GHC.Pat GHC.GhcPs) where
+-- markAST loc typ = do
+-- markPat loc typ
+-- inContext (Set.fromList [Intercalate]) $ mark GHC.AnnComma `debug` ("AnnComma in Pat")
+-- where
+-- markPat l (GHC.WildPat _) = markExternal l GHC.AnnVal "_"
+-- markPat l (GHC.VarPat _ n) = do
+-- -- The parser inserts a placeholder value for a record pun rhs. This must be
+-- -- filtered out until is
+-- -- resolved, particularly for pretty printing where annotations are added.
+-- let pun_RDR = "pun-right-hand-side"
+-- when (showPprUnsafe n /= pun_RDR) $
+-- unsetContext Intercalate $ setContext (Set.singleton PrefixOp) $ markAST l (GHC.unLoc n)
+-- -- unsetContext Intercalate $ setContext (Set.singleton PrefixOp) $ markLocated n
+-- markPat _ (GHC.LazyPat _ p) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnTilde
+-- markLocated p
+-- markPat _ (GHC.AsPat _ ln p) = do
+-- markLocated ln
+-- mark GHC.AnnAt
+-- markLocated p
+-- markPat _ (GHC.ParPat _ p) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnOpenP
+-- markLocated p
+-- mark GHC.AnnCloseP
+-- markPat _ (GHC.BangPat _ p) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnBang
+-- markLocated p
+-- markPat _ (GHC.ListPat _ ps) = do
+-- mark GHC.AnnOpenS
+-- markListIntercalateWithFunLevel markLocated 2 ps
+-- mark GHC.AnnCloseS
+-- markPat _ (GHC.TuplePat _ pats b) = do
+-- if b == GHC.Boxed then mark GHC.AnnOpenP
+-- else markWithString GHC.AnnOpen "(#"
+-- markListIntercalateWithFunLevel markLocated 2 pats
+-- if b == GHC.Boxed then mark GHC.AnnCloseP
+-- else markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#)"
+-- markPat _ (GHC.SumPat _ pat alt arity) = do
+-- markWithString GHC.AnnOpen "(#"
+-- replicateM_ (alt - 1) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
+-- markLocated pat
+-- replicateM_ (arity - alt) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
+-- markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#)"
+-- markPat _ (GHC.ConPatIn n dets) = do
+-- markHsConPatDetails n dets
+-- markPat _ GHC.ConPatOut {} =
+-- traceM "warning: ConPatOut Introduced after renaming"
+-- markPat _ (GHC.ViewPat _ e pat) = do
+-- markLocated e
+-- mark GHC.AnnRarrow
+-- markLocated pat
+-- markPat l (GHC.SplicePat _ s) = do
+-- markAST l s
+-- markPat l (GHC.LitPat _ lp) = markAST l lp
+-- markPat _ (GHC.NPat _ ol mn _) = do
+-- when (isJust mn) $ mark GHC.AnnMinus
+-- markLocated ol
+-- markPat _ (GHC.NPlusKPat _ ln ol _ _ _) = do
+-- markLocated ln
+-- markWithString GHC.AnnVal "+" -- "+"
+-- markLocated ol
+-- markPat _ (GHC.SigPat _ pat ty) = do
+-- markLocated pat
+-- mark GHC.AnnDcolon
+-- markLHsSigWcType ty
+-- markPat _ GHC.CoPat {} =
+-- traceM "warning: CoPat introduced after renaming"
+-- markPat _ (GHC.XPat (GHC.L l p)) = markPat l p
+-- -- markPat _ (GHC.XPat x) = error $ "got XPat for:" ++ showPprUnsafe x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsPatSigType GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (HsPS _ ty) = markAnnotated ty
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint (HsOverLit GhcPs) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact ol =
+ let str = case ol_val ol of
+ HsIntegral (IL src _ _) -> src
+ HsFractional (FL{ fl_text = src }) -> src
+ HsIsString src _ -> src
+ in
+ case str of
+ SourceText s -> printStringAdvance s
+ NoSourceText -> return ()
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+hsLit2String :: HsLit GhcPs -> String
+hsLit2String lit =
+ case lit of
+ HsChar src v -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src v ""
+ -- It should be included here
+ --
+ HsCharPrim src p -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src p "#"
+ HsString src v -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src v ""
+ HsStringPrim src v -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src v ""
+ HsInt _ (IL src _ v) -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src v ""
+ HsIntPrim src v -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src v ""
+ HsWordPrim src v -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src v ""
+ HsInt64Prim src v -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src v ""
+ HsWord64Prim src v -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src v ""
+ HsInteger src v _ -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src v ""
+ HsRat _ fl@(FL{fl_text = src }) _ -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src fl ""
+ HsFloatPrim _ fl@(FL{fl_text = src }) -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src fl "#"
+ HsDoublePrim _ fl@(FL{fl_text = src }) -> toSourceTextWithSuffix src fl "##"
+ -- (XLit x) -> error $ "got XLit for:" ++ showPprUnsafe x
+toSourceTextWithSuffix :: (Show a) => SourceText -> a -> String -> String
+toSourceTextWithSuffix (NoSourceText) alt suffix = show alt ++ suffix
+toSourceTextWithSuffix (SourceText txt) _alt suffix = txt ++ suffix
+sourceTextToString :: SourceText -> String -> String
+sourceTextToString NoSourceText alt = alt
+sourceTextToString (SourceText txt) _ = txt
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactUserCon :: (ExactPrint con) => ApiAnn -> con -> HsConPatDetails GhcPs -> EPP ()
+exactUserCon _ c (InfixCon p1 p2) = markAnnotated p1 >> markAnnotated c >> markAnnotated p2
+exactUserCon an c details = do
+ markAnnotated c
+ markApiAnn an AnnOpenC
+ exactConArgs details
+ markApiAnn an AnnCloseC
+exactConArgs ::HsConPatDetails GhcPs -> EPP ()
+exactConArgs (PrefixCon tyargs pats) = markAnnotated tyargs >> markAnnotated pats
+exactConArgs (InfixCon p1 p2) = markAnnotated p1 >> markAnnotated p2
+exactConArgs (RecCon rpats) = markAnnotated rpats
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+entryFromLocatedA :: LocatedAn ann a -> Entry
+entryFromLocatedA (L la _) = fromAnn la
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Utility stuff
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- |This should be the final point where things are mode concrete,
+-- before output.
+-- NOTE: despite the name, this is the ghc-exactprint final output for
+-- the PRINT phase.
+printStringAtLsDelta :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => DeltaPos -> String -> EP w m ()
+printStringAtLsDelta cl s = do
+ p <- getPosP
+ colOffset <- getLayoutOffsetP
+ if isGoodDeltaWithOffset cl colOffset
+ then do
+ printStringAt (undelta p cl colOffset) s
+ `debug` ("printStringAtLsDelta:(pos,s):" ++ show (undelta p cl colOffset,s))
+ else return () `debug` ("printStringAtLsDelta:bad delta for (mc,s):" ++ show (cl,s))
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+isGoodDeltaWithOffset :: DeltaPos -> LayoutStartCol -> Bool
+isGoodDeltaWithOffset dp colOffset = isGoodDelta (DP l c)
+ where (l,c) = undelta (0,0) dp colOffset
+printQueuedComment :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => RealSrcSpan -> Comment -> DeltaPos -> EP w m ()
+printQueuedComment loc Comment{commentContents} dp = do
+ p <- getPosP
+ colOffset <- getLayoutOffsetP
+ let (dr,dc) = undelta (0,0) dp colOffset
+ -- do not lose comments against the left margin
+ when (isGoodDelta (DP dr (max 0 dc))) $ do
+ printCommentAt (undelta p dp colOffset) commentContents
+ setPriorEndASTD False loc
+ p' <- getPosP
+ debugM $ "printQueuedComment: (p,p',dp,colOffset,undelta)=" ++ show (p,p',dp,colOffset,undelta p dp colOffset)
+-- Print version
+printQueuedComment :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Comment -> DeltaPos -> EP w m ()
+printQueuedComment Comment{commentContents} dp = do
+ p <- getPos
+ colOffset <- getLayoutOffset
+ let (dr,dc) = undelta (0,0) dp colOffset
+ -- do not lose comments against the left margin
+ when (isGoodDelta (DP (dr,max 0 dc))) $
+ printCommentAt (undelta p dp colOffset) commentContents
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- withContext :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
+-- => [(KeywordId, DeltaPos)]
+-- -> Annotation
+-- -> EP w m a -> EP w m a
+-- withContext kds an x = withKds kds (withOffset an x)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Given an annotation associated with a specific SrcSpan,
+-- determines a new offset relative to the previous offset
+withOffset :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Annotation -> (EP w m a -> EP w m a)
+withOffset a =
+ local (\s -> s { epAnn = a, epContext = pushAcs (epContext s) })
+setLayoutBoth :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m () -> EP w m ()
+setLayoutBoth k = do
+ oldLHS <- gets dLHS
+ oldAnchorOffset <- getLayoutOffsetP
+ debugM $ "setLayoutBoth: (oldLHS,oldAnchorOffset)=" ++ show (oldLHS,oldAnchorOffset)
+ modify (\a -> a { dMarkLayout = True
+ , pMarkLayout = True } )
+ let reset = do
+ debugM $ "setLayoutBoth:reset: (oldLHS,oldAnchorOffset)=" ++ show (oldLHS,oldAnchorOffset)
+ modify (\a -> a { dMarkLayout = False
+ , dLHS = oldLHS
+ , pMarkLayout = False
+ , pLHS = oldAnchorOffset} )
+ k <* reset
+-- Use 'local', designed for this
+setLayoutTopLevelP :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m () -> EP w m ()
+setLayoutTopLevelP k = do
+ debugM $ "setLayoutTopLevelP entered"
+ oldAnchorOffset <- getLayoutOffsetP
+ modify (\a -> a { pMarkLayout = False
+ , pLHS = 1} )
+ k
+ debugM $ "setLayoutTopLevelP:resetting"
+ setLayoutOffsetP oldAnchorOffset
+getPosP :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m Pos
+getPosP = gets epPos
+setPosP :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
+setPosP l = do
+ debugM $ "setPosP:" ++ show l
+ modify (\s -> s {epPos = l})
+getExtraDP :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m (Maybe Anchor)
+getExtraDP = gets uExtraDP
+setExtraDP :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Maybe Anchor -> EP w m ()
+setExtraDP md = do
+ debugM $ "setExtraDP:" ++ show md
+ modify (\s -> s {uExtraDP = md})
+getPriorEndD :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m Pos
+getPriorEndD = gets dPriorEndPosition
+getAnchorU :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m RealSrcSpan
+getAnchorU = gets uAnchorSpan
+setPriorEndD :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
+setPriorEndD pe = do
+ -- setLayoutStartIfNeededD (snd pe)
+ setPriorEndNoLayoutD pe
+setPriorEndNoLayoutD :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
+setPriorEndNoLayoutD pe = do
+ debugM $ "setPriorEndNoLayout:pe=" ++ show pe
+ modify (\s -> s { dPriorEndPosition = pe })
+setPriorEndASTD :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Bool -> RealSrcSpan -> EP w m ()
+setPriorEndASTD layout pe = setPriorEndASTPD layout (rs2range pe)
+setPriorEndASTPD :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Bool -> (Pos,Pos) -> EP w m ()
+setPriorEndASTPD layout pe@(fm,to) = do
+ debugM $ "setPriorEndASTD:pe=" ++ show pe
+ when layout $ setLayoutStartD (snd fm)
+ modify (\s -> s { dPriorEndPosition = to } )
+setLayoutStartD :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Int -> EP w m ()
+setLayoutStartD p = do
+ EPState{dMarkLayout} <- get
+ when dMarkLayout $ do
+ debugM $ "setLayoutStartD: setting dLHS=" ++ show p
+ modify (\s -> s { dMarkLayout = False
+ , dLHS = LayoutStartCol p})
+setAnchorU :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => RealSrcSpan -> EP w m ()
+setAnchorU rss = do
+ debugM $ "setAnchorU:" ++ show (rs2range rss)
+ modify (\s -> s { uAnchorSpan = rss })
+getUnallocatedComments :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m [Comment]
+getUnallocatedComments = gets epComments
+putUnallocatedComments :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => [Comment] -> EP w m ()
+putUnallocatedComments cs = modify (\s -> s { epComments = cs } )
+getLayoutOffsetP :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m LayoutStartCol
+getLayoutOffsetP = gets pLHS
+setLayoutOffsetP :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => LayoutStartCol -> EP w m ()
+setLayoutOffsetP c = do
+ debugM $ "setLayoutOffsetP:" ++ show c
+ modify (\s -> s { pLHS = c })
+-- getEofPos :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m RealSrcSpan
+-- getEofPos = do
+-- as <- gets epApiAnns
+-- case apiAnnEofPos as of
+-- Nothing -> return placeholderRealSpan
+-- Just ss -> return ss
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- |First move to the given location, then call exactP
+-- exactPC :: (Data ast, Monad m, Monoid w) => GHC.Located ast -> EP w m a -> EP w m a
+-- exactPC :: (Data ast, Data (GHC.SrcSpanLess ast), GHC.HasSrcSpan ast, Monad m, Monoid w)
+-- exactPC :: (Data ast, Monad m, Monoid w) => GHC.Located ast -> EP w m a -> EP w m a
+-- exactPC ast action =
+-- do
+-- return () `debug` ("exactPC entered for:" ++ show (mkAnnKey ast))
+-- ma <- getAndRemoveAnnotation ast
+-- let an@Ann{ annEntryDelta=edp
+-- , annPriorComments=comments
+-- , annFollowingComments=fcomments
+-- , annsDP=kds
+-- } = fromMaybe annNone ma
+-- PrintOptions{epAstPrint} <- ask
+-- r <- withContext kds an
+-- (mapM_ (uncurry printQueuedComment) comments
+-- >> advance edp
+-- >> censorM (epAstPrint ast) action
+-- <* mapM_ (uncurry printQueuedComment) fcomments)
+-- return r `debug` ("leaving exactPCfor:" ++ show (mkAnnKey ast))
+-- censorM :: (Monoid w, Monad m) => (w -> m w) -> EP w m a -> EP w m a
+-- censorM f m = passM (liftM (\x -> (x,f)) m)
+-- passM :: (Monad m) => EP w m (a, w -> m w) -> EP w m a
+-- passM m = RWST $ \r s -> do
+-- ~((a, f),s', EPWriter w) <- runRWST m r s
+-- w' <- f w
+-- return (a, s', EPWriter w')
+advance :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => DeltaPos -> EP w m ()
+advance dp = do
+ p <- getPosP
+ colOffset <- getLayoutOffsetP
+ debugM $ "advance:(p,dp,colOffset,ws)=" ++ show (p,dp,colOffset,undelta p dp colOffset)
+ printWhitespace (undelta p dp colOffset)
+Version from Print.advance
+advance :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => DeltaPos -> EP w m ()
+advance cl = do
+ p <- getPos
+ colOffset <- getLayoutOffset
+ printWhitespace (undelta p cl colOffset)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+adjustDeltaForOffsetM :: DeltaPos -> EPP DeltaPos
+adjustDeltaForOffsetM dp = do
+ colOffset <- gets dLHS
+ return (adjustDeltaForOffset 0 colOffset dp)
+-- adjustDeltaForOffset :: Int -> LayoutStartCol -> DeltaPos -> DeltaPos
+-- adjustDeltaForOffset _ _colOffset dp@(DP (0,_)) = dp -- same line
+-- adjustDeltaForOffset d (LayoutStartCol colOffset) (DP (l,c)) = DP (l,c - colOffset - d)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Printing functions
+printString :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Bool -> String -> EP w m ()
+printString layout str = do
+ EPState{epPos = (_,c), pMarkLayout} <- get
+ PrintOptions{epTokenPrint, epWhitespacePrint} <- ask
+ when (pMarkLayout && layout) $ do
+ debugM $ "printString: setting pLHS to " ++ show c
+ modify (\s -> s { pLHS = LayoutStartCol c, pMarkLayout = False } )
+ -- Advance position, taking care of any newlines in the string
+ let strDP@(DP cr _cc) = dpFromString str
+ p <- getPosP
+ colOffset <- getLayoutOffsetP
+ debugM $ "printString:(p,colOffset,strDP,cr)=" ++ show (p,colOffset,strDP,cr)
+ if cr == 0
+ then setPosP (undelta p strDP colOffset)
+ else setPosP (undelta p strDP 1)
+ -- Debug stuff
+ -- pp <- getPosP
+ -- debugM $ "printString: (p,pp,str)" ++ show (p,pp,str)
+ -- Debug end
+ --
+ if not layout && c == 0
+ then lift (epWhitespacePrint str) >>= \s -> tell EPWriter { output = s}
+ else lift (epTokenPrint str) >>= \s -> tell EPWriter { output = s}
+-- Print.printString
+printString :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Bool -> String -> EP w m ()
+printString layout str = do
+ EPState{epPos = (_,c), epMarkLayout} <- get
+ PrintOptions{epTokenPrint, epWhitespacePrint} <- ask
+ when (epMarkLayout && layout) $
+ modify (\s -> s { epLHS = LayoutStartCol c, epMarkLayout = False } )
+ -- Advance position, taking care of any newlines in the string
+ let strDP@(DP (cr,_cc)) = dpFromString str
+ p <- getPos
+ colOffset <- getLayoutOffset
+ if cr == 0
+ then setPos (undelta p strDP colOffset)
+ else setPos (undelta p strDP 1)
+ --
+ if not layout && c == 0
+ then lift (epWhitespacePrint str) >>= \s -> tell EPWriter { output = s}
+ else lift (epTokenPrint str) >>= \s -> tell EPWriter { output = s}
+printStringAdvance :: String -> EPP ()
+printStringAdvance str = do
+ ss <- getAnchorU
+ printStringAtKw' ss str
+newLine :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m ()
+newLine = do
+ (l,_) <- getPosP
+ printString False "\n"
+ setPosP (l+1,1)
+padUntil :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
+padUntil (l,c) = do
+ (l1,c1) <- getPosP
+ if | l1 == l && c1 <= c -> printString False $ replicate (c - c1) ' '
+ | l1 < l -> newLine >> padUntil (l,c)
+ | otherwise -> return ()
+printWhitespace :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
+printWhitespace = padUntil
+printCommentAt :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> String -> EP w m ()
+printCommentAt p str = do
+ debugM $ "printCommentAt: (pos,str)" ++ show (p,str)
+ printWhitespace p >> printString False str
+printStringAt :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> String -> EP w m ()
+printStringAt p str = printWhitespace p >> printString True str