path: root/utils/deriveConstants
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2012-11-10 23:28:58 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2012-11-12 22:37:55 +0000
commitf49271c06434cace6f955c7b651295f0f1db3a03 (patch)
treee1a595dd621388cd36b1ecdbe595d7e126e2c92d /utils/deriveConstants
parentb78b6b3472511c7e39d5c91b0449a59e0f361dcf (diff)
Replace mkDerivedConstants.c with DeriveConstants.hs
DeriveConstants.hs works in a cross-compilation-friendly way. Rather than running a C program that prints out the constants, we just compile a C file which has the constants are encoded in symbol sizes. We then parse the output of 'nm' to find out what the constants are. Based on work by Gabor Greif <>.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/deriveConstants')
3 files changed, 892 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs b/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cb979e688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
+{- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(c) The GHC Team, 1992-2012
+DeriveConstants is a program that extracts information from the C
+declarations in the header files (primarily struct field offsets)
+and generates various files, such as a header file that can be #included
+into non-C source containing this information.
+------------------------------------------------------------------------ -}
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import Numeric
+import System.Environment
+import System.Exit
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO
+import System.Info
+import System.Process
+main :: IO ()
+main = do opts <- parseArgs
+ let getOption descr opt = case opt opts of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing -> die ("No " ++ descr ++ " given")
+ mode <- getOption "mode" o_mode
+ fn <- getOption "output filename" o_outputFilename
+ case mode of
+ Gen_Haskell_Type -> writeHaskellType fn haskellWanteds
+ Gen_Haskell_Wrappers -> writeHaskellWrappers fn haskellWanteds
+ Gen_Haskell_Exports -> writeHaskellExports fn haskellWanteds
+ Gen_Computed cm ->
+ do tmpdir <- getOption "tmpdir" o_tmpdir
+ gccProg <- getOption "gcc program" o_gccProg
+ nmProg <- getOption "nm program" o_nmProg
+ rs <- getWanted tmpdir gccProg (o_gccFlags opts) nmProg
+ let haskellRs = [ what
+ | (wh, what) <- rs
+ , wh `elem` [Haskell, Both] ]
+ cRs = [ what
+ | (wh, what) <- rs
+ , wh `elem` [C, Both] ]
+ case cm of
+ ComputeHaskell -> writeHaskellValue fn haskellRs
+ ComputeHeader -> writeHeader fn cRs
+ where haskellWanteds = [ what | (wh, what) <- wanteds,
+ wh `elem` [Haskell, Both] ]
+data Options = Options {
+ o_mode :: Maybe Mode,
+ o_tmpdir :: Maybe FilePath,
+ o_outputFilename :: Maybe FilePath,
+ o_gccProg :: Maybe FilePath,
+ o_gccFlags :: [String],
+ o_nmProg :: Maybe FilePath
+ }
+parseArgs :: IO Options
+parseArgs = do args <- getArgs
+ opts <- f emptyOptions args
+ return (opts {o_gccFlags = reverse (o_gccFlags opts)})
+ where emptyOptions = Options {
+ o_mode = Nothing,
+ o_tmpdir = Nothing,
+ o_outputFilename = Nothing,
+ o_gccProg = Nothing,
+ o_gccFlags = [],
+ o_nmProg = Nothing
+ }
+ f opts [] = return opts
+ f opts ("--gen-haskell-type" : args')
+ = f (opts {o_mode = Just Gen_Haskell_Type}) args'
+ f opts ("--gen-haskell-value" : args')
+ = f (opts {o_mode = Just (Gen_Computed ComputeHaskell)}) args'
+ f opts ("--gen-haskell-wrappers" : args')
+ = f (opts {o_mode = Just Gen_Haskell_Wrappers}) args'
+ f opts ("--gen-haskell-exports" : args')
+ = f (opts {o_mode = Just Gen_Haskell_Exports}) args'
+ f opts ("--gen-header" : args')
+ = f (opts {o_mode = Just (Gen_Computed ComputeHeader)}) args'
+ f opts ("--tmpdir" : dir : args')
+ = f (opts {o_tmpdir = Just dir}) args'
+ f opts ("-o" : fn : args')
+ = f (opts {o_outputFilename = Just fn}) args'
+ f opts ("--gcc-program" : prog : args')
+ = f (opts {o_gccProg = Just prog}) args'
+ f opts ("--gcc-flag" : flag : args')
+ = f (opts {o_gccFlags = flag : o_gccFlags opts}) args'
+ f opts ("--nm-program" : prog : args')
+ = f (opts {o_nmProg = Just prog}) args'
+ f _ (flag : _) = die ("Unrecognised flag: " ++ show flag)
+data Mode = Gen_Haskell_Type
+ | Gen_Haskell_Wrappers
+ | Gen_Haskell_Exports
+ | Gen_Computed ComputeMode
+data ComputeMode = ComputeHaskell | ComputeHeader
+type Wanteds = [(Where, What Fst)]
+type Results = [(Where, What Snd)]
+type Name = String
+newtype CExpr = CExpr String
+newtype CPPExpr = CPPExpr String
+data What f = GetFieldType Name (f CExpr Integer)
+ | GetClosureSize Name (f CExpr Integer)
+ | GetWord Name (f CExpr Integer)
+ | GetInt Name (f CExpr Integer)
+ | GetNatural Name (f CExpr Integer)
+ | GetBool Name (f CPPExpr Bool)
+ | StructFieldMacro Name
+ | ClosureFieldMacro Name
+ | ClosurePayloadMacro Name
+ | FieldTypeGcptrMacro Name
+data Fst a b = Fst a
+data Snd a b = Snd b
+data Where = C | Haskell | Both
+ deriving Eq
+constantInt :: Where -> Name -> String -> Wanteds
+constantInt w name expr = [(w, GetInt name (Fst (CExpr expr)))]
+constantWord :: Where -> Name -> String -> Wanteds
+constantWord w name expr = [(w, GetWord name (Fst (CExpr expr)))]
+constantNatural :: Where -> Name -> String -> Wanteds
+constantNatural w name expr = [(w, GetNatural name (Fst (CExpr expr)))]
+constantBool :: Where -> Name -> String -> Wanteds
+constantBool w name expr = [(w, GetBool name (Fst (CPPExpr expr)))]
+fieldOffset :: Where -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+fieldOffset w theType theField = fieldOffset_ w nameBase theType theField
+ where nameBase = theType ++ "_" ++ theField
+fieldOffset_ :: Where -> Name -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+fieldOffset_ w nameBase theType theField = [(w, GetWord name (Fst (CExpr expr)))]
+ where name = "OFFSET_" ++ nameBase
+ expr = "OFFSET(" ++ theType ++ ", " ++ theField ++ ")"
+-- FieldType is for defining REP_x to be b32 etc
+-- These are both the C-- types used in a load
+-- e.g. b32[addr]
+-- and the names of the CmmTypes in the compiler
+-- b32 :: CmmType
+fieldType' :: Where -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+fieldType' w theType theField
+ = fieldType_' w nameBase theType theField
+ where nameBase = theType ++ "_" ++ theField
+fieldType_' :: Where -> Name -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+fieldType_' w nameBase theType theField
+ = [(w, GetFieldType name (Fst (CExpr expr)))]
+ where name = "REP_" ++ nameBase
+ expr = "FIELD_SIZE(" ++ theType ++ ", " ++ theField ++ ")"
+structField :: Where -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+structField = structFieldHelper C
+structFieldH :: Where -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+structFieldH w = structFieldHelper w w
+structField_ :: Where -> Name -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+structField_ w nameBase theType theField
+ = fieldOffset_ w nameBase theType theField
+ ++ fieldType_' C nameBase theType theField
+ ++ structFieldMacro nameBase
+structFieldMacro :: Name -> Wanteds
+structFieldMacro nameBase = [(C, StructFieldMacro nameBase)]
+-- Outputs the byte offset and MachRep for a field
+structFieldHelper :: Where -> Where -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+structFieldHelper wFT w theType theField = fieldOffset w theType theField
+ ++ fieldType' wFT theType theField
+ ++ structFieldMacro nameBase
+ where nameBase = theType ++ "_" ++ theField
+closureFieldMacro :: Name -> Wanteds
+closureFieldMacro nameBase = [(C, ClosureFieldMacro nameBase)]
+closurePayload :: Where -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+closurePayload w theType theField
+ = closureFieldOffset_ w nameBase theType theField
+ ++ closurePayloadMacro nameBase
+ where nameBase = theType ++ "_" ++ theField
+closurePayloadMacro :: Name -> Wanteds
+closurePayloadMacro nameBase = [(C, ClosurePayloadMacro nameBase)]
+-- Byte offset and MachRep for a closure field, minus the header
+closureField_ :: Where -> Name -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+closureField_ w nameBase theType theField
+ = closureFieldOffset_ w nameBase theType theField
+ ++ fieldType_' C nameBase theType theField
+ ++ closureFieldMacro nameBase
+closureField :: Where -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+closureField w theType theField = closureField_ w nameBase theType theField
+ where nameBase = theType ++ "_" ++ theField
+closureFieldOffset_ :: Where -> Name -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+closureFieldOffset_ w nameBase theType theField
+ = defOffset w nameBase (CExpr ("OFFSET(" ++ theType ++ ", " ++ theField ++ ") - TYPE_SIZE(StgHeader)"))
+-- Size of a closure type, minus the header, named SIZEOF_<type>_NoHdr
+-- Also, we #define SIZEOF_<type> to be the size of the whole closure for .cmm.
+closureSize :: Where -> String -> Wanteds
+closureSize w theType = defSize w (theType ++ "_NoHdr") (CExpr expr)
+ ++ defClosureSize C theType (CExpr expr)
+ where expr = "TYPE_SIZE(" ++ theType ++ ") - TYPE_SIZE(StgHeader)"
+-- Byte offset and MachRep for a closure field, minus the header
+closureFieldGcptr :: Where -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+closureFieldGcptr w theType theField
+ = closureFieldOffset_ w nameBase theType theField
+ ++ fieldTypeGcptr nameBase
+ ++ closureFieldMacro nameBase
+ where nameBase = theType ++ "_" ++ theField
+fieldTypeGcptr :: Name -> Wanteds
+fieldTypeGcptr nameBase = [(C, FieldTypeGcptrMacro nameBase)]
+closureFieldOffset :: Where -> String -> String -> Wanteds
+closureFieldOffset w theType theField
+ = defOffset w nameBase (CExpr expr)
+ where nameBase = theType ++ "_" ++ theField
+ expr = "OFFSET(" ++ theType ++ ", " ++ theField ++ ") - TYPE_SIZE(StgHeader)"
+thunkSize :: Where -> String -> Wanteds
+thunkSize w theType
+ = defSize w (theType ++ "_NoThunkHdr") (CExpr expr)
+ ++ closureSize w theType
+ where expr = "TYPE_SIZE(" ++ theType ++ ") - TYPE_SIZE(StgThunkHeader)"
+defIntOffset :: Where -> Name -> String -> Wanteds
+defIntOffset w nameBase cExpr = [(w, GetInt ("OFFSET_" ++ nameBase) (Fst (CExpr cExpr)))]
+defOffset :: Where -> Name -> CExpr -> Wanteds
+defOffset w nameBase cExpr = [(w, GetWord ("OFFSET_" ++ nameBase) (Fst cExpr))]
+structSize :: Where -> String -> Wanteds
+structSize w theType = defSize w theType (CExpr ("TYPE_SIZE(" ++ theType ++ ")"))
+defSize :: Where -> Name -> CExpr -> Wanteds
+defSize w nameBase cExpr = [(w, GetWord ("SIZEOF_" ++ nameBase) (Fst cExpr))]
+defClosureSize :: Where -> Name -> CExpr -> Wanteds
+defClosureSize w nameBase cExpr = [(w, GetClosureSize ("SIZEOF_" ++ nameBase) (Fst cExpr))]
+haskellise :: Name -> Name
+haskellise (c : cs) = toLower c : cs
+haskellise "" = ""
+wanteds :: Wanteds
+wanteds = concat
+ [-- Closure header sizes.
+ constantWord Both "STD_HDR_SIZE"
+ -- grrr.. PROFILING is on so we need to
+ -- subtract sizeofW(StgProfHeader)
+ "sizeofW(StgHeader) - sizeofW(StgProfHeader)"
+ ,constantWord Both "PROF_HDR_SIZE" "sizeofW(StgProfHeader)"
+ -- Size of a storage manager block (in bytes).
+ ,constantWord Both "BLOCK_SIZE" "BLOCK_SIZE"
+ ,constantWord C "MBLOCK_SIZE" "MBLOCK_SIZE"
+ -- blocks that fit in an MBlock, leaving space for the block
+ -- descriptors
+ -- could be derived, but better to save doing the calculation twice
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR1"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR2"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR3"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR4"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR5"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR6"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR7"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR8"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR9"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rR10"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rF1"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rF2"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rF3"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rF4"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rF5"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rF6"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rD1"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rD2"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rD3"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rD4"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rD5"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rD6"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rL1"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rSp"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rSpLim"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rHp"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rHpLim"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rCCCS"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rCurrentTSO"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rCurrentNursery"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "StgRegTable" "rHpAlloc"
+ ,structField C "StgRegTable" "rRet"
+ ,structField C "StgRegTable" "rNursery"
+ ,defIntOffset Both "stgEagerBlackholeInfo"
+ "FUN_OFFSET(stgEagerBlackholeInfo)"
+ ,defIntOffset Both "stgGCEnter1" "FUN_OFFSET(stgGCEnter1)"
+ ,defIntOffset Both "stgGCFun" "FUN_OFFSET(stgGCFun)"
+ ,fieldOffset Both "Capability" "r"
+ ,fieldOffset C "Capability" "lock"
+ ,structField C "Capability" "no"
+ ,structField C "Capability" "mut_lists"
+ ,structField C "Capability" "context_switch"
+ ,structField C "Capability" "interrupt"
+ ,structField C "Capability" "sparks"
+ ,structField Both "bdescr" "start"
+ ,structField Both "bdescr" "free"
+ ,structField Both "bdescr" "blocks"
+ ,structField C "bdescr" "gen_no"
+ ,structField C "bdescr" "link"
+ ,structSize C "generation"
+ ,structField C "generation" "n_new_large_words"
+ ,structSize Both "CostCentreStack"
+ ,structField C "CostCentreStack" "ccsID"
+ ,structFieldH Both "CostCentreStack" "mem_alloc"
+ ,structFieldH Both "CostCentreStack" "scc_count"
+ ,structField C "CostCentreStack" "prevStack"
+ ,structField C "CostCentre" "ccID"
+ ,structField C "CostCentre" "link"
+ ,structField C "StgHeader" "info"
+ ,structField_ Both "StgHeader_ccs" "StgHeader" "prof.ccs"
+ ,structField_ Both "StgHeader_ldvw" "StgHeader" "prof.hp.ldvw"
+ ,structSize Both "StgSMPThunkHeader"
+ ,closurePayload C "StgClosure" "payload"
+ ,structFieldH Both "StgEntCounter" "allocs"
+ ,structField Both "StgEntCounter" "registeredp"
+ ,structField Both "StgEntCounter" "link"
+ ,structField Both "StgEntCounter" "entry_count"
+ ,closureSize Both "StgUpdateFrame"
+ ,closureSize C "StgCatchFrame"
+ ,closureSize C "StgStopFrame"
+ ,closureSize Both "StgMutArrPtrs"
+ ,closureField Both "StgMutArrPtrs" "ptrs"
+ ,closureField Both "StgMutArrPtrs" "size"
+ ,closureSize Both "StgArrWords"
+ ,closureField C "StgArrWords" "bytes"
+ ,closurePayload C "StgArrWords" "payload"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "_link"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "global_link"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "what_next"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "why_blocked"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "block_info"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "blocked_exceptions"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "id"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "cap"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "saved_errno"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "trec"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "flags"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "dirty"
+ ,closureField C "StgTSO" "bq"
+ ,closureField_ Both "StgTSO_cccs" "StgTSO" "prof.cccs"
+ ,closureField Both "StgTSO" "stackobj"
+ ,closureField Both "StgStack" "sp"
+ ,closureFieldOffset Both "StgStack" "stack"
+ ,closureField C "StgStack" "stack_size"
+ ,closureField C "StgStack" "dirty"
+ ,structSize C "StgTSOProfInfo"
+ ,closureField Both "StgUpdateFrame" "updatee"
+ ,closureField C "StgCatchFrame" "handler"
+ ,closureField C "StgCatchFrame" "exceptions_blocked"
+ ,closureSize C "StgPAP"
+ ,closureField C "StgPAP" "n_args"
+ ,closureFieldGcptr C "StgPAP" "fun"
+ ,closureField C "StgPAP" "arity"
+ ,closurePayload C "StgPAP" "payload"
+ ,thunkSize C "StgAP"
+ ,closureField C "StgAP" "n_args"
+ ,closureFieldGcptr C "StgAP" "fun"
+ ,closurePayload C "StgAP" "payload"
+ ,thunkSize C "StgAP_STACK"
+ ,closureField C "StgAP_STACK" "size"
+ ,closureFieldGcptr C "StgAP_STACK" "fun"
+ ,closurePayload C "StgAP_STACK" "payload"
+ ,thunkSize C "StgSelector"
+ ,closureFieldGcptr C "StgInd" "indirectee"
+ ,closureSize C "StgMutVar"
+ ,closureField C "StgMutVar" "var"
+ ,closureSize C "StgAtomicallyFrame"
+ ,closureField C "StgAtomicallyFrame" "code"
+ ,closureField C "StgAtomicallyFrame" "next_invariant_to_check"
+ ,closureField C "StgAtomicallyFrame" "result"
+ ,closureField C "StgInvariantCheckQueue" "invariant"
+ ,closureField C "StgInvariantCheckQueue" "my_execution"
+ ,closureField C "StgInvariantCheckQueue" "next_queue_entry"
+ ,closureField C "StgAtomicInvariant" "code"
+ ,closureField C "StgTRecHeader" "enclosing_trec"
+ ,closureSize C "StgCatchSTMFrame"
+ ,closureField C "StgCatchSTMFrame" "handler"
+ ,closureField C "StgCatchSTMFrame" "code"
+ ,closureSize C "StgCatchRetryFrame"
+ ,closureField C "StgCatchRetryFrame" "running_alt_code"
+ ,closureField C "StgCatchRetryFrame" "first_code"
+ ,closureField C "StgCatchRetryFrame" "alt_code"
+ ,closureField C "StgTVarWatchQueue" "closure"
+ ,closureField C "StgTVarWatchQueue" "next_queue_entry"
+ ,closureField C "StgTVarWatchQueue" "prev_queue_entry"
+ ,closureSize C "StgTVar"
+ ,closureField C "StgTVar" "current_value"
+ ,closureField C "StgTVar" "first_watch_queue_entry"
+ ,closureField C "StgTVar" "num_updates"
+ ,closureSize C "StgWeak"
+ ,closureField C "StgWeak" "link"
+ ,closureField C "StgWeak" "key"
+ ,closureField C "StgWeak" "value"
+ ,closureField C "StgWeak" "finalizer"
+ ,closureField C "StgWeak" "cfinalizer"
+ ,closureSize C "StgDeadWeak"
+ ,closureField C "StgDeadWeak" "link"
+ ,closureSize C "StgMVar"
+ ,closureField C "StgMVar" "head"
+ ,closureField C "StgMVar" "tail"
+ ,closureField C "StgMVar" "value"
+ ,closureSize C "StgMVarTSOQueue"
+ ,closureField C "StgMVarTSOQueue" "link"
+ ,closureField C "StgMVarTSOQueue" "tso"
+ ,closureSize C "StgBCO"
+ ,closureField C "StgBCO" "instrs"
+ ,closureField C "StgBCO" "literals"
+ ,closureField C "StgBCO" "ptrs"
+ ,closureField C "StgBCO" "arity"
+ ,closureField C "StgBCO" "size"
+ ,closurePayload C "StgBCO" "bitmap"
+ ,closureSize C "StgStableName"
+ ,closureField C "StgStableName" "sn"
+ ,closureSize C "StgBlockingQueue"
+ ,closureField C "StgBlockingQueue" "bh"
+ ,closureField C "StgBlockingQueue" "owner"
+ ,closureField C "StgBlockingQueue" "queue"
+ ,closureField C "StgBlockingQueue" "link"
+ ,closureSize C "MessageBlackHole"
+ ,closureField C "MessageBlackHole" "link"
+ ,closureField C "MessageBlackHole" "tso"
+ ,closureField C "MessageBlackHole" "bh"
+ ,structField_ C "RtsFlags_ProfFlags_showCCSOnException"
+ "RTS_FLAGS" "ProfFlags.showCCSOnException"
+ ,structField_ C "RtsFlags_DebugFlags_apply"
+ "RTS_FLAGS" "DebugFlags.apply"
+ ,structField_ C "RtsFlags_DebugFlags_sanity"
+ "RTS_FLAGS" "DebugFlags.sanity"
+ ,structField_ C "RtsFlags_DebugFlags_weak"
+ "RTS_FLAGS" "DebugFlags.weak"
+ ,structField_ C "RtsFlags_GcFlags_initialStkSize"
+ "RTS_FLAGS" "GcFlags.initialStkSize"
+ ,structField_ C "RtsFlags_MiscFlags_tickInterval"
+ "RTS_FLAGS" "MiscFlags.tickInterval"
+ ,structSize C "StgFunInfoExtraFwd"
+ ,structField C "StgFunInfoExtraFwd" "slow_apply"
+ ,structField C "StgFunInfoExtraFwd" "fun_type"
+ ,structField C "StgFunInfoExtraFwd" "arity"
+ ,structField_ C "StgFunInfoExtraFwd_bitmap" "StgFunInfoExtraFwd" "b.bitmap"
+ ,structSize Both "StgFunInfoExtraRev"
+ ,structField C "StgFunInfoExtraRev" "slow_apply_offset"
+ ,structField C "StgFunInfoExtraRev" "fun_type"
+ ,structField C "StgFunInfoExtraRev" "arity"
+ ,structField_ C "StgFunInfoExtraRev_bitmap" "StgFunInfoExtraRev" "b.bitmap"
+ ,structField C "StgLargeBitmap" "size"
+ ,fieldOffset C "StgLargeBitmap" "bitmap"
+ ,structSize C "snEntry"
+ ,structField C "snEntry" "sn_obj"
+ ,structField C "snEntry" "addr"
+ -- Note that this conditional part only affects the C headers.
+ -- That's important, as it means we get the same PlatformConstants
+ -- type on all platforms.
+ ,if os == "mingw32"
+ then concat [structSize C "StgAsyncIOResult"
+ ,structField C "StgAsyncIOResult" "reqID"
+ ,structField C "StgAsyncIOResult" "len"
+ ,structField C "StgAsyncIOResult" "errCode"]
+ else []
+ -- pre-compiled thunk types
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE" "MAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE"
+ -- closure sizes: these do NOT include the header (see below for
+ -- header sizes)
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE" "MIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE"
+ ,constantInt Haskell "MIN_INTLIKE" "MIN_INTLIKE"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_INTLIKE" "MAX_INTLIKE"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MIN_CHARLIKE" "MIN_CHARLIKE"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_CHARLIKE" "MAX_CHARLIKE"
+ -- A section of code-generator-related MAGIC CONSTANTS.
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_Vanilla_REG" "MAX_VANILLA_REG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_Float_REG" "MAX_FLOAT_REG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_Double_REG" "MAX_DOUBLE_REG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_Long_REG" "MAX_LONG_REG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_SSE_REG" "MAX_SSE_REG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_Real_Vanilla_REG" "MAX_REAL_VANILLA_REG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_Real_Float_REG" "MAX_REAL_FLOAT_REG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_Real_Double_REG" "MAX_REAL_DOUBLE_REG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_Real_SSE_REG" "MAX_REAL_SSE_REG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "MAX_Real_Long_REG" "MAX_REAL_LONG_REG"
+ -- This tells the native code generator the size of the spill
+ -- area is has available.
+ -- The amount of (Haskell) stack to leave free for saving
+ -- registers when returning to the scheduler.
+ -- Continuations that need more than this amount of stack
+ -- should do their own stack check (see bug #1466).
+ ,constantWord Haskell "AP_STACK_SPLIM" "AP_STACK_SPLIM"
+ -- Size of a word, in bytes
+ ,constantWord Haskell "WORD_SIZE" "SIZEOF_HSWORD"
+ -- Size of a double in StgWords.
+ ,constantWord Haskell "DOUBLE_SIZE" "SIZEOF_DOUBLE"
+ -- Size of a C int, in bytes. May be smaller than wORD_SIZE.
+ ,constantWord Haskell "CINT_SIZE" "SIZEOF_INT"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "CLONG_SIZE" "SIZEOF_LONG"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "CLONG_LONG_SIZE" "SIZEOF_LONG_LONG"
+ -- Number of bits to shift a bitfield left by in an info table.
+ -- Amount of pointer bits used for semi-tagging constructor closures
+ ,constantWord Haskell "TAG_BITS" "TAG_BITS"
+ ,constantBool Haskell "WORDS_BIGENDIAN" "defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)"
+ ,constantBool Haskell "DYNAMIC_BY_DEFAULT" "defined(DYNAMIC_BY_DEFAULT)"
+ ,constantWord Haskell "LDV_SHIFT" "LDV_SHIFT"
+ ,constantNatural Haskell "ILDV_CREATE_MASK" "LDV_CREATE_MASK"
+ ,constantNatural Haskell "ILDV_STATE_CREATE" "LDV_STATE_CREATE"
+ ,constantNatural Haskell "ILDV_STATE_USE" "LDV_STATE_USE"
+ ]
+getWanted :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Results
+getWanted tmpdir gccProgram gccFlags nmProgram
+ = do let cStuff = unlines (headers ++ concatMap (doWanted . snd) wanteds)
+ cFile = tmpdir </> "tmp.c"
+ oFile = tmpdir </> "tmp.o"
+ writeFile cFile cStuff
+ execute gccProgram (gccFlags ++ ["-c", cFile, "-o", oFile])
+ xs <- readProcess nmProgram [oFile] ""
+ let ls = lines xs
+ ms = map parseNmLine ls
+ m = Map.fromList $ catMaybes ms
+ rs <- mapM (lookupResult m) wanteds
+ return rs
+ where headers = ["#define IN_STG_CODE 0",
+ "",
+ "/*",
+ " * We need offsets of profiled things...",
+ " * better be careful that this doesn't",
+ " * affect the offsets of anything else.",
+ " */",
+ "",
+ "#define PROFILING",
+ "#define THREADED_RTS",
+ "",
+ "#include \"PosixSource.h\"",
+ "#include \"Rts.h\"",
+ "#include \"Stable.h\"",
+ "#include \"Capability.h\"",
+ "",
+ "#include <inttypes.h>",
+ "#include <stdio.h>",
+ "#include <string.h>",
+ "",
+ "#define OFFSET(s_type, field) ((size_t)&(((s_type*)0)->field))",
+ "#define FIELD_SIZE(s_type, field) ((size_t)sizeof(((s_type*)0)->field))",
+ "#define TYPE_SIZE(type) (sizeof(type))",
+ "#define FUN_OFFSET(sym) (OFFSET(Capability,f.sym) - OFFSET(Capability,r))",
+ "",
+ "#pragma GCC poison sizeof"
+ ]
+ prefix = "derivedConstant"
+ mkFullName name = prefix ++ name
+ -- We add 1 to the value, as some platforms will make a symbol
+ -- of size 1 when for
+ -- char foo[0];
+ -- We then subtract 1 again when parsing.
+ doWanted (GetFieldType name (Fst (CExpr cExpr)))
+ = ["char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "[1 + " ++ cExpr ++ "];"]
+ doWanted (GetClosureSize name (Fst (CExpr cExpr)))
+ = ["char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "[1 + " ++ cExpr ++ "];"]
+ doWanted (GetWord name (Fst (CExpr cExpr)))
+ = ["char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "[1 + " ++ cExpr ++ "];"]
+ doWanted (GetInt name (Fst (CExpr cExpr)))
+ = ["char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "Mag[1 + ((intptr_t)(" ++ cExpr ++ ") >= 0 ? (" ++ cExpr ++ ") : -(" ++ cExpr ++ "))];",
+ "char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "Sig[(intptr_t)(" ++ cExpr ++ ") >= 0 ? 3 : 1];"]
+ doWanted (GetNatural name (Fst (CExpr cExpr)))
+ = -- These casts fix "right shift count >= width of type"
+ -- warnings
+ let cExpr' = "(uint64_t)(size_t)(" ++ cExpr ++ ")"
+ in ["char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "0[1 + ((" ++ cExpr' ++ ") & 0xFFFF)];",
+ "char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "1[1 + (((" ++ cExpr' ++ ") >> 16) & 0xFFFF)];",
+ "char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "2[1 + (((" ++ cExpr' ++ ") >> 32) & 0xFFFF)];",
+ "char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "3[1 + (((" ++ cExpr' ++ ") >> 48) & 0xFFFF)];"]
+ doWanted (GetBool name (Fst (CPPExpr cppExpr)))
+ = ["#if " ++ cppExpr,
+ "char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "[1];",
+ "#else",
+ "char " ++ mkFullName name ++ "[2];",
+ "#endif"]
+ doWanted (StructFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWanted (ClosureFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWanted (ClosurePayloadMacro {}) = []
+ doWanted (FieldTypeGcptrMacro {}) = []
+ -- parseNmLine parses nm output that looks like
+ -- "0000000b C derivedConstantMAX_Vanilla_REG"
+ -- and returns ("MAX_Vanilla_REG", 11)
+ parseNmLine xs0 = case break (' ' ==) xs0 of
+ (x1, ' ' : xs1) ->
+ case break (' ' ==) xs1 of
+ (x2, ' ' : x3) ->
+ case readHex x1 of
+ [(size, "")] ->
+ case x2 of
+ "C" ->
+ let x3' = case x3 of
+ '_' : rest -> rest
+ _ -> x3
+ in case stripPrefix prefix x3' of
+ Just name ->
+ Just (name, size)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
+ -- If an Int value is larger than 2^28 or smaller
+ -- than -2^28, then fail.
+ -- This test is a bit conservative, but if any
+ -- constants are roughly maxBound or minBound then
+ -- we probably need them to be Integer rather than
+ -- Int so that -- cross-compiling between 32bit and
+ -- 64bit platforms works.
+ lookupSmall :: Map String Integer -> Name -> IO Integer
+ lookupSmall m name
+ = case Map.lookup name m of
+ Just v
+ | v > 2^(28 :: Int) ||
+ v < -(2^(28 :: Int)) ->
+ die ("Value too large for GetWord: " ++ show v)
+ | otherwise -> return v
+ Nothing -> die ("Can't find " ++ show name)
+ lookupResult :: Map String Integer -> (Where, What Fst)
+ -> IO (Where, What Snd)
+ lookupResult m (w, GetWord name _)
+ = do v <- lookupSmall m name
+ return (w, GetWord name (Snd (v - 1)))
+ lookupResult m (w, GetInt name _)
+ = do mag <- lookupSmall m (name ++ "Mag")
+ sig <- lookupSmall m (name ++ "Sig")
+ return (w, GetWord name (Snd ((mag - 1) * (sig - 2))))
+ lookupResult m (w, GetNatural name _)
+ = do v0 <- lookupSmall m (name ++ "0")
+ v1 <- lookupSmall m (name ++ "1")
+ v2 <- lookupSmall m (name ++ "2")
+ v3 <- lookupSmall m (name ++ "3")
+ let v = (v0 - 1)
+ + shiftL (v1 - 1) 16
+ + shiftL (v2 - 1) 32
+ + shiftL (v3 - 1) 48
+ return (w, GetWord name (Snd v))
+ lookupResult m (w, GetBool name _)
+ = do v <- lookupSmall m name
+ case v of
+ 1 -> return (w, GetBool name (Snd True))
+ 2 -> return (w, GetBool name (Snd False))
+ _ -> die ("Bad boolean: " ++ show v)
+ lookupResult m (w, GetFieldType name _)
+ = do v <- lookupSmall m name
+ return (w, GetFieldType name (Snd (v - 1)))
+ lookupResult m (w, GetClosureSize name _)
+ = do v <- lookupSmall m name
+ return (w, GetClosureSize name (Snd (v - 1)))
+ lookupResult _ (w, StructFieldMacro name)
+ = return (w, StructFieldMacro name)
+ lookupResult _ (w, ClosureFieldMacro name)
+ = return (w, ClosureFieldMacro name)
+ lookupResult _ (w, ClosurePayloadMacro name)
+ = return (w, ClosurePayloadMacro name)
+ lookupResult _ (w, FieldTypeGcptrMacro name)
+ = return (w, FieldTypeGcptrMacro name)
+writeHaskellType :: FilePath -> [What Fst] -> IO ()
+writeHaskellType fn ws = writeFile fn xs
+ where xs = unlines (headers ++ body ++ footers)
+ headers = ["data PlatformConstants = PlatformConstants {"
+ -- Now a kludge that allows the real entries to
+ -- all start with a comma, which makes life a
+ -- little easier
+ ," pc_platformConstants :: ()"]
+ footers = [" } deriving Read"]
+ body = concatMap doWhat ws
+ doWhat (GetClosureSize name _) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " :: Int"]
+ doWhat (GetFieldType name _) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " :: Int"]
+ doWhat (GetWord name _) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " :: Int"]
+ doWhat (GetInt name _) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " :: Int"]
+ doWhat (GetNatural name _) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " :: Integer"]
+ doWhat (GetBool name _) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " :: Bool"]
+ doWhat (StructFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (ClosureFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (ClosurePayloadMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (FieldTypeGcptrMacro {}) = []
+writeHaskellValue :: FilePath -> [What Snd] -> IO ()
+writeHaskellValue fn rs = writeFile fn xs
+ where xs = unlines (headers ++ body ++ footers)
+ headers = ["PlatformConstants {"
+ ," pc_platformConstants = ()"]
+ footers = [" }"]
+ body = concatMap doWhat rs
+ doWhat (GetClosureSize name (Snd v)) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " = " ++ show v]
+ doWhat (GetFieldType name (Snd v)) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " = " ++ show v]
+ doWhat (GetWord name (Snd v)) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " = " ++ show v]
+ doWhat (GetInt name (Snd v)) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " = " ++ show v]
+ doWhat (GetNatural name (Snd v)) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " = " ++ show v]
+ doWhat (GetBool name (Snd v)) = [" , pc_" ++ name ++ " = " ++ show v]
+ doWhat (StructFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (ClosureFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (ClosurePayloadMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (FieldTypeGcptrMacro {}) = []
+writeHaskellWrappers :: FilePath -> [What Fst] -> IO ()
+writeHaskellWrappers fn ws = writeFile fn xs
+ where xs = unlines body
+ body = concatMap doWhat ws
+ doWhat (GetFieldType {}) = []
+ doWhat (GetClosureSize {}) = []
+ doWhat (GetWord name _) = [haskellise name ++ " :: DynFlags -> Int",
+ haskellise name ++ " dflags = pc_" ++ name ++ " (sPlatformConstants (settings dflags))"]
+ doWhat (GetInt name _) = [haskellise name ++ " :: DynFlags -> Int",
+ haskellise name ++ " dflags = pc_" ++ name ++ " (sPlatformConstants (settings dflags))"]
+ doWhat (GetNatural name _) = [haskellise name ++ " :: DynFlags -> Integer",
+ haskellise name ++ " dflags = pc_" ++ name ++ " (sPlatformConstants (settings dflags))"]
+ doWhat (GetBool name _) = [haskellise name ++ " :: DynFlags -> Bool",
+ haskellise name ++ " dflags = pc_" ++ name ++ " (sPlatformConstants (settings dflags))"]
+ doWhat (StructFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (ClosureFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (ClosurePayloadMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (FieldTypeGcptrMacro {}) = []
+writeHaskellExports :: FilePath -> [What Fst] -> IO ()
+writeHaskellExports fn ws = writeFile fn xs
+ where xs = unlines body
+ body = concatMap doWhat ws
+ doWhat (GetFieldType {}) = []
+ doWhat (GetClosureSize {}) = []
+ doWhat (GetWord name _) = [" " ++ haskellise name ++ ","]
+ doWhat (GetInt name _) = [" " ++ haskellise name ++ ","]
+ doWhat (GetNatural name _) = [" " ++ haskellise name ++ ","]
+ doWhat (GetBool name _) = [" " ++ haskellise name ++ ","]
+ doWhat (StructFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (ClosureFieldMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (ClosurePayloadMacro {}) = []
+ doWhat (FieldTypeGcptrMacro {}) = []
+writeHeader :: FilePath -> [What Snd] -> IO ()
+writeHeader fn rs = writeFile fn xs
+ where xs = unlines (headers ++ body)
+ headers = ["/* This file is created automatically. Do not edit by hand.*/", ""]
+ body = concatMap doWhat rs
+ doWhat (GetFieldType name (Snd v)) = ["#define " ++ name ++ " b" ++ show (v * 8)]
+ doWhat (GetClosureSize name (Snd v)) = ["#define " ++ name ++ " (SIZEOF_StgHeader+" ++ show v ++ ")"]
+ doWhat (GetWord name (Snd v)) = ["#define " ++ name ++ " " ++ show v]
+ doWhat (GetInt name (Snd v)) = ["#define " ++ name ++ " " ++ show v]
+ doWhat (GetNatural name (Snd v)) = ["#define " ++ name ++ " " ++ show v]
+ doWhat (GetBool name (Snd v)) = ["#define " ++ name ++ " " ++ show (fromEnum v)]
+ doWhat (StructFieldMacro nameBase) =
+ ["#define " ++ nameBase ++ "(__ptr__) REP_" ++ nameBase ++ "[__ptr__+OFFSET_" ++ nameBase ++ "]"]
+ doWhat (ClosureFieldMacro nameBase) =
+ ["#define " ++ nameBase ++ "(__ptr__) REP_" ++ nameBase ++ "[__ptr__+SIZEOF_StgHeader+OFFSET_" ++ nameBase ++ "]"]
+ doWhat (ClosurePayloadMacro nameBase) =
+ ["#define " ++ nameBase ++ "(__ptr__,__ix__) W_[__ptr__+SIZEOF_StgHeader+OFFSET_" ++ nameBase ++ " + WDS(__ix__)]"]
+ doWhat (FieldTypeGcptrMacro nameBase) =
+ ["#define REP_" ++ nameBase ++ " gcptr"]
+die :: String -> IO a
+die err = do hPutStrLn stderr err
+ exitFailure
+execute :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
+execute prog args = do ec <- rawSystem prog args
+ unless (ec == ExitSuccess) $
+ die ("Executing " ++ show prog ++ " failed")
diff --git a/utils/deriveConstants/Makefile b/utils/deriveConstants/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3a992184e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/deriveConstants/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# (c) 2009-1012 The University of Glasgow
+# This file is part of the GHC build system.
+# To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+dir = utils/deriveConstants
+TOP = ../..
+include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/utils/deriveConstants/ b/utils/deriveConstants/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..baed84e949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/deriveConstants/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# (c) 2009-2012 The University of Glasgow
+# This file is part of the GHC build system.
+# To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+utils/deriveConstants_dist_MODULES = DeriveConstants
+utils/deriveConstants_dist_PROG = deriveConstants
+utils/deriveConstants_dist_INSTALL_INPLACE = YES
+utils/deriveConstants_HC_OPTS += -package process -package containers
+$(eval $(call build-prog,utils/deriveConstants,dist,0))