path: root/utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs b/utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02b642821e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+module Main where
+import List
+import System
+import Char
+import Array
+--import IOExts(trace)
+type Label = String
+type Code = [String]
+pzipWith f [] [] = []
+pzipWith f (a:as) (b:bs) = (f a b) : pzipWith f as bs
+pzipWith f _ _ = error "pzipWith: unbalanced list"
+ = getArgs >>= \args ->
+ --return ["/home/v-julsew/SOLARIS/NCG/fpt/ghc/tests/codeGen/should_run/cg001.s"]
+ -- >>= \args ->
+ if length args /= 1
+ then putStr ("\ndiff_gcc_nat:\n" ++
+ " usage: create File.s-gcc and File.s-nat\n" ++
+ " then do: diff_gcc_nat File.s > synth.S\n" ++
+ " and compile synth.S into your program.\n" ++
+ "diff_gcc_nat is to help debug GHC's native code generator;\n" ++
+ "it is quite useless for any other purpose. For details, see\n" ++
+ " fptools/ghc/utils/debugNCG/README.\n"++
+ "\n"
+ )
+ else
+ do
+ let [f_root] = args
+ f_gcc <- readFile (f_root ++ "-gcc")
+ f_nat <- readFile (f_root ++ "-nat")
+ let split_nat0 = breakOn is_split_line (lines f_nat)
+ split_nat = filter (not.null.getLabels) split_nat0
+ split_markers_present
+ = any is_split_line (lines f_nat)
+ labels_nat = map getLabels split_nat
+ labels_cls = map (map breakLabel) labels_nat
+ labels_merged :: [(Label, [LabelKind])]
+ labels_merged = map mergeBroken labels_cls
+ classified :: [(Label, [LabelKind], [String])]
+ classified
+ = pzipWith (\ merged text -> (fst merged, snd merged, text))
+ labels_merged split_nat
+ lines_gcc = lines f_gcc
+ (syncd, gcc_unused)
+ = find_correspondings classified lines_gcc
+ (ok_syncs, nat_unused)
+ = check_syncs syncd
+ num_ok = length ok_syncs
+ preamble
+ = map (\i -> "#define NATIVE_" ++ show i ++ " 0") [1 .. num_ok]
+ ++ ["",
+ "#define UNMATCHED_NAT 0",
+ "#define UNMATCHED_GCC 1",
+ ""]
+ final
+ = preamble
+ ++ concat (pzipWith pp_ok_sync ok_syncs [1 .. num_ok])
+ ++ ["",
+ "//============== unmatched NAT =================",
+ ""]
+ ++ nat_unused
+ ++ ["",
+ "#endif",
+ "",
+ "//============== unmatched GCC =================",
+ ++ gcc_unused
+ ++ ["#endif"
+ ]
+ if split_markers_present
+ then putStr (unlines final)
+ else putStr ("\ndiff_gcc_nat:\n"
+ ++ " fatal error: NCG output doesn't contain any\n"
+ ++ " ___ncg_debug_marker marks. Can't continue!\n"
+ ++ " To fix: enable these markers in\n"
+ ++ " fptools/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs,\n"
+ ++ " recompile the compiler, and regenerate the assembly.\n\n")
+pp_ok_sync :: (Label, [LabelKind], [String], [String])
+ -> Int
+ -> [String]
+pp_ok_sync (lbl, kinds, nat_code, gcc_code) number
+ = reconstruct number nat_code gcc_code
+check_syncs :: [(Label, [LabelKind], [String], Maybe [String])] -- raw syncd
+ -> ( [(Label, [LabelKind], [String], [String])], -- ok syncs
+ [String] ) -- nat unsyncd
+check_syncs [] = ([],[])
+check_syncs (sync:syncs)
+ = let (syncs_ok, syncs_uu) = check_syncs syncs
+ in case sync of
+ (lbl, kinds, nat, Nothing)
+ -> (syncs_ok, nat ++ syncs_uu)
+ (lbl, kinds, nat, Just gcc_code)
+ -> ((lbl,kinds,nat,gcc_code):syncs_ok, syncs_uu)
+find_correspondings :: [(Label, [LabelKind], [String])] -- native info
+ -> [String] -- gcc initial
+ -> ( [(Label, [LabelKind], [String], Maybe [String])],
+ [String] )
+ -- ( native info + found gcc stuff,
+ -- unused gcc stuff )
+find_correspondings native gcc_init
+ = f native gcc_init
+ where
+ wurble x (xs, gcc_final) = (x:xs, gcc_final)
+ f [] gcc_uu = ( [], gcc_uu )
+ f (nat:nats) gcc_uu
+ = case nat of { (lbl, kinds, nat_code) ->
+ case find_corresponding lbl kinds gcc_uu of
+ Just (gcc_code, gcc_uu2)
+ | gcc_code == gcc_code
+ -> --gcc_code `seq` gcc_uu2 `seq`
+ wurble (lbl, kinds, nat_code, Just gcc_code) (f nats gcc_uu2)
+ Nothing
+ -> gcc_uu `seq`
+ wurble (lbl, kinds, nat_code, Nothing) (f nats gcc_uu)
+ }
+find_corresponding :: Label -- root
+ -> [LabelKind] -- kinds
+ -> [String] -- gcc text
+ -> Maybe ([String],[String]) -- (found text, gcc leftovers)
+find_corresponding root kinds gcc_lines
+ = -- Enable the following trace in order to debug pattern matching problems.
+ --trace (
+ -- case result of
+ -- Nothing -> show (root,kinds) ++ "\nNothing\n\n"
+ -- Just (found,uu)
+ -- -> show (root, kinds) ++ "\n" ++ unlines found ++ "\n\n"
+ --)
+ result
+ where
+ arr = listArray (1, length gcc_lines) gcc_lines
+ pfxMatch ss t
+ = let clean_t = filter (not.isSpace) t
+ in any (`isPrefixOf` clean_t) ss
+ result
+ = case kinds of
+ [Vtbl]
+ -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Vtbl)
+ fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".text"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i lbl_i
+ [Closure]
+ -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Closure)
+ fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".data"])
+ lst_i = search_fwds arr (lbl_i+1)
+ (not . pfxMatch [".long",".uaword",".uahalf"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
+ [Alt]
+ -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Alt)
+ fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch ["."])
+ lst_i = search_fwds arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".d", ".t", ".r", ".g"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
+ [Dflt]
+ -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Dflt)
+ fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch ["."])
+ lst_i = search_fwds arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".d", ".t", ".r", ".g"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
+ [Info,Entry]
+ -> let info_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Info)
+ fst_i = search_back arr info_i (pfxMatch [".text"])
+ entry_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Entry)
+ lst_i = search_fwds arr entry_i (pfxMatch [".d", ".t", ".r", ".g"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
+ [Info,Entry,Fast k]
+ -> let info_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Info)
+ fst_i = search_back arr info_i (pfxMatch [".text"])
+ fast_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root (Fast k))
+ lst_i = search_fwds arr fast_i (pfxMatch [".d", ".t", ".r", ".g"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
+ [Info,Ret]
+ -> let info_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Info)
+ fst_i = search_back arr info_i (pfxMatch [".text"])
+ ret_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Ret)
+ lst_i = search_fwds arr ret_i (pfxMatch [".d", ".t", ".r", ".g"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
+ [Srt]
+ -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Srt)
+ fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".text",".data"])
+ lst_i = search_fwds arr (lbl_i+1)
+ (not . pfxMatch [".long",".uaword",".uahalf"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
+ [CTbl]
+ -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root CTbl)
+ fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".text"])
+ lst_i = search_fwds arr (lbl_i+1)
+ (not . pfxMatch [".long",".uaword",".uahalf"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
+ [Init]
+ -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Init)
+ fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".data"])
+ lst_i = search_fwds arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".d", ".t", ".r", ".g"])
+ in
+ splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
+ other
+ -> error ("find_corresponding: " ++ show kinds)
+search_back :: Array Int String -> Int -> (String -> Bool) -> Int
+search_back code start_ix pred
+ = let test_ixs = [start_ix, start_ix-1 .. fst (bounds code)]
+ in case dropWhile (not . pred . (code !)) test_ixs of
+ (ok:_) -> ok
+ [] -> fst (bounds code) - 1
+search_fwds :: Array Int String -> Int -> (String -> Bool) -> Int
+search_fwds code start_ix pred
+ = let test_ixs = [start_ix .. snd (bounds code)]
+ in case dropWhile (not . pred . (code !)) test_ixs of
+ (ok:_) -> ok
+ [] -> snd (bounds code) + 1
+find_label :: Array Int String -> Label -> Int
+find_label code lbl
+ = --trace (unlines (map show (assocs code))) (
+ case [idx | (idx, lbl2) <- assocs code, lbl == lbl2] of
+ [idx] -> idx
+ other -> error ("find_label `" ++ lbl ++ "'\n")
+ --)
+reconstruct_label :: Label -> LabelKind -> Label
+reconstruct_label root Init
+ = "__stginit_" ++ root ++ ":"
+reconstruct_label root kind
+ = root ++ "_" ++ pp kind ++ ":"
+ where
+ pp Info = "info"
+ pp Entry = "entry"
+ pp Closure = "closure"
+ pp Alt = "alt"
+ pp Vtbl = "vtbl"
+ pp Default = "dflt"
+ pp (Fast i) = "fast" ++ show i
+ pp Dflt = "dflt"
+ pp Srt = "srt"
+ pp Ret = "ret"
+ pp CTbl = "tbl"
+splice :: Array Int String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe ([String],[String])
+splice gcc_code lo hi
+ | lo <= hi && clo <= lo && hi <= chi
+ = Just (map (gcc_code !) ix_used,
+ map (gcc_code !) (low_ix_uu ++ high_ix_uu))
+ | otherwise
+ = error "splice"
+ where
+ (clo,chi) = bounds gcc_code
+ low_ix_uu = [clo .. lo-1]
+ high_ix_uu = [hi+1 .. chi]
+ ix_used = [lo .. hi]
+getLabels :: [Label] -> [Label]
+getLabels = sort . nub . filter is_interesting_label
+data LabelKind
+ = Info | Entry | Fast Int | Closure | Alt | Vtbl | Default
+ | Dflt | Srt | Ret | CTbl | Init
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+breakLabel :: Label -> (Label,LabelKind)
+breakLabel s
+ = let sr = reverse s
+ kr = takeWhile (/= '_') sr
+ mr = drop (1 + length kr) sr
+ m = reverse mr
+ k = reverse kr
+ kind
+ | take 4 k == "fast"
+ = Fast (read (takeWhile isDigit (drop 4 k)))
+ | otherwise
+ = case k of
+ "info:" -> Info
+ "entry:" -> Entry
+ "closure:" -> Closure
+ "alt:" -> Alt
+ "vtbl:" -> Vtbl
+ "dflt:" -> Dflt
+ "srt:" -> Srt
+ "ret:" -> Ret
+ "tbl:" -> CTbl
+ _ -> error ("breakLabel: " ++ show (s,k,m))
+ in
+ if head m == '_' && dropWhile (== '_') m == "stginit"
+ then (init k, Init)
+ else (m, kind)
+mergeBroken :: [(Label,LabelKind)] -> (Label, [LabelKind])
+mergeBroken pairs
+ = let (roots, kinds) = unzip pairs
+ ok = all (== (head roots)) (tail roots)
+ && length kinds == length (nub kinds)
+ in
+ if ok
+ then (head roots, sort kinds)
+ else error ("mergeBroken: " ++ show pairs)
+reconstruct :: Int -> Code -> Code -> Code
+reconstruct number nat_code gcc_code
+ = ["",
+ "//------------------------------------------"]
+ ++ map (comment ("//-- ")) (getLabels gcc_code)
+ ++ ["", "#if NATIVE_" ++ show number, "//nat version", ""]
+ ++ nat_code
+ ++ ["", "#else", "//gcc version", ""]
+ ++ gcc_code
+ ++ ["", "#endif"]
+comment str x = str ++ x
+split_marker = "___ncg_debug_marker"
+is_split_line s
+ = let m = split_marker
+ in take 19 s == m || take 19 (drop 2 s) == m
+is_interesting_label s
+ = not (null s)
+ && not (any isSpace s)
+ && last s == ':'
+ && '_' `elem` s
+breakOn :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
+breakOn p [] = []
+breakOn p xs
+ = let ys = takeWhile (not . p) xs
+ rest = drop (1 + length ys) xs
+ in
+ if null ys then breakOn p rest else ys : breakOn p rest